Savage Worlds - Core Rulebook Errata

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The document discusses various clarifications and corrections to rules, character abilities, monster stats, and adventures for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game.

Several character abilities and monster stats like Toughness, damage, and skills were corrected. Issues like what counts as an action and reloading firearms were also clarified.

Mistakes in adventure text like incorrect page references or missing information were noted. Issues with maps like missing scales were also mentioned.




New Additions are in RED
Falling Damage (Shane):

Falls of less than 10 yards: 2D6

Falls of 10-19 yards: 2D6 +5
Falls of 20-29 yards: 2D6 +10, Etc…

Free Edge for Humans (Zeke): The game is balanced so that, unless otherwise noted in a setting book or because of GM
fiat, all humans in all settings get the free Edge during character generation

Free Spells (Dirk): With the Wizard Professional Edge it is possible, with enough raises, to cast a power for free. There is
no minimum power cost but you must have sufficient power points to use the power in the first place.

Character Generation (Zeke): The steps listed on p.38 may be completed in any order.

Non-Lethal Damage (Shane and Clint):

According to Shane, Clint hit the nail on the head! From Clint's PEG post:

As I read it, the only difference between doing "normal" and non-lethal damage is determined when an Extra is
Incapacitated or a Wild Card goes to the KO Blow table.

Example 1: Buck is fighting The Iron Baron (a Wild Card NPC) and wants him to face justice for his crimes so
he does non-lethal damage. The Baron has taken 3 Wounds, but Buck is also wounded and hanging from the
edge of high cliff. The Iron Baron spends an action gloating and does not notice Virginia (whose father he killed)
come up behind him. Virginia shoots the Baron with her pistol, doing 2 wounds. The Baron is now
Incapacitated and must roll on the Injury table. It doesn't matter that 3 of his Wounds came from non-lethal
damage; only that the attack that sent him to the KO Blow table was lethal.

Example 2: The Iron Baron survives but is caught once more by Virginia who hoses him down with Buck's
Tommy gun, doing 3 wounds. Buck runs up and punches the Baron for 1 Wound doing non-lethal damage.
One more Wound would normally send the Baron to the KO Blow table, but since the attack was non-lethal, he
is simply unconscious for 1d6 hours.

ALL damage is considered LETHAL unless you specifically state that you are applying non-lethal damage.

Jokers (Shane): The effects of a Joker being dealt apply to both Wild Cards and Extras. A Joker allows you to interrupt an
action without having to make an opposed Agility roll - you *really* do get to go first!

Increasing Skills at Leveling Opportunities (Zeke): The text regarding increasing skills at a level opportunity on p61
of the SWRB contradicts the information given on p39. The info on p39 is correct. To bring p61 into agreement simply
delete "equal to or" from the second bullet item.

Are Tricks Actions? (Shane): Yes. A Trick counts as an action for purposes of determining whether or not the standard
multi-action penalty is invoked.
Reloading? (Shane): Reloading a clip, magazine, or belt-fed weapon requires one round and counts as an action. It can be
combined with other actions. Quick Draw negates the standard multi-action penalty if reloading is combined with another
action, but does not increase reload time.

Revolvers and other "single shot" weapons are reloaded one round at a time - each counting as an action. Quick Draw allows
an additional round to be reloaded before invoking the standard multi-action penalty.
Critical Failures with Multiple Dice (Shane): Critical Failures are any time you roll double 1's according to the book.
My take would be that the Wild Die would have to come up a 1 and then any of the skill dice that came up a 1 would be a
Critical Failure *for that effect only*.

So using auto fire as an example, the player rolls 3 dice plus their Wild Die and gets a 1, 8, 14, and a 1 on their Wild Die.
The 1 on the skill roll is a Critical Failure (maybe a gun jam), but the 8 and 14 are still successful.

New Gear (Shane):

Rifle Scopes: Add +2 to any shot over Short Range as long as the character does not move this action. May not be used
with Double Tap, Three Round Burst, or Full Auto fire. Scopes are cumulative with the Marksman Edge.

New Special Ability (Shane):

Heavy Weapon: Instead of saying all weapons with an AP value of 4 or better can hurt things with Heavy Armor, we simply
add a new Special Ability to such weapons--Heavy Weapon.

