Junior WAEC Past Question - Agricultural Science
Junior WAEC Past Question - Agricultural Science
Junior WAEC Past Question - Agricultural Science
19. Farm implements are maintained through the following C. eating up leaves.
ways EXCEPT by D. injecting toxins into the plant.
A. lubricating metal parts. E. piercing skin of fruits.
B. replacing worn-out parts. 30. Which of the following is NOT a pest on farmland?
C. sharpening blunt edges. A. Butterfly
D. storing in humid houses. B. Caterpillar
E. tightening loose bolts. C. Earthworm
20. A facility constructed on the farmland to ease farm D. Squirrel
operations is known as farm E. Termite
A. building B. implement 31. Which of the following is a piercing and sucking insect?
C. machinery D. structure A. Aphid
E. tool. B. Cricket
21. Which of the following is a processing structure? C. Grasshopper
A. Cold store D. Locust
B. Drainage canal E. Termite
C. Pumping house 32. Which of the following insect pests transmits cassava
D. Shelling barn mosaic disease?
E. Tools workshop A. Aphid
22. A tomato farmer in selecting a site for cultivation should B. Cotton stainer
consider the following factors EXCEPT. C. Grasshopper
A. accessibility D. Mealy bug
B. availability of water E. White fly
C. nearness to market 33. Which of the following is NOT a physical method of
D. soil colour controlling pests in a farmland?
E. topography A. Beating of drums
23. The following are benefits de rived from forest EXCEPT B. Setting of traps
A. harbouring dangerous animals. C. Setting of wire nets
B. increasing soil fertility. D. Sounding of bells
C. preventing soil erosion. E. Use of guardsman
D providing revenue to government. 34. The use of natural enemies to suppress pests in the
E. serving as recreational centres. farm is a control method.
24. The following products are obtained from forest A. biological
EXCEPT B. chemical
A. coat B. dye C. resin D. rope E. wood C. cultural
25. 25. A pepper plant that grows in a yam plot is regarded D. mechanical
as a E. physical
A. crop 35. A row of trees and shrubs planted perpendicular to the
B. flower wind direction by a farmer in order to reduce wind
C. pest erosion is referred to as
D. vegetable A. contour crops
E. weed B. strip crops
26. A fluffy seed coat weed can be dispersed by C. terrace crops
A. animal D. vegetative cover
B. explosive action E. wind breaks.
C. man 36. Soil conservation is important in agriculture mainly
D. water because it
E wind. A. controls soil diseases.
27. Weeds are beneficial to the farmer EXCEPT that they B. improves soil structure.
A. harbour crop diseases. C. increases soil pH.
B. prevent soil erosion. D. maintains soil fertility.
C. protect the soil from direct sunlight. E. retains soil water.
D. serve as medicinal herbs. 37. To conserve soil nutrients on a farmland, a farmer
E. serve as mulch materials. should practise
28. The following methods are used for controlling weeds A. bush burning
EXCEPT. B. clean clearing
A. bush burning. C. land afforestation
B. crop rotation D. land pollution.
C. hand pulling. E. overgrazing.
D. use of herbicides 38. The movement of soil nutrients deep down the subsoil
E. use of pesticides. beyond the reach of plants is known as
29. The following are damages done to crops by pests A. erosion
EXCEPT. B. evaporation
A. boring stems of plant. C. leaching
B. cross pollination of plant. D. percolation
E. precipitation. B. deep soil tillage
39. What happens to soil water when the environmental C. mono cropping
temperature remains high in the day? It D. seed treatment
A. accumulates on the soil surface E. use of resistant varieties.
B. evaporates from the soil surface
C. percolates deep into the soil Use the diagram below to answer questions 49-51.
D. runs off from the soil surface
E. transpires through the plants
40. Wind erosion is prevalent where the soil
A. particles are dried.
B. surface is sloppy.
C. surface is smooth.
D. texture is clayey.
E. type is sandy.
41. Which of the following methods is NOT used to control
soil erosion?
