Syllabus IN Science-Grade 7: Holy Angel University Basic Education Department

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SY: 2016-2017

SY: 2016-2017

The learner demonstrates understanding of basic science concepts, applies science process skills, and exhibits scientific
attitudes and values to solve problems critically, innovate beneficial products, protect the environment and conserve
resources, enhance the integrity and wellness of people, and make informed and unbiased decisions about social issues
that involve science and technology. This understanding will lead to learner’s manifestation of respect for life and the
environment, bearing in mind that Earth is our ONLY HOME.


At the end of Grade 7, learners can distinguish mixtures from substances through semi-guided investigations. They
realize the importance of fair testing when conducting investigations. After studying how organ systems work together in
plants and animals in the lower grade levels, learners can use a microscope when observing very small organisms and
structures. They recognize that living things are organized into different levels: cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and
organisms. These organisms comprise populations and communities, which interact with non-living things in ecosystems.

Learners can describe the motion of objects in terms of distance and speed, and represent this in tables, graphs, charts
and equations. They can describe how various forms of energy travel through different mediums.

Learners describe what makes up the Philippines as a whole and the resources found in the archipelago. They can
explain the occurrence of breezes, monsoons, and ITCZ, and how these weather systems affect people. They can explain
why seasons change and demonstrate how eclipses occur.



The learner demonstrates an understanding of:

 Scientific ways of acquiring knowledge and solving problems

 Some important properties of solutions
 The properties of substances that distinguish them from mixtures
 Classifying substances as elements or compounds
 The common properties of acidic and basic mixtures
 Properties of metals and non-metals


The learners shall be able to:

 Perform in groups guided investigations involving community-based problems using locally available materials.
 Prepare different concentrations of mixtures according to uses and availability of materials.
 Investigate the properties of mixtures of varying concentrations using available materials in the community for
specific purposes.
 Make a chart, poster, or multimedia presentation of common elements showing their names, symbols, and uses.
 Properly interpret product labels of acidic and basic mixture, and practice safe ways of handling acids and bases
using protective clothing and safety gear.

Week 1 Orientation
Week 2 Introduction to The learners should be able to: Formative:
Science and  Concept Notes: Frayer
Technology  Relate how science and Model
technology affect one’s  Crossword puzzle in the
 Nature of Science and beliefs, practices, and ways of Branches of Science
its branches thinking; and  Socialized Oral Recitation
 Concept mapping
 Technology  Identify the significant  One minute Essay
contributions of Filipinos in  Activity: Traits of a Scientist
science and technology.
Values on focus:  Research Work: My Idol
 View as certain things in Scientist
science with an open mind.
Introduction to Science  Appreciate the contributions  Reflective journal
and Technology of outstanding local and  Mini-Product: My
foreign scientists to science Masterpiece
 Scientists and Scientific and technology; and  Mini-Performance Task:
Traits Role play
 Discuss the importance of  Written Assessment
Values on focus: scientific values in decision
 Imbibe good character traits making and problem solving
of scientists.
Week 3 Introduction to Science The learners should be able to: Formative:
and Technology  Concept Notes: Laboratory
 Identify and classify the Tools and Equipments
 Laboratory tools and different laboratory tools;  Activity: Laboratory Safety
equipments Rules and Procedures
 Demonstrate safe ways of
 Laboratory safety rules and using apparatus in the Summative:
procedures laboratory; and  Written Assessment
 Oral Speed Test (Group Game)
Values on focus:  Practice precautionary
 Obey safety rules in the measures in the laboratory.
 Observe care and proper
decorum in the laboratory.
Week 4 DOING SCIENTIFIC The learners should be able to: Formative:
INVESTIGATIONS  Group Brainstorming
 S7MT-Ia-1: Describe the  Oral Recitation
 Ways of acquiring components of a scientific  Activity: Application of Scientific
knowledge and solving investigation; and Method
problems  Activity: Analysis of
Experimental Scenario
 Scientific Method

Values on focus:
 Respect individual
 Recognize the perspective of

Week 5 First Mid-Quarter Examinations


Week 6 DOING SCIENTIFIC The learners should be able to: Summative:

 Demonstrate ability to work Scientific Method in Action!
 Ways of acquiring effectively and respectfully  Written Assessment
knowledge and solving with others in performing fair
problems testing.

 Semi-guided investigation

Values on focus:
 Form a strong and
cohesive investigatory
 Recognize the
perspective of others.

