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First and foremost, I praise my almighty God and his mother St. Marry who protected me,
gave patience, strength and health in my life.

I have no words to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to my advisor Ato Abebe
Adankew, who assist me in designing proposal and writing of this research; without whom
none of this would be accomplished.

I would like to thank the General Manager, marketing managers and reception staffs of
Radisson Blu Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for their support, positive approach and
allowance to conduct my research in the hotel. I am truly indebted to you.

I do also thank all my family members for their support and appreciation to finish this study.

Finally, I would like to appreciate to all those who helped me in the completion of this
research paper, it would have been impossible without the effort of many individuals who
assisted me directly or indirectly.


Contents Page No
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..................................................................................................................... i
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................. v
ABBREVATIONS AND ACRONYMS.......................................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 1
1.1. Background of the Study.................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Objectives of the Study ...................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1. General Objective....................................................................................................... 6
1.3.2. Specific objectives ..................................................................................................... 6
1.4. Significance of the Study ................................................................................................... 6
1.5. Scope of the Study ............................................................................................................. 7
1.5.1. Delimitation of the Study ........................................................................................... 7
1.5.2. Limitation of the Study .............................................................................................. 7
1.6. Research Design and Methodology.................................................................................... 7
1.6.1. Research Design ......................................................................................................... 8
1.6.2. Sampling Procedure ................................................................................................... 8
1.6.3. Sources of Data .......................................................................................................... 9
1.6.4. Data Collection Tools ................................................................................................ 9
1.6.5. Methods of Data Analysis and Presentation ............................................................ 10
1.7. Organization of the Study ................................................................................................ 10
CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE ......................................... 11
2.0. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 11
2.1. Service.............................................................................................................................. 11
2.1.1. Characteristics of Service ......................................................................................... 11
2.2. Concept and Definition of Service Quality ...................................................................... 12
2.3. The elements of a high-quality service ............................................................................ 12
2.4. Customer satisfaction ....................................................................................................... 13
2.4.1. Importance of Customer Satisfaction ....................................................................... 14
2.4.2. Factors affecting customer satisfaction .................................................................... 14
2.4.3. Customer Satisfaction Measurement ........................................................................ 15
2.4.4. Methods to measure customer satisfaction............................................................... 15
2.5. SERVQUAL Model ......................................................................................................... 15
2.5.1. Assurance ................................................................................................................. 16
2.5.2. Reliability ................................................................................................................. 16
2.5.3. Responsiveness ........................................................................................................ 17
2.5.4. Empathy ................................................................................................................... 17
2.5.5. Tangibles .................................................................................................................. 17
2.6. The hotel industry in Ethiopia .......................................................................................... 18
2.7. Relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction ..................................... 19
CHAPTER THREE: DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS .......................................... 20
3.0. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 20
3.1. Demographic Characteristics of Customers ..................................................................... 20
3.1.1. Sex of Respondents ...................................................................................................... 20
3.1.2. Age Composition of Respondents ................................................................................ 20
3.1.3. Marital Status of Respondents ................................................................................. 21
3.1.4. Educational Level of Respondents ........................................................................... 21
3.1.5. Occupation of Respondents...................................................................................... 22
3.1.6. Nationality of Respondents ...................................................................................... 22
3.1.7. Number of Visits of Respondents to this Hotel........................................................ 22
3.1.8. Hotel Selection of Respondents ............................................................................... 23
3.2. Demographic Characteristics of Employees .................................................................... 23
3.2.1. Sex of Respondents .................................................................................................. 23
3.2.2. Age Composition of Respondents ............................................................................ 24
3.2.3. Marital Status of Respondents ................................................................................. 24
3.2.4. Educational Level of Respondents ........................................................................... 24
3.2.5. Years of Working Experience .................................................................................. 25
3.2.6. Nationality of Respondents ...................................................................................... 25
3.2.7. Working Position of the Respondents in this Hotel ................................................. 25
3.2.8. Income of Respondents ............................................................................................ 26
3.3. Descriptive Analysis ............................................................................................................ 26
3.3.1. Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction .................................................................. 26
3.3.2. Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction by the Hotel Employees ........................... 33
3.3.3. Customers Perception on the Quality of Service ......................................................... 38
3.3.4. Employees Perception on the Quality of Service ......................................................... 44
3.3.5. The Overall Customer Satisfaction in Radisson Blu Hotel .......................................... 50
3.3.6. The Overall Employee Satisfaction in Radisson Blu Hotel ......................................... 51
3.4. Data Analyzed From the Interview ...................................................................................... 51
4.0. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 54
4.1. Summary of Major Findings ............................................................................................ 54
4.2. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 55
4.3. Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 57
5.0. BIBLOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................ 59
Appendixes...................................................................................................................................... 63
Appendix 01 ................................................................................................................................. 63
Appendix 02 ................................................................................................................................. 69
Appendix 03 ................................................................................................................................. 74

Table 1 Sex of respondents .................................................................................................. 20
Table 2 Age composition of respondents ............................................................................ 20
Table 3 Marital status of respondents .................................................................................. 21
Table 4 Educational level of the respondents ...................................................................... 21
Table 5 Occupation of respondents ..................................................................................... 22
Table 6 Nationality of respondents ...................................................................................... 22
Table 7 Number of visits of respondents to this hotel ......................................................... 22
Table 8 Hotel selection of respondents ................................................................................ 23
Table 9 Sex of respondents .................................................................................................. 23
Table 10 Age composition of respondents .......................................................................... 24
Table 11 Marital status of respondents ................................................................................ 24
Table 12 Educational level of the respondents .................................................................... 24
Table 13 Years of working experience ................................................................................ 25
Table 14 Nationality of respondents .................................................................................... 25
Table 15 Working position of the respondents .................................................................... 25
Table 16 Income of the respondents .................................................................................... 26
Table 17 Factors influencing customers satisfaction on tangibles ...................................... 27
Table 18 Factors influencing customers satisfaction on reliability ..................................... 28
Table 19 Factors influencing customers satisfaction on responsiveness ............................. 29
Table 20 Factors influencing customers satisfaction on assurance ..................................... 30
Table 21 Factors influencing customers satisfaction on empathy ....................................... 31
Table 22 Factors influencing customers satisfaction on tangibles by the employees ......... 33
Table 23 Factors influencing customers satisfaction on reliability by the employees ........ 34
Table 24 Factors influencing customers satisfaction on responsiveness by the employees 35
Table 25 Factors influencing customers satisfaction on assurance by the employees ........ 36
Table 26 Factors influencing customers satisfaction on empathy by the employees .......... 37
Table 27 Customers perception on tangibles ....................................................................... 39
Table 28 Customers perception on reliability ...................................................................... 40
Table 29 Customers perception on responsiveness ............................................................. 41
Table 30 Customers perception on assurance ...................................................................... 42
Table 31 Customers perception on Empathy ....................................................................... 43
Table 32 Employees perception on Tangibles ..................................................................... 44
Table 33 Employees perception on Reliability .................................................................... 45

Table 34 Employees perception on Responsiveness ........................................................... 47
Table 35 Employees perception on Assurance .................................................................... 48
Table 36 Employees perception on Empathy ...................................................................... 49
Table 37 Overall satisfaction of customers.......................................................................... 50
Table 38 Overall satisfaction of Employees ........................................................................ 51

SERVQUAL Service Quality

SAS Scandinavian Airline Systems

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

PASDEP Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty

SSA Sub Saharan Africa

GDP Gross Domestic Product

E Expectation

P Perception

Q Quality Gap

Customer satisfaction is a critical success factor in service organizations and a key to build
lasting relationships with consumers. Service quality has got higher attention today that
help organizations to differentiate themselves from other rivals. The objective of this study
is to assess the service quality and customer satisfaction of five star hotel in the case of
Radisson Blu hotel. A 22 Likert scale measuring of five basic dimensions i.e. tangibility,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy of service quality was used to
understand the service quality of Radisson Blu Hotel Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Descriptive
research design was used to analyze the data collected through questionnaire from a sample
of 144; 121 customers and 23 employees of the hotel and interview was conducted to the
General Manager. Respondents were selected using convenience sampling technique. Data
collected through questionnaire were analyzed using statistical tools such as; frequency
and percentage and was presented using tables. The results obtained from the collected data
shows that the service quality of Radisson Blu Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia strongly
depends on the five service quality dimensions from these tangibles dimension is the
strongest factor that affect customer satisfaction. The perception and overall satisfaction of
the customers regarding to service quality in Radisson Blu hotel is found to be good and
satisfactory respectively but, some problems were listed by the unsatisfied customers such
as; lack of swimming pool, lack of steam and sauna in the SPA, wrong billing, small parking
space, crowded restaurant, poor quality and range of western food and drink, small and
unequipped gym, congested bar, delayed service, small bathroom and expensive fee are the
major ones. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommended that the hotel
needs improvement related with the 5 service quality dimensions especially in tangibles

Key words: Hotel, Customer satisfaction, Service quality, Customer



This chapter presents an overview of the entire study. It consists of background of the study,
statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions, significance of the
study, delimitations of the study, limitation of the study, research design and methodology,
and organization of the study.

1.1. Background of the Study

The hotel industry, as a “sub-sector of the tourism industry”, is among the fastest growing
businesses in the service sector. It is a large industry which contributes considerably to the
world economy, creating jobs for many people worldwide. According to Sheela (1983), the
author of the book “Economics of Hotel Management”, hotel is the place where the tourist
stops being the traveler and become a guest. Hotels usually offer a full range of
accommodations and services, which may include suites, public dinning, banquet facilities,
lounges and entertainment facilities. It is considered as an industry whose main aim is also
to make profits for the hoteliers, though this may change at times (Tefera and Migiro, 2018).

In Ethiopia, the hotel industry is showing exponential growth in the past two decades.
According to Hailesilasse (2013), on average, elven hotels were opening every year in the
past decade in the country and this is expected to increase to an average of eighteen hotels
per year at least for the next two decades enhancing the provision of greater variety of
choices for hotel customers while creating stiff competition among the hotels in the
marketplace. However, this growth is not matched with the delivery of quality service in the
majority of hotels which may negatively affect the guests’ satisfaction and loyalty (KIFLE,
2017). Hotel marketers need to study their customers from many angles and perspectives
because without sound knowledge of these attributes and guidelines, they may run into the
risk of making wrong decisions (Grazhdani and Merollari, 2015).

According to Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and Tourism quality standards to the hotels
grading requirements and classification evaluation criteria (2015) states that to obtain a
higher star rating a progressively higher quality and range of services and physical facilities

-should be provided across all areas with particular emphasis in five key areas: cleanliness,
service, food, bedrooms and bathrooms.

Customer satisfaction is a critical success factor in service organizations. Hotel industries in

developing countries also have to compete with others and have to satisfy local and
international customers, because, today’s customers are more aware, educated and open to a
lot of information through web sources, internet, bulletins, magazines, journals, articles, etc.
(Armstrong et al., 1997). Customer satisfaction is a key to build lasting relationships with
consumers. Satisfied customers repurchase the service, recommend and encourage others to
use the service, develop positive word of mouth toward the service and the organization, pay
less attention to competitive brands and advertising, are less sensitive to price and buy other
services (Zekiri, 2011). A dissatisfied consumer, on the other hand, responds differently. As
a satisfied customer tells people about a good service experience, dissatisfied customer
complains to even more people than a satisfied customer does. In the hotel industry, service
quality received much attention from both researchers and practitioners because of its
positive impact on financial performance, customer satisfaction, and retention (Akbaba,

Evans and Lindsay (2004) provide a more comprehensive customer-based definition of

quality that is “Quality is meeting or exceeding customer expectations”. This definition is
quite popular today and based on the phenomenon that customers are the ultimate judge of
quality, and no other patrons are involved in determining quality. Customers’ perceptions
and expectations were acknowledged to be important in defining quality. In order to provide
higher quality services users’ perceptions should be higher than expectations. However, if
perceptions are quite lower than expectations low quality services will be there. Various
models have been proposed to measure service quality. Lehtinen and Lehtinen (1982)
proposed that service quality can be measured by its physical, corporate and interactive
quality whereas Le Blanc (1992) suggested a variety of factors such as responsiveness,
corporate image and accessibility as some of the factors used to evaluate service quality.
However, they presented the SERVQUAL scale, which became the most popular instrument
for measuring service quality and engenders five determinants of service quality presented
in order of importance, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles. It has
been applied in various service industries, including tourism and hospitality. In most of the
researches the instrument was modified to suit the features of a specific service (Watiki,

Ultimately, quality enhancement is a key determinant for the success of an organization in
today’s competitive market environment (Anderson et al., 1994). Therefore, marketers’ in
the service industry should pay close attention to the issue of service quality (Zeithaml et al.,
1996). By studying the overall interest and the decision making process of buyers, service
delivering organizations might help consumers to go through it. Hence this study focused on
assessing the service quality and customer satisfaction on five star hotel, in the case of
Radisson Blu Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Radisson Blu is an international chain of hotels operated by Radisson Hotels. With roots
dating back to the 1960s, the Radisson Blu brand name came into existence in 2009 with a
rebranding from Radisson SAS (Scandinavian Airline Systems). Its hotels are found in major
cities, key airport gateways and leisure destinations.

Radisson Blu Hotel in Addis Ababa is centrally located within Ethiopia's capital city. The
first Radisson hotel was built in 1909 in Minneapolis, Minnesota; the international hotel
chain is now owned by the Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group, and operates a number of brands
including Radisson Blu, Radisson Red and Park Inn by Radisson. In Kazanchis, or
Cazanchise, district of Addis, Radisson Blu is near the United Nations compound and
convenient for both tourists and business travelers. The spacious reception area with marble
floor has a concierge desk, gift shop and the celebrated Tomoca Coffee Bar. The 212 en-
suite rooms are made up of standard, business, one bedroom suites, and presidential suites.
All rooms have climate control, Wi-Fi, flat screen TV, desk, iron, ironing board, coffee, tea,
safe, mini-bar, soundproof windows and blackout curtains. The suites have, in addition, a
living area, and the presidential suites have a dining room and kitchenette. Features for guests
with disabilities include wheelchair ramps, braille lifts, roll-in showers and audio-visual
warning devices. The Verres en Vers Restaurant is a French Brasserie with dishes from Paris,
Geneva and New York; French and Ethiopian wines are served. Signature Bar and Signature
Terrace have a selection of cocktails and bar snacks. The Rainforest Day Spa and well
equipped gym have a range of treatments; a ladies’ hair salon is also on site. The 9 meeting
rooms can host from 15 to 250 pax, and are equipped with state-of-the-art conference
facilities system and conference calls; conference packages, weddings and banquets can be
arranged. There’s also a business center and business lounge. Keen to promote eco-tourism,
Radisson Blu including PA supports a charity in providing clean water in Africa. The hotel
also offers leisure options in Addis and beyond, including hot air ballooning, hiking and

Radisson Hotels Vision Statement

Our long-term vision is to be the company of choice for guests, owners and investors, and
talent. Whenever a guest plans a trip, or an investor or owner is thinking of a partner, or
whenever someone is looking for a job in the hospitality industry, they will all think of
Radisson Hotel Group first. As global travel continues to grow, the world becomes a village
Africa. The hotel also offers leisure options in Addis and beyond, including hot air
ballooning, hiking and running and travel has the power to create meaningful connections
and mutual understanding between people and communities.

