WR Specs 2020
WR Specs 2020
WR Specs 2020
Director General
Central Public Works Department
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110011
Sudhir Kumar Chawla
Chairman Government of India Central Public Works Department
(Specifications Committee)
Office of Director General (In-Situ)
Kendriya Sadan, Sector-9A,
The CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works- Part – V (Wet Riser & Sprinkler
Systems) 2020 is the revised edition of CPWD General Specifications for Electrical
Works, Part – V (Wet Riser & Sprinkler Systems) 2006.
There was a growing need to revise these Specifications due to major technological
changes in the field of Wet Riser & Sprinkler Systems over a period of time and to
incorporate the modifications in the National Building Code of India as well as in Indian
Standards. This edition incorporates the relevant provisions of National Building Code
of India- 2016 and latest Indian Standards, namely, IS:13039:2014 (External Hydrant
Systems- Provision and Maintenance-Code of Practice) and IS:15105 (Design,
Installation and Maintenance of Fixed Automatic Sprinkler Fire Extinguishing
Systems−Code of Practice(First Revision). Accordingly, changes have been effected in
this revision.
Almost all the Chapters and Appendices have been modified to align them with the
National Building Code of India-2016, IS: 13039:2014 and IS:15105 in this edition.
Annexure-A has been revised in accordance with NBC-2016. In addition, an
alternate provision of providing Stainless Steel Pipes and fittings has been
introduced in this edition for pipe work of Automatic Sprinkler System inside the
building, particularly where replacement of pipes is not easy like areas above false
ceiling etc., subject to the condition that these pipes with associated fittings are
suitable to safely withstand the system test pressures. Also, provision of Retrofitted
emission control equipment having a minimum specified PM-capturing efficiency of at
least 70% has been kept for Diesel Pumps as recommended by National Clean Air
Program-2019 launched by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
Similarly, inclusion of Holiday Testing for wrapping and coating of Underground M S
Pipe has been made. Compliance to Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India)
Order (PPP-MII Order)-2017 as amended, has been emphasized. Installation of
negative suction arrangement and submersible pumps has been dispensed with in line
with NBC-2016/IS: 13039. Two new Appendices have been added. Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 12
and 14 have been updated and Figure 6 has been newly added.
I am grateful to Shri Vinit Kumar Jayaswal, Director General, CPWD for reposing trust
in me to undertake this arduous task in a short period. My acknowledgements are
also due to Shri Anant Kumar, ADG (Tech.) who has facilitated in this task amply.
I express my deep appreciation to Shri Chaitanya Kumar Varma, Chief Engineer(E) CSQ
and Shri Dhirender Kumar Tulani, Superintending Engineer(E) TAS for drafting this
publication within the given time frame.
Further, I acknowledge the efforts put in by Shri Ashwani Kumar Sharma, AE(E) TAS
(Retd.) for his dedicated contribution just before his retirement, Sh. Jagdish Kumar,
AE(E) TAS, Shri K. Madhu, AE(E) TAS and Sh. Vijender Kumar, Chief Estimator(E).
Errors or Omissions and suggestions for improvements, if any, may be brought to the
notice of SE (E) TAS, Office of CE (E) CSQ, CPWD, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
S.No. Reference under which Issued Chapter No. Item No. Page
S.No. Description Page No.
1 Chapter 1 General 1-9
1.1.1 Scope These specifications cover water based fixed firefighting installations described
in Para 2.2.
1.1.3 Terminology
The definition of terms used in these specifications shall be in accordance with
relevant IS. Some of the commonly used terms are defined in Appendix-B.
(iii)Where the power supply has to be arranged by the Department at more than
one point as per the terms of the contract, the termination of all such power
feeders in the incomer of respective control panels to be provided by the
contactor shall be the responsibility of the contractor and nothing extra shall
be paid on this account.
(iv) The contractor shall use the power supply only for the bonafide use of the
work. No major fabrication work shall be done at site. Power shall be used
only for welding/cutting works. The power supply shall be disconnected in
case of such default and the contractor shall then have to arrange the
required power supply at his cost.
(v) In case of composite contracts, having Firefighting work as one of the
works, these arrangements shall be made by the agency/ contractor only.
1.6.3 Drainage
(i) Drain traps in pump room shall be arranged by the department.
(ii) Piping Connections from the equipment to the drain trap shall be done by
the contractor. These items of work shall be measured and paid as per
In case of composite contracts, having Firefighting work as one of the works, this
arrangement shall be made by the agency/ contractor only.
1.13.1 The entire metal work above ground level shall be painted with red color shade
No. 536 of IS:5 .
1.13.2 Pump, motor and engine shall be painted with red color shade No. 536 of IS:5
(ii) The department also reserves the right to inspect the fabrication job at
factory and the successful tenderer has to make arrangements for the same.
The installation will be offered for inspection of local bodies (Chief Fire Officer).
The contractor or his representative shall attend such inspection of the Chief
Fire Officer, extend all test facilities as are considered necessary, rectify and
comply with all observations of the Chief Fire Officer which are part of the
agreement and arrange for obtaining necessary clearance certificate in favour of
the department. In case the contractor fails to attend the inspection and make
desired facilities available during inspection, the department reserves the right
to provide the same at the risk and cost of the contractor and impose penalty for
the same. The installation will be accepted by the department only after
receiving clearance from Chief Fire Officer for the work executed by the
contractor under the agreement.
(i) The contractor shall guarantee the complete system to provide the specified
flow and pressure under all conditions at outlets.
(ii) All equipment shall be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date
of acceptance and taking over of the installation by the Department against
unsatisfactory performance and/or breakdown due to defective design,
material, manufacture, workmanship or installation. The equipment or
component or any part thereof so found defective during the guarantee
period shall be repaired or replaced free of cost to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-charge. In case, it is felt by the department that undue delay is
being caused by the contractor in doing this, the same will be got done by the
department at the risk and cost of the contractor. The decision of Engineer-
in-charge in this regard shall be final.
1.16.1 The following percentage of contract rates shall be payable against the stages of
work shown herein:
Stage of work Machinery and Equipment All other
(Pumps and Electrical Panel) items
I After initial inspection (wherever
specified) and delivery at site in
good 80% 70%
condition on pro-rata basis
II On completion of installation on pro- 10 % 20 %
rata basis
III On testing, commissioning and 10 % 10 %
handing over.
Fire safety in buildings has become very important consideration in
construction and maintenance. A normal office building has fire load in the
form of large quantity of papers and furnishing. Buildings like Hospitals,
Laboratories, Auditoriums, Libraries, Museums etc. require fire safety
provisions by virtue of their type of occupancy and importance irrespective of
their height.
The aim of fire safety measure is to provide protection to life of occupants and
property in the event of fire in the building. National Building Code of India-
2016, Vol-1, Part-4 deals in detailed measures to be adopted for fire safety in
buildings. The measures depend upon the occupancy, use, height and area of
the building.
Besides various mediums of fighting fire, water is the cheapest and the most
easily available for this purpose. Water based fixed firefighting installations
are most commonly provided in buildings.
