An Analysis of Students' Writing Assignment of Analytical Exposition Text
An Analysis of Students' Writing Assignment of Analytical Exposition Text
An Analysis of Students' Writing Assignment of Analytical Exposition Text
Writing is not always easy to do. Students face some difficulties in mastering
writing skills because they need particular practices to develop their writing
skills. A teacher should understand students’ abilities and difficulties and one of
many ways a teacher can do is by analyzing students’ compositions like generic
structures and language features of analytical exposition texts. These may make
students find some difficulties in writing analytical exposition texts. This study is
a descriptive qualitative study and aims to describe the students’ competence in
writing expository text. The researcher is the first instrument and the second
instrument for this study is the students’ compositions of analytical exposition
texts. To analyze the data, there will be three steps; classification, analysis, and
representing to determine whether the students write analytical exposition texts
with proper generic structures and language features or not. The researcher
found that the students could write analytical exposition texts with good generic
structures and language features. However, there are some students who did not
compose them properly. For generic structures, some students often did not
write a review of arguments in the thesis and reiteration. And for language
features, some of the students often did not apply the diction well. The students
were proficient enough in organizing analytical exposition text in terms of
generic structures and language features. The teacher should give a clear
explanation and understanding in teaching analytical exposition text. The
teacher had to explain how to make analytical exposition text deeply in order
that the students could comprehend the text well. In addition, the English
teacher could give comments to the students’ composition for the better next
writing assignments, because they could understand their mistakes.
Keywords: analytical exposition text, writing, generic structures, language
Writing is a very important skill in human life. Writing allows the students
take their ideas out of the realm of thought and give them a form that other
people can read and consider (Kern, 2000). It means people can share their
opinion freely followed by logical reason through writing.
However, writing is not always easy to do. The students face some
difficulties in mastering writing skill. Reid (1993) states that there are some
Literature Review
As one of language skills, writing is a productive endeavor as opposed to
listening comprehension and reading which are receptive. It is a skill which asks
students to produce their composition. According to Reid (1993), writing as
productive skill is likely considered as unnecessary skill by students, since of the
four skills, writing is the least critical within the framework of foreign language
On the contrary, Percy (1981:7) says that writing is important in students’
activity. It creates ideas of something, which cannot be produced by spoken way.
It also allows students to give information to others about their intentions, and
permit them to express their feelings and emotions. Many students claim that
the act of writing helps them discover idea, make new connection, or say
something they know. Writing can help each student individually to improve his
or her writing with their respect to expression, content, logical organization,
grammar, spelling, and also mechanic. They can express everything they thought
in the form of composition by doing writing.
In teaching and learning process, students are expected to be able to express
their feeling, ideas, and thoughts into written form by doing writing activity. In
writing class, teacher may give less attention to the students’ condition. There
may be teacher’s domination in the classroom activities like giving the
instruction to the students to do assignments without guiding them to do the
duties. Besides, the students are asked to write a paragraph or text based on the
chosen topic which has been prepared by the teacher. However it can make the
students feel bored because they may not be interested in the chosen topics.
In conducting this study, the researcher chose descriptive qualitative
method. Descriptive qualitative studies simply describe phenomena. The
researcher observed and described the fact in natural condition.
According to Bodman and Tylor in Moleong (2008:3), qualitative research is
a research procedure which represents the descriptive data such as words in
written or oral from the people and the behavior that can be observed. The
researcher chose this method because the main purpose of this study is to
describe the ability of the students of a state senior high school in Mojokerto city
in implementing analytical exposition text. Moreover, there was no treatment in
this study. Besides, there were no numeric data in this study.
The subjects of the study are the eleventh grade students of a state senior
high school in Mojokerto city. The eleventh graders have to be able to master
some kinds of texts, including analytical exposition text. This study was
conducted to analyze the writing analytical exposition text of eleventh graders of
a state senior high school in Mojokerto city. The researcher took six students
from one class. It was XI-IS2 class. This class was chosen by the consideration of
the teacher’s information. From this class, the researcher chose those six
students from every level of achiever (good, average, and low) randomly.
The researcher is the first instrument to get the data. The second instrument
needed for this study is the students’ analytical exposition text compositions.
The data were in the form of writing analytical exposition text. The topic
was free. The students’ analytical exposition text compositions were collected by
the teacher as the teachers’ document, then the researcher took the data
randomly which would be analyzed. Table of generic structure and language
features were used to simplify the classification and identification of generic
structure and language features of the students’ analytical exposition text
Table of generic structure was used to analyze the generic structure of the
students’ compositions from the thesis, arguments, and reiteration while the
table of language features was used to analyze their composition in terms of
language features.
