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NET MVC Interview Questions and

If you're planning to attend a .NET Interview, you may also be
prepared for ASP.NET MVC interview questions. ASP.NET MVC is
the framework used to build Web applications for .NET and C#. In
this article, I list top 50 ASP.NET MVC questions and their answers.
The answers are code examples written by authors of C# Corner.

Question 1 - What is MVC (Model view


Model–view–controller (MVC) is a software architectural pattern for

implementing user interfaces. It divides a given software application
into three interconnected parts, so as to separate internal
representation of information from the way that information is
presented to or accepted from the user.

MVC is a framework for building web applications using a MVC

(Model View Controller) design:

 The Model represents the application core (for instance a list

of database records).
 The View displays the data (the database records).
 The Controller handles the input (to the database records).

The MVC model also provides full control over HTML, CSS, and
The MVC model defines web applications with 3 logic layers,

 The business layer (Model logic)

 The display layer (View logic)
 The input control (Controller logic)

The Model is the part of the application that handles the logic for
the application data.

Often model objects retrieve data (and store data) from a database.

The View is the part of the application that handles the display of
the data.

Most often the views are created from the model data.

The Controller is the part of the application that handles user


Typically controllers read data from a view, control user input, and
send input data to the model.

The MVC separation helps you manage complex applications,

because you can focus on one aspect a time. For example, you can
focus on the view without depending on the business logic. It also
makes it easier to test an application.
The MVC separation also simplifies group development. Different
developers can work on the view, the controller logic, and the
business logic in parallel.

Learn more about ASP.NET MVC here: Overview Of ASP.NET


Question 2 - What are the advantages of

Answer - Benefits of MVC

 Multiple view support

Due to the separation of the model from the view, the user
interface can display multiple views of the same data at the
same time.

 Change Accommodation
User interfaces tend to change more frequently than business
rules (different colors, fonts, screen layouts, and levels of
support for new devices such as cell phones or PDAs)
because the model does not depend on the views, adding new
types of views to the system generally does not affect the
model. As a result, the scope of change is confined to the

SoC – Separation of Concerns

Separation of Concerns is one of the core advantages of ASP.NET

MVC . The MVC framework provides a clean separation of the UI,
Business Logic, Model or Data.

More Control

The ASP.NET MVC framework provides more control over HTML,

JavaScript and CSS than the traditional Web Forms.

ASP.NET MVC framework provides better testability of the Web
Application and good support for the test driven development too.


ASP.NET MVC framework doesn’t use View State and thus

reduces the bandwidth of the requests to an extent.

Full features of ASP.NET

One of the key advantages of using ASP.NET MVC is that it is built

on top of ASP.NET framework and hence most of the features of
the ASP.NET like membership providers, roles, etc can still be

Here is a detailed article on Creating a Simple Application Using

MVC 4.0.

Question 3 - Explain MVC application life


Any web application has two main execution steps, first
understanding the request and depending on the type of the
request sending out appropriate response. MVC application life
cycle is not different it has two main phases, first creating the
request object and second sending our response to the browser.

Creating the request object,

The request object creation has four major steps. The following is
the detailed explanation of the same.

Step 1 - Fill route

MVC requests are mapped to route tables which in turn specify

which controller and action to be invoked. So if the request is the
first request the first thing is to fill the route table with routes
collection. This filling of route table happens in the global.asax file.

Step 2 - Fetch route

Depending on the URL sent “UrlRoutingModule” searches the route

table to create “RouteData” object which has the details of which
controller and action to invoke.

Step 3 - Request context created

The “RouteData” object is used to create the “RequestContext”


Step 4 - Controller instance created

This request object is sent to “MvcHandler” instance to create the

controller class instance. Once the controller class object is created
it calls the “Execute” method of the controller class.

Creating Response object

This phase has two steps executing the action and finally sending
the response as a result to the view.
Here is a complete article on ASP.Net MVC Life Cycle.

Question 4 - List out different return types of

a controller action method?

There are total nine return types we can use to return results from
controller to view.

The base type of all these result types is ActionResult.

1. ViewResult (View)
This return type is used to return a webpage from an action

2. PartialviewResult (Partialview)
This return type is used to send a part of a view which will be
rendered in another view.

3. RedirectResult (Redirect)
This return type is used to redirect to any other controller and
action method depending on the URL.

4. RedirectToRouteResult (RedirectToAction, RedirectToRoute)

This return type is used when we want to redirect to any other
action method.
5. ContentResult (Content)
This return type is used to return HTTP content type like
text/plain as the result of the action.

6. jsonResult (json)
This return type is used when we want to return a JSON

7. javascriptResult (javascript)
This return type is used to return JavaScript code that will run
in browser.

8. FileResult (File)
This return type is used to send binary output in response.

9. EmptyResult
This return type is used to return nothing (void) in the result.

Here is a complete article on Various Return Types From MVC


Question 5 - What are Filters in MVC?


In MVC, controllers define action methods and these action

methods generally have a one-to-one relationship with UI controls
such as clicking a button or a link, etc. For example, in one of our
previous examples, the UserController class contained methods
UserAdd, UserDelete, etc.

But many times we would like to perform some action before or

after a particular operation. For achieving this functionality,
ASP.NET MVC provides feature to add pre and post action
behaviors on controller's action methods.

Types of Filters

ASP.NET MVC framework supports the following action filters,

 Action Filters
Action filters are used to implement logic that gets executed
before and after a controller action executes. We will look at
Action Filters in detail in this chapter.

 Authorization Filters
Authorization filters are used to implement authentication and
authorization for controller actions.

 Result Filters
Result filters contain logic that is executed before and after a
view result is executed. For example, you might want to
modify a view result right before the view is rendered to the

 Exception Filters
Exception filters are the last type of filter to run. You can use
an exception filter to handle errors raised by either your
controller actions or controller action results. You can also use
exception filters to log errors.

Action filters are one of most commonly used filters to perform

additional data processing, or manipulating the return values or
cancelling the execution of action or modifying the view structure at
run time.

Here is a complete article on Understanding Filters in MVC.

Question 6 - What are Action Filters in MVC?

Answer - Action Filters

Action Filters are additional attributes that can be applied to either a

controller section or the entire controller to modify the way in which
action is executed. These attributes are special .NET classes
derived from System.Attribute which can be attached to classes,
methods, properties and fields.

ASP.NET MVC provides the following action filters,

 Output Cache
This action filter caches the output of a controller action for a
specified amount of time.

 Handle Error
This action filter handles errors raised when a controller action

 Authorize
This action filter enables you to restrict access to a particular
user or role.

Now we will see the code example to apply these filters on an

example controller ActionFilterDemoController.
(ActionFilterDemoController is just used as an example. You can
use these filters on any of your controllers.)

Output Cache

Code Example

Specifies the return value to be cached for 10 seconds.

1. publicclassActionFilterDemoController: Controller

2. {
3. [HttpGet]
4. OutputCache(Duration = 10)]
5. publicstringIndex()
6. {
7. returnDateTime.Now.ToString("T");
9. }
10. }

Learn more here: ASP.NET MVC with Action Filters

Question 7 - Explain what is routing in MVC?
What are the three segments for routing


Routing is a mechanism to process the incoming url that is more

descriptive and give desired response. In this case, URL is not
mapped to specific files or folder as was the case of earlier days
web sites.

There are two types of routing (after the introduction of ASP.NET

MVC 5).

1. Convention based routing - to define this type of routing, we

call MapRoute method and set its unique name, url pattern
and specify some default values.
2. Attribute based routing - to define this type of routing, we
specify the Route attribute in the action method of the

Routing is the URL pattern that is mappped together to a

handler,rounting is responsible for incoming browser request for
particular MVC controller. In other ways let us say routing help you
to define a URL structure and map the URL with controller. There
are three segments for routing that are important,

1. ControllerName
2. ActionMethodName
3. Parammeter

Code Example

ControllerName/ActionMethodName/{ParamerName} and also

route map coding written in a Global.asax file.

Learn more here - Routing in MVC.

Question 8 - What is Route in MVC? What is
Default Route in MVC?

A route is a URL pattern that is mapped to a handler. The handler

can be a physical file, such as a .aspx file in a Web Forms
application. A handler can also be a class that processes the
request, such as a controller in an MVC application. To define a
route, you create an instance of the Route class by specifying the
URL pattern, the handler, and optionally a name for the route.

You add the route to the application by adding the Route object to
the static Routes property of the RouteTable class. The
Routesproperty is a RouteCollection object that stores all the routes
for the application.

You typically do not have to write code to add routes in an MVC

application. Visual Studio project templates for MVC include
preconfigured URL routes. These are defined in the Mvc Application
class, which is defined in the Global.asax file.

Route definition Example of matching URL

{controller}/{action}/{id} /Products/show/beverages
{table}/Details.aspx /Products/Details.aspx
blog/{action}/{entry} /blog/show/123
{reporttype}/{year}/{month}/{day} /sales/2008/1/5
{locale}/{action} /US/show
{language}-{country}/{action} /en-US/show

Default Route

The default ASP.NET MVC project templates add a generic route

that uses the following URL convention to break the URL for a given
request into three named segments.

URL: "{controller}/{action}/{id}"
This route pattern is registered via call to the MapRoute() extension
method of RouteCollection.

Question 9 - Mention what is the difference

between Temp data, View, and View Bag?


In ASP.NET MVC there are three ways to pass/store data between

the controllers and views.


1. ViewData is used to pass data from controller to view.

2. It is derived from ViewDataDictionary class.
3. It is available for the current request only.
4. Requires typecasting for complex data type and checks for
null values to avoid error.
5. If redirection occurs, then its value becomes null.