2.2.1 Following types of water based fixed firefighting installations are normally
provided in buildings:
(i) Wet Riser
(ii) Down Comer
(iii) Wet Riser cum Down Comer
(iv) Automatic Sprinkler
2.2.2 In all the above systems, lines are laid in and/or around the building and
permanently charged with water from a pressurized supply.
In a building, any one system or a combination shall be provided as specified
in Table-7 of National Building Code of India-2016, Vol-1, Part-4 as amended
up to date, depending upon the occupancy, use and height for protection.
The effective capacity of Under-ground static & Terrace Water Storage Tanks
and capacity of Fire Pumps etc. shall also be as specified in Table-7 of NBC-
2016. The same has been reproduced as Appendix-A of this document. The
effective capacity of the reservoir shall be measured above the top of the
pump casing (flooded suction).
2.2.3 Municipal Regulation of the city shall also be taken in to consideration while
selecting and designing firefighting system for a building.
2.4.1 Wet Riser cum Down Comer:- Pressure at hydraulically remote hydrant and at the highest hydrant shall not
be less than 3.5 kgf/cm2. The pressure at the hydrants shall however not
exceed 7 kgf/cm2. The pipe line will be designed in such a way that it should be possible to get
discharge at any location. Design parameters shall be as under:-
(i) Maximum flow velocity : 2.5 mps
(ii) Maximum Friction : 5 m per 100 m run
However, the size of wet riser shall be as given in Table 4.1 under Para 4.5.4
(ii). Main Fire Pumps (Both electrical as well as diesel) shall be selected for:
(i) Discharge : 1620 lpm/2280 lpm/2850 lpm
(To be selected from Appendix-A)
(ii) Head : 35 m + Height of terrace level
hydrant above pump level + 6% of
the maximum length of pipe from
pump discharge to any hydrant at
terrace level No. of Risers:- Number of risers will be decided to fulfill the following
(i) No corner of the building is farther than 30 m from nearest riser.
(ii) Horizontal distance between two risers shall not be more than 50 m.
(iii) Normally one riser is provided for every 1000 sq.m of plinth area or part
However, the number of risers can be suitably increased to meet the given
S. No. System component Wet Down Wet Automatic
Riser Comer Riser Sprinkler and
cum Wet Riser cum
Down Down Comer
(i) Electric Motor Driven Fire Pump Y N Y Y
fffAppendic Internal Hydrant: Every riser will be provided with the following at every floor
including terrace and basement over and above sprinkler system.
(i) Single headed outlet -2 Nos.
(ii) First Aid Hose Reel -1 No.
[Length of pipe shall be such that nozzle of the
hose can be taken into every room and within
6 m of any part of the rooms keeping in view
layout and obstruction.]
(iii) Hose Pipe 63 mm dia, 15 m long with
male and female coupling at ends. -2 Nos.
(iv) Branch pipe 63 mm dia with 20 mm
nominal internal diameter
nozzle and suitable for instantaneous connection. -1 No. For fighting fire from outside the building, yard hydrants are provided
around the building and in the closed court yard. For connecting yard
hydrants a ring of pipe shall be laid underground around the building at a
minimum distance of 2 m from the face of the building. All internal risers
shall be connected with this ring.
Yard hydrants shall be located at a minimum distance of 2 m but not more
than 15 m from the building face. The yard hydrants shall be easily accessible
and should normally be provided near boundary wall/along road. While
locating yard hydrants it should be ensured that same do not become
hindrance in vehicular movement or entrance to the building. Yard hydrants,
should be located around the building in such a way that it should be
possible to fight fire on any face of the building from the nearest hydrant.
At least one hydrant post shall be provided for every 45 m. Fire Hydrants shall be of stand post type conforming to IS 908. All Yard
hydrant outlets shall be situated 1 m above ground level. The stand posts shall be 80 mm in diameter for single headed hydrants. The
stand posts shall be painted ‘fire red’ as per Para 1.13. Mild steel stand post
may be accepted even in cases where underground mains are of cast iron,
using flanged joints. Only Oblique hydrants conforming to IS 5290 with outlets angled towards
ground shall be used. The hydrant couplings shall be of the instantaneous
spring-lock (female) type of 63 mm diameter and valves shall be of the screw
down type.
fffAppendic Suitable pressure reducing devices shall be provided for yard as well as
internal hydrants where the pressure exceeds 7 kgf/cm2, considering the
safety of operators.
(Note:- In case hose pipes and branch pipes are likely to be stolen from yard
hydrants, the same may be kept in a central place i.e. fire control room/
fire pump room.) Fire Service inlet :- In order to facilitate feeding of water in the system by fire
service, a 2/3 way 63 mm diameter collecting head shall be provided and
connected with each riser/down comer and the ring main with non-return
valve and butterfly/sluice valve. This should be located at a place where fire
brigade tender can reach. Fire Service connection: It is for feeding water to underground storage tank by
fire tenders. The static water storage tank shall be provided with a fire brigade
collecting head with 4 number 63 mm diameter instantaneous male inlets
arranged in a valve box at a suitable point at street level. If tank is not
approachable for the fire engines, the fire brigade collecting head shall be
connected to the static tank by a suitable fixed galvanized iron pipe not
less than 150 mm in diameter to discharge water into the tank when
fffAppendic Fire Brigade draw out collecting head: Each of the static water storage tanks
shall also be provided with a fire brigade draw out collecting head with 63 mm
diameter instantaneous male draw out arranged in a valve box at a suitable
point at street level. This draw out shall be connected to galvanized iron pipe
of 100 mm diameter with foot valve arrangement in the tank. Air Vessel: - To counteract the water hammer effect, air vessel shall be
provided at the top of each riser. Orifice Plate: - Suitable pressure reducing devices shall be provided for yard
as well as internal hydrants to control pressure to desired limit especially at
lower level hydrants. (refer Para & above) Alarm for Wet Riser System: - To indicate the flow of water in the system,
turbine type alarm shall be provided at a prominent place outside the pump
house in the main line before any connection is taken. The alarm will
indicate the healthiness of the system and shall not be silenced till the main
fire pump is in operation.
Facility shall also be provided for manual operation. A selector switch for
auto/manual selection shall be provided for each pump. The control system shall be designed to provide the following sequence of
i) The Pressurization Pump shall maintain pressure in the system and shall
operate only on account of slow pressure loss. In case of sudden pressure
loss the Pressurization Pump shall not operate. The pump shall start when
the water pressure in the system falls to a pre-set value (about 0.35 kgf/cm2
below normal system pressure) and shut down when the system pressure
reaches the set value. Both limits shall be adjustable.
ii) Main Electric Fire Pump shall operate on account of sudden pressure loss.
So long as Main Electric Fire Pump is working, other Fire Pumps will not
operate. The pump shall start when the water pressure falls to a pre-set
value in the system (about 1 kgf/cm2).
