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If you have already read the other books in this series where we
cover all about the Capricorn man, and if I’ve done my job right,
you should have a pretty good idea of what these guys are all
First, though, allow me to explain a bit about how this all works
and how astrology can turn your sex life from “’s ok,” to
“Holy jeez! Why am I just now finding out about this?!” Seriously, it
is incredible and I would be a terrible astrological advisor if I didn’t
teach you how to use the stars to enhance your sex life.
What is “Sextrology”?
Or, if you just want to sharpen up your skills in the bedroom and
become the sensual vixen you were born to be, this book is for
And, I must say, this has been a really fun and interesting book to
Before we get into all the juicy details, I want to take a moment to
explain how sexual astrology works.
We’ve already explored the basics of astrology: the ways you can
use the stars to figure out whether or not you and your guy are
compatible, how to communicate with your Capricorn man, how to
surprise and delight him so he knows how special he is to you,
and even how to get him back if things go awry (because we’re
only human and shit happens).
There are, of course, other things to consider, but these are the
most applicable to what we are learning about today.
Anyway, the second thing we look for in his chart is the lovely
Venus. Venus was known as the ancient Roman goddess of
beauty, love, fertility, seduction, pleasure, and Victory.
Venus represents the softer side of our sexual appetite and her
placement in your chart shows how you love, how you seduce,
what types of lovers you attract, and whom you are attracted to.
Venus is also linked to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, who
possesses the same attributes as her Roman counterpart in
Greek history.
Once you know how to interpret and blend these two energies
together, based on their placement in your Capricorn man’s chart,
it becomes easier to decode his sexual drives and desires.
Believe me, he’s got a lot going on in this area!
Going back to Venus, Mars, Pluto, and Eros, the sign these
planets are in will reveal his attitude towards sex and the way he
fulfills his desires. What is even better, they can even give insight
as to how you can improve all of your own sexual experiences
when you explore the placement of these celestial energies in
your own natal chart.
We’ll get into how you can appeal to your Capricorn man’s
particular Mars, Venus, and Eros placements later in this book.
When we look at Pluto, we find where you are the most primal in
your sexual appetite. Pluto works to help you transform yourself,
often seen as a representation of the phoenix rising from the
Aside from just the sexual connotations, Pluto plays many other
important roles in our astrological makeup and is an indication of
where you place most important stuff when it comes to personal
discovery and growth, in general.
Pluto is associated with life and death, birth and regrowth, and
can show from where you draw your sexual power. Connections
between Pluto and Venus or Pluto and Mars can be very powerful
indications of a sexual bond that transcends basic desire and
takes your sexual experiences to a place of spiritual connection.
More than just offering insight into how you experience intensified
passion and what it takes for you to “get there,” this little asteroid
can actually help you to become a better lover when you
investigate its whereabouts in your partner’s chart. We’ll explore
this further in just a bit.
When you get a Sextrology reading for you and your partner,
whether you cast the chart yourself or confer with an astrologer
like me, you can quite literally walk away with an instruction guide
to giving your partner what his or her soul is yearning for.
Not only that, but you can also find the best way to reveal and
share the things that drive you wild. Trust me, once your
Capricorn man sees what you can do with your newfound
Aspects made to other planets and the houses where your Mars
and Venus fall act as an indication of where these energies are
most prevalent in your life and where you can make the very most
of them.
For example, the houses I mentioned earlier, the 5th, 7th, and 8th,
are the most important to look at when you are going through your
Sextrology chart.
These are the areas in your stars that show where you love, flirt,
have fun, what kind of partner you are best suited to link up with,
and at what points in your life you approach sex and those primal
urges that can’t be denied.
In order to find the houses in any natal chart, knowing the exact
time of birth is an absolute must. We will look at some ways you
can find this information later in the book, but in the event that you
just can’t find it, don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world.
So, when you take all this info and combine yours and your
Capricorn man’s charts, you can easily explore the areas in your
stars that show what you both need to achieve the highest levels
of satisfaction.
The Satyr was tasked with the duty of satisfying the nymphs, who
just couldn’t get enough of his virile vitality. Never one to skip out
on his responsibilities, he gladly gave until he couldn’t give
Believe it or not, your sea-goat could give Scorpio a run for his
money when it comes to sexual prowess. The difference is in the
approach each sign takes to getting his respective freak on.
