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First of all we would like to thank our advisor Fekadu Mewlaw who is guiding us
while doing the senior essay we would like to present our heartfelt gratitude to him for giving us
a decisive consultation and comment to know more about how to do the research. We have some
peoples, besides the group members who helped us while working on this research like the
University librarians and maraki sub city administration center who serve us with the reference
books and internet access we would also want to thank them. And also thanks for our
respondents (elder women) who give available information about themselves. Finally, we need to
offer our especial thanks for our families for their economical and emotional support during the
overall process of our study.

From Group Members

Table of content

Contents Page

Table of content...............................................................................................................................ii

LIST OF TABLE.............................................................................................................................v



1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................1

1.1. Background of the study....................................................................................................1

1.2. Statement of the problem......................................................................................................2

1.3. Objective of the study...........................................................................................................4

1.3.1 General Objective............................................................................................................4

1.3.2 Specific Objective...........................................................................................................4

1.3. Research question.................................................................................................................4

1.4. Scope of the study.................................................................................................................4

1.5. Significance of the study.......................................................................................................5

1.5.1 Site selection....................................................................................................................5

1.6. Conceptual frame work.........................................................................................................6

1.7. Conceptual definition............................................................................................................7

1.8. Operational definition...........................................................................................................7

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................8

2. Review of related literature.........................................................................................................8

2.1. Definition of population growth...........................................................................................8

2.2. Theory of population growth................................................................................................8

2.3. Marxist theory on population growth..................................................................................10

2.3.1. Historical trend of world population............................................................................11

2.3.2. Population growth in Africa.........................................................................................11

2.3.3. Population growth in Ethiopia......................................................................................12

2.3.4. Population growth in Gondar.......................................................................................12

2.4. Population growth in maraki sub city.................................................................................14

Source; maraki sub city administration center 2016..................................................................14

2.5. Cause of population growth................................................................................................14

2.5.1. Consequences of population growth............................................................................15

2.5.2. Positive consequences of population growth...............................................................15

2.5.3. Negative consequences of population growth..............................................................16

2.6. Government population policy of Ethiopia.........................................................................17

CHAPTER THREE....................................................................................................................20

3. Research Method.......................................................................................................................20

3.1. Study area............................................................................................................................20

3.1.1. Historical background of Gondar town........................................................................20

3.2. Study design........................................................................................................................21

3.3. Research approach..............................................................................................................21

3.4. Sampling technique and size...............................................................................................21

3.5. Data collection method.......................................................................................................22

3.6. Methods of Data analyses...................................................................................................22

3.7. Source of data......................................................................................................................22

3.8. Ethical considerations.........................................................................................................23

3.9. Limitation of study..............................................................................................................23

CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................24

4. Data analysis and interpretation................................................................................................24

4.1. The socio economic and demographic background of respondents...................................24

4.4 Interview as the respondents................................................................................................37

CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................38

5.CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.........................................................................38

5.1. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................38

5.2 Recommendation.................................................................................................................38


Appendix (A).................................................................................................................................43


Table 1 Distribution of respondents based on age.........................................................................25

Table 2. Distribution of respondents based on their educational level..........................................25
Table 3 Distribution of respondents based on their occupation....................................................26
Table .4 Distribution of respondents based on marital status........................................................26
Table 5 Distribution of respondents based on religion..................................................................27
Table 6 Distribution of respondents based on the numbers of children........................................27
Table 7 Distribution of respondents based on the occurrence of population growth....................28
Table 8 distribution respondents based on the cause of population growth..................................29
Table 9 .Distribution of respondents based on their attitude.........................................................30
Table 10. Distribution of respondents based on negative impacts of population growth.............31
Table 11. Distribution of respondents based on the type of impact..............................................31
Table 12 Distribution of respondents based on positive impact of population growth.................32
Table 13 Distribution of respondents based on the impacts of population growth on the living
Table 14 Distribution of respondents based on about the condition of population on living
standards of elder women..............................................................................................................34
Table 15 Distribution of respondents based on obstacle of population growth for development. 35
Table 16 Solutions for population growth.....................................................................................35
Table 4.5.1 distribution of respondents based on all solution of population growth.....................36


CSA –central statistical agency

ECA- economic commission for Africa

NGO-nongovernmental organization

OAU-organization of Africa union

UN- united nation

Population growth is increasingly becoming the major problem in the sub city and it
is unevenly distributed. Those the objective of the study of to assess the impact of population
growth, attitudes of the elder women toward population growth, the socio economic impacts of
population growth on the living standard of elder women in Gondar town specifically maraki
sub city and the solution of the problem. The study also included significance, scope, limitation
and ethical guide lines we would be used both qualitative and quantitative approach. The
collective data was taken by interview that is same structured interview and quaternary which is
both open and close ended questions. When we selecting the sample, we used probability
sampling technique and select 30 samples from the elder women’s. The collecting data was
analyzed by qualitative and quantitative methods of data analyses. The socio economic and
demographic characteristics of the respondents was analyze in the form of sex, age educational
level, marital status, religion, etc. The collected data about the objective are analyzed and
interpreted and finally the conclusion and recommendation about the problem has forwarded.


1.1. Background of the study

According to in 1985, the United Nations was estimated defined the world population
growth has to stood at over 4.8 billon. This is equivalent to an average population density of 36
people square kilo meter in reality however, this indicated as people are un evenly distributed in
space and undergoing continues change. So the special distribution of the world population is
showing uneven nature of population density. (Hazel R. Barret, 1992).

When we come to Africa, over the last century, the rate of population growth in
Africa has been growing rapidly. Various estimate of the population size of Africa indicate that
prior to 1900 the annual population growth rate was less than 0.1%, but after 1900, Africa
population has shown highest growth. For example Africa’s population was estimated to be
257 million in 1900, but it increased to 482 million by 1983.This was the highest among
third world countries. Even under the medium variant of the population projection by economic
commission for Africa 2.8% annually growth would bring the total population to 997 million
2008 instead of 1.1 billion based on high variant assumption (OAU and ECA, 2009).

Similarly, Ethiopia is the second most populous country in sub Sahara with
estimated population size of 63.5 million????????? in July 2000 and growth rate of 2.73
between 2000-2005. The first every national population and housing census was conduct in
1994.based on this census, the population the country was estimated to be 11.5 million and its
growth rate only 0.2%per year. But this population census showed that Ethiopian’s population
had reached 74.4 million and this will be double within less the 27 year. The doubling time of the
population is getting shorter as the growth rate of the population increased .it took 60 year for the
population at the beginning of 20thc to double itself (Corla Bielli, ,Gezzu Brhanu and Amare

Population growth is also happing in most Ethiopia region. for example oromiya region is the
most populous region in Ethiopia, its population was estimated in 2006 at about 24 million and
reached to 26.5 million in 2005(CSA,2007).
The 2007 population census in the Amhara region indicated a population of 17
million. This is not constant with the overall projections of Ethiopian government and foreign
agencies. The 2007 census result for the Amhara region is not consistent with current
demographic and development trends. For example, since the last census (in 1994), there has not
been famine, war, communicable disease or natural disaster that caused high rate of morality in
the Amhara region. These factors would have been important if the census was carried out in the
1970s and 1980s when disease, war and famine caused the death of millions of people in
Northern Ethiopia. In fact, the post-1994 period has seen an expansion of public services to rural
areas which means that life expectancy for children and adults has improved. First, let us
provide a theoretical framework. Population size changes overtime because of three factors:
mortality (people dying), fertility (people bearing offspring’s) and population movement
people immigrating ( Getachew Mequant) 2008.

The term ‘elderly ‘or’ elder women’ has different meaning in different Countries: it is
mainly explained and is related to Chronological age, functional age as well as retirement
age. According to the UN definition elder women are those people whose age is 60 years
and over. The definition has gained acceptance in Ethiopian Context as it coincides with
the Country’s official retirement age (MOLSA, 2006).

All cultures recognize biological age - the chorological time that elapses after birth and that is
associated with changes in the organism. While birth, puberty, maturity, aging and death are
biological facts of life, it is society that gives each its distinctive meaning and assigns its Social
consequences (James W. Vander Zanden, 1990:304).

According to Vander Zanden (cited in Baltes and Nesselroode, 1984), age is a critical
dimension by which we locate ourselves with in and in turn are located by others. In short, we
use age as a Key ingredient in answering the question, ‘’ who am I? ‘‘.

The term old age has a dual definition. The first is the last stage in the life Process of an
individual and the second is an age group of generation comprising a segment of the oldest
members of a population.

Elder women through their lifelong accumulated Knowledge and experiences could
maintain the continuity of traditions and culture of the society. In addition they can also

contribute a lot in the development of their country. For these reason the elderly in Ethiopia
must treated with respect and love. Now days, In Ethiopia cities like Addis Ababa, elder
women are encountered with various problems with eventually expose them to begging due
to the absence of the necessary family and community support. Hence it is common to see
that elder women who have the knowledge and skill to help not only themselves but also
others are facing serious problems and resort to begging (MOLSA, 2006).

In Ethiopia, due to serious shortage of data, it is difficult to provide detailed analysis about the
socio-economic impacts of elder women. This study intends to contribute to the scarce
literature on the elderly. The study has target to explore the socio economic impact of
population growth on the living standard of elder women in Addis Ababa, particularly
Gullele sub city.

