Status Report On Miscible/Immiscible Gas Flooding: G.H. BATH, O.B.E
Status Report On Miscible/Immiscible Gas Flooding: G.H. BATH, O.B.E
Status Report On Miscible/Immiscible Gas Flooding: G.H. BATH, O.B.E
Shell U.K. Exploration and Production, Strand, London WC2R ODX (U.K.)
(Received October 27, 1987; revised and accepted July 14, 1988)
Bath, P.G.H., 1989. Status report on miscible/immisciblegas flooding. J. Pet. Sci. Eng., 2: 103-117.
The gases used for flooding a reservoir - hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide and nitrogen - are injected in conditions
varying from immiscibility to full miscibility. The high mobility of gas is always a problem, and difficulties are
exacerbated by miscibility: the maximum stable rate is reduced below the immiscible critical rate, and the integrity
of slugs can be difficult to maintain, especially in stratified systems. Water and gas are often injected in alternating
slugs, and useful work has been done recently in clarifying the influence of the parameters controlling the process.
Rock wettability appears to be important in flooding by carbon dioxide: there may be cases where single-slug C02 will
give better results than WAG. Research has identified some tracers for tracking carbon dioxide fronts, as well as
classes of chemicals useful as foam additives.
Carbon dioxide has useful properties, but disadvantages too. Nitrogen is worth considering as an alternative gas
for secondary and tertiary floods in light-oil reservoirs of good permeability. Full miscibility would occur only at high
reservoir pressure, but gravity drainage combined with vaporising enrichment of the gas stream may lead to useful
recovery at lower pressures. Three-phase relative permeability is a controlling parameter in tertiary flooding, and
recent experiments suggest that it may be more favourable in some cases than is predicted by existing methods.
excess of 6000 psig; on the other hand, its den- grams (Figs. 1 and 2). Such a diagram is
sity is lower than that of reservoir oil, and it is incapable of showing all the mixtures which
universally available in the air, at a separation may occur in a producing reservoir, neither can
cost of less than $1 per mcf. The last chapter it represent the compositions possible in a rich
summarises its possible use in immiscible sec- injection gas. It is useful for displaying the re-
ondary and tertiary flooding. Three-phase rel- sults of experiments or detailed calculations,
ative permeability to oil is a key parameter in but is not a substitute for them.
the latter studies: recent research suggests that Experiment shows that certain mixtures,
existing interpolation methods of estimation such as composition C in Fig. 1, are unstable
may give values that are too low. and split spontaneously into a gas phase, A, and
The stability of a segregated flood front de- an oil phase, B. An interfacial tension exists be-
pends on the fluid mobility ratio and on any tween these phases, causing oil to be left behind
gravity effects. Miscibility increases the mobil- when gas A displaces oil B. The two-phase re-
ity ratio, and adds greatly to the complexity of gion - i.e. the set of all compositions which be-
the process. Mixtures occur at the flood front have like C - is bounded by a curve such as that
in all proportions, and the stable rate is reduced
to below the ordinary critical rate (if M > 1). ~'
There are also increased problems with strati- ~ k
fled systems. The alternating injection of water ~OMPOS,T,ONS
and gas (WAG) is often used to reduce the dis- ~)
placement mobility, and an interesting model . l/k-~
study has investigated the effects of varying the I/ \ ~. MISCIB,LITY
..~c, ~G2~.(CONDENSING
parameters in CO2 injection (WAG ratio, cycle F ~\GAS DR,VEI
size and slug size). Some laboratory studies
have suggested that WAG may recover less oil ..... ~-.--~-~FIRST-CONTACT
than single-slug CO2 injection, particularly in RESO,L ~,SC,B,L,r~
water-wet reservoirs. Rock wettability should / /
evidently be reported in field studies dealing °7. \)c2-6
with CO2 injection. Research into foam addi-
tives for mobility control is also active, and cer- Fig. 1. Pseudo-ternary phase diagram, showing condensing
gas drive.