Capricorn men are not the type to sleep around or otherwise
behave promiscuously.
When he’s on the prowl, and when he’s comfortable with the idea
of getting very up close and personal with his partner, he will
ardently pursue his target until he gets what he wants.
Like everything else in life, the Capricorn man gives 100% when it
comes to making love. He always strives to be the best at
whatever he does, and he wants to be the best lover you’ve ever
Once the door shuts and the lights go out, the Capricorn man
becomes a completely different guy than who he portrays himself
during the day.
He can drop the whole boring businessman act and really let his
inner persona come out. He’s kind of like a sexual superhero in
this way and he wants to make certain he can save your day—
Whatever that may entail.
We’ve all had one of those relationships where the guy is a bit of
a rapid fire type, you know what I mean…so much buildup to an
event that lasts under two minutes and rarely lets you get off and
enjoy yourself. With your Capricorn man, this will be a worry of
the past.
Stamina is one of his strongest points and unless it’s been a very
long time since he let his top blow, the Capricorn man is the type
to love you all night long and keep going well into the morning.
He’s not one for short encounters, partly because he’s just that
sexy and partly because he just doesn’t want to let go of this
experience. He doesn’t want to reenter reality, but he knows it's
there waiting for him.
The more exotic and exciting your lovemaking, the more into it
your Capricorn man will be. He gives 100%, and it takes a lover
who reciprocates this to truly satisfy the horny goat in him.
For those sea-goats who are into it, his type of foreplay is erotic
and exotic, not that you would ever guess that from the way he
presents himself in public.
You have the goat, the part of him that is virile and has the
stamina and staying power for days, and you have the fish, who
relates to the inner emotional bond shared between two people in
these most intimate of settings.
While in some areas of his life the obsession with doing things
perfectly and the best it can possibly be done can be a real
This frustrates him and, in all honesty, it’s probably best for
everyone involved that he doesn’t try to force himself to be
someone he’s not.
I suppose you could say that he kind of has his own way of flirting,
it’s just not what most ladies are accustomed to. I recall one of my
clients relating to me how her Capricorn husband tried to flirt with
her when they first met, and this always makes me chuckle a bit.
It is adorable, I know, and considering the fact that this couple has
been married going on twelve years now, it does seem that his
failed attempts at being flirty with the object of his affection
weren’t a total failure after all!
The Capricorn man sex isn’t a game, it’s pretty serious business,
actually. He isn’t the type to philander with women on a whim.
There are always exceptions to the rule, and there are Capricorn
men out there who fit the description of horn-dog quite perfectly—
There’s one in every bunch, you know?
Having said that, there are core things that just about all
Capricorn men secretly, or maybe not so secretly, desire.
When you can satisfy those things AND you fit the mold of being
responsible, smart, kind, and have your life together, you may as
well just go on and start planning the wedding now because he’s
going to do whatever he can to keep you around!
Ok, so if you want to blow his mind you’ve got to give some
thought to your plan of action; unless, of course, you’ve already
been together for ten-twenty years and you’re just reading this
book as a refresher or for entertainment.
Let’s pretend, anyway, that you are totally clueless to what your
Capricorn man really desires, but you want more than anything to
satisfy him like no woman ever has. If that’s your goal, start out
with one or two of the following tips.
Just try to pick ones that seem to apply to your guy—And let the
mind blowing orgasmic party begin!….I feel like I should be invited
to one of these parties!!
When dressing sexy for your man, you want to leave something to
his imagination, in the beginning of your relationship, at least.
Think 1950’s pinup girl style.
I think just about every Capricorn man has drooled at least a little
bit over those classic, iconic images of women who, at the time,
were considered to be racy and scantily clad. Surprise him with
this kind of look and he’ll be hooked!
Just think of it, you are making yourself not only look classically
risqué, you’re imitating something that is iconic, meaning it holds
a great deal of power. Once you get him to drool over you, you
hold the power and that isn’t an easy feat to accomplish with a
Capricorn man.
How do you dominate the dominator, you ask? It’s actually a lot
easier than you might think! First off, you want to start out slow
and then just tell him what you want him to do. Or, tell him
what you want him to do to you. I am not saying become a
super dominatrix type of gal, but just test the waters to see where
his comfort level and boundaries with this lie.
