Sums of Powers of The Degrees of A Graph
Sums of Powers of The Degrees of A Graph
Sums of Powers of The Degrees of A Graph
Sums of powers of the degrees of a graph!
Sebastian M. Cioabă1
Department of Mathematics, Queen’s University at Kingston, Ont. K7L 3N6, Canada
Received 27 October 2005; received in revised form 23 February 2006; accepted 28 March 2006
Available online 14 June 2006
For a graph G and k a real number, we consider the sum of the kth powers of the degrees of the vertices of G. We present some
general bounds on this sum for various values of k.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
MSC: 05C07
Keywords: Degree powers; Bounds
1. Introduction
Let d(u) be the degree of the vertex u in the graph G and let !k (G) = x∈V (G) d
k (x). Obviously, !
0 (G) = |V (G)|
and !1 (G) = 2|E(G)|. In [8], Székely et al. showed that
! Research partially supported by an Ontario Graduate Scholarship and an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship.
1 Present address: Department of Mathematics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0112, USA.
E-mail address: [email protected].
0012-365X/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1960 S.M. Cioabă / Discrete Mathematics 306 (2006) 1959 – 1964
2. Preliminaries
We denote by Bn,t the graph on n vertices with exactly t vertices of degree n − 1 and the remaining of n − t vertices
forming an independent set. Notice that Bn,1 = K1,n−1 and Bn,n = Kn . The maximum degree of a graph G will be
denoted by #(G) and the minimum degree by $(G). We denote by mk (u) the average of the kth powers of the degrees
of the vertices v adjacent to u and by pk (u) the average of the kth powers of the degrees of the vertices w #= u that are
not adjacent to u. Then
!k (G) = d k (u) + d(u)mk (u) + (n − 1 − d(u))pk (u),
for each vertex u in G. It follows that
d k (u) + (n − 1)mk (u) = !k (G) + (n − 1 − d(u))(mk (u) − pk (u))
which implies
" #
d k (u) !k (G) 1
+ mk (u) = + 1− d(u) (mk (u) − pk (u)). (3)
n−1 n−1 n−1
We will use Eq. (3) to obtain upper bounds on !k (G).
Proof. Obviously, 1 − d(u)/(n − 1)"0 with equality if and only if d(u) = n − 1. Because k > 0, it follows
that mk (u)−pk (u) !#k (G)−$k (G), for each u ∈ V (G). These two relations together with Eq. (3) imply the desired in-
equality. Equality holds iff d(u) = n − 1 or mk (u) = #k (G) and pk (u) = $k (G). The second
condition is equivalent to d(v) = #(G) for each v adjacent to u and d(w) = $(G) for each w # = u non-adjacent
to u. #
3. Main results
d k (u) !k (G) # k − $k
+ mk (u) ! + (#k − $k ) − d(u), (7)
n−1 n−1 n−1
for each u ∈ V (G). Multiplying by d(u), summing over all u ∈ V (G) and using (4), we obtain
2e # k − $k
!k+1 (G)! (!k (G) + (n − 1)(#k − $k )) − !2 (G).
n n
Notice that we have equality in (6) if and only if we have equality in (7) for each u ∈ V (G). It follows that equality
holds if and only if for each u ∈ V (G), we either have d(u) = n − 1 or d(v) = # for v adjacent to u and d(w) = $ for
w #= u non-adjacent to u. Obviously, if G is regular then equality holds.
Assume that equality holds and # > $. We will first show that # = n − 1. Let u ∈ V (G) such that d(u) < n − 1.
Then all the neighbors of u have degree # and all the vertices non-adjacent to u have degree $. If all the vertices v #= u
are adjacent to u, then # = n − 1. Otherwise, because G is connected, there is a vertex w adjacent to a neighbor v of u
such that w is not adjacent to u. Thus, d(w) = $. If # = d(v) < n − 1, then all the neighbors of v (including w) have
degree #, contradiction. Hence, # = n − 1.
Let t be the number of vertices u in G such that d(u) = n − 1. Then the remaining n − t vertices form an independent
set. Suppose vw is an edge with d(v) < n − 1 and d(w) < n − 1. Since d(v) < n − 1, it follows that d(w) = # = n − 1,
contradiction. Hence, G = Bn,t in this case. Finally, it is clear that each graph Bn,t gives equality in (6). This completes
the equality case analysis. #
Remark 6. The bounds (9) and (10) are incomparable. If G = Pn , the path on n vertices, then (10) is better than (9).
If G = Wn , the wheel with n spokes, then (9) is better than (10).
1962 S.M. Cioabă / Discrete Mathematics 306 (2006) 1959 – 1964
For k = 2 in Theorem 3, we obtain the following upper bound on the sum of the cubes of the degrees of the vertices
in a connected graph.
Inequalities (11) and (1) (for k = 3) are not comparable. For G = Wn the wheel with n spokes, inequality (1) is better
than (11). For G = Kn,n+1 , inequality (11) is better than (1).
'!The inequality (1) for k = 2 can be regarded also as a general lower bound on !1/2 (G). It states that !1/2 (G)"
v∈V (G) d (v), for any graph G. If G is d-regular on n vertices, inequality (12) is always equality, whereas the
√ √
inequality (1) gives a lower bound of d n < n d = !1/2 (G).
n2 n2
!−1 (G)" = ,
!1 (G) 2e
S.M. Cioabă / Discrete Mathematics 306 (2006) 1959 – 1964 1963
For a graph G, the Laplacian of G is L(G) = D(G) − A(G), where D = diag(d(u))u∈V (G) and A(G) is the adjacency
matrix of G. The eigenvalues of L(G) are %1 (G)"%2 (G)" · · · "%n (G) = 0. Notice that L(G) + L(Gc ) = nI n − Jn ,
where Gc is the complement of G and Jn is the n by n matrix with all the entries 1. It follows easily that %1 (G)!n, for
any graph G on n vertices.
In [6], Li and Pan used De Caen’s inequality (2) to prove the following upper bound on %1 (G) (see Theorem 3.1. in
Theorem 10 (Li–Pan). Let be a G connected graph with n vertices and e edges. Then
2e + (n − 2)e(n(n − 1) − 2e)
%1 (G) ! , (13)
with equality if and only if G is one of Kn and K1,n−1 .
(13) can be deduced easily without applying de Caen’s inequality. It follows from %1 (G)!n and
n ! 2e+ (n−2)e(n(n−1)−2e)
n−1 . We have already proved the first inequality. The inequality
2e + (n − 2)e(n(n − 1) − 2e)
is equivalent to n − 1 !e. This is true since G is connected.
1964 S.M. Cioabă / Discrete Mathematics 306 (2006) 1959 – 1964
I thank David Gregory and the two anonymous referees for their comments and suggestions.
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