AND Ming, I, W.: Editor'S
AND Ming, I, W.: Editor'S
AND Ming, I, W.: Editor'S
X 0 X
Figure 1 Figure 2
point of maximum profits. But in Figure 2, since the shaded feasible region is not bounded
from above, the problem has no solution-there is no limit to the amount of profits which can
be made, and therefore no "best" combination of values of x and y. Suppose now, that we
AA', to both problems, at a considerable distance from the ori-
adjoin an artificial constraint, -
gin. In the first diagram, since AA' lies outside the feasible region (it is a redundant con-
straint) it makes no difference to the solution. But in Figure 2, this constraint transforms the
problem from one which is unsolvable into one which has an optimal solution - P. Moreover, in
the nature of the case, the solution point, P, must lie on the artificial constraint line, AA'.
The authors then propose the following test:
1. To any linear programming problem, adjoin a sufficiently liberal artificial constraint.
(The authors point out that this can always be done, e.g., by employing the constraint x + y 5 K,
where K is the sum of the coordinates of all of the original extreme points.)
2. Solve this new "regularized" problem.
3. To test whether fie original problem possessed a solution, examine whether the
solution of the regularized problem lies on the artificial conetraint line.
This simple device is used with great skill in deriving all sorts of deeper results,
including general theorems on such problems as existence and degeneracy.
The reader will have gathered that the book will represent an important addition to the
library of anyone who works in these areas. That it is not an equally good vehicle for the stu-
dent's initial immersion in the subject is surely no ground for complaint. It is merely men-
tioned here to avoid misunderstanding of the nature of the work.
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