In case, Normal Electric Supply fails while the Main Electric Fire Pump is
running, the DG Set for essential supply will start within 5 seconds.
iii) The Diesel Fire Pump will start on sudden pressure loss, only in case supply
to Main Electric Fire Pump is not available or within a pre-set time the
Main Electric Fire Pump fails to start or fails during operation. No other
pump will be working when Diesel Engine Fire Pump is in operation. Audio-
Visual Alarm shall be available to indicate failure of Main Electric Fire Pump.
iv) A three attempts starting facility will be provided for diesel pump.
v) If within a pre-set time, the standby pump also fails to start or fails to
develop pressure, the standby pump shall also be shut down and locked
out. An audio visual alarm indication shall be given at the control panel.
vi) The Terrace Pumps will start on sudden loss of pressure only when both
the Fire Pumps have either failed to start or exhausted water.
vii) In case sprinkler pump is also provided :
a) Sprinkler pump will start on pressure loss (about 1 kgf/cm2) in the
sprinkler header.
b) If sprinkler pump does not start in preset time or fails during operation,
the main electric fire pump shall start and feed water to sprinkler
c) Diesel pump will start and feed water only in case supply to main electric
pump is not available or within a preset time the main electric pump
fails to start or fails during operation. No other pump will be working
when diesel pump is in operation. Audio-visual alarm shall be available to
indicate failure of both sprinkler and main electric pump.
viii) Only one pump will be working at a time. In manual mode more than one
pump can be started.
ix) Water level in UG and terrace tanks shall be monitored and in case of low
water level, pumps connected with the tank shall not operate (even on
manual mode) or stop operation as the case may be. An audio-visual
alarm shall be given at the control panel.
2.4.2 Wet Riser:- In wet riser system all components described in 2.4.1 shall be
provided except terrace pump. Terrace tank shall not be required.
Wet Riser shall be interconnected at terrace level to form a ring and cut-off
shall be provided for each connection to enable repair/maintenance
without affecting rest of the system.
2.4.3 Down Comer:- In down comer, underground tank, fire pumps at ground
level, ring main and yard hydrant will not be provided. Except these items,
all other items described in 2.4.1 shall be provided. Following points are
also to be taken in to consideration: A minimum of two terrace pumps (eIectricaI) shall be provided. One pump
fffAppendic All down comer pipes shall be inter connected at the terrace level. In case
terraces are not interconnected, all building will be treated as individual
buildings. Fire service inlet shall be provided with each Riser/down comer for
facilitating pumping of water from fire service tenders. Control system: - The starting of terrace pump shall be automatic i.e. with
the opening of any hydrant valve or hose reel on any floor, the pump will start
automatically with fall in line pressure. In addition start/stop push buttons
shall be provided at ground floor near internal hydrant for starting the
pump manually. Where fire control room has been provided, remote
operation of terrace pump may be done from fire control room in place of
near internal hydrant. The control panel for terrace pumps shall be
provided near the pumps in a suitable enclosure to avoid unauthorized
operation. In addition to all provisions of Wet riser and Down comer system described
in Para 2.4.1, in automatic sprinkler system, water lines of various size are
laid throughout the area to be protected and sprinkler heads are provided at
regular interval so that water from sprinkler heads cover the entire area
under fire. Sprinkler has two functions to perform i.e. to detect fire and then to provide
adequate distribution of water to control or extinguish it. Sprinkler heads
operate at pre- determined temperature to discharge water over the affected
area below. Only those sprinkler heads operate which are in the vicinity of
fire i.e. those which become sufficiently heated. Lines for sprinklers shall be separate or common with wet riser system
depending upon requirements mentioned in Appendix-A.
will give audio-visual alarm and indicate the affected zone. This
arrangement will be independent of fire alarm system. The sprinkler shall be installed only where there is no danger of freezing of
water in the pipes at any time.
This chapter outlines the general guidelines for planning the space
requirements, equipment location, floor loading and other structural
requirements for firefighting systems.
3.2.1 Static Water Storage Tanks: - In order to ensure satisfactory supply of water
for the pumps of firefighting, static water storage tanks exclusively for the
purpose of firefighting shall be provided. The tank shall be provided both
underground and/or at terrace. Reservoir for Wet Riser System shall be
lined. The effective capacities of the reservoir above the top of the pump
casing (flooded suction) for various types of occupancies shall be as
indicated in Appendix- A.
While deciding the capacities of underground and terrace tanks following
points shall also be taken into consideration:
(i) In case common pump house and underground tank are to be provided for
more than one building in a campus, the capacity of UG tank shall be
increased, if required in consultation with local Fire Brigade.
(ii) Arrangement shall be made for replenishment of water from alternative
source at the rate of 1000 lpm for underground tank. When this is not
feasible the capacities of storage tanks (both underground and terrace
tanks) shall be increased suitably in consultation with local Fire Brigade.
(iii) Water for firefighting shall be stored in two or more interconnected
compartments of equal size to facilitate cleaning and maintenance of the
tanks without interrupting the water availability for firefighting.
(iv) The underground fire water storage tank(s) shall not be more than 7 m in
depth from the level having fire brigade draw-out connection, while the
draw-out connection shall not be more than 5 m away from the tank wall.
Para above may also be referred.
fffAppendic Following factors are to be considered for deciding the location of terrace
(i) The terrace tank should be easily accessible.
(ii) Connection to terrace pump shall be conveniently made.
(iii) Factors at (iii) to (vi) shall also be considered.
(iv) The terrace tank may be of masonary, cement concrete, M.S. or plastic
depending upon relevant considerations.
3.2.2 Pump House: - For installation of firefighting pumps (Main Electrical Pump,
Diesel Engine Driven and Pressurization Pump) along with Electrical &
Control Panel, valves, diesel tank etc., pump house is required. Following
factors are to be considered:
(i) In order to provide positive (flooded) suction to fire pumps, the pump
house shall be at a level below or equal to that of static water storage tank.
(ii) The pump house at ground level shall be easily accessible for firefighting
operations and at least 6 meters away from all surrounding buildings and
overhead structures. In case, the 6m spacing of pump room from
surrounding buildings is not feasible, the provisions of Para 5.1.12 of IS
13039:2014 shall be followed.
(iii) The pump house shall not be located in the building to be protected.
However, the pump house can be located in the basement subject to
conditions of Clause 12.2.2 of IS 15105.
(iv) General water supply pumps can be installed in the same pump house.
(v) Size of the pump house shall be not less than 6.0 m (W) x 8 m (L) x 3.5 m
(H). If two electrical pumps are to be provided, the length of the pump
house shall be not less than 12 m. If the water supply pumps are to be
installed in the same pump house, then either the width of pump house be
increased by 1 m or length be increased by 2 m or suitably as is necessary.
(vi) Suitable ramp with proper slope and/or cutout in roof shall be provided for
lowering the equipment in to the pump house. Stair case with entry door at
ground level and locking arrangement shall be provided.
(vii) Ventilators at least 500 mm height shall be provided on three sides for natural
light. Adequate ventilation for dissipation of heat due to operation of
3.2.3 Terrace Pump - Terrace pump is to be installed near terrace tank. The tank
shall be at higher level to provide positive suction to the pump. No separate
pump house is required for terrace pump. However suitable enclosure for
protection of pump is to be provided. The pump may be located in stair case
mumty if suitable space is available. The pump may be located near beam so
that its load is not transferred to slab.