A. Contour bunding
B. Flooding
C. Ridging 49. The diagram above illustrates a
D. Strip cropping A. barn
E. Terracing B. drum
42. The placement of leaves on the surface of the soil to C. rhombus
prevent evapo-transpiration is termed D. shed
A. fallowing E. silo
B. leaching 50. Which of the following crops would NOT he stored in the
C. liming diagram above?
D. manuring A. Barley
E. mulching. B. Millet
43. Diseases in crop plants are caused by the following C. Oat
micro -organisms EXCEPT. D. Okro
A. bacteria E. Sorghum
B. fungi 51. The reason why crops are stored in the diagram above
C. nematodes is to
D. protozoa. A. ensure food availability.
E. virus. B. increase cost of food.
44. The following are effects of diseases on crop plants C. preserve crop quality.
EXCEPT that they D. preserve planting material.
A. increase crop viability. E reduce crop spoilage.
B. increase premature leaf fall. 52. Which of the following farm produce can be stored in a
C. inhibit seed formation. crib?
D. reduce crop quality. A. Cocoyam
E. reduce crop yield. B. Cowpea
45. Which of the following is a common disease of C. Groundnut
groundnut? D. Maize
A. Black pod E. Rice
B. Root knot 53. Disease causing organisms in animal husbandry, are
C. Rosette transmitted through the following means EXCEPT.
D. Smut A. air
E. Swollen shoot B. direct contact
46. Swollen shoot disease of cocoa is caused by a C. feed
A. bacterium D. insect vector
B. fungus E. water.
C. nematode 54. The following are common symptoms of diseases of
D. protozoan farm animals EXCEPT.
E. virus. A. abortion.
47. Which of the following is a disease of banana? B. increased food consumption.
A. Anthracnose C. loss of hair.
B. Bummosis D. loss of weight.
C. Root knot E. shortage of blood.
D. Sigatika 55. Contagious abortion is an example of disease
E. Tristeza in farm animal
48. The following practices prevent disease infestation in the A. bacterial
farm EXCEPT. B. fungal
A. crop rotation C. nutritional
D. protozoan
E. viral 6. Aquatic animals live in/on
56. Trypanosomiasis is a common disease of A. holes. B. homes. C. land.
A. cattle B. goat C. pig D. trees. E. water.
D. poultry E. sheep 7. Which of the following is NOT a use of farm animals?
57. Coccidiosis in poultry is a disease. A. Decoration
A. bacterial B. Food
B. fungal C. Land
C. nematode D. Sport
D. protozoan E. Work
E. viral 8. The process by which a cattle brings back already
58. Which of the following operations should be carried out swallowed grass from the stomach to the mouth to be
to prevent diseases in farm animals? re-chewed for proper digestion is termed
A. Braiding A. absorption.
B. castration B. assimilation.
C. culling C. ingestion.
D. insemination D. nutrition.
E. vaccination E. rumination.
59. Which of the following is NOT an ectoparasite?
A. flea
B. louse
C. mite
D. foundworm
E. tick
60. A farmer can control endoparasite in his flock by
A. allowing animals to graze together
B. feeding animals adequately
C. providing water ad-libitum
9. The crop illustrated in the diagram above can be
D. Regular deworming
propagated by
E. selling animal at maturity
A. bulb. B. corm.
C. rhizome. D. stolon.
E. sucker.
10. Rubber is BEST propagated by
A. budding.
B. grafting.
1. The following are examples of annual crops EXCEPT.
C. layering.
A. cotton B. cowpea
D. marcotting.
C. maize D. millet
E. seed planting.
E. pineapple
11. Stem cuttings are used to progagate the following crops
2. Cereals are good sources of
A. carbohydrate
A. bitter leaf. B. cassava.
B. fats and oil
C. irish potato D. sugar cane.
C. mineral
E. sweet potato.
D. protein
12. Beds are suitable for growing
E. vitamin
A. beverages. B. pastures
3. Which of the following crops is cultivated mainly for its
C. pulses. D. spices.
protein content?
E. vegetables.
A. Beans
13. A practice whereby ungerminated seeds are replanted is
B. Cocoa
known as
C. Maize
A. interplanting.
D. Oil palm
B. reseeding.
E. Rice
C. supplying.
4. Cotton is an example of crop.
D. thinning.
A. beverage
E. weeding.
B. cereal
14. Which of the following is NOT a reason for nursery
C. fibre
practices? Seedlings are
D. latex
A. nursed to produce before their maturity period
E. spice
B. prevented from early disease infestation
5. Farm animals are classified based on the following
C. protected from destructive animals
criteria EXCEPT.
