BAP 213 - Assignment I & II

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Assignment – I Submission Date – 24.08.2020

1. Explain various components of water supply system with a neat diagram or flowchart?

Ans: Typical Village/town water supply system constitutes of a gravity/pumping based transmission
and distribution system from local/distant water source with needed water treatment system.

handpump, N
tube well ON
River, pond, WATER
rain water SOFTENING


2. Mention types of distribution system in

water supply system. PIPE AND
1) GRAVITY SYSTEM: When some D
ground sufficiently high above
the city area is available
2) PUMPING SYSTEM: Constant pressure can be maintained in the system by direct
pumping into mains.
3) COMBINED PUMPING AND GRAVITY SYSTEM: This is also known as dual system. The
pump is connected to the mains as well as elevated reservoir.

3. What are the four classification of pipeline distribution network? Explain with a neat diagram.

1) TREE SYSTEM: This system is suitable for irregular developed towns or cities. In this
system water flows in one direction only into sub mains and branches.

2) GRID IRON SYSTEM From the mains water enters the branches at all Junctions in either
directions into sub mains of equal diameters. At any point in the line the pressure is
balanced from two directions because of interconnected network of pipes.

3) CIRCULAR OR RING SYSTEM Supply to the inner pipes is from the mains around the

4) RADIAL SYSTEM: This is a zoned system. Water is pumped to the distribution reservoirs
and from the reservoirs it flows by gravity to the tree system of pipes. The pressure
calculations are easy in this system. Layout of roads need to be radial to eliminate loss of
head in bends.

4. Explain Underground and Overhead Tank distribution system with a neat diagram?

•Used generally when the pressure in the mains is not sufficient.
•The water is pumped directly to the overhead storage tank and from there the water is supplied
to different floors by gravity.
•The water is stored in the underground storage tank and from there water is pumped to the
overhead storage tank and then it is supplied to different floors by gravity.
•Traditionally, the underground tank is connected to an overhead tank via a pump and a supply
line; the water flows from there to any tap or outlet by gravity.
•The height of the water column above the outlet, supplies the required pressure in the outlet.

•Supply of water is given directly to various floors with required pressure for sufficient hours.
•This is only useful for the building which is not more than two floors.
• Separate connections to be provided for domestic and non-domestic requirements.
•An underground water storage tank is used to safely store potable drinking water underground.

5. Answer the following:

a) Water meter and its types.

• These are devices installed on pipes to measure quantity of water flowing in particular area.
These are installed to keep control on water usage in case of metered water supply.
• Meters installed to measure household consumption are called domestic water meters. Water
meters can also be installed for measuring quantity at stand posts.
• Water meters having sizes from 15 mm to 50 mm are considered for domestic water meters.
• Water meters are made normally of cast iron/brass/plastic body and plastic gears.
I. Displacement Water Meters
II. positive Displacement Meters

b) Domestic water requirement for residential building.

 The quantity of water required in the houses for drinking, bathing, cooking, washing
etc., is called domestic water demand and mainly depends upon the habits, social
status, climatic conditions and customs of the people.
 As per IS:1172-1963, under normal conditions, the domestic consumption of water
in India is about 135 litres/ day /capita. But this figure may be 350 litres /day /capita
because of use of air coolers, air conditioners, maintenance of lawns, automatic
house hold appliances.
 The details of the domestic consumption are
a) Drinking ------ 5 litres
b) Cooking ------ 5 litres
c) Bathing ------ 55 litres
d) Clothes washing ------ 20 litres
e) Utensils washing------ 10 litres
f) House washing------ 10 litres 135 litres/day/capita

c) Water balance

6. Write short note on:

a) Impurities of water
 The types of impurities in water can include dust, dirt, harmful chemicals, biological
contaminants, radiological contaminants, and total suspended solids (TSS). Total
suspended solids are visible particles that can make water appear cloudy or hazy.
 Minerals can cause hardness (calcium or magnesium), color (iron), contamination
(arsenic), and radioactivity (radium, radon) in the water. Humans can cause
contamination through the improper use of pesticides or fertilizers and through the
disposal of waste.
 These impurities can dissolve in the water, causing it to be contaminated. Minerals
and impurities are normally present in very small concentrations, and are measured
in parts per million (ppm) (how many parts of impurities in a million parts of water)
or milligrams per liter (mg/l).

b) Any two advantages and disadvantages of Grid Iron pipeline distribution network.
1. In the case of repairs a very small portion of distribution are a will be affected 2
2. There is free circulation of water and hence it is not liable for pollution due to
1. More length of pipes and number of valves are needed and hence there is increased cost
of construction 2. Calculation of sizes of pipes and working out pressures at various points in
the distribution system is laborious , complicated and difficult.



