asic proceses involved in the initial stages
ef reading and listening to speech were discussed
ine previons chapter Atte end ofthat chapter,
bad reached the point at which individual
‘ords were identified, The main objective ofthis
pts wo complete out account of reading and
| lstening to speech, dealing wit the ways in which
vases, sentences, and ent tries are procested
td understood
Incrade terms the previous chapter dealt with
‘ose apes of language processing that differ
between reading and listening to speech. In con-
es, the higher level processes involved in com-
eersion tend to be rather similar whether a
Sry is being Hstened 0 or read. There has be
more research on comprehension processes
in eading than i istning to speech, and s0 the
+ Sphais wil be on reading. However, it can
esly be assumed that what is true of reading
5 ako tru of listening 10 apesth Ay male
fcrpancies. between reading and listening
il be specially dear wih as and when they
Language Comprehension
feel haieiA Micon a es
‘There are two main levels of analysis in the
comprehension of sentences. Fist, there is an
“analysis of the sytactical (grammatical) structure
‘Of cach sentence; this is known technicelly as
‘parsing. What eacly is grammar? Its concerned
‘vith the way in which words are combined. How-
ver, as Altmarn (1997, p. 84) pointed out, “it
{the way in which words are combined) i impeit-
fan, and has meaning, only insofar as both the
Speaker and the hearer (or the writer andthe reader)
Share some common knowledge regarding the
Significance of one combination or another. This
shared knowledge is grammar”
‘Second, there is an analysis of the meaning
fof the sentence. It i important to note that the
intended meaning of a sentence may not be the
ame as is iter meaning. The study of intended
freaning is known as pragmatics, Cases in which
the literal meaning is not the intended mean-
Ing include hetorical devices such a8 ifony,
avcasm, and understatement. Some of the isues
‘SSheerning pragmatics are discussed later inthe
chapter.nse Muchesecho parsing ha eon
‘cee tha a ambigoous he lb
Tee Why hat theese Png pres
erly aca ery iy and hs aes
fa e tady te paces vole Inna
hing the poles enemy ele
Stogtng wih mbes secs emp
‘yrs anc aaa,
Sour posit semanas
wba pon sya so
i sya Sons we ey hoy Wisma tv fe pce ed
‘oat and Pane mae of # klglow wah sige enees lr ase eat
Ths us eed ey Sienna ae nen OSS see
and prt hero of sentence process
ia tame omer ne
Grammar or sya
‘amet neers ah, nap pees mea oe
‘em onan vrs wa Lins Con tc ronal wan pea
‘ote sa the rotacay ta eis a mpl je one
ouiw tenieome in tle tae at
Sat pete pig he ew
ieee omicpeeing ely
Sete di cee,
‘oni knwipe conve wo ot
(Goce Bop aio. As mp hep
‘racers any ar ee
Parsing ana ers me ;
‘eto of gram sw tobe coat tat
‘at Sy ae” py
ston le Sey
‘separa Tigre eo
ss deni mvc coe
rete lhe i
{hata big kd: te sneer
hang fo mage rep
tee get sacs ces
Wo, 3
sie For saumpie Peering 9 9
fen eb soee How ef
be ected by contest. Fa csp Atma
‘Stedman (1988) recoded ang tao
tcoce such ee owing
Gander path model
Fai a Rayer (1982) pt vad ged
pt ml, tc was gh ha ene Sete
‘holier can Be mid ore pth
een iby bios erences The ode
‘rin one olor ete
1 Tee burl Bow open the sf wih
mamta mad wih ee
2 Ther open he fen efor
Ine and made ote
+ ny one jaca ra i tly cone
ating of te ene pence: min
Acorn tthe pope sf minimal atach-
‘Se te pata ace peng
the eve ts onus pre taser
tc ch ain Pea pes)
‘et fn cath wade
‘St pr Su tse ponte
Sy peminie
nmi Ser pe
ate es el aaa
‘tun that mateo eo ae
Sis aaa
inne saa gat!