1. ViewBag is also used to pass data from the controller to the

respective view.
2. ViewBag is a dynamic property that takes advantage of the
new dynamic features in C# 4.0
3. It is also available for the current request only.
4. If redirection occurs, then its value becomes null.
5. Doesn’t require typecasting for complex data type.

1. TempData is derived from TempDataDictionary class

2. TempData is used to pass data from the current request to the
next request
3. It keeps the information for the time of an HTTP Request. This
means only from one page to another. It helps to maintain the
data when we move from one controller to another controller
or from one action to another action
4. It requires typecasting for complex data type and checks for
null values to avoid error. Generally, it is used to store only
one time messages like the error messages and validation

Learn more here: Difference Between ViewData, ViewBag and


Question 10 - What is Partial View in MVC?


A partial view is a chunk of HTML that can be safely inserted into an

existing DOM. Most commonly, partial views are used to
componentize Razor views and make them easier to build and
update. Partial views can also be returned directly from controller
methods. In this case, the browser still receives text/html content
but not necessarily HTML content that makes up an entire page. As
a result, if a URL that returns a partial view is directly invoked from
the address bar of a browser, an incomplete page may be
displayed. This may be something like a page that misses title,
script and style sheets. However, when the same URL is invoked
via script, and the response is used to insert HTML within the
existing DOM, then the net effect for the end user may be much
better and nicer.

Partial view is a reusable view (like a user control) which can be

embedded inside other view. For example, let’s say all the pages of
your site have a standard structure with left menu, header, and
footer as in the following image,

Learn more here - Partial View in MVC

Question 11 - Explain what is the difference
between View and Partial View?


 It contains the layout page.

 Before any view is rendered, viewstart page is rendered.
 View might have markup tags like body, html, head, title, meta
 View is not lightweight as compare to Partial View.

Partial View

 It does not contain the layout page.

 Partial view does not verify for a viewstart.cshtml.We cannot
put common code for a partial view within the
 Partial view is designed specially to render within the view and
just because of that it does not consist any mark up.
 We can pass a regular view to the RenderPartial method.

Learn more here - Partial View in MVC

Question 12 - What are HTML helpers in


With MVC, HTML helpers are much like traditional ASP.NET Web
Form controls.

Just like web form controls in ASP.NET, HTML helpers are used to
modify HTML. But HTML helpers are more lightweight. Unlike Web
Form controls, an HTML helper does not have an event model and
a view state.
In most cases, an HTML helper is just a method that returns a

With MVC, you can create your own helpers, or use the built in
HTML helpers.

Standard HTML Helpers

HTML Links

The easiest way to render an HTML link in is to use the

HTML.ActionLink() helper.With MVC, the Html.ActionLink() does not
link to a view. It creates a link to a controller action.

ASP Syntax

1. <%=Html.ActionLink("About this Website", "About")%


The first parameter is the link text, and the second parameter is the
name of the controller action.

The Html.ActionLink() helper above, outputs the following HTML:

1. <a href="/Home/About">About this Website</a>

The Html.ActionLink() helper has several properties:

 Property Description.
 .linkText The link text (label).
 .actionName The target action.
 .routeValues The values passed to the action.
 .controllerName The target controller.
 .htmlAttributes The set of attributes to the link.
 .protocol The link protocol.
 .hostname The host name for the link.
 .fragment The anchor target for the link.

HTML Form Elements

There following HTML helpers can be used to render (modify and
output) HTML form elements:

 BeginForm()
 EndForm()
 TextArea()
 TextBox()
 CheckBox()
 RadioButton()
 ListBox()
 DropDownList()
 Hidden()
 Password()

ASP.NET Syntax C#

1. <%= Html.ValidationSummary("Create was unsuccessfu

l. Please correct the errors and try again.") %>
2. <% using (Html.BeginForm()){%>
3. <p>
4. <label for="FirstName">First Name:</la
5. <%= Html.TextBox("FirstName") %>
6. <%= Html.ValidationMessage("FirstN
ame", "*") %>
7. </p>
8. <p>
9. <label for="LastName">Last Name:</labe
10. <%= Html.TextBox("LastName") %>
11. <%= Html.ValidationMessage("L
astName", "*") %>
12. </p>
13. <p>
14. <label for="Password">Password:</
15. <%= Html.Password("Password") %>

16. <%= Html.ValidationMessage("P

assword", "*") %>
17. </p>
18. <p>
19. <label for="Password">Confirm Pas
20. <%= Html.Password("ConfirmPasswor
d") %>
21. <%= Html.ValidationMessage("C
onfirmPassword", "*") %>
22. </p>
23. <p>
24. <label for="Profile">Profile:</la
25. <%= Html.TextArea("Profile", new
{cols=60, rows=10})%>
26. </p>
27. <p>
28. <%= Html.CheckBox("ReceiveNewslet
ter") %>
29. <label for="ReceiveNewsletter
" style="display:inline">Receive Newsletter?</labe
30. </p>
31. <p>
32. <input type="submit" value="Regis
ter" />
33. </p>
34. <%}%>

Learn more here - HTML Helpers in MVC: Part 1

Question 13 - Explain attribute based routing

in MVC?

In ASP.NET MVC 5.0 we have a new attribute route,cBy using the

"Route" attribute we can define the URL structure. For example in
the below code we have decorated the "GotoAbout" action with the
route attribute. The route attribute says that the "GotoAbout" can be
invoked using the URL structure "Users/about".

Hide Copy Code

1. public class HomeController: Controller

2. {
3. [Route("Users/about")]
4. publicActionResultGotoAbout()
5. {
6. return View();
7. }
8. }

Learn more here - Attribute Based Routing in ASP.Net MVC 5

Question 14 - What is TempData in MVC?


TempData is a dictionary object to store data temporarily. It is a

TempDataDictionary class type and instance property of the
Controller base class.

TempData is able to keep data for the duration of a HTP request, in

other words it can keep live data between two consecutive HTTP
requests. It will help us to pass the state between action methods.
TempData only works with the current and subsequent request.
TempData uses a session variable to store the data. TempData
Requires type casting when used to retrieve data.

TempDataDictionary is inherited from the IDictionary<string,

object>, ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, object>>,
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> and IEnumerable


1. public ActionResult FirstRequest()

2. {
3. List < string > TempDataTest = new List < stri
ng > ();
4. TempDataTest.Add("Tejas");
5. TempDataTest.Add("Jignesh");
6. TempDataTest.Add("Rakesh");
7. TempData["EmpName"] = TempDataTest;
8. return View();
9. }
10. public ActionResult ConsecutiveRequest()
11. {
12. List < string > modelData = TempData["Emp
Name"] as List < string > ;
13. TempData.Keep();
14. return View(modelData);
15. }

Learn more here - All About the TempData in MVC

Question 15 - What is Razor in MVC?


ASP.NET MVC has always supported the concept of "view engines"

- which are the pluggable modules that implement different template
syntax options. The "default" view engine for ASP.NET MVC uses
the same .aspx/.ascx/. master file templates as ASP.NET Web
Forms. Other popular ASP.NET MVC view engines are

MVC 3 has introduced a new view engine called Razor.

Why is Razor?

1. Compact & Expressive.

2. Razor minimizes the number of characters and keystrokes
required in a file, and enables a fast coding workflow. Unlike
most template syntaxes, you do not need to interrupt your
coding to explicitly denote server blocks within your HTML.
The parser is smart enough to infer this from your code. This
enables a really compact and expressive syntax which is
clean, fast and fun to type.
3. Easy to Learn: Razor is easy to learn and enables you to
quickly be productive with a minimum of effort. We can use all
your existing language and HTML skills.
4. Works with any Text Editor: Razor doesn't require a specific
tool and enables you to be productive in any plain old text
editor (notepad works great).
5. Has great Intellisense:
6. Unit Testable: The new view engine implementation will
support the ability to unit test views (without requiring a
controller or web-server, and can be hosted in any unit test
project - no special app-domain required).

Learn more here - Brief Introduction to MVC3

Question 16 - Differences between Razor

and ASPX View Engine in MVC?

Answer - Razor View Engine VS ASPX View Engine

ASPX View Engine (Web form view

Razor View Engine
The namespace used
The namespace used by the ASPX View
by the Razor View
Engine is
Engine is
The file extensions
used by the Razor
View Engine are The file extensions used by the Web Form
different from a web View Engines are like ASP.Net web forms. It
form view engine. It uses the ASPX extension to view the aspc
uses cshtml with C# extension for partial views or User Controls
and vbhtml with vb for or templates and master extensions for
views, partial view, layout/master pages.
templates and layout
The Razor View A web form view engine is the default view
Engine is an advanced engine and available from the beginning of
view engine that was MVC
introduced with MVC
3.0. This is not a new
language but it is
Razor has a syntax
that is very compact The web form view engine has syntax that is
and helps us to reduce the same as an ASP.Net forms application.
The Razor View
The ASPX/web form view engine uses
Engine uses @ to
"<%= %>" or "<%: %>" to render server-side
render server-side
By default all text from
There is a different syntax ("<%: %>") to
an @ expression is
make text HTML encoded.
HTML encoded.
Razor does not require
the code block to be
closed, the Razor View
Engine parses itself A web form view engine requires the code
and it is able to decide block to be closed properly otherwise it
at runtime which is a throws a runtime exception.
content element and
which is a code
The Razor View
Engine prevents Cross
Site Scripting (XSS)
A web form View engine does not prevent
attacks by encoding
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack.
the script or HTML
tags before rendering
to the view.
Web Form view engine does not support
The Razor Engine
Test Driven Development (TDD) because it
supports Test Driven
depends on the System.Web.UI.Page class
Development (TDD).
to make the testing complex.
Razor uses "@* … The ASPX View Engine uses "<!--...-->" for
*@" for multiline markup and "/* … */" for C# code.
There is only three
transition characters There are only three transition characters
with the Razor View with the Razor View Engine.