Gargantuan Creatures (Shane): Gargantuan creatures are those that are at least size 9 or better relative to their normal
environment. Classic movie monsters like Godzilla or King Kong fit into this category:

• Gargantuans have Heavy Armor, meaning they can only be hurt by Heavy Weapons. A lucky shot from a pistol can't
put these behemoths down. Gargantuan creatures' attacks are always considered Heavy Weapons themselves.
• Gargantuan creatures suffer the penalty for being Huge - +4 to attack rolls from man-sized creatures.
• These creatures can also bring their immense weight to bear when stomping enemy creatures or obstacles. Add their
Size to their Strength roll when doing so, but subtract the Size of their foe. Compare this damage to the base
Toughness of vehicles; ignore their Armor.

New Power (Approved by Shane – Original Author Unknown):

Mind Reading

Rank: Novice
Power Points: 3
Range: Smarts
Duration: 1 (1/round)
Trappings: Mystical glow, concentration

Mind reading allows a character to read another's thoughts. This is an opposed roll versus the target's Smarts. A success
detects surface thoughts. A raise reveals deeper thoughts, and a second raise reveals any memory in the subject's mind. At
the GM's discretion, certain techniques and conditions--drunkenness, "singing" in one's head, etc. - give the target +2 (r
more) to his resistance roll.
Rulebook Typos (Screenmonkey):

P3: Contents, Test Drive Rules: 9 should be 8

P3: Contents, Skills: 23 should be 22

P3: Contents, Hindrances: 27 should be 26

P3: Contents, Leadership Edges: 32 should be 33

P3: Contents, Damage: 73 should be 72

P3: Contents, Creating Worlds: 123 should be 122

P3: Contents, Quick Reference Section: 138-140 should be 137-140

P9: Joker is Wild: "go first and +2" should be "go first and add +2"

P13: Last paragraph: "Later than night" should be "Later that night"

P17: First paragraph: "section assume" should be "section assumes"

P19: Half-elves, second paragraph: "but some are shunned by one side of the family or the other and grow resentful, or are
perhaps even shunned." should be something else =)

P21: Rakashans, Pounce: This appears to imply that Pounce is an improved type of Wild Attack, but is puzzling as written.

P23: Persuasion: "page 122" should be "page 120"

P27: Obese: "is running" should be "his running"

P34: Acrobat: "(including the maneuver combat option)" should be "(including the Trick combat option)"

P38: Half-elf: No Low Light Vision? They have it on P20. I would go with the description on p20 as that on p38 is a quick
reference and these are notorious for not matching the rules.

P38: Rakashan: "Claws (Str+1, Climb+2)" doesn't match the description on P21 that says Claws do Str+2. I would go with
the description on p21 as that on p38 is a quick reference and these are notorious for not matching the rules.

P41: Thief: Does the thief still get +2 on "rolls to trick or deceive" because it's mentioned here, but not on P35. I would say
"No", until Shane gives an official ruling.

P41: Mighty Blow: "S, Fighting d12" should be "WC, S, Fighting d10" to match Dead Shot and the description on P37.

P41: Power Surge: "S, Arcane skill d12" should be "WC, S, Arcane skill d10" to match Dead Shot and the description on
P48: Special Weapons: Grenades and Explosives have their cost and Min STR columns flipped.

P53: Motorcycle (Dirt Bike) notes: "as long as the rider makes an appropriate Riding roll" should be "as long as the rider
makes an appropriate Driving roll" See the skill description on p22-23. The Riding skill is specifically for "beasts"

P54: The Wolverine APC doesn't have its Armor ratings listed.

P62: The Battlefield, first paragraph: "squares of hexes" should be "squares or hexes"

P64: Readying Weapons, first paragraph: "if wants" should be "if he wants"

P66: Breaking Things, fourth paragraph: "on the next page" should be "on page 69"
P67: Disarm: "hit to the opponent's arm" should be "hit the opponent's arm"

P69: Obstacles, first paragraph: "page 67 to actually destroying intervening" should be "page 66 to actually destroy

P70 Auto-fire example: Virginia Dare is -2 more for firing from a vehicle. (Unstable Platform p.70)

P72: The Soak Roll, second paragraph of the example on p73: "the two 2 wounds" should be "the two wounds"

P83: Trappings, second paragraph: "poultices and salves and in another" should be "poultices and salves in another"

P86: Healing: "Duration: Permanent" should be "Duration: Instant" to match Greater Healing and the Powers Summary on

P89: Powers Summary, Armor Effects: "+2 Toughness" should be "+2 Armor"

P97: Fire: "Only sealed, fire-proof armor adds to a character's Vigor when resisting fire damage." should refer to Toughness
and not Vigor.

