General Strategies: Zoom in

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Step by step to the Golden medal at Physics Olympiad 1

General Strategies

• Detailed solutions to all problems are provided in the system, which encourages to try several approaches
and think at least one full day before looking at the official solution

• With any suggestions please write at [email protected]

Before jumping to solving actual problems please read through Zoom in

basic strategies that work for almost any questions. No need to In some particular problems, no matter how big will be schemat-
seek for meaning of every symbol at the pictures or equations at ics of the system, some part of it still will be too small. It can
this particular chapter, which is given only as a short overview. be encountered quite often with problems when describing in-
Detailed comments to specific problems will be provided further. finitesimal changes in the system. For such situations try to zoom
Thus, every of the below discussed strategies will be repeated in some small part of the system, that will allow to find relation
hundreds of times down the road at different examples For solv- between several infinitesimal parameters. In the example shown
ing most of the Physics problems it is highly recommended af- below was considered a snapshot of the system after a very small
ter reading carefully the question to visualize discussed situation period of time ∆t. To better see all the details, enlarge portion of
in a manner that will expose physical laws that can be written the right triangle was drawn besides a sketch of the whole system
in mathematical form. It should not be accurate 3D sketch, but
rather very simple 2D drawing with indication of key dimensions
of the system, direction of forces, lines of the fields or other phys-
ical parameters that can be used further in writing equations
Draw a large picture
Always draw big scale pictures, so you will not lose any valuable
information, in a dozen different notations at the picture. Below
are given two examples of the such typical drawings from actual
problems that will be discussed in the next chapters

Similar strategy with drawing a larger version of the part of the

system, with detailed notations to prevent the drawing of becom-
ing too messy

Drawing snapshots
Many of the complex phenomena can be easily described in math-
As you can see, if making sketches of the small size, it will be very ematical way by drawing several snapshots of the dynamic move-
challenging to discern different specific angles and writing rele- ment. For example, if a ball is bouncing between a fixed wall and
vant geometric relations for the problem. So, make a habit of not moving piston, its motion can be described by observing one full
just drawing some picture, but drawing clear, large-size figures cycle between the wall and piston, with changing velocities after

Step by step to the Golden medal at Physics Olympiad 2

bouncing and distance between obstacles. This type of pictures gass during three different situations, which were described in
should be drawn in parallel to initial condition, to see a clear words in the question
change after each step

Avoid drawing symmetrical forms for arbitrary

Picture is powerful. Poorly sketched drawing can lead to the
wrong conclusion, distracting with a symmetry that is not actu-
ally present in the problem. Avoid drawing arbitrary triangles
that will look similar to isosceles or with one of the angles that
will be visually close to 45◦ or 90◦ . For the picture presented be-
low, inexperienced student, can accidentally draw triangle ∆ABC
Similar parallel snapshots are recommended for Atwood ma- with angle ∠A look as 90◦ and this can lead to the wrong impli-
chines, with multiple weights, strings and pulleys. To find re- cation between relations of the vectors
lation between velocities or accelerations of several components
of the system, we usually look at the change of the length of each
section of the rope. This technique will be covered further with
many examples and problems. For now just get familiar with
useful approach of depicting snapshots of the changing system at
several time intervals

So, if when depicting an arbitrary system it looks as some sym-

metrical form, it is good to draw picture again. This will not take
much time, but will guard against of taking a false path Draw-
ing complex system by separate parts
Interaction of several bodies is better to illustrate by separate
components of the system. This will make figures more clear,
avoiding a mess of too many notations at one drawing. Example
of such approach is drawing free body diagram for the system
consisting from three cylinders

One more examples of time dependant state of the system

Instead of denoting vectors at the actual system, with tight con-

tact between all three bodies, more useful will be drawing imagi-
nary situation, as all the cylinders were separated by some signif-
icant distance from each other, but applying the third Newton’s
Also can be useful for visualizing given conditions, in form of pic- law, with direction of vectors in opposite direction at the points
tures. Such as pressure/temperature and size of the vessel with of contact between objects

Step by step to the Golden medal at Physics Olympiad 3

that nothing was given to characterize it quantitatively. However,

if assuming that everything is given, introducing a dozen of new
variables, with writing multiple physical laws, which describe
situation in form of equation, then in the end most of the new
variables will be eliminated. It looks like a magic!