The cool thing about dominating one of these men is that he will
be in awe that you actually seem to be able to read his mind. He
works extra hard at being the intimidating boss type who nobody
wants to upset or fail in front of…and yet here you are, a beautiful,
sexy, (hopefully) naked woman bossing him around!
In that, other partners who lack that ability to make you truly feel
something and take you to that place of ecstasy and erotic bliss
will just never match up to what you had with your Capricorn.
He likes a woman who knows what she wants and what she
likes, and he appreciates it when his lover can give him some
guidelines or at least a starting place when it comes to how he’s
going to ultimately please and satisfy her.
When you show him the tender loving emotion that his dark
heart secretly craves he will repay you with unlimited
ecstasy. Not too bad of a trade-off, now is it?
So, having you come along and tell him how impressive his
body is or how you get wet every time you even think about
the things he did to you last week is almost like Capricorn
Well, it’s only logical that pleasuring you will result in even more of
those good feelings, even if you don’t keep repeating yourself and
your compliments, and actually, don’t continually repeat your
compliments, he will associate pleasing you with knowing he’s
operating at peak performance.
Also, as an added bonus for both you, this places you in the
position of being his main source of emotional support and
encouragement, thus strengthening your bond overall and laying
the perfect foundation for a long and successful relationship.
Everybody wins!
The key to this working, though, as with most things when you’re
dealing with a Capricorn, is being genuine. If you don’t mean it,
don’t say it. But, if you do mean it, don’t hold back.
I feel I should interject here that none of this will work if he’s mad
at you or if you have broken any of the rules of engagement you,
perhaps unknowingly, agreed to when you mixed yourself up with
your sexy Capricorn man. And, yes, I did also use that term
correctly…If you don’t get it right now, you soon will.
In the next few chapters, I’ll explain more about the Capricorn
man’s sexual psyche, including ten seduction techniques sure to
put him in the mood—Trust me when I say these ten tips will have
him wanting you so badly he can hardly stand it!
I mean, just think of it: There you are with the sexy Capricorn man
of your dreams and things are so hot and heavy you’re convinced
the way you’ve always done sex in the past was somehow wrong
or you were misinformed as to the mechanics of two bodies
smashing together in erotic bliss.
I realize not everyone has this issue, but for those of you who do,
please heed my warning here. You’ll thank me in the morning.
Actually, you’ll probably thank him, but whatever.
Imagine it…the two of you are finally naked and together in bed
and just as he’s going in you freeze and the passion that was, 5
minutes ago, running wild has dissipated, his immediate, knee-
jerk reaction is going to be thinking that you found something he
did, or even worse, just him, inadequate.
Now we get to probably the most important “don’t do” rule of all
when it comes to seducing or just loving a Capricorn man—Never
To him, any criticism from you in the moment only comes off as
ridicule, leading him to feel inadequate, inferior, like a failure, or
just like you plain old don’t really care for him.
Don’t get me wrong here, you should never go further with any
man than you’re ready and prepared to go, but if you plan on
calling it a night early and going home by yourself, you definitely
want to avoid purposely leading him to believe that he’s going to
get some action later.
He doesn't even really like talking when he’s not engaged in erotic
adventures, so it would be silly to assume he would be into
naughty talk while he’s trying to focus on pleasing you and
enjoying the time you have together.
A good rule of thumb is to just feel him out and if you’re unsure of
whether he will respond positively or negatively to something you
do or want to try.
And, if you don’t feel comfortable asking him, or if you’re just still
unsure, a sexual astrology reading will tell you all about the
activities he does or doesn’t want to involve his naughty parts in.
Now that you know how to please your Capricorn man, I’ll share
with you some secrets to successfully seducing him.
Don't even think about pulling the whole ditzy chick thing with a
Capricorn man and expect things to work out well. Capricorn men
are quick witted and intelligent, and they aren’t impressed with
those who don’t put enough effort in learning new things and
growing as a person. Smart is sexy, especially when there is a
strong physical attraction between the two of you.
Sometimes with men, you have to stroke their ego a bit to draw
out and enhance those qualities you like so much; this is doubly
true of the Capricorn man.