tain classes of chemicals have been shown to
have promise. The movement of carbon dioxide cL
in a reservoir can be followed by halogen tracers. / A\\
\ M~SC~B,UT¥
Carbon dioxide should not be thought of in / \\ \IVAPOR,S,NG
terms of miscibility alone. Its high solubility and / ~ V~E ~
beneficial effects make it attractive in heavy oil, ~
where WAG is also possible. It is effective in
encouraging gravity drainage in secondary gas
caps, and is useful for enhanced oil recovery in / E,RST-CONTACT
single-well reservoirs.
shown schematically (and exaggerated in size ) able, so the slug is diluted from both ends.
in Fig. 1. The tangent to this curve which passes Developed miscibility (vaporising gas drive).
through the composition of the reservoir oil, and If the reservoir oil is rich in intermediates (C2-
the tangent at the plait point (the limiting tie- C6), its composition may lie to the right of the
line ), define three ranges of gas richness. These limiting tie-line (Fig. 2 ). Oil gravity must be
lead to the well-known types of gas flooding, about 40 ° API or higher for this to occur at an
with which this paper is concerned: acceptable reservoir pressure. If methane (or
Immiscible gas flooding. Composition G1 lies lean gas) is injected into the reservoir, it will
on tie line ON extrapolated. If fresh gas of this displace some of the oil, and vaporise interme-
composition contacts reservoir oil repeatedly, diates from the remaining oil; the latter will be-
as would be the case around an injection well, come more viscous and relatively immobile,
it will enrich the oil to composition O, but no while the enriched gas stream will contact fresh
further. The minimum i.f.t, between gas and oil oil and repeat the process. Miscibility will soon
phases will be that of the tie-line ON. The closer be achieved, within a few feet at most. The ad-
the tie-line is to the plait point, the less the oil vantage of this process is that there is no slug,
that will be left behind a flood front. Even in no distinction between miscible fluid and driver
unfavourable cases, gravity drainage may act to gas: lean gas does both jobs. Given sufficient
increase recovery. (Figs. 11, 12). dip to stabilise the front, the method is useful
Developed miscibility (condensing gas in reservoirs developed on wide spacing.
drive ). If the gas composition is on the side of P h a s e b e h a v i o u r of c a r b o n d i o x i d e a n d
the limiting tie-line opposite to that of the res- nitrogen
ervoir oil (G2, for example), enrichment of the
oil proceeds by repeated contact with fresh in- These two gases are often used for injection.
jection gas until the line joining the oil com- Their phase behaviour in hydrocarbon mix-
position to G2 lies wholly outside the two-phase tures has certain peculiarities, which we sum-
region. Mixtures of this oil with the injection marise in this chapter.
gas in all proportions remain as a stable, single
phase. This is the definition of miscibility, and Carbon dioxide
the gas will displace the oil relatively com- Figure 3 is a phase diagram representative of
pletely. Rich gas is usually injected as a slug of the behaviour of C02 at temperatures below
the order of 15% h-c p.v., followed by cheaper about 120°F. It shows what happens when CO2
lean gas as a driver. Various processes in the comes into equilibrium with reservoir oil, in
reservoir, to be discussed, act against the integ- various proportions; it is often known as a P -
rity of the slug and may cause loss of miscibility. X diagram.
First-contact miscibility. A gas of composi- The first thing to be noted is that two phases
tion such as G~ is, according to the definition are present for CO2 concentrations above about
above, directly miscible with the reservoir oil. 65 mol%, at least for pressures up to 4000 psia.