Don’t try to understand meaning of each symbol or what laws

are behind those equations, it is just an example of the general
approach how to solve problems in physics. Quickly go through
the example, more details explaining actual laws will be given in
the chapters dedicated to magnetic field

Example 1

Metallic rod with uniformly

Q distributed properties is
placed on top of the shaped wire, which is located in
2D/3D representation horizontal plane. Orientation of the rod is perpendicular
Real life systems are all occuringing in three- to the parallel sections of the wire. Initial distance be-
dimensional space (3D). However, to simplify the problem and tween the rod and bended part of the wire is L as shown
describing physical laws, in most of the cases more appropriate at the picture below. Suddenly external magnetic field is
will be illustrating complex 3D system as a 2D snapshot from the applied in vertical direction. Find new distance between
side or from the top. Usually, only 2D sketch is enough for get- the rod and bended part of the wire S, assuming that there
ting insight about phenomena, however in some cases as shown is no friction between rods and wire, and resistance of the
in examples below, drawing both 3D and 2D schematics will pro- rods is much larger than resistance of the wire
vide a deep understanding of situation, with opening a clear path
to writing mathematical relations for the system

It seems that almost nothing is given to answer definitely

for the question. Neither value of magnetic field B, nor
resistivity of the rod R, nothing except initial distance
between rods L. However, it is still possible to solve this
problem with very limited given information

Start with drawing a large picture

Always solve problems in symbols, no matter how simple it seems

to do in numerical values. This will allow to validate all your
work with checking for dimensions or special cases. In writing
equations don’t limit yourself with several variables given in the
problem statement, on the contrary, create a lot of additional
variables, which can be relevant to the problem, assume that Let us denote some relevant parameters of the system as
everything is given and write down some relations, describing
• h is distance between two parallel sections of the
physical laws in mathematical way
As a prominent example of such approach, let’s take a look at • B0 - external magnetic field
one of the questions, where from the problem statement seems

Step by step to the Golden medal at Physics Olympiad 4

• v0 - initial velocity of the rod after "switching on" Synthesis of both strategies with drawing large pictures/snap-
magnetic field shots and introducing multiple variables for description of the
situation is provided in following simple example and the first
• I - electrical current in the loop problem, where you will have a chance to earn the first 1.0 point
for the correct answer
• Φ - magnetic flux through the closed loop

• R - resistivity of the rod Example 2

• m - mass of the rod A fisher initially swims in the boat upstream of the river.
His life vest fell out of the boat, when passing a branchy
• x - distance between the rod and bended part of the
tree. The fisher had noticed his lost item only after
wire, when velocity of the rod is equal v
5 minut es from its fall and turned immediately the boat
All those variables allow to describe physical phenomenon down the river. At what distance from the tree, fisher will
in mathematical equations: catch his life-vest, if speed of the river is 1 m/sec?


IR =
= Lh d B
∆t dt

dv This question can be easily solved at the reference frame of

F = I Bh = m the life-vest, with a very short solution. However, for the
purpose of providing a simple example with application
ZB0 Zv0 of aforementioned strategies, we will solve the problem
Lh2 Bd B = m dv in the regular reference frame with the bank of the river.
0 0
Start with drawing shapshots, assuming that all relevant
variables are known
1 2 2
Lh B0 = mv0

IR = B0 h

dv 2 2 dx

m = − |I| B0 h = −B0 h
dt dt
Let u is speed of the river, and v is velocity of the boat in
Z0 ZS respect to the river. Then before noticing the lost item,
m d v = B02 h2 dx fisherman will move away from the tree by distance
v0 L OA = (v − u)t 1
mv0 = B02 h2 (L − S)
where t 1 = 5min is a known variable for time past before
1 2 2 turning direction of the boat. If the life-vest will be caught
Lh B0 = B02 h2 (L − S)
2 at the point B down the river, after time t 2 from the turn-
ing moment, then total distance AB covered by the boat
S= = 0.5 m down the river can be expressed in two ways
So, main point is not to limit yourself with information AB = (v + u)t 2
that is given. For any problem assume that everything is
AB = AO + OB = (v − u)t 1 + L
known, introduce all kinds of variab- les and write equa-
tions for relevant physical laws. Down the road, many where L = u(t 1 + t 2 ) is required distance from the tree.
of the variables possibly will be eliminated with the left At the first glance there are too many variables, neverthe-
equations containing only given information less we will try to eliminate some of them with hope that
the rest will be canceled out. For example, if substitute

Step by step to the Golden medal at Physics Olympiad 5

variable of t 2 as Now reinforce learning of all those concepts by trying to solve

L the next problem. Start with drawing simple pictures, under-
t2 = − t1 stand physical essence of the problem; assign multiple variables
into equations of the distance AB, this will result in fol- and describe whole situation with relevant equations
lowing relation
 ‹ Problem 1
AB = (v + u) − t 1 = (v − u)t 1 + L
u Regular pace of the person is v = 5km/h. He counts N =
60 steps, while descending in the underground with esca-
Expanding terms of the last equation many of the compo- lator, which moves downward with a speed u = 0.75m/s.
nents will be canceled except following simple expression How many steps N0 are visible at the escalator? (Picture
provided below is for illustration purpose only)
L = 2ut 1

Only after obtaining final answer in the symbolic form, we

will use numerical values from the question

L = 2 · 1 · 5 · 60 = 600m

where was accounted that one minute is equivalent to 60


Summarizing solution, we started with describing

text of the problem in relevant pictures, assigning ap-
propriate names to the variables. Then assuming that
everything is known, we were writing several simple
formulas and finally solved a system of equations by
eliminating some of the unknowns. Only after getting
final result in the symbolical form, numerical values were


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