The Razor View Engine is a bit slower than the ASPX View Engine.


Razor provides a new view engine with streamlined code for

focused templating. Razor's syntax is very compact and improves
readability of the markup and code. By default MVC supports ASPX
(web forms) and Razor View Engine. MVC also supports third-party
view engines like Spark, Nhaml, NDjango, SharpDOM and so on.
ASP.NET MVC is open source.

Learn more here - ASPX View Engine VS Razor View Engine

Question 17 - What are the Main Razor

Syntax Rules?

 Razor code blocks are enclosed in @{ ... }

 Inline expressions (variables and functions) start with @
 Code statements end with semicolon
 Variables are declared with the var keyword
 Strings are enclosed with quotation marks
 C# code is case sensitive
 C# files have the extension .cshtml

C# Example

1. <!-- Single statement block -->

2. @ {
3. varmyMessage = "Hello World";
4. }
5. <!-- Inline expression or variable -->
6. < p > The value of myMessage is: @myMessage < /p>

7. <!-- Multi-statement block -->

8. @ {
9. var greeting = "Welcome to our site!";
10. varweekDay = DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek;
11. vargreetingMessage = greeting + " Here in
Huston it is: " + weekDay;
12. } < p > The greeting is: @greetingMessage < /

Learn more here - Introduction to Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor

View Engine

Question18 - How do you implement Forms

authentication in MVC?

Authentication is giving access to the user for a specific service by

verifying his/her identity using his/her credentials like username and
password or email and password. It assures that the correct user is
authenticated or logged in for a specific service and the right
service has been provided to the specific user based on their role
that is nothing but authorization.

ASP.NET forms authentication occurs after IIS authentication is

completed. You can configure forms authentication by using forms
element with in web.config file of your application. The default
attribute values for forms authentication are shown below,

1. <system.web>
2. <authenticationmode="Forms">
3. <formsloginUrl="Login.aspx" protection="Al
l" timeout="30" name=".ASPXAUTH" path="/" requireS
SL="false" slidingExpiration="true" defaultUrl="de
fault.aspx" cookieless="UseDeviceProfile" enableCr
ossAppRedirects="false" />
4. </authentication>
5. </system.web>

The FormsAuthentication class creates the authentication cookie

automatically when SetAuthCookie() or RedirectFromLoginPage()
methods are called. The value of authentication cookie contains a
string representation of the encrypted and signed
FormsAuthenticationTicket object.

Learn more here - Form Authentication in MVC 5: Part 1

Question 19 - Explain Areas in MVC?


From ASP.Net MVC 2.0 Microsoft provided a new feature in MVC

applications, Areas. Areas are just a way to divide or “isolate” the
modules of large applications in multiple or separated MVC. like,

When you add an area to a project, a route for the area is defined in
an AreaRegistration file. The route sends requests to the area
based on the request URL. To register routes for areas, you add
code to theGlobal.asax file that can automatically find the area
routes in the AreaRegistration file.


Benefits of Area in MVC

1. Allows us to organize models, views and controllers into
separate functional sections of the application, such as
administration, billing, customer support and much more.
2. Easy to integrate with other Areas created by another.
3. Easy for unit testing.

Learn more here - What Are Areas in ASP.Net MVC - Part 6

Question 20 - Explain the need of display

mode in MVC?

DisplayModes give you another level of flexibility on top of the

default capabilities we saw in the last section. DisplayModes can
also be used along with the previous feature so we will simply build
off of the site we just created.

Using display modes involves in 2 steps

1. We should register Display Mode with a suffix for particular

browser using “DefaultDisplayMode”e class
inApplication_Start() method in the Global.asax file.
2. View name for particular browser should be appended with
suffix mentioned in first step.
1. Desktop browsers (without any suffix. e.g.: Index.cshtml,
2. Mobile browsers (with a suffix “Mobile”. e.g.:
If you want design different pages for different mobile device
browsers (any different browsers) and render them depending
on the browser requesting. To handle these requests you can
register custom display modes. We can do that using
DisplayModeProvider.Instance.Modes.Insert(int index,
IDisplayMode item) method.

Learn more here - Display Mode Provider in MVC 5 Application

Question 21 - Explain the concept of MVC


ASP.NET Scaffolding is a code generation framework for ASP.NET

Web applications. Visual Studio 2013 includes pre-installed code
generators for MVC and Web API projects. You add scaffolding to
your project when you want to quickly add code that interacts with
data models. Using scaffolding can reduce the amount of time to
develop standard data operations in your project.

Scaffolding consists of page templates, entity page templates, field

page templates, and filter templates. These templates are called
Scaffold templates and allow you to quickly build a functional data-
driven Website.
Scaffolding Templates


It creates a View that helps in creating a new record for the Model.
It automatically generates a label and input field for each property in
the Model.


It creates a list of records from the model collection along with the
delete link with delete record.

It generates a view that displays the label and an input field of the
each property of the Model in the MVC framework.


It creates a View with a form that helps in editing the current Model.
It also generates a form with label and field for each property of the


It generally creates a View with the help of a HTML table that lists
the Models from the Model Collection. It also generates a HTML
table column for each property of the Model.

Learn more here - Terminologies in MVC: Part 3 (Scaffolding)

Question 22 - What is Route Constraints in


Routing is a great feature of MVC, it provides a REST based URL

that is very easy to remember and improves page ranking in search

This article is not an introduction to Routing in MVC, but we will

learn a few features of routing and by implementing them we can
develop a very flexible and user-friendly application. So, let's start
without wasting valuable time.

Add constraint to URL

This is very necessary for when we want to add a specific constraint

to our URL. Say, for example we want a URL.

So, we want to set some constraint string after our host name. Fine,
let's see how to implement it.
It's very simple to implement, just open the RouteConfig.cs file and
you will find the routing definition in that. And modify the routing
entry as in the following. We will see that we have added “abc”

Controller name, now when we browse we need to specify the

string in the URL, as in the following:

Learn more here - Route Constraints in MVC

Question 23 - What is Razor View Engine in


ASP.NET MVC has always supported the concept of "view engines"

that are the pluggable modules that implement various template
syntax options. The "default" view engine for ASP.NET MVC uses
the same .aspx/.ascx/.master file templates as ASP.NET Web
Forms. In this article I go through the Razor View Engine to create a
view of an application. "Razor" was in development beginning in
June 2010 and was released for Microsoft Visual Studio in January

Razor is not a new programming language itself, but uses C#

syntax for embedding code in a page without the ASP.NET
delimiters: <%= %>. It is a simple-syntax view engine and was
released as part of ASP.NET MVC 3. The Razor file extension is
"cshtml" for the C# language. It supports TDD (Test Driven
Development) because it does not depend on the
System.Web.UI.Page class.

Learn more here - Getting Started with Razor View Engine in MVC

Question 24 - What is Output Caching in


The main purpose of using Output Caching is to dramatically

improve the performance of an ASP.NET MVC Application. It
enables us to cache the content returned by any controller method
so that the same content does not need to be generated each time
the same controller method is invoked. Output Caching has huge
advantages, such as it reduces server round trips, reduces
database server round trips, reduces network traffic etc.

Keep the following in mind,

 Avoid caching contents that are unique per user.

 Avoid caching contents that are accessed rarely.
 Use caching for contents that are accessed frequently.

Let's take an example. My MVC application displays a list of

database records on the view page so by default each time the user
invokes the controller method to see records, the application loops
through the entire process and executes the database query. And
this can actually decrease the application performance. So, we can
advantage of the "Output Caching" that avoids executing database
queries each time the user invokes the controller method. Here the
view page is retrieved from the cache instead of invoking the
controller method and doing redundant work.

Cached Content Locations

In the above paragraph I said, in Output Caching the view page is

retrieved from the cache, so where is the content cached/stored?
Please note, there is no guarantee that content will be cached for
the amount of time that we specify. When memory resources
become low, the cache starts evicting content automatically.

OutputCache label has a "Location" attribute and it is fully

controllable. Its default value is "Any", however there are
the following locations available; as of now, we can use any one.

1. Any
2. Client
3. Downstream
4. Server
5. None
6. ServerAndClient

With "Any", the output cache is stored on the server where the
request was processed. The recommended store cache is always
on the server very carefully. You will learn about some security
related tips in the following "Don't use Output Cache".

Learn more here - Output Caching in MVC

Question 25 - What is Bundling and

Minification in MVC?

Bundling and minification are two new techniques introduced to

improve request load time. It improves load time by reducing the
number of requests to the server and reducing the size of requested
assets (such as CSS and JavaScript).


It lets us combine multiple JavaScript (.js) files or multiple

cascading style sheet (.css) files so that they can be downloaded as
a unit, rather than making individual HTTP requests.

It squeezes out whitespace and performs other types of
compression to make the downloaded files as small as possible. At
runtime, the process identifies the user agent, for example IE,
Mozilla, etc. and then removes whatever is specific to Mozilla when
the request comes from IE.

Learn more here - Bundling and Minification in Visual Studio 2012

or Migrate Existing Website

Question 26 - What is Validation Summary in


The ValidationSummary helper method generates an unordered list

(ul element) of validation messages that are in the
ModelStateDictionary object.

The ValidationSummary can be used to display all the error

messages for all the fields. It can also be used to display custom
error messages. The following figure shows how
ValidationSummary displays the error messages.
ValidationSummary() Signature

MvcHtmlStringValidateMessage(bool excludePropertyErrors, string

message, object htmlAttributes)

Display field level error messages using ValidationSummary

By default, ValidationSummary filters out field level error messages.

If you want to display field level error messages as a summary then
specify excludePropertyErrors = false.