Data Analysis
After getting data from the students’ composition, the researcher did the
next step that was analyzing the data. Table of generic structure was used to
assess the students’ composition. Their understanding of writing exposition text
could be analyzed through the table. In the table of generic structure, there are
lists of generic structure of analytical exposition texts. The generic structure of
analytical exposition text is thesis, arguments, and reiteration. In this step, the
researcher used the table to know the students’ compositions whether they are
appropriate or not in the case of generic structure.
After analyzing the generic structure of the compositions, the researcher
then analyzed the components of the language features by using table of the
language features of each text. The linguistic features of analytical exposition
text are generalized participants, possibility of technical terms relating to the
issue, variety of verbs (process) types – action (material), linking (relational),
saying (verbal) and mental, actions are often changed into ‘things’ (nominalized)
to make the argument sound more objective and to help structure the text,
connectives, employ emotive and poetic words, present tense, passive form. In
this step, the application of language features was seen whether it was correct or
not. Then by doing the analysis, the confusion of writing analytical exposition
text could be identified. As the result, the students’ compositions in writing
analytical exposition texts were described.
The Generic Structure of the Students’ Analytical Exposition Text
The researcher collected the analytical exposition text compositions
composed by the eleventh graders of a state senior high school in Mojokerto as
the source of data. They were six compositions of analytical exposition text
represented all levels ability and those compositions were taken randomly from
The type of text was analytical exposition text and the topic was free. The
teacher did not limit how many paragraphs the students had to compose. He
a. Good Level
This is the example of good category made by student 1. He included all
components of the generic structure of analytical exposition text in her
composition. The paragraphs were also showed logically sequenced and the
transition of each paragraph was smooth enough. The writing result below
presented paragraph logically sequenced or chronological generic structure.
1. Thesis
Firstly, it was showed by the thesis in the first paragraph. He included a
good thesis statement to start the text by stating what the issue was and what he
thought about it. The thesis introduced the topic of the text and showed the
general opinion. The thesis was expressed in high articulate manner.
“Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable.”
After stating the thesis, he gave preview of arguments that accompanied
the thesis.
“You can mix pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the
song as a means to your English progress. Some underlying reason can be
drawn to support the idea why we use songs in language learning.”
The first paragraph was started with the problem that was focused, and then
there were some reviews of arguments as the evidence. The writer showed that
the case was learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable.
Then review of arguments which supported what he thought was learning
English through music and songs mix pleasure with learning when you listen to a
song and exploit the song as a means to your English progress.
2. Arguments
The second generic structure was arguments. In the arguments, student 1
composed a series of points with supporting evidence. The students gave
evidence for all points of elaboration which are highly articulate and very well
researched. The series of argument strengthened the thesis stated before. In this
example of analytical exposition text, paragraph 2, 3 and 4 were the detail
arguments presented in a reporting fact to support that learning through music
b. Average Level
This is the example of text that was categorized in average level. It was made
by student 2. She included all components of the generic structure of analytical
exposition text in her composition.
1. Thesis
The first, she included a good thesis statement to start the text by stating
what the issue was and what she thought about it. The thesis was expressed in
high articulate manner but was not accompanied by a clear preview of
arguments. It was started with the problem that was focused but there were not
some review of arguments as the evidence. The thesis was very simple and too
short. Student 2 just wrote “I think sleep is important for our life. Why do I say like
that?” as the problem without giving review of arguments that supported her
idea. She should give review of arguments to support the problem in the first
2. Arguments
Student 2 continued her text to the arguments. The student gave evidence
for all points of elaboration which are highly articulate and very well researched
although they were very short. Student 2 could elaborate the arguments clearly
and it was very well researched. The arguments were also presented in a good
arrangement from the first until the last argument. She gave three arguments on
the writing composition. The first argument consists of point and very brief
elaboration. The point sentence is “sleep can make our body fit shows the
advantage of sleep”. Then the elaboration is “if not, we will feel tired and sleepy
every time”. The elaboration shows the consequences if people do not sleep, they
will feel tired and sleepy every time. It can be inferred that the first argument
use the generic structure correctly.
The point sentence in the second argument is also showed clearly, “sleep also
van avoid our body from many kind of diseases like diabetes”. But the point
3. Reiteration
The last criterion of the generic structure was reiteration. In the reiteration,
restating the writer’s position was reinforced. The reiteration of this text was
organized in a simple way too. “From the fact above, we know the importance of
sleep for our life. It can make our body fit and health for every time and every day”.