3.2.4 Internal Hydrant - Internal hydrants are provided to fight fire from within the
building. Following factors are considered for deciding location of internal
(i) Internal hydrants are provided at every floor at the same location and
connected with risers.
(ii) Hydrant for firefighting shall be located in the lobby in firefighting shaft.
Those hydrants planned to be provided near fire exit staircase on the floor
shall be within 5 m from exit door in exit access.
(iii) Numbers and location of risers shall be decided as per Para Every
wing of the building shall preferably be provided with independent hydrants.
Hydrant shall be located in the center of the building so that one hydrant can
cover area on both sides.
(iv) A masonry enclosure on three sides of size minimum 1200 mm wide and 800
mm deep and 2100 mm height shall be provided. Cut-out of size 200 mm x
200 mm be provided in one corner in the slab for down comer/wet riser
Planning of firefighting system is to be done right at the stage when the
building plans are prepared by the Architect. Subsequently during
preparation of working drawings, all architectural and structural provisions
described in Chapter 3 are also to be kept in the building plans.
Careful planning from the initial stage itself will avoid changes and problems
at a later stage. This chapter covers aspects of planning, designing and
coordination of firefighting system.
The provision of firefighting installation depends upon building use, height,
floor area etc. Considering these factors, the system or a combination of
systems which will be required to be adopted should be finally selected in
accordance with National Building Code and regulations of local fire
authorities, if applicable.
4.4.1 For any firefighting system, underground tank and pump house are required.
These may be located anywhere in the campus subject to proper approach.
The pump house should preferably be near the sub-station. It will be a good
practice if all building services including firefighting are located at one place
in the campus.
4.4.2 In campus having more than one building to be protected, it is not required
to have individual system for every building. A number of building in the
campus can be protected by common fire pumps. However yard
hydrants/internal hydrants and terrace pump shall be provided in each
building. When the buildings are close by, the yard hydrants can be located in
such a way that one yard hydrant cover more than one building.
4.4.4 The shafts for vertical risers are to be provided in the building. Their
number and location be decided as per guidelines given in Chapter 2 and
4.4.5 Location of yard hydrant shall be selected in accordance with provision of Para
4.4.6 Route of pipe connection from ring main to the riser shall be selected properly.
Position of tie beam or any other structural member shall be checked so that
it does not come in the way of pipes.
4.4.7 For vertical riser pipe passage, opening of 200 mm x 200 mm shall be left in
slab in the internal hydrant shaft as per Para 3.2.4(iii). The opening shall be
located vertically one above the other. In buildings where sprinkler system is to
be installed, additional opening of same size is to be provided within the
nitch at the other corner for sprinkler pipe.
4.4.9 Sprinkler pipes are laid throughout the area to be protected. The route of
4.5.1 Requirement of components for various firefighting systems has been given
in Para - 2.3. Capacity of pumps shall be worked out in accordance with Para-
4.5.2 Fire pumps shall be provided with positive suction and automatic starting
devices capable of sequential starting of the pumps.
(iv) Where wet riser/down comers are not to be provided but hose reel and
terrace tanks are to be provided, pipe of size 65 mm diameter shall be
provided in between the pump and hose reel.
(v) Fire service inlet and fire service connection shall be with pipe size not
less than 150 mm diameter.
(vi) All Tee off connections for landing valves from vertical risers and for
external hydrants from ring main shall be with pipe size not less than 80
mm diameter.
4.5.7 Orifice Plate:- The pressure in a firefighting system varies from point to
point. The pressure will be maximum in the pump house and minimum at
the farthest hydrant at terrace level. To reduce pressure to safe operating
Other suitable means may also be used for reducing the pressure apart from
orifice plates.
4.6.1 Award of Work:- Depending upon progress of building work, the work of
firefighting should be awarded well in time.
4.6.2 Power and Water supply for Erection: - If the department is to provide power
and water for erection, the same should be made available before start of
the work since without these facilities, firefighting work cannot be started.
4.6.3 The Pump house and underground tank where main equipment is to be
installed should be available immediately after the work has been awarded.
4.6.4 The underground tank and Pump house shall be tested for any
leakage/seepage before start of the work. It shall be ensured that both tank
and pump house are free from leakage/seepage.
4.6.5 The work of laying of pipe for sprinklers should be taken up in coordination
with the duct installation in case of building being provided with central air-
conditioning, otherwise after plaster work is over and one coat of white
wash has been applied.
4.6.6 The sprinkler pipes should be tested area wise and capped for connection
to pipes of adjoining area.
4.6.7 The route of external pipe i.e. pipe from pump house and ring main should be
decided in coordination with other building services. Guide lines of Chapter
2 and 4 are to be followed. It will be desirable to prepare a services drawing
where all services i.e. sewage, drainage, water supply lines, UG cable, pipes
for air-conditioning and firefighting are reflected.
4.6.8 Riser pipes shall be installed after the riser shafts are available duly
4.6.10 All underground pipes are to be laid much before starting of finishing work i.e.
pavement, road/ horticulture work etc. around the building.
4.6.11 The work of installation of equipment in pump house should be carried out
simultaneously and kept ready for connection to the pipe network.
Chief Fire Officer and local bodies. The building will be issued N.O.C. for
occupation only when all safety provisions including firefighting work are
complete to the satisfaction of Chief Fire Officer. As such, firefighting work
is to be completed and commissioned with temporary power supply well
before other building works and services are complete.
This chapter covers the general requirements of water pumps for main fire
pump, jockey pump and terrace pump.
5.2 TYPE
Pumps conforming to IS 12469 shall be exclusively used for Firefighting
purposes. The pumps shall be centrifugal type direct driven with a 3 phase,
415 V + 10%, 50 Hz, A.C. motor. The standby fire pump shall be driven by
diesel engine. The pumps may be either of horizontal split casing (HSC) type
with operating speed not exceeding 1500 rpm, or solid casing with operating
speed not exceeding 3000 rpm as specified in the tender documents.
The main fire pump and terrace pump shall be suitable for continuous
operation in the system. The jockey pump shall be suitable for intermittent
operation to build up pressure in the system on account of leakage. The head
and discharge requirements shall be as specified in the tender documents.
The head shall be suitable for the system and shall take into consideration the
pressure drops across the various components in the water circuit as well as
the frictional losses.
The rated discharge of Electric Driven and Diesel Engine Driven pump shall be
as specified in Table given in Annexure-A. Pump shall be capable of discharging
not less than 150 percent of the rated discharge at a head of not less than 65
percent of the rated head. The shut off head shall not exceed 120 percent of
the rated head in the case of horizontal Pumps.
(i) The pump and motor/engine assembly shall be mounted and arranged for
ease of maintenance and to prevent transmission of vibration and noise to the
building structure or to the pipe work.
(ii) The pump and motor/engine assembly shall be installed on suitable RCC
foundation. The length and width of the foundation shall be such that 100
mm space is left all around the base frame. The height of foundation shall
be so decided that the total weight of foundation block is 1.5 times the
operating weight of the pump assembly. The foundation shall be isolated from
the floor by vibration isolating pads. Angle iron frame of size 35 mm x 35
mm x 3 mm shall be provided on the top edges of the foundation.