‘Seo (ie wn eae
irc ie ee
Scien Pate
ri an Ct a ne
a Bat ny ct
estes a a re
SSencoony Spy
Seemecccs mentee |
Sec Pe
mein ecwcmma “naraveil pein
feet yo ati rates
‘ "ickts® hing compute wih besoapeose? |
Saree tmlcmem ite evan” ecw Pant te are
{few i pee se att fa
[YLet ew pre Income pe
Site ease The pre
al Pet 198) pn ae cong
hie conure produces the el l
Rischceitttedaatanr ce masts at |
Sass See |aes iy i mains ee
ewe iene Foren o>
iia{he ind) ta crn el an
ihe ft ame sero
‘ie 9H) shied ence ta pipe
iene ng Aer
‘Site emmy noe ty pct
‘Cece a ike 998) ed at
“Mohri We olen inert te
eg nly etn
My pe Cs a ne
fwcine (rwuhoveal angse we Ba
Sp see spon an
{shee cot of syne,
Shey mode esto pe! figs
"hata ole ot paral seciel
‘lon = Ce Cw. 210
Le panel modest “Sach moss have mich
to ecmend she: 0) ey ae eee
Sei hy a campus
‘equi and 2) they make wong.
my he cen aeartage c
tse atc po oa
‘ngs mre ey ana he Pd
Ia 9s ering (199, 9. 1S) ca
‘ne cr ones of rc nin
Ee define
npr space
‘ser ou aed yen art
‘cc th wing ay
‘Sten vewpt a xed Hy
‘St tS a
Tint ome acon
un of wasn onl a
way af yng thee of ine nh
ape rang tne ee
‘ner (90 oe oe pie
eo yond es we EG
[cour nee mcs
fm ys etc of
Ie pears
‘iano pete os er
eer amphi of cm
eee |
mp ati bn tt ae
‘oan er ns pa ag on
Naber aamss me
Reade requ ome
‘Gee be ho) oe and or th ee
Seta iereteio
Mp eee
‘tne nd ov sm no
2 Mew cowry
Baddey ad Lewis (1981) wd ten
psc conten le fone ea,
‘ning Pacpans See whe See,
See pvc co ew
ray sla wor (eg “Cn nae
‘Swed sewed ol), wees Sh tt
(Ei ot conn paceman
te Toeger fo mate jpn of ms
ciel inet pa
‘erste ampeeson proc ay a
veoh) a oun wlan are
Ge oe nce te af fe ce
‘tint, wg ed
vents athe psec eel
‘Rov tw nape fr oc faa
iy seein.
ction of tamer speech
{cea epee
cet pe me ee
Seclpatgennc done ele
Srelnisopte erase mp
SON nt mene
ton Most words are spec mu pce
Wickens ace eet
Seem san es
SSS ne
Tromp Dah Shs pose te eee
ern rl a ant eng as Be
RS Some ra pee
“tan oe pe pi mrt
wis geen remysarees
‘patient, MV with very deficient ine speck We
oe eee eo cee oa
coer came
Sree ae Oe cen
‘compre memory, by which ty men “the pat
Pll eerie a ay at
tranageate pepations. For example ech wt
cd fre forte posing
"he cena surges ey Dak wa
cores (192) ae te re
{cece nie cagciy of ork Bema
‘heceon neg conpcenson Weg nw
Sy cmc amend yt anos eae ee
{Doeron Capes, 1980), On th pe ee
(ipa et nner of wmencesfeeope, Be as
Shami artes meets
eet scenes
aia ceattetroee
Sect meron
ee tin ttn
Si pen he cd some Hew
fiw eye td ete
Teta Cents (192 fund at hed
ln fp ak lo en
ae ete
carrie tenet aoe
tin etc :
cepamnmerin es
Cora ect tt
ia Sc ee
Shots cet fea
Sextet "ee yagi he eo ew, "ThE AT
Sethe, ce ome See
rend ts Mo wt
=) Renata ne,
cdl hon ahs were anni
TER Cece sles poke sow Se
(Skyec ecm mh a
Pee tees eo tan
‘Songer scar epi Seopa of
{ec ue 0) Th pany
si rer eos
escheat tee sch cs
Saks ae ne
on eee Sen ere eee
SNF cg twee toe
‘Setar 8) eet ‘era |
rn ic wd he tl |
Sh ie 2 Snr meat
code ob p75) coe
Sse ay rer gos a te
eres mn[ars
eat |
Devin ecren ton manne
rceses The Endings of Tamer and Engl (1989),
Sateen tonipc sete
Siren ie
age patenting rm apa ih
ite i empresa e
‘metal hinge campeon. Casa
sc are
Sets awe
Eagaetcegenmet se
PIS a eee
oe er rae
oacee ate
Secu reran
Soar ate
rs aon theoies (Fast & Carpenter,
Seeriee moar
tenet i res
Spade oe tcp
Gaye, Mike ad (198) en
etiatn ets on psy ay
‘dng tr Cnc Contre se
So py ame
‘ute gto aananee
Ibe rone Cpe 384, 9180
Capen (958, p. 1098 an
‘oe cn ety te Apidos
‘mum fon ne
‘Simms svt mind inh p=
thant coma yer” ane
Career (957 tthe comps
Pee Ti eo
sgn a] ees oso
Erato op EC ty al at
rity eget sgh oe Se Bs mc
Fey it Cap
‘tenant thee ‘Soa! ha seed
xmas ere tha a
torening san with capety har As Tome, |
Hic and aon (199 p. 111) pied one
tne cones abut eying on ean ak
Tepcing sentence compete, hie
‘0 cpl soese-compeberion reser”
Fal boy arpa ekg ema
sly th pc proce aed
Screen Tat core |
es pce var py
‘Speer comprehension a omals or ap
ete at i nt ced
ital it we prowl pad vc
eed dau ute) Aa
Ingo ras ili aun (98. To).