1.2. Statement of the problem

High population growth leads to scarce of natural resource because of their

unlimited need and wants. So this cause to reduce private and public capitals formation and
diverts to additional capital resource to maintain or consume rather than increase the stock of
capital per work (Richard E easterly 1967). Rapid population growth has serious social and
economic impacts. From these shortages of house, lower level of education, low level of
health care system, environmental degradation, and unemployment and finally lower living
standard (Evoke, 2010). In Ethiopia some causes for population growth are demographic
pressure, migration of the people from one place to another place and urbanization (Lousise
Carver, 2009, 27). Population growth has serous impacts on Ethiopian development. From this:-
maternal death due to pregnancy related cause, education (primary school enrolment is lower
among women in larger families) hinder economic growth and environmental degradation
(Louse carver, 2009, 4) Ethiopia’s unsustainable population growth contributes to deforestation,
rapid soil erosion; wet land degradation is directly or indirectly related with the existing
population growth (Amare Sewenet minale) 2012, 9.

In Ethiopia’s some problem of disease and recurrent drought together with the modern
way of life caused by growing urbanization and modernization are now eroding the culture of

intergenerational solidarity and mutual support that has been existing for a very long time and
this increased the Vulnerability of the society in general and elder women in particular. Poverty
become more acute among elder women because once they are exposed to it, it is much more
difficult for them to come out of it. Health problems, lack of balanced diet, shelter, unsuitable
residential areas, absence of family and community support, absence of social welfare coverage,
limited social security services, and training opportunities, limited employment and income
generating opportunities are some of the factors contributing to the poverty of elder women
(MOLSA), 2006).

According to maraki sub city administration office center document, in the number of
elder women are male 365 and women are 485 total 850. Now a day, many elder women, in this
sub city have no food to eat, no shelter to live, no means to generating income, no family to live
with them, no health to perform task. In the above reasons, we select this hot issue of elder
women socio economic status and life. That is why our study concerns that by selecting Gondar
town, particularly maraki sub city to access the socio-economic impacts of population growth on
the living standards of elder women. From the selected samples, we would gather available data,
analyze and interpreted. By doing so, we would tried to identify the following; explore the
socio-economic problems and needs of different categories of, investigate the status and role of
distinct categories of elder women within the family and the community, identify coping
strategies to address the problems of elders & give possible solution for the problem of elder

1.3. Objective of the study

This research has two objectives: General objectives and specific objectives and the study
were able to address the following general and specific objectives.

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of the study is to assess the socio economic impacts of
population growth on the living standard of elder women in Addis Ababa specifically Gullele
sub city.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

The specific objectives of the study are the following

 To assess the main impact of population growth in the study area
 To identify the social impact on elder women
 To identify the attitude of elder women towards the impact of population growth.

1.3. Research question

 What are the factors of population growth?
 What look like the attitude of the elder women towards population growth?
 What are the socio-economic impacts of population growth on the living standard of
elder women (65 and above) people?
 What are the solutions for the problem?

1.4. Scope of the study

This research was conduct on a particular area in Gondar town specifically maraki sub
city. The research team was employed mixed methods which means both quantitative and
qualitative. Qualitative research method includes;-participant observation, life history and cause
study. Quantitative research method also includes census, documentary research’s, and sample
survey. Moreover, this study was focused on the assessment of the socio economic impact of
population growth on the living standard of elder women

1.5. Significance of the study

The significance of the study was firstly, it support any one of the research who want to
study on this area that means this research is used as source for other researcher. And it uses as a
guide line to understand the impacts of population growth in the case of Addis Ababa city gullele
sub city. In addition to this, it is important to indicate the problem for the concerned body.
Finally it gives chance for us partial fulfillment of bachelor degree.

1.5.1 Site selection

The study was conducted in Gondar town particularly in maraki sub city around this
kebele as targets place .so based on this, we can easily collect the data needed. Doing this
research in this place was important to save time and finance due to its short distance.

1.6. Conceptual frame work

Natural factor

-birth rate

Push factors Pull factors

Poor living conditions

Employment opportunity
such as housing,
education and health care Population growth Higher income

Better health care

Rural urban migration


Limited employment

Poverty/rising cost of

Lack of shelter

Inadequate supply of
consumer goods

Inadequate social service

Famine, drought

Source: from group members 2008E.C

1.7. Conceptual definition

Growth-the processes of increasing amount, value, important


Demography -the science of vital and social statistics, as of the births, deaths, diseases,
marriages, etc., of populations.( http://www.dictionary.com)

Development - the processes of developing or being developed.

Population projection- is to illustrate possible courses of population change based on

assumptions about future births, deaths, net international migration, and domestic migration.

Doubling time- is the period of time required for a quantity to double in size or value. It is
applied to population growth, inflation, and resource extraction, consumption of goods,
compound interest, the volume of malignant tumors, and many other things that tend to grow
over time.( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doubling time)

A census is the procedure of systematically acquiring and recording information about the
members of a given population. It is a regularly occurring and official count of a particular
population (Free sociology book- legal dictionary/ free dictionary.com).

Elder women: - one or more out of a group of people of a greater age

1.8. Operational definition

Growth- the increasing of living things and non living things by size, numbers, shapes etc
specially human beings, animals and plants.
Demography – the scientific study about population growth and its impacts.

Development – is cultural, educational, socio economical, attitude change of the community the
study area.

Dabbling time - the period of time which indicates the number of population will be repeat itself
in the study area.

population census – is an organized systematic recording and counting of data which is

showing the total number of elder women in the study area.

Population projection - the premise then prediction of population combination for the future.

Elder women:-a person or people who arrived the age of above 65.


2. Review of related literature

Impacts of population growth

High population growth is leads to the following problems especially in developing

countries. Diseases associated with water rob people of health, nutrients, and livelihood. This
problem is most serious in developing countries. For example, about 90 per cent of the diseases
occurring in developing countries result from a lack of clean water (Pimentel et al., 1996).
Worldwide, about 4 billion cases of disease are contracted from water and approximately 6
million deaths are caused by water-borne disease each year. When a person is ill with diarrhea,
malaria, or other serious disease, anywhere from 5 to 20 percent of an individual's food intake
offsets the stress of the disease.

Disease and malnutrition problems in the third world appear to be as serious in rural areas as
they are in urban areas, especially among the poor. This will intensify in the future. Furthermore,
the number of people living in urban areas is doubling every 10 to 20 years, creating major
environmental problems, including water and air pollution and increased disease and food

Fossil energy is another prime resource used for food production. Nearly 80 per cent of the
world's fossil energy used each year is used by the developed countries, and part of it is
expended in producing high animal protein diets. The intensive farming technologies of
developed countries use massive amounts of fossil energy for fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation,
and for machines as a substitute for human labor. In developing countries, fossil energy has been
used primarily for fertilizers and irrigation to help maintain yields rather than to reduce human

labor inputs. In general, developing countries have been relying heavily on fossil energy,
especially for fertilizers and irrigation to augment their food supply. The current decline in per
capita use of fossil energy, caused by the gradual decline in oil supplies and their relatively high
prices, is generating direct competition between developed and developing countries for fossil
energy resources.

Economic analyses often overlook the biological and physical constraints that exist in all
food production systems. The assumption is that market mechanisms and international trade are
effective insurances against future food shortages. A rich economy is expected to guarantee a
food supply adequate to meet a country's demand despite existing local ecological constraints. In
fact, the contrary is true. When global biological and physical limits to domestic food production
are reached, food importation will no longer be a viable option for any country. At that point,
food importation for the rich can only be sustained by starvation of the powerless poor.
(Giampietro and Pimentel, 1993).

Definition of population growth

Population growth is an increase in the population of particular country the population

of the country increase when the total birth rate exceeded the total death rate or mortality rate of
the country. This means the more people are born in the country, making the population go out.
Population can also increase if the total immigration rate of the country is higher than the total
emigration rate of the country. This means that more people are interning to the country which
results increase overall population of the country. This rigorous population growth is leads to
many problems (Dullah Mulke and Rozilee Asid, 2011).

Also defined that population growth is the result of the increasing of birth over death or the
difference between birth and death in population produce the natural increase of population.
Overpopulation occurs when ever population exceeds the optimum for the country with the given
resource and technology Melake Demena(2005).

2.2. Theory of population growth

In pre-modern societies, birth rates were very high by the standards of

industrialized world today. Nonetheless, population growth quite was low until the 18th
century because there was a rough overall balance between births and deaths. The general
trend of the numbers was upwards, and there were sometimes periods of more marked
population increase, but these were followed by increase in death rates. During the period
of the rise industrialism, many looked forward to a new age in which scarcity would be a
phenomenon of the past. The development of modern industry, it was widely supposed,
would create a newer of abundance in which standards of living would rise. These ideas
were criticized by Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834), a clergyman and an economist.
Malthusian Theory of Population In 1798 Malthus published an Essay on the Principle of
Population. By analyzing then prevailing situation indifferent countries Malthus initiated a
debate about the connection between population and food resources that continues to this
day. His premise was that:

(1) Food was necessary for the continuation of life, and

(2) Procreation was also necessary for the continuation of life. Necessity of food for human
survival is to continue, similarly the passions between the sexes are to continue, and both
are natural necessities of life. But the two necessary factors of human life grow at different
rate. Whereas population size increases geometrically (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64), the food supply
increases arithmetically (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,). Population size, therefore, always pushes against
the limits of food supply needed to support the population. There is a limit to increase the
food supply by bringing more land under cultivation but there is limit to that. With the
existing rate of growth, the population was expected to double every 25 years. For such a
high growth rate of population, human beings should adopt such measures to check the
growth of population. In his opinion the population checks were: a. Preventive checks, and
b .Positive checks .Among the preventive checks, Malthus recommended

(1) To follow celibacy

(2) To marry late,

(3) Abstinence from entering into sexual unions resulting in procreation. If human beings
don't adopt the "preventive checks", "positive checks" come into operation in the form of famine,
epidemics, war, and other natural calamities, and a lot of population is wiped out. For the
remaining population food supply may be sufficient, though it may be a temporary relief. There
has been lot of criticism of Malthusian theory of population by arguing that:

1 Malthus did not visualize the power of science and technology with the help of which the food
supply could be revolutionized. Even one country like Canada could produce so much of wheat
that could be sufficient for the whole of the world. But will Canada supply wheat free? Not at all.
Even if it is free some countries may not even have the ability to bear the transportation costs.