Week 7 DIVERSITY OF The learners should be able to: Formative:

MATERIALS IN THE  Exercise: What’s in a name?
ENVIRONMENT  S7MT-Ie-f-4: Distinguish  Activity: Does it matter?
mixtures from substances  Exercise: All about Matter
 Properties of Matter based on a set of properties.  Exercise: Elements and Their
 Substances and Mixtures

Values on focus:
 Keen observation
 Respect other’s ideas

Week 8  DIVERSITY OF The learners should be able to: Formative:

MATERIALS IN THE  Exercise:Elemental Tale
ENVIRONMENT  S7MT-Ig-h-5: Recognize that  Mix-O Card
substances are classified into  Activity: Properties of Solutions
 Elements and compounds elements and compounds;  Activity: Solubility
 S7MT-Ic-2: Investigate
 Solutions
properties of unsaturated or
saturated solutions; and
Value:  S7MT-Id-3: Express
 Honesty in reporting data concentrations of solutions
quantitatively by preparing
different concentrations of
mixtures according to uses
and availability of materials.
Week 9  DIVERSITY OF The learners should be able to: Formative:
ENVIRONMENT  S7MT-Ii-6: Investigate  Activity: Acids and Bases
 Acids and bases properties of acidic and basic
mixtures using natural Summative:
 Metals and non-metals indicators; and  Mini Product: Matter on Labels
Values on focus: or Elemental Poster
 Taking action to make  S7MT-Ij-7: Describe some  Group Quiz Bee
positive difference in a properties of metals and non-  Written Assessment
community. metals such as luster,
 Intellectual honesty in malleability, ductility, and
reporting data. conductivity.

Week 10 First Quarter Examinations


The learner demonstrates an understanding of:

 The parts and functions of the compound microscope.

 The different levels of biological organization.
 The difference between animal and plant cells.
 Organisms that can only be seen through the microscope, many of which consist of only one cell.
 Reproduction being both asexual and sexual.
 Organisms interacting with each other and with their environment to survive.


The learners shall be able to:

 Employ appropriate techniques using the compound microscope to gather data about very small objects.
 Conduct a collaborative action to preserve the ecosystem in the locality.

me Frame Topics Learning Competencies Assessment
Week 1 LIVING THINGS AND THEIR The learners should be able to: Formative:
ENVIRONMENT  Exercise: A Compound
 S7LT-IIa-1: Identify parts of Microscope
Parts and Functions the microscope and their  Oral Recitation (Fish bowl)
functions; and  Activity: Using Compound
 Microscopy Microscope
 S7LT-IIb-2: Focusspecimens
Values on focus: using the compound Summative:
 Patience and precision microscope
 Oral Test
 Written Assessment
Week 2 Parts and Functions The learners should be able to: Formative:
 Picture Sequencing
 Levels of Biological  7LT-IIc-3: Describe the
Organization different levels of biological  Cells are us!
organization from cell to
Values on focus: biosphere. Summative:
 Manifest respect for life.  Mini-Product: Stay Alive!

Week 3 Parts and Functions The learners should be able to: Formative:
 Concept Notes: Two-column
 Cell’s parts and functions  S7LT-IIe-5: Explain why the Chart
cell is considered the basic  Think-Pair-Square
structural and functional unit
of all organisms;
me Frame Topics Learning Competencies Assessment

Week 4  Animal and Plant Cells Formative:

 S7LT-IId-4: Differentiate plant  Activity: Animal and Plant Cells
Values on focus: and animal cells according to
 Respect life even at the presence or absence of Summative:
cellular level. certain organelles;  Written Assessment

Week 5 Second Mid-Quarter Examinations

Week 6 Parts and Functions The learners should be able to: Formative:
 Video Analysis
 Fungi, Protists, and Bacteria  S7LT-IIf-6: Identify
beneficial and
harmful microorganisms. Summative:
Values on focus:  Mini-Performance Task:
 Appreciate the importance of Group Reporting or
microorganisms. Advertisement Jingle
 Written Assessment
Week 7 Heredity: Inheritance and The learners should be able to: Formative:
Variation  KWLH Chart or Venn
 S7LT-IIg-7: Differentiate asexual Diagram
 Reproduction from sexual reproduction in terms  Concept Notes:
of number of individuals involved Reproduction
Values on focus: and similarities of offspring to  Research Work: Mode of
 Show respect for life parents; and Reproduction
 Accept responsibility for  Exercise: Reproduction
one’s behavior  S7LT-IIg-8: Describe the process of
fertilization; Summative:
me Frame Topics Learning Competencies Assessment
 Written Assessment
Week 8 Ecosystems The learners should be able to: Formative:
 Description Wheel
 Ecosystem and its  S7LT-IIh-9:Differentiate biotic from  Anticipation Guide
components abiotic components of an  Activity: Ecosystem
ecosystem;  Exercise: Food Web
 S7LT-IIj-12: Predict the effect of
changes in abiotic factors on the
Week 9  Ecological Relationships  Formative:
 S7LT-IIh-10: Describe the different  Song
 Transfer of Energy through ecological relationships found in an Analysis:“Magkaugnay”
tropic levels ecosystem; and  Exercise: Interactions