A first-contact miscible slug is usually LPG, CO2 is not in fact miscible on first contact with
propane or butane. It must be miscible with ordinary reservoir oils at any pressure nor-
both the reservoir oil and the dry-gas driver: mally encountered in reservoirs. (The P - X
the latter condition, usually the more severe, diagram as shown describes first-contact be-
requires a minimum reservoir pressure of only haviour only. )
about 1200 psig. This makes LPG-type floods It will also be noted that the two phases pres-
attractive in shallow reservoirs. They are ex- ent at higher pressures are not vapour and liq-
pensive, however, and the slug seldom exceeds uid, but two liquids of different density. If we
10% h-c p.v. The mobility ratios are unfavour- allow the pressure to decrease, at a CO2 concen-
4ooo- Nitrogen
PHASE n Figure 4 is a partial P - X diagram showing
3200- ..~
the first-contact behaviour of nitrogen with a
AND reservoir oil of 38°API. It is evident that ex-
2800- oo tremely high pressures would be needed for
~ first-contact miscibility. The pseudo-ternary
2400- ~/ diagrams of Fig. 5 (for a different oil), show,
2ooo- however, that miscibility may be developed at
pressures in excess of 6000 psia. This still means
~ ~ ~ O O / o v
that full miscibility is not likely to develop in
)-TUL, LL, AND GAS many reservoirs; there will nevertheless be some
J2oo- 1-oo/° UL benfit to be had from the enrichment that re-
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 I0 ~'REGION OF suits from vaporisation of intermediates into
VOLUME PERCENT the flowing gas stream at pressures near the
LOWER LIQUID PHASE M.M.P. It may be noted that the vaporisation
400 ~:o ,,:o ~o 8'o .~o process does not normally lead to the complete
MOLE PERCENT CO2 A D D E D replacement of nitrogen. If it did, the miscibil-
tration of say 80 mol%, a vapour phase joins the
two liquid phases when the pressure reaches ,2ooo
about 1200 psia. At pressures below about 1000 .ooo
psig, only two phases are found: a vapour and a ,000o
liquid. If the temperature exceeds 120°F, a va-
pour and a single liquid are found throughout _ 9000
the multi-phase region. C O 2 c a n also cause as- ~ 8000
phaltenes to precipitate as a solid phase: this
may lead to loss of permeability in a reservoir. ~ ~ooo
C O 2 behaves as both a vaporising and a con- ~ 6000
densing gas. It can vaporise hydrocarbons up
to about C3o: the range which is important in 5000
the generation of miscibility is C 5 - C 1 2 , and 4000
miscibility can be developed in oils of gravity
down to about 26°API. M i n i m u m miscibility 3000
pressure (M.M.P.) ranges from some 1200 psig 200o
for light oils at low temperatures to over 4500
psig for heavy crudes at high temperatures. The 1ooo
presence of methane or nitrogen in carbon o
,o ~ io ;o 5'0 4 7'o ~'o 9'0 ,~o
dioxide may increase the M.M.P. substantially. .2 MOL % IN MIXTURE
Carbon dioxide is also soluble in reservoir oils, Fig. 4. Measured saturation pressure for nitrogen and
where it causes oil swelling and viscosity statfjord reservoir fluid (provided by Shell Group Lab.,
reduction. Rijswijk).
a A _ methane, for a given pressure. It is also noted
90 "~ that the presence of methane in the reservoir
oil improves miscibility with nitrogen: meth-
ane behaves somewhat like an intermediate in
its effect on the miscibility of nitrogen.
The behaviour of nitrogen resembles that of
40 carbon dioxide in that neither is (ordinarily)
~o first-contact miscible, but both can develop
~ / ~ miscibility at suitable pressures. Nitrogen re-
,o/ _. quires high pressures, however. It has low sol-
/ "~;; ubility in oil, and so has little effect on its prop-
c2. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~o ~ c, erties. It has low solubility in water too, which
may have some bearing on its use in tertiary
b N2 flooding.
~i:i/.~~ A@
90/f/~ ~ ~
8o///\ ~-
El RESERVOIRFLUID Estimating t h e m i n i m u m p r e s s u r e f o r
dynamic miscibility
proportion of the tube length. Typical dimen- effect. Figure 7 shows the recovery/pressure
siGns are a diameter of 1/4 inch and a length of points at 0.85 pore volumes injected; the lines
40 ft; the tube is usually coiled into a helix, and intersect at a M.M.P. of about 4800 psia.
is packed with sand. A rapid method of measuring the M.M.P.,
The experiment consists of saturating the based on the disappearance of a gas bubble ris-
tube with reservoir oil, and then displacing it ing through an oil column, has been described
at a trial pressure by injecting the appropriate by Marathon Oil Co. [24].