He likes to know what he's doing right, he wants to know that he's
in the lead and "winning" in whatever it is that's going on between
the two of you. Not to mention the extreme pride he takes in
knowing others respect him and the way he carries himself.
You can compliment him on anything from his hat to the size of
his manhood, as long as you're complimenting a quality in himself
that he takes pride in he'll be feeling like giving you more to
compliment him on later after he's made love to you.
Capricorn men, I think we can safely say all of them, have a thing
for the whole sexy student/teacher scenario, and most have a soft
spot (or, more appropriately a hard spot) for the sexy librarian
By now you should have noticed that your Capricorn guy is one of
the most hardworking men you’ve had the pleasure of
encountering, which in woman world translates into, “Man, look at
how well he provides, damn that’s the sexiest thing ever! I wanna
have his baby.”
Maybe not quite that far, but you know. We’re programmed to be
attracted to the man who's the most virile, the most powerful, the
most successful; we’re programmed to be attracted to the winner,
and Capricorn always tries his best to win.
Respect and power are two huge points of importance, and there
are few who would (or want to) be disrespectful to Capricorn,
having a partner who demands the same level of respect allows
the Capricorn man to see ahead into the future and the potential
that stands to become a power couple.
Beyond loving the way you take control at work or just in general,
seeing you this way reminds him of how he loves it when you take
control in the bedroom.
6) Be confident in yourself
Capricorn men don’t want a lot of drama in their lives, in fact, they
will go to great lengths to keep life drama-free. If he has to come
along behind you and constantly reassure you that you look ok or
The sweet and gentle strokes to his ego rush testosterone and
endorphins to his brain and suddenly he’s feeling lighter, happier,
sexier, and more capable than he did before he bumped into you.
With all of the different plans and ways we can come up with to let
him know you're sexually attracted to him, the easiest if you can
handle it, is just blunt honesty.
For instance, if you are looking for just a friend with benefits kind
of thing, you could explain to your Capricorn how you’re really
attracted to him and you think the two of you could have an
amazing time together.
Then you can throw in how you are both so busy chasing your
dreams and reaching your goals that a committed full-on
relationship would be doomed from the start. Even the most
reserved Capricorn man would have to stop and consider your
proposal. And, he’ll respect you for your honesty.
When you live in the moment and live your life with passion and
determination to be happy and successful, you attract all of those
things into your life. When you are in the act of making love you
live entirely in the moment because that moment it so wonderful.
Because there are still so many other things you can do to seduce
your Capricorn man, I’ve included this last technique as a special
bonus. Why? Because this is one seduction tactic that will bring
your Capricorn to his knees and he definitely won’t be able to get
you off of his mind once you’ve mastered what I’m about to share
with you.
When it’s just the two of you and the time presents itself where it
won’t be weird, mention something to him about how you’ve
always wanted to be taken on the kitchen table on your lunch
break, or how you’ve always fantasized about making love in a
field while having a picnic with your honey.
He gets off on the idea of being dominant over you and over the
situation. And, he will do whatever he thinks you want the most,
so you are guaranteed to have one of those amazing orgasms
that leave you smiling all through the next day while your grouchy,
Monday hating co-workers collate papers…or whatever.
Now that we’ve gone through some of his likes and dislikes, as
well as several proven seduction methods, let’s look a little
deeper into the different Mars, Venus and Eros placements and
what they can tell you about how to best approach him.
The way that each of these celestial energies affects his strong
Saturnian energy can reveal so much about what he’s into and
what gets him going.
If you know when and where your Capricorn man was born you
can easily pull up his natal chart online by visiting a site like,, or any of the other free websites
out there that offer this service.
With free online charts, you’ll usually get only a limited, generic
interpretation of what the chart shows. Even so, this will get you
started and show you where your guy’s planets reside within his
natal chart so that, with the tips that follow, you can better
understand what drives your Capricorn man’s passions.
Also, as a special for you because you’ve bought this book series,
you have the opportunity to book a personal consultation at a
special discounted price with me if you’d like, and together we can
explore the strengths and weaknesses of your relationship along
with actions you can take to make things better with him. At this
time, I can/will also address any specific questions you have
about your Capricorn man.
