Public Management Vs Public Administration

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ing. Dudilă Marius

While a lot of people consider public administration and public management to be the same thing, there are
actually two disciplines with different sets of duties and some similarities.

Public administration is a field of political science that plans, organize and coordinates and controls
operations at government. The government grants the public administration to make policy’s based on observation
of the population and society that they represent.

Public administrator coordinate civil servants to write public policies and achieve objectives. Also they
develop a strong relationship between public and private, and make them come in consens for the „greater good”.

On the other hand, public management it’s total different. The public management carry out the managerial
operations. They’re goal is to improve the quality and efficiency of the services that are delivered to the public.

Public managers can operate either internal or external.

Internal, public managers must have knowledge of risk management. So, they need to stay informed of the
condition in society and the impact on the organization. If they know about the risks, they can act proprely, taking
measures in time and prepare their staff.

Externally, public managers make efforts to collaborate with private groups and adapte them to the public

Public administration and public management develope a series of similarities and differences.

The similarities in both cases, public administration and public management, is that they are concerned with
the public policy and how it can be used to improve the society conditions. So, they’re both supporting the
adoption and implemention of public policy. They also use some of the same proffesional skills such as
interpersonal comunication skills, knowledge of public finance and strategic thinking.

The differences are visible. The management is concerned mostly with planning and taking action, while
administration make the policies that dictate how the management personnel should act.

The public administration are providing the policies that should introduced to societies. In contrast, the
public management dictate civil servants how should they implement those policies.
This is a very short presentation of public administration and public management and what similarities and
differences they have. In reality both public administration and public management are two very complex sciences,
that you can’t describe proprely in one page. In the end we all must know that both of them are very important for
our society and out political policies, and niether can work while the other doesent. They have a strong connection
and work togheter.

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