Values on focus:  S7LT-IIi-11: Predictthe effect of Summative:

 Advocate bio-conservation changes in one population on other  Performance Task: One-
issues and do one’s share. populations in the ecosystem. Click Relationships (Pop-
 Show awareness that all up Album)
things are interconnected  Written Assessment
and everyone is responsible
in treating the environment.
Second Quarter Examinations
Week 10


The learner demonstrates an understanding of:

 motion in one dimension

 waves as a carriers of energy
 the characteristics of sound
 the characteristics of light
 how heat is transferred
 charges and the different charging processes

The learners shall be able to:

 conduct a forum on mitigation and disaster risk reduction

 suggest proper lighting in various activities

Frame Topics Learning Competencies Assessment

Motion in One Dimension  The learners should be able to: Formative:

Week 1  Learning Activity Report:
 Motion in one dimension  S7FE-IIIa-1: describe the motion of Operation Motion,
an object in terms of distance or Distance & Displacement

Frame Topics Learning Competencies Assessment

 Distance or Displacement displacement, speed or velocity,  Laboratory Report:

and acceleration; Fastest Airplane& A
 Speed or Velocity  S7FE-IIIb-3: create and interpret Speedy Game
visual representation of the motion
 Acceleration of objects such as tape charts and Summative:
motion graphs;  Board Works & Quizbee
Values on focus: on Speed, Velocity,
 Observe speed limits.  S7FE-IIIa-2: differentiate
quantities Acceleration
 Practice the use of in terms of magnitude and  Written Assessment
seatbelts as a safety direction;  Performance Task:
harness. Fastest Car
 Realize that time is the
most valuable resource we
Waves  S7LT-IIIc-4: infer that waves carry Formative:
Week 2 energy;  Concept Note: Waves
 Waves  Learning Activity Report:
 S7LT-IIIc-5: differentiate
transverse Waves and Sound
Values on focus: from longitudinal waves, and
 Recognize the importance mechanical from electromagnetic Summative:
of waves in the waves;  Written Assessment
advancement of technology.  Mini Performance Task:
 S7LT-IIId-6: relate the Song Composition using
characteristics of waves; the terms in waves and
Sound  S7LT-IIId-7: describe the
Week 3 characteristics of sound using the
 Performance Task: Mini-
 Sound concepts of wavelength, velocity,
and amplitude;

Frame Topics Learning Competencies Assessment

Values on focus:  S7LT-IIIe-8: explain sound

 Display appreciation of the production in the human voice box,
presence of sound as an and how pitch, loudness, and
important tool for quality of sound vary from one
communication. person to another

 S7LT-IIIe-9: describe how

organisms produce, transmit, and
receive sound of various
frequencies (infrasonic, audible,
and ultrasonic sound)

Light  S7LT-IIIf-10: relate characteristics Formative:

Week 4 of light such as color and intensity  Laboratory Report: What
 Light to frequency and wavelength; Color goes with a
Values on focus:  S7LT-IIIg-11: infer that light travels  Learning Activity Report:
 Appreciate the value of light in a straight line Pigments & Paints; Color
in seeing. Addition & Subtraction
 Venn Diagram: Color

 Written Assessment
 Mini-Performance
Task: Role/Stage play
using tricks of light

Frame Topics Learning Competencies Assessment

Week 5 Third Mid-Quarter Examinations

Heat  S7LT-IIIh-i-12: infer

the conditions Formative:
Week 6 & necessary for heat transfer to  Crossword Puzzle in
7  Heat occur; Heat
 Learning Activity Report:
Values on focus: All at Once
 Be grateful to the presence  Laboratory Report: Warm
of heat that keeps the Earth me up, cool me down
warm enough for life to
subsist. Summative:
 Written Assessment
 Research work: Warming
of the Earth