Example - ValidationSummary to display field errors

@Html.ValidationSummary(false, "", new { @class = "text-danger"


So now, the following Edit view will display error messages as a

summary at the top. Please make sure that you don't have a
ValidationMessageFor method for each of the fields.

Learn more here - Understanding Validation In MVC - Part 4

Question 27 - What is Database First

Approach in MVC using Entity Framework?

Database First Approach is an alternative to the Code First and

Model First approaches to the Entity Data Model which creates
model codes (classes,properties, DbContextetc) from the database
in the project and that classes behaves as the link between
database and controller.

There are the following approach which is used to connect with

database to application.

 Database First
 Model First
 Code First

Database first is nothing but only a approach to create web

application where database is available first and can interact with
the database. In this database, database is created first and after
that we manage the code. The Entity Framework is able to generate
a business model based on the tables and columns in a relational

Learn more here - Database First Approach With ASP.NET MVC

Step By Step Part 1

Question 28 - What are the Folders in MVC

application solutions?
Answer - Understanding the folders
When you create a project a folder structure gets created by default
under the name of your project which can be seen in solution
explorer. Below i will give you a brief explanation of what these
folders are for.


This folder contains classes that is used to provide data. These

classes can contain data that is retrived from the database or data
inserted in the form by the user to update the database.


These are the classes which will perform the action invoked by the
user. These classes contains methods known as "Actions" which
responds to the user action accordingly.


These are simple pages which uses the model class data to
populate the HTML controls and renders it to the client browser.


Contains Classes such as FilterConfig, RoutesConfig,

WebApiConfig. As of now we need to understand the RouteConfig
class. This class contains the default format of the url that should be
supplied in the browser to navigate to a specified page.

Question 29 - What is difference between

MVC and Web Forms?
Answer - ASP.Net MVC / Web Forms difference

The following are some difference.

ASP.Net MVC ASP.Net Web Forms
View and logic are separate, it has
No separation of concerns;
separation of concerns theory. MVC
Views are tightly coupled with
3 onwards has .aspx page as
logic (.aspx.cs /.vb file).
Introduced concept of routing for
File-based routing .Redirection
route based URL. Routing is
is based on pages.
declared in Global.asax for example.
Support Razor syntax as well as Support web forms syntax
.aspx only.
State management handled via
Tempdata, ViewBag, and View
State management handled
Data. Since the controller and view
via View State. Large
are not dependent and also since
viewstate, in other words
there is no view state concept in
increase in page size.
ASP.NET, MVC keeps the pages
Partial Views User Controls
HTML Helpers Server Controls
Each page has its own code,
Multiple pages can have the same
in other words direct
controller to satisfy their
dependency on code. For
requirements. A controller may have
example Sachin.aspx is
multiple Actions (method name
dependent on Sachin.aspx.cs
inside the controller class).
(code behind) file.
Unit Testing is quite easier than Direct dependency, tight
ASP.Net Web forms Since a web coupling raises issues in
form and code are separate files. testing.
layouts Master pages

Here are more Similarities and Dissimilarities Between MVC and

Web Forms.

Question 30 - What are the methods of

handling an Error in MVC?
Exception handling may be required in any application, whether it is
a web application or a Windows Forms application.

ASP.Net MVC has an attribute called "HandleError" that provides

built-in exception filters. The HandleError attribute in ASP.NET
MVC can be applied over the action method as well as Controller or
at the global level. The HandleError attribute is the default
implementation of IExceptionFilter. When we create a MVC
application, the HandleError attribute is added within the
Global.asax.cs file and registered in the Application_Start event.

1. public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFil

terCollection filters)
2. {
3. filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());
4. }
5. protected void Application_Start()
6. {
7. AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas();
8. RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters);

9. RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes);
10. }

Important properties of HandleError attribute

The HandleError Error attribute has a couple for properties that are
very useful in handling the exception.


Type of exception to be catch. If this property is not specified then

the HandleError filter handles all exceptions.


Name of the view page for displaying the exception information.

Master View for displaying the exception.


Order in which the action filters are executed. The Order property
has an integer value and it specifies the priority from 1 to any
positive integer value. 1 means highest priority and the greater the
value of the integer is, the lower is the priority of the filter.


It indicates whether more than one instance of the error filter

attribute can be specified.


1. [HandleError(View = "Error")]
2. public class HomeController: Controller
3. {
4. public ActionResult Index()
5. {
6. ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!
7. int u = Convert.ToInt32(""); // Error line

8. return View();
9. }
10. }

HandleError Attribute at Action Method Level,

1. [HandleError(View = "Error")]
2. public ActionResult Index()
3. {
4. ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";
5. int u = Convert.ToInt32(""); // Error line
6. return View();
7. }

Here are more details on Exception or Error Handling in ASP.Net

MVC Using HandleError Attribute.
Question 31 - How can we pass the data
From Controller To View In MVC?

There are three options in Model View Controller (MVC) for passing
data from controller to view. This article attempts to explain the
differences among ViewData, ViewBag and TempData with
examples. ViewData and ViewBag are similar and TempData
performs additional responsibility. The following are the key points
on those three objects.


 The ViewData is used to move data from controller to view.

 The ViewData is a dictionary of objects that are derived from
the "ViewDataDictionary" class and it will be accessible using
strings as keys.
 ViewData contains a null value when redirection occurs.
 ViewData requires typecasting for complex data types.


 ViewBag is just a dynamic wrapper around ViewData and

exists only in ASP.NET MVC 3. ViewBag is a dynamic
property that takes advantage of the new dynamic features in
C# 4.0.
 ViewBag doesn't require typecasting for complex data types.
 ViewBag also contain a null value when redirection occurs.


 ViewData moves data from controller to view.

 Use TempData when you need data to be available for the
next request, only. In the next request, it will be there but will
be gone after that.
 TempData is used to pass data from the current request to the
subsequent request, in other words in case of redirection. That
means the value of TempData will not be null.
Learn more here - Various Ways to Pass Data From Controller to
View in MVC 4

Question 32 - What is Scaffolding in MVC?


Scaffolding is a code generation framework for ASP.NET Web

applications. Visual Studio 2013 includes pre-installed code
generators for MVC and Web API projects. You add scaffolding to
your project when you want to quickly add code that interacts with
data models. Using scaffolding can reduce the amount of time to
develop standard data operations in your project.


To use ASP.NET Scaffolding, you must have,

 Microsoft Visual Studio 2013

 Web Developer Tools (part of default Visual Studio 2013
 ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2013 (part of default
Visual Studio 2013 installation)

What are the Advantages of using Scaffolding ?

 Minimal or no code to create a data-driven Web applications.

 Quick development time.
 Pages that are fully functional and include display, insert, edit,
delete, sorting, and paging functionalities.
 Built-in data validation that is based on the database schema.
 Filters that are created for each foreign key or Boolean fields.

Learn more here - Scaffolding In MVC 5

Question 33 - What is ViewStart?


Razor View Engine introduced a new layout named _ViewStart

which is applied on all view automatically. Razor View Engine firstly
executes the _ViewStart and then start rendering the other view
and merges them.

Example of Viewstart

1. @ {
2. Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_v1.cshtml";
3. } < !DOCTYPE html >
4. < html >
5. < head >
6. < meta name = "viewport"
7. content = "width=device-width" / >
8. < title > ViewStart < /title> < /head> < body
9. < /body> < /html>

Learn more here - Viewstart Page in ASP.NET MVC 3

Question 34 - What is JsonResultType in


Action methods on controllers return JsonResult (JavaScript Object

Notation result) that can be used in an AJAX application. This class
is inherited from the "ActionResult" abstract class. Here Json is
provided one argument which must be serializable. The JSON
result object that serializes the specified object to JSON format.

1. public JsonResult JsonResultTest()

2. {
3. return Json("Hello My Friend!");
4. }

Learn more here - ActionResult Return Type in MVC 3.0

Question 35 - What is TempData?

Answer - Tempdata

 TempData is a dictionary object derived from the

TempDataDictionary class.
 TempData is used to pass data from the current request to a
subsequent request, in other words in the case of redirection.
 The life of a TempData is very short and it retains its value for
a short period of time.
 It requires typecasting for complex data type as I’ve used in
my example:
 @foreach (var item in
 You can retain its value using the Keep method for
subsequent requests.

Question 36 - How to use ViewBag?


ViewBag is dynamic property that takes advantage of new dynamic

features in C# 4.0. It's also used to pass data from a controller to a
view. In short, The ViewBag property is simply a wrapper around
the ViewData that exposes the ViewData dictionary as a dynamic
object. Now create an action method "StudentSummary" in the
"DisplayDataController" controller that stores a Student class object
in ViewBag.

1. public ActionResult StudentSummary()

2. {
3. var student = new Student()
4. {
5. Name = "Sandeep Singh Shekhawat",
6. Age = 24,
7. City = "Jaipur"
8. };
9. ViewBag.Student = student;
10. return View();
11. }

Thereafter create a view StudentSummary

("StudentSummary.cshtml") that shows student object data.
ViewBag does not require typecasting for complex data type so you
can directly access the data from ViewBag.

1. @ {
2. ViewBag.Title = "Student Summary";
3. var student = ViewBag.Student;
4. }
5. < table >
6. < tr >
7. < th > Name < /th> < th > Age < /th> < th > Ci
ty < /th> < /tr> < tr >
8. < td > @student.Name < /td> < td > @student.Ag
e < /td> < td > @student.City < /td> < /tr>
9. < /table>

Here we used one more thing, "ViewBag.Title", that shows the title
of the page.

Learn more here - Displaying Data on View From Controller

Question 37 - What are the Difference

between ViewBag&ViewData?
Answer - Difference between ViewBag&ViewData?