gas; oil recovery is recorded at various amounts
of gas injected (expressed in pore volumes ). The Windowed cells: M.M.P. and tie lines
procedure is then repeated at different pres-
sures, to generate a set of recovery curves (Fig. Phase changes can be analysed directly in a
6 ). The highest pressure should give a recovery windowed cell (e.g. PVT cell). The procedure
of about 95% at 1.2 pore volumes injected, is to mix some reservoir oil with injection gas,
The M.M.P. can now be estimated by plot- and let it separate into equilibrium oil and gas
ting recovery fraction against pressure, at a phases. Samples can then be extracted, for
fixed number of pore volumes injected. This measurement of the composition, density, vis-
fixed number is not indicated unequivocally, cosity and interfacial tension corresponding to
One could choose 1.2 pore volumes, since this this tie line. The vapour phase can then be
gives roughly the ultim&te recovery at pres- mixed with fresh reservoir oil (for a vaporising
sures above the M.M.P. One could argue, alter- gas drive), or the oil phase mixed with more
natively, that the number of pore volumes injection gas (for a condensing gas drive), to
should be defined by where gas breaks through give new equilibrium oil and gas phases and a
on the curves above M.M.P.: beyond this point, new tie line. The limiting tie line can be ap-
factors other than miscibility begin to have an proached by a series of such steps.
~ ~ . -= =__
G ........ ~ P = 5000 PSIA
® .............. ® P = 4500 PSIA .. . . . . . . G--.
• • P = 4100 PSIA
0-8- # ~ P = 4100 PSIA (ESTIMATE) "~' .....
E" 0 .''''~"
b []
.~ 0.6- ~/°~
~ 0-4-
0.0 i
0"0 0'2 014 016 0"8 I"0 112 I J4 11"6
Fig. 6. Oil production curves measured in slim-tube apparatus (provided by Shell Group Lab., Rijswijk).
• 0"65MPV INJECTED M o b i l i t y a n d g r a v i t y e f f e c t s on
~.o - displacement
• . Mobility
0.8- ,'
_ /
in mass transfer effects between miscibility and tion is towards a neighbouring mesh point, but
immiscibility: components will usually be ex- P fails to reach it, a Procrustean solution is em-
changed across the flood front whether misci- ployed. The result is similar to diffusion. If the
bility can be attained or not. An immiscible direction is not towards a mesh point, a lateral
flood leaves an oil saturation behind; this in- distortion is applied, and we have something
terferes with the flow of gas, so reducing the like dispersion. The method of characteristics
effective permeability and the mobility ratio is well adapted to handling saturation fronts,
somewhat. A miscible flood leaves an oil satu- but appears to be too complex for practical use.
ration of only a few percent, and so has an in- A novel scheme, employing moving point
herently less favourable mobility ratio (viz. ap- methods within a fixed finite element mesh, is
proximately the ratio of the viscosities), described in [23 ].
Stable displacement requires fl> 0 and be stable if the injection velocity can be simul-
therefore: taneously greater t h a n the critical velocity for
G> M-1 the water/slug interface and less t h a n the sta-
ble velocity for the slug/reservoir oil interface.
The critical velocity is the value of u which Even then, it will be necessary to check that
makes: temporary shut-downs of injection will not al-
G= M- 1 low significant redistribution of the water and
Thus: Methods of mobility control in the absence
1 k~ of useful gravity stabilisation are discussed in
Ucrit -- M - 1 -~g-~Pgsin 0 (3) the next chapter.
or of mixed wettability. They cite a number of oxide and propylene oxide. The report says that
field studies in support: the WAG cases need experiments on gas mobility, conducted in lin-
checking to see whether the water/gas ratio was ear sand-pack models, show only a general cor-
correct for the fluids to travel to equal speeds, relation with the static foam test. This is per-
It is evidently important that field studies haps not unexpected, since some doubt exists
should always include information on rock as to whether foams are capable of existing in
wettability, so that its effect on performance porous media unless the permeability is very
can be assessed, high.
