Lab Exercise 7.1 - Surface Flaw Detection: In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced
Lab Exercise 7.1 - Surface Flaw Detection: In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced
Lab Exercise 7.1 - Surface Flaw Detection: In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced
5. Click the Model button and position your region around something unique on
Lab Exercise 7.1 – Surface Flaw Detection the plate, such as the screw opening and the first two squares.
The Participant will utilize the following In-Sight Functions to successfully complete this
• PatMax (Snippet)
• SurfaceFlaw
• Mask
8. Drop down a few more rows and insert a comment Train Mask.
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In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 7 | Lab Exercise In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 7 | Lab Exercise
9. Insert a Mask tool to be referenced by a SurfaceFlaw tool. NOTE: The Image being displayed shows the outline of the part where all the edges
are found. This is because the Mask Method parameter is set to Edge Mask by
NOTE: Mask is found under the Structures folder. default.
10. Position your Region around the good Wall Plate (image 1.bmp)
12. Select Largest Segment as the Mask Method and note the change in the image.
11. Reference the Fixture’s Row, Col and Theta to the Fixture results found above.
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In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 7 | Lab Exercise In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 7 | Lab Exercise
NOTE: Any pixels in the white area will be considered in subsequent tools 16. Reference the Fixture’s Row, Col and Theta to the Fixture results found above.
(SurfaceFlaw). Any pixels in the black area will be ignored.
NOTE: There are some noise pixels along the edges of the part as well as the edges
of the openings. We can adjust the mask to be a little cleaner.
13. Increase the Median Kernel Size until the smaller pixels go away and click the OK
17. Reference the Mask region as an External Region to the SurfaceFlaw tool.
18. Allow the other defaults to remain and click the OK button.
NOTE: Depending where you placed your Mask region there may be no defects found
on the good plate (leftmost image).
14. Drop down a few more rows and insert a comment Detect Surface Flaws
15. Insert a SurfaceFlaw tool.
NOTE: SurfaceFlaw is found under the Flaw Detection folder.
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In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 7 | Lab Exercise In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 7 | Lab Exercise
19. Select the fifth image. The goal is to keep the long scratch in the upper right flagged 20. When you have succeeded in making the job identify just the scratch as a defect,
as a defect, but to consider any other blemishes on this part as acceptable, ruling select the fourth image and observe what is identified as defect(s). Decide whether
them out as defects: you agree. If not, try changing the parameters mentioned above to make it work
NOTE: You may decide that you only want to find a certain type of defect (like dark
spots); you can tweak the tool to only select those flaws.
Not a defect
NOTE: The size of the Kernel that is being used in the filtering behind the scenes is
2N+1 where N is the Detection size. This needs to be larger than the size of the
defect. By increasing this number, we are able to pick up the dark spot defect.
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In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 7 | Lab Exercise
If Time Permits
1. Use In-Sight 5400 emulation. Browse to the SFD folder and open the Paper_Cup
folder and cycle through the images to see the variations you will encounter.
2. Use the SurfaceFlaw and Mask tools to detect flaws on a cup.
3. You will need to use fixturing (suggest FindCircle)
HINT: You may want to use Mask to negate where the bottom of the cup meets the
4. Save the job with a new name.
1. Use In-Sight 5400 emulation. Browse to the SFD folder and open the Sponge folder
and cycle through the images to see the variations you will encounter.
2. Use the SurfaceFlaw tool to detect flaws on a sponge.
HINT: Make your region for the SurfaceFlaw tool slightly smaller than the sponge.
3. Save the job with a new name.
In-Sight Label
1. Use In-Sight 5400 emulation. Browse to the SFD folder and open the In-Sight_Label
folder and cycle through the images to see the variations you will encounter.
2. Use the Mask and SurfaceFlaw tools to detect flaws on a sponge.
3. You will need to use fixturing.
HINT: Make sure you set your Detection Size to be larger than the defect to be found.
4. Save the job with a new name.
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