Se pn lcs en
ca ay
‘omic abi”
Son vryany expres inne Pol
SSlpemt ici Oe ic ect
nscen peoie
‘Sal pbs als boo) wien
‘yeti ete, whew tebe
‘ety cose ate To fame peach
SS eae fie i te
‘nie zane comptes nthetact ran
99% p16" “Dacoure escola om
‘ey conled testis [experimenter gered
otter raving
{he wiho acest sored knot Ape
iusto of te crcl le pied ooh
Spates Goes p te doce
“Sorte how ey ee ence
2 Sitemeter nn
2 Sy Fed amount ue 6
‘ol ate CPi screen sey
7 inion can i man besa bring
init nd ctbrine etc Bra
eet tee fee he
‘sch sn rte ne
es the
Selncraepenes eae
Toe mene
SEUSS ee ae
‘Sno th ter wees te on
Sake tree
{rae Dnne och d en
Soccer oer
When re inferences ron?
om ee
‘Oem, Sn ea ae CE
sa eco ae
rent (8) eine ng
‘ene he one el en
Simon pre
‘ca comin ing
rote cred so tot he ince ta te
‘So nr ul os ee ho (Bt ve
‘Src eae th an
teem Eprom
stain ame cas
ss th ecole ha en
peative aime ce
ices set Se
piss acters
sire camnces cee
pices mniror ose
ici onetime
cu ceptor
Ph ences a dr
Secon nay iment
‘Tha gerd des aly comet
‘Stuy cope el oa ee
Tntcrene onto mts Ge Che)
Shy town eng et
tot yoee trved ing Dy
Sebi mca ia pram wan se
techie eee ng
Saat en enn en wed
Shum cere To et th se pari
we ene scenes ne rer eon
Senge once. ere ‘ee ro
Peete teed teeeiestd
| nina ype
tet ye
a aS at comacei “Th wt ep oan
INC cmp por cot om
ines” Mckenna ath (O38, p. 0)
Inte sence o pc pmo sm
“pepe cso ih
‘Stn on fan ory ad
ay nai
‘nisned te mins types In sur,
+ Scsarane infrences elisha co
(hey sun ort combo wih aly
‘alae pro inowndg) nrc
‘ae rs ea a we mn
Sige nting remy Ss
Ferm prof pn oe bec st
Stata ferences ae formed in pursuit of
ped ol cteren
‘eli that mara tle ifs
Lan OY >
Seas ee
Sree cedars
Sars De Maren
Suc anaeenareas
ty mcata ieee
Sonar areca
scope ana
ices tacaeeaniee
Suiccwerast ce
chasis tread ewe
_oberned by Doser and Corbet (1982) TF
‘torumena freone ae
ieee geen
Srey oo
Siete ee
| =o
raven toy
aricint 1 dcde ply eter te wend
Cienetin de
sete tht ome ag
‘Scandi Tee
ect we action own sewers
pba near
sth ue pn ped be See
is Si raft ine
fened vk normal reading ‘osnetins (ne
far 120, Howry sen pcos
ve gear
ts ty a tt wife ers
ene he en campos a
acon nt at (1982) Scand te igs
enact wie conc
Spater nates ee
Secale eee ee tre
oes cree
sae of aia ine
woe ete
a set aa ple
mcrae cme CS, Sy te henge mane
\ctsaiatmtntipece ec segan dames
coke concn
one a Se
ia inrere
onJ err rrr s noes es - se anescamoosc
sy ened ding he process
{ektncin eos monroe te
someon ¢ a Siti mnde rouinelydorng reaing, bu some 00K that we have rad recent, we discus the
See cepa eral tne oat one ae
Teen Fepycintd s ‘ ‘ | | feecstecame of treo Grime btwcen out italy al the ioe det, In ther words,
Bites tore ‘ferns formed during reading and hove formed ow description of the story is highly selective,
bs comme RE, | Sie te Sime yea nd
ey mes Saree {| [EREMESSEARS a stamuy Endemol
en 2 zat 4 +) PSRIERCISAASES. eee, “Somat (989 pols se dem
cence ea i Sen rn a ee late te my mci
= = (jack Sees
See See ete ests ener
| | Seine Sseememesic GTSEPA SS stn ocom mes
2) PSESSE Taos ancy ttmay end ae he ty tm men
2) J serie interencor they cacussed. Allin all, pets and recall found it very hard to tell hem
pot Tay memory oles
SLE a re cha Sapp fons ma ong nem
