Adobe Scan 10 Aug 2021

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s s igment W8rk

NAME Rectabeata Bhabachaya

Secho B
Reg No 21 PCDM IS

Subjeet OpnahonaManagnet
Taineatu stTaimutulisa)J
Lllega 1M1-3
Acacemite n- 262) or3
Chehion ad thnsudtns
A paent and me d'n hAr Jopsl oepuriubt
viu l hulit y lnntne th . T n

Jas 23 levia and hvk wokes hro ueLlo

L4ohas wulL) b tmpbh
SSU devia hat uoe faoeud hy 3Suwaks n h
wee loOn which tCntut lene waains mi

noder ehv? llkalatd by dividio Tae f k pnebeund
i5 Jaoduhim prsos
by Lpaona by input r l tin
So, hu hnula Pnrhuchvi h t Pnodeuad

n lh 9ivr pnallem,
Inodeu thvi rmtrat2 2 230D de vis z 11S
2Sx 4o x2

1IS 5/h

Lontna SSUO lviu |31

Pngdu ehv arm
3 wmb/ha

h Navy l n t t
Irodueh'vib Pammn lontrn md

Pasa -1
d e len kat stsnt had , $ 4 SOv i I a-d fsoam
a a Thqmlop eijh full h t uohers Ahs w tk
40 wack Z m l na she alo had le ve pat hime
wnhers h a pen wuk anndn May s hshu hol
ine a t himen alis her wuk (Assumt hen weeh,
aeh mrmh) VsiSaks dallar a e
ntpt , whati n Jeeta ebap prodiuh v t

P Fa ht hanth t h a l

wehens w arkirs lo ha m
hut Pat hin her wael
he mon lunkai'r 4 weals
S x 1o x4)
3 Jell hrmt worheas wahint 4o heo hes wut

e mamhh rkaimo4 wul

So, &x4o *4)

To ul npus ed 3x4o x4) + (x lox4)

280t0t 280
4 SoUD = 23.8 wb I

Fan na Manh May

2mpat z 1 par himt walans wadins I has A
week p fuele

hes a weh Jen 4 weehs

8 ull 6mi wonhiy wanhin 4 o
i-e3x 40x4)
= 8 x4DX 4) + (4 xiry4)
= 182o
7o hal puk ut d
76 b 1h
Tnodu ch'vJn Ma b 820 =
= 6.67
So hars i Pro luuh'v. h 8 8S
dekiviud lo 3 akngta
2 ptnul delivuy mhan Cploymet wun 84_dvha
lust yen, Whe l26r0 delves wim
N hom hamdled
h yeRa
Whak hepintttazthyp m hasdauhinh vl

lo3ouo 1226-/1 t
Pvi ha Pasduch'vihy 4

1166 64

_nodhechivhbv hro yLans |22L.l1-1C6
7 hamp /224.11

pnoduchv m tMo he pre v i a yL
But, Sinu
by 18
slen hot rodeuAv h hus bean deesel

Jaat oTt nouant Suve hambmqis) thesr bu4as.

Thw etanant wuná a chtes.
an thhun hasandwiue
p 1: Uhambinnqu, nd iche Sundwic
bmgn q v a l
e3hammbugn nmet rplyroet bAve hul
hwak n e , m am
apl oyee Who wenk a 0 hen

n i wuk what b ik probuihh ?

a a hwonld5 hwlshv'h hawe hean i ' i t has sol
S a n d humben v) sarmdw ihs a a ) i o ) , h u t
h wu.

d)To hul hambnngm Total ihur luuses

w.A.+ hamben)
Tohd tuiiben a d wich tw.n. t. hambungas) z 4 uv (SvUX 0.8)

To u t p u t : 2S+4rv t v 22
To tul ft 2UD ha

Pantuhvity 1111s mit]h

6) eAstunat Solel sane numher Snithe,

To tad hkpt v t (1.% x o ) f (o 8x t


PAodautkvih 219S o. t ] hn

5 Ca shd
1 i mpwh 2 mas han a
b. Fsmat nam a baul
Tiwhuk 2 a bmd . To 5 awnea, a ibuk 2 ba1i a dperdask,

Vugola lmmpauim hNe See ece , tunofimal abtaibne6

m between Tinbuk2 ustmds dnd h bgs all hs hi
w l wam Ti'nnbul2
ad sia tuLay olay unbam adutnes Mang Tinshrk?

Taue o r n ugmd indehehihbh, i s nofumnum
hon a Timbuk 2 Lag mtivn jvhs, pesal nslahm
ve heb. as he Tao Tinrbwt 2
h a t male Timhuk2 so uijue ? Ui'yFhe ebsik
at www. Timbul ? .tns anndk Sa 4mne Lah bag
Lnse n m hu hssiBe . J r a

wnt lons herlaband shaafs an Sile thd So hat he

bog t e laned h e keet speas picatier he
Lstere. A gmtk Uih h a M u amd Iha boq
ley h dag. Hrs
dekiveu d e wtmme
cli9es Ti wowle 2 do Pu

7his San Fndme S

hi y h nahh
a tewnn ox hend wo luing totor, eund e uses ho
S a Fnanisto hnt. Dvx Da y o , i t h h
hne v paoduch m ne malee ita Jiuent
ha psdauing ijhs} quakra
ba hwail-4l.