Radisson Hotels Mission Statement

Always positive, always smiling and always professional, Radisson people set Radisson
apart. Every member of the team has a dedication to Yes I Can! A passion for ensuring the
total wellbeing and satisfaction of each individual guest. Imaginative, understanding and
truly empathetic to the needs of the modern traveler, they are people on a special mission to
deliver exceptional Extra Thoughtful Care.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The motive of every business is to create and serve their customers, but the biggest challenge
faced by business is how to satisfy them, retain and ensure their loyalty for the lifetime of
the business (Yen et al., 2004). Customer satisfaction and service quality are the key
elements for attaining competitive advantage in hospitality industry which will attract
customers and maintain them and as a result, there is great demand for customer satisfaction
so as to achieve repeat purchase and attract new customers (Amirreza et al., 2013).

Nsobiari and Anyadighibe (2014) argues that the ability to satisfy consumers remains one of
the greatest task for any firm to achieve as customer needs and expectation are changing at
all time. Understanding customers’ expectation is crucial in service industry such as
hospitality and therefore managers should endeavor to carry out initial market surveys to
find out what the market needs which should also give an insight on the market
characteristics (KEBEDE, 2020). According to Waitiki, (2014) the management of
organizations should seek to know the level at which the customers are satisfied with their
services and the kind of service quality levels their customers would like in order to offer
the exactly what would be taken positively. Forozia et. al., (2013) argues that customer

satisfaction is the determinant and inevitable secret of success and therefore hotels are not
able to compete with other competitors without fulfilling the satisfaction of their guests.

Abraham G/egizabher, (2015) studies in Ethiopia there is always talking about services,
service quality and customer satisfaction issues but still there is an absence of providing
quality service. Alelign (2013) studied that the hospitality industry has passed through
hostile struggles and turf wars, failures and raisings with regard to expansions and
standardizations, quantity and quality. As Poul (2001) stated the cost of lost customers can
be many times the simple loss of revenue from what they no longer buy. This makes
customer satisfaction essential to meet the goal of hotels therefore it’s important to give
quality service and make the customer satisfy in order to be a strong competitor and
customer’s choice in the industry

In general, the hotel industry can be characterized as highly saturated and, thus, extremely
competitive. Achieving and maintaining a commanding position in the market place is
becoming increasingly difficult because of growing competition on the one hand and more
demanding customers on the other hand. Hotels relying solely on attractive prices will gain
only a temporary advantage. In contrast, competing on the basis of superior customer service
is an intangible, difficult to imitate, which provides an enduring competitive advantage.
Developing repeated businesses through high quality and satisfaction is critical in today’s
market environment. Therefore, by considering this problem this study assessed the service
quality and customer satisfaction of five star hotel in the case of Radisson Blu hotel in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.

This study assessed the service quality and customer satisfaction on five star hotels; in the
case of Radisson Blu hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia by raising the following basic research

1. What are the customers perceptions on the Radisson Blu Hotel service quality in
terms of the five service quality dimensions; reliability, tangibles, assurance,
empathy, and responsiveness?

2. What are the factors that influence customer satisfaction in terms of tangibility,
reliability, assurance, empathy and responsiveness dimensions at Radisson Blu

3. How does the hotel achieve improvements in service quality to enhance customer

1.3. Objectives of the Study

The research objectives describe concisely what the research is trying to achieve and
provides direction to the study. It consists of the general and specific objectives.

1.3.1. General Objective

The main objective of this study is to assess the service quality and customer satisfaction on

1.3.2. Specific objectives

The specific objectives of this study are:

1. To assess customers perceptions on the Radisson Blu Hotel in terms of the five
service quality dimensions; reliability, tangibles, assurance, empathy and
2. To assess the factors that influence customer satisfaction using tangibles, reliability,
assurance, empathy and responsiveness dimensions at Radisson Blu Hotel.

3. To assess customers satisfaction on the service provided by Radisson Blu Hotel.

1.4. Significance of the Study

Understanding customer satisfaction and having best service quality are very important
aspects of every successful business. This study will have a practical significance for the
academia, hotel and tourism planners/policy makers, researcher and consultants, and hotel
practitioners. It will contribute to the hospitality industry by assessing the service quality
and customer satisfaction on five star hotel specifically on Radisson Blu hotel in Addis
Ababa (Kazanchis branch), Ethiopia. Hence, the study will offer to some benefits. First, it
will provide insight for the academics on the issues like customer care, service quality and
customer satisfaction as well as the interactions of these variables. Second, it will give
general direction for hotel and tourism planners on hotel marketing, service delivery,
infrastructure in formulating policies and regulations with respect to hospitality industry.
Third, it will benefit practitioners of the sector in public and other private players by
providing scientifically approved management of the sector to attract and retain customers.
And fourth, it may serve as a springboard for the coming researchers who want to carry out
further studies similar to this work.

1.5. Scope of the Study

In Ethiopia, the hotel industry service quality is directly related to customer satisfaction. In
addition, the competition is through online booking comments. Those comments define the
hotel service and satisfaction of customer is every time, which is going to see to the head
quarter. Even every brand hotel has their own web site to collect how its customers are
satisfied by the service they provide. This as well defines whether customers are going to be
loyal or not. According to Ministry of Culture and Tourism currently there are 12
international brand hotels in Addis Ababa. This paper only focuses on the service quality
and customer satisfaction in Radisson Blu Hotel Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

1.5.1. Delimitation of the Study

The study was confined only to five star hotels; in the case of Radisson Blu hotel in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. This limits the realm of the study by discriminating those other star hotels
found in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and also different hotels those are found from outside Addis
Ababa. In terms of variables this study assessed only the service quality and customer
satisfaction level. Because of this, the findings of this study are not generalized to other
hotels. Besides, the research was done with the time interval of December 2021–June 2022.

1.5.2. Limitation of the Study

The study was challenged by the following constraints; lack of time, financial resources,
lack of having available data access and lack of skill to conduct the research was among the
challenges. Hotel owners see filling questionnaires as they challenging their customers they
are here to refresh so it needs the researcher to show extraordinary patience and commitment
that put its own negative impact to accomplish the research as needed. The other limitation
of this study was some of the respondents may not cooperate/ unwillingness to fill the
questionnaires and do not provide the researcher with the relevant information which limited
the outcome of the research.

1.6. Research Design and Methodology

This chapter deals with the research design and methodology implemented to achieve the
objectives of the study. The research design and methodology focuses on Sampling
procedure; sources of data; data collection tools; methods of data analysis, presentation and
organization of the study.
1.6.1. Research Design
In order to answer the problem statement and meet the research objectives the researcher
used descriptive research design. Descriptive research design is that concerned with
describing the characteristics of a particular individual, or a group, specific predictions, with
narration of facts and characteristics concerning individual, group or situation (Kothari,
2004). So that, the nature and purpose of this research involved descriptive type since the
study describes the characteristics of service quality in five star hotel. This study used both
quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Quantitative research approach involves
numerical representation and manipulation observation for the purpose of describing and
explaining the phenomena that those observations reflect. The variables and relationships
are the central ideas (Neuman and Dickinson, 2003); therefore, the researcher analyzed the
data collected from sample customers and generalizes the data to population. So this theory
was tested by using quantitative method. Qualitative research approach used to value and
assess attitudes, opinions, and behaviors, including functions of insight and impressions.

1.6.2. Sampling Procedure

The populations of this study were all customers who receive services from Radisson Blu
Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and employees of the Hotel. The study used convenience
sampling methods to select the sample from the available population. Convenience sampling
methods was applied to get respond from respondents based on their experience about the
service quality in terms of satisfaction. Convenience sampling involves select sample
member who can provide required information and who are more available to participate in
the study. Convenience sampling enables to the researcher to complete a large number of
interviews and questioners cost effectively and quickly but they suffer from selection bias
because of difference of target population (Hair Jr et al., 2003). The student researcher used
convenience sampling method because of the availability of respondents by their time and
willingness to participate on this research.

On average, Radisson Blu hotel estimated to provide a hotel service from 1,000 to 2,000
customers per week, where the largest customers are meeting, and have 286 employees
working under it. Weekly on average a total population of 1500 customers uses services of
the hotel. To determine the sample size ,a simplified proven formula of (Yamane, 1967) was
applied :

N= N
1+ N (e2)

Where n= Sample size

N= Population size

e = Sampling error (8%) at 92 % of level of confidence

Therefore using 0.08 error which means

N= 1500+286
N= 1786 = 143.68
Accordingly, by rounding to the nearest sample size of 144 respondents were taken;
therefore from these a portion of 121 customers and 23 employees were included to answer
the questionnaire.

1.6.3. Sources of Data

In order to get appropriate data, the study employed both primary and secondary sources of
data. The Primary data was collected through questionnaires from sample respondents of the
hotel and interview was conducted to the general manager of the hotel. The secondary data
was collected from different books, Journals, articles, written materials of the hotel reports,
previous studies and internet.

1.6.4. Data Collection Tools

For the proper achievement of the objectives of the study; the student researcher used both
primary and secondary data sources. The primary data was collected using survey
questionnaires, which contains a mixture of open and close ended questions. Questionnaires
were distributed to the customers of the hotel during the service hours. The questionnaire
was prepared for the hotel customers based on a five point Likert-scales for the factors
affecting customer satisfaction and for the perception of customers as strongly disagree,
disagree, normal, agree and strongly agree. The use of Likert scale is to make it easier for
respondents to answer the questions in a simple way and questionnaires to measure the
overall satisfaction of customers was prepared based on their satisfaction level as very

dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied and very satisfied. Interview was conducted for
the hotel General Manager.
Secondary data was collected from different sources such as, books, Journals, articles,
written materials of the hotel reports, previous studies and internet in order to understand the
literatures produced in the area. According to Saunder et, al (2009) the use of two or more
independent sources of data or data collection helps to confirm and academically rationalize
findings of the study.

1.6.5. Methods of Data Analysis and Presentation

Both qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis were employed. The completed
questionnaires were edited for completeness and consistency. The researcher explored the
level of customer satisfaction towards service quality of Radisson Blu Hotel in five areas:
tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Quantitative data analysis
was used to summarize the findings that were gathered through questionnaires and
qualitative data analysis was used for interview response. The collected data was analyzed
manually using descriptive statistics analysis tools like frequency and percentages to give
clear understanding of the issue quantitatively. The data was presented using tables.

1.7. Organization of the Study

The study is organized under four chapters, chapter one contains the introductory part,
background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of
the study, scope of the study, research design and methodology, and organization of the
study. The second chapter details with review of the related literature. The third chapter
presents the empirical findings and interpretation of the data from the assessment of service
quality and customer satisfaction of the hotel. In the last chapter, summary of findings,
conclusion and recommendation are provided.



This chapter gives insight on various researches conducted related to service quality and
customer satisfaction. It includes an overview of literature by various writers and experts
that has been evaluated in this area. It compromises a review of related literature taken from
various secondary sources such as books, papers, journals, and websites for theoretical and
empirical reviews.

2.1. Service

Comprehensive definition of services as defined by Groonros (1984) is that "an activity or

series of activities of a more or less intangible nature than normal, but not necessarily, take
place in the interaction between the customer and the service employees and/or physical
resources or goods and/or systems of the service provider, which are provided as solutions
to customer problems".

2.1.1. Characteristics of Service

According to Kotler (1996) and Regan (1963) services have four major characteristics:
Regan (1963) introduced the idea of services being activities, benefits or satisfactions which
are Services offered for sale, or are provided in connection with the sale of goods. Services
are intangible unlike physical products, they cannot be seen, tasted, felt heard or smelled
before they are bought.
Services are typically produced and consumed simultaneously. This is not true of physical
goods that are manufactured, put into inventory, distributed through multiple resellers and
consumed still later.
Services are highly variable, since they depend on who provides them and when and where
they are provided. Service firms can take the following three steps to help manage service
variability. The first one is providing employee incentives that emphasize quality; secondly
standardizing the services performance process throughout the organization. Finally,
monitoring customer satisfaction through suggestion and complaint systems, customer
surveys and comparison shopping can enable to eliminate and correct poor customer service.
In general, services cannot be stored and carried forward to a future time period. Services
are item -dependent and item- important which make them very perishable.

2.2. Concept and Definition of Service Quality

Service quality has been regarded as a major factor for the achievement of organizations due
to the close relation it has with customer satisfaction particularly in the service industry
(Gilbert and Veloutsou, 2006). In addition to it being a preceding factor to acquire positive
buying behaviors, it is also viewed as a vital component to the hotel industry’s achievement
and success (Min et al., 2002). Service quality has been believed to have direct impact on
customer satisfaction, recurrence of buying behavior and security of a company’s profit in
the long-run (Wilkins et al., 2007). For the quality of service to be better, it is important to
continuously communicate with employees and analyze their service encounter (Prayudha
and Harsanto, 2014). According to Parasuraman et al. (1988), service quality can be defined
as the capacity of the company to conform with or outdo customer expectations. It is the
deviation between the customer’s expectation of service and perceived service (Parasuraman
et al., 1985).Good quality of service will have a positive influence on profitability by
elevating the customer base of a firm (Rauch and Hulsink, 2015).

2.3. The elements of a high-quality service

A service is representative of most nation’s economic development, and an economy is a

blend of goods and services. A service does not exist without a provider and receiver, and
they are the determinants for its presence. Moreover, every service organization is offering
a range of services because of the evolution in marketing. Therefore, a service should have
some standards, as the intangibility of its form makes it difficult to understand and yet it is
very important to differentiate one organization from another to attract consumers (Aboye,
2021). Many factors make delivering a good service very challenging. Despite that, a good
service contains four elements that are effective in any customer-oriented business. These
elements are service package, service culture, providing service, and service quality,
indicating that service is a package that is offered to a customer from the perception of a

good quality. An organization that has rooted its system in this element can create a positive
and proactive work environment (Lahtinen and Isoviita, 1994).

2.4. Customer satisfaction

A customer is a crucial factor for any business to exist, and they play a vital role in the
success or failure of any customer-oriented organization. It is important for every business
to be competitive with other companies in attracting, understanding, and thriving to meet
and exceed customers’ needs by their products and services. Some business has found ways
to understand customer´s motive, behavior, and choices, which all may help develop the best
marketing approach and amending their inventory to attract and maintain the most customers
(Kotle, 2001).