ts ae pealy mie eg relo
‘name, and one tha
St (ops mental a omer)
The peal ees nay rn, pte whe ese on ewes a i
tpt Gana Cat
esulsn ie pecs dep ctathy ote ner (98) pide tte IB Smee (997g esate SO HANNS
pce of rman swifnocach afer mening be area J FEE cootion: Met (a res poi eid ft
rast nctt te Somme oe ee Sue peop ve sed ta ll
aa ean eset hat each ofthe. milter sae mon mente) Ee
Searchatareeaning theory puso of i in meeeige fp ccoln crn condone The mina” Sp st fre. Ths 10 te on a 2
Since the appearance of MeKon and Rak rae does preset nse ‘Siypanecs'potiy cot wher ey puma wih ast oy hich
Si ee arena dactac Bente BE Talvivey qicy mang Hewatvhce Gesture ay yey yen be poi
‘etc gntcobeneaeton te ‘Thore (977 come story ma
‘lene eckpandiwee toch me was a etre tte ih
Tecommetinat{rsoxcraeeneane] mj caears cf ting i ot
thy a ete mah nben De eer # trator Tord ed
Steg ocompeend tere tarry gma resign wh
‘teres amore tse porsche nin tel le th 8 0 te
Sceemamiogentastsee Salat a eet ma Se
Ten es iskmetenees Stk ea oe ae me
seen hen They id chownce tence endef
santana, See teat ene
eoning noch ede engage st Such which acions are ssompiel a " separa e
Teatro lactam ad ete resem Kitch 18) avd ges Mere te a ak
al Mn tok senor cel hen blo el 2
oe veel spt: con WES A agence wares seme eft oe eh a ae A
Tiling fre sons Kn sume mri minced cn Nin oh
een. Ths ation f soto represen. organise Fe csp, Mee and MCaOA
ean of ta racy (raya ance indo he Sa,
eis 109 erty wo mute MI eed
alse don ib tere) the ne my oa
atduy nescence Nat ten sale al
cae Sncrencc ne a ieee meet
» eet angen evade Seo ces hee ey
Same ee neta, ceatveat Sacer en
eae Se sae cae
Herre ioeeenea rehire ob tien Ladpesca oe
sehen theca
chunks of knowledge sux the worl eens
Peele and etane Sup sen a
‘ite shou crt nd conquests of
se Tn le Sha me Ack
ites wi we Sa
‘ample St eget Be shoe oe 0 Be
ined hen we say ke
Ime schema epsom wai ee
ces prety Brod hs
{972925 iy pwned mei ch
Mie cw oxi rie
ste of ie ed 2 copes
Sealey Soa
‘Tare len one ed
‘ae # hipedcoopheon oS png
‘he thn bc he le 449 tw
‘el pe ee
‘ce ny er mon eg
te nrc
ean eee
SSetetaaris Sc ermeg
oe aameee
‘Brine era
Fert on en pore
{e'Gom te ang oe ome
Schl i ae
mating ey ed a
heen momar for the ans
“brent on schon browlee) shold cease
‘mer ogee el Hat
(pened fag a ied
cece i in hte
Where the nie poser mie 3
Sen (9) on hat ne see
te me otal sae Sst
Neary ly cn
nar oie poten wit Barts r=
‘cus the edence fon we Sd
Evuinein totnene omear
‘eS nih a sry abot Oca ar
tm nlen sortie The
‘init flew te Sn a as
‘Sin € Ding T4936) at
Seta ae ee ta
Seow tty
sera noe ike re
Fig 12. A Bae (1933) pent tae
Thiaereaieeret ee
soe nnn cone ye ad ape
(Sim eed cen eal fas
12'S mn Wh they fund ef
"he mal cy ti eta
red tt hh ite
Sn pose yen ap 98h
‘he ses wee on seo ma ie
“Aner sung ade by Rare (932
‘ae dca penn Mee at
Serine w hone her ey hd raidee pecan, Aer lhe
Saree Mc en
‘Stoo etapa ieee
‘an tomcat cmt te iin
Sigil Sen cy ae
isin dey inter te ction
Ft oer te esc ad pe
chan fhm hom Howe sah
‘te cng ipo ep
[altecntsen ti eon ca
+ sm St mpl
«Recon ay ile
"ete or peas, bee
it ms i ce
‘en ce esl neal
‘et Hower sec fd ier
‘atte Main Rif 10
Steen os nope
‘tr ane po rs
te try Fr ep
evo knledge anette compe
sch an an ike oo
‘an gna aa yp?