2. Malthus did not advocate the use of contraceptives as a means of preventive measure, though
these were available during his times. Being a clergyman perhaps he did not consider the
advocacy of the use of contraceptives as appropriate.

3. Malthus presented a too pessimistic picture of the growth of population. Population of many
technologically advanced countries did not follow his predictions. Nevertheless, the essay on
population growth by Malthus generated lot of discussion on the topic, and Malthus may rightly
be considered as the father of population studies. The more guarded outlook is that we no longer
could use technology as an excuse to ignore Malthus. Theory of Demographic Transition
Demographic transition theory links birth rates and death rates to a society's level of
industrialization the process by which a society's economy shifts from a predominantly
agricultural and handicraft base to a predominantly industrial and large scale manufacturing
base. (Thomas Robert Malthus 1798).

2.3. Marxist theory on population growth

Marx believed that the nature of economic relations in Europe’s industrial

societies was the central problem for the world’s rapidly growing population. Marx dismiss
Malthusian notion that the rising world population, rather than capitalism, was the cause
of ills. Marx’s argued that when society is well ordered, increases in the population should
lead to greater wealth, not hunger and misery. In contrast, he saw that the problem was the

evils of the capitalist system. Marx was of the view that this problem is only possible in a
capitalist society and not rising world population.

Marx believed that the nature of economic Causes of Population Growth relations in
Europe’s industrial societies was the central problem for the world’s rapidly growing population.
Marx dismiss Malthusian notion that the rising world population, rather than capitalism, was the
cause. Marx’s argued that when society is well ordered, increases of ills. In the population should
lead to greater wealth, not hunger and misery. In contrast, he saw that the problem was the evils
of the capitalist system. Marx was of the view that this problem is only possible in a capitalist
society and not rising world population. He related population growth with present Causes of
Population Growth Marx held that economic system and for him both were inseparable.
Poverty and unemployment were not due to increased population, but on capitalist system
which failed to provide jobs. Surplus population was the consequence for real production
and uneven distribution of wealth According to Marx, in no and for providing jobs to only
few persons. Country of the world population increases on account of fertility but it increases
only on account of capitalist policies. Consequence of population growth, According to Marx,
because of the bourgeoisie exploits the working class by Raid population suppressing wages and
keeping them in relative poverty. Growth has also witnesses the depression of wages especially
for the poor who depend on wages for subsistence. It also strains investment by diverting funds
for the purpose of maintaining a lumen proletariat.

Marx states that, (large body of poor people). AM NOT SURE ABOUT HERE!! Because
the capitalist system fails to provide jobs Marx held the view that poverty and unemployment
would increase despite the population growth. Marx believes that by installing Consequences of
Population Growth labor saying machines a capitalist wants to have maximum surplus value out
of that and as a result of this unemployment spreads, wage (Marx, theory of population growth

2.3.1. Historical trend of world population

Owing to the higher level of fertility and the large population base most of annual
increase in the total world population and school age population had been accruing in the
less developed regions. The total fertility rate of 3.8 births per women in 1985 -1990, the
less developed regions were already adding 92% of total annual increment to the world
population where as the more developed regions with the total fertility of 1.8 births per
women, accounted for only 85% of the world annual increment during that period. During
the period 2000-2005, 97%of the population growth is taking is place in the less developed
region. By 2025-2030, the population of more developed regions is projected under the
medium variant to start declining and the entire population will occur in less developed
regions (UN, 2003, 9)

2.3.2. Population growth in Africa

In this time an increasing numbers of African peoples are being added in every year.
Rapid population growth can have serious consequence for the well being of humanity
world. Population growths in many African countries are detracting from their chance of
realizing the goal of development, not only for the current generation but also for the
future generation (AOU and ECA 2009). David Lucas (2003) stated that Africa has 22% of
the world land area but only 13% of the world population. However with high fertility and
failing mortality, African population in growing faster than that of any other continent and
its share of the world population is expected to rise (David Lucas 2003, 8).

High population growth to that will leads to higher population, extremely rapidly
urbanization and high dependency rate in Africa. Its consequence drag on growth But also
generate huge unemployment problem, deforestation, degradation of land. (Hans P. bins wagner
Mkhiz 2009, 34). Population growth will greatly increase the amount of food needed who
adequately feed sub Saharan African people. Almost 40% of sub Saharan population under the
age of 15 has yet to enter their reproductive years. Consequently the reproductive choices of
today’s young people will greatly influence future population size the food needs, (Jason
Bremner 2012).

2.3.3. Population growth in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is the third largest populated country in sub Saharan Africa. The
government has recognized the large and rapidly growing population is critically obstacle
to rapid and wide spread economic and social development. Through its impact on access
to resource and quality of environment, extreme population pressure can damper per
capital income growth and undermine the ability of the economy to absorb an expanding
labor force. Through its effect in income, rapid population growth may minimize potential
growth in the demand for social service at the house hold level. Expanding population will
require more resource and simply to maintain the quality and access to social service
(World Bank 1998).

Sahul Haile(2004)stated that economic and social indicator of Ethiopia are declining due
to its highly growing population. Ethiopia population is economically in active over half of the
population are too young or too old age to work and only half of the working population is
employed full time therefore small working population must provide for large number of
unemployed young people, creating disproportionality high dependency level that inhabit
investment in the future. Ethiopia’s unsustainable population growth contributes not only for its
social and economic situation but also the country’s environmental degradation especially in the
densely populated region (sahul Hail, 204, 43-44)Ethiopian’s un suitable population growth
contributes to the countries environmental degradation especially in the densely populated high
bids, deforestation , wet land degradation , rapidly soil erosion in the country were directly
related to the existing rapid population grow (Amare Sewnet 2012 9).

2.3.4. Population growth in Gondar

As it is observed clearly the size of population is increasing radically every other year.
For example according to Gondar city administration finance and local economic development
department reports 2006 E.C the population of Gondar city administration increase every year as
shown in the following table.

Year(E.C) Population
Male Female Total
2006 126,649 141,307 267,957
2007 151,780 164,077 315,857
2008 160,226 173,206 333,432
Source; Gondar city census data, 2008

Population (in thousands)





2006 2007 2008 (E.C)

Source; Gondar city census data, 2008

2.4. Population growth in maraki sub city

Maraki sub city is one of the largest sub cities in Gondar city. Sub city’s administration
has recognized the more and rapidly increasing population growth by the cause of migration,
fertility, religion, culture, low level of women education etc… so there is a critical obstacle of
rapid spread of economic and social development. Population growth is the serious problem in
maraki sub city according to data (2007) reported that the population number of maraki sub city
counted to 51345 with the growth rate of 10% and its dabbling time of 20 years.(maraki sub city
department reported). All those factors leads the to the falling consequences such as;- shortage

of house, unemployment, crime, lack of health care, ,water pollution, environmental degradation,
deforestation, lack of infrastructure, climate change, soil erosion, , etc. according to maraki sub
city administration finance and local economic development reports in increase in every year as
shown in the following table.

Year (EC) Population

Male Female Total
2007 24868 26477 51,345
Elders/ 365 485 850

Source; maraki sub city administration center 2016

2.5. Cause of population growth

High fertility-many couples have large number of children because they fear that
some children will die and they want to be sure that enough children survive to assist them
in family enterprise and support them in old age (Johan Bong Arts and Judith Bruce 1918).
Conquest of disease – the biggest population store of the last hundred years has been
conquest of disease. Scientists have learned garter about the way to prevent and to cure
many types of disease. Thus millions people died of disease country ago are more likely to
live old age. The most conductive to in the conquest of disease has been improved
knowledge about malnutrition, vaccination. Better public healthy practice and the
development of new medicine, progress in medical scientist has therefore had a great effect
on the population most nations of the world. (Carlyon Cinder 1988).

Urban growth; - the growth of the world population has been accompanied by urban
growth. Around 1800, the world’s urban population numbered 25 million and for the year
2000,the United Nation estimated that 47% of the world population lived in the urban area
and that this proportion world rise to 60% by the year 2000(DavidLUCAS,2003,6).Decline
in the death historically this is the main causes of population growth will almost certainly
continue. Higher standard of living, better nutrition, greater investment in sanitation and
clean water supplies, expand accesses to health service and application of healthy measures,

such as immunizations will insure longer and healthier lives in most countries, (Johan bong
arts and judes 1998).

2.5.1. Consequences of population growth

Studies of consequences of migration are of equal importance as those of the
causes of migration. The effects of migration are viewed from two directions. On one hand
migration causes excessive urbanization, limited employment opportunity, poverty, lack of
shelter, inadequate supply of consumer goods, inadequate social service ,famine, income
inequalities, ecological stress and population mal-distribution where as on the other hand
migration is a necessary part of economic growth, equilibrating tendencies, facilitating
industrialization, improving income distribution and introducing technological change in
agriculture, and generalize that migration is the human right ensuring choosing one's
destination to improve welfare and economic benefit (Lewis, 1982:1; Standing, 1984:1). In
general, Rural-urban migration has a number of economic, social, cultural, mental and
demographic impacts to both receiving and sending areas.

2.5.2. Positive consequences of population growth

Migration is a necessary part of economic growth, equilibrating tendencies, facilitating

industrialization, improving income distribution better health care and education and introducing
technological change in agriculture, and generalize that migration is the human right ensuring
choosing one's destination to improve welfare and economic benefit (Lewis, 1982:1; Standing,
1984:1).Technological developments are depend on population size for both innovation and
technology pushed, made more likely the larger number of population and innovation demand
pushed, because large population creates new needs and increase those already existing grating
higher reward for the innovators. The higher and probably more stable demand for consumption
and investment good is another positive effect of population growth that can leads to
expansionary economic cycle (luigi palumbo, 2010, 5).