P106: Step Two: Modifiers: "11 for hills)." should be "-1 for hills)."

P107: Step Three: Battle Rolls: "the generals of each side make opposed Knowledge (Battle) rolls" does not match what
happens repeatedly in the example on P108.

P120: Reactions, first paragraph: "apply to player characters" should be "apply to non-player characters"

P120: Reactions, second paragraph: "Aggressive if not openly Hostile." should be "Uncooperative if not openly Hostile."

P131: Horse, Riding: "Toughness: 7" should be "Toughness: 8"

Evernight Errata

From Shane:

Cone of Flame was changed to Fireburst. Ignore references to CoF.

Riding *should* be on the skill list.

The original Edge for a Wizard of Mizridoor was that he could take spells regardless of Rank, but only during character
creation. Obviously I forgot to go back and change that. Substitute these spells for the Wizard if you'd rather: Armor, Bolt,
and Pawn of Mizridoor.

The Wizard archetypes Feeble Hindrance should be Anemic.

Evernight Archetype Fixes from Screenmonkey:

Dwarven Fighter: He got short changed. Increase Shooting to d8, give him an edge (Nerves of Steel works), drop
the number of shots for his pistol down to 5 and increase his cash to 146 suns. Change his encumbrance penalty to

Half-Orc Musketeer: He shortchanged the dwarf. Decrease his Intimidation to d4, his Toughness to 9, change his
Low light vision to Infravision, drop the Brawny edge, change the number of shots to 10, increase his cash to 186
suns, increase his encumbrance to 45lbs, his limit to 40lbs, and his encumbrance penalty is now -1.

Elven Ranger: Change Track to d6, Replace Poverty with Curious (or some other Major hindrance) and increase the
cash to 80 suns.

Human Red Knight: Drop his Parry to 6 and increase encumbrance to 48lbs.

Human Slayer: Drop his smarts to d6, drop the level headed edge, increase cash to 338 suns and increase
encumbrance to 35lbs.

Half-Elven Street Rat: Drop his persuasion skill, increase his Stealth to d8 so he qualifies for the Thief edge, change
Charisma to -2.

Human Wizard: Ok, this one has been touched on before, and I’m going a little from memory of those changes.
Here's what we're using: Lower Intimidate to d4, drop Investigation, add Knowledge (Arcana) d8, change Feeble to
Anemic, replace blast and fly with bolt and Pawn of Mizridoor. Finally, decrease cash to 490 suns.

The Fencer: He has taken 4 points worth of Hindrances, but only used 2 points for raising Agility, and 1 point more
than the initial 15 for Fighting to D10 (since Agility still gets raised before figuring skill costs.) Since he's only taken
the 1 free Edge for a human anyway, he still has 1 point left to spend.

Evernight Typos from Screenmonkey:


P3: Making Heroes: page 8 should be page 9.

P3: Archetypes: page 29-32 should be page 28-32.
P3: The Dying of the Light Campaign: page 53 should be page 52.
P3: Act I Heroes: page 55 should be page 54.
P3: Scene One: The Message: page 55 should be page 54.
P3: Act II: The Fall: page 73 should be page 72.
P3: Scene Three: The Worst in Men: page 74 should be page 75.
P3: Scene Five: Valusia Razed: page 76 should be page 77.
P3: Act III: Bondage: page 81 should be page 80.
P3: Scene Three: War of the Rats: page 86 should be page 87.
P3: Act IV: The Warrens: page 91 should be page 90.
P3: Act V: Rage: page 125 should be page 124.


P13: "Those who wander from home generally do so only when they have forced to leave" should be "Those who
wander from home generally do so only when they are forced to leave"

P13: "Neither do they do grow facial hair" should be "Neither do they grow facial hair"

P17: War Cry: "Large Boom Template" should be "Medium Burst Template"

P20: Pole Arms: "Halbred" should be "Halberd"

P22: Horse: Toughness should be 8 instead of 7.

P37: Human Dark Fighter: Parry 7.

P37: Elven Light Finder: Be aware that she has 18 skill points and Trident is not found in either EN or SW.

P38: Kep hound barding is listed under animals when there's a barding section on the next page.

P38: Food: Expensive meal should cost 75+ and not 15+.

P39: Weapons: Warhammer and Maul are reversed and the Halbred is here to.

P39: Black Powder Weapons: "Arquebus" should "Musket".