Whatever you choose to do, once you’ve got your charts you will
want to locate Venus and Mars and make a note of what sign they
are in. There are other things to consider like aspects to different
planets or points in the chart, but for now, we are just looking at
how the planets of love and passion express themselves in each
Venus rules the softer side of our desires and is the driving
force behind our feelings of love and can show a lot about what
we find attractive, as well as who we attract.
In this next section, I will explain how you can use the knowledge
you’ve gained by finding out where his Venus and Mars are
placed so you can tailor your seduction techniques to that sexy
Capricorn man and make him yours.
If you find your guy’s Mars is in Aries, you automatically know that
he is a straight forward lover who isn’t afraid to go after what, or
who, he wants.
With Aires being another of the Cardinal signs and home to Mars,
your man is on fire! He’s assertive when it comes to passion and
he likes to be the one who initiates things and gets things going.
To appeal to your man’s Mars in Aries, you should show him your
fearless side when it comes to the relationship. Don’t be afraid to
put yourself out there and be a bit more daring than perhaps you
have been in the past. Basically, this just really drives home the
things we’ve gone over for the Capricorn man, but with a little
more sexual emphasis.
With Mars in Aries, your man loves the pursuit of passion almost a
much as he loves the passionate act itself, so if it is he who is
pursuing you, you’ll want to avoid making it too easy for him.
Play hard to get with this one, just don’t turn into a cock-tease, he
hates that. Mars in Aries makes your man especially physical
when it comes to sexual adventures, so make sure you eat your
If you find that your guy has his Mars in Taurus, rest assured that
he is a very sensual lover who knows how to please his partner.
He has a primal sort of energy about him, and he places a great
deal of importance on fully experiencing all of the pleasures that
sex has to offer.
He can go all night, and you’ll be glad of that because, well, he’s
really quite amazing between the sheets. With this mixture of his
Sun in Capricorn and Mars in Taurus, expect your guy to be
especially serious and serious about, not just passion, but
developing security in your sexual relationship.
Touching and caressing drive him wild and you can get his gears
turning by simply brushing up against him with just enough
pressure to let him know it wasn’t an accident, but just enough
subtlety that anyone else around you at the time won’t be aware
of how heavily you are flirting with him.
With his Mars in Gemini, your man wants to experience all that he
can in the way of erotic pleasures. He wants and needs sex to be
fun, and having a partner who is dull or not willing to experiment
just doesn’t cut it.
With these guys, you absolutely have to start at the head and
work your way down, but once you get there you’ll be amazed at
If you find that your man has his Mars in Cancer, you know that
sex is more than just sex to him. The act of sex itself carries more
emotional weight than you’d expect from the goat, making this
Mars placement a tough one for Capricorn men to handle.
With Mars in Cancer, your Capricorn man needs both the physical
and the emotional connection, but without being overly
emotionally involved right off the bat.
Like I said, this can be a tricky Mars placement for such an earthy
sign, and it will require maintaining a delicate balance of love and
lust if you really want to get him going. He can be insecure about
his sexuality, so reassurance is also an important element of a
relationship with one of these guys.
If you find that your man has his Mars in Leo, you are in for a real
treat! He takes sex and passion to the next level, making every
encounter a show of his manliness and his expert lovemaking
skills. He is a high-energy lover with a flare creative lovemaking.
Sex will never be boring, but he may tend toward making the
experience all about him.
To appeal to your man’s Mars in Leo, you have to stroke his ego a
bit more than you already are. He likes to be the star of the show,
and in this case, his private stage is the bed you share.
Tell him you want him to take control, but make sure there are
times when you take the reins and change things up-if not, he will
think that he is always in charge, and that’s no good for the future
of your sex life.
If you find that your man has his Mars in Virgo, you know he takes
a focused and direct approach to fulfilling his sexual desires. He is
quite passionate once in the heat of the moment, but the
moments leading up to your sexual encounter can sometimes feel
premeditated. He wants to know that he is good at sex, all the
better if he feels like he is the best you’ve ever had.
Sloppy sex is not something that he likes, not one bit, and
personal hygiene of his partner is of the utmost importance. If the
sex is sloppy the first time, he won’t come back for another round.
He is turned on most by someone who has a healthy physique
and who takes care of themselves.
If you find that your man has Mars in Libra, you’ve probably
already noticed how charming he is and that he has a preference
for making love over war.
