Training Manual Materials Management TMM - 12 - Vendor Evaluation
Training Manual Materials Management TMM - 12 - Vendor Evaluation
Training Manual Materials Management TMM - 12 - Vendor Evaluation
Training Manual
Materials Management
Date 04-September-2018
Date 14-Sep-2018
Approved by
Table of Contents
1. Process Overview............................................................................................................. 4
2. Key Data Element:............................................................................................................ 4
3. Process Specific Pre-requisites:.....................................................................................4
4. Process Scenario: Vendor Evaluation Process.............................................................5
1. Process Overview
Vendor evaluation is a process that provides a basis for selecting and controlling sources of
supply. The user can specify and weight the main criteria for evaluating a vendor. The main
criteria are:
• Delivery reliability
• Price
• Quality
• Quantity reliability
The main criteria can be divided into sub criteria. SAP system then computes a score for the
vendor based on the weightings given to the criteria.
In MIKA Price and Quality scores will be given manually and Quantity reliability and On Time
delivery scored are calculated automatically by the system.
An overall score is calculated based on weightage given to each criteria and a Ranking is given
to each Vendor on the basis of Overall scores.
Org Structure Configuration – Company Code, Plant, Storage Location and all other Organization
For any PO, Quantity scores will be calculated once the GR delivery completion indicator is set
for that PO.
For any PO, On Time delivery scores are calculated once the GR is done for the PO.
Drop down values can be seen by key F4 or clicking icon on the field.
Vendor Evaluation Score: Vendor Level
Vendor Evaluation scores for Automatic criteria Quantity and delivery will be displayed.
Field Description Values
Score out of 100 as per Pricing provided by the
Price R 80
Score out of 100 as per Quality of goods provided
Quality R 60
by the vendor
Once the scores for Price and Quality are entered, click on check to see Overall Scores and
For E.g. if Weighing = 1 (Equal Weighing) , then Overall Score = 25% of each main criteria.
The Automatic scores for Price and Quantity are calculated as per Standard SAP, using formula:
Please note:
1. For any PO, Quantity scores will be calculated once the GR delivery completion indicator is set
for that PO.
2. For any PO, On Time delivery scores are calculated once the GR is done for the PO.
Rankings are defined in the systems in table ZMM_VENDOR_EVAL_RANK, and are given as per Overall
score range:
Clicking on Save button will save the Vendor Evaluation scores in Z table ZMMTB_VEND_EVALN
If you double click on the Vendor Number at Vendor level screen, all the automatic scores (Quantity and
On Time delivery) for all the Materials procured by that vendor will be displayed.
If you Double click on each Material then the Plant level scores for that material will be displayed.
On clicking on the Plant icon at Vendor level, Plant level scores(for automatic criterias only) will be