Adobe Scan 10 Aug 2021
Adobe Scan 10 Aug 2021
Adobe Scan 10 Aug 2021
Subjeet OpnahonaManagnet
Taineatu stTaimutulisa)J
Lllega 1M1-3
Acacemite n- 262) or3
Chehion ad thnsudtns
A paent and me d'n hAr Jopsl oepuriubt
viu l hulit y lnntne th . T n
noder ehv? llkalatd by dividio Tae f k pnebeund
i5 Jaoduhim prsos
by Lpaona by input r l tin
So, hu hnula Pnrhuchvi h t Pnodeuad
n lh 9ivr pnallem,
Inodeu thvi rmtrat2 2 230D de vis z 11S
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wnhers h a pen wuk anndn May s hshu hol
ine a t himen alis her wuk (Assumt hen weeh,
aeh mrmh) VsiSaks dallar a e
ntpt , whati n Jeeta ebap prodiuh v t
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1 i mpwh 2 mas han a
b. Fsmat nam a baul
Tiwhuk 2 a bmd . To 5 awnea, a ibuk 2 ba1i a dperdask,
Taue o r n ugmd indehehihbh, i s nofumnum
hon a Timbuk 2 Lag mtivn jvhs, pesal nslahm
ve heb. as he Tao Tinrbwt 2
h a t male Timhuk2 so uijue ? Ui'yFhe ebsik
at www. Timbul ? .tns anndk Sa 4mne Lah bag
Lnse n m hu hssiBe . J r a
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hi y h nahh
a tewnn ox hend wo luing totor, eund e uses ho
S a Fnanisto hnt. Dvx Da y o , i t h h
hne v paoduch m ne malee ita Jiuent
ha psdauing ijhs} quakra
ba hwail-4l.
e ahas
Sann F n i s v UndSefvia
loon Le alrm w nd mah n ai Jpaca bsels
T'puk 2 ound
m Sam FAgis tob
hana acfon thlm hand walu auteop ua
b a n a h s as bfo olei'5 nir dund
Th lomhay nefn hat ma demolmd shW slan
mo laqnams
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raniss Skynsrll naju stagta 6/hes fen
dmauhr lusB, Wheut phu lasb shsdd
Tms tML2 Cnsi l
deer siom
Anowes ahe bas smd
7imbde 2 noduus hro late 48nds luduh
Cushm enbmge hass d he leplop hagp.
f t v ide ho eiakize Sevius - lutrmiyl Pnosa
hasdan tnansharmad t e n exat leabion
n aamttus u l o , foks, line th ad fhe
Cmham also yeuiabiz a tn dekruirg ns aodut
wihin hw dass. Th he ud Da mpam e tn
govd haand valha amd hapy ohmen
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noduck om kint .
tumekhve tan're
b o h chrnn amd Sum Frümmsto Gundlivg n
nauba and Paiu f diHs mdy n vo
pnodrrh um wthih h ghen m hina hom San } urntusto.
2 umhamr
San Frarii'sus lhnd Jeo dfinemtes tn
Jes imla y'hes n ne Jollo wing dinni
V m e n o bothon u Avaulahr uh
he usna fah whiK wik a d b ish
vttum nduhien Lwpne h San iwrdkies
o aVad my
hin in thina Jaku
Lans Matiras Mamuda uh F iinhedrvd
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