In both developing and developed countries, population contributed positively to the

energy use and technology. Affluences so as was ,the direct evidence of population growth on
environment is clearer for forest use and soil degradation than for pollution but population is not

the only factor affecting environmental degradation(J.R.walker,2012).Kremer (1993) stated and
empirically confirmed that larger population on will associated with higher population growth
rate and faster technological development. Technological development is the consequence of
population growth leads to labor productivity per capital income and improvements in living
conditions (Luige Palumbo, 2010, 5 quated from kremer, 1993).

2.5.3. Negative consequences of population growth

Standard of living population growth leads to higher total consumption demand for
goods and service if supply is lower than demand, the goods will be scarce do you to high
demand and shortage of resource the prices of goods will increase. The rise in prices, however
decrease demand for goods. Therefore this leads to starvation, poverty, and disease as well as
decrease income growth. Migration rural urban migration takes place this could cause series
shortage of labor force in the area of origin unemployment, poor living condition and lack of
food supply well it cause all access of labor. Increased demand for health, educational service
and lastly promotes rapid urbanization, (OAU and ECA 2009).

On employment and poverty high fertility and population growth appear to promote the
transmission of poverty across generation. Simultaneously, they widen the gap income and
health status that separate the poor from the upper and middle class. Because of the
disproportionally high level of fertility among the lowest income groups in developing
countries .population is likely to depress wages of the bottom end of the pay scale (Richard
p.cincotta, Robert Engelmann, 1997, 6).Population growth may reduce saving propensity
lowering potential investment; this would lead to further decrease per capital per work, and thus
per capita steady state output. In this cause the main focus is on the limited availability of
physical capita, this does not affect population growth which is exogenously determined –but
constraints economic growth (Luigi palumbo, 2010, 3)

Housing facilitate according to (OAU and ECA 2009). Without adequate provision of
housing, the rapid population growth will result in poor and crowded housing in the urban slum
of the rapidly growing cites and this also produces further social problems (OAU and ECA
2009). When considering the effects of population growth on sustainability, we have to look of
the impact of population growth on reduce scarcity (food, energy, coal, oil). Raw materials

(wood, water) environmental impact (pollution, soil degradation, deforestation, global warming
and the economic impacts occurred (J.R) Walker 2012).

On economic growth ;(Richard&Engelmann) stated that many countries experiencing

rapidly growing population and thus encourage dependency ratio, the influx of young people in
the job market exceeds the job created during 1960.Acording to united nation development
program, in many cause in the developing world, lots of employment was being created but not
fast enough to match the rapid growing of the labor force (Richard p,cincotta,Robert

2.6. Government population policy of Ethiopia

Ethiopians national population policy was developed in 1993 identifies measure

obstacle to country’s development effort. Proposed measure to address those obstacles the
transitional government with support from united nation population fund developed it prior to
and probably in the preparation for 1994 international conference on population and
development in Cairo at the time fewer countries in Africa had population policy (sahalu haile
2004, 40)

Population cancers touch up on nearly all facets of economic and social life of people.
Given the magnitude and complexity of development problem our country faces. It is no longer
sense to justify the enactment of population policy on health ground only. Population factors
have to be regarded as both determinants and consequence of the level of economic and social
development. Such an insight of the scope and importance of the role of population in nation
building efforts determines the type of organizational mechanism required to effectively
implement policies pertaining to it (kibruyisfa Achamyeleh, 1997). Even though Ethiopia has
population policy have which largely, remains unimplemented. The government currently in
power formulation policy guide for the country 1993 to bring population growth rates in line
with other policy targets and achieve socio-economic advancement. Despite arguments to
contrary it is evident that traditional resource use practice have led to the near distraction of the
environment in lands along settled by sedentary agriculturalist, particularly in the northern half
of the country (WWW.Ethio demography and health (org.Aynalem Adugna).

(Sahlu halle, 2004) state that Ethiopia national population policy seek the harmonization
of the rate of population growth and the capacity of the country for the development and rational
utilization of natural resource. The policy specially seek to increase the contraceptive usage from
4% to reduce fertility from 7.7 children per women to 4 by 2015.other objective includes
reducing maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, ensuring balanced distribution of
population and agricultural productivity. Ethiopia has been made significant progress in reducing
the rate of its population but implementation has been major problem (sahul Haile, 2004 ,48-49).

Generally as discussed from the above literature, population growth is an increase in the
population of a particular country. The population of the country increase when the total birth
rates of fertility rate excess the total death rate. or it is the result of the increasing of birth over
death .population growth is alarmingly increasing the in the world wide. For example, Africa
population is being added in every year. It is affecting the goal of development not only in the
present generation but also for the coming generation. it aggravates the rural to urban migration,
unemployment, food scarcity, etc. The problem of population growth is not the only Africa
problem but also it has occurred in Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, population growth is regarding the
social and economic situation of the country. it also aggravates environmental degradation and
resource exploitation. There are many factors (causes) for the emergence of population growth.
Among this high fertility, decreasing of mortality, conquest of disease, urban growth and
migration particularly rural to urban migration are the major factors for population growth. As
explained above population growth has its own advantage for technological development, labor
productivity, energy use, encouraging for the improvement of living condition of the people. But
this compared with its negative impact; it is dangerous and affects the development of the
country. Population growth has many negative consequences. These are increasing population
migration and urbanization, unemployment and poverty, reduce saving propensity, lowering the
potential investment ,decrease income, narrowing the quality of house, scarcity of resource,
related economic growth of the country, increase conflict, damage the environment are the
consequence of population growth. Therefore, population growth is serious problem that affects
the whole human existence.


3. Research Method
The study was conduct in Addis Ababa particularly in Gullele sub city as target place.
The reasons that we have selects this place is that the problem of population growth exists and
most of the elder women are who live in this place are affected by the problem. So we can easily
collect the data need by interviewing. In addition to this There will be questioner for some of the
elder women’s and to the gullele sub city peoples who are account for the issue. the place where
have short distance from our residence area due to reduce the consumptions……

3.1. Study area

3.1.1. Historical background of Gondar town

This study was conduct in the town of Gondar; Gondar is located in the northwestern
part of Ethiopia in the Amhara region just north of Lake Tana and 745km northwest of Addis
Abeba which is the capital city of Ethiopia. The town was founded by Emperor Fasiledes in 1636
A.D which was also served as capital city of Ethiopia from 1673 until 1867. Many of its early
churches, monasteries and castles were built during this period and still in existence and
accessible to visitors currently. Moreover, the city was recognized as the cradle of Ethiopian art
and culture. Furthermore, the city has 21 kebeles among these the research team has selected

maraki sub city. What is more, the city is found in the foot hills of Semen mountain chains at an
average elevation of 2200 meter above sea level. The astronomical location of the city is 12030
North and 37020 East. The main part of the city is located on edge between two rivers Angereb
and Keha .In 1994 national census reported (2007) Gondar has an estimated total population of
112,249 of whom 51,366 are men and 60,883 are women. The town has an estimated area of
40.27 square kilometers which gives Gondar density of 4, 836, 70 people per square kilometers
(Ngzfedd) 2011.

3.2. Study design

This study was cross sectional since the data gathered at a given period of time and place
due to shortage of time and lack of financial and other related resources. The method of the
research should be sample survey method. The method is mainly quantitative. The sample was
selected by using simple random sampling technique. We select from maraki sub city (study
area) form the total 21 kebeles of Gondar town. Our data collection method was questionnaire
and Interview. The questionnaire should be intended to have both open- ended and close- ended
questions. We also use a tool semi-structured interview by selecting respondents are female
groups like by age.

3.3. Research approach

To do this research, we would have used both qualitative and quantitative approach.
Qualitative approach is an approach which focused on word, opinion, and explanation. And
quantitative approach is an approach which focused on tables, numbers and percents.

3.4. Sampling technique and size

In this study, in order to select samples was employ use probability sampling techniques.
In probability sampling by using (simple random sampling technique) as the target population of
this study is elder women. Based on this technique we select 30 samples .because our study

design is cross sectional which means we must have done at a given period of time and place so
according to our shortage of time and finance we have to choice small number of respondents.

1+ n¿ ¿

1+ n(0.0025)

1+ 485(0.0025)

1+ 1.2125


N= 219

Is from the total population of elder women so we had taken 14% from the sample then

14 14 x 219
X219= = 30
100 100

Inclusion Criteria

In our research we encompassed elder women participants who were existed in the Gondar town
particularly maraki sub city administration center. In addition to this, we were also collected
information from those both literate and illiterate individuals by using different procedures and
techniques based on their willingness.

Exclusion Criteria

According to this criterion concerning our study we had excluded, all mans and females under
the age of 65 persons not willing individuals and mental ill persons due to the fact that we may

not get sufficient information from those individuals. In addition to this in our sampling method
excluded that all elder women who are came from another place.

3.5. Data collection method

In this study both primary and secondary sources of data we use. Primary data’s should
be collected directly from respondents including target group (elder women), North Gondar Zone
administration financial and local economic development department and staffs and official
work. by using mixed research methods such as interview and survey whereas secondary data’s
were taken from files, documents, records, books, journals, magazines and websites.

3.6. Methods of Data analysis

The data was gathering in Amharic language and should be systematically code,
organize, transcribe and translate in to English for data analysis. Hence, the collects raw data was
analyze using mixed method which means both qualitative and quantitative. In connection to
this, the data that obtained through interview have analyzed by using word, in qualitatively way.
On the other hand, the data was gather through questionnaire should be analyses and describe by
using tabular, percentage, proportion, and ratio quantitatively by using descriptive. Descriptive
statistics should be use to describe and present the nature of respondents in terms of elder women
(dependent variables).