With Mars in Libra, his sexual drive and libido aren't as high as it
would be if his mars were in a fire sign, but his natural Capricorn
stamina mixed with a touch of Libra’s charm seriously makes his
ability to draw out your erotic desires is on point.
He makes you want him, then he waits for you to make a move.
Your guy likes to be the one who is being pursued more so than
he likes doing the pursuing himself. Things that seem vulgar or
disrespectful are a real turn off for him, and as such he prefers a
partner who is both tasteful and classy in their methods of
Even with his Mars in loving Libra, he isn’t into sappy romance but
you can draw out his passionate side with romantic displays and
genuine affection. A candlelit dinner will very likely turn into much
more, just remember that you will likely have to nudge him a bit to
get him going. Don’t be afraid to come out and tell him what you
want, and don’t forget to offer a bit of praise when he provides
you with such.
If you find that your man’s Mars is in Sagittarius, you know that he
is an energetic, passionate, highly driven and adventurous lover.
He needs to experience life to the fullest, and this extends to his
sexual experiences.
He needs to sew his wild oats before he ever settles down, and
he will do whatever he can to avoid being pinned down. These
are the not so old young Capricorns. To him, being in a committed
relationship is not a requirement for starting a sexual relationship.
He just wants to have fun.
A man with his Sun in Capricorn and Mars in Sagittarius will have
bouts of feeling conflicted, but once he’s found the right woman
who can open his eyes to new experiences he can see himself
holding onto forever. These guys are really kinda lucky overall;
lucky in life and he probably got lucky last night!
If you find that your man’s Mars is in Capricorn, you have a hard
time getting him to expose the side of himself that feels and
desires things that extend beyond the material possessions he’s
earned and the ones he’s working toward.
Never kiss and tell after being with him as this is seen as a huge
violation of trust between the two of you. He is reserved and can
seem shy most of the time, but when the mood strikes he can be
very seductive and he has amazing stamina.
If you find that your man has his Mars in Aquarius, you know right
off the bat that he is a forward thinking and progressive kind of
lover. However, it is important to note that sex is not what drives
these guys.
If you can stimulate his mind and connect with him on a cerebral
level, you will be that much closer to seducing him.
If you want to get weird, find yourself a Capricorn man with Mars
in Aquarius!
We must remember, though, the sea-goat is half fish and with his
Mars in Pisces, your Capricorn man is someone who is very in
touch with their subconscious realms. There is a tendency to want
to escape, but escaping into ecstasy with his partner isn’t really
such a bad way to spend your time.
Sex is a game that he plays well, and he has this seductive nature
that can suck you in and make you believe whatever he says.
Here I'll explain little things you can do to appeal to his particular
Venus influence to give you even more of an upper hand as you
work toward getting closer to him and making your way into his
Venus is never more than 48 degrees from the Sun at any given
time, which means there are only five signs that your man's
Venus can be influenced by; Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,
Aquarius, or Pisces.
The Capricorn man with Venus in his own sign has a habit of
limiting his love life, sometimes without even realizing he’s
hindering his relationship in doing so. Love, joy, and happiness
aren't things that come easily to him and the vibes he gives off
from dealing with life’s troubles can make it hard for him to meet
the right woman.
He has a discerning eye and never settles for anything less than
the best. If he doesn’t already hold some kind of high-status
position in his life you can rest assured he is in the process of
attaining one.
For a woman to get his attention and attraction she has got to be
somebody with power or a respectable position in the community.
If you don’t have your life together he will not spend any of his
time on you.
With his Venus in Capricorn, he has a soft spot for a partner who
is either much younger than him or much older than him. I find
that usually, it’s the former rather than the latter, but love comes in
all shapes, sizes, and ages.
He will fall in and out of love many times throughout his lifetime
and he will have his ego bruised along the way.
This can make him more co-dependent than one would expect
from a Capricorn, but when he has a loving, nurturing partner who
boosts his confidence and makes him feel secure he’s able to let
his guard down and enjoy your connection.
You know those men who just seem to be able to mesmerize you
just by looking into their eyes? They probably have their Venus in
Now that you know how to determine the type of influence Mars
and Venus have in your Sextrology chart, we are going to delve
into Eros and what this naughty little asteroid can reveal of our
deepest, most erotic needs and desires.