D. protected from excessive sunlight
A. habitat
E. provided with intensive care such as watering
B. product
15. Which of the following is a pre-planting operation?
C. size
A. Land clearing
D. stomach type
B. Mulching
E. use
C. Pest control
D. Seed sowing C. reduce leaching.
E. Weeding D. regularize soil temperature.
16. Which of the following crops requires staking as a E. replenish essential nutrients.
cultural practice? 25. When soil surface run -off is prevalent on a tarn land,
A. Cassava B. Groundnut the quickest way of replenishing the soil nutrients lost is
C. Millet D. Okra by
E. Yam A. bush fallowing.
17. Which of the following is NOT a principle of crop B. cover cropping.
rotation? C. crop rotation.
A. Crops that are attacked by the same pests should not D. fertilizer application.
follow each other E. organic manuring.
B. Deep rooted crops should be followed by shallow 26. Organic manuring does NOT
rooted crops A. conserve soil moisture.
C. Legumes should be introduced into the rotation B. encourage soil erosion.
D. Shallow rooted crops should be followed by shallow C. improve soil structure.
rooted crops D. increase soil organism.
E. Short period of fallow must be introduced into the E. maintain soil fertility.
rotation 27. If a compound fertilizer bag is labeled NPK 46:0:0, it
18. Farmers are able to harvest varieties of farm produce means that it has 46kg of
from the same farmland throughout the year when they A. calcium.
practice B. magnesium.
A. continuous cropping. C. nitrogen
B. crop rotation. D. phosphorus.
C. inter -cropping. E. potassium.
D. mixed cropping. 28. Which of the following methods of replenishing soil
E. mixed farming. nutrients can be used to eradicate pests and diseases?
19. The practice of cultivating crops and keeping animals on A. Bush fallowing
the same farm is known as B. Crop rotation
A. arable farming. C. Fertilizer application
B. mixed cropping. D. Organic manuring
C. mixed farming. E. Shifting cultivation
D. pastoral farming. 29. Which of these major nutrients is mostly needed by
E. shifting cultivation. maize plant?
20. Bush fallowing system is becoming impossible in Nigeria A. calcium
because of the B. Magnesium
A. availability of improved varieties. C. Nitrogen
B. inadequate agricultural technology. D. Phosphorus
C. increased number of farmers. E. Potassium
D. increasing population pressure. 30. Which of the following practices leads to loss of soil
E. land tenure system. fertility?
21. Which of the following is an advantage of mono- A. continuous cropping
cropping? It B. Cover cropping
A. depletes soil nutrient C. Crop rotation
B. encourages disease infestation D. Mixed cropping
C. increases the incidence of pests E. Mono cropping
D. leads to high loss of produce 31. Which of the following is an example of succulent feed?
E. leads to specialization A. Bone meal
22. The following are advantages of crop rotation EXCEPT B. Fish meal
that it C. Hay
A. acts as insurance against crop failure. D. Silage
B. checks soil erosion. E. Straw
C. controls crop pests and diseases 32. Which of the following animals does NOT feed on hay?
D. encourages specialization. A. Cattle
E. helps to maintain soil fertility. B. Goat
23. Which of the following is NOT a cover crop? C. Horse
A. centrosema D. Poultry
B. Crotolaria E. Sheep
C. Mucuna 33. Which of the following is NOT a fat-soluble vitamin
D. Puereria required by farm animals for proper growth?
E. Tridax A. Vitamin A
24. Cover crops contribute to the following EXCEPT that B. Vitamin B
they C. vitamin D
A. encourage soil water evaporation. D. Vitamin E.
B. protect surface soil erosion. E. vitamin K
34. Which of the following is NOT a feeding equipment for A. Fishery
farm animals? B. Forestry
A. Battery cage C. Lumbering
B. Creep feeder D. Piggery
C. Feeding trough E. Snailry
D. Hay rack 44. An opportunity given to a young school leaver by a Local
E. Salt lick box Government chairman to earn a living by processing
35. Which of the following is NOT a fresh water fish? palm fruits in the community is referred to as
A. Carp A. agricultural expansion.
B. Catfish B. business orientation.
C. Mackerel C. economic empowerment.
D. Perch D. farming improvement.
E. Tilapia E. production reinforcement.
36. Which of the fishing tools is used for harvesting a large 45. The exchange of agricultural produce between a farmer
number of fishes at a time? and consumer is referred to as
A. Gourd A. distribution.
B. Harpoon B. exportation.
C. Hook C. importation.
D. Net D. marketing.
E. Spear E. transaction.
37. Which of the following fishing gears requires a bait? 46. Supermarket is an example of market.
A. Cast net A. commodity
B. Gourd B. consumer
C. Hook C. industrial
D. Spear D. international
B. Trawl net E. local
38. Which if the following is NOT a popular method at 47. The following are challenges facing agricultural
preserving fish in Nigeria? marketing EXCEPT.