 ViewData is a dictionary of objects that is derived from

ViewDataDictionary class and accessible using strings as
 ViewBag is a dynamic property that takes advantage of the
new dynamic features in C# 4.0.
 ViewData requires typecasting for complex data type and
check for null values to avoid error.
 ViewBag doesn't require typecasting for complex data type.
 Calling of ViewBag is:

ViewBag.Name = "Yogesh";
Calling of ViewDatais :
ViewData["Name"] = "yogesh";

Learn more here - Difference Between ViewBag & ViewData in


Question 38 - What is Data Annotation

Validator Attributes in MVC?
Answer - Using the Data Annotation Validator Attributes

DataAnnotation plays a vital role in added validation to properties

while designing the model itself. This validation can be added for
both the client side and the server side.

You understand that decorating the properties in a model with an

Attribute can make that property eligible for Validation.

Some of the DataAnnotation used for validation are given below,

1. Required
Specify a property as required.
1. [Required(ErrorMessage="CustomerName is mandatory")]

2. RegularExpression
Specifies the regular expression to validate the value of the
1. [RegularExpression("[a-z]", ErrorMessage = "Invalid

3. Range
Specifies the Range of values between which the property
values are checked.
1. [Range(1000,10000,ErrorMessage="Range should be
between 1k & 10k")]

4. StringLength
Specifies the Min & Max length for a string property.
1. [StringLength(50, MinimumLength = 5, ErrorMessage =
"Minimum char is 5 and maximum char is 10")]

5. MaxLength
Specifies the Max length for the property value.
1. [MaxLength(10,ErrorMessage="Customer Code is
6. MinLength
It is used to check for minimum length.
1. [MinLength(5, ErrorMessage = "Customer Code is too

Learn more here - Adding Custom Validation in MVC

Question 39 - How can we done Custom

Error Page in MVC?

The HandleErrorAttribute allows you to use a custom page for this

error. First you need to update your web.config file to allow your
application to handle custom errors.

1. <system.web>
2. <customErrors mode="On">
3. </system.web>

Then, your action method needs to be marked with the atttribute.

1. [HandleError]
2. public class HomeController: Controller
3. {
4. [HandleError]
5. publicActionResultThrowException()
6. {
7. throw new ApplicationException();
8. }
9. }

By calling the ThrowException action, this would then redirect the

user to the default error page. In our case though, we want to use a
custom error page and redirect the user there instead.So, let's
create our new custom view page.
Next, we simply need to update the HandleErrorAttribute on the
action method.

1. [HandleError]
2. public class HomeController: Controller
3. {
4. [HandleError(View = "CustomErrorView")]
5. publicActionResultThrowException()
6. {
7. throw new ApplicationException();
8. }
9. }

Learn more here - Custom Error Page in ASP.NET MVC

Question 40 - Server Side Validation in


The ASP.NET MVC Framework validates any data passed to the

controller action that is executing, It populates a ModelState object
with any validation failures that it finds and passes that object to the
controller. Then the controller actions can query the ModelState to
discover whether the request is valid and react accordingly.

I will use two approaches in this article to validate a model data.

One is to manually add an error to the ModelState object and
another uses the Data Annotation API to validate the model data.

Approach 1 - Manually Add Error to ModelState object

I create a User class under the Models folder. The User class has
two properties "Name" and "Email". The "Name" field has required
field validations while the "Email" field has Email validation. So let's
see the procedure to implement the validation. Create the User
Model as in the following,

1. namespace ServerValidation.Models
2. {
3. public class User
4. {
5. public string Name
6. {
7. get;
8. set;
9. }
10. public string Email
11. {
12. get;
13. set;
14. }
15. }
16. }

After that I create a controller action in User Controller

(UserController.cs under Controllers folder). That action method
has logic for the required validation for Name and Email validation
on the Email field. I add an error message on ModelState with a key
and that message will be shown on the view whenever the data is
not to be validated in the model.

1. using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
2. using System.Web.Mvc;
3. namespace ServerValidation.Controllers
4. {
5. public class UserController: Controller
6. {
7. public ActionResult Index()
8. {
9. return View();
10. }
11. [HttpPost]
12. public ActionResult Index(ServerValid
ation.Models.User model)
13. {
15. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Na
16. {
17. ModelState.AddModelError("Nam
e", "Name is required");
18. }
19. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.E
20. {
21. string emailRegex = @ "^([a-
zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}" +
22. @ "\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-
9]{1,3}\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\" +
23. @ ".)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-
24. Regex re = new Regex(emailReg
25. if (!re.IsMatch(model.Email))

26. {
27. ModelState.AddModelError(
"Email", "Email is not valid");
28. }
29. } else {
30. ModelState.AddModelError("Ema
il", "Email is required");
31. }
32. if (ModelState.IsValid)
33. {
34. ViewBag.Name = model.Name;
35. ViewBag.Email = model.Email;

36. }
37. return View(model);
38. }
39. }
40. }

Thereafter I create a view (Index.cshtml) for the user input under

the User folder.

1. @model ServerValidation.Models.User
2. @ {
3. ViewBag.Title = "Index";
4. }
5. @using(Html.BeginForm())
6. {
7. if (@ViewData.ModelState.IsValid)
8. {
9. if (@ViewBag.Name != null)
10. { < b >
11. Name: @ViewBag.Name < br / >

12. Email: @ViewBag.Email < /b>

13. }
14. } < fieldset >
15. < legend > User < /legend> < div cla
ss = "editor-label" >
16. @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Name) <
/div> < div class = "editor-field" >
17. @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Name)

18. @if(!ViewData.ModelState.IsValid)
19. {
20. < span class = "field-validation-
error" > @ViewData.ModelState["Name"].Errors[0].Er
rorMessage < /span>
22. }
23. < /div> < div class = "editor-label" >

25. @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Email)

< /div> < div class = "editor-field" >
26. @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Email)

27. @if(!ViewData.ModelState.IsValid)
28. {
29. < span class = "field-validation-
error" > @ViewData.ModelState["Email"].Errors[0].E
rrorMessage < /span>
30. }
31. < /div> < p >
32. < input type = "submit"
33. value = "Create" / >
34. < /p> < /fieldset>
35. }

Question 41 - What is the use of remote

validation in MVC?

Remote validation is the process where we validate specific data

posting data to a server without posting the entire form data to the
server. Let's see an actual scenario, in one of my projects I had a
requirement to validate an email address, whetehr it already exists
in the database. Remote validation was useful for that; without
posting all the data we can validate only the email address supplied
by the user.

Practical Explanation

Let's create a MVC project and name it accordingly, for me its

“TestingRemoteValidation”. Once the project is created let's create
a model named UserModel that will look like:

1. public class UserModel

2. {
3. [Required]
4. public string UserName
5. {
6. get;
7. set;
8. }
9. [Remote("CheckExistingEmail", "Home", ErrorMes
sage = "Email already exists!")]
10. public string UserEmailAddress
11. {
12. get;
13. set;
14. }
15. }

Let's get some understanding of the remote attribute used, so the

very first parameter “CheckExistingEmail” is the the name of the
action. The second parameter “Home” is referred to as controller so
to validate the input for the UserEmailAddress the
“CheckExistingEmail” action of the “Home” controller is called and
the third parameter is the error message. Let's implement the
“CheckExistingEmail” action result in our home controller.

1. public ActionResult CheckExistingEmail(string User

2. {
3. bool ifEmailExist = false;
4. try
5. {
6. ifEmailExist = UserEmailAddress.Equals("mu
[email protected]") ? true : false;
7. return Json(!ifEmailExist, JsonRequestBeha
8. } catch (Exception ex)
9. {
10. return Json(false, JsonRequestBehavio
11. }
12. }

Learn more here - Remote Validation in MVC

Question 42 - What are the Exception filters

in MVC?

Exception are part and parcel of an application. They are a boon

and a ban for an application too. Isn't it? This would be
controversial, for developers it helps them track minor and major
defects in an application and sometimes they are frustrating when it
lets users land on the Yellow screen of death each time. This would
make the users mundane to the application. Thus to avoid this,
developers handle the exceptions. But still sometimes there are a
few unhandled exceptions.

Now what is to be done for them? MVC provides us with built-in

"Exception Filters" about which we will explain here.
cc: Google

Let's start!

A Yellow screen of Death can be said is as a wardrobe malfunction

of our application.

Get Started

Exception filters run when some of the exceptions are unhandled

and thrown from an invoked action. The reason for the exception
can be anything and so is the source of the exception.

Creating an Exception Filter

Custom Exception Filters must implement the builtinIExceptionFilter

interface. The interface looks as in the following,

1. public interface IExceptionFilter

2. {
3. void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContex
4. }

Whenever an unhandled exception is encountered, the

OnException method gets invoked. The parameter as we can see,
ExceptionContext is derived from the ControllerContext and has a
number of built-in properties that can be used to get the information
about the request causing the exception. Their property's
ExceptionContextpassess are shown in the following table:

Name Type Detail

The result returned by the action
Result ActionResult
being invoked.
The unhandled exceptions caused
Exception Exception
from the actions in the applications.
This is a very handy property that
returns a bool value (true/false)
ExceptionHandled BOOL based on if the exception is handled
by any of the filters in the
applicaiton or not.

The exception being thrown from the action is detailed by the

Exception property and once handled (if), then the property
ExceptionHandled can be toggled, so that the other filters would
know if the exception has been already handled and cancel the
other filter requests to handle. The problem is that if the exceptions
are not handled, then the default MVC behavior shows the dreaded
yellow screen of death. To the users, that makes a very impression
on the users and more importantly, it exposes the application's
handy and secure information to the outside world that may have
hackers and then the application gets into the road to hell. Thus, the
exceptions need to be dealt with very carefully. Let's show one
small custom exception filter. This filter can be stored inside the
Filters folder in the web project of the solution. Let's add a file/class
called CustomExceptionFilter.cs.