The direct thickening of carbon dioxide
Slug size would have some advantages over methods re-
The amount of oil recovered will usually in- quiring water injection: corrosion would be re-
crease with the size of the slug, but the return duced, and oil trapping by mobile water avoided.
becomes progressively less. A CO2 slug repre- Research into the synthesis and properties of
sentative of recent field projects is about 40% polymers of alpha-olefins in the C~-C12 range
h-cp.v. [5]: 12-14% is q u o t e d f o r t h e SACROC is reported in [12]. An alternative technique
unit (Kelly-Snyder Field; [3] ), while Amoco under investigation is to use monomers misci-
have picked a slug size of 60% [6]. This is a ble with carbon dioxide, and polymerise them
parameter which is to be optimised economi- in situ while the carbon dioxide is supercritical
cally for each set of circumstances, but the trend [ 21 ].
seems to be towards larger slugs.
Miscible hydrocarbon slugs are, by contrast,
somewhat smaller. Stalkup gives figures mostly Chemical tracers for carbon dioxide
in the range 2-12% h-c p.v. for first-contact
miscible projects (secondary and tertiary), and The movement of carbon dioxide in a misci-
2-15% for condensing gas drive projects [3]. ble flood can be monitored by certain halogen
tracers [13]: halocarbons 11,12 and sulphur
Foam additives; direct thickening hexafluoride. Tracer adsorption on rock sur-
faces appears to be minimal. Detection limits
Sweep efficiency is controlled not only by the
are as low as 0.5 ppb.
mobility ratio, but also by the variation in
permeability. Assuming no communication be-
tween layers, the latter can be measured by the G e n e r a l u s e s of CO2
Dykstra-Parsons co-efficient Ik, which varies
from 0 for a homogeneous reservoir to 1.0 for
infinite heterogeneity. The 1984 National Pe- Carbon dioxide is a versatile injection gas,
troleum Council Paper [5] considers that mis- with a number of useful properties not depen-
cible CO2 flooding requires foam technology if dent on the achievement of miscibility. Screen-
Ik > 0.7. Dense CO2 and surfactant solution are ing guides for miscible CO2 injection recom-
injected simultaneously to create a foam. mend that reservoir oil should have a gravity of
A report on CO2 flooding by the U.S. DOE at least 26°API. Immiscible CO2 is useful for
[ 11 ] recommends three basic chemical struc- causing oil swelling (of the order of 10% ) and
tures as showing the best promise for control of viscosity reduction in heavy oils. Mungan
gas mobility: ethoxylated Cs-C14 linear alco- quotes an example of crude oil equilibrated with
hols, sulphate esters of ethoxylated C9-C16 lin- CO2 at 2000 psia [ 17 ]: the viscosity of a 5 cp oil
ear alcohols (possibly limited to 130 ° F), and is reduced 10-fold, while that of a 1000 cp oil is
low molecular weight copolymers of ethylene reduced 50-fold.
will usually benefit from significant mass ex- Reservoir behaviour in secondary flooding
change with the reservoir oil. The problem is
that there is a ready market for the sale of hy- Figure 11 illustrates the process of gravity
drocarbon gas; it seems unlikely, therefore, that drainage in secondary immiscible flooding. The
it would be economic to develop a gas reservoir gas/oil contact moves down-dip as oil is pro-
for the express purpose of injectingthe gas back duced, leaving some oil behind in the gas-in-
underground and leaving it there for several vaded zone. This oil drains downwards slowly,
years. It might, however, be an economic prop- until it reaches an impermeable layer: it then
osition to buy hydrocarbon gas from a source flows down-dip in a segregated layer to join the
developed primarily for the general market. If descending oil column. In the gas-invaded re-
hydrocarbon gas is not available in the quan- gion the flow of oil is dominated by gravity: gas
tity required, for whatever reason, a useful al- is injected to replace the voidage created by oil
ternative is nitrogen, and it is this gas that we production down-dip.
shall be especially considering in this chapter. Gravity drainage under gas injection has few
The phase behaviour of nitrogen is summarised constraints. The rock is assumed to be water-
in the chapter on "Phase behaviour of carbon wet and connate-water bearing. The amount of
dioxide and nitrogen", and illustrated in Fig. 5. oil left behind the gas/oil contact depends pri-
The process requires high reservoir permeabil- marily on the relative permeability to oil, and
ity and light oil. the vertical permeability; the drainage rate of
oil depends on its viscosity also. Thus for good
~ X~ ~jy
mOX X : k h
mo ,y "
&pg sin a
cos Q
Umax is maximum Dorcy gravity
drainage rate
J ']GAS-INVADED Uo is actual Dorcy
displacement rote
VGOC,x is velocity of GOC
along dip
Fig. 11. Schematic cross section of draining reservoir with relevant flow characteristics (from Bath [ 1 ] ).