Customer satisfaction is highlighted under many business organizations today. To maintain

a far reaching bond with customers, organizations are in a haste of creating the best strategies
that are applicable plus meaningful regarding understanding their expectation and wishes. It
is important to know where the service is failing or where it needs improvement, so the level
of customer satisfaction needs to be measured. By measuring customer satisfaction, the
service provider will have an idea of the customer´s liking, opinion, and expectation
(Grigoroudis and Siskos, 2009). Different academics have articulated an idea and definition
of customer satisfaction from their own angle, however, in general, a customer satisfaction
is an attitude and a response to the before assessing the service, and after receiving a service.
It is a reaction of a customer whether their expectation is met or not. The main objective of
a hotel or any service providing organization must be to clearly understand the preference
from a general customer group point of view. The key for any business to persist in being
fruitful is to guarantee a positive customer experience. Nowadays, the market is hectic in
presenting the same or parallel service, particularly in the hotel sector. What separates them
from one another is customer service, which is why it is the root of competition in most firms
(Allen et al., 2000).

Customer satisfaction is a crucial element in service quality assessment because the higher
the customer satisfaction the higher the performance of a business (Morgan, 2017). It can be
guaranteed via a product or service that is of good quality (WHDP, 2014). Clients’ prior
encounter of content or discontent is essential due to its impact on the anticipation of a
person’s purchase behavior the next time (Sanchez-Gutierrez et al., 2011). Thus, most
literatures in the hotel sector consider customer satisfaction as an essential constituent of the

hotel sector’s value position to customer (Maghzi et al., 2011). Customer satisfaction is
defined as “the individual’s perception of the performance of the product or service in
relation to his or her expectations” (Schiffman). It is a business doctrine that is inclined
towards generating worth to customers, predicting and governing their assumption, and
indicating capability and authority to fulfil their demands and requirements (Delgado‐
Ballester, 2004). Customer satisfaction is an after use assessment regarding a given product
or service (Gundersen et al., 1996). It is the doctrine that emphasizes the significance of
making worth for customers, predicting and handling their presumptions and manifesting
the capability and duty to meet their requirements (Dominici and Guzzo, 2010).

2.4.1. Importance of Customer Satisfaction

Gaining new customers is very challenging for every organization. It takes a lot of capital,
the organization needs to plan new marketing strategies, and there will be a requirement for
more resource and time. Therefore, customer retention is very significant as it can lead to a
substantial profit. A happy customer is loyal; they are more likely to trust the service the
organization offers and rely on the brand. Therefore, they are an essential advocate of the
organization of services. As positive experience stays with people, loyal customers are the
ones to buy products that are not on sale and even be willing to recommend to a third party
like a friend or family that needs the service. Thus, customer satisfaction will always enhance
the market value and facilitate a positive “Word of mouth.” (Zairi, 2000).

2.4.2. Factors affecting customer satisfaction

According to Valerie, Zeithaml and Bitner (2005), customer satisfaction is influenced by a
host of issues such as product and service features, customer emotions, perception of equity
and fairness and other customers, family members, friends and co-workers. According to
Tulel et al, 2006, the customer service a brand offers and the fairness of the price it charges
determines the level of satisfaction among its customers than any other measures.
Parasuraman, Zeithml and Berry, 1988 identified 22 factors that influences customer
satisfaction as Physical facilities, Equipment, Appearance of hotel employees,
Communication materials, Timeliness of service, Problem solving interest, Efficient service,
Consistency of service, Accuracy of records, Problem resolution time, Prompt attention to
guest’s requests, Willingness to help, Flexibility of employees, Behavior of employees,
Safety and security, Courtesy of employees, Competence of employees Individualized
attention, Convenient operating hours, Personal attention from employees, Concern towards
guest interest and Understanding guest specific needs.

2.4.3. Customer Satisfaction Measurement
Customer satisfaction measurement is an important and influential program that builds a
bridge with the total consumer market. An organization ought to identify if the service they
offer meets the customers’ expectations. If they realize their plan of action is not working as
it should on the market, the organization must effective immediately act with new measures
(Hill and Alexander, 2006). The customers are the ones to help distinguish the pros and cons
of the organization, which helps to understand the internal metrics and helps to incorporate
Customer’s assessment and information. The research has indicated that quality is relevant
to customers and delivering a high-quality service is a critical factor in the hotel industry
(Hill and Alexander, 2006).

2.4.4. Methods to measure customer satisfaction

For the past decade, measuring customer satisfaction has proven to be difficult because the
process is not as straightforward. However, there are some approaches developed that have
proven to be useful in measuring the level of satisfaction in business today. Primarily we
have surveys. It is a method of gathering information by providing different types of
questions to certain customer groups and understand the level of satisfaction. Net promoter
Score is the most common way of asking if a customer will recommend the product or
service to a friend or family using a scale between different numbers. Customer satisfaction
score is another method of collecting data through a happy or not emoji tool, and you might
have noticed this tool after leaving a supermarket or after using any customer service. Even
though this method is very straight forward the results might not always be accurate because
it is mostly based on mood and reaction. Checking through social media is also another
method of collecting feedbacks. Nowadays social media has a broader impact on millions of
people worldwide. A business can follow up the opinions of customers directly from these
platforms therefore, it is highly beneficial. These are only some of the methods that are being
applied more effectively in several businesses today and have proven to be useful.

2.5. SERVQUAL Model

According to (AbuKhalifeh and Som, 2012) SERVQUAL model allows customers to

evaluate quality of a service based on five distinct dimensions namely tangibles, reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, and empathy on which service quality and customer satisfaction
can be judged (Gupta, 2017). The model was developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry
in 1988 as a tool of identifying service quality shortfall and is based on the premise that

customers can evaluate a firm’s service quality by comparing their perception of its service
quality with their own expectations (Watiki, 2014). Eshetie et. al., (2016) argues that
commitment towards quality improves the guest’s level of satisfaction and increases profits
as well as consequently the benefits gained by the guest and the employee. Eshetie et. al.,
(2016), further highlights that on the opposite, mistakes in service provision cost the hotel
money and its reputation may suffer. This is the “non-quality cost” concept. The scenario
created by non-quality service can be daunting for any hotel managers. However, an unhappy
guest does not usually express his or her unhappiness to the management of a hotel, but will
on average, inform at least nine other people about poor service experiences. However happy
guest will, by contrast, only inform three people about his or her good service experiences
in a hotel (Kinyingi, 2018). Eshetie et. al., (2016) goes ahead to argue that the SERVQUAL
instrument is used to assess consumer perceptions and expectations regarding the quality of
a service. The original service dimensions used by consumers to judge the quality of a service
include as follows:

2.5.1. Assurance
This refers to the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire, convey
trust and confidence in hotel guests. The assurance dimension may be measured using
elements of knowledgeable trained professionals, communication and taking care of the
customers (Awara and Anyadighibe, 2014).

2.5.2. Reliability
This consists of four items, such as “My reservation was handled efficiently (Mbuthia et al.,
2013). Reliability is defined as the dependability, consistency and accuracy with which the
service is performed by the provider (Rauch and Hulsink, 2015), as well as hotel’s ability to
perform services on time right at the first time (Minh et al., 2015). Dependably is defined as
the service provider is able to provide what is needed and to be trusted while accurately is
defined as service provider is able to achieve the outputs that are correct (Tefera and Migiro,
2018). High service reliability refers to the error-free performance provided by the service
provider. Reliability of service includes complaint handling, pricing and promises delivery
(Abd Rahman et al., 2014).Besides, customers compare the expectation and the perception
of the company’s delivery performance in order to evaluate their acceptability (Demoulin
and Djelassi, 2013).

2.5.3. Responsiveness
This refers to hotel’s willingness and flexibility to serve and help customers (Minh et al.,
2015) in a timely, efficient manner and includes items such as helpfulness, friendliness and
warmth of the service staff (Rauch and Hulsink, 2015).

2.5.4. Empathy
This is related to the caring personal attention extended to customers, as well as the level of
understanding personnel demonstrate relative to customer needs (Rauch and Hulsink, 2015)
and the consideration, individualized attention the hotel provides to its guests (Eshetie et al.,

2.5.5. Tangibles
This refers to the appearance of hotel and hotel staff, equipment personnel, physical facilities
at hotel and rooms, communication materials and visual materials for customers (Minh et
al., 2015). Elements within the tangibles dimension are cleanliness, space, atmosphere,
appearance of server and location (Kinyingi, 2018).

SERVQUAL model further, the model measures customer expectations and perceptions of
service quality. The quality gap (Q) is calculated by subtracting the expectation (E) from the
perception (P) value i.e. P-E=Q. Summation of all the Q values provide an overall quality
rating which is an indicator of relative importance of the service quality dimensions that
influence customers’ overall quality perceptions. SERVQUAL is a standardized instrument
that has been applied across a broad spectrum of service industries.

The SERVQUAL scale (Questionnaire) has two sections: one to measure customer
expectations in relation to a service segment and the other to measure perception regarding
the organization whose service is being assessed. SERVQUAL comprises a 22 items (Likert-
type) with five dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles.
From the 5 dimensions, 22 statements are derived, each measuring both the expectations and
perceptions of customers towards the quality of services of the organization being assessed.
The customers are required to rate, on a 5- point Likert scale, the degree to which they feel
the service provider should deliver for an excellent service. Another identical scale is
provided adjacent to the first one in which the respondents rate the actual quality of service
delivered to them by an organization based on their perceptions. For each statement, the
difference between perception and expectation is calculated; the averages of the obtained
score being the SERVQUAL score (Berry, 1988).

2.6. The hotel industry in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is amongst the African countries that is endowed with the biggest amount of
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Africa. There are a total of 8 sites dispersed throughout
the country. This gives it the advantage of building up itself as a home for tourists. Ethiopia’s
government has emphasized on the expansion of tourism in its development program,
PASDEP (Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty) to hone the
prevailing tourism capital as an impelling cause of financial expansion for the entire country.
Ethiopia is strategically regarded as an essential country in the Horn of Africa for a lot of
countries. It is a place where most of the international meetings, conventions and gatherings
takes place. This calls for housings and lodgings at a universal quality; and according to
embassy of Japan in Ethiopia (2008) this will continue to grow in the future because huge
number of global companies have been endlessly fortifying their establishments and
expanding their workforce in Ethiopia. New international, franchised and local hotels,
restaurants, nightclubs and bars have been inaugurated and functional. International brands
and franchises from America, Europe and China and locally standardized hotels are
considered to promote the hospitality industry (Aschale, 2013).

According to Abraham G/Egziabher (2015) the hotel industry has recently become a fast
growing industry. The sector incorporates a number of services like accommodation,
restaurants, cafes, conference halls and gyms. Records validate that the growth of the hotel
sector is directly associated with touring. Likewise, the expansion of the hotel industry in
Ethiopia is linked to the growing number of both native and nonnative tourists and travelers.
The demand for the industry particularly in a developing country like Ethiopia is related to
the tourism sector since the customers of hotels mostly originate from tourists worldwide
(Mitiku, 2015). A significant effect has been observed in the growth of the country’s foreign
relations especially at the time when Menelik II was ruling; by instilling the idea of
modernization and bringing in foreign technology and organizations among which hotel is
one of them. Expansion of up to date hotels in Ethiopia dates back to the 19th century. Etege
Taitu Hotel which was inaugurated in 1898 (E.C.) at the hub of the city, Piazza was the first
hotel. Proceeding 142 new hotel developmental projects in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in
2014, Ethiopia is rated amongst the top 10 largest markets for international hotel chain
developments. According to Africa Business, 2015; the hotel industry has been creating a
direct economic impact towards countries. In Ethiopia, the industry’s contribution to GDP

was 4.2% in 2013 and it has rose by 4.5% in 2014 and this figure is predicted to rise by 5%
in 2024.

2.7. Relationship between service quality and customer


Some researchers argue that service quality is an antecedent of customer satisfaction

(Churchill Jr and Surprenant, 1982) while others argues that satisfaction represents an
antecedent of service quality (Carman, 1990, Bolton and Drew, 1991). However, the
majority of recent publications believe that service quality is an antecedent to customer
satisfaction. It is generally accepted that a positive relationship exists between service quality
and customer satisfaction (Bei and Chiao, 2001).

Rowley (1998) argues that service quality is an attitude related to, but not the same, as
satisfaction. Parasuraman et al., (1985) in their study, proposed that when perceived service
quality is high, then it will lead to increase in customer satisfaction. Similar conclusion was
reached by Bei and Chiao (2006) and Brady et al., (2005). After conducting a study to
establish the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality, Janet (2011)
concluded that a significant relationship between the two existed. All the dimensions of
service quality were identified as the key factors in influencing customer satisfaction. The
outcome of the study suggested that to improve customer satisfaction, organizations need to
improve the dimensions of service quality. Akoko (2012) studied service quality dimensions
and customer satisfaction in Kenyan telecommunications industry and established that all
the five service quality dimensions had positive impact on customer satisfaction.

Service quality has been believed to have direct impact on customer satisfaction, recurrence
of buying behavior and security of a company’s profit in the long-run (Wilkins et al., 2007).
For the quality of service to be better, it is important to continuously communicate with
employees and analyze their service encounter (Prayudha and Harsanto, 2014).



This chapter presents the results obtained from the data analysis using questionnaires and
interview. The study results are analyzed and interpreted in line with the objectives which
were to assess the service quality and customer satisfaction in five star hotel in the case of
Radisson Blu Hotel.

3.1. Demographic Characteristics of Customers

3.1.1. Sex of Respondents

Table 1 Sex of respondents

Sex Total Number Percent of respondents

Male 81 66.94%
Female 40 33.06%
Total 121 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)

As stated in the above table the majority of the sample concerning to their sex are male. Out
of 121 people considered as a sample around 81 (66.94%) are male and around 40 (33.06%)
are female respondents.

3.1.2. Age Composition of Respondents

Table 2 Age composition of respondents

Age group Total number Percent of

18-25 10 8.26%
26-34 35 28.93%
35-42 41 33.88%
43-50 26 21.49%
Above 50 9 7.44%
Total 121 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)
As discussed in the table 2 the age characteristics of the respondents the majority of the
samples age are between 35-42 and accounts for 41 (33.88%).

On the other hand the age between 26-34 accounts for 35 (28.93%), 43-50 accounts for 26
(21.49%), 18-25 accounts for 10 (8.26%), and above 50 age group found to be 9 (7.44%).

Form these data we can see that the majority user of hotel service are active age groups
which have the capacity to change the economy of the country in terms of power and

3.1.3. Marital Status of Respondents

Table 3 Marital status of respondents

Marital Status Total Number Percent of respondents

Single 51 42.15%
Married 66 54.55%
Divorced 4 3.30%
Widowed - -
Separated - -
Total 121 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)
This table give consideration for the marital status of the respondents and accordingly, the
majority around 66 (54.55%) of the respondents are married. Single, and divorced accounts
for 51 (42.15%), and 4 (3.30%) respectively. There is no respondent give an answer for
widowed and separated.

3.1.4. Educational Level of Respondents

Table 4 Educational level of the respondents

Educational Level Total number Percent of respondents

High school (9-12) - -

Certificate 2 1.65%
Diploma 7 5.79%
Bachelor Degree 60 49.59%
MA/MSC and above 52 42.97%
Total 121 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)

In an attempt done to know the level of education of the respondents the number and percent
of respondents having MA/MSC degree and above accounts for 52 (42.97%) and there is no
respondents how replay as only achieved the secondary level of education (9-12) grade.
Around 2 (1.65%) responds as the holders of certificate, 7 (5.79%) diploma holders and the
rest 60 (49.59%) responds as they have finished their Bachelor Degree.

