1587535287unit III Processing of Tea
1587535287unit III Processing of Tea
1587535287unit III Processing of Tea
The most widely consumed ancient beverage is the Tea. Camelia sinensis is the botanical
name of the tea plant. Processing of tea involves various steps like plucking, withering, crushing,
drying, rolling and shaping of tea leaves through which the leaves are made ready for brewing.
Tea consumption was originated in ancient China and reached the European continent in the 16th
century. In India, tea was cultivated in Assam in the 19th century. Chinese variety (C. s.
Sinensis), and Assamese variety (C. s. Assamica) are the two basic varieties of tea from ancient
time. The practice of steaming fresh tea leaves and drying them for further storage and
consuming it by decocting with other herbs was followed in China.
1. Tea Plant
Generally, the tea plant grows to height of 35 feet in tropical and subtropical climates.
The plantations are cultivated at altitudes at 2460 m above sea level. For the ease of plucking and
pruning the bushes are maintained at two to two and half feet height, so that the bush spreads and
grows widely.
2. Processing of Tea
There are different types of tea, varying in colour, smell, taste and appearance due to the minor
changes in the processing steps.
3. Conventional Teas
3.1. Harvesting or Plucking
This operation is a significant step in the final quality of the tea. Usually, tender and
uniform terminal bud and two shooting leaves or only shoots with three leaves are picked from
the tea plant twice a year. Manual picking is done for high quality tea and it highly depends on
the skill of the picker but this is a costly method. Mechanical picking of tea flushes and leaves
are also practiced but it results in large quantities of broken leaves and partial flushes. However,
mechanical harvesting at right time can yield high quality teas. Plucking of coarse leaves is
strictly avoided since it interferes in the quality of the tea.
3.2. Withering
The plucked tea leaves are subjected to withering for initial removal of moisture content.
Two methods of withering are generally practiced.
3.3. Breaking Up
Breaking up is the process of rolling the withered tea leaves which is a pre-preparation
step. This is done with the use of a circular table with a central cone with lateral slat like
arrangement called battens. The top of the table is fitted with a circular jacket with a pressure
cap. The table and jacket are made to rotate in opposite directions eccentrically, thereby causing
the withered leaves placed in the jacket to twist and roll on the surface of the cone and battens
which is almost similar to manual rolling.
3.5. Fermentation
During fermentation, the oxidation process which had begun during rolling is continued.
Fermentation takes place in separate fermentation rooms, which need to be kept extremely clean
to avoid bacterial infection of the tea. The tea leaves are placed in 3.5 –7.5 cm. layers on
aluminium trays. The thickness of the layers depends on the room temperature. As soon as the
tea has acquired a copper red color, the correct degree of fermentation has been reached, and the
process must be halted by drying. The tannin content decreases during fermentation, from 20%
in fresh tea leaf to 10%–12% after fermentation. The formation of aroma compounds is caused
due to oxidation of amino acids, carotenes, and unsaturated lipids during the fermentation period.
4. Green Tea
A bud and two to three leaves of tea shrubs are harvested for Green tea production. Green
tea consumption sums to around 21% of total tea production due to larger amounts of catechins
and vitamins. Green tea possesses a pleasant taste and aroma, and has light olive green shade
color. Since green tea is unfermented, the inactivation of browning enzymes is regarded as a
crucial factor. The enzyme is inactivated either by steaming or by roasting the green leaves in a
pan. The steps of manufacturing of green tea are similar to fermented tea except for the
fermentation step. The steps include are plucking, steaming/roasting, primary heating and
rolling, rolling, secondary rolling, drying, refining, firing, sorting, and packing. There are 18
different types of green tea worldwide.
5. Yellow Tea
Yellow tea is much similar to green tea but lies in between black and green tea. It belongs
to the unfermented tea variety that is brighter in color on infusion than that of green tea. Yellow
tea, yields a milder taste and is highly refreshing with a stronger aroma when compared to green
tea. It contains a higher quantity of catechins and vitamins than black tea and therefore is highly
A bud and two or three young leaves and tender shoots of the tea plant are used for the
production of Yellow tea. Withering should be uniform right from the tender parts of the shoots,
the bud, and first leaf to the third leaf and stalk. Withering, roasting, rolling, sorting, and firing
are the steps in manufacturing yellow tea.
