Technology and Home Economics Quarter 1 - Module 3: ICT: Department of Education - Republic of The Philippines
Technology and Home Economics Quarter 1 - Module 3: ICT: Department of Education - Republic of The Philippines
Technology and Home Economics Quarter 1 - Module 3: ICT: Department of Education - Republic of The Philippines
Technology and
Home Economics
Quarter 1 –Module 3:
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials
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claim ownership over them.
This module is designed for you to learn at home in times of difficult situations
that will affect your attendance in class. It is composed of lessons in different solid
figures in geometry. You have to take the pre-test before moving to the different
lessons in this module. In each lesson, there are activities that will help you check
your learnings. After you have done learning this module, answer the post-test. Use
a separate sheet in answering the post-test, self-check and post-test.
The tests that you will answer will help you determine your knowledge before,
during and after learning the different lessons.
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master the different topics included in this lessons. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to
follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them
can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. It is a fastest way to administer a survey and gather data from the target
people without facing them?
A. Magpi C. Writer
B. Calc D. Dropbox
6. What cloud storage service enables users to store files on remote-cloud servers
and store files?
A. Writer C. Base
B. Dropbox D. Textt
7. What do we call a person/s who will answer and participate in online survey?
A. IT Technician C. Teachers
B. Engineers D. Respondents
A. Processing C. Gathering
B. Dissemination D. Analization
9. _______ enable you to gather data on a specific topic?
This lesson will discuss the different online survey tools, steps in creating
simple online survey, how to process and disseminate survey that are useful in
collecting , organizing, and presenting data and information efficiently and
What’s In
Put a check in the corresponding column if it is a safety and
responsible used of ICT
Yes No
1. Kept the password safe.
2. Respected others and did not make untrue remarks that
embarrass others
3. Cited authors and sources whenever documents and
materials are used.
4. Used other people’s accounts.
5. Was careful in sharing personal information.
6. Followed rules and regulations in online posting and
participating in online conference.
7. Was the computer or mobile device used for learning,
study and research.
8. Share another person’s full name and picture without
9. Did you respect others and treat them the way you
would like to be treated.
10. Did you used your time wisely and avoid playing
unnecessary games?
Activity 1: Look at sample of an online survey and answer the questions that follow.
3. How could this online survey could help you in gathering and organizing
4. Are you required to have a face to face interview with your respondents when
you use online survey? Explain briefly?
What is It?
Online survey are very popular these days because they are easier and
fastest way to conduct and more advance or hitech surveys when we compare
to a traditional street survey. It is done through the internet using online
survey tool, while traditional street survey is a pen and paper and we need to
go the our respondent’s place to get their opinion. This is used to gather data
from the target people or respondents without facing our respondents.
Quantitative or qualitative analysis is used for sampling of the population
or respondents. It is also enable you to gather data on specific topic and
statistical treatment is used to analyse data in order to derive from the
Step 1: Sign up to a free online survey tool. You need your email address to
Step 3: Give your survey a title and choose the appropriate category:
Step 4: Add page title by clicking on (Edit). Type in the (Page Title) box.
Title Page
Step 7: Add another (Rating) type question but in this type you
need to include both horizontal and vertical rating scale.
After designing the form, you are now ready to share it to your target
respondents. Respondents are those people who will answer your survey.
Just like in our example, it is LACK SESSION SURVEY FOR TEACHERs, meaning
the respondents are all teachers who attended the lack session.
To do that click only the (Next) button and you will be directed to the
(Web Link) page.
1. Think your goals about your survey- before you can start your online
survey, you will need to have clear plan on your mind of what will be the expected
outcome. Who are your respondents? When you start your survey?
5. Analyse your results- in order to see the results of your survey, you can
present it through graphs or charts so that it can help you quickly in making
Write True if the statement is true and False if is incorrect. Use separate sheet
of paper.