3.7. Source of data

In conducting this research we have both primary and secondary source of data. Primary
data was collect directly from the sample that is from interview and questioners. Secondary data
was collect from different books, newspaper and internet magazine and others.

3.8. Ethical considerations

In order to accomplish this study in a good and effective manner ethical considerations are
very important. Before taking any action in the study area a formal letter were taken from the
University of Gondar, Department of Sociology to ensure the legality of the research. The

research team also expected to be free from researcher bias like attempting to hide what is found
in the study and from the act of causing harm to participants. In addition to this, both the
administration of sub city and respondents (elder women) were told about the whole purpose and
objectives of the study in order to avoid any kind of doubt. Moreover, the respondents were
asked their free will to participate in this study.

Furthermore, the respondents were also be told that their information and identity would be
held secure in this regard confidentiality was maintained. What is more, to keep the
confidentiality the research team was used pseudo names instead of employing the exact name of
participants. After gaining informed consent orally and in the form of written from the
respondents both the questionnaire and interview were held. Finally, presenting heartfelt and
genuine gratitude for all respondents is a mandatory and expected ethics of the research team.

3.9. Limitation of study

Most of the researches do not get their end without certain limitations. The research team
had also some limitations in connection to the study such as financial and time constraints
together with the shortage of computer to write and edit the research paper was make the study a
bit difficult.

Moreover, there was also shortage of budget for the research materials like Tape
recorder which will help in order to have profound information while conducting interview and
cost of transportation.


4. Data analysis and interpretation

In this chapter the research deals the analyses and interpretation of the collected data.
The data was collected by using questioner from 30 samples of the elder women and interview
with informants to assess the socio economic impact of population growth on the living standard
of elder women in Gondar town specifically in maraki sub city, therefore the collected data
would be analyzed and interpreted below.

4.1. The socio economic and demographic background of respondents

Table 1 Distribution of respondents based on age

Age Frequency Percentage
65-69 16 53.33%
70-74 9 30%
Above 75 5 16.66%
Total 30 100%
Source:-sample data, 2016

As indicated from the above table,16(53.33%)of the respondents are from 65-69 years
old ,9(30%) of the respondents are also 70-74 years old ,5(16.66%)of the respondents are above
75.from this one can easily understand that the research has taken many of the respondents from
elder women. this is because it assumed that since the elder women to had given relevant
information about them, regarded to the impact of population growth. based on this, one can
conclude that all of the respondents are elder women’s.

Table 2. Distribution of respondents based on their educational level

Education level Frequency Percentage
Not write and read 21 70%
Write and read only 5 16.66%
1-4 grade 2 6.66%
Primary school 2 6.66%
Secondary school - -
Certificate - -

Diploma - -
Degree - -
Above degree - -
Total 30 100%
Source:-sample data, 2016

As clearly indicated from the above table 21(70%), of the respondents are from elder
women who can’t read and write, 5(16.66%) are from elder women who can read and write,
2(6.66%) of the respondents also are primary school and 2(6.66%) of them are secondary school
and all elder women who participate the questioner are not have certificate, diploma, degree and
above degree. One conclude that we have taken many of the respondents from elder women who
cannot write and read because most of elders whom are illiteracy persons.

Table 3 Distribution of respondents based on their occupation

Occupation Frequency Percentage
Pension 8 26.66%
Daily labor 3 10%
Remittance 10 33.33%
Begging 3 10%
Others 6 20%
Total 30 100%
Source;-sample data, 2016

From the table 8(26.67%) of the respondents are pensions, 3(10%) are daily labor,
10(33.33) are remittance, 3(10%) are bagging, 6(20%) are other specify .this table indicts that the
larger shares of the respondents are remittance because the elder women have no any power to
survive without remittance and the elder women have not their own money, house, ability to
daily labor and to stop any movement for the cause of business.

Table .4 Distribution of respondents based on marital status

Marital status Frequency Percentage
Marred 10 33.33%
Unmarred 1 3.33%
Divorced 7 23.33%
Widowed 12 40%
Total 30 100%
Source;- sample data 2016

As indicates from the above table 10(33.33%) of the respondents is married, 1(3.33%) of
the respondent are unmarried, 7(23.33%) of the respondents are divorced and 12(40%) of
respondents are widowed. This table shows that the larger shares of the respondents are
widowed, because the husbands died in the time of dreg regime for the cause of war reason.

Table 5 Distribution of respondents based on religion

Religion Frequency Percentage
Orthodox 21 70%
Muslim 9 30%
Protestant 0 0%
Catholic 0 0%
Others 0 0%
Total 30 100%
Source;-sample data 2016

As indicates from the above table 21(70%) of the respondents are orthodox religion
follower, 9(30%) are Muslim followers, orthodox’s share the larger numbers of respondents from
the whole. This also illustrate that the research has taken many samples from orthodox religion
followers ,because most of the community in this sub city are the followers of orthodox religion,
from this conclude that majority of the people are orthodox religion

Table 6 Distribution of respondents based on the numbers of children

Item Response no of Frequency Percentage (%)
How many children 1 5 16.66
do you have
2 5 16.66%
3 5 16.66%
4 1 3.33%
Above4 14 46.66%
Respondents have no 0 0%
Total 30 100%
Source;-sample data 2016

As indicates from the above data 5(16.66%) of the respondent have 1children,
5(16.66%)of the respondents have 3 children ,1(3.33%)of the respondents have
4children,14(46.66%)of respondent have above 4childrens and the respondents have no children

is 0(zero).from the above table the largest respondent shares 46.66% of children are above 4
children. There for one can concluded that the research has taken many of the sample from this.
Who have children above four because most of elder women have money children?

4.2. Impact of population growth

In this section, since the research mostly concerned with the impact of population
growth, it firstly analysis and interprets the collected data from the elder women regarding to the
impact of population.

Table 7 Distribution of respondents based on the impact of population growth

Item Response Frequency Percentage (%)
Is there the impacts Yes 27 90%
of population growth
No 3 10%
Total 30 100%
Source:-sample data, 2016

As indicates from the above table 29(90%) of the respondents are responded that for
impacts of population growth in their area the remaining are 3(10%) of the respondents also
responded that there is no the impacts of population growth. The table also shows that almost all
of the respondents stated that accounted 27(90%) believe above the impacts of population
growth. From in this table explanation, one can easily conclude that the impact of population
growth is highly affecting elder women in the study area.

Table 8 distribution respondents based on the cause of population growth.

Item Response Frequency Percentage (%)
If your answer for Lack of family 6 20%
question no 2.2 is yes planning
what are the causes
High fertility rate - -
Low mortality 6 20%
Migration 15 50%
Other 3 10%
Total 30 100%
Source: - sample data 2016

As indicates from the above table regarding the cause of population growth here
15(50%), the respondents are responded that migration as the major cause of population growth

and 3 (10%) are responded that other factor of population growth and 6(20%) of the respondents
are answered that fertility as cause of population growth, The above table show that migration is
the major cause of population growth and based on this one can easily concluded that migration
is one of the dominant factors for the increasing of population growth time to time.

The informants said that even though migration is the major factor aggravating
population growth, fertility and lacks of family planning are the second main factors for the
problem, specially rural to urban migration is one of the factors, because many people are
migrating from different rural area to this sub city for different purpose such as;-wage labor,
service, education, live for better life, health and other activities. But not only has this reduction
of death also had its contribution for the increasing of population growth because the innovation
of medicine can reduce the number of death rate but fertility rate remain high. (Johnbongarts and
Judice Bruc 1998) stressed that decline in death rate is the major factor for population growth,
this researchers explain that declining death rate may continue for the future as a factor of
population growth since many types of disease control medical acquired but in the cause of our
data, it show that migration is indicted as the main factor of population growth, followed by high
fertility rate and lack of family planning.

Table 9.Distribution of respondents based on their attitude

Item Response Frequency Percentage (%)
What is your attitude Positive 14 46.7%
towards population
Negative 7 23.333%
No decided 8 30%
Total 30 100
Source;-sample data, 2016

As indicated from the above table concerning the attitude of the elder women 14(46.7%)
of the respondents seen population growth from its positive side, and 9(30%) of them also not
sure about the positive and negative impacts of population growth. From the above table, its
show that majority of the respondents have positive attitude for population growth because it has
different consequence related with it, and 7(23.33%)of them also responded that population

growth is not important because has its own disadvantage, when compared respondents answer
about the attitude of them regarding to population growth, similarly our informants have both
positive and negative attitude towards population growth one of our informant stayed that
population growth is the serious problem because in the past all of the things were easily
accessible but today is anything that needed is very expensive. This is the result of population
that increases from time to time

4.3. socio economic impact of population growth, this part of analysis is also
focus on the socio economic impacts of population growth on the living standard
of elder women
Table 10. Distribution of respondents based on negative impacts of population growth
Item Response Frequency Percentage (%)
Do you think that Yes 20 66.66%
population growth
has negative impact
No 10 33.33%
Total 30 100
Source;- sample data 2016

As indicates from the above table concerned the positive impact of population growth
10(33.33%) of the respondent responded that population growth has positive impact and the
remaining20 (66.66) them also refused about its positive impact the table indicates that almost all
of the respondents believe that population growth has negative impact. this also indicated that
population growth is affecting the elder women.