Assignment – II Submission Date – 26.08.2020

1. Explain any two types of Valves and Pipe Joints each.

I. Gate valve
 A gate valve is the most common type of valve in any process plant. It is a linear
motion valve used to start or stop fluid flow.
 In service, these valves are either in a fully open or fully closed position.
 Gate valves are used in almost all fluid services such as air, fuel gas, feedwater,
steam, lube oil, hydrocarbon, and all most any services

II. Globe valve

 Globe valve is used to stop, start, and regulate the fluid flow.
 Globe Valves are used in the systems where flow control is required and leak
tightness is also necessary.
 Globe valve provides better shut off as compared to the gate valve and it is costlier
than a gate valve.

I. Threaded Joint in Pipe
• Threaded joint means, pipes are connected by screwing with the help of threads
provided for each pipe, one pipe having internal threads and the other one having
threads externally.
• Cast iron pipes, copper pipes, PVC and G.I pipes are available with threads.
• Threaded joints are available from 6mm diameter to 300mm diameter pipes.
• They are preferable for low temperature areas and low pressure flows. In the
areas of high temperature, the joints may expands and leaked due to
thermal expansion.
• Installation of threaded joint is easy but good maintenance required.
II. Flanged Joint in Pipe
 Flanged joints are used for high pressure flows and for large diameter pipes. In
general they are used for plain end pipes or threaded pipes.
 Two flange components are connected by bolts at the pipe joint to prevent

 Generally these are made of cast iron, steel etc. these are having good
strength and do not fail against high pressure.
 Against high temperatures the bolts may fail under creep lost their grip so,
fixing of bolts should be done properly while installing.
 They are also useful for repairing pipelines and maintenance purposes.

2. Answer the following:

a) Xeriscaping
Xeriscaping is a landscaping philosophy that uses as many native, drought-resistant plants
as possible and arranges them in efficient, water-saving ways. There are seven essential
principles to Xeriscaping -- appropriate planning and design, soil improvement, plant
selection, practical turf areas, watering, use of mulch and maintenance

b) Drip Irrigation
Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation system that has the potential to save water and
nutrients by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants, either from above the soil
surface or buried below the surface. The goal is to place water directly into the root zone
and minimize evaporation

c) Hydroponics
In theory, the word "hydroponics" means growing plants in water. Some hydroponic
growers have found they get yields many times greater because hydroponically grown
plants dip their roots directly into nutrient-rich solutions, they get what they need much
more easily than plants growing in soil, so they need much smaller root systems and can
divert more energy into leaf and stem growth.

d) First flush in rain water Harvesting

A first flush diverter (also known as a roof washer) is a simple contraption that diverts the
first flow of water away from a rainwater catchment system. The first pass of water in any
storm essentially washes your roof of all the sediments that have collected since the last

e) Ferrule
A ferrule is used together with the connector that connects the fiber cable either to another
cable or to a transmitter or receiver. The ferrule keeps the fibers accurately aligned within
the connector. Ferrules can be made of glass, plastic, metal, or ceramic material.

3. What is Rain Water Harvesting? Draw a neat diagram to show how rain water is used to recharge
the ground water.

Rainwater harvesting is a simple strategy by which rainfall is gathered and stored for future usage.
The process involves collection and storage of rainwater with help of artificially designed systems,
that runs off natural or man-made catchment areas e.g. rooftop, compounds, rocky surface, hill
slopes or artificially repaired impervious/semi-pervious land surface. The collected rainwater from
surfaces on which rain falls may be filtered, stored and utilized in different ways or directly used for
recharge purposes. Rainwater Harvesting is unrestricted from any kind of impurity, with relatively
less storage cost and no maintenance cost involved except for periodical cleaning.

4. For a double story dwelling unit, show Cold and Hot water distribution system from municipal
water supply.

5. Mark the correct option

A. Storm water is a major cause of urban flooding.
a) True b) False
B. Which of the following fittings is used to connect two pipes at 90 degree?
(a) Tee (b) Socket (c) Elbow (d) Union
C. Which of the following valve is suitable for stopping and starting fluid flow, but not for
regulating flow:
(a) Globe Valve (b) Gate Valve (c) Scour Valve (d) Air Valve

6. A landscaped garden with irregular profile and minor undulation, measuring 35,000 sqm has a total
surface area covered with 20% brick paving, 15% cement concrete paving, and rest with grass. The
peak intensity of rainfall in that region is 70 mm/hr. Tile coefficient of runoff for brick paving,
cement concrete paving and grass is 0.8, 0.9 and 0.5 respectively. The estimated quantity of runoff
in cubic meter/hr for the entire garden area is_____1519______


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