(iii) More than one pump and motor assembly shall not be installed on a single
base or cement concrete block.
(iv) The suction/discharge pipe shall be independently supported and their
weight shall not be transferred to the pump. It should be possible to
disconnect any pump for repairs without disturbing the connecting pipe
(v) A minimum clearance of 1 m around the main pumps shall be provided. For
jockey pump-clearance of 75 cm shall be adequate.
(vi) Sufficient space is to be left in front for the radiator of diesel engine for free
discharge of hot air. Arrangement for discharging hot air to outside the
pump house shall be provided so that hot air does not stagnate in the pump
This chapter covers the details of requirements of a diesel engine for main fire
pump to act as standby.
The diesel engine shall be suitable for automatic operation complete with
necessary automatic starting gear, battery system and shall be complete with
all accessories. Both engine and pump shall be assembled on a common bed
plate, fabricated from mild steel channel.
The pump shall be only direct driven by means of a flexible coupling. The
coupling between the engine and the pump shall allow each unit to be
removed without disturbing the other. Coupling guard shall be provided. The
speed shall be 1500 RPM.
6.4.1 Environment conditions- The engine shall be suitable to operate under the
conditions of environment at site.
6.4.2 Engine Rating- The engine shall be multi cylinder/vertical 4 stroke cycle,
water cooled, developing suitable HP at the operating speed specified to drive
the fire pump. Continuous capacity available for the load shall be exclusive of the
power requirement of auxiliaries of the diesel engine, and after correction for
altitude, ambient temperature and humidity for specified environment
conditions. The engine rating shall be suitable to drive the pump at 150 percent
of its rated discharge with at least 65 percent of rated head or 20% in excess of
the maximum brake horsepower required to drive the pump at its duty point,
whichever is higher. The engine shall have 10% overload capacity for one hour
in any period of 12 hours continuous run.
The engine shall be:
a) naturally aspirated, supercharged or turbo-charged and rather air or water-
b) provided with an in-built tachometer to indicate rpm of the engine.
c) suitable for cold starting for which suitable heaters shall be provided in
lubricating oil.
d) able to develop full load within 15 seconds from the receipt of the signal to
e) The diesel engine shall conform to BS 649/ IS 1601/ IS 10002, amended up
to date.
6.4.3 Engine Accessories- The engine shall be complete with following accessories:
(i) Fly wheel dynamically balanced
(ii) Direct coupling for pump and coupling guard
(iii) Radiator with hoses, fan, water pump, drive arrangement and guard
(iv) Air cleaner dry type
(v) Fuel service tank with necessary pipe work
(vi) Fuel filter
(vii) Pump for lubricating oil and lub. oil filter
(viii) Electric starting battery 12 V/24 V with 2 Nos. batteries
(ix) Exhaust silencer with necessary pipe work
(ix) Governor
(x) Instrument panel housing all the gauges, including Tachometer, hour meter
and starting switch with key (for manual starting)
(xi) Necessary safety controls
(xii) Winterisation arrangement
(xiii) Hand operated semi rotary pump for filling the service tank
(xiv) A standard kit of tools (this shall be kept on hand at all times)
6.4.4 Cooling System- The engine shall be radiator water cooled. The radiator
assembly shall be mounted on the engine. The radiator fan shall be driven by
the engine as its auxiliary with multiple fan belts. When half the belts are
broken, the remaining belts shall be capable of driving the fan. Cooling water
shall be circulated by means of an auxiliary pump of suitable capacity driven
by the engine in a closed circuit.
6.4.5 Fuel System- The fuel system shall be gravity fed from the fuel tank to the
engine driven fuel pump. The engine fuel tank shall be mounted either
adjacent to the engine or suitably wall mounted on brackets. The fuel filter
shall be suitably located to permit easy servicing.
The fuel tank shall be of welded steel construction (3mm thick) and of
capacity sufficient to allow the engine to run on full load for at least 8 hours.
The tank shall be complete with necessary floor mounted supports, level
indicator (protected against mechanical injury) inlet, outlet, overflow
connections and drain plug and piping to the engine fuel tank. The outlet
should be so located as to avoid entry of any sediments into the fuel line to
the engine.
Any valve in the fuel feed pipe between the fuel tank and the engine shall be
placed adjacent to the tank and it shall be locked in the open position.
All fuel tubing to the engine shall be with M.S.'C’ class pipe with flexible hose
connections where required. Pipe joints shall not be soldered and plastic
tubing shall not be used.
6.4.6 Lubricating Oil System- Forced feed lubricating Oil system shall be employed
for positive lubrication. Necessary lubricating oil filters shall be provided,
located suitably for convenient servicing.
6.4.7 Starting System- The starting system shall comprise of necessary batteries 12
Volts/ 24 Volts, starter motor of adequate capacity and axle type gear to
match with the toothed ring on the fly wheel. Suitable protection to protect
starting motor from excessively long cranking runs shall be suitably
integrated with engine protection system.
The capacity of the battery shall be suitable for meeting the needs of the
starting system.
The battery capacity shall be adequate for 10 consecutive starts without
recharging with cold engine under full compression.
Three attempt starting facility shall be provided. If the engine fails to start
after third attempt, the engine shall be locked out and suitable audio-visual
alarm shall be given to indicate engine failure. The starter motor used for
automatic starting may also be used for manual starting provided there are
separate batteries for manual starting.
The scope shall cover all cabling, terminals, initial charging etc.
6.4.8 Exhaust System- The exhaust system shall be complete with residential
grade silencer suitable for outdoor installation and silencer piping shall be
extended up to 1 m, outside pump house duly insulated with 50 mm thick
glass wool and 1.0 mm thick aluminum sheet cladding.
Retrofitted emission-control equipment shall be used having a minimum
specified PM-capturing efficiency of at least 70%, type approved by one of
the five CPCB recognized labs. (Recommendations of National Clean Air
Program 2019 launched by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate
6.4.9 Engine shut down mechanism- This shall be manually operated and shall
return automatically to the starting position after use.
6.4.10 Governing System- The engine shall be provided with an adjustable governor
to control the engine speed within 5% of its rated speed under all conditions of
load up to full load. The governor shall be set to maintain rated pump speed at
maximum pump load.
6.4.12 Engine protection devices - Following engine protection and automatic shut
down facilities shall be provided:-
(i) Low lub. oil pressure.
(ii) High cooling water temperature.
(iii) High lub. oil temperature.
(iv) Over speed shut down
6.4.13 Pipe work- All pipe lines with fittings and accessories required shall be
provided for fuel oil, lub.oil and exhaust systems.
manufacturer (who shall carry out after sales service under AMC).
6.4.17 The following spare parts shall be supplied with the engine and kept on hand:
a) Two sets of fuel filters, elements and seals;
b) Two sets of lubricating oil filters, elements and seals;
c) Two sets of belts(where used);
d) One complete set of engine-joints, gaskets and hoses;
e) Two injector nozzles;
f) One complete set of piston rings for each cylinder; and
g) One inlet valve and one exhaust valve).