A Canning A. bulkiness of produce.
B. Freezing B. inadequate credit facilities.
C. Irradiation C. inadequate producers.
D. Salting D. instability of price.
D. Smoking E. lack of transport facilities.
39. The distribution of animals in Nigeria is influenced by the 48. The separation of agricultural produce into various sizes
following factors EXCEPT. and qualities is referred to as
A. belief of the people. A. assembling.
B. climate of the area. B. bulking.
C. market availability. C. grading.
D. pasture availability. D. packaging.
E. soil type of the area. E. stacking.
40. Which of these classes of birds is usually reared in 49. Which of these farm produce can be stored effectively
battery cages? using cold storage?
A. Broilers A. Irish potato B. Maize
B. Chicks C. Okro D. Rice
C. Cockerels E. Tomato
D. Growers 50. The act of extending shelf lives of farm produce is
E. Layers referred to as
41. Fences are usually provided in the housing units of farm A. storage.
animals in order to B. preservation.
A. control their movement. C. production.
B. encourage breeding. D. processing.
C. increase the feed intake. E. marketing.
D. prevent diseases. 51. Which of the following is NOT a method of preserving
E. reduce cost of production. animal products for marketing?
42. A farmer who wants his lamb to attain market weight A. Drying B. Milling
early allows the lamb to be C. Refrigeration D. Salting
A. creep-fed. E. Smoking
B. fattened up. 52. Which of the following is NOT a canned food produce?
C. flushed A. Baked beans
D. steamed-up. B. Coca cola
E. weaned. C. Corn beef
43. Which of the following is NOT a course of study in D. Sardine
agriculture that will avail a learner the opportunity of E. Tomapep
earn a living?
53. Which of the following is NOT an important criteria in
management of rubber farmers cooperative society?
A. Appointment of a president
B. Development of a bye-law
C. Opening of a bank account
D. Registration of the society
E. Sharing of the accrued profit
54. A good, creative agricultural leader possesses the
following qualities EXCEPT.
A. ability to mobilize resources. Let Us Revive Agriculture
B. ability to work as a team.
C. determination to exploit. Dear boys and girls,
D. determination to succeed. Are you aware that agriculture sustained the
E. good communication skill. economy of Nigeria until the oil boom displaced it in the
55. A place where only shares and bonds of Agricultural mid 70s, precisely from 1972? I am assuring you that
Companies are sold and bought is called the displacement is just for a time. If Nigeria is to
A. commodity market. maintain a solid economy, we can’t brush agriculture
B. export council. aside.
C. industrial market. In the good old days of Sir Ahmadu Bello, Chief
D. local market. Obafemi Awolowo and Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, there were
E. stock exchange. pyramids of groundnut in the North, pyramids of cocoa
in the West and pyramid of palm kernels in the East.
Use the information below to answer questions 56 The economy then was vibrant. Every one struggled to
and 57. contribute to the growth of this country.
Boys and girls, let us face the fact that oil is a
Assuming the management of Dim’s Oil farm plans to wasting asset. Apart from the fact that each exploration
sell their shares to secure more capital from the public at effort diminishes its reserve, oil has wasted a lot of our
the end of every five years. resources-human and material. I refer to happenings in
the oil producing areas with sadness. When God
56. To which of the following organizations should they go? endowed us with this ‘black gold’, He wanted us to use it
A. Cooperative society for the benefit of mankind. And that, our leaders must
B. International market do.
C. Investment security Agricultural products cannot lose its pride of place
D. Marketing board in any economy. That being so, let us strives hard to
E. Stock exchange revive agriculture. Those of us in the urban areas can
57. From which of the following wit the farm receive advice plant vegetable, fruits and other crops in our gardens.
on when it is profitable to buy or sell their shares? Those of us in the rural areas can’t but be fully involved
A. Broker in stepping up our efforts to feed our teeming
B. Investor population. A nation that is unable to feed its population
C. Jobber cannot stand shoulder high in the comity of nations.
D. Middle man Nigeria must remain great. But here greatness depends
E. Speculator on your positive contribution, my positive efforts,
58. A crop transported from a country where it is produced everybody’s positive endeavours, governments’ support
to another country for trading is BEST referred to and encouragement. Up Nigerian youths, up Nigeria.
as crop. May God bless Nigeria.