3.1.5. Occupation of Respondents
Table 5 Occupation of respondents

Occupation Total number Percent of respondents

Student 5 4.13%
Retire - -
Business Owner 55 45.46%
Employed 61 50.41%
Other (Specify) - -
Total 121 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)
Concerning to the occupation of the respondents about 55 (45.46%) are business owners
meaning they are owners of their business and company. The remaining number and percent
of sample are; 5 (4.13%) student and 61 (50.41%) are employed means they are employed
in different institutions governmental, non-governmental and private sector. None of the
respondent give an answer of retire and other concerning to the occupation.

3.1.6. Nationality of Respondents

Table 6 Nationality of respondents

Nationality of respondents
Nationality Total number Percent of respondents
Ethiopian 85 70.25%
Rest of Africa 20 16.53%
Europe 6 4.96%
USA 3 2.48%
Middle East 2 1.65%
Asia 2 1.65%
Other (Specify) 3 2.48%
Total 121 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)
As discussed in table 6 the nationality of respondents majority of the respondents 85
(70.25%) are from Ethiopia, 20 (16.53) from the rest of African countries, 6 (4.96%) from
Europe, 3 (2.48%) from USA, 2 (1.65%) from Middle East, 2 (1.65%) from Asia, and the
other 3 (2.48%) are from Canada.

3.1.7. Number of Visits of Respondents to this Hotel

Table 7 Number of visits of respondents to this hotel
Number of visits Total number Percent of respondents
First visit 34 28.1%
2 to 5 visits 59 48.76%
6 to 10 visits 18 14.88%
More than 10 visits 10 8.26%
Total 121 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)
As stated in the above table 34 (28.1%) of the respondents visited the hotel for the first time,
59 (48.76%) visited from 2-5 times, the other 18 (14.88%) and 10 (8.26%) visited the hotel
frequently for 6-10 and more than 10 times respectively.

3.1.8. Hotel Selection of Respondents

Table 8 Hotel selection of respondents

Hotel Selection Total number Percent of respondents

Gov’t Placement 9 7.44%
Internet Search 25 20.66%
Travel Agency 7 5.79%
Word of Mouth 80 66.11%
Total 121 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)
According to the collected data majority of the respondents 80 (66.11%) select the hotel by
word of mouth; the information provided by other customers. The rest 25 (20.66%), 9
(7.44%), and 7 (5.79%) select the hotel from internet search, gov’t placement, and travel
agency respectively. This shows that word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool for building
good brand image and to increase the demand of customers.

3.2. Demographic Characteristics of Employees

3.2.1. Sex of Respondents

Table 9 Sex of respondents

Sex Total Number Percent of respondents

Male 15 65.22%
Female 8 34.78%
Total 23 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)

As stated in the above table the majority of the sample concerning to their sex are male. Out
of the 23 employees considered as a sample around 15 (65.22%) are male and around 8
(34.78%) are female respondents.

3.2.2. Age Composition of Respondents

Table 10 Age composition of respondents

Age group Total number Percent of

18-25 2 8.70%
26-34 9 39.13%
35-42 11 47.83%
43-50 1 4.34%
Above 50 - -
Total 23 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)
As discussed in the table 10 the age characteristics of the respondents the majority of the
samples age are between 35-42 and accounts for 11 (47.83%). On the other hand the age
between 26-34 accounts for 9 (39.13%), 18-25 accounts for 2 (8.70%), 43-50 accounts for 1
(4.34%) and no respondents for above 50 age group.

3.2.3. Marital Status of Respondents

Table 11 Marital status of respondents

Marital Status Total Number Percent of respondents

Single 5 21.74%
Married 18 78.26%
Divorced - -
Widowed - -
Separated - -
Total 23 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)
The above table give consideration for the marital status of the respondents and accordingly,
the majority around 18 (78.26%) of the employees are married, and 5 (21.74%) are single.
There is no respondent give an answer for divorced, widowed and separated.

3.2.4. Educational Level of Respondents

Table 12 Educational level of the respondents

Educational Level Total number Percent of respondents

High school (9-12) - -
Certificate - -
Diploma 2 8.70%
Bachelor Degree 8 34.78%
MA/MSC and above 13 56.52%
Total 23 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)

In an attempt done to know the level of education of the respondents the number and percent
of respondents having MA/MSC degree and above accounts for 13 (56.52%), around 8
(34.78%) responds as they have finished their Bachelor Degree and 2 (8.70%) have diploma.
There is no respondent how replay as only achieved the secondary level of education (9-12)
grade and certificate.

3.2.5. Years of Working Experience

Table 13 Years of Working Experience of respondents

Years of working Total number Percent of respondents

Less than one year - -
1-3 years - -
3-5 years - -
>5 years 23 100%
Total 23 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)
Concerning to the years of working experience of the respondents all the 23 (100%)
respondents worked for more than five years.

3.2.6. Nationality of Respondents

Table 14 Nationality of respondents

Nationality Total number Percent of respondents

Ethiopian 23 100%
Rest of Africa - -
Europe - -
USA - -
Middle East - -
Asia - -
Other (Specify) - -
Total 23 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)
As discussed in above table all of the respondents 23 (100%) are Ethiopians.
3.2.7. Working Position of the Respondents in this Hotel
Table 15 Working Position of respondents in this hotel

Working Position Total number Percent of respondents

Receptionist 5 21.74%
Supervisor 3 13.04%
Sales person 10 43.48%
Marketing Manager 5 21.74%
Others (specify please) - -
Total 23 100%

Source: Survey Data (2022)
As stated in the above table most of the respondents 10 (43.48%) are sales persons, 5
(21.74%) receptionists, 5 (21.74%) marketing managers, 3 (13.04%) are supervisors of the
hotel and no respondent for others.

3.2.8. Income of Respondents

Table 16 Income of respondents

Income Total number Percent of respondents

< 5000 Birr - -
5100-10000 Birr 10 43.48%
10100-25000 Birr - -
>25000 Birr 13 56.52%
Total 23 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)
According to the collected data the majority of the respondents 13 (56.52%) get the income
> 25000 birr and the rest 10 (43.48%) the income range from birr 5100-10000.

3.3. Descriptive Analysis

3.3.1. Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction

The first objective sought to find out the factors influencing customer satisfaction.
Respondents were asked to rate the factors on a scale of 1 to 5 ranging as 1 = strongly
disagree, 2 = disagree, 3= neutral, 4 = agree and 5= strongly agree. A five point Likert scale
was used to interpret the respondent’s responses.

According to the scale those factors which were not considered at all were awarded 1 while
those which were extremely influencing satisfaction were awarded 5 within the continuum
are 4 for fairly influencing satisfaction, 3 for neutral and 2 for somewhat influencing

The data were collected based on the five service quality dimensions; Tangibles, Reliability,
Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy in order to assess the major factors that influence
customer satisfaction.

Table 17 Factors influencing customers’ satisfaction on tangibles

1. Tangibles SD D N A SA Total

Hotel’s Physical 31 51 18 18 3 121

25.62% 42.15% 14.88% 14.88% 2.47% 100.00%

Hotel’s Equipment 48 47 13 11 2 121

39.67% 38.84% 10.74% 9.10% 1.65% 100.00%
Appearance of hotel 47 54 17 2 1 121
38.84% 44.63% 14.05% 1.65% 0.83% 100.00%

Communication 33 60 22 5 1 121
27.27% 49.59% 18.18% 4.13% 0.83% 100.00%

Total 159 212 70 36 7 484

32.85% 43.80% 14.46% 7.44% 1.45% 100.00%
Source: Survey Data (2022)
In the case of Tangibles dimension the major issues considered were; the hotels physical
facilities, hotels equipment, appearance of hotel employees and communication materials.
In the case of hotels physical facilities 31 (25.62%) strongly disagree, 51(42.15%) disagree,
18(14.88%) neutral, 18 (14.88%) agree and 3 (2.47%) strongly agree. In connection to hotels
equipment 2(1.65%) strongly agree, 11(9.10%) agree, 13(10.74%) neutral, 47(38.84%)
disagree and the remaining 48(39.67%) give a response of strongly disagree.

In the case of appearance of the hotel employees 1 (0.83%) strongly agree, 2(1.65%) agree,
17(14.05%) neutral, 54(44.63%) disagree and 47(38.84%) strongly disagree. In connection
to communication materials about 1(0.83%) strongly agree, 5 (4.13%) agree, 22(18.18%)
neutral, 60(49.59%) disagree and 33(27.27%) strongly disagree.

Totally the data gathered concerning to the factors influencing customers satisfaction in
relation to tangibles shows that out of total respondents, 1.45% strongly agree, 7.44% agree,
14.46% neutral, 43.80% disagree and the rest 32.85% strongly disagree to statements
standing from their experience. Therefore based on the collected data the most influencing
factors from tangibles dimensions are hotels physical facilities and hotels equipment

Table 18 Factors influencing customers’ satisfaction on reliability

2. Reliability SD D N A SA Total

Timeliness of service 38 50 26 5 2 121

31.41% 41.32% 21.49% 4.13% 1.65% 100.00%

Problem solving 40 60 20 0 1 121

33.05% 49.59% 16.53% 0.00% 0.83% 100.00%

Efficient service 41 62 14 3 1 121

33.88% 51.24% 11.57% 2.48% 0.83% 100.00%

Consistency of service 39 64 14 4 0 121

32.23% 52.89% 11.57% 3.31% 0.00% 100.00%

Accuracy of records 33 48 33 7 0 121

27.27% 39.67% 27.27% 5.79% 0.00% 100.00%

Total 191 284 107 19 4 605

31.57% 46.94% 17.69% 3.14% 0.66% 100.00%

Source: Survey Data (2022)

The second is the Reliability dimension under this; timeliness of service, problem solving
interest, efficient service, consistency of service, accuracy of records were major
considerations. In relation to timeliness of service about, 50 (41.32%) disagree and rest of
the respondents; 38 (31.41%) strongly disagree, 26 (21.49%) neutral, 5 (4.13%) agree and
2 (1.65%) strongly agree. In showing problem solving interest about 1 (0.83%) strongly
agree, none of the respondents agree, 20 (16.53%) neutral, 60 (49.59%) disagree and the
remaining 40 (33.05%) strongly disagree. In the case of efficient service about 3 (2.48%)
agree, 1 (0.83%) strongly agree, 14 (11.57%) neutral, 62 (51.24%) disagree and 41 (33.88%)
strongly disagree.

In connection to consistency of service about none of the respondents strongly agree,

4(3.31%) agree, 14 (11.57%) neutral, 64 (52.89%) disagree and 39 (32.23%) strongly
disagree. In the case of accuracy of records about 7 (5.79%) agree, none of the respondents
strongly agree, 33 (27.27%) neutral, 48 (39.67%) disagree and 33 (27.27%) strongly
Totally, the respondents response in consideration to Reliability concerning factors
influencing customer satisfaction at Radisson Blu hotel the majority of respondents 46.94%
disagree, 31.57% strongly disagree, 17.69% neutral, 3.14% agree and 0.66% strongly agree
in their experience of service gained. According to the result obtained from Reliability
dimension the most influencing factors are accuracy of records and timeliness of service.
Table 19 Factors influencing customers’ satisfaction on responsiveness

3. Responsiveness SD D N A SA Total

Problem resolution time 30 60 28 1 2 121

24.79% 49.59% 23.14% 0.83% 1.65% 100.00%

Prompt attention to 35 64 16 5 1 121

guest’s requests

28.93% 52.89% 13.22% 4.13% 0.83% 100.00%

Willingness to help 52 56 10 2 1 121

42.98% 46.28% 8.26% 1.65% 0.83% 100.00%

Flexibility of employees 45 52 19 4 1 121

37.19% 42.97% 15.70% 3.31% 0.83% 100.00%

Total 162 232 73 12 5 484

33.47% 47.93% 15.08% 2.49% 1.03 100.00%


Source: Survey Data (2022)

The other service quality dimension that influence the customer satisfaction is
responsiveness under this Problem resolution time, prompt attention to guests requests,
willingness to help, flexibility of employees were major considerations. According to
problem resolution time, about 60 (49.59%) of the respondents disagree, 30 (24.79%)
strongly disagree, 28 (23.14%) responses as they are neutral, 2(1.65%) strongly agree and
1(0.83%) agree. In relation to prompt attention to guests requests 64 (52.89%) disagree, 35
(28.93%) strongly disagree, 16 (13.22%) neutral, 5 (4.13%) agree and 1 (0.83%) strongly
agree. According to willingness to help, 56 (46.28%) disagree, 52 (42.98%) strongly
disagree, 10 (8.26%) neutral, 2 (1.65%) agree and 1 (0.83%) strongly agree. To last
concerning responsiveness dimension of service quality an attention was given for flexibility
of employees about, 52 (42.97%) disagree, 45 (37.19%) strongly disagree, 19(15.70%)
neutral, 4 (3.31%) agree, and 1 (0.83%) strongly agree.

In general the data gathered concerning quality of service provided for customers in relation
to responsiveness shows that out of total respondents, 1.03% strongly agree, 2.49% agree,
15.08% neutral, 47.93% disagree and the rest 33.47% strongly disagree to statements
standing from their experience. According to the result obtained from the collected data the
influencing factors under responsiveness dimension are prompt attention to guest’s requests
and flexibility of employees respectively.

Table 20 Factors influencing customers’ satisfaction on assurance

4. Assurance SD D N A SA Total

Behavior of 45 57 16 3 0 121

37.19% 47.11% 13.22% 2.48% 0.00% 100.00%

Safety and security 49 50 11 11 0 121

40.50% 41.32% 9.09% 9.09% 0.00% 100.00%

Courtesy of 48 55 18 0 0 121
39.67% 45.45% 14.88% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Competence of 40 59 19 3 0 121
33.06% 48.76% 15.70% 2.48% 0.00% 100.00%

Total 182 221 64 17 0 484

37.60% 45.67% 13.22% 3.51% 0.00% 100.00%

Source: Survey Data (2022)

In the case of Assurance dimension of service provided in Radisson Blu Hotel to understand
and explore the factors that influence customer’s satisfaction the issues raised like, behavior
of employees, safety and security, courtesy of employees and competence of employees are
the major ones. Concerning to the behavior of employees, none of the respondents strongly
agree, 3 (2.48%) agree, 16 (13.22%) neutral, 57 (47.11%) disagree and the rest 45 (37.19%)

strongly disagree. In the case of safety and security, 50 (41.32%) disagree, 49 (40.50%)
strongly disagree, 11 (9.09%) neutral, 11(9.09%) agree and none of the respondents strongly
agree. Concerning courtesy of employees none of the respondents strongly agree and agree,
about 55 (45.45%) disagree, 48 (39.67%) strongly disagree, and 18 (14.88%) neutral. Lastly
for the competence of employees about, 59 (48.76%) disagree, 40 (33.06%) strongly
disagree, 19 (15.70%) neutral, 3 (2.48%) agree and none of the respondents strongly agree.