larnl mamfartuns is hrd n h iutnm mln e

o Fu ho ba, andi A uu Ove enet

hehet d staj, phm. Th ba b talasd ho m

e ahas
Sann F n i s v UndSefvia

Ovenn f dliv oh uustme

e t , Timhule 2 ho beqm maksrs smm d 5

i y t a mdina hehmen Th a asnts hak

h e H atunts , t a h and vabu uleormal4 }aitag

Sam Faumsisto buk 2 a g u e t he nters bags

On muuuh mdu mpu x s barl d n d A q i a t Substakly
mn abdn n d a v d i e t a C V y xpnsive machnta .

loon Le alrm w nd mah n ai Jpaca bsels

T'puk 2 ound
m Sam FAgis tob
hana acfon thlm hand walu auteop ua

Sutle 9ne'hy standads n waking nds' he

mhe Tirnhle 2 whye, ony 2u
ha t5 htwm hturbtus hun d wubun

b a n a h s as bfo olei'5 nir dund
Th lomhay nefn hat ma demolmd shW slan

mel het neas

laptep bass Sm hava
ueeisîv Aave vies. h e adA do h onl huinLn
allew h nhu fs h
all dearhmenk S o n Funti'so e ed quakur
akn dv man fvls to-ally

umsider he hwo ate 1oit pao ehub hot

i m ude 2 hrahes a d slb. F unann
milnaen bay, Whak u he ley Corme hkve dinamig
a t ant eiving Saa ? hui ComJeh hue f
oHs Ja he hers
oprop baga S u d n.

Chau e Ihsenhhg k hina hw hat m a

a) olum ce Aat nodhs chim
le q tudnu s slull wankes
vel hnomhim
Pno wnt ) e matuah 2 F h e l qosd veday

mo laqnams
ho rodu 6
Someel chin
he on depich hu boqo piodu S
raniss Skynsrll naju stagta 6/hes fen
dmauhr lusB, Wheut phu lasb shsdd
Tms tML2 Cnsi l
deer siom

Anowes ahe bas smd
7imbde 2 noduus hro late 48nds luduh
Cushm enbmge hass d he leplop hagp.
f t v ide ho eiakize Sevius - lutrmiyl Pnosa
hasdan tnansharmad t e n exat leabion
n aamttus u l o , foks, line th ad fhe
Cmham also yeuiabiz a tn dekruirg ns aodut
wihin hw dass. Th he ud Da mpam e tn
govd haand valha amd hapy ohmen

Mimensn b has untakhs a majes heuhmfo

vu TThsJldowing
Jolow ne acona hat
dvis S u h ee untngu
tmm Mmga ba

an h ustmn Cuus tumslo a fain

e l a y dekvus he pozs wi lin

hwv dars hch idcat 0od Seivia fowanda

The the
C)Auottmi2ahm eik in -
h'T h» u s i s e he ba44 online which

A)Pai Th bo4s ont Sold af a amahlh faiu.

lt bor hh
ma dn
Sle oane.

duca de

f i i t n y e) a wakas 7he waleum ant ighl

Sllle d anl
ledi cotl which hely
l p a y o Cenmpu t ande m h'me
m pwvida dali ven't wihin 2 dnp.
v e ha yiam, a lompary has h n s hum å i5

noduck om kint .

tumekhve tan're
b o h chrnn amd Sum Frümmsto Gundlivg n
nauba and Paiu f diHs mdy n vo
pnodrrh um wthih h ghen m hina hom San } urntusto.

2 umhamr
San Frarii'sus lhnd Jeo dfinemtes tn
Jes imla y'hes n ne Jollo wing dinni

V m e n o bothon u Avaulahr uh
he usna fah whiK wik a d b ish
vttum nduhien Lwpne h San iwrdkies

oh i ual4uait " Jekig, it

hints d k e r g i ba1 he aukro

e)vlof mhmahm prsdenthr u highes n lhine

am at Sa Franisto y l e n0qwa
_atimuhm MAmts mplete ndis h
4) Ameunt f lanw Matsah 7he Lolh wilU haue
Scml 12ons Mafemal e quins neulo

mou dF iniks Goot

Ce vel
Sun F amisto h nodnct s mad on dnden wix be
7he stomin

nat Sas, wm m chira Comhimao pabd

taks p(ate. e hin wil aaquine mne hwls
cFinuohed Godh mveta Pet fhcun a on Fra-site

Supy chain m San Frantiaeo a tbo

Ran Matiol wubs Fe hdesMajati

e n plaud ]|

Cwsronnbn veg Fishus jord


7 lanw Matuial epF Colleeb lausMatal m

hum h
S ard hames hamahchirg ast. Tha
Sndhes alng wiR SLetakiom t e frle! hm
wsit The 90od ohunhe g ovdh
m spatha o
n e leeph m v e t u and
uus tomen's lorah m. uotmen s e b ak 1en ausutel
e w e b s i . The lontnal e t a ti a epohut

o aVad my
hin in thina Jaku
Lans Matiras Mamuda uh F iinhedrvd
w S

CsFor (2ento3

b then han Maae huing l o , Timbale 2 hany

Sheld Lnidin h jollrwi last

a) Taamahakahrm lost

ha hen nviog l s du ho lang

volen m e fro deuuhm

The n


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