1. public class CustomExceptionFilter: FilterAttribut

2. IExceptionFilter
3. {
4. public void OnException(ExceptionContext f
5. {
6. if (!filterContext.ExceptionHandled &&
filterContext.Exception is NullReferenceException
7. {
8. filterContext.Result = new Redirec
9. filterContext.ExceptionHandled = t
10. }
11. }
12. }

Learn more here - Exception Filters in MVC

Question 43 - What is MVC HTML- Helpers

and its Methods?

Helper methods are used to render HTML in the view. Helper

methods generates HTML output that is part of the view. They
provide an advantage over using the HTML elements since they
can be reused across the views and also requires less coding.
There are several builtin helper methods that are used to generate
the HTML for some commonly used HTML elements, like form,
checkbox, dropdownlist etc. Also we can create our own helper
methods to generate custom HTML. First we will see how to use the
builtin helper methods and then we will see how to create custom
helper methods.

Standard HtmlHelper methods

Some of the standard helper methods are,

 ActionLink: Renders an anchor.

 BeginForm: Renders HTML form tag
 CheckBox: Renders check box.
 DropDownList: Renders drop-down list.
 Hidden: Renders hidden field
 ListBox: Renders list box.
 Password: Renders TextBox for password input
 RadioButton: Renders radio button.
 TextArea: Renders text area.
 TextBox: Renders text box.

Learn more here - HtmlHelper Methods in ASP.NET MVC

Question 44 - Define Controller in MVC?


The controller provides model data to the view, and interprets user
actions such as button clicks. The controller depends on the view
and the model. In some cases, the controller and the view are the
same object.
The Controllers Folder

The Controllers Folder contains the controller classes responsible

for handling user input and responses. MVC requires the name of
all controllers to end with "Controller".

In our example, Visual Web Developer has created the following

files: HomeController.cs (for the Home and About pages) and
AccountController.cs (For the Log On pages):

Learn more here - ASP.Net MVC Controller

Question 45 - Explain Model in MVC?


The model represents the data, and does nothing else. The model
does NOT depend on the controller or the view. The MVC Model
contains all application logic (business logic, validation logic, and
data access logic), except pure view and controller logic. With MVC,
models both hold and manipulate application data.

The Models Folder

The Models Folder contains the classes that represent the
application model.

Visual Web Developer automatically creates an AccountModels.cs

file that contains the models for application security.

Learn more here - Model in ASP.Net MVC : Part 1

Question 46 - Explain View in MVC?


A view is responsible for displaying all of, or a portion of, data for
users. In simple terms, whatever we see on the output screen is a

The Views Folder

The Views folder stores the files (HTML files) related to the display
of the application (the user interfaces). These files may have the
extensions html, asp, aspx, cshtml, and vbhtml, depending on the
language content.

The Views folder contains one folder for each controller. Visual Web
Developer has created an Account folder, a Home folder, and a
Shared folder (inside the Views folder). The Account folder contains
pages for registering and logging in to user accounts. The Home
folder is used for storing application pages like the home page and
the about page. The Shared folder is used to store views shared
between controllers (master pages and layout pages).
Learn more here - ASP.Net MVC View

Question 47 - What is Attribute Routing in


A route attribute is defined on top of an action method. The

following is the example of a Route Attribute in which routing is
defined where the action method is defined.

In the following example, I am defining the route attribute on top of

the action method

1. public class HomeController: Controller

2. {
3. //URL: /Mvctest
4. [Route(“Mvctest”)]
5. public ActionResult Index()
6. ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";
7. return View();
8. }
9. }

Attribute Routing with Optional Parameter

We can also define an optional parameter in the URL pattern by

defining a question mark (“?") to the route parameter. We can also
define the default value by using parameter=value.

1. public class HomeController: Controller

2. {
3. // Optional URI Parameter
4. // URL: /Mvctest/
5. // URL: /Mvctest/0023654
6. [Route(“Mvctest /
7. {
8. customerName ?
9. }”)]
10. public ActionResult OtherTest(string
11. ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET
12. return View();
13. }
14. // Optional URI Parameter with default va
15. // URL: /Mvctest/
16. // URL: /Mvctest/0023654
17. [Route(“Mvctest /
18. {
19. customerName = 0036952
20. }”)]
21. public ActionResult OtherTest(string customer
22. {
23. ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC
24. return View();
25. }
26. }

Learn more here - Attribute Routing in ASP.Net MVC 5.0

Question 48 - Explain RenderSection in


RenderSection() is a method of the WebPageBase class. Scott

wrote at one point, The first parameter to the "RenderSection()"
helper method specifies the name of the section we want to render
at that location in the layout template. The second parameter is
optional, and allows us to define whether the section we are
rendering is required or not. If a section is "required", then Razor
will throw an error at runtime if that section is not implemented
within a view template that is based on the layout file (that can
make it easier to track down content errors). It returns the HTML
content to render.

1. <div id="body">
2. @RenderSection("featured", required: false)
3. <section class="content-wrapper main-
content clear-fix">
4. @RenderBody()
5. </section>
6. </div>

Learn more here - ASP.Net MVC 4 - Layout and Section in Razor

Question 49 - What is GET and POST

Actions Types?

GET is used to request data from a specified resource. With all the
GET request we pass the URL which is compulsory, however it can
take the following overloads.

.get(url [, data ] [, success(data, textStatus, jqXHR) ] [, dataType ]



POST is used to submit data to be processed to a specified

resource. With all the POST requests we pass the URL which is
compulsory and the data, however it can take the following

.post(url [, data ] [, success(data, textStatus, jqXHR) ] [, dataType ] )

Learn more here - GET and POST Calls to Controller's Method in


Question 50 - What's new in MVC 6?


In MVC 6 Microsoft removed the dependency of System.Web.Dll

from MVC6 because it's so expensive that typically it consume 30k
of memory per request and response, whereas now MVC 6 only
requires 2k of memory per request and the response is a very small
memory consumtion.

The advantage of using the cloud-optimized framework is that we

can include a copy of the mono CLR with your website. For the
sake of one website we do not need to upgrade the .NET version
on the entire machine. A different version of the CLR for a different
website running side by side.

MVC 6 is a part of ASP.NET 5 that has been designed for cloud-

optimized applications. The runtime automatically picks the correct
version of the library when our MVC application is deployed to the
The Core CLR is also supposed to be tuned with a high resource-
efficient optimization.

Microsoft has made many MVC, Web API, WebPage and

SignalLrpeices we call MVC 6.

Most of the problems are solved using the Roslyn Compiler. In

ASP.NET vNext uses the Roslyn Compiler. Using the Roslyn
Compiler we do not need to compile the application, it automatically
compiles the application code. You will edit a code file and can then
see the changes by refreshing the browser without stopping or
rebuilding the project.

Run on hosts other than IIS

Where we use MVC5 we can host it on an IIS server and we can

also run it on top of an ASP. NET Pipeline, on the other hand MVC
6 has a feature that makes it better and that feature is itself hosted
on an IIS server and a self-user pipeline.

Environment based configuration system

The configuration system provides an environment to easily deploy
the application on the cloud. Our application works just like a
configuration provider. It helps to retrieve the value from the various
configuration sources like XML file.

MVC 6 includes a new environment-based configuration system.

Unlike something else it depends on just the Web.Config file in the
previous version.

Dependency injection

Using the IServiceProvider interface we can easily add our own

dependency injection container. We can replace the default
implementation with our own container.

Supports OWIN

We have complete control over the composable pipeline in MVC 6

applications. MVC 6 supports the OWIN abstraction.

1. Question 1. Breifly Explain Us What Is Asp.net Mvc?

Answer :
ASP.Net MVC is a pattern which is used to split the application's implementation logic
into three components i.e. models, views, and controllers.
2. Question 2. Tell Us Something About Model, View And Controllers In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Model : It is basically a business entity which is used to represent the application data.
Controller : The Request which is sent by the user always scatters through controller and
it's responsibility is to redirect to the specific view using View () method.
View : it's the presentation layer of ASP.Net MVC.
VB.NET Interview Questions

3. Question 3. Do You Know About The New Features In Asp.net Mvc 4 (asp.net
Answer :
Following are features added newly : Mobile templates Added ASP.NET Web API
template for creating REST based services. Asynchronous controller task support.
Bundling of the java scripts. Segregating the configs for ASP.Net MVC routing, Web API,
Bundle etc.
4. Question 4. How Does The 'page Lifecycle' Of Asp.net Mvc Works?
Answer :
Below are the processed followed in the sequence :
o App initializWhat is Separation of Concerns in ASP.NET ASP.Net MVCation
o Routing
o Instantiate and execute controller
o Locate and invoke controller action
o Instantiate and render view.
VB.NET Tutorial

5. Question 5. Explain The Advantages Of Asp.net Mvc Over Asp.net?

Answer :
o Provides a clean separation of concerns among UI (Presentation layer), model (Transfer
objects/Domain Objects/Entities) and Business Logic (Controller).
o Easy to UNIT Test.
o Improved reusability of model and views. We can have multiple views which can point
to the same model and vice versa.
o Improved structuring of the code.
C#. NET Interview Questions

6. Question 6. What Is Separation Of Concerns In Asp.net Asp.net Mvc?

Answer :
It is the process of breaking the program into various distinct features which overlaps in
functionality as little as possible. ASP.Net MVC pattern concerns on separating the
content from presentation and data-processing from content.
7. Question 7. What Is Razor View Engine?
Answer :
Razor is the first major update to render HTML in ASP.Net MVC 3. Razor was designed
specifically for view engine syntax. Main focus of this would be to simplify and code-
focused templating for HTML generation.
Below is the sample of using Razor:
@model ASP.Net MVCMusicStore.Models.Customer
@{ViewBag.Title = "Get Customers";}
< div class="cust">

C#. NET Tutorial ASP.NET Interview Questions

8. Question 8. What Is The Meaning Of Unobtrusive Javascript? Explain Us By Any

Practical Example?
Answer :
This is a general term that conveys a general philosophy, similar to the term REST
(Representational State Transfer). Unobtrusive JavaScript doesn't inter mix JavaScript
code in your page markup. Eg : Instead of using events like onclick and onsubmit, the
unobtrusive JavaScript attaches to elements by their ID or class based on the HTML5
data- attributes.
9. Question 9. What Is The Use Of View Model In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
View Model is a plain class with properties, which is used to bind it to strongly typed
view. View Model can have the validation rules defined for its properties using data

ADO.Net Interview Questions

10. Question 10. What You Mean By Routing In Asp.net Mvc?

Answer :
Routing is a pattern matching mechanism of incoming requests to the URL patterns which
are registered in route table. Class : "UrlRoutingModule" is used for the same process.