Totally the respondents’ response in consideration to Assurance concerning factors

influencing customer satisfaction at Radisson Blu hotel the majority of respondents 45.67%
disagree. 37.60 strongly disagree, 13.22% neutral, 3.51% agree and none of the respondents
strongly agree. According to the result obtained from the collected data under assurance
service quality dimension the major factor that influence customer satisfaction is safety and

Table 21 Factors influencing customers’ satisfaction on empathy

5. Empathy SD D N A SA Total

Individualized 23 59 29 8 2 121
19.01% 48.76% 23.97% 6.61% 1.65% 100.00%

Convenient operating 30 54 35 1 1 121

24.79% 44.62% 28.93% 0.83% 0.83% 100.00%

Personal attention 29 64 25 2 1 121

from employees
23.97% 52.89% 20.66% 1.65% 0.83% 100.00%

Concern towards 32 60 26 2 1 121

guest interest
26.45% 49.59% 21.49% 1.65% 0.83% 100.00%

Understanding guest 32 52 33 3 1 121

specific needs
26.44% 42.98% 27.27% 2.48% 0.83% 100.00%

Total 146 289 148 16 6 605

24.13% 47.77% 24.46% 2.65% 0.99% 100.00%

Source: Survey Data (2022)

The last dimension that was used to assess factors influencing customer satisfaction were
Empathy and under it issues raised like, individualized attention, convenient operating hours,
personal attention from employees, concern towards guests interest and understanding guest
specific need are ones that gain attention.

According to individualized attention most of the respondents disagree counting around 59

(48.76%) and the rest of respondents 23 (19.01%) strongly disagree, 29 (23.97%) neutral, 8
(6.61%) agree and 2 (1.65%) strongly agree. In question raised to understand the convenient
operating hours, about 1 (0.83%) strongly agree, 1 (0.83%) agree, 35 (28.93%) neutral, 54
(44.62%) disagree and the remaining 30 (24.79%) strongly disagree. In the case of personal
attention from employees, about 64 (52.89%) disagree, 29 (23.97%) strongly disagree, 25
(20.66%) neutral, 2 (1.65%) agree and 1 (0.83%) strongly agree. In connection of the concern
towards guests interest, about 60 (49.59%) disagree, 32 (26.45%) strongly disagree, 26
(21.49%) neutral, 2 (1.65%) agree and 1 (0.83%) strongly agree. In the case of understanding
guests specific needs about 52 (42.98%) disagree, 32 (26.44%) strongly disagree,
33(27.27%) neutral, 3 (2.48%) agree and 1 (0.83%) strongly agree.

Totally, the respondent’s response in consideration to Empathy concerning factors

influencing customer satisfaction at Radisson Blu Hotel the majority of respondents 47.77%
disagree, 24.13% strongly disagree, 24.46% neutral, 2.65% agree and 0.99% strongly agree.

According to the result obtained from the collected data under Empathy service quality
dimension the major factor that influence customer satisfaction is individualized attention.

3.3.2. Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction by the Hotel

Table 22 Factors influencing customer satisfaction on tangibles by the employees

Tangibles SD D N A SA Total

Hotel’s Physical - 7 3 9 4 23
- 30.44% 13.04% 39.13% 17.39% 100.00%

Up- to -date Equipment - 4 10 6 3 23

- 17.39% 43.48% 26.09% 13.04% 100.00%

Comfortable work - - - 13 10 23

- - - 56.52% 43.48% 100.00%

Communication - - 9 11 3 23
- - 39.13% 47.83% 13.04% 100.00%

Total - 11 22 39 20 92

- 11.95% 23.91% 42.40% 21.74% 100.00%

Source: Survey Data (2022)

In the case of Tangibles dimension the major issues considered were; the hotels physical
facility, up-to-date equipment, comfortable work environment and communication
materials. In the case of hotels physical facilities none of the respondents strongly disagree,
7 (30.44%) disagree, 3 (13.04%) neutral, 9 (39.13%) agree and 4 (17.39%) strongly agree.
In connection to up-to-date equipment 3 (13.04%) strongly agree, 6 (26.09%) agree, 10
(43.48%) neutral, 4 (17.39%) disagree and none of the respondents strongly disagree.

In the case of comfortable work environment 13 (56.52%) agree, 10 (43.48%) strongly

agree, and none of the respondents strongly disagree, disagree and neutral. In connection to
communication materials about 11(47.83%) agree, 9 (39.13%) neutral, 3 (13.04%) strongly
agree, and none of the respondents strongly disagree and disagree.

Totally the data gathered concerning factors influencing customers satisfaction in relation
to tangibles shows that out of total respondents, 21.74% strongly agree, 42.40% agree,
23.91% neutral, 11.95% disagree and none of the respondents strongly disagree. Therefore
based on the collected data the most influencing factors from tangibles dimensions are;
comfortable work environment, and communication materials.
Table 23 Factors influencing customer satisfaction on reliability by the employees

2. Reliability SD D N A D Total

Timeliness of service 6 7 10 - - 23

26.09% 30.43% 43.48% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Problem solving 8 13 2 - - 23
34.78% 56.52% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Efficient service 10 10 3 - - 23

43.48% 43.48% 13.04% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Consistency of service 5 10 8 - - 23

21.74% 43.48% 34.78% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Accuracy of records 4 14 3 2 - 23

17.39% 60.87% 13.04% 8.70% 0.00% 100.00%

Total 33 54 26 2 - 115

28.69% 46.96% 22.61% 1.74% 0.00% 100.00%

Source: Survey Data (2022)

The second is the Reliability dimension under this; timeliness of service, problem solving
interest, efficient service, consistency of service, accuracy of records were major
considerations. In relation to timeliness of service about, 6 (26.09%) strongly disagree, 7
(30.43%) disagree, 10 (43.48%) neutral, and none of the respondents agree and strongly
agree. In showing problem solving interest about 8 (34.78%) strongly disagree, 13 (56.52%)
disagree, 2 (8.70%) neutral and none of the respondents agree and strongly agree. In the
case of efficient service about 10 (43.48%) strongly disagree, 10 (43.48%) disagree, 3
(13.04%) neutral, and none of the respondents agree and strongly agree.

In connection to consistency of service about, 5 (21.74%) strongly disagree, 10 (43.48%)

disagree, 8 (34.78%) neutral and none of the respondents agree and strongly agree. In the
case of accuracy of records about 4 (17.39%) strongly disagree, 14 (60.87%) disagree, 3
(13.04%) neutral, 2 (8.70%) agree and none of the respondents strongly agree.
Totally, the respondents response in consideration to Reliability concerning factors
influencing customer satisfaction at Radisson Blu hotel the majority of respondents 46.96%
disagree, 28.69% strongly disagree, 22.61% neutral, 1.74% agree and none of the
respondents strongly agree in their experience of service gained.

Table 24 Factors influencing customers satisfaction on responsiveness by the employees

3. Responsiveness SD D N A SA Total

Problem resolution time 10 10 2 1 - 23

43.48% 43.48% 8.70% 4.34% 0.00% 100.00%

Prompt attention to 12 9 2 - - 23
guest’s requests
52.17% 39.13% 8.70% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Willingness to help our 10 12 - - 1 23

43.48% 52.17% 0.00% 0.00% 4.35% 100.00%

Flexibility 10 9 3 1 - 23

43.48% 39.13% 13.04% 4.35% 0.00% 100.00%

Total 42 40 7 2 1 92

45.65% 43.48% 7.61% 2.17% 1.09% 100.00%

Source: Survey Data (2022)

The other service quality dimension that influence the customer satisfaction is
responsiveness under this Problem resolution time, prompt attention to guests requests,
willingness to help, flexibility were major considerations. According to problem resolution
time, about 10 (43.48 %) of the respondents strongly disagree, 10 (43.48%) disagree, 2
(8.70%) responses as they are neutral, 1 (4.34%) agree and none of the respondents strongly
agree. In relation to prompt attention to guests requests 12 (52.17%) strongly disagree, 9
(39.13%) disagree, 2 (8.70%) neutral, and none of the respondents agree and strongly agree.
According to willingness to help, 10 (43.48%) strongly disagree, 12 (52.17%) disagree, 1
(4.35%) strongly agree, and none of the respondents agree and neutral. To last concerning
responsiveness dimension of service quality an attention was given for flexibility about, 10
(43.48%) strongly disagree, 9 (39.13%) disagree, 3 (13.04%) neutral, 1 (4.35%) agree, and
none of the respondents strongly agree.

In general the data gathered concerning quality of service provided for customers in relation
to responsiveness shows that out of total respondents, 1.09% strongly agree, 2.17% agree,
7.61% neutral, 43.48% disagree and the rest 45.65% strongly disagree to statements standing
from their experience.

Table 25 Factors influencing customers satisfaction on assurance by the employees

4. Assurance SD D N A SA Total

Behavior of 8 9 5 1 - 23
34.78% 39.13% 21.74% 4.35% 0.00% 100.00%

Safety and security 3 10 3 7 - 23

13.04% 43.48% 13.04% 30.44% 0.00% 100.00%

Courteous to our 5 3 15 - - 23
21.74% 13.04% 65.22% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Trusted by our 1 10 9 3 - 23
4.35% 43.48% 39.13% 13.04% 0.00% 100.00%

Total 17 32 32 11 - 92

18.48% 34.78% 34.78% 11.96% 0.00% 100.00%

Source: Survey Data (2022)

In the case of Assurance dimension of service provided in Radisson Blu Hotel to understand
and explore the factors that influence customer’s satisfaction the issues raised like, behavior
of customers, safety and security, courtesy and trusted by customers are the major ones.
Concerning to the behavior of customers, none of the respondents strongly agree, 1 (4.35%)
agree, 5 (21.74%) neutral, 9 (39.13%) disagree and the rest 8 (34.78%) strongly disagree. In
the case of safety and security, 10 (43.48%) disagree, 3 (13.04%) strongly disagree, 3
(13.04%) neutral, 7(30.44%) agree and none of the respondents strongly agree. Concerning
courtesy of employees none of the respondents strongly agree and agree, about 3 (13.04%)

disagree, 5 (21.74%) strongly disagree, and 15 (65.22%) neutral. Lastly for the trusted by
customers about, 10 (43.48%) disagree, 1 (4.35%) strongly disagree, 9 (39.13%) neutral, 3
(13.04%) agree and none of the respondents strongly agree.

Totally the respondents’ response in consideration to Assurance concerning factors

influencing customer satisfaction at Radisson Blu hotel the majority of respondents 34.78%
disagree, 18.48% strongly disagree, 34.78% neutral, 11.96% agree and none of the
respondents strongly agree. According to the result obtained from the collected data under
assurance service quality dimension the major influencing factor is safety and security.

Table 26 Factors influencing customers satisfaction on empathy by the employees

5. Empathy SD D N A SA Total

Individualized 1 3 13 5 1 23
4.35% 13.04% 56.52% 21.74% 4.35% 100.00%

Convenient operating 3 10 8 1 1 23
13.04% 43.48% 34.78% 4.35% 4.35% 100.00%

Personal attention for 3 15 5 - - 23

our customers
13.04% 65.22% 21.74% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Concern towards 9 10 3 1 - 23
guests interest
39.13% 43.48% 13.04% 4.35% 0.00% 100.00%

Understanding guest 7 8 5 3 - 23
specific needs
30.44% 34.78% 21.74% 13.04% 0.00% 100.00%

Total 23 46 34 10 2 115

20.00% 40.00% 29.56 % 8.70% 1.74% 100.00%

Source: Survey Data (2022)

The last dimension that was used to assess factors influencing customer satisfaction were
Empathy and under it issues raised like, individualized attention, convenient operating hours,

personal attention for customers, concern towards guests interest and understanding guests
specific need are ones that gain attention.

According to individualized attention about 1 (4.35%) of the respondents strongly disagree,

3 (13.04%) disagree, 13 (56.52%) neutral, 5 (21.74%) agree and 1 (4.35%) strongly agree.
In question raised to understand the convenient operating hours, about 1 (4.35%) strongly
agree, 1 (4.35%) agree, 8 (34.78%) neutral, 10 (43.48%) disagree and the remaining 3
(13.04%) strongly disagree. In the case of personal attention for customers, about 15
(65.22%) disagree, 3 (13.04%) strongly disagree, 5 (21.74%) neutral, and none of the
respondents agree and strongly agree. In connection of the concern towards guests interest,
about 10 (43.48%) disagree, 9 (39.13%) strongly disagree, 3 (13.04%) neutral, 1 (4.35%)
agree and none of the respondents strongly agree. In the case of understanding guests specific
needs about 8 (34.78%) disagree, 7 (30.44%) strongly disagree, 5 (21.74%) neutral, 3
(13.04%) agree and none of the respondents strongly agree.

Totally, the respondent’s response in consideration to Empathy concerning factors

influencing customer satisfaction at Radisson Blu Hotel the majority of respondents 40.00
% disagree, 20.00% strongly disagree, 29.56% neutral, 8.70% agree and 1.74% strongly

According to the result obtained from the collected data under Empathy service quality
dimension the major influencing factor is individualized attention.

3.3.3. Customers Perception on the Quality of Service

In this section there is an attention to know the customers perception from Radisson Blu
Hotel. This aims to understand the service provided by Radisson Blu Hotel was as expected
or not, based on the five dimensions of service quality i.e. Tangible, Reliability,
Responsiveness, Empathy and Assurance by raising and discussing different issues under
them one by one. Accordingly the first consideration was given for tangibles. In this, the
look and visual attractiveness of the hotels facilities, neat appearance of the hotel employees,
and the visual appeal of materials that are associated with the service are the major

Table 27 Customers’ perception on tangibles

Tangibles SD D N A SA Total
The hotel has good 3 18 18 51 31 121
looking facilities
2.47% 14.88% 14.88% 42.15% 25.62% 100%

The hotel’s physical 2 11 13 47 48 121

facilities are visually
appealing 1.65% 9.10% 10.74% 38.84% 39.67% 100%

The hotel’s employees 1 2 17 54 47 121

are neat appearing
0.83% 1.65% 14.05% 44.63% 38.84% 100%

The materials 1 5 22 60 33 121

associated with the
service are visually
appealing 0.83% 4.13% 18.18% 49.59% 27.27% 100%

Total 7 36 70 212 159 484

1.45% 7.44% 14.46% 43.80% 32.85% 100%

Source: Survey Data (2022)

In the case of good looking facilities of the hotel about 3(2.47%) strongly disagree,
18(14.88%) disagree, 18(14.88%) neutral 51(42.15%) agree and 31(25.62%) strongly agree
with the premises stated. In connection to owning visually attractive physical facilities
2(1.65%) strongly disagree, 11(9.10%) disagree, 13 (10.74%) neutral, 47(38.84%) agree
and the remaining 48(39.67%) give a response of strongly agree. In the case of neat
appearance of the hotel employees 1 (0.83%) strongly disagree, 2(1.65%) disagree, 17
(14.05%) neutral, 54(44.63%) agree and 47(38.84%) strongly agree. In connection to visual
attractiveness of materials associated with the service 1(0.83%) strongly disagree, 5 (4.13%)
disagree, 22(18.18%) neutral, 60 (49.59%) agree and 33(27.27%) strongly agree.