The following interpretations will give you the edge you need to
become the best lover your Capricorn man has ever had, while
also explaining how you can have the most amazing sexual
experience you’ve ever dreamed possible.
Most standard natal charts don’t show Eros, but you can find your
Eros placement with a little research or by consulting a
professional astrologer like myself for a personal reading that
goes much deeper than only explaining these three celestial
So, if you see that in your searching, don't worry. Also, be sure not
to confuse Eros with Eris, as these two are completely different
energies and have very different meanings.
He likes the cat and mouse game that comes along with pursuing
a romantic relationship. When his prospective partner declines his
advances, he perceives that as a challenge rather than an actual
dismissal of his request.
In a way, this is like foreplay and it prepares your man for the
impending relationship, of which he has no doubt will be
forthcoming once he's broken down the walls constructed by the
one he's chasing after.
For his, sex is more than just something that he does; it is a part
of who he is. He experiences sexual experiences very intensely
and, in fact; his sexual relationship is tied closely to his current
level of well-being.
For him, this is something that must be done, but he won't get the
same level of satisfaction as when he can pair up with a loving
partner. He's naturally a very gifted lover and his partners are
never disappointed.
Due in part to the influence of the twins, those with Eros in Gemini
have the capacity to engage in sexual adventures with more than
one person at the same time and sees these encounters as more
of an experience than an emotionally binding contract with one
This is not to say that he lacks the ability to be faithful to the one
he loves, there just has to be love there for him to be faithful.
Intellectual compatibility is a requirement for the love and fidelity
to develop and grow.
In fact, those with Eros in Gemini seem to get off on things that
are spoken or written. He probably enjoys things such as erotic
novels and dirty talk a little more than the next guy, but it satisfies
a deeply felt need and desire.
He likely has an affinity for breasts, and some with this Eros
placement have a bit of an oral fixation. He loves to celebrate the
female body and can become quite jealous, should anything start
to come between the two of you.
With his Eros in Leo, he gets the most erotic enjoyment and feels
the most pleased with his partner when that partner expresses
great appreciation for his physique, sexual prowess, or whatever
else you want to compliment him on.
Those with Eros in Leo are warm and inviting souls who make
their partners feel loved and cared for, until, of course, the
adoration stops and they get kicked to the curb.
Eros in Libra:
He loves it, and it's a huge turn on when he's able to go out and
display his beautiful partner like a trophy or eye candy. This is
never in the vein of being disrespectful; he just gets so much
enjoyment out of beauty and to know that this person is his and
nobody else really gets him going.
He's in love with love, every aspect of it. He is someone who truly
needs a partner to share his life with. If made to go it alone there
Eros in Sagittarius:
He likes for sex to be fun and he's likely a pretty competitive lover.
He likes to make a game or sport out of the act, and this is how
he reaches his highest points of ecstasy and pleasure.
He likes the idea of free love, and he isn’t one to become terribly
attached to every lover he takes, but he does require his partners
to be completely honest with him, just as he is with them. He
doesn't do clingy; this is a turnoff for those with Eros in
Those who have Eros in Capricorn are found to be into things that
some see as being taboo. BDSM, sadomasochistic behavior, and
other things that allow him to let go of control and let someone
else take the reins is often just the thing his to fulfill his most erotic
This doesn’t mean that he isn't loyal, it just shows that anyone
who has Eros here should consider allowing themselves to try
different things before settling down. At least then he can say that
he did explore and he found things he likes and things he doesn't.
It may not be your thing, I mean, it’s not for everyone, but it if
seems like something you’d enjoy, you can bet your man will be
down for some sexual exploration.
There are some with this Eros placement who find sharing these
sexual experiences with friends they already know can be very
The only way to resolve this is for him to stop searching for
someone to make him happy, but rather someone to share his
happiness with. If he can manage to wrap his head around this
concept, he will have a better chance of experiencing those
ecstasy moments that are a part of his soul’s overall mission.
When reading all of this, keep in mind that what we are looking at
when it comes to Eros is a side that many people never allow
themselves to experience.
It can be a challenge to find out when and where your man was
born, especially if astrology isn't something in which he believes.
Sometimes it's easy, and you have no trouble at all just coming
out and asking him, but some situations make it exceedingly
difficult to gather this knowledge without seeming like a stalker or
without creating an awkward situation.