Sg : I00%
water interferes with the flow of oil. The exper- 5 Robl, F.W., Emanuel, A.S. and Van Meter, Jr., O.E.,
imental technique is fully described in [ 25 ]. 1986. The 1984 National Petroleum Councilestimate
of potential E.O.R. for miscible processes. J. Pet.
Technol., Aug.
Cost in offshore fields 6 Enhanced Recovery Week, 1986, 26 May.
7 Williamson, A.S., Gondowia, M., Pavlas, E.J., et al.,
1986. The planning of a large-scale miscible flood at
Tertiary nitrogen floods will be expensive PrudhoeBay. J. Pet. Technol. Oct.
offshore, because a platform is needed to carry 8 EnhancedRecovery Week, 1986, 2 June.
9 Enhanced Recovery Week, 1986, 25 Aug.
the nitrogen plant. Costs were estimated at $35/ 10 Enhanced Recovery Week, 1987, 9 Feb.
incremental barrel in two of Shell/Esso's 11 Patton, J., 1986. Enhanced oil recovery by carbon
North-Sea fields; nitrogen consumption was dioxide flooding. DOE/MC/16551-19. Reviewed in
about 14 m c f / i n c r e m e n t a l barrel, at a cost of Enhanced Energy Recovery News, Dec. 1986.
$0.40/mcf. 12 Enhanced Energy Recovery News, 1986, Oct.
13 Craig, F.F., 1985. Field use of halogen compounds to
trace injected carbon dioxide. Soc. Pet. Eng., 14309;
Symbols and S.I. u n i t s 60th Annu. Tech. Conf. Exhib. Soc. Pet. Eng., Sept.
14 Enhanced Recovery Week, 1986, 15 Dec.
15 Enhanced Recovery Week, 1986, 10 March.
k =permeability, m 2 16 Sankur, V., Emanuel, A.S. and Di Julio, S.S., 1985.
p =pressure, N m -2 Recovery of heavy oil by C02 injection. Houston
u = rate/area, m s - 1 AIChE 1985 PetroExpo. Reviewed in Enhanced En-
ergy Recovery News, April 1985.
g = acceleration of gravity, m s - 2 17 Mungan, N., 1981. Enhanced oil recovery using water
tt = viscosity, kg m - 1 s - 1 as a driving fluid. World Oil, Aug.
p = density, kg m -3 18 Orr, Jr., F.M., Silva, M.K., Lien, C.L. and Pelletier,
a,fl, Oare angles as shown M.T., 1982. Laboratory experiments to evaluate field
prospects for C02 flooding. J. Pet. Technol., April.
19 Niko, H., Schulte, A.M., Drohm, J.K. and Cottrell,
Acknowledgements c.w., 1987. The feasibility of Tertiary nitrogen injec-
tion in waterflooded volatile oil reservoirs in the North
Sea. Presented at the 4th European Symposium on
The author expresses his t h a n k s to the Man- E.O.R., Hamburg, Oct. J. Pet. Sci. Eng., 2: 119-128.
agement of Shell U.K., Shell Internationale 2o Gardner, J.W., Orr, F.M. and Patel, P.D., 1981. The
effect of phase behaviour on C02-flood displacement
Petroleum Maatschappij and Esso U.K. for efficiency. J. Pet. Technol., Nov.
permission to publish this paper. 21 Terry, R., Zaid, A., Angelos, C. and Whitman, D., 1987.
Polymerization in supercritical carbon dioxide to im-
prove carbon dioxide/oil mobility ratios. AIChE
References PetroExpo. Reviewed in Enhanced Energy Recovery
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2 Dake, L.P., 1978. Fundamentals of Reservoir Engi- Can. J. Chem. Eng., 65, Jan.
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