This chapter covers the requirements of pipe work in firefighting
(c) Cast iron double flanged pipe, Class-A conforming to IS 1536 or IS: 1537 (to
be provided only in underground application).
Note: For pipe work of Automatic Sprinkler System inside the building,
Stainless Steel Pipes and fittings of grade AISI 304 as per JIS standard
3448 are also permitted particularly where replacement of pipes is not
easy like areas above false ceiling etc., subject to the condition that these
pipes with associated fittings are suitable to safely withstand the system
test pressures.
(d) (i) GI Pipe medium Class (B-class) conforming to IS:1239 (For Drain)
(ii) Cadmium plated steel nuts/bolts/washers shall be used.
(iii) Flex drop of stainless steel metallic pipe with mounting
accessories, frame for installation on false ceiling.
Each pump shall be provided with a non-return valve and a sluice valve on the
delivery side, the sluice valve being installed on the upstream side of the non-
return valve. A pressure gauge shall also be provided between the pump and
the non-return valve. The size of the non-return valve and cut off (sluice) valve
shall not be less than the size of the initial delivery pipe and, in no case, less
than the delivery outlet of the pump. No butterfly valves shall be installed
inside the pump room.
Sluice valve shall conform to IS: 780.
Butterfly valve, wherever used, shall conform to IS:13095.
All valves shall be suitable to with-stand the pressure in the system and rating
shall be PN 1.6. All valves shall be right handed (i.e. handle or key shall be
rotated clock wise to close the valve), the direction of opening and closing
shall be marked and an open/shunt indicator fitted.
(i) The material of valves shall be as under:
Body - Cast iron
Disc - Cast Bronze or Stainless Steel
Seat - Either integral or Nitrile rubber
O-ring - Nitrite/ Silicon
(ii) Non return valves shall be swing check type in horizontal run and lift check
type in vertical run of pipes.
7.8 Valves in fixed firefighting installations shall have supervisory switch with its
signalling to fire alarm panel or to have chain(s), pad lock(s), label and
temper-proof security tag(s) with serial number to prevent
tempering/unauthorized operation. These valves shall be kept in their
intended ‘open’ position.
Stainless steel strainers shall have minimum 1 mm thick screen with 3 mm
perforations. Strainers shall be provided with flanges.
not less than one-half of the internal diameter of the pipe to which it is
(i) Pressure gauge of appropriate range and 150 mm diameter size shall be
(ii) The pressure gauge shall be duly calibrated before installation and
shall be complete with shut off valve.
(i) The installation work shall be carried out in accordance with the
detailed drawings prepared by the contractor and approved by the
(ii) In pipe above ground level, expansion loops or joints shall be provided
to take care of expansion or contraction of pipes due to temperature
(iii) Tee-off connections shall be through equal or reducing tees, otherwise
ferrules welded to the main pipe shall be used. Drilling and tapping of
the walls of the main pipe shall not be resorted to.
(iv) Open ends of piping shall be blocked as soon as the pipe is installed to
avoid entrance of foreign matter.
(v) Piping installation shall be supported on or suspended from structure
adequately. The contractor shall provide, clamps, hangers etc. in
accordance with Para 7.16.
Proper lines and levels shall be maintained while installing exposed
(vi) Pipe supports in pump house shall be floor mounted and of mild steel/
G. I. Spacing of pipe supports shall not be more than that specified
20 and 25 2.00
32 to 125 2.50
150 and above 3.00
Extra supports shall be provided at the bends and at heavy fittings like valves
to avoid undue stress on the pipes.
(vii) Anti-vibration pads, springs or liners of resilient and non-deteriorating
material shall be provided at each support, so as to prevent transmission of
vibration through the supports.
(viii) Pipe sleeves of diameter larger than the pipe by least 50 mm shall be
provided wherever pipes pass through walls and the annular spaces shall be
filled with felt and finished with retaining rings.
(ix) (a) Vertical risers shall be parallel to walls and column lines and shall be
straight and in plumb. Risers passing from floor to floor shall be supported at
each floor by clamps as per Para 7.16.
(b) The space in the floor cut outs around the pipe work shall be closed
using cement concrete (1:2:4 mix) or steel sheet, from the fire safety
considerations, taking care to see that a small annular space is left around
the pipes to prevent transmission of vibration to the structure.
(c) Riser shall have suitable supports at the lowest point.
(x) Where mild steel pipes shall be buried under ground the same shall be
treated in accordance with Para 7.5 before laying. The top of the pipes shall
be not less than 1m below the ground level. Where this is not practicable,
permission of the Engineer-in-charge shall be obtained for burying the pipes
at lesser depth. Masonry or C.C.blocks shall be provided for supporting the
pipes at interval in accordance with Para 7.11(vi). After the pipes have been
laid, the trench shall be refilled with the excavated soil in layers of 20 cm and
rammed and any extra soil shall be removed from the site of work by the
(xi) Underground pipe shall be laid at least 2m away from the face of the
building preferably along the roads and foot paths. As far as possible laying
of pipes under road, pavement and large open spaces shall be avoided.
Pipes shall not be laid under buildings and where unavoidable, these shall
be laid in masonry trenches with removable covers and cut-off valves shall
be provided at points of entry and exit.
(xii) Pipe over ground shall be painted in red color as per Para 1.13. Suitable
identification shall be provided to indicate the run of underground pipe
wherever the route of underground pipe cannot be ascertained from the
location of yard hydrant/isolating valves.
(xiii) It shall be made sure that proper noiseless circulation is achieved in the
system. If proper circulation is not achieved due to air-bound connections,
the contractor shall rectify the defective connections. He shall bear all the
expenses for carrying out the above rectification, including the tearing up
and refinishing of floors, walls, etc. as required.
Measurements of plumbing work shall be on following basis:-
(a) Piping shall be measured along the centre line of installed pipes including all
pipe fittings and accessories but excluding valves and other terms for which
quantities are specifically indicated in the schedule of work. No separate
payment shall be made for fittings and accessories.
(b) The rates for piping work shall include all wastage allowances, flanges pipe
supports, hangers, excavation, refilling, testing, nuts and check nuts,
vibration isolators, suspension where specified or required, and any other
item required to complete the piping installation. None of these items will be
separately measured and paid.
This chapter covers landing valves, first aid hose reels, hose pipes, branch pipes
etc., which are vital tools for firefighting.
8.2.3 The water discharge shall be not less than 900 lpm for single head valves at 7
kgf/cm2 pressure.
8.2.4 Installation The landing valve shall be fitted to a T-connection of the riser at the landing
in such a way that the valve is in the center of the internal hydrant opening
and at a height of 900 mm from floor level. The valve base shall be vertical and the valve facing outside. There should be
no hindrance in operation of the handle.
8.3.1 First aid hose reel shall be as per IS-884. The coupling, branch pipe and nozzle
shall be as per IS:8090.
8.3.3 The water flow rate shall be not less than 24 lpm and the range of jet shall be
not less than 6 m.