P39: Black Powder Weapons: "Bombard" is not explained anywhere.

P39: Gulper Eyes: Two more references to Demi-humans.


P46: The Invasion: "Scene Two in Act I" should be "Scene Four in Act I"

P47: The Valusian Spike: "cloven hooves and snouts that writhed like hungry snakes" describes the spiders?
Compare the feet on p128 to those on p40 to see what I mean.

P47: The Valusian Spike: This section ends with "!."

P49: Spiders: "blue veins pules" should be "blue veins pulse"

P53: Act II: Under scene 4 "banks of small stream" should be "banks of a small stream"

P54: The intro section says "exploring Sa Karan ruin" instead of "exploring a Sa Karan ruin"

P57: Bareena should have a Parry of 8.

P60: Orcs: Toughness should be 8, not 7.

P62: Entrance: "To the left lies across a long sprung pit" should be "To the left lies a long sprung pit"

P65: The end of the description for the laboratory should be the word "bloodstone" instead of "blood"

P67: The Cliff: "at -2 penalty" should be "at a -2 penalty"

P70: Stores: "they quieten down for 15 minutes" should be "they quiet down for 15 minutes"

P71: Rock and a Hard Place: "There are 19 warriors" should be "There are 15 warriors"

P70: Orc, Chieftain: Toughness is 12, not 11. and he should have a "Size +1" entry under his special abilities.

P71: Orc Shaman: Parry is 6, not 5.

P71: The View: "can get finally get" should be "can finally get"

P73: Dread Mountains Encounters: "2-5 Chinook" should be "3-5 Chinook"

P75: Highwaymen: Regs' pistols should have a stat parentheses "(Range: 5/10/20; Damage: 3d6+1; Two actions
to reload)"

P76: The scene description describes the water as a "fast moving stream" at the beginning and a "watering hole" at
the end.

P77: Crisis of Faith: "Rapid Recharge recovers a point every hour (instead of every hour)" should be "Rapid
Recharge recovers a point every hour (instead of every 30 minutes)"

P78: Other Lands: "page 127" should be "page 131"

P86: The fourth Q&A refers to a "bar" when it should be "tavern"

P87: The third Q&A from the top mentions a "right arm" when it should be "left arm"

P89: Resistance Fighters: They were given the same edges as Sarah the wild card leader.

P90: "Scene Three" should be "Scene One"

P93: Rumors: "page 107" should be "page 109", likewise "page 116" should be "page 118"

P94: The map has no "pool marked B"

P95: Sea Trolls: Should be followed with "(3 per Hero)"

P95: Marine Crocodile: Should be followed with "(2)"

P95: Both troll entries lack the Infravision special ability (as shown on p136) and both have an attribute called
Toughness that should be called Vigor. The sea troll leader should have a Parry of 8 and a Kelp Suit.

P96: Portents: "page 116" should be "page 118"

P97: Skeletons: add "(1d6 per Hero)"

P98: Tragor's Sword: How much does it weigh and can it be used both one handed and two handed? What are the
notes for one handed and two-handed use?

P98: The Hunters are carrying 48lbs and should have an encumbrance penalty of -1. Their powder bombs should
have "(Range: 2/4/8; Damage: 2d6, Medium Burst Template)" after them.

P100: The second paragraph should say "western" not "eastern"

P100: "Encounter Table (right)" should be "Encounter Table (below)"

P100: Wilderness Encounters: "9-10 Spiders/Chinook" should be "9-11 Spiders/Chinook"

P101: Grounds: Scale should be 7.5" or maybe even 45' per square instead of 30' per square.
P101: Basement: This level of the map should labeled "The Asylum"

P102: 3) Staff Offices: The description doesn't match the map at all.

P103: Upper Floor: "the exact number are noted on the map" None of the spider numbers are noted on the map.

P103: 2) Patient's Quarters: "The walls blocking off this portion of the floor were obviously added after the original
buildings construction" What walls?

P103: 3) "Master" Bedroom: "it offers a grand view of the Valusian plain below" The map shows this as an interior

P104: 2) Laboratory: "The walls between these cells have been knocked down to allow more room, but the doors
remain intact" Doesn't match the map.

P104: 5): It doesn't exist in the text, but if you pencil it in at the beginning of the last paragraph of the entry for
room 4, it seems to work.

P104: 6) The Holes: "then shuts the door with telekinesis and attacks" What door?