In general the data gathered concerning quality of service provided for customers in relation
to tangibles shows that out of total respondents, 1.45% strongly disagree, 7.44% disagree,
14.46% neutral, 43.80% agree and the rest 32.85% strongly agree to statements standing
from their experience.

Table 28 Customers’ perception on reliability

Reliability SD D N A SA Total
When the hotel promises 2 5 26 50 38 121
to do something by a
1.65% 4.13% 21.49% 41.32% 31.41% 100%
certain time it does so

When you have a problem 1 - 20 60 40 121

the hotel shows a sincere
0.83% 0.00% 16.53% 49.59% 33.05% 100%
interest in solving it

The hotel performs the 1 3 14 62 41 121

service right the first time
0.83% 2.48% 11.57% 51.24% 33.88% 100%
The hotel provides its - 4 14 64 39 121
services at the time it
0.00% 3.31% 11.57% 52.89% 32.23% 100%
promises to do so

The hotel insists on error - 7 33 48 33 121

free records
0.00% 5.79% 27.27% 39.67% 27.27% 100%

Total 4 19 107 284 191 605

0.66% 3.14% 17.69% 46.94% 31.57% 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)

In the case of reliability dimension of service provided in Radisson Blu Hotel to

understand and explore the experience of customers the issues raised like are Radisson
Blu Hotel able to do something by a certain time it does so, the hotel has sincere interest
in solving a problem, does the hotel performs the service right the first time, can the
hotel provide service at the time it promises to do so and insists error free records are
the discussable ones.

As the information from data gathered illustrated in the following table, in relation to
delivering service timely most of the respondents are agree counting around 50
(41.32%) and rest of the respondents; 38 (31.41%) strongly agree , 26 (21.49%) neutral,
5 (4.13%) disagree and 2 (1.65%) strongly disagree. In showing sincere interest in
problem solving about 1 (0.83%) strongly disagree, none of the respondents disagree,
20 (16.53%) neutral, 60 (49.59%) agree and the remaining 40 (33.05%) strongly agree.
In the question raised to understand the hotel performs the service right the first time
about 3 (2.48%) disagree, 1 (0.83%) strongly disagree, 14 (11.57%) neutral, 62
(51.24%) agree and 41 (33.88%) strongly agree.

In connection of effort to provide its service at the time it promises to do so; none of the
respondents strongly disagree, 4(3.31%) disagree, 14 (11.57%) neutral, 64 (52.89%)

agree and 39 (32.23%) strongly agree. In the case of the hotel insists on error free records
about 7 (5.79%) disagree, none of the respondents strongly disagree, 33 (27.27%)
neutral, 48 (39.67%) agree and 33 (27.27%) strongly agree.

Totally, the respondents response in consideration to Reliability concerning quality of

service provided at Radisson Blu hotel the majority of respondents 46.94% agree,
31.57% strongly agree, 17.69% neutral, 3.14% disagree and 0.66% strongly disagree in
their experience of service gained.

Table 29 Customers’ perception on responsiveness

Responsiveness SD D N A SA Total

The hotel employees tell you 2 1 28 60 30 121

exactly when services will be
1.65% 0.83% 23.14% 49.59% 24.79 100%

The hotel employees give you 1 5 16 64 35 121

prompt service
0.83% 4.13% 13.22% 52.89% 28.93 100%
The hotel employees are always 1 2 10 56 52 121
willing to help you
0.83% 1.65% 8.26% 46.28% 42.98 100%
The employees are never too busy 1 4 19 52 45 121
to respond your requests
0.83% 3.31% 15.70% 42.97% 37.19 100%
Total 5 12 73 232 162 484
1.03% 2.49% 15.08% 47.93% 33.47 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)

In other dimensions of quality service the concern was given to responsiveness and in detail
informing customers when service will be exactly performed, providing prompt services,
willingness of employees in helping customers and are not too busy to respond customers’
requests was gain a prime attention. As the data collected during questionnaire concerning
to informing customers when service will be exactly performed, about 60 (49.59%) of the
respondents agree, 30 (24.79%) strongly agree, 28 (23.14%) responses as they are neutral,
2(1.65%) strongly disagree and 1(0.83%) disagree. with the statement. In relation to
providing prompt service 64 (52.89%) agree, 35 (28.93%) strongly agree, 16 (13.22%)
neutral, 5 (4.13%) disagree and 1 (0.83%) strongly disagree. According to willingness of
employees in helping customers, 56 (46.28%) agree, 52 (42.98%) strongly agree, 10 (8.26%)
neutral, 2 (1.65%) disagree and 1 (0.83%) strongly disagree. To last concerning

responsiveness dimension of service quality an attention was given for employees are never
too busy to respond customers’ requests about, 52 (42.97%) agree, 45 (37.19%) strongly
agree, 19 (15.70%) neutral, 4 (3.31%) disagree, and 1 (0.83%) strongly disagree.

In general the data gathered concerning quality of service provided for customers in relation
to responsiveness shows that out of total respondents, 1.03% strongly disagree, 2.49%
disagree, 15.08% neutral, 47.93% agree and the rest 33.47% strongly agree to statements
standing from their experience.

Table 30 Customers’ perception on assurance

Assurance SD D N A SA Total
The behavior of hotel employees - 3 16 57 45 121
instills confidence in customers
0.00% 2.48% 13.22% 47.11 37.19% 100%
You feel safe in your transactions - 11 11 50 49 121
with the hotel
0.00% 9.09% 9.09% 41.32 40.50% 100%
The hotel employees are - - 18 55 48 121
consistently courteous with you
0.00% 0.00% 14.88% 45.45 39.67% 100%
The hotel employees have the - 3 19 59 40 121
knowledge to answer your
0.00% 2.48% 15.70% 48.76 33.06% 100%

Total - 17 64 221 182 484

0.00% 3.51% 13.22% 45.67 37.60% 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)

In the case of Assurance dimension of service provided in Radisson Blu Hotel to understand
and explore the experience of customers the issues raised like, behavior of hotel employees
instills confidence in customers, customers feel safe in their transaction with the hotel,
employees that are consistently courteous with customers and employees knowledge to
answer customers questions are the major ones. Concerning to the behavior of employees
instills confidence in customers, none of the respondents strongly disagree, 3 (2.48%)
disagree, 16 (13.22%) neutral, 57 (47.11%) agree and the rest 45 (37.19%) strongly agree.
In the case of customers feel safe in their transaction with the hotel, 50 (41.32%) agree, 49
(40.50%) strongly agree, 11 (9.09%) neutral, 11(9.09%) disagree and none of the
respondents strongly disagree. Concerning to the hotel employees are consistently courteous
with customers none of the respondents strongly disagree and disagree, about 55 (45.45%)

agree, 48 (39.67%) strongly agree, and 18 (14.88%) neutral. Lastly for the knowledge of
employees to answer customers’ questions about, 59 (48.76%) agree, 40 (33.06%) strongly
agree, 19 (15.70%) neutral, 3 (2.48%) disagree and none of the respondents strongly

Totally the respondents’ response in consideration to Assurance concerning quality of

service provided at Radisson Blu hotel the majority of respondents 45.67% agree. 37.60%
strongly agree, 13.22% neutral, 3.51% disagree and none of the respondents strongly

Table 31 Customers’ perception on Empathy

Empathy SD D N A SA Total
The hotel gives you individual 2 8 29 59 23 121
1.65% 6.61% 23.97% 48.76% 19.01% 100%

The hotel’s operating hours are 1 1 35 54 30 121

convenient to its customers
0.83% 0.83% 28.93% 44.62% 24.79% 100%

The hotel has employees who give 1 2 25 64 29 121

you personal attention
0.83% 1.65% 20.66% 52.89% 23.97% 100%

The hotel has your best interest 1 2 26 60 32 121

at heart
0.83% 1.65% 21.49% 49.59% 26.45% 100%

The hotel employees understand 1 3 33 52 32 121

your specific needs
0.83% 2.48% 27.27% 42.98% 26.44% 100%

Total 6 16 148 289 146 605

0.99% 2.65% 24.46% 47.77% 24.13 100%
Source: Survey Data (2022)

Lastly an attempt was done to know expectation of customers concerning about Empathy
dimension of service provided in Radisson Blu Hotel to understand and explore the
experience of customers the issues raised like, individual attention given by the hotel , hotels
operating hours are convenient to its customers, the hotel has employees who give customers
personal attention, the hotel has customers best interest at heart, the hotel employees
understand customers specific needs are ones that gain attention.

As the information from data gathered illustrated in the following table, in relation to
Radisson Blu Hotel gives customers individual attention most of the respondents are agree
counting around 59 (48.76%) and the rest of respondents 23 (19.01%) strongly agree, 29
(23.97%) neutral, 8 (6.61%) disagree and 2 (1.65%) strongly disagree. In question raised to
understand the convenient operating hours of Radisson Blu Hotel, about 1 (0.83%) strongly
disagree, 1 (0.83%) disagree, 35 (28.93%) neutral, 54 (44.62%) agree and the remaining 30
(24.79%) strongly agree. In the case of the hotel has employees that give customers personal
attention, about 64 (52.89%) agree, 29 (23.97%) strongly agree, 25 (20.66%) neutral, 2
(1.65%) disagree and 1 (0.83%) strongly disagree. In connection of the hotel has customers
best interest at heart, about 60 (49.59%) agree, 32 (26.45%) strongly agree, 26 (21.49%)
neutral, 2 (1.65%) disagree and 1 (0.83%) strongly disagree. In the case of the hotel
employees understand customers’ specific needs about 52 (42.98%) agree, 32 (26.44%)
strongly agree, 33 (27.27%) neutral, 3 (2.48%) disagree and 1 (0.83%) strongly disagree.

Totally, the respondents response in consideration to Empathy concerning quality of service

provided at Radisson Blu Hotel the majority of respondents 47.77% agree, 24.13% strongly
agree, 24.46% neutral, 2.65% disagree and 0.99% strongly disagree in their experience of
service gained.

3.3.4. Employees Perception on the Quality of Service

Table 32 Employee’s perception on Tangibles

Tangibles SD D N A SA Total

The hotel has good looking 4 9 3 7 - 23

17.39% 39.13% 13.04% 30.44% 0.00% 100%

The hotel’s physical 3 6 10 4 - 23

facilities are visually
appealing 13.04% 26.09% 43.48% 17.39% 0.00% 100%

The work environment is 10 13 - - - 23

comfortable and attractive
43.48% 56.52% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100%

The materials used in the 3 11 9 - - 23

workplace are visually
appealing 13.04% 47.83% 39.13% 0.00% 0.00% 100%

Total 20 39 22 11 - 92

21.74% 42.40% 23.91% 11.95% 0.00% 100%

Source: Survey Data (2022)

In the case of good looking facilities of the hotel about 4 (17.39%) strongly disagree, 9
(39.13%) disagree, 3 (13.04%) neutral 7(30.44%) agree and none of the respondents
strongly agree with the premises stated. In connection to owning visually attractive physical
facilities 3(13.04%) strongly disagree, 6(26.09%) disagree, 10(43.48%) neutral, 4 (17.39%)
agree and none of the respondents strongly agree. In the case of the work environment is
comfortable and attractive 13 (56.52%) disagree, 10 (43.48%) strongly disagree, and none
of the respondents strongly agree, agree and neutral. In connection to visual attractiveness
of materials used in workplace 3(13.04%) strongly disagree, 11 (47.83%) disagree, 9
(39.13%) neutral, and none of the respondents strongly agree and agree.

In general the data gathered concerning quality of service provided for customers in relation
to tangibles shows that out of total respondents, 21.74% strongly disagree, 42.40% disagree,
23.91% neutral, 11.95% agree and none of the respondents strongly agree to statements
standing from their experience.

Table 33 Employee’s perception on Reliability

Reliability SD D N A SA Total

When we promised to do - - 10 7 6 23
something by a certain
time we do so 0.00 0.00% 43.48% 30.43% 26.09% 100%

We show a sincere - - 2 13 8 23
interest on solving our
customers problem 0.00 0.00% 8.70% 56.52% 34.78% 100%

We perform services right - - 3 10 10 23

the first time
0.00 0.00% 13.04% 43.48% 43.48% 100%

We provide accurate - - 8 10 5 23
information to our
customers 0.00 0.00% 34.78% 43.48% 21.74% 100%

The hotel insists on error - 2 3 14 4 23

free records
0.00 8.70% 13.04% 60.87% 17.39% 100%

Total - 2 26 54 33 115

0.00 1.74 22.61 46.96% 28.69% 100%

% % %

Source: Survey Data (2022)

In the case of reliability dimension of service provided in Radisson Blu Hotel to
understand and explore the experience of employees the issues raised like is when we
promised to do something by a certain time we do so, we show a sincere interest on
solving our customers problem, we perform the service right the first time, we provide
accurate information to our customers and insists error free records are the discussable

As the information from data gathered illustrated in the following table, in relation to
delivering service timely about, 6 (26.09%) strongly agree, 7 (30.43%) agree, 10
(43.48%) neutral, and none of the respondents disagree and strongly disagree. In
showing sincere interest in problem solving about 8 (34.78%) strongly agree, 13
(56.52%) agree, 2 (8.70%) neutral and none of the respondents disagree and strongly
disagree. In the question raised to understand the employees provide the service right
the first time about 10 (43.48%) strongly agree, 10 (43.48%) agree, 3 (13.04%) neutral,
and none of the respondents disagree and strongly disagree.

In connection of providing accurate information to customers about, 5 (21.74%)

strongly agree, 10 (43.48%) agree, 8 (34.78%) neutral and none of the respondents
disagree and strongly disagree. In the case of the hotel insists on error free records about
4 (17.39%) strongly agree, 14 (60.87%) agree, 3 (13.04%) neutral and 2 (8.70%)
disagree and none of the respondents strongly disagree.

Totally, the respondents response in consideration to Reliability concerning quality of

service provided at Radisson Blu hotel the majority of respondents 46.96% agree,
28.69% strongly agree 22.61% neutral, 1.74% disagree and none of the respondents
strongly disagree in their experience of service gained.