Table 11. Distribution of respondents based on the type of impact

Item Response Frequency Percentage (%)
If you say yes for the Economic impact 15 75%
above question, what
are its impacts?
Social impact --- --
Political impact 1 5%
Environmental 2 10%
Other 2 10%
Total 20 100%

Source;-sample data, 2016

As indicates from the above table 15(75%)of the respondents responded economic
impact,2(10%)of them responded environmental impact and other impact of population
growth,1(5%)of the respondents responded about political impact, the table also indicated that
beyond half of the respondents that means 15(75%) of the responded about the economic impact
of population growth. therefore from the above table one can understand that majority of elder
women were mostly affected by economic and environment and other impacts of population
growth. our informants also stayed that population growth was negatively affected the economic
and environmental situation of the elder women. this idea was supported by Richard p Cincotta
and Robert engineman in1997,they stressed that population growth affect the economic aspects
of the elder women, that means when population increase, the economic development decrease
because when high number of population existed, there may have higher number of dependent
people in the community then the saving habit of the community can be damaged for their future

Table 12 Distribution of respondents based on positive impact of population growth

Item Response Frequency Percentage(%)

Do you think that Yes 10 33.33%
population growth
has positive impact?
No 20 66.7%

Total 30 100%
Source;- sample data,2016

As indicates from the above table, 10(33.33%)of the respondents believe that population
growth has positive impact,20(66.67%)of the respondent did not agree about the positive impact
of population growth. the table shows that the larger number of respondents that accounts
20(66.7%) responded that population growth negatively affected the people than its positive
impact. additionally the research was also raised the question about the positive impacts of
population growth. There were 10 respondents who accepted the positive impact of population
growth. Out of 10 respondents 6(60%)of respondents answered about the importance of

population growth for labor force, because they consider that when there is higher number of
population, it can promotes for labor force, and 4940%)of respondents believed that population
growth is necessary for bringing development because since higher number of population
innovate technology, development can be achieved .the fore, to concluded that majority of them
considered about the need of population for labor force and minority believed about its impact on

Table 13 Distribution of respondents based on the impacts of population growth on the living standard
Item Response Frequency Percentage(%)
Do you think that Yes 20 66.7%
population growth
can affect the living
standard of elder
No 10 33.3%
Total 30 100%
Source;-sample data 2016

As explained from the above table 20(66.7%) respondents responded that population
growth can affect the living standards of elder women 10(33.3%) of respondents explained that
population growth can not affect the living standards of elder women. The table also shows that
majority of respondents that accounts 20(66.7%)share the idea that population growth can affect
the living standards of elder women because population growth make everything difficult for
human binges ,therefore based on the above table ,one can easily understanding that population
growth affecting the living standards of elder women

Table 14 Distribution of respondents based on about the condition of population on living

standards of elder women
Item Response Frequency Percentage (%)
If you say yes for the By aggravating food -- --
above question in in security
what condition if
affect the living
By increase shortage 17 85%

of house
By increasing -- --
Other 3 15%
Total 20 100%
Source;-sample data, 2016

As clearly indicates from the above table 17(75%) of respondents respond that
population growth can affect the living standards of elder women by increasingly shortage of
house, 3(15%) of respondents also responded that population growth is affect the living
standards of elder women by increasing other impacts such as;-by affecting elder women who
are in the lower level living and by inflation of basic needs. Therefore from the above table one
can conclude that population growth is affect the living standards of elder women by increasing
shortage of house and other impacts. We also asked the informants that how the population
growth that affects the living standards of elder women, it also believes that population growth
can narrow the chance to survive on the earth by increasing all the necessary things for human

Table 15 Distribution of respondents based on obstacle of population growth for development

Item Response Frequency Percentage(%)
Do you think that Yes 21 70%
population growth is
an obstacle for
No 9 30%
Total 30 100%
Source;- sample data,2016

As indicates from the above table 21(70%) consider that population growth is an obstacle
to development and 9(30%) of respondents also responded that population growth is not an
obstacle to development. The table also indicated that the larger number of respondents share the
idea that population growth is the main obstacle to development because since higher number of
population produce many types of problem, it retired development. Therefore from the above
table, one concludes that population growth an obstacle to development in this community. We

tried to generalize above the socio economic impacts of population growth from the participant
answer. Their fore, according to the participants un employment due to the causes of existing
higher number of peoples, food insecurity, migration from one place to another place in
accessibility of infrastructural things for rapidly growth population, increasing shortage of house,
scarcity of water ware some of the socio economic impacts of population growth on the elder

There were some respondents who stand on opposite directions that said (responded) population
has no any social and economic impacts rather it is important to bring development by providing
higher number of labor force.

Table 16 Solutions for population growth

In this specific objective the data collected from questioners and informants (interview)
would be analyzed about the solution of population growth.

Table 4.5.1 distribution of respondents based on all solution of population growth

Item Response Frequency Percentage (%)
What do you think Encourage 15 50%
about the solution of communities
population growth awareness to use
Encourage 7 23.33
government agencies
to teach the people
about family planning
Encouraging private -- --
agencies to the to do
activates in balancing
population growth
and development
Improving population 8 26.33
Others --- --
Total 30 100%

Source;-sample data, 2016

As indicates from the above table 15(50%)of the respondents agreed that encouraging
community awareness to use contraceptive,7(23.33%) of them also responded that encouraging
government agency to teach the people about family planning as solution for rapidly growing
population 8(26.33%)of them also agreed that establishing population policy is the best solution
for population growth at the table also indicates that majority of the respondents that accounts
15(50%)answered that encouraging communities awareness to use contraceptives is the main
major to reduce the impact of population growth, because of the community can be actor use the
contraceptive, it is possible to reduce the problem successful, from the above table one conclude
that encouraging communities to use contraceptive as a main solution to alleviate the problem of
population growth. we also asked regarding the solution of population growth similarly the
informants stressed that the community should used the contraceptive to reduce the problem and
the government also should distributed the necessary materials to reduce population growth.
other or some also stayed that there are many types of international agencies who do activities
regarding to family planning such as;-mare stops international agency, so the government invites
this agencies to came and do in Ethiopia and similarly to Gondar for the good survival of the

4.4 Interview as the respondents

According to our research process we understand the cause and consequence of

population growth and its impacts from the respondents. Elder women’s responded that
population growth has many impacts, such as – economic, social and environmental impacts.
The negative economic impact included , lower income, lack of fulfill basic needs, shortage of
house rent, lack of material resources etc. in addition to social negative impacts are include
absence of respect from the adult persons, lack of social interaction etc. and also environmental
impacts include climate change, and water pollution etc are some of the problems. A person who
reads this research is concluding that population growth has highest impact on the living
standards of elder women. Finally the respondents tell us all government, community and other
non- governmental organizations should try to reduce population growth.

Finding of the research

Regarding to our study we were found some different problems, those are not discovered by
another researchers such as -

 Most of the study was not focused on elder women but all older persons.
 Elder women were affected by socio economic problems duo to their old age, because
they were not done hard working duo to their ability.
 The elder women where have not equal chance to gone their income because of their
old age.
 The elder women would have not trans meted to their experience for the new generation
dou to the increasing of population growth.
The most major problems on elder women in our study are;-
1. Discrimination
2. Lack of respective by adult people in the sub city.
3. Un employment
4. The government was not encouraging the elder women regarding to sharing their
5. Government nongovernmental organization are not support the elder women.
6. The communities of the sub city were not support and care the elder women.



5.1. Conclusion

The study was focused on the socio economic impacts of population growth on the
living standard of elder women in the cause of Gondar town particularly in maraki sub city as
targeted place of the study. Accordingly, the findings show that population growth is the main
problems which directly affect the elder women in their living standard and it also show that

population is unevenly distributed. As the study indicated the major cause of population growth
is lack of use contraceptive methods .i.e. higher number of fertility rate and in some extent
migration also contributes for the increasing of population growth in community. We also tried
to know about the attitude of the elder women towards population growth. The finding also show
that majority of them have negative attitude due to its negative impacts on the living standard
and additionally the study show that some of the elder women have positive attitude by
considering its potential for development. Even though population growth has Varity of impacts
such as political, environmental impacts, the social and economic impacts are the serious impacts
that currently affecting the elder women.

As conclude from the study, population growth has the potential to damage the living
standard of elder women. This due to that when population increased, the need for food also
increased. Thus food insecurity occurred and the demand for shortage of house rise then the rent
of house also increased .therefore to meet this necessity higher amount of money spend out then
saving habit also distorted regarding the solution of population growth, the finding show that
awareness creation which is ensuring family planning was raised as a remedy for problem.

5.2 Recommendation
Population growth can be an obstacle which retards the development of the country
.therefore; the following recommendations are forwarded to reducing the problem of population

 Population growth may have some importance but the elder women should recognize its
serious socio economic impacts for their future existence.
 The community should gat awareness about family planning to control the rapid birth rate
and to bring stable life.
 Health workers and other concerned body should teach the community to use
contraceptives and to change their attitude.
 The government should invited and attract international and national agency to do
activities like distributing birth control medicine.
 Government should be encourage family planning to the community for reducing
population growth

 The state and regional government will try to construct, health, education, marketing
center and criminal justice system for rural people to reducing rural –urban migration.
 The sub city administration center, community and individual should be making contact
each other for solving the problem of elder women in the sub city.
 The sub city administration center should be promoting the right to participation for elder
women duo to sharing their experience for new generation.
 The community of the sub city should be give respect for elder women
 The government must be improving population policy of the country.
 Sociologist and other social researchers should participate with in the life process of
community for the purpose of making social interaction
Generally, since population growth is seriously affecting the overall
development of the community, the government, private agency or NGO and the
community them salve should wholly move to reduce population growth or to balance the
population with development Finally, according to our research works we had been
understand many problems on elder women, those were come by population growth
specifically in maraki sub city and we had been tried to solved the problem of elder
women by giving advice, by discussion, with them toward the problem so all
government, individuals and groups of this sub city (maraki sub city)should be solve the
problem of elder women by different ways, such as’-by building health care ,religious
institution, recreational area etc….


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Appendix (A)


This questionnaires is filled by elder women (60 years and above) living in Gondar city in
maraki sub city. The purpose of this questionnaire is collecting relevant information (data) to
assess the situation and socio- economic problems of elder women living in Gondar city in the
case of maraki sub city.

