Transformation From Relationship Marketing To Electronic Customer Relationship Management: A Literature Study
Transformation From Relationship Marketing To Electronic Customer Relationship Management: A Literature Study
Transformation From Relationship Marketing To Electronic Customer Relationship Management: A Literature Study
Lina Auliana
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran
In the era of digitalization, technology is driving companies to change their platform
process into the digital process for achieving sustainable corporate goals. A company
should make a strategy for the satisfaction and value of customers. To win customers’
heart, a company needs to know what customers need and want. It starts with building a
relationship with the relationship marketing strategies. They are (1) identifying each
customer more closely by creating two-way communication, (2) managing a mutually
beneficial relationship between customers and companies, (3) shifting to customer
relationship management (CRM) and (4) turning into electronic Customer Relationship
Management (e-CRM). This study intends to describe the process of relationship
transformation, from the beginning to the present in terms of the differences between
stages and how it would be essential for an organization to engage the customers. The
method used in this study was qualitative research with descriptive approach. The data
collection technique applied was literature study. The results show that the
transformation from relationship marketing to electronic relationship marketing
management is to aim at loyalty, profitability, sales increase, customer retention and
customer engagement. Digitalization has pushed companies to change their platforms to
become digital, so customers would have a 24-hour relationship with the companies via
online service.
A high level of competition and the rapid development of technology recently
encourage a company to continue improving its proximity to customers. A company
continues to understand customer behavior by optimizing potential customer data. A
successful company is a company that can do its business transformation to network-
based digital and where the company will provide a different customer experience
integrated into their daily life. A company creates strategy relationship management to
obtain a competitive advantage. A strategy is a formulation of a comprehensive plan to
how a company will achieve its mission and objectives. Based on Hunger & Thomas
(2012), the strategy will maximize the competitive advantage and minimize the
limitations of competition.
Customer relationship became a hot topic since the 1980s and it transforms every
era according to the fluctuant environment of business. Each era has its own
characteristics. Based on that, the study aims to describe the media of e-CRM to be used
in service companies, such as banking, hotel, and retail in the era of digital marketing.
R&D Quality
Quality R&D
Relationship Purchasing
Sales person
Marketing Manager Accounting
Morgan and Hunt (1994) identify that a relationship benefits customer trust so it will be
a commitment to consumers to be engaged. According to Bull (2003) and Zablah et al.
(2004), the concept of CRM is often criticized because it implies the meaning of
different things for different people.
Perwej (2010) states that increasing competition, deregulation, and the internet
have contributed to increasing customer power. Usman et al. (2012) describe that e-
CRM is an approach consisting of a combination of hardware, software, applications,
processes, and management practice commitments to build a high-quality customer
service and customer care. According to Kumar (2015), e-CRM is a process of
maximizing sales to existing customers, driving a continuous relationship through the
use of the technology of digital communication, such as database operation, websites,
customer service, email and social media marketing. Aher and Bhakkad (2011) in Abu-
Shanab and Anagreh (2016) add that e-CRM is a long-term relationship that utilizes
technological and human resources to comprehend customer behavior and achieve a
maximum customer value.
The method used in this study was qualitative research with descriptive approach.
The data collection technique applied was literature study using systematic mapping
process. According to Petersen et al. (2008), the essential steps of the process of
systematic mapping study are defining research questions, conducting the search for
relevant papers, screening of papers, keywording abstracts and data extraction and
mapping. Each step of the process has an outcome. The outcome of the process becomes
the systematic map.
• RM activities are related to the driver of customer equity (Chang and Tseng,
• RM are trust, commitment, social bonding and communication (Morgan and
Hunt, 1994)
Customer • CRM is a strategy (Nejad, 2011; Knox, 2013)
Relationship • CRM value drivers: improving the ability to target profitable customers,
Management integrating offerings across channels, improving the efficiency and
(CRM) effectiveness of sales force, improving pricing, customizing products and
services, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of customer service,
individualizing marketing messages, value, brand and relationship equity
drive overall to customer equity (Richards and Jones, 2006)
• CRM is a key element that allows a bank to develop its customer base and
sales capacity (Perwej and Asif, 2010)
• The goal of CRM is to maximize profitability from every customer (Perwej
and Asif, 2010)
• Customer relationship is a key competitive advantage (Perwej and Asif,
• CRM is considered as an important way to enhance customer loyalty and
firm performance (Hillebrand, et al., 2011, Parvatiyar A. and Sheth JN.,
2001; Sin et al., 2005; Das, 2004; Payne et al., 2001)
• CRM is a much more efficient and cost-effective mechanism for customer
retention (Murugan and Kumar, 2011)
• Dimensions for CRM Effective namely are organizational commitment,
customer experience, process-driven approach, reliability and technology-
orientation affecting customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and loyalty-
influenced cross-buying (Padmavathy et al., 2011)
Electronic • ICT has led to e-CRM due to the rapid development of internet technology
Customer (Chuang et al., 2012)
Relationship • e-CRM is considered as the latest paradigm of relationship marketing in the
Management cyberspace (Chen and Chen, 2004)
(e-CRM) • A comprehensive business and marketing strategy integrates people,
processes, technology and all business activities to attract and retain
customers through the internet and mobile phones (Noor, 2012; Usman et
al., 2012)
• e-CRM acts as marketing activities, tools and techniques delivered over the
internet and maximum sales (Aydin and Ozer, 2005; Kumar, 2015)
e-CRM facilitates online service to customers (Kumar, 2015)
5.1 Conclusion
The transformation from relationship marketing to electronic customer
relationship management occurs due to changes in a business environment that is
increasingly boundless and interconnected due to the rapid technological advances. All
the stages of a relationship since the 1980s until now are to aim loyalty, profitability, an
increase in sales, customer retention and customer engagement. Digitization has pushed
companies to change their platform to digital, so customers could have a 24-hour
relationship with the companies by online service.
5.2 Suggesstion
In addition, for future research, researchers can conduct research on e-CRM
implementation that focuses on segmentation which will become the biggest market
share in 2020, namely Y and Z generation segmentation
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