The reiteration is used to make the arguments in the previous paragraphs
stronger. It can summarize the three arguments stated before.
Besides, although the organization of composition was too short, it briefly
expressed a fluent idea. The writer could compose the generic structure
smoothly enough and in a chronological order by giving appropriate connectives
in each paragraph like firstly, secondly, and thirdly. So the reader can
understand the arguments or even the whole text easily.
c. Low Level
The text “Dangerous of Drugs” is the example of analytical exposition text
classified into Low level. This text was from student 5. The text was only
completed with thesis and arguments. So, there was no reiteration in this text.
1. Thesis
The thesis organized by student 5 included a topic and indicated the writer's
position; outlines the main arguments to be presented. But there was no review
of argument as the requirement in thesis to accompany the writer’s point of
view about the topic discussed.
The thesis is begun with general opinion of the writer about the topic which
will be discussed on her writing. It is showed clearly in the sentence “The drugs
is destroy of people”. Nevertheless, the thesis does not propose review of
arguments. It can be minus point for the student’s writing. The sentence “Now,
many people injected in drug, so you must know that dangerous of drug like”
actually can be continued as the review of arguments, but she does not continue
to review the arguments to support the statement of problem.
2. Arguments
The thesis then was followed and supported by arguments. The arguments
were used to strengthen the statement of position. This text had three
arguments that were used to support the thesis. Unfortunately, the three
3. Reiteration
Unfortunately, there is no reiteration in this text. The student should give
the reiteration as the form of conclusion from the arguments stated before. The
reiteration can be used to strengthen the arguments in the previous paragraphs.
She actually can give the reiteration like “from the fact above, it can be concluded
that drugs give many disadvantages for people especially for their health, money,
and dream”
All compositions of analytical exposition text made by the students had been
analyzed. From the analysis, most of the students were able to organize the
component of analytical exposition text in terms of the generic structure. The
generic structure of analytical exposition text made by the students showed that
they had understood and they had no significant difficulties. Most of the students
organized the thesis, arguments, and reiteration in analytical text properly.
However, there were still some of them produced the generic structure
improperly, for instance, student 4 did not include the review of arguments in
the thesis of analytical exposition text. She only stated the problem/ issue and
there were no any reviews of arguments. Actually, the review of arguments is
very important in the thesis.
In short, the students’ ability in terms of generic structures touches the
highest level. There were three students (student 1, student 3, and student 6)
who got good categorization in analytical composition text. The thesis,
arguments, and reiteration of the text were very complete. The thesis contained
the expression of the position statement and was accompanied by a concise
preview of arguments. The arguments were explained by strong evidence and
elaborated clearly. Then, reinforcement of position statement was forcefully
stated in a highly articulate manner with strong and clear reference/s to
a. Good Level
It is the example of analytical composition that is classified into good level.
This text entitles Learning English through Music and Songs. Here, student 1
used the linguistic features of analytical exposition text properly.
Generalized participants
Sometimes human but often abstract (issues, ideas, opinions, etc.) – unless
the issue centers on a particular event or incident. The examples of generalized
participants are as follows: simple conversational language, a lot of repetition,
and their own purpose.
Variety of verbs
1. Material process
Material process includes processes of doing and happening. The participant
roles associated with material processes are; actor, the person or thing which
‘does’ the process; goal, the person or thing which is ‘done to’.
2. Relational process
Relating process refer to verbs which give information about the subject.
Sometimes relating verbs are called linking verb or “state-of-being verb.” In the
students writing were found such as:
1. ……… learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable
2. The fact that they are effective…….
3. Songs are relaxing.
In the first sentence, the word “be” was proposed to give information about
the subject that is “learning English through music and songs” which is very
enjoyable. The student also used the other word “are” as relating verb in his
3. Mental process
Mental processes are the verbs that refer to the human being mind. The
examples of thinking verb in the composition were as follow:
“I personally think learning English through music and songs……”
The students used thinking verb in order to show their feeling about
something what he wanted to write such as the word “think”. It was based on
the student’s own point of view.
Actions changed into ‘things’
A term to describe or to express a process as a thing or participant is
nominalization. Another reason for using nominalization is to help structure a
- Some underlying reason can be drawn to support the idea why we use
songs in language learning.
- Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable.