Dear respondent, you are kindly requested to complete this questionnaire appropriate
answering the following questions. Your genuine response valuable for the success full
accomplishments and reliable finding of the study understanding of elder women living in
Gondar city in maraki sub city. Your response will be kept and will not be used for any other
purpose. Don’t write your name.

Thanks for your cooperation

Instruction; - below is a list of questions which cheeks participants, demographic, characteristic,

please read each questions and response to the right answer which represents you. Put (  )
symbol for answering questions which the box and write your answer in the space provided.

1. Demographic characteristics.
1.1 Age? A. 65-69 B. 70- 74 C. 75-79 D. 80 and
1.2 Sex A. male B. female
1.3 Ethnicity A. amhara B. tigray C. oromo D. others ….
1.4 Religious affiliation? A. orthodox B. Muslim C. protestant D.
E. others ……

1.5 educations A. not write and read B. read and write only C. 1-4 grade D.
5-8 grade E. 9-12 grade F. certificate G. diploma H. degree

1.6 Your birth place? A. Gondar city B. other place

1.7 Marital states? A. marred B. single C. divorced D. Widowed

2. Questions determining the socio- economic problems those are coming by population
growth of elder women living in maraki sub city.

A. Related to elder women.

2.1 How many children you have? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 and above

2.2 Residences of your children? A. Gondar city B. out of Gondar city C. some of
live in Gondar city and some of out of Gondar city

2.3 Do you believe that there is the existence of population growth in your area? A. Yes
B. No

2.4 If your answer for questions number 2.1 is yes, what are the factor encouraging population

A. lack of family planning B. fertility C. low mortality D. migration

E. other please specifies……..

2.5 What is the impact of population growth on the living standard of elder women?

A. positive B. negative C. not decided

2.6 If your answer for question number 2.3 is positive what types of negative impact it has?

A. economic impact b social impact C. political impact d

environmental impact E. other please specify……

2.7 do you think that population growth limit impact on the living standard of elder women?

A. positive B. Negative C. Not decided

2.8 If your answer for question number 2.5 is positive, what is the positive impact?

A. for labor force B for development C if other please specify……

2.9 do you think that population growth limit impact on the living

A. Yes B. No

2.10 What is your attitude towards population growth?

A. positive B. negative C. not decided

2.11 do you think that population growth can affect that the living standard of elder women?

A. Yes B. No

2.12 If your answer for question number ‘ 2.9’ is yes, in what condition it affect the living
standard of elder women? A. by aggravating food insecurity B. by increasing housing

C. by damaging environment D. if other please specify……..

2.13 What do you think about the solution?

A. encouraging people’s awareness to use contra captive B. encouraging to government

agencies to teach the peoples about family planning C. encouraging private agencies
to do activities in balancing population growth and development D. government should
improve population policy E. if other please specify………….

B. situation related to families.

2.14 with whom do you live? A. with spouse B. with children C. lonely
D. others please specify………….

2.15 do you think that eroding mutual support between families aggravating the problems of
elder women? A. Yes B. No

C. situation related to economy.

2.16 have you own living house? A. Yes B. No

2.17 If your answer is, no for question, 2.14 from whose do you live …………..?

2.18 What is the main source of your income? A. pension B. daily working C.
support from children relatives D. begging E. government support

D. situations related to government and non- governmental organization.

2.19 Are government and non government organization that gives support and care for elder
women in your area?

A. Yes B. No

2.20 Is there a recreational place for elder women?

A. Yes B. No

E. situation related to societies

2.21 are there culture for support and care for elder in your area? A. yes B. no

2.22 are elder women a change to participate and decide in social and economical situations in
your area?

A. yes B. No

Part 3 questions determine the abuse neglect of elders living in sub city?

3.1 do you feel that the community show respects for elder women? A. Yes B, No

3.2 do you happen abuse and neglect do you to your old age? A. Yes B. No

3.3 What kind of abuse and neglect do you happened by you …………………?

Part 4 questions determining coping mechanism to address the problem of elder women.

4.1 do you think that elder women contribute a lot for the community? A. Yes B. No

4.2 If your answer is, yes for question; no 4 list the kinds of contribution of elder

4.3 are you happy being older? A. Yes B. No

4.4 under what situation do you attend medical case?

A. with your own money B. free medical service C. with the

assistance of relation E. others……………..

4.5 What are the major problems of elder women those are coming by population growth in your
sub city?

A. health problem B. lack of food C. unable to generate there income

D. others………

4.6 does the government support the elder women in your sub city? A. Yes B. No

4.7 is this good opportunity to elder women to share their rich life experiences?

A. Yes B. No

4.8 What situation is improved to elder women to share their rich life experiences………?

Appendix B

Interviewing guide line for maraki sub city leaders and labor and social affair.

1. What are the main social and economical problems of elder women those are coming by
population growth in your sub city?
2. What sort attitudes do you think the younger generation holds about elder women today?
3. What are the contributions of elder women to the community?
4. If there are peoples who have no good attitudes to elder women what is your community?
5. What should be done on the part of government for elder women in your community?
6. What should be done those elder women to share their experiences for younger

የጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲቲ

የሶሻል ሳይንሰና ስነህዝብ ኮሌጅ የሶሾሎጅ ትምህርት ክፍል

ይህ መጠይቅ የተዘጋጀው በጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲት የሶሻል ትምህርትና ስነህዝብ ኮሌጅ ተማሪዎች የመጀመሪያ
ድግሪ የመመረቂያ ጽሁፍ ለማዘጋጀት ነው፡፡ ይህ መጠይቅ የሚሞላው ማራኪ ክፍለ ከተማ ነው፡፡

ውድ ተሳታፊዎች ይህ መጠይቅ ስለ አረጋዊያን ሴቶች በህዝብ ቁጥር መጨመር ምክንያት የሚያጋጥሟቸው

ማህበራዌ እና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ችግሮችን ለመለየት መረጃ ለመሰብሰብ የተዘጋጀ ነው፡፡ ስለዚህ ለዚህ ጥናት
መሣካት የእርሶዎ ትብብር ስለሚያስፈልገን የእርስዎ መልስ ለዚህ ትምህርታዊ አላማ መሆኑን እያረጋገጥን
ከሚሰጡን መልስ የሚገኘውን ማንኛውም መረጃ በማንኛውም አካል በምንም መንገድ የማይነካ እና
ለትምህርታዊ አላማ ብቻ የሚውል መሆኑን እያረጋገጥን በሙሉ ነፃነት ለጥያቄዎች ትክክለኛ ምላሾዎን
እንዲሰጡን በትህትና እንጠይቃለን፡፡

ለትብብሮ በቅድሚያ እናመሰግናለን!!

መመሪያ ፡-

- ስም መፃፍ አያስፈልግም

ለመልስ ሰጭዎች የተሰጠው መረጃ እንደ ጥያቄው አይነት የምርጫዎችን አንዱን በመምረጥ ይህን  ምልክት
በመጠቀም ተጨማሪ ሀሳብ ካለዎት በክፍት ቦታው ላይ በመሙላት ይተባበሩን ፡፡

ክፍል አንድ ፡- የግል ሁኔታ መረጃን በተመለከተ

1. ዕድሜ ሀ. 65-69 ለ. 70-74 ሐ. 75 በላይ

2. የጋብቻ ደረጃ ሀ. ያገባ/ች ለ. ያላገባ/ች ሐ. የሞተባት/ችበት

መ. የተፋታ/ች
3. ሐይማኖት ሀ. ኦርቶዶክስ ለ. ሙስልም ሐ. ፖሮቴስታንት
መ. ካቶሊክ ሠ. ሌላ ካለዎ ይግለጹ ……………………………
4. የትምህርት ደረጃ ሀ. ማንበብና መፃፍ የማይችል/ችል ለ. ማንበብና መፃፍ የሚችል/ችል ሐ. 1-
8 መ. 9-12 ሠ. ሰርፍትኬት ረ. ዲኘሎማ ሠ. ዲግሪ በ. ከዲግሪ በላይ
5. የትውልድ ቦታ ሀ. ጎንደር ዙሪያ ለ. ጎንደር ከተማ ሐ. ከጎንደር ውጭ