Electricity  S7LT-IIIj-14: explainthe importance Formative:

Week 8 of earthing or grounding.  Learning Activity Report:
 Electricity Electrical Charges;
 Sentence Completion:
Values on focus: Electricity
 Practice wise use of  Laboratory Report: Static
electricity to help conserve Electricity
the natural resources.
 Charging process  S7LT-IIIj-13: describethe different Summative:
Week 9 types of charging processes; and  Written Assessment
 Demonstration:
Production of static
Frame Topics Learning Competencies Assessment

Week 10 Third Quarter Examinations



The learner demonstrates an understanding of:

 the relation of geographical location of the Philippines to its environment

 the different phenomena that occur in the atmosphere
 the relationship of the seasons and the position of the Sun in the sky
 the occurrence of eclipses

The learners shall be able to analyze the advantage of the location of the Philippines in relation to the climate,
weather, and seasons.

Topics Learning Competencies Assessment
The Philippine Environment The learners should be able to: Formative:
Week  Laboratory Report:
1&2  The Philippine Environment  S7ES-IVa-1: demonstrate how Where in the World is the
places on Earth may be located Philippines?
 Location of the Philippines using a coordinate system;  Concept Noting: Earth’s
using a coordinate system Natural Resources
 S7ES-IVa-2: describe the location of  Laboratory Exercise:
 Location of the Philippines with the Philippines with respect to the Locating Places
respect to landmasses and continents and oceans of the world;
bodies of water Summative:
 S7ES-IVb-3: recognize that soil,
 Written Assessment
 water, rocks, coal, and other fossil
Protection and conservation  Film Viewing
of natural resources fuels are Earth materials that
people use as resources;  Research: Endangered
and Extinct organisms
Values on focus:  Mini Performance Task:
 S7ES-IVb-4: describe ways of using
 Take responsibility in caring Campaign Brochure on
Earth's resources sustainably;
for the environment. stewardship
 Preserve our natural
Interactions in the  S7ES-IVd-5: discuss how energy Formative:
Week Atmosphere from the Sun interacts with the  Learning Activity Report:
2 &3 layers of the atmosphere; Earth’s Atmosphere
 Interactions in the
Atmosphere  S7ES-IVd-6: explain how some Summative:
human activities affect the  Written Assessment
 Greenhouse effect and atmosphere;  Video Analysis: Weather
global warming system
 S7ES-IVe-7:account for the  Fishbowl: Interactions in
occurrence of land and sea
Topics Learning Competencies Assessment
 Land and sea breezes breezes, monsoons, and the Atmosphere
intertropical convergence zone
 Monsoons (ITCZ)

 Intertropical convergence  S7ES-IVe-8: describe the effects of

zone certain weather systems in the
Values on focus:
 Display commitment toward
the preservation and
conservation in the
 Display charity during crisis.
Week 4 Performance Task

Week 5 Fourth Mid-Quarter Examinations

Topics Learning Competencies Assessment
Seasons in the Philippines  S7ES-IVe-9: using models, relate: Formative:
Week 6 & 7 the tilt of the Earth to the length of  Learning Activity Report:
 Seasons daytime; the length of daytime to Why Do Season
the amount of energy received; the Change? Or Seasonal
 Relation of seasons to the position of the Earth in its orbit to Changes
position of the Sun in the the height of the Sun in the sky; the
sky height of the Sun in the sky to the Summative:
amount of energy received; the  Written Assessment
 Causes of seasons in the latitude of an area to the amount of  Mini Performance Task:
Philippines energy the area receives; Album of clippings on
Seasons all over the
Values on focus:  S7ES-IVi-11: show what causes world
 Demonstrate genuine desire change in the seasons in the
to avert climate change. Philippines using models;

Eclipses  S7ES-IVj-12: explain how solar and Formative:

Week 8 & lunar eclipses occur; and  Demonstration:
9  Moon and Tides Occurrence of Eclipse
 S7ES-IVj-13: collect, record, and
 Solar and Lunar Eclipses report data on the beliefs and Summative:
practices of the community in  Written Assessment
Values on focus: relation to eclipses.  Research: Effects of
 Realize that the acquisition Eclipse on Peoples’ lives
of knowledge is so vast and  Performance Task:
we should not stop learning. Poster on Environmental

Week 10 Fourth Quarter Examinations


Valdoz, M.P., (2015). Science Links 7. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Pavico, J. (2015). Exploring Life Through Science 7. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
DepEd Science Module
FAPE Science Module


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