2. Online surveys are accessible to anyone who is visiting the website? _____________
3. There are many ways to verify the respondent’s identity, their personal background
and locations. _________________
4. A person who will administer or give the survey will not be able to encounter any
problem. __________________
5. Respondents who will participate in an online survey may be more interested about
some topic. ___________________
_______ 1. It is free and open –source software application with mobile and cloud
________2. It is a digital data collection apps used to create mass SMS or voice
messaging campaigns.
_________5. It is used to connect devices to a computer for sending and receiving SMS
text messages.
What’s More
Activity 1: Explain Me
1. What do you think is the most difficult part in conducting online survey?
2. How will you interpret the data you have collected from a survey?
_____ Give your survey a title and choose the appropriate category
_____ Add page title by clicking on (Edit). Type in the (Page Title) box.
_____ Sign up to a free online survey tool. You need your email address to
_____ Slide down the (Builder) tab to choose the question Format. Each format is
like and how each one should be used appropriately.
B. Write only one sentence that explain the following tools for gathering
and organizing data?
2. iFormBuilder-____________________________________________________________.
3. Magpi-___________________________________________________________________.
4. CommCare-______________________________________________________________.
5. Textlt-___________________________________________________________________.
6. TeleRivet-________________________________________________________________.
7. Writer-___________________________________________________________________.
8. Calc-_____________________________________________________________________.
9. Base-_____________________________________________________________________.
10. Dropbox-________________________________________________________________.
What I Have Learned
Based from your own understanding about the lessons, answer the
following activity to test of what you have learned.
B. Write only one sentence that explain the following tools for gathering
and organizing data?
2. iFormBuilder-____________________________________________________________.
3. Magpi-___________________________________________________________________.
4. CommCare-______________________________________________________________.
5. Textlt-___________________________________________________________________.
What I Can Do
Make your own sample of survey form using the traditional or online survey
form. Write a brief introduction for your respondents.
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on
a separate sheet of paper.
1. _____ are accessible to anyone who visits the website and it is done
through internet and used to gather data.
A. Writer C. Base
C. Calc D. Textlt
A. Statistical C. Quantitative
B. Qualitative D. Educative
5. _____ is an online process where the respondents have first a clear plan
about his/her survey?
A. Analysing data C. Gathering data
B. Planning a goals D. Absence of Interview
A. Process C. Disseminate
B. Design D. Click
A. Dropbox C. SurveyShare
B. Calc D. Base
8. The collected data and information from the survey can be_____________?
9. Online survey can be done through the ___________ using online survey
A. Google C. Blog
C. Video D. Internet
10. Used in collecting records or data that have been organized so that it is
easy to access, manage and update?
A. Dropbox C. Writer
B. Calc D. Base
Additional Activities
Develop a survey from for a product being sold in your school canteen (you can
based it in your previous grade). Conduct the survey among your classmates
using online survey. Submit your observations and findings after one week.
Answer Key
What I What’s In What’s New Let’s Try It What’s More What I have Assessment
Know 1.YES Activity 1: Learned 1.C
1.C 6.YES Activities 1 1.False Activity 1: 2.C
6.B 2 .YES and 2 2.True Answer may Activities 3.A
2.A 7.YES Answer 3.True vary 1,2 and 3 4.A
7.D 3.YES may vary 4.False 5.B
3.B 8.FALSE 5.True Activity 2 Answers 6.C
8.B 4.FALSE 3 may vary 7.C
4.A 9.YES Activity 2 2 8.B
9.A 5.YES 1. Commcare 4 9.D
5.C 10.YES 2. Magpi 1 10.D
10.C 3.TeleRivet 5
4. Calc
Sincero, Sarah Mae (October 16, 2020). Online Surveys. Retrieved May 13, 2020
Peralta, Gloria A., EdD, Arsenue, Ruth A.,Ipolan, Catalina R.,Qiambao, Yolanda L.
Peralta, Gloria A., EdD, Ruth A. Arsenue, Ipolan, Catalina R.,Qiambao, Yolanda
(Office Address)