ie 7 te
{cm etn bur ni Sy
‘arb ong neon pe
1 Rey a Hoch (9 me Chap
"posta a et a
‘Seve ed ae te el ee
enter papain mr rn
‘Semmens cnt wn opty
em te a et
erp car sun bi
1G pun Reem eid
Rae ia oc
+ Den ay pm a eid
* Stsicey smeclposn,
ere ys no rp ot 8
key fr he endo th,
a emcee
kame tet pas ba typast Rh nS 8 They
tee Soe
Tage te pat
See eens
recat ena he cme
Pa eee
acon sel wheter ep ae
face Epa patos wee
{ei ie ee et po
‘Srl pepo eect eet
Schr wl tee =
ich mre sre ines he 3
1, So a en nn
{see pen pena
sey ils Site i 9c
mia tbe coed mt ae
oF tor pepsin a mee
dence ome nl
homige marc ih sain
Ree and Plat (0, p38) pl
sot tn oe ne dr
‘Ecce eu (se me tan
eso ete wis oe
sere pins Por cn Kh
hewn te ages so
Sie anes nf omy oe
e's contrction neraon mde
cannon mpc
‘som ith ees
inguin mall shown we 185
Seer ia he teat ed it ope
ravage eng
Se pee py
frente eet ia tat
Ai og tier ons
(Kins, oop Sv mse
‘Scr are eps
‘moron rent 2
‘Sit ae poses went
emai de ht tror omen a
Sopeendista toda
Seine hy the bowie ee
‘ crn
omen dee
Seay i ig
‘Sched it
eae on ee
tt etna
‘egren nee ewe be Rach oe
SR at yn te per
Srovonch eae conduced by Glen
SE os mena hes
‘epee ae ta nde
‘Seether, hi males began he
“re pains te te poe wih se
soo seo ta es hy‘chai eet re
‘slo a pang
‘om te xe ‘rom red olde 6m
Son statin a tas
Se eer chen eo
See nts ean
AY feng fo Granta (97
‘Sele eed ty Rich O38,
Sh nse fe toe Tent sees coe
‘8 rennin emer ier ely
ier cheese mays hh he ret
{Gott pomed on "The rene ow
onsnation- erat ode Fis i
See es eon
rete a eg
venting model
Reser etn mb ke
cee nh ce
"sl nh dcp Zn
‘i i) ran sr
Stetine when ty el sie
[Maceo een compared ote pie
«Srna tec ei
‘tango te re even dat
Tums he ela ewes
‘Shana gon a eps
ve gi fc i
1 ct ete
a Ra ae
Ec chm
Site te ings Sein “Langage cb go
1 capa oy nan a (1995) They federal presentation te dence nation”
Sree RS Petey ened "“Oa tenga so nan nd aay
inti ecm tee (7 sie et a i
‘jwise peur Tien shoved iran in Th och ee
Coltaaien ‘Cone the Tolonng sence ve by
‘Emam tnd Rafe (990, "Scone at
ste‘ eek et ek
DETERS TAR Sot Boner cree
omar ene ett, | Sites ace ooo be poo ma
‘scum of oneness aly wel the oe
Smee posi Sees cena Ine pening vo Oe snleman of ening
‘secin'e te phuseph not cow pm re my see
| SRSES SSSR tie cae acne octet mene
‘Shy enya oem eee he pen tr
| Stig erect ea wns en epg pail rah
Root hylan pas enon vont ne rear ces
Se wlan eas ay mayo oe ceo ace peso
ipl er pata we pone on son wd ea sh ed
+ Spey eng wut Centers pty don he ae i ir
(isis Torna Sse rf
‘sins tad con ene te as pres tres eden et
Te wee ese fe rn ee rd esac sme. har er ie
| Soc Te ge one cha tnen tn
| Setusins wpe ing shuren senate mewn oe ame ArC
| Sioencaecearecgioe mares
| Seeraarcae Cer ahora
Lens ceases ey
zine rigors cs ev