8.3.4 lnstallation First aid hose reels are installed with internal hydrant (Para space
for which is provided as per Para 3.2.4. Where space is not provided, first
aid hose reel shall be installed in suitable size MS cabinet made from 2 mm
thick sheet with glass door. The cabinet shall be painted red as per Para
1.13. The size of the cabinet shall be such that there is no obstruction in
swinging the hose reel. The location of cabinet shall be such that it does
not form an obstruction in passage/escape route. The length of hose tube shall be such that the nozzle of the hose can be
taken into every room and within a range of 6 m from any part of the
room. There shall be no obstruction in swinging the hose reel and should be
installed above landing valve where provided. Hose reel bracket should be firmly grouted on the wall with the help of rawl
fffAppendic delivery hose couplings consist of male half coupling and female half
coupling. Grooves are provided on outer side on both coupling for binding hose
pipes with wires. In female coupling spring loaded cam tooth is provided for
holding male half coupling in position. Male half coupling and female half
coupling are provided on both sides (i.e. on one side male and on other side
female) of hose pipes. Two or more pipes can be joined together with the help
of these couplings instantaneously. Sizes:- These are available in two sizes i.e. 63 mm and 70 mm. Normally size 63
mm is used.
8.4.4 Branch Pipe and Nozzle :- Branch Pipes with nozzle are mounted at the end of
hose pipe. Branch pipe is properly finished and free from sharp edges. During
operation, a fireman has to hold the branch pipe. One end of branch pipe is
fixed with hose coupling and the other end is threaded to fit the nozzle.
Nozzle is tapered pipe with one end threaded internally which is fixed on branch
pipe. The size of other end i.e. nozzle shall be 20 mm (nominal internal
Spare Branch pipes and nozzles to the extent of 10 percent of the above
requirements, with a minimum of two sets, shall always be kept readily
available in fire control room/pump room.
8.5.1 These are provided for connection of fire service hose pipes for either directly
pressurizing the system with their pumps or filling water in the tank from a
distance. In the first case non- return valve with butterfly valve shall be provided
for holding water pressure. Fire service inlet shall be provided with each wet
riser/down comer and the ring main. The arrangement has been shown in
Fig.5. These are fixed to 150 mm diameter pipe and located in MS Box made of
2 mm thick mild steel sheet with openable glass cover.
8.6.1 Hose pipes shall be rubber lined woven jacketed and 63 mm in diameter. They
shall conform to Type A ( Re-inforced rubber lined ) of IS: 636. They shall be flexible
and capable of being rolled. Length of hose pipe will be 15 m.
8.6.2 The hose pipe shall be complete with male and female coupling at the ends as
per Para 8.4.3.
Besides keeping hose pipe with internal hydrant and yard hydrant, spare hose
pipes to the extent of 10 percent of the above requirements, with a minimum
quantity of 30 m shall always be kept readily available in fire control
room/pump room. Such spare hose shall be in 15 m lengths, readily
attached to couplings.
This chapter covers the general requirement of selection, design, installation,
testing, commissioning and maintenance of automatic sprinkler system for
firefighting in buildings used for other than industrial, storage purpose,
hotels and mercantile buildings.
Firefighting installations described in Para 2.2.1 (i) to (iii) are to be operated
manually. Delay in undertaking manual operation due to late detection and
or response, may result in spread of fire. In automatic sprinkler system,
sprinkler heads are provided throughout the areas to be protected at
specified locations such as roof or ceiling, walls, between racks, below
obstructions and fitted with water supply lines permanently charged with
water under specified pressure. The sprinklers operate at pre-determined
temperature to discharge water over the affected area below and provide an
adequate distribution of water to control or extinguish fire. Only those
sprinklers which are in the vicinity of fire that is those become sufficiently
heated operate. Operation of sprinkler results in flow of water which initiates
fire alarm. Thus sprinklers perform two functions i.e. first to detect fire and
then to provide an adequate distribution of water to control or extinguish it.
Water distribution from ceiling level, cools down the hot gas which forms
beneath the ceiling of enclosure in which fire is developing. This will
prevent spread of fire to adjoining areas and contain damage to limited
It should not be assumed that the provision of sprinkler system entirely
obviates the need for other means of fighting fire and it is important to
consider the fire precaution in the premises as a whole.
The system shall be installed only where there is no danger of freezing of
water in the pipes at any time.
Typical layouts of sprinklers have been shown in Figure 11.
9.4.4 Design, Density and Assumed Maximum Area of Operation (AMAO):- This is
different for different hazards classified in Para 9.3. For moderate hazard,
water discharge shall be at least 5 litre/min/m2 over an assumed area of
operation covering 360 m2.
9.4.6 Spacing below Sprinkler Heads: - Clear minimum space of 0.5 m shall be
maintained below the deflector of sprinkler head.
vii) Horizontal sidewall sprinkler shall be located not more than 100 mm and are
allowed to be located with their deflectors less than 100 mm from the wall on
which they are mounted.
viii) Deflectors of the sprinklers shall be aligned parallel to the ceilings or roofs.
ix) When installed under a sloped ceiling (1 in 6), sidewall sprinklers shall be located
at the high point of slope and positioned so as to discharge down the slope.
x) Where verticle side of a beam/projection from a wall is used for installing a
sidewall sprinkler, additional sprinklers shall be installed below the soffit if the
width of beam or projection from the wall exceeds 200 mm.
xi) When soffits used are within 200 mm in width or projection from the wall,
additional sprinklers shall not be required subject to the deflector of the
sprinklers falling within prescribed distance as contained in 9.4.8 (ii), (vi) & (vii)
above. If the height of the concealed space at roof and floor is not greater than
0.8m, the spaces shall be sprinkler protected only if they contain
combustible materials or are constructed with combustible materials.
Electrical cables with voltage less than 250 V, single phase, with a
maximum of 15 cables per tray, are allowed. Spaces between roofs and ceiling more than 0.8 m deep shall be sprinkler
protected as follows:-
(i) Concealed spaces less than 5m2 in area shall not require sprinkler
(ii) Sprinkler heads shall be provided considering the space as any other area in
the building.
(iii) Sprinkler heads may be connected individually with the range/distribution
pipes below, which shall be sized by taking the room and concealed space
sprinklers cumulatively.
(iv) Sprinkler heads for concealed space and for the room may be connected
with separate range/distribution pipes connected, with common feed
pipe. The common feed pipes shall be not less than 65 mm diameter.
9.4.10 Obstruction below Sprinklers:- Sprinklers shall be fitted under the following
types of obstruction which are either:
(a) more than 0.8 m wide and less than 150 mm from the adjacent walls or
(b) more than 1 m wide.
9.4.11 Pipe Sizing and Design: - Sprinkler heads located as per Para 9.4.5 to
9.4.10 shall be connected with pipe lines permanently charged with water.
Depending upon location of sprinkler heads and site conditions, sprinkler
heads may be connected with range and distribution pipes. A number of
options have been indicated in Figure-12.