ክፍል ሁለት፡- በማራኪ ክፍለ ከተማ አረጋዊያን ሴቶች በህዝብ …መጨመር ምክንያት የሚደርስባቸውን

ማህበራዊና ኢኮሚያዊች ….የተመለከቱ ጥያቄዎች

1. ምን ያህል ልጆች አለዎት ሀ. 1 ለ. 2 ሐ.3 መ. 4 ሠ. 4 በላይ

2. ልጅ ካለዎት የልጀዎ የመኖሪያ ቦታ የት ነው ሀ. ጎንደር ከተማ ለ. ከጎንደር ከተማ ውጭ መ. ጎንደር
ዙሪያ ሠ. ሌላ ካለውት ይግለጹ
3. በአካባቢያችሁ የህዝብ ቁጥር ፍጥነት ጨምሮል ብለው ያስባሉ ሀ. አዎ ለ. የለም
4. በተራ ቁጥር 3 መልስዎ አዎ ከሆነ እንድጨምር የሚያደርጉ ምክንያቶች ምንድን ናቸው ፡፡ ሀ.
የቤተሰብ እቅድ አለመኖር ለ. የውልደት ፍጠነት መጨመር ሐ. የሞት ፈጥነት…. መ. በስደት
ምክንያት ሠ. ሌላ ካለዎት ይግለጹ
5. የህዝብ ቁጥር መጨመር በአረጋዊያን ሴቶች ላይ አሉታዊ ተጽኖ አለው ብለው ይገምታሉ ሀ. አለው
ለ. የለውም
6. በተራ ቁጥር 5 መልስዎ አዎ ከሆነ ምን ምን አይነት ተጽኖዎች አሉት
ሀ. ኢኮኖማያዊ ተጽኖ ለ. ማህበራዊ ተጽኖ ሐ. ፖለቲካዊ ተጽኖ መ. አካባቢያዊ ተጽኖ ሠ.
ሌላ ካለዎት ይግለጹ …………………………….
7. የህዝብ ቁጥር መጨመር በአረጋዊያን ሴቶች ላይ ምን አይነት ተጽኖ አለው ሀ. አዎንታዊ ለ.
አሉታዊ ሐ. ምንም ተጽኖ የለውም
8. በተራ ቁጥር 7 መልስዎ አዎ ከሆነ አወንታዊ ተጽኖዎቹ ምን ምን ናቸው ሀ. ለጉልበት ስራ ለ.
ለእድገት ስራ ሐ. ሌላ ካለዎት ………………………
9. የህዝብ ቁጥር መጨመር ለእድገት ጸር ነው? ሀ. አዎ ለ. አይደለም
10. የህዝብ ቁጥር ስለመጨመሩ ምን አይነት አስተያየት አለዎት ሀ. አዎንታዊ ለ. አሉታዊ ሐ.
11. የህዝብ ቁጥር መጨመር በሐረጋዊያን ሴቶች ላይ ተጽኖ ያለው ብለው ያስባሉ ሀ. አለው ለ.
12. በተራ ቁጥር 11 መልስዎ አዎ ከሆነ በምን ሁኔታ ነው ተጽኖ ያለው ሀ. በምግብ እጥረት በማምጣት
ለ. የመኖሪያ ቤት እጥረት በመፍጠር ሐ. የአካባቢችግር በማምጣት መ. ሌላ ካለዎ
13. የዝብ ቁጥር ስለመጨመር መፍትሔው ምንድን ነው ብለው ያስባሉ ሀ. ማህበረሰቡ የወሌድ
መከላከያ እንዲጠቀም ማበረታታት ለ. መንግሰት ለማህበረሰቡ ስለቤተሰብ እቅድ ስልጠና መስጠት
ሐ. የግለ ጤና ተቋማቶች ለህዝብ ቁጥር መጨመር እና ኢኮኖሚያዊ እድገት አብሮ እንዲሄድ
እንዲያደርጉ ማበረታታት ሠ. የህዝብ ቁጥር በተመለከተ የወጡ ህገ ደንቦችን ማሻሻል

ለ. ከቤተሰብ ጋር የተያያዙ ጥያቄዎች

14. ከማን ጋር ነው የሚኖሩት ሀ. ከትዳር አጋር ጋር ለ. ከልጆች ጋር ሐ. ከእርዳታ ተቋቋም መ.

በብቸኝነት ሠ. ከዘመድ ጋር
15. ከቤተሰብ አባላት መካከል ያለው ዝምድናዊ ትስስር በአረጋዊያን ሴቶች ችግር ያባብሳል ብለው ያስባሉ
ሀ. አዎ ለ. አይደለም
ሐ. ከኢኮኖሚ ጋር የተያያዙ ሁኔታዎ/ችግሮች
16. የግል መኖሪያ ቤት አለዎት ሀ. አዎ ለ. የለኝም
17. በተራ ቁጥር 16 መልስዎ የግል ቤት የለኝም ከሆነ ከማን ቤት ይኖራሉ ሀ. ከመንግስት ለ. ከልጀ ቤት
ሐ. ጎዳና መ. ቤተክርስቴያን ሠ. ሌላ ካለዎ ይግለጹ
18. ዋነኛ የገቢ ምንጭዎ ምንድን ነው ሀ. በጦረታ ገቢ ለ. የቀን ስራ በመስሪት ሐ. ከልጆችና ከዘመድ
በመረዳት መ. በልመና ሠ. ሌላ ካለ ይግለጹ ………………….

መ. መንግስታዊና ከመንግስታዊ ካልሆኑ ድርጅቶች ጋር በተያያዙ ያሉ ሁኔታዎች

19. በሚኖሩበት አካባቢ ለአረጋዊያን ሴቶች ድጋፍና እንክብካቤ የሚያደርጉ መንግስታዊ ተቋማትና
መንግስታዊ ያልሆኑ ተቋማት/ግለጸቦች / አለ ወይ? ሀ. አለ ለ. የለም
20. በአካባቢው ለአረጋዊያን ሴቶች ታስቦ የተዘጋጅ የመዝናኛ ቦታ አለ? ሀ. አለ ለ. የለም

ሠ. ከማህበረሰቡ ጋር በተያያዙ ያሉ ሁኔታዎች

21. በክፍለ ከተማው ኖሪ ማህበረሰብ ለአረጋዊያን ሴቶች ድጋፍና አንክበካቤ የማድረግ ባህል አላቸው
ወይ? ሀ . አለ ለ. የለም
22. በሐረጋዊያን ሴቶች በአካባቢው የሚወስኑ ማህበራዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ጉዳዩች ላይ የመሣተፍ እድል
ያገኛሉ ወይ? ሀ. አዎ ለ. አይለም

ክፍል ሦስት በክፍለ ከተማው የሚኖሩ ሐረጋዊያን ሴቶች እድሜያቸው በመግፋቱ የሚደርስባቸውን አድሎና
መገለል የተመለከቱ ጥያቄዎች

23. በአካባቢ ነዋሪዎች ለሐረጋዊያን ሴቶች ተገቢውን አክብሮት ይሰጣሉ ወይ ? ሀ. ይሰጣሉ ለ.

አይሰጡም ሐ. ሌላ ካለዎት …………………………..
24. የእድሜ ባለጸጋ በመሆንዎ አድሎና መገለል ደርሰበዎት ያውቃል ሀ. አዎ ለ. አይደለም
25. የደረሰበዎት መገለልና አድሎ ካለ ይግለጹልን ……………….

ክፍል አራት፡ በክፍለ ከተማው የሚኖሩ ሐረጋዊያን ሴቶች ችግሮች መፈትሔ ሊጠቅሙ የሚችሉ
አቅጣጫዎች የተመለከቱ ጥያቄዎች

26. አረጋዊያን ሴቶች ለህብረተሰቡ የሚያበረክቱት አስተዋጽኦ አለ ብለው የስባሉ ሀ. አዎ ለ.

27. በተራ ቁጥር 26 መልስዎ አዎ ከሆነ ሊያበረክቱት የሚችሉትን አስተዋጽኦ ቢዘረዝሩልን
28. የእድሜ ባለጸጋ በመሆንዎ ደስተኛ ነዎት ሀ. አወ ለ. አይደለም
29. የሕክምና አገልግሎት የሚያገኙት በምን ሁኔታ ነው ሀ. በራስ ገንዘብ ለ. በዘመድ እገዛ ሐ. ነፃ
ህክምና መ. ሌላ ካለ ይግለጹልን ……………………………………
30. በአሁኑ ጊዜ በክፍለ ከተማችሁ የሚኖሩ ሐረጋዊያን ሴቶች ዋነኛ በህዝብ ቁጥር መጨመር መክንያት
የመጣ አንገብጋቢ ችግር ምንድን ነው ሀ. የጤና ችገር ለ. የመግብ እጥረት ችግር ሐ. የግል ገቢን
ለመፍጠር የሚያስችል ሁኔታ አለመኖር መ. ሌላ ካለዎት ይግለጹ
31. በክፍለ ከተማችሁ መንግስት ለአረጋዊያን ሴቶች ድጋፍ ያደርጋል ወይ? ሀ. አለ ለ. የለም
32. አረጋዊያን ሴቶች የረዥም ጊዜ የህይወት ልምዳቸውንና ምክራቸውን ለሌሎች ወጣት ትውልድ
የሚያካፍሉበት ምቹ ሁኔታዎት አሉ ወይ ሀ. አለ ለ. የለም
33. አረጋዊያን ሴቶች በሂወት ያካበተ ልምዳቸውነና መከራቸውን ለወጣት ትውልድ ለማስተላለፍ ምን
ምን ሁኔታዎች አሉ ብለው ያስባሉ ……………………………..

ቃለ መጠይቅ
ለማራኪ ክፍለ ከተማ አስተዳደር ጽ/ቤት ሰራተኞች የተዘጋጅ ቃለመጠይቅ
1. በእናንተ ክፍለ ከተማ በዋናነት አረጋዊያን ሴቶች በህዝብ ቁጥር መጨመር ምክንያት
የምያጋጥማቸውነ ማህበራዊና ና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ችግሮችን ቢዘረዝሩልን ?
2. በአሁኑ ጊዜ የአካባቢው ወጣት ትውልድ ለሐረጋዊያን ሴቶች ያለው አመለካከት ምን ይመስላል?
3. አረጋዊያን ሴቶች በህብረተሰቡ የሚያበረክቱት አስተዋጽኦ ካለ ቢዘረዝሩልን ?
4. የእድሜ ባለፀጋ ስለመሆን ጥሩ አበለካከት የሌላቸው የህብረተሰብ ክፍሎች ካሉ እርስዎ ምን
አሰተያየት አለዎት ?
5. አረጋዊያን ሴቶች ያካበተ የሂወት ልምዳቸውን ለመጭው ትውልድ በተደራጀና ቀጣይነት ባለው
መልኩ እንዲያስተላልፋ ምን ምን ሥራዎች መሰራት አለባቸው ?
6. የአረጋዊያን ሴቶች ችግር በዘላቂነት ለመፍታት በመንግሰት አካላት በህብረተሰቡና በአረጋዊያን
ሴቶች በራሳቸው ምን ምን ተግባራት መከናወን እንዳለባቸው ቢዘረዝሩልን ?

One of the major contents of the first project was real sustanbliyty why theis was so important for the new
cariculum is thatv things were not going in te right order.

In ordret to sustain the project program we should have to consier the following activites so as to be sure
about the real asustanablity of the project at ll


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