A cash
B. catch Your Tutor,
C. export
D. international Kunle Dagunduro
E. perennial
59. The Nigerian Export Promotion Council was inaugurated
A. January1967.
B. March, 1977 1.A 7.D 13.D 19.D 25.E 31.A 37.C 43.D 49.C 55.A
C. May, 1987 2.D 8.E 14.A 20.D 26.E 32.E 38.C 44.A 50.D 56.A
D. September, 2007. 3.A 9.B 15.D 21.D 27.A 33.E 39.B 45.C 51.E 57.D
60. The following activities are involved in export promotion 4.D 10.A 16.B 22.D 28.E 34.A 40.E 46.E 52.D 58.E
in agriculture EXCEPT. 5.D 11.A 17.B 23.A 29.B 35.E 41.B 47.D 53.A 59.D
A. identification of foreign investment in agriculture. 6.E 12.B 18.C 24.A 30.C 36.D 42.E 48.C 54.B 60.D
B. introduction of potential farm products for export.
C. promotion of exportation of oil products only.
D. provision of assistance with farm produce design AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE PAPER II 2013
E. provision of transportation support services.
1.E 7.A 13.C 19.C 25.D 31.D 37.C 43.C 49.E 55.E
2.A 8.A 14.A 20.D 26.B 32.D 38.C 44.C 50.B 56.E 5.B 11.-- 17.D 23.E 29.C 35.C 41.A 47.B 53.E 59.B
3.A 9.A 15.A 21.E 27.C 33.B 39.E 45.D 51.B 57.A 6.E 12.E 18.D 24.A 30.A 36.D 42.A 48.C 54.C 60.C
4.C 10.E 16.E 22.D 28.A 34.A 40.E 46.B 52.B 58.C
1.A 7.A 13.D 19.E 25.C 31.C 37.D 43.A 49.D 55.C
2.C 8.A 14.D 20.B 26.E 32.B 38.C 44.B 50.E 56.B
3.A 9.B 15.A 21.B 27.A 33.A 39.E 45.D 51.A 57.D
4.D 10.C 16.B 22.E 28.B 34.E 40.E 46.B 52.A 58.D
5.C 11.B 17.A 23.E 29.B 35.A 41.A 47.E 53.E 59.C
6.B 12.- 18.D 24.A 30.C 36.C 42.B 48.B 54.A 60.D
Use the diagram above to answer questions 10-12.
10. The farm tool illustrated above is called
A. axe B. building knife C. hand trowel
D. mattock E. shears
11. The part labelled B is the
A. base B. blade C. handle D. plate 25. The diagram above is called
E. prong A. barn B. bin C. crib D. rhombus
12. The farm tool is best used for E. silo
A. harvesting B. ploughing C. transplanting 26. The diagram is used to store
D. trimming E. weeding A. banana B. cocoyam C. maize
13. A farm tool which is used for applying water to D. onions E. yam
crops is called 27. Soil nutrients can be lost through the following ways
A. headpan B. hose C. trough EXCEPT
D. watering can E. wheel barrow A. burning B. crop removal C. crop rotation
D. erosion E. leaching 43. Which of the following is a piercing and sucking
28. A plant that grows where it is NOT wanted is insect?
referred to as a A. Aphid B. Grasshopper C. Locust
A. crop B. fodder C. forage D. pasture D. Termit E. Weevil
E. weed 44. An adult male cattle is known as
29. The following are examples of biting and chewing A. bull B. calf C. heifer D. ox E. steer
insect EXCEPT 45. Which of the following will prevent the spread of
A. aphid B. beetle C. cricket animal diseases from one country to another?
D. grasshopper E. termite A. Breeding resistant specie
30. The following are ways of controlling farm animal B. Good nutrition
diseases EXCEPT C. Proper sanitation
A. deworming B. dipping C. drenching D. Quarantine services
D. malnutrition E. proper feeding Regular vaccination
31. Which of the following is NOT a cultural method of 46. Soil acidity is determined by the following methods
controlling weeds? EXCEPT method.