P107: Trial the Second: "Their foe this time are" should be "Their foes this time are"

P109: Resistance Points: "The heroes gain one resistance points" should be "The heroes gain one resistance point"

P110: The Red Ravager: Toughness is 11, not 8. And what exactly does a cerapede look like anyway? Can a hero
notice it and make a called shot at -6 to kill it instead of the Red Ravager?

P110: The Red Ravager: The second paragraph begins with "If he is unmasked" but no mask was mentioned before.
What does it look like?

P110: The Ravager's Lair: Why does the 70' chute require three climbing rolls when the climbing skill says to make
a climbing roll every 10" (60')? Shouldn't that just be one climbing roll?

P111: Gulper: Parry of 6 should be 7, Toughness of 12 should be 14. Its bite does Str+6. It should have the "Large:
Attackers add +2 to their attack rolls when attacking the gulper due to its large size" special ability (compare to the
Drake on SW130.)

P113: A High Price: The last paragraph should be preceded by "Resistance Points" in bold.

P114: First paragraph of the right column: "Otherwise, they make take" should be "Otherwise, they may take"

P115: Garon's Lair: There's no scale.

P116: Sam Bones: Charisma -2, Pace 5

P116: Delilah: "Bracelets of Defense (Toughness +2)" should be deleted, it's not included in her toughness or relic

p. 116: Delilah's charisma should be +2 (Attractive + Ring - Mean) and not +3.

p. 117: right hand column, sixth line, "Darlon" should be "Darla".

P117: Ferak: Spirit d8 (to qualify for Charismatic), Parry 6, Toughness 5, and delete the Investigator edge.

P117: Garon: "moves to use Darlon as a shield" should be "moves to use Darla as a shield"
P117: Garon: Delete the Thief edge and change the pistol damage from 2d8 to 2d6+1.

P117: Aftermath: "page 122" should be "page 125"

P118: The Vermin Lord: "spending 3 of his Power Points" should be "spending 5 of his Power Points"

P119: Rat Swarms: Their bite does 2d6, not 2d4 damage.

P120: Change the 33" reference in the second paragraph to 16". If characters only make a climbing roll every 10"
(per the skill description), the drop would cause only 2d6+5 damage.

P121: The map has no scale and only shows 6 columns when there should be 8.

P122: 5) The Birthing Chamber: "Mix up all the props labeled 'The Learning Stone'" should say "Mix up all the
props on pages 139-142"

P122: Sa Karan Assassins: Should have a "(5)" in bold to indicate how many. Toughness is 8, not 10.

P122: Sa Karan Assassins: Apparently some of them have staves and some use an ebon blade, though this is not
explained in the text. In addition, the ebon blades do Str+6 that really takes some of the coolness away from
Tarrian's Sword should the party outfit themselves with the ebon blades. My guess is that they don't have staves at all
since they lack the Psionics entry in their special abilities. Change their Parry to 9 and the damage of ebon blades to

P123: Spinners: Should have a "(3)" in bold to indicate how many.

P125: Drugall's Plan: "to see he here" should "to see me here"

P125: Dwarven Demolitionists: Should have a "(10)" in bold to indicate how many.

P130: In the description on the right column it says "We have one a great battle" when it should say "We have won
a great battle"


P133: Gulper: Parry 7, Toughness 14, Large, may attack only four foes, and under bite "cut himself by killing"
should be "cut himself free by killing"

P133: Harpoon Tree: This version is obviously an older version and doesn't match the one on the main text at all.

P134: Hunters: see the P98 Hunters correction.

P134: Orc: Toughness is 8, not 9.

P135: Rat Swarms: Add Fighting d10 and change their Parry to 7.

P135: Sa Karan Assassins: see the P122 corrections.

P136: Sea Trolls: The toughness attribute should be changed to Vigor and the reference to Orcs in the Infravision
description should say Sea Trolls. Do the same with the Sea Troll leader and change his Parry from 7 to 8.

P136: Skeleton: This is a Test Drive version of the skeleton, use the description on P97.

P137: Wither Beast: In the description of wither "roll on the Crippling Injury Table should be "roll on the Injury
Savage Tales #1: Screamers

From BD Flory:

The troops don't have Guts! The easiest fix is to add Guts at d6 for all the troops. Since we're doing it "across" the board, it
won't really affect their point costs. If you want to get a little fancier, add d6 to all troops and increase their points per figure
by 2. Add d8 Guts to the Wild Card characters, and add 6 points to their totals per figure.

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