Table 34 Employee’s perception on Responsiveness

Responsiveness SD D N A SA Total

We tell our customers exactly when - 1 2 10 10 23

services will be performed
0.00% 4.34% 8.70% 43.48% 43.48% 100%

We provide prompt service to our - - 2 9 12 23

0.00% 0.00% 8.70% 39.13% 52.17% 100%

We are always willing to help our 1 - - 12 10 23

4.35% 0.00% 0.00% 52.17% 43.48% 100%

We are never too busy to respond - 1 3 9 10 23

our customers requests
0.00% 4.35% 13.04% 39.13% 43.48% 100%

Total 1 2 7 40 42 92

1.09% 2.17% 7.61% 43.48% 45.65% 100%

Source: Survey Data (2022)

In other dimensions of quality service the concern was given to responsiveness and as the
data collected during questionnaire concerning to informing customers when service will be
exactly performed, about 10 (43.48 %) of the respondents strongly agree, 10 (43.48%) agree,
2 (8.70%) responses as they are neutral, 1 (4.34%) disagree and none of the respondents
strongly disagree. In relation to providing prompt service about 12 (52.17%) strongly agree,
9 (39.13%) agree, 2 (8.70%) neutral, and none of the respondents disagree and strongly
disagree. According to willingness of employees in helping their customers about, 10
(43.48%) strongly agree, 12 (52.17%) agree, 1 (4.35%) strongly disagree, and none of the
respondents disagree and neutral. To last concerning responsiveness dimension of service
quality an attention was given for employees are never too busy to respond customers’
requests about, 10 (43.48%) strongly agree, 9 (39.13%) agree, 3 (13.04%) neutral, 1 (4.35%)
disagree, and none of the respondents strongly disagree.

In general the data gathered concerning quality of service provided for customers in relation
to responsiveness shows that out of total respondents, 1.09% strongly disagree, 2.17%
disagree, 7.61% neutral, 43.48% agree and 45.65% strongly agree to statements standing
from their experience.

Table 35 Employee’s perception on Assurance

Assurance SD D N A SA Total

Customers behavior instill - 1 5 9 8 23

confidence on us
0.00% 4.35% 21.74% 39.13% 34.78% 100%

We can be trusted by our - 7 3 10 3 23

0.00% 30.44% 13.04% 43.48% 13.04% 100%

We are consistently courteous to - - 15 3 5 23

our customers
0.00% 0.00% 65.22% 13.04% 21.74% 100%

We have the knowledge to - 3 9 10 1 23

answer our customers questions
0.00% 13.04% 39.13% 43.48% 4.35% 100%

Total - 11 32 32 17 92

0.00% 11.96% 34.78% 34.78% 18.48% 100%

Source: Survey Data (2022)

In the case of Assurance dimension of service provided in Radisson Blu Hotel to understand
and explore the experience of employees the issues raised like, behavior of customers instills
confidence on employees, employees are trusted by their customers, employees are
consistently courteous with customers and employees have the knowledge to answer
customers questions are the major ones. Concerning to the behavior of customers instills
confidence on employees, none of the respondents strongly disagree, 1 (4.35%) disagree, 5
(21.74%) neutral, 9 (39.13%) agree and the rest 8 (34.78%) strongly agree. In the case of
employees are trusted by their customers, 10 (43.48%) agree, 3 (13.04%) strongly agree, 3
(13.04%) neutral, 7(30.44%) disagree and none of the respondents strongly disagree.
Concerning to the hotel employees are consistently courteous with customers none of the
respondents strongly disagree and disagree, about 3 (13.04%) agree, 5 (21.74%) strongly
agree, and 15 (65.22%) neutral. Lastly for the knowledge of employees they have to answer
customers questions about, 10 (43.48%) agree, 1 (4.35%) strongly agree, 9 (39.13%) neutral,
3 (13.04%) disagree and none of the respondents strongly disagree.

Totally the respondents’ response in consideration to Assurance concerning quality of
service provided at Radisson Blu hotel; 34.78% of the respondents agree, 34.78% neutral,
18.48% strongly agree, 11.96% disagree and none of the respondents strongly disagree.

Table 36 Employee’s perception on Empathy

Empathy SD D N A SA Total

We give individual attention to our 1 5 13 3 1 23

4.35% 21.74% 56.52% 13.04% 4.35% 100%

We have convenient working hours 1 1 8 10 3 23

4.35% 4.35% 34.78% 43.48% 13.04% 100%

We give our customers personal - - 5 15 3 23

0.00% 0.00% 21.74% 65.22% 13.04% 100%

We have our customers’ best interest - 1 3 10 9 23

at heart
0.00% 4.35% 13.04% 43.48% 39.13% 100%

We understand the specific needs of - 3 5 8 7 23

our customers
0.00% 13.04% 21.74% 34.78% 30.44% 100%

Total 2 10 34 46 23 115

1.74% 8.70% 29.56% 40.00% 20.00% 100%

Source: Survey Data (2022)

Lastly an attempt was done to know perception of employees concerning about Empathy
dimension of service provided in Radisson Blu Hotel to understand and explore the
experience of employees the issues raised like, individual attention given to the customers,
employees have convenient working hours, employee give customers personal attention, the
hotel has customers best interest at heart, the hotel employees understand customers specific
needs are ones that gain attention.

As the information from data gathered illustrated in the following table, in relation to
Radisson Blu Hotel gives customers individual attention about 1 (4.35%) of the respondents
strongly agree, 3 (13.04%) agree, 13 (56.52%) neutral, 5 (21.74%) disagree and 1 (4.35%)

strongly disagree. In question raised to understand the employees have convenient working
hours, about 1 (4.35%) strongly disagree, 1 (4.35%) disagree, 8 (34.78%) neutral, 10
(43.48%) agree and the remaining 3 (13.04%) strongly agree. In the case of the hotel has
employees that give customers personal attention, about 15 (65.22%) agree, 3 (13.04%)
strongly agree, 5 (21.74%) neutral, and none of the respondents disagree and strongly
disagree. In connection of the hotel has customers best interest at heart, about 10 (43.48%)
agree, 9 (39.13%) strongly agree, 3 (13.04%) neutral, 1 (4.35%) disagree and none of the
respondents strongly disagree. In the case of the hotel employees understand customers’
specific needs about 8 (34.78%) agree, 7 (30.44%) strongly agree, 5 (21.74%) neutral, 3
(13.04%) disagree and none of the respondents strongly disagree.

Totally, the respondents response in consideration to Empathy concerning quality of service

provided at Radisson Blu Hotel the majority of respondents 40.00% agree, 20.00% strongly
agree, 29.56% neutral, 8.70% disagree and 1.74% strongly disagree in their experience of
service gained.

3.3.5. The Overall Customer Satisfaction in Radisson Blu


In the previous two sections there is an attempt to analyze the factors that affect customers
satisfaction and customers perception of quality service or actual service provided in
Radisson Blu Hotel to understand whether the expectation of customers is fulfilled or not.
In this section the overall satisfaction of the customers was attempted to know. The main
aim of this section was assessing the overall satisfaction of Radisson Blu Hotel customers
in the service provided by the hotel. This assessment was based on their satisfaction level
as Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neutral, satisfied and Very satisfied.
Table 37 Overall satisfaction of customers

Satisfaction Strongly Dissatisfied(2) Neutral Satisfied(4) Strongly

level Dissatisfied(1) (3) Satisfied(5)
Total - 11 19 59 32
Percent - 9.09% 15.70% 48.76% 26.45%
Source: Survey Data (2022)

According to the collected data majority of the respondents 59 (48.76%) were satisfied, 32
(26.45%) strongly satisfied, 19 (15.70%) neutral, 11 (9.09%) were dissatisfied and none of
the respondents were strongly dissatisfied.

This indicates that the overall satisfaction of the customers regarding to the service quality
in Radisson Blu hotel is satisfactory but there are some customers who were not satisfied
this was because of the problems related with the service especially in tangibles dimension
such as; lack of swimming pool, lack of steam and sauna in the SPA, wrong billing, small
parking space, crowded restaurant, poor quality and range of western food and drink, the
gym is small and well not equipped, congested bar, delayed service, small bathroom and
expensive fee are the major problems listed by the customers. Some of these problems were
handled satisfactorily but some were not and needs improvement.

3.3.6. The Overall Employee Satisfaction in Radisson Blu


According to the collected data majority of the employees 15 (65.22%) were satisfied, 5
(21.74%) strongly satisfied, 3 (13.04%) were neutral and none of the respondents strongly
dissatisfied and dissatisfied.
Table 38 Overall satisfaction of Employees

Satisfaction Strongly Dissatisfied(2) Neutral Satisfied(4) Strongly

level Dissatisfied(1) (3) Satisfied(5)

Total - - 3 15 5

Percent - - 13.04% 65.22% 21.74%

Source: Survey Data (2022)

3.4. Data Analyzed From the Interview

In this part the information gathered from the interview conducted to the General Manager
is illustrated as follows;

1. What are the reasons behind that customers choose Radisson Blu hotel?
According to the General Manager the main reasons behind that customers choose
Radisson Blu Hotel are its location, service quality, standard, it is an international
chain Hotel, has affiliation and reputation.
2. How do you understand the concepts of customer satisfaction and service
quality and what is your opinion about the importance of this terms in your
“In our hotel Service quality and Customer satisfaction are basic instruments for the
whole process because the aim of the business is providing the best service quality.
The importance of these terms in our hotel is to be better in all service quality
dimensions in order to make our customers satisfied. In addition customer
satisfaction is when the perceived quality is equal to the expected quality this is
created by serving best service quality.”
3. What were your past goals in quality improvement and how far have you met
your goals?
“Our past goals were to maintain being five star standard hotel, to have well trained
and educated employees, fixing problems that have been reported by the engineering
department, and making sure about the consistency of service.”
4. In your opinion, what are the factors that may influence customer satisfaction?
“The major factors that influence customers satisfaction are the service quality
dimensions (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) and
5. According to your experience, what are the main reasons that may cause service
quality increased or decreased?
“The main reasons that may cause the service quality to increase or decrease are
price, product quality, and, the quality how to provide service to customers related
with the service quality dimensions”
6. What kind of problems may exist in the process of increasing customer
satisfaction and service quality?
“The challenges that exist in the process of increasing customer satisfaction are price
(The local customers doesn’t use the service because they are price sensitive), there
are no enough institutions to improve the service quality, and political instability.”
7. The hotel always should provide excellent service, what qualities should an
employee hold?
“The employee should be well educated, well trained, adhere the hotel procedures,
and should have product knowledge, “
8. What are the most challenging aspects regarding to your job?
“The most challenging aspects regarding to our job are Political instability, COVID,
inaccessibility of some materials, and Economical factors.”
9. In order to improve customer satisfaction and service quality, what suggestions
do you have for the hotel?
“In order to improve customer satisfaction and service quality we need to add some
service outlets mainly in tangible aspects (such as adding swimming pool, sauna…).”
10. What are the future plan of the hotel, in respect with customer satisfaction and
service quality?

“The future plan of the hotel in respect with customer satisfaction and service quality
are; maintaining to serve best service quality, adding some service outlets such as
steam, sauna and other equipments, supporting the community (developing
responsible business), take care of the planet, increasing charity works, and to have
sustainable profit.”



This chapter is the synthesis of the entire study and presents a summary of findings,
conclusions drawn therefore, and recommendations.

4.1. Summary of Major Findings

The results obtained from the collected data shows that the service quality of Radisson Blu
Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia strongly depends on the five service quality dimensions
from these according to the result obtained from customers tangibles dimension is the
strongest factor that affect customer satisfaction whereas reliability is the second important
factor, empathy the third and responsiveness and assurance respectively affect customers
overall satisfaction and according to the employees the most important factor that affect
customer satisfaction is tangibles, assurance, empathy, responsiveness and reliability

The result obtained from the customers shows that under each service quality dimensions
the most influencing factors are listed under tangibles; the hotels physical facilities and
hotels equipment, under reliability; accuracy of records and timeliness of service, under
responsiveness; prompt attention to guests requests and flexibility of employees, under
assurance; safety and security and, under empathy individualized attention are the most
influencing factors that affect customers satisfaction. The result obtained from the
employees shows that under tangibles dimension; comfortable work environment and
communication materials are the most influencing factors, under assurance; safety and
security and, under empathy; individualized attention are the most influencing factors that
affect customers satisfaction.

According to the result obtained from the customers and employees about their perception
related to the service most of the respondents received a good service that meets their
expectation related with the five service quality dimensions but some were not from the
customers side especially tangibles and reliability dimensions needs more improvement and
from employees side tangibles and assurance dimensions needs improvement in order to
create satisfied and delighted customer.

In general the overall satisfaction of the customers and employees regarding to the service
quality in Radisson Blu hotel is satisfactory but, some (9.09%) of the customers were
dissatisfied and some problems related with the service are listed by the these customers
such as; lack of swimming pool, lack of steam and sauna in the SPA, wrong billing, small
parking space, crowded restaurant, poor quality and range of western food and drink, the
gym is small and well not equipped, congested bar, delayed service, small bathroom and
expensive fee are the major problems listed by the customers. Some of these problems were
handled satisfactorily but some were not and needs improvement.

According to the result obtained from the interview conducted to the general manager
service quality and customer satisfaction are the basic instruments for the whole process.
Customers choose Radisson Blu Hotel because of its location, quality service, affiliation
and reputation. The past goals of the hotel were to maintain being five standard hotel and to
keep consistency of service. The five service quality dimensions (tangibles, reliability,
responsiveness, assurance and empathy) are the major factors that influence customer
satisfaction and the major factors that increase or decrease service quality are price, product
and service quality. Some of the challenges in the process of increasing or decreasing service
quality are price sensitivity of the local customers, political instability, and lack of enough
institution. The future plan of the hotel in order to maintain providing good service quality
and customer satisfaction are to increase some service outlets, take care of the planet and to
have sustainable profit.

4.2. Conclusion

The purpose of this study was to assess the service quality and customer satisfaction in five
star hotel in the case of Radisson Blu Hotel. Data was obtained from a questionnaire given
to 121 sampled customers and 23 employees and interview was conducted for the General
Manager at Kazanchis branch, Addis Ababa district. Data collected from the survey
questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive analysis (quantitative and qualitative data
analysis) based on five point Likert scale as, Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree
and Strongly Agree for the factors influencing customer satisfaction and perception of
customers and Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neutral, Satisfied and Very satisfied for the
overall satisfaction of customers.

Customer satisfaction is the major factor contributing to the success of service sector. All
the service sectors depend on customers and their satisfaction and the Hotel industries are

no exception. One of the ways for achieving high customer satisfaction and gaining the
loyalty of customers is to offer high quality services.

Based on the findings of the research, the following conclusions are drawn. Firstly the
service quality of Radisson Blu Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is strongly depends on the
following important factors. Among the factors affecting service quality and customer
satisfaction of Radisson Blu hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia tangibility dimension is the
strongest factor that affect customer satisfaction whereas reliability is the second important
factor, empathy the third and responsiveness and assurance respectively affect customer
overall satisfaction. The result obtained from the employees shows that tangibility is the
first factor that affect employees satisfaction, assurance is the second and empathy is the
third factor, responsiveness and reliability respectively.

It appears that customers satisfaction in the context of Radisson Blu Hotel is severely being
affected by quite a number of factors such as, hotels physical facilities, hotels equipment’s
accuracy of records, timeliness of service, prompt attention to guests requests, flexibility of
employees, appearance of hotel employees, communication materials, safety and security,
individualized attention are the major issues, and comfortable work environment.

According to the result obtained from the customers and employees about their perception
related to the service most of the respondents received a good service that meets their
expectation related with the five service quality dimensions but some were not from the
customers side especially tangibles and reliability dimensions needs more improvement and
from employees side tangibles and assurance dimensions needs improvement in order to
create satisfied and delighted customer.