A. Burning B. Crop rotation C. Flooding A. BDH universal soil indicator
D. Hoeing E. Mulching B. colourimetric C. electrometric
32. Which of the following is NOT a plant pathogen? D. hygrometer E. litmus paper
A. Bacteria B. Fungi C. Nematode 47. A neutral soil has a pH of
D. Protozoa E. Virus A. 2 B. 5 C. 7 D. 10 E. 14
33. The following crops can be stored for a long period 48. Which of the following is NOT a mode of
EXCEPT transmitting diseases in farm animals?
A. cereals B. pulses C spices A. Air B. Blood C. Direct contact
D. tubers E. vegetables D. Insect vector E. Water
34. Herbicides are usually applied to the soil by 49. Disease-causing organisms are called
A. broadcasting B. fumigating C. ploughing A. parasites B. pathogens C. pests
D. spraying E. watering D. predators E. vectors
35. Forage that is processed and preserved for future 50. Onions stores food in the
use is called A. bud B. corm C. leaf D. root E. stem
A. fodder B. hay C. roughage 51. Which of the following is NOT a method of
D. silage E. soilage controlling water erosion?
36. Which of the following is a burrowing insect? A. Contour bunding B. Ridging
A. aphid B. bean beetle C. capsid C. Strip cropping D. Terracing
D. cotton stainer E. mealy bug E. Tillage
37. Which of the following is NOT a cultural method of 52. The major pest of cereals on the field is
controlling crop diseases? A. beetle B. bird C. grasshopper
A. Burning infected crops D. rat E. squirrel
B. Practising crop rotation 53. Deficiency of vitamin D in farm animals diet results
C. Regular weeding in
D. Spraying plants with insecticides A. anaemia B. beri-beri C. night blindness
E. Use of resistant varieties. D. ricket E. scurvy
38. Which of the following animals is NOT affected by 54. The following symptoms are associated with the
foot and mouth disease? effects of parasites on farm animals EXCEPT
A. Bird B. Cattle C. Goat D. Pig E. Sheep A. increased production B. loss of appetite
39. The following are symptoms of diseases in farm C. loss of blood D. loss of weight
animals EXCEPT E. weakness
A. abortion B. anaemia C. increase in weight 55. The following can be stored in a crib EXCEPT
D. rise in temperature E. sores on the skin A. cowpea B. maize C. millet
40. Which of the following is NOT an ecto-parasite? D. sorghum E. yam
A. Flea B. Lice D. Liver fluke D. Mite 56. The chemical used to control weeds is called
E. Tick A. acaricide B. fungicide C. herbicide
41. Symptoms of malnutrition in animals include the D. insecticide D. nematicide
following EXCEPT 57. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of
A. high death rate B. increased body size weeds? They are
C. low productivity D. physical deformities A. Fast growing plants
E. retarded growth B. Non-resistant to poor soil conditions
42. C. Not easily dispersed
D. Not persistent in nature
E. Poor competitors of nutrients
58. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of storing
farm produce?