6. Red Tea
Red tea is a less fermented tea with a delayed enzymatic reaction and chemical processes
with a mild taste and a stimulating aroma. Withering, rolling, roasting, firing, sorting, and final
firing the steps involved in the production of red tea.
7. Dark Tea
An unfermented tea traded only in Chinese internal market is known as Dark tea. It is
brownish yellow or brownish red after infusion. It yields a mild aroma and it is highly vulnerable
to fermentation by microbes. One bud leaf, and four to six leaves united with stalks are subjected
to withering and rolling followed by piling and drying continued by steaming, and then further
compressed to obtain the Dark tea. Piling is an important quality determining factor; because of
this fact the tea leaves are kept at high process temperatures and humidity for long periods of
time to enable the natural growth of microorganisms such as Aspergillus glaucus,
Saccharomyces etc. Piling causes oxidation of polyphenols due to the combined action of
moisture, heat, and the microbes. When compared to yellow tea, dark tea contains no
chlorophyll, and the concentrations of catechins and free amino acid are much lower thus
resulting in a mellowed flavor of dark tea.
8. White Tea
A fermented type of Chinese tea meant only for export is White tea that gives light
orange-yellow tea when infused. One fresh bud with one to two leaves with intense hairs or only
buds containing moderate content of polyphenols undergoes the process of withering and firing.
Thus obtained white tea is sorted, and packed. Withering is done for a period of three days
during which amino acids content increases, and decrease in sugar and polyphenolic components
levels is seen.
9.1.1. Technology
Different raw materials which are used for Instant tea preparationare Green tea,black tea
etc. Apart from processed tea, the low-grade tea, crude tea leavesand dust tea waste are also used
as raw material. Quality control of ingredients for Instant tea preparation is mandatory to
produce best quality Instant tea.
9.1.2. Extraction
Extremely good quality water is used for infusing tea for extraction. Generally co-current
or counter-current methods of extraction are followed by continuous removal of moisture by
dewatering. The combination of leaves used for extraction is mixed with hot water in varying
ratios of tea leaves and water. As an alternate method the tea leaves are consecutively subjected
to extraction in different stages and the resulting extracts so obtained are received in a tank and
mixed thoroughly immediately before the final stage of concentration. In the countercurrent
method, the tea leaves and the concentrated extracts are in opposite directions causing a gradual
accumulation of solids in continuous extractions, up to nearly 10% level. To obtain a quality
product it is usual to add a portion of the first extract finally before spray drying that makes up
the flavor loss.
9.1.5. Concentration
The tea extract is concentrated from 10% to 30% of solids either in a vacuum
concentrator or in other evaporators like falling film evaporator or rising film or thin film
evaporator. This is a crucial step for aroma retention. Usually the process is employed at very
low temperatures and short entraining times of the tea extract in the concentrators. Permitted
fillers are added to increase the solids concentration to 30%, to enhance the speed of the drying
9.1.6. Drying
Spray driers, freeze driers or vacuum driers are used to dry the extract .The commonly
used method is spray drying because the other methods involve high processing temperatures
which causes high flavor losses. In order to increase the bulk density of the product either carbon
dioxide or ammonium carbonate is added or the extract is subjected to agglomeration which is
followed by spray drying. Anti-caking agents are added to the product since it is highly
hygroscopic in nature.
9.1.8. Blending
Blending of instant tea is done to enrich other teas varieties. Instant tea is added to
regular tea to improve the constituents of extract from 40% to 70% which includes polyphenols,
caffeine etc, thereby increasing the nutritive value. Since low-cost tea is used for the manufacture
of instant tea, addition of 15% instant tea to any grade of regular tea does not affect its taste or
flavor but yields high profit.
the flavor is sprayed on a ball of cotton or paper that comes into indirect contact with blend,
where only vapors are in contact with tea.
In the third spraying method, tea is spread in layers of uniform thickness in trays, placed
in specially constructed rooms. Automatic spraying devices are used for flavor incorporation on
these layers. Flavor losses can be reduced by adding encapsulated flavours.
10.1.Physical Characteristics
Stalks, fiber, and foreign matter are removed from processed teas. They are graded into,
leaf grade, brokens, fannings, and dust, based on the colour, particle size, and infusion qualities.
consumer market on the basis of parameters like quality, flavor, strength, body, size and style of