ASP.NET Tutorial

11. Question 11. What Are Actions In Asp.net Mvc?

Answer :
Actions are the methods in Controller class which is responsible for returning the view or
json data. Action will mainly have return type : "ActionResult" and it will be invoked
from method : "InvokeAction()" called by controller.

MVC Framework Interview Questions

12. Question 12. What Is Attribute Routing In Asp.net Mvc?

Answer :
ASP.NET Web API supports this type routing. This is introduced in ASP.Net MVC5. In
this type of routing, attributes are being used to define the routes. This type of routing
gives more control over classic URI Routing.
Attribute Routing can be defined at controller level or at Action level like :
[Route("{action = TestCategoryList}")] - Controller Level
[Route("customers/{TestCategoryId:int:min(10)}")] - Action Level

VB.NET Interview Questions

13. Question 13. How To Enable Attribute Routing?

Answer :
Just add @Model.CustomerName the method : "MapASP.Net MVCAttributeRoutes()" to
enable attribute routing as shown below:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
//enabling attribute routing
routes.MapASP.Net MVCAttributeRoutes();
//convention-based routing
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Customer", action = "GetCustomerList", id =
UrlParameter.Optional }

MVC Framework Tutorial

14. Question 14. Explain Json Binding?

Answer :
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) binding support started from ASP.Net MVC3 onwards
via the new JsonValueProviderFactory, which allows the action methods to accept and
model-bind data in JSON format. This is useful in Ajax scenarios like client templates and
data binding that need to post data back to the server.
15. Question 15. Explain Dependency Resolution?
Answer :
Dependency Resolver again has been introduced in ASP.Net MVC3 and it is greatly
simplified the use of dependency injection in your applications. This turn to be easier and
useful for decoupling the application components and making them easier to test and more

Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF) Interview Questions

16. Question 16. Explain Bundle.config In Asp.net Mvc4?

Answer :
"BundleConfig.cs" in ASP.Net MVC4 is used to register the bundles by the bundling and
minification system. Many bundles are added by default including jQuery libraries like -
jquery.validate, Modernizr, and default CSS references.

Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF) Tutorial

17. Question 17. How Route Table Has Been Created In Asp.net Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Method : "RegisterRoutes()" is used for registering the routes which will be added in
"Application_Start()" method of global.asax file, which is fired when the application is
loaded or started.

Windows CE .NET Interview Questions

18. Question 18. Which Are The Important Namespaces Used In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Below are the important namespaces used in ASP.Net MVC :
o System.Web.ASP.Net MVC
o System.Web.ASP.Net MVC.Ajax
o System.Web.ASP.Net MVC.Html
o System.Web.ASP.Net MVC.Async
C#. NET Interview Questions
19. Question 19. What Is Viewdata?
Answer :
Viewdata contains the key, value pairs as dictionary and this is derived from class :
"ViewDataDictionary". In action method we are setting the value for viewdata and in view
the value will be fetched by typecasting.

Spring MVC Framework Tutorial

20. Question 20. What Is The Difference Between Viewbag And Viewdata In Asp.net
Answer :
ViewBag is a wrapper around ViewData, which allows to create dynamic properties.
Advantage of viewbag over viewdata will be : In ViewBag no need to typecast the objects
as in ViewData. ViewBag will take advantage of dynamic keyword which is introduced in
version 4.0. But before using ViewBag we have to keep in mind that ViewBag is slower
than ViewData.

Spring MVC Framework Interview Questions

21. Question 21. Explain Tempdata In Asp.net Mvc?

Answer :
TempData is again a key, value pair as ViewData. This is derived from
"TempDataDictionary" class. TempData is used when the data is to be used in two
consecutive requests, this could be between the actions or between the controllers. This
requires typecasting in view.
22. Question 22. What Are Html Helpers In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
HTML Helpers are like controls in traditional web forms. But HTML helpers are more
lightweight compared to web controls as it does not hold viewstate and events. HTML
Helpers returns the HTML string which can be directly rendered to HTML page. Custom
HTML Helpers also can be created by overriding "HtmlHelper" class.
23. Question 23. What Are Ajax Helpers In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
AJAX Helpers are used to create AJAX enabled elements like as Ajax enabled forms and
links which performs the request asynchronously and these are extension methods of
AJAXHelper class which exists in namespace - System.Web.ASP.Net MVC.

Dot Net Framework Interview Questions

24. Question 24. What Are The Options Can Be Configured In Ajax Helpers?
Answer :
Below are the options in AJAX helpers :
Url : This is the request URL.
Confirm : This is used to specify the message which is to be displayed in confirm box.
OnBegin : Javascript method name to be given here and this will be called before the
AJAX request.
OnComplete : Javascript method name to be given here and this will be called at the end
of AJAX request.
OnSuccess - Javascript method name to be given here and this will be called when AJAX
request is successful.
OnFailure - Javascript method name to be given here and this will be called when AJAX
request is failed.
UpdateTargetId : Target element which is populated from the action returning HTML.
ASP.NET Interview Questions

25. Question 25. What Is Layout In Asp.net Mvc?

Answer :
Layout pages are similar to master pages in traditional web forms. This is used to set the
common look across multiple pages. In each child page we can find : /p>
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/TestLayout1.cshtml";
} This indicates child page uses TestLayout page as it's master page.
26. Question 26. Explain Sections Is Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Section are the part of HTML which is to be rendered in layout page. In Layout page we
will use the below syntax for rendering the HTML :
@RenderSection("TestSection") And in child pages we are defining these sections as
shown below :
@section TestSection{
<h1>Test Content<h1>
} If any child page does not have this section defined then error will be thrown so to avoid
that we can render the HTML like this :
@RenderSection("TestSection", required: false)

Asp Dot Net Mvc 4 Interview Questions

27. Question 27. Can You Explain Renderbody And Renderpage In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
RenderBody is like ContentPlaceHolder in web forms. This will exist in layout page and it
will render the child pages/views. Layout page will have only one RenderBody() method.
RenderPage also exists in Layout page and multiple RenderPage() can be there in Layout

ADO.Net Interview Questions

28. Question 28. What Is Viewstart Page In Asp.net Mvc?

Answer :
This page is used to make sure common layout page will be used for multiple views. Code
written in this file will be executed first when application is being loaded.
29. Question 29. Explain The Methods Used To Render The Views In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Below are the methods used to render the views from action -
View() : To return the view from action.
PartialView() : To return the partial view from action.
RedirectToAction() : To Redirect to different action which can be in same controller or
in different controller.
Redirect() : Similar to "Response.Redirect()" in webforms, used to redirect to specified
RedirectToRoute() : Redirect to action from the specified URL but URL in the route
table has been matched.
30. Question 30. What Are The Sub Types Of Actionresult?
Answer :
ActionResult is used to represent the action method result. Below are the subtypes of
ActionResult :
o ViewResult
o PartialViewResult
o RedirectToRouteResult
o RedirectResult
o JavascriptResult
o JSONResult
o FileResult
o HTTPStatusCodeResult
31. Question 31. What Are Non Action Methods In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
In ASP.Net MVC all public methods have been treated as Actions. So if you are creating a
method and if you do not want to use it as an action method then the method has to be
decorated with "NonAction" attribute as shown below :
public void TestMethod()
// Method logic
32. Question 32. How To Change The Action Name In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
"ActionName" attribute can be used for changing the action name.
Below is the sample code snippet to demonstrate more :
public ActionResult TestAction()
return View();
So in the above code snippet "TestAction" is the original action name and in
"ActionName" attribute, name - "TestActionNew" is given. So the caller of this action
method will use the name "TestActionNew" to call this action.
33. Question 33. What Are Code Blocks In Views?
Answer :
Unlike code expressions that are evaluated and sent to the response, it is the blocks of
code that are executed. This is useful for declaring variables which we may be required to
be used later.
int x = 123;
string y = "aa";

MVC Framework Interview Questions

34. Question 34. What Is The "helper Page.isajax" Property?

Answer :
The Helper Page.IsAjax property gets a value that indicates whether Ajax is being used
during the request of the Web page.
35. Question 35. How We Can Call A Javascript Function On The Change Of A
Dropdown List In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Create a JavaScript method:
function DrpIndexChanged() { } Invoke the method:
< %:Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.SelectedProduct, new SelectList(Model.Customers,
"Value", "Text"), "Please Select a Customer", new { id = "ddlCustomers", onchange="
DrpIndexChanged ()" })%>
36. Question 36. What Are Validation Annotations?
Answer :
Data annotations are attributes which can be found in the
"System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations" namespace. These attributes will be used for
server-side validation and client-side validation is also supported. Four attributes -
Required, String Length, Regular Expression and Range are used to cover the common
validation scenarios.

Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF) Interview Questions

37. Question 37. Why To Use Html.partial In Asp.net Mvc?

Answer :
This method is used to render the specified partial view as an HTML string. This method
does not depend on any action methods.
We can use this like below :
38. Question 38. What Is Html.renderpartial?
Answer :
Result of the method : "RenderPartial" is directly written to the HTML response. This
method does not return anything (void). This method also does not depend on action
methods. RenderPartial() method calls "Write()" internally and we have to make sure that
"RenderPartial" method is enclosed in the bracket. Below is the sample code snippet :
@{Html.RenderPartial("TestPartialView"); }
39. Question 39. What Is Routeconfig.cs In Asp.net Mvc 4?
Answer :
"RouteConfig.cs" holds the routing configuration for ASP.Net MVC. RouteConfig will be
initialized on Application_Start event registered in Global.asax.
40. Question 40. What Are Scaffold Templates In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Scaffolding in ASP.NET ASP.Net MVC is used to generate the Controllers,Model and
Views for create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) functionality in an application. The
scaffolding will be knowing the naming conventions used for models and controllers and

Windows CE .NET Interview Questions

41. Question 41. Explain The Types Of Scaffoldings?

Answer :
Below are the types of scaffoldings :
o Empty
o Create
o Delete
o Details
o Edit
o List
42. Question 42. Can A View Be Shared Across Multiple Controllers? If Yes, How We
Can Do That?
Answer :
Yes we can share a view across multiple controllers. We can put the view in the "Shared"
folder. When we create a new ASP.Net MVC Project we can see the Layout page will be
added in the shared folder, which is because it is used by multiple child pages.

Spring MVC Framework Interview Questions

43. Question 43. What Are The Components Required To Create A Route In Asp.net
Answer :
Name - This is the name of the route.
URL Pattern : Placeholders will be given to match the request URL pattern.
Defaults :When loading the application which controller, action to be loaded along with
the parameter.
44. Question 44. Why To Use "{resource}.axd/{*pathinfo}" In Routing In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Using this default route - {resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}, we can prevent the requests for the
web resources files like - WebResource.axd or ScriptResource.axd from passing to a
45. Question 45. Can We Add Constraints To The Route? If Yes, Explain How We Can
Do It?
Answer :
Yes we can add constraints to route in following ways :
o Using Regular Expressions
o Using object which implements interface - IRouteConstraint.
46. Question 46. What Are The Possible Razor View Extensions?
Answer :
Below are the two types of extensions razor view can have :
.cshtml : In C# programming language this extension will be used.
.vbhtml - In VB programming language this extension will be used.
47. Question 47. What Is Partialview In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
PartialView is similar to UserControls in traditional web forms. For re-usability purpose
partial views are used. Since it's been shared with multiple views these are kept in shared
Partial Views can be rendered in following ways :
o Html.Partial()
o Html.RenderPartial()
48. Question 48. How We Can Add The Css In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Below is the sample code snippet to add css to razor views : < link rel="StyleSheet"
href="/@Href(~Content/Site.css")" type="text/css"/>
49. Question 49. Can I Add Asp.net Mvc Testcases In Visual Studio Express?
Answer :
No. We cannot add the test cases in Visual Studio Express edition it can be added only in
Professional and Ultimate versions of Visual Studio.
50. Question 50. What Is The Use .glimpse In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Glimpse is an open source tool for debugging the routes in ASP.Net MVC. It is the client
side debugger. Glimpse has to be turned on by visiting to local url link -
http://localhost:portname//glimpse.axd This is a popular and useful tool for debugging
which tracks the speed details, url details etc.
51. Question 51. What Is The Need Of Action Filters In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Action Filters allow us to execute the code before or after action has been executed. This
can be done by decorating the action methods of controls with ASP.Net MVC attributes.
52. Question 52. Mention Some Action Filters Which Are Used Regularly In Asp.net
Answer :
Below are some action filters used :
o Authentication
o Authorization
o HandleError
o OutputCache
53. Question 53. How Can We Determine Action Invoked From Http Get Or Http Post?
Answer :
This can be done in following way : Use class : "HttpRequestBase" and use the method :
"HttpMethod" to determine the action request type.
54. Question 54. In Server How To Check Whether Model Has Error Or Not In Asp.net
Answer :
This can be done in following way : Use class : "HttpRequestBase" and use the method :
"HttpMethod" to determine the action request type.
55. Question 55. How To Make Sure Client Validation Is Enabled In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
In Web.Config there are tags called : "ClientValidationEnabled" and
"UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled". We can set the client side validation just by setting these
two tags "true", then this setting will be applied at the application level.
< add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="true" />
< add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true" />
56. Question 56. What Are Model Binders In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
For Model Binding we will use class called : "ModelBinders", which gives access to all
the model binders in an application. We can create a custom model binders by inheriting
57. Question 57. How We Can Handle The Exception At Controller Level In Asp.net
Answer :
Exception Handling is made simple in ASP.Net MVC and it can be done by just
overriding "OnException" and set the result property of the filtercontext object (as shown
below) to the view detail, which is to be returned in case of exception.
protected overrides void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
58. Question 58. Does Tempdata Hold The Data For Other Request In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
If Tempdata is assigned in the current request then it will be available for the current
request and the subsequent request and it depends whether data in TempData read or not.
If data in Tempdata is read then it would not be available for the subsequent requests.
59. Question 59. Explain Keep Method In Tempdata In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
As explained above in case data in Tempdata has been read in current request only then
"Keep" method has been used to make it available for the subsequent request.
60. Question 60. Explain Peek Method In Tempdata In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Similar to Keep method we have one more method called "Peek" which is used for the
same purpose. This method used to read data in Tempdata and it maintains the data for
subsequent request.
string A4str = TempData.Peek("TT").ToString();
61. Question 61. What Is Area In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Area is used to store the details of the modules of our project. This is really helpful for big
applications, where controllers, views and models are all in main controller, view and
model folders and it is very difficult to manage.
62. Question 62. How We Can Register The Area In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
When we have created an area make sure this will be registered in "Application_Start"
event in Global.asax.
Below is the code snippet where area registration is done :
protected void Application_Start()
63. Question 63. What Are Child Actions In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
To create reusable widgets child actions are used and this will be embedded into the parent
views. In ASP.Net MVC Partial views are used to have reusability in the application.
Child action mainly returns the partial views.
64. Question 64. How We Can Invoke Child Actions In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
"ChildActionOnly" attribute is decorated over action methods to indicate that action
method is a child action. Below is the code snippet used to denote the child action :
public ActionResult MenuBar()
//Logic here
return PartialView();
65. Question 65. What Is Dependency Injection In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
it's a design pattern and is used for developing loosely couple code. This is greatly used in
the software projects. This will reduce the coding in case of changes on project design so
this is vastly used.
66. Question 66. Explain The Advantages Of Dependency Injection (di) In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Below are the advantages of DI :
o Reduces class coupling
o Increases code reusing
o Improves code maintainability
o Improves application testing
67. Question 67. Explain Test Driven Development (tdd) ?
Answer :
TDD is a methodology which says, write your tests first before you write your code. In
TDD, tests drive your application design and development cycles. You do not do the
check-in of your code into source control until all of your unit tests pass.
68. Question 68. Explain The Tools Used For Unit Testing In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Below are the tools used for unit testing :
o NUnit
o xUnit.NET
o Ninject 2
o Moq
69. Question 69. What Is Representational State Transfer (rest) Mean?
Answer :
REST is an architectural style which uses HTTP protocol methods like GET, POST, PUT,
and DELETE to access the data. ASP.Net MVC works in this style. In ASP.Net MVC 4
there is a support for Web API which uses to build the service using HTTP verbs.
70. Question 70. How To Use Jquery Plugins In Asp.net Mvc Validation?
Answer :
We can use dataannotations for validation in ASP.Net MVC. If we want to use validation
during runtime using Jquery then we can use Jquery plugins for validation.
If validation is to be done on customer name textbox then we can do as :
$('#CustomerName').rules("add", {
required: true,
minlength: 2,
messages: {
required: "Please enter name",
minlength: "Minimum length is 2"
71. Question 71. How We Can Multiple Submit Buttons In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Below is the scenario and the solution to solve multiple submit buttons issue.
Scenario :
@using (Html.BeginForm("MyTestAction","MyTestController")
<input type="submit" value="MySave" />
<input type="submit" value="MyEdit" />
} Solution :
Public ActionResult MyTestAction(string submit) //submit will have value either
"MySave" or "MyEdit"
// Write code here
72. Question 72. What Are The Differences Between Partial View And Display Template
And Edit Templates In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Display Templates : These are model centric. Meaning it depends on the properties of the
view model used. It uses convention that will only display like divs or labels.
Edit Templates : These are also model centric but will have editable controls like
Partial View : These are view centric. These will differ from templates by the way they
render the properties (Id's) Eg : CategoryViewModel has Product class property then it
will be rendered as Model.Product.ProductName but in case of templates if we
CategoryViewModel has List then @Html.DisplayFor(m => m.Products) works and it
renders the template for each item of this list.
73. Question 73. Can I Set The Unlimited Length For "maxjsonlength" Property In
Answer :
No. We can't set unlimited length for property maxJsonLength. Default value is - 102400
and maximum value what we can set would be : 2147483644.
74. Question 74. Can I Use Razor Code In Javascript In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Yes. We can use the razor code in javascript in cshtml by using <text> element.
< script type="text/javascript">
@foreach (var item in Model) {
< text >
//javascript goes here which uses the server values
< text >
< script>
75. Question 75. How Can I Return String Result From Action In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Below is the code snippet to return string from action method :
public ActionResult TestAction() {
return Content("Hello Test !!");
76. Question 76. How To Return The Json From Action Method In Asp.net Mvc?
Answer :
Below is the code snippet to return string from action method :
public ActionResult TestAction() {
return JSON(new { prop1 = "Test1", prop2 = "Test2" });

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