In general the overall satisfaction of the customers regarding to the service quality in
Radisson Blu hotel is satisfactory but, some (9.09%) of the customers were dissatisfied and
some problems related with the service are listed by the these customers such as; lack of
swimming pool, lack of steam and sauna in the SPA, wrong billing, small parking space,
crowded restaurant, poor quality and range of western food and drink, the gym is small and
well not equipped, congested bar, delayed service, small bathroom and expensive fee are
the major problems listed by the customers. Some of these problems were handled
satisfactorily but some were not and needs improvement.

According to the result obtained from the interview conducted to the general manager
service quality and customer satisfaction are the basic instruments for the whole process.
Customers choose Radisson Blu Hotel because of its location, quality service, affiliation

and reputation. The past goals of the hotel were to maintain being five standard hotel and to
keep consistency of service. The five service quality dimensions (tangibles, reliability,
responsiveness, assurance and empathy) are the major factors that influence customer
satisfaction and the major factors that increase or decrease service quality are price, product
and service quality. Some of the challenges in the process of increasing or decreasing service
quality are price sensitivity of the local customers, political instability, and lack of enough
institution. The future plan of the hotel in order to maintain providing good service quality
and customer satisfaction are to increase some service outlets, take care of the planet and to
have sustainable profit.

4.3. Recommendations

In light of the analysis and conclusion, it is advisable to Radisson Blu Hotel to address the
challenges indicated and also need to maximize on the opportunities that the hotel can get
by properly implementing the right strategy to get customers satisfied. Since Radisson Blu
Hotel is a well-known hotel industry in the world and most of the customers had been
customers for the hotel for long, the hotel must use this opportunity for its efficiency and
effectiveness. Furthermore, the following recommendations are given to the hotel as a way
forward in addressing its challenges and eventually to achieve customer satisfaction that
will lead the company in to profitability.

• Radisson Blu Hotel should be committed and involved in service quality

improvement related the five service quality dimensions especially in tangibles
dimension; hotels physical facilities, hotels equipment’s and the other dimensions such
as; accuracy of records, timeliness of service, safety and security ,and individualized
attention for all customers in order to meet or exceed their expectation.

• Draw more customers by improving customer service that makes them loyal to
Radisson Blu Hotel. The hotel should assure the quality of its service in order to win
customers satisfaction and consequently must be give consideration to hotels physical
facilities, hotels equipment’s, accuracy of records, timeliness of service, safety and
security and individualized attention to achieve a competitive advantage and long run

• Because customer satisfaction is found to be an important tool to create and maintain

loyal customers. These loyal customers contribute towards high repeated purchases.

• As such it is a fundamental driver for organizational performance and profitability
Radisson Blu Hotel must be give consideration to speed of service provision and the time.

International Journal of Research in Business Studies and


They take to respond to customer service issues.

• Keep customers informed about the service standard and get feedback from them in
regards to service delivery helps to improve customer service in better perspective.

• Customer satisfaction should be taken as a culture of change that is undertaken in

continuous way without any reservation in the true sense of its term.

• Creating and managing service quality is one of the main strategic issues in today’s
competitive business environment. In an abstract sense, service quality provides
marketers for Radisson Blu Hotel with a strategic bridge from their past to their future.
Thus, in order for the hotel to create strong customer loyalty emanating from sustainable
customer satisfaction, its marketing and operations managers should continuously check
that their product and service offering has the following characteristics;

 Meets the customer expectations,

 The service quality must be reliable

 The service quality messages must be consistent over time

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Annex 01

Unity University

Institute of Social Science, Business and Economics

Department of Marketing Management



Questionnaire to be filled by the hotel guests

Dear Respondents

This questionnaire is prepared by a student of Unity University to undertake a research

entitled “Assessment of service quality and customer satisfaction in five star hotel; in the
case of Radisson Blu hotel” The main objective of this questionnaire is to collect reliable
information about service quality and customer satisfaction for the requirement of partial
fulfillment of BA Degree in Marketing Management. The information you provided will be
used for academic purposes only, and you reserve full assurance that the information you
provide will be kept completely confidential. Please fill out and respond to the entire with
care and honest.

Thank you in advance for your active participation and cooperation!!!

Please feel free to contact me at any time for further clarification if any!

Tsion G/Hana

Phone – +2519 39325542

Email: [email protected]

Instruction; please put a check mark () for the appropriate answer on the
corresponding box and write your answer where appropriate in the space provided.

No need of writing your nam


1. Sex Male Female

2. Age 18-25 26-34 35-42
43-50 Above 50
3. Marital status of respondents
Single Married Divorced Widowed Separated
4. Educational Level
From 9-12 Grade Degree
Certificate MA/MSC and above

5. Occupation

Student Retire Business owner Employed

Others (Specify)…………………………………

6. Nationality

Ethiopian Rest of Africa Europe USA Middle East Asia

Other (Specify)…………………………………

7. Number of visits to this hotel

First visit 2 to 5 visits 6 to 10 visits more than 10 visits

8. Hotel Selection

Gov’t Placement Internet search Travel agency Word of Mouth


This part concerns the factors that influence your satisfaction with the hotel services. Please
show the extent to which you think each factor influences your satisfaction with the hotel
services. Do this by putting a tick (√) in the appropriate box. A “1” means you strongly
disagree while a “5” means that you strongly agree. You may tick any of the number in the
middle that shows how strong your feelings are. There are no rights or wrong answers.

Please indicate the extent to which Strongly

you agree that the following Disagree Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree Agree
factors influence guest satisfaction
with hotel services.

1. Tangibles
Hotel’s Physical facilities
Hotel’s Equipment
Appearance of hotel employees
Communication materials
2. Reliability
Timeliness of service
Problem solving interest
Efficient service
Consistency of service
Accuracy of records
3. Responsiveness
Problem resolution time
Prompt attention to guest’s
Willingness to help
Flexibility of employees
4. Assurance
Behavior of employees
Safety and security
Courtesy of employees
Competence of employees
5. Empathy
Individualized attention
Convenient operating hours

Personal attention from
Concern towards guest interest
Understanding guest specific


This part concerns how you feel about aspects of service quality levels at the hotel. Please
tick () in the appropriate box to show the extent to which you believe the hotel has features
described by the statement. A “1” means you strongly disagree while a “5” means that you
strongly agree. You may tick any of the number in the middle that shows how strong your
feelings are.

Perceptions: 1= strongly agree 2= disagree 3= Neutral 4= agree 5= strongly agree

Dimension of Please indicate the extent to which you

service quality agree with the following statements

1.1: Tangibles The Hotel has good looking facilities. 1 2 3 4 5

1.2: Tangibles The Hotel’s physical facilities are 1 2 3 4 5
visually appealing.

1.3: Tangibles The Hotel’s employees are neat 1 2 3 4 5

1.4: Tangibles The materials associated with the service 1 2 3 4 5
are visually appealing.

2.1: Reliability When the hotel promises to do 1 2 3 4 5

something by a certain time it does so.

2.2: Reliability When you have a problem the hotel 1 2 3 4 5

shows a sincere interest in solving it.

2.3: Reliability The hotel performs the service right the 1 2 3 4 5

first time.

2.4: Reliability The hotel provides its services at the 1 2 3 4 5
time it promises to do so.

2.5: Reliability The hotel insists on error-free records. 1 2 3 4 5

3.1: Responsiveness The hotel employees tell you exactly 1 2 3 4 5
when services will be performed.

3.2: Responsiveness The hotel employees give you prompt 1 2 3 4 5


3.3: Responsiveness The hotel employees are always willing 1 2 3 4 5

to help you.

3.4: Responsiveness The employees are never too busy to 1 2 3 4 5

respond to your requests.

4.1: Assurance The behavior of hotel employees instills 1 2 3 4 5

confidence in customers.

4.2: Assurance You feel safe in your transactions with 1 2 3 4 5

the hotel.

4.3: Assurance The hotel employees are consistently 1 2 3 4 5

courteous with you.

4.4: Assurance The hotel employees have the knowledge 1 2 3 4 5

to answer your questions.
5.1: Empathy The hotel gives you individual attention. 1 2 3 4 5
5.2: Empathy The hotel’s operating hours are 1 2 3 4 5
convenient to its customers.

5.3: Empathy The hotel has employees who give you 1 2 3 4 5

personal attention.

5.4: Empathy The hotel has your best interest at heart. 1 2 3 4 5

5.5: Empathy The hotel employees understand your 1 2 3 4 5
specific needs.

Source: Cronin and Taylor (1992)

1. Have you ever faced any other problems while using the services of the hotel?

A. Yes B. No

If your answer is yes, please specify the problem


2. If yes, was it handled satisfactorily?

A. Yes B. No

3. Would you use this hotel service again when you get chance?

A. Yes B. No

4. Would you comment or recommend to others about hotel service?

A. Yes B. No

5. Overall Satisfaction Please tick ( ) on the overall satisfaction level of the Hotel.

Strongly Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied (4) Strongly

dissatisfied (2) (3)

Thank you!!

Annex 02

Unity University

Institute of Social Science, Business and Economics

Department of Marketing Management



Questionnaire to be filled by the hotel Employees

Dear Respondents

This questionnaire is prepared by a student of Unity University to undertake a research

entitled “Assessment of service quality and customer satisfaction in five star hotel; in the
case of Radisson Blu hotel” The main objective of this questionnaire is to collect reliable
information about service quality and customer satisfaction for the requirement of partial
fulfillment of BA Degree in Marketing Management. The information you provided will be
used for academic purposes only, and you reserve full assurance that the information you
provide will be kept completely confidential. Please fill out and respond to the entire with
care and honest.

Thank you in advance for your active participation and cooperation!!!

Please feel free to contact me at any time for further clarification if any!

Tsion G/Hana

Phone – +2519 39325542

Email: [email protected]

Instruction; please put a check mark () for the appropriate answer on the
corresponding box and write your answer where appropriate in the space provided.

No need of writing your name


1. Sex Male Female

2. Age 18-25 26-34 35-42
43-50 Above 50
3. Marital status of respondents
Single Married Divorced Widowed Separated
4. Educational Level
From 9-12 Grade Degree
Certificate MA/MSC and above

5. Working Experience in the hotel

Less than 1 year 1-3 Yrs. 3-5 Yrs. > 5 Yrs.

6. Nationality

Ethiopian Rest of Africa Europe USA Middle East Asia

Other (Specify)…………………………………

7. Working position in the hotel

Receptionist Supervisor Sales Person Marketing Manager

Others (Please Specify)………………………………….

8. Income range

< 5000 Br. 5000-10000 Br. 10100-25000 Br.

>25000 Br.


This part concerns the factors that influence your satisfaction with the hotel services. Please
show the extent to which you think each factor influences your satisfaction with the hotel
services. Do this by putting a tick (√) in the appropriate box. A “1” means you strongly
disagree while a “5” means that you strongly agree. You may tick any of the number in the
middle that shows how strong your feelings are. There are no rights or wrong answers.

Please indicate the extent to which

you agree that the following
factors influence guest satisfaction Strongly Disagree Strongly
Neutral Agree
with hotel services. Disagree Agree

1. Tangibles

Hotel’s Physical facilities

Up-to-date Equipment
Comfortable work environment
Communication materials
2. Reliability
Timeliness of service
Problem solving interest
Efficient service
Consistency of service
Accuracy of records
3. Responsiveness
Problem resolution time
Prompt attention to guest’s
Willingness to help our
4. Assurance
Behavior of customers
Safety and security
Courteous to our customers
Trusted by our customers
5. Empathy
Individualized attention
Convenient operating hours

Personal attention to our
Concern towards guest interest
Understanding guest specific


This part concerns how you feel about aspects of service quality levels at the hotel. Please
tick () in the appropriate box to show the extent to which you believe the hotel has features
described by the statement. A “1” means you strongly disagree while a “5” means that you
strongly agree. You may tick any of the number in the middle that shows how strong your
feelings are.

Perceptions: 1= strongly agree 2= disagree 3= Neutral 4= agree 5= strongly agree

Dimension of Please indicate the extent to which you

service quality agree with the following statements

1.1: Tangibles The Hotel has good looking facilities. 1 2 3 4 5

1.2: Tangibles The Hotel’s physical facilities are 1 2 3 4 5
visually appealing.

1.3: Tangibles The work environment is comfortable 1 2 3 4 5

and attractive

1.4: Tangibles The materials used in the work place 1 2 3 4 5

are visually appealing.

2.1: Reliability When we promises to do something by a 1 2 3 4 5

certain time we does so.

2.2: Reliability We show a sincere interest on solving 1 2 3 4 5

our customers problem.

2.3: Reliability We perform services right the first time. 1 2 3 4 5

2.4: Reliability We provide accurate information to our 1 2 3 4 5

2.5: Reliability The hotel insists on error-free records. 1 2 3 4 5

3.1: Responsiveness We tell our customers exactly when 1 2 3 4 5
services will be performed.

3.2: Responsiveness We provide prompt service to our 1 2 3 4 5


3.3: Responsiveness We are always willing to help our 1 2 3 4 5


3.4: Responsiveness We are never too busy to respond to our 1 2 3 4 5

customers requests.

4.1: Assurance Customers behavior instill confidence on 1 2 3 4 5


4.2: Assurance We can be trusted by our customers 1 2 3 4 5

4.3: Assurance We are consistently courteous to our 1 2 3 4 5


4.4: Assurance We have the knowledge 1 2 3 4 5

to answer our customers questions.

5.1: Empathy We give individual attention to our 1 2 3 4 5

5.2: Empathy We have convenient working hours. 1 2 3 4 5

5.3: Empathy We give our customers personal 1 2 3 4 5


5.4: Empathy We have our customers best interest at 1 2 3 4 5

5.5: Empathy We understand the specific needs of our 1 2 3 4 5

Overall Satisfaction Please tick ( ) on the overall satisfaction level of the Hotel.

Strongly Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied (4) Strongly

dissatisfied (2) (3)

Thank you!!

Annex 03

Unity University

Institute of Social Science, Business and Economics

Department of Marketing Management

Interview questions to be answered by the General Manager of Radisson

Blu Hotel

This interview guideline is intended to be answered by the General Manager of Radisson

Blu Hotel

1. What are the reasons behind that customers choose Radisson Blu hotel?

2. How do you understand the concepts of customer satisfaction and service quality and
what is your opinion about the importance of this terms in your hotel?

3. What were your past goals in quality improvement and how far have you met your

4. In your opinion, what are the factors that may influence customer satisfaction?

5. According to your experience, what are the main reasons that may cause service
quality increased or decreased?

6. What kind of problems may exist in the process of increasing customer satisfaction
and service quality?

7. The hotel always should provide excellent service, what qualities should an
employee hold?

8. What are the most challenging aspects regarding to your job?

9. In order to improve customer satisfaction and service quality, what suggestions do

you have for the hotel?

10. What are the future plan of the hotel, in respect with customer satisfaction and service

Thank You!!!


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