The diagram represented above is a A. Availability of food B. Favourable price
A. beetle B. capsid C. grasshopper C. increasing famine
D. mealy bug E. weevil D. Movement to another area
E. Pest control 15. Which of the following is NOT a factor responsible
59. The main function of leaves in plants is for loss of nutrients in the soil
A. distribution of nutrients B. propagation A. Bush burning B. Crop removal
C. storage of food C. Erosion D. Leaching E. Mulching
D. to manufacture food 16. The replacement of ungerminated seeds in the farm
E. water transportation is called
60. Which of these is NOT an effect of parasites on A. mulching B. planting C. supplying
animals? D. thinning E. transplanting
A. Loss of appetite B. Rapid growth 17. The following are food crops EXCEPT
C. reduced production D. Roughness of meal A. cereals B. fruits C. latex D. pulses
E. Weakness of the body E. tubers
18. Which of these methods is NOT good for harvesting
PAPER II fish? The use of
MULTIPLE CHOICE A. basket B. explosives C. hook and line
1. Which of the following is NOT a legume? D. net E. spear
A. Bambara nut C. Cowpea C. Groundnut 19. The rearing and keeping of livestock is known as
D. Melon E. Soya bean A. animal husbandry B. animal improvement
2. Biennial crops complete their life circle within C. animal nutrition
years. D. extensive management
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 6 E. intensive management
3. Which of the following crops CANNOT be 20. A system of farming in which a farmer raises only
propagated sexually? one crop every year on the same piece of land is
A. Cocoa B. Cowpea C. Maize known as
D. Oil palm E. Yam A. continuous cropping B. crop rotation
4. Which of the following is NOT a cereal? C. mixed farming D. mixed cropping
A. Cowpea B. Guinea corn C. Maize E. mono cropping
D. Millet E. Rice 21. Which of the following is NOT management
5. The agent of controlled pollination in plants is practice in animal husbandry?
A. bird B. insect C. man D. water E. wind A. Culling B. Debeaking C. Deworming
6. Clay soil has a particle size of mm D. Incubating E. Weaning
A. 0.0002 B. 0.002 C. 0.02 D. 0.2 E. 2.0 22. The following are advantages of intensive system
7. Which of the following practices can be used to of livestock management EXCEPT that
maintain soil fertility? A. Animals are protected form predators
A. Bush burning B. continuous cropping B. Diseases and parasites are easily controlled
C. crop rotation D. Over-grazing C. It brings about high returns
E. Sole cropping D. It encourages planned breeding as a result of
8. The method of harvesting in which spears are used proper record keeping
to catch big fishes is known as E. It has high initial capital requirement
A. electro fishing B. ultrasonic C. netting 23. Which of the following is commonly used as a
D. impaling E. trapping source of plant protein in livestock ration?
9. The introduction of fingerlings into the pond s called A. Groundnut cake B. Maize C. Molasses
A. clearing B. fertilization C. inoculation D. Rice bran E. Wheat bran
D. liming E. stocking 24. Feeds with high amount of fibre are classified as
10. The act of leaving a piece of land for one or more A. additives B. concentrates C. roughages
seasons is known as D. soilages E. supplements
A. cover cropping B. crop rotation 25. Which of the following practices would a farmer
C. fallowing D. fertilization E. manuring NOT likely adopt in pig management?
11. The following are methods of vegetative A. Castration B. Dehorning C. Deworming
propagation EXCEPT D. Ear notching E. Feeding on iron supplement
A. budding B. cutting C. grafting 26. Fingerlings refer to the young of
D. layering E. sowing A. duck B. fish C. guinea pig D. rabbit
12. The method of vegetative propagation in which E. turkey
plants are made to develop roots while still attached 27. Crops grown primarily for feeding animals are
to the parent plants is called known as
A. budding B. cutting C. crafting A. cereals B. forages C. legumes
D. layering E. marcotting D. shrubs E. vegetables
13. Post-planting operations include the following 28. Which of the following farm practices can prevent
EXCEPT excessive evaporation form the surface?
A. manuring B. mulching C. ploughing A. Harrowing B. Liming C. Mulching
D. supplying E. thinning D. Staking E. Weeding
14. The following are examples of bony fish EXCEPT 29. The practice of growing different crops on the same
A. cat fish B. croacker C. mackerel piece of land is called
D. shark E. tilapia A. crop rotation B. mixed cropping
C. mixed farming D. mono cropping
E. taungya farming D. produces mainly for the family
30. Which of the following farming practices destroys E. has high yield
the organic matter content of the soil? 45. The following activities are involved in the
A. Bush burning B. clean clearing distribution of agricultural produce EXCEPT
C. continuous cropping D. crop rotation A. loading B. off-loading C. packaging
E. Zero grazing D. recycling E. transportation
31. The system in which a farmer cultivates crops and 46. Which of the following is NOT an export crop?
rears animals on the same piece of land is termed A. Cassava B. Groundnut C. Palm produce
A. lay farming B. mixed farming D. Pepper E. Rice
C. nomadic farming D. pastoral farming 47. The value of farm produce can be increased by the
E. ranching following EXCEPT
32. Soil water may be lost through the following ways A. grading B. harvesting C. packaging
EXCEPT D. processing E. storage
A. evaporation B. infiltration C. Leaching 48. Fish can be preserved for future use by and
D. surface runoff E. translocation
33. Which of the following is an organic manure? A. canning, fermentation B. freezing, boiling
A. Ammonium nitrate B. Cow dung C. pasteurization, salting D. salting, smoking
C. Nitrate of potash D. Sulphate of ammonia E. smoking, soaking
E. Urea 49. Farmers often prefer to sell their crops immediately
34. Tse-tse fly is an enemy in animal husbandry after harvesting because
because it transmits A. crops cannot be processed immediately
A. contagious abortion B. malaria fever B. crops get spoilt soon after harvest
C. Newcastle disease D. sleeping sickness C. pests attack only harvested crops
E. small pox E. there are inadequate storage facilities
35. Oyster shall is an important ingredient in livestock 50. Agricultural co-operative societies include the
feed component because it supplies following EXCEPT
A. Climate B. Carbohydrate C. Fat A. consumers B. depositors C. retailers
D. Oil E. protein D. sellers E. thrift
36. The most important factor affecting animal 51. The following are channels of distributing
agricultural produce EXCEPT
crop production in Nigeria is
A. international market B. local market
A. Climate B. land use C. Soil type
C. representative D. retailer E. wholesaler
D. cat fish E. Vegetation
52. Marketing activities include the following EXCEPT
37. The following are fresh water fish EXCEPT
A. distribution B. grading C. harvesting
A. electric fish B. mackerel C. mud fish
D. packaging E. processing
D. cat fish E. tilapia
53. Which of these does NOT constitute a challenge in
38. The first milk secreted by a cow immediately after
agricultural marketing?