Connectives are words that indicate logical reasons between two clauses or
sentences. The connectives used by the students to show the relationship
between paragraphs. The words “firstly and secondly” are used to show the
sequence of reason why things should be given attention. In the third sentence
the word “in addition” is used to express as well (as) or the act of adding a
Present Tense
Verbs have forms called tenses that tell you when the action happens. If the
action happens regularly, sometimes or never, use the simple present tense. The
simple present tense is also used to state facts, to tell the events of a story that is
happening now, to talk about things that will happen in the future. In the simple
present tense, the adverbs of frequency used are always, seldom, usually, often,
and sometimes.
The examples of the sentences used by the student are:
1. You can mix pleasure with learning
2. …………..when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to your
English progress.
3. Songs in general use simple conversational language
4. They provide variety and fun.
Passive Form
Passive voice refers to sentence which the subject receiving an action from
the object. This type of sentence was found in the students writing:
1. Some underlying reason can be drawn to support….
2. Song can be appropriated by listener….
3. It can be concluded that……
From the example above, it can be seen that the students can use passive
voice in their writing correctly. He used it in the right grammar, those are
followed by past participle, e. g. “be drawn, be appropriated, and be
b. Average Level
In this level, there are three students showed the linguistic features in
average level. They are student 2, 4, and 5. The students’ writing result
presented the linguistic features appropriately. The example of average level is
obtained from student 4.
Variety of verbs
1. Material process
Material process includes processes of doing and happening. The participant
roles associated with material processes are; actor, the person or thing which
‘does’ the process; goal, the person or thing which is ‘done to’
It refers to physical action which others can see somebody is doing or a
thing does. It could be found in the students writing, for example:
A group of doctors wrote a report about some of the effects of too much
From the example above, the words “wrote” is done by the subject in order
to do something. Therefore, the word above is the example of material processes
that was used by the students in their writing. But the student still made mistake
write the word “broke”. It should be “break” because after modal “can”.
“Extra smoke can also broke your lungs, and can caused diseased lungs
2. Relational process
Relating process refers to verbs which give information about the subject.
Sometimes relating verbs are called linking verb or “state-of-being verb.” In the
students writing were found such as:
Do you know if you are to smoke, you may have serious problems with your
health? A group of doctors wrote a report about some of the effects of too much
One of effects is on the lungs. If you are smoke, your lungs has to work
harder this may lead to a lungs attack, or it may lead to other lungs problem.
Present Tense
Verbs have forms called tenses that tell you when the action happens. If the
action happens regularly, sometimes or never, use the simple present tense. The
simple present tense is also used to state facts, to tell the events of a story that is
happening now, to talk about things that will happen in the future. In the simple
present tense, the adverbs of frequency used are always, seldom, usually, often,
and sometimes.
The examples of the sentences used by the student are:
1. You may have serious problems…
2. One of effects is on the lungs.
3. More studies are needed about all these problems.
4. But one thing is clear, extra smoke may make your life shorter.
Passive Form
This type of sentence that is found in the students writing:
“More studies are needed about all these problems.”
From the example above, it can be seen that the students can use passive
voice in their writing correctly. She used it in the right grammar. Those are
followed by past participle, e. g. “are needed”.
Generally, the result of the analysis indicates that the students’ competence
in applying linguistic features is very good. There are only two levels in this
term, good and average level either in implementing linguistic features of
analytical exposition text. In analytical exposition text, there are three students
(student 1, student 3, and student 6) who got good categorization. The students
From the analysis, most of the students were able to organize the
component analytical exposition text in terms of the generic structure. Most of
the students organized the thesis, arguments, and reiteration in analytical text
properly. However, there were still some who produced the generic structure
improperly, for instance, student 4 did not include the review of arguments in
the thesis of analytical exposition text. She only stated the problem/ issue and
there were no any reviews of arguments.
In short, the students’ compositions in terms of generic structures touch
the highest level. There were three students (student 1, student 3, and student
6) who got good categorization in analytical composition text. The thesis,
arguments, and reiteration of the text were very complete. But student 2 and 4
were in average level because they missed review of arguments in the thesis.
The last was low level that was placed by student 5. She did not state review of
arguments in the thesis and give conclusion of the case as reiteration in the last
In addition, the students’ compositions in applying linguistic features are
very good. There are only two levels in this term, good and average level in
composing analytical exposition text. In analytical exposition text, there are
three students (student 1, student 3, and student 6) who got good categorization.
Then there are also three students (student 2, student 4, and student 5)
classified into average level. On the other hand, there are only two students that
belong to average level. They are student 2 and student 4. They still got
difficulties in applying the use of present tense and connective.