I've heard just about every story out there for how my clients in
the past have gone about determining their crush's birth info, and
trust me when I say some of these are incredibly creative and
take a lot of effort. I, personally, can really appreciate the
dedication here!
So, you've met this guy, and you think he's just great. Charming,
funny, talkative, handsome, downright sexy even, and you want to
see how the two of you match up astrologically before you invest
too much of your time in getting to know him. What do you do?
Turn to social media, of course.
Getting the birthday is the simple part. You can ask him when his
birthday is without it seeming suspicious; it's when you get to the
time and location that intel gathering becomes tricky.
One way to find out the details of when and where he came into
this world, you can always start by casually mentioning it to his
friends. Seems simple enough, right? Well, it is, which is probably
why this method isn't very often effective.
If you are already friends with him, you could use an opportunity
when you are at his house, or otherwise in the company of one of
his parents, to use your super sneaky spy abilities to get it out of
one of them.
One client related to me that she was able to find out her guy's
birth info from his mom after she started up a conversation about
her sister's recent delivery.
She was able to relate to his mom's soft spot for her baby boy by
sharing her story of how the day went for her sister, at which time
her man's mom went right into the story of the day he was born.
I don't think my client even had a sister. What she did have was
the ability to connect with and relate to just about anyone she
came across; a skill that came in handy in this particular situation.
I've also had clients tell me that they resorted to ordering a copy
of their guy's birth certificate. Getting your hands on a copy
without him knowing can be difficult if you get hung up by the
paperwork and red tape, but if you're lucky and you know at least
what state he was born in, this could be a viable option.
Well, she wanted to make sure that she got her info, so she made
every paper in the bowl the same then had her crush go first.
Once she got the answers she was looking for, she "accidentally"
spilled a drink down into the bowl, thus destroying any evidence
of her mildly deceptive game.
The same applies to your birth details. If you simply can't find out
the place and time, don't stress it. A compatibility report created
using solar charts is better than no report at all! And actually, I
have many, many clients who choose to use this method for one
reason or another.
Once you've got all of your details or as many as you can come
up with, you'll be ready to move forward with your compatibility
You'll know what things are a turn on for your particular Capricorn
man, and you'll be better equipped and prepared to pave the path
The Capricorn man makes for a great partner and lover and is
one of the most genuine guys you’ll ever meet. His determined
personality and his dedication to attaining his goals in life make
him the kind of man you can rely on to be loyal and there for you.
He makes it his goal to satisfy his lover and he’s got crazy
stamina that allows him to go all night, so if you’ve hit the jackpot
and landed a Capricorn man you should consider yourself one of
the lucky ones!
His addiction and passion for life can make him irresistible, but
not everyone is a perfect match for this his restrictive and
controlling mentality.
He will keep you on your toes, that's for sure. His powerful
presence and his drive to succeed and get what he wants out of
life make him a lover with tons of passion to share.
2) If you want to attract him, do things that allow him to see what
a hard working woman you are. Being responsible and having
your shit together are important elements of what he’s looking for
in a lover.
Even if you have the most amazing body in the world, if you aren’t
someone he can see himself building a solid future with he will
probably move on. You’ve got to surreptitiously show him what an
amazing power couple potential the two of you hold.
When you compliment him on the parts of himself or his life that
he takes pride in it will really set the mood. This is also a good
way to raise his spirits when he’s ever down.
Keep in mind that all the things you’ve learned today still just
brush on the surface of what all can be can be determined with
Once we have all of the birth info for you and for your Capricorn
man, we can gain so much more insight into things by looking at
aspects between all of the other planets we didn’t go over today,
as well as how your charts work together as a whole.
If you’ve got any questions or need further help to figure out your
particular Capricorn man, please don’t hesitate to be in touch!
You can order your report by clicking on the link that came with
your Ebook downloads, or you can order a reading package
directly from AnnaKovach.Com. The form that you’ll fill out to
request your report will become available as spots open up.
If you have any questions for me or if you’d just like to get in touch
or share feedback of any kind, feel free to email me at
[email protected], and I’ll get back to you as
quickly as I can!
Now, what are you waiting for? Get out there and have some sexy
fun with your Capricorn Man!
Anna Kovach