calving is known as
A. Bulkness of produce
A. colostrums B. fresh milk
B. Cost of transportation
C. pasteurized milk D. steamed milk
C. perishable nature of the produce
E. undiluted milk
D. Seasonality of produce
39. A female fowl that is below one year old is called
E. Taxation
A. capon B. chick C. clutch D. cockerel
54. The most reliable method for long term food
E. pullet
preservation at room temperature is
40. Which of these is NOT an animal by-product?
A. baking B. canning C. cooking
A. Beef B. Bone C. Fur D. Hide E. Horn
D. freezing E. refrigeration
41. The following practices are necessary for
55. When forming a cooperative society, the following
transplanting seedlings EXCEPT
issues need to be discussed EXCEPT
A. avoiding damage to the roots
A. election of officers B. membership issues
B. pulling up the seedlings with hand trowel
C. loans procedure D. sales of farm produce
C. transplanting in the afternoon
E. sharing of dividends
D. transplanting seedlings with ball of earth
56. The following people are involved in stock
E. watering the nursery bed very well.
exchange EXCEPT
42. When a farmer replaces seeds that fail to
A. bankers B. brokers C. investor
germinate, the operation is known as
D. labourers E. speculators
A. planting B. speeding C. supplying
57. The agent that helps to ensure adequate supply of
D. thinning E. transplanting
agricultural produce in the market is the
43. The following are mulching materials EXCEPT
A. farmer B. middleman C. retailer
A. ashes B. grasses C. leaves
D. transporters E. wholesaler
D. sawdust E. straw
58. A marketing activity which involves the grouping of
44. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of
produce into various weights and sizes is known as
feature of commercial agriculture? It
A. advertisement B. grading C. packaging
A. involves the use of hired labour
D. storage E. transportation
B. requires huge capital
C. requires large area of land
59. Which of the following is NOT a farm produce that 7. E 17. A 27. C 37. D 47. C 57. A
an agricultural cooperative society may buy and 8. D 18. D 28. E 38. A 48. B 58. C
retail to its members? 9. D 19. C 29. A 39. C 49. B 59. D
10. C 20. B 30. D 40. C 50. C 60. B
A. Cereal B. Dairy product C. Meat
D. Precious metal E. Vegetable oil
60. Which of the following is NOT a curing method of
food preservation?
A. Addition of sugar B. Addition of vinegar
1. D 11. C 21. D 31. B 41. C 51. C
C. Canning D. Salting E. Smoking 2. A 12. D 22. E 32. E 42. C 52. C
3. E 13. E 23. A 33. B 43. A 53. E
AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE PAPER I 2011 4. A 14. D 24. C 34. D 44. D 54. B
5. B 15. E 25. B 35. A 45. D 55. D
1. C 11. B 21. D 31. C 41. B 51. A 6. B 16. C 26. B 36. A 46. E 56. D
2. C 12. C 22. B 32. D 42. E 52. B 7. C 17. C 27. B 37. B 47. B 57. B
3. D 13. D 23. D 33. E 43. A 53. D 8. D 18. B 28. C 38. A 48. D 58. B
4. D 14. C 24. A 34. D 44. A 54. A 9. E 19. A 29. B 39. E 49. E 59. D
5. D 15. B 25. E 35. D 45. D 55. E 10. C 20. E 30. A 40. A 50. B 60. A
6. A 16. B 26. C 36. B 46. D 56. C