The pipes connecting the sprinkler heads are to be sized depending upon
number of sprinkler heads and arrangement of their connection. Main
elements of a sprinkler installation are shown in Figure-11. Various pipes
connecting the sprinkler heads are termed as below:
Sizes of pipes are to be calculated from various tables and hydraulic calculations
given in IS: 15105.
Pipe sizes shall be determined using one of the following methods:
a) Pre-calculated system: applicable only where light and ordinary
occupancies where the aggregate floor plate area (in one or more floors
combined) is 5000 m2 or less (except where gridded or looped layouts are
Pre-calculated pipework is applicable only to the extensions of old pre-
calculated systems.
b) Fully calculated system: applicable for
i) Light and ordinary occupancies where the aggregate floor plate area (in
one or more floors combined) exceeds 5000 m2.
ii) High hazard occupancies,
iii) Storage occupancies, and
iv) All occupancies where conventional and special sprinklers are used like
ESFR, LD, EC, intermediate, etc.
Some guidelines relating to pre-calculated system are given below:
a) Pipe less than 25 mm diameter is not to be used.
b) There shall not be more than 6(Six) sprinklers in any range.
c) Range and distribution pipe nominal sizes shall be selected from Table 9.4
and Table 9.5 respectively.
Range Pipe Layout Pipe Nominal Maximum Number of
Bore (mm) Sprinklers to be fed
by Pipe of size listed
(1) (2) (3)
(a) (1) Range(s) at remote end
of each distribution pipe
spur in end feed layout:
(i) Last two ranges in 25 1
two end-side layout 32 2
(ii) Last three ranges in 25 2
three end-side layout 32 3
(2) Last range in all other 25 2
layouts. 32 3
40 4
(b) All other ranges in case of 25 3
1(i), 1(ii) & (2) above 32 4
40 6
Distribution Pipes Type of Layout Distribution Pipe Maximum Number of
Nominal (mm) Sprinklers to be fed
by Pipe size listed
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(a) At extremities Two end side 32 2
of the layouts
40 4
50 8
65 16
(b) Last three All other layouts 32 3
40 6
50 9
65 18
(c) Between All To be calculated as per 10.4.4 (b) of IS
design points 15105
and the
Control Valve
Typical pipe sizes for sprinkler installation have been shown in Figure-13.
9.4.12 Components of sprinkler system:- Following types of valves are used in the
(a) Stop Valves
(b) Test Valves
(c) Drain Valves
(d) Flushing Valves
(e) Check Valves
(f) Installation Control Valves
(g) Pre action valves
fffAppendic Test Valve. - For testing hydraulic alarm or electric alarm by drawing water
from downstream side, test valve shall be connected with downstream of
the water flow alarm. Drain Valve: - For drainage of system, drain valve 50 mm diameter shall be
provided down stream of Installation Control Valve or any subsidiary stop
A common valve can perform the functions of test and drain. The outlet
shall be connected with a 50 mm diameter G.I. drain pipe along with riser
pipes as shown in figure No. 3 and 4. Flushing Valve:- If the water used for sprinkler is not potable, flushing valves
shall be provided at the end of a distribution pipe. The valve size shall be
same as distribution pipe. Valve outlet shall be fitted with a brass plug and
extended to not more than 3 m above floor. Check Valve:- Check valve shall be provided where more than one water
supply is available and same shall be fitted on each water supply pipe. Subsidiary Stop Valve:- Subsidiary stop valve which shall be of the same
diameter as the pipe line in which they are fitted shall be provided to control
water supply to sprinklers of highly sensitive areas like computer rooms. Installation Control Valve (ICV): - A sprinkler installation shall be fitted with a
suitable Installation Control Valve to control the water supply to the
installation. The valve set shall comprise of:
(a) a main stop valve.
(b) an alarm valve.
(c) a water motor alarm.
The alarm valve shall be fitted immediately downstream of the main stop
valve of each building/block and before any connection is taken off to supply
any part of the installation.
The Installation Control Valve shall be placed externally in the vicinity of the
main entrance of the building protected at an easily accessible place so that
the alarm bell sound is heard by the inhabitants/passer-by. The valve shall
be secured open by a pad locked or rivetted strap and protected against
impact damage.
outside the buildings, this may be located inside the building in the vicinity
of main entrance (subject to approval of authorities concerned). Installation
Control Valve in such cases, shall be located away from any exposure to
damage and personnel shall be normally available in the vicinity of the
location to get alerted by alarm operation. Also, electrically operated sirens
interfaced with the opening of the alarm valve of ICV, shall be provided
outside the building. In no case, Installation Control Valve shall be provided
inside basement or inside pump room.
A plan of the risk with the position of Installation Control Valve shall be
placed in a conspicuous location. A location plate shall be fixed near the
Installation Control Valve bearing the following words in raised letters:
ALARM VALVE Water motor alarm: Water motor alarm shall be provided very close to the
alarm valve. Strainer shall be fitted between the alarm valve and the motor
nozzle connection. The water outlet shall be positioned so that any flow of
water can be seen. The alarm device shall provide audibility level of 85 dB
above the back ground noise IeveI.
Stop cock shall be provided before pressure gauges for removal without
interruption of water supply of the installation. Pressure gauges shall be as
per IS: 3624.
141 Blue
182 Yellow
227 Red
79 Yellow
93 Green
141 Blue
182 Mauve
204/260 Black
9.10.1 Pump- Details of pumps to be installed for sprinkler installation are given
in Appendix-A. For large installations, separate jockey pump shall be
provided for sprinkler system. All pumps shall have common discharge
header. If two electrical pumps are to be provided one non-return valve
shall be provided in the header such that sprinkler pump will not feed
other system.
9.10.2 Water Storage Tank- The water storage tank shall be combined for other
firefighting system and sprinkler installation and the capacity shall be as
given in Appendix 'A’.
The installation shall be carried out as per Chapter 7 and 11. Following
additional points are to be taken care for sprinkler installations:
9.12.2 If sprinkler head is to be provided away from range pipe, M.S. Pipe nipple of
suitable size be used to extend the sprinkler head and socket is welded at
desired location.
9.12.4 After completion of the entire work, pressure testing of entire pipe work shall
be carried out for 24 hrs. at a pressure of 7.5 kgf/cm2. The drop of pressure
up to 0.5 kgf/cm2 shall be accepted.
9.12.5 The lines shall be flushed before completion of building work so that any
foreign matter which might have entered the system is taken out. The
pressurization pump (Jockey Pump) be operated and valves opened at
different locations.
9.12.6 During occupation of the building, sprinkler heads shall be provided in place
of dead plugs. Teflon tape shall be used on threaded portion. The sprinkler
heads shall be properly tightened in the socket.
9.12.7 When all sprinklers heads are installed, pressure is built up in the system by
As soon as the work is complete, the system shall be commissioned and
made available for use in accordance with Para 11.6.
10.1 SCOPE
This chapter covers the requirements for the electrical worms associated
with firefighting installations, namely, motors, switch boards, power cabling,
control wiring, earthing and remote control-cum-indicating panels.
The generator shall be capable of taking starting current of all the fire and life
safety systems and equipment as above. Where parallel HV/LV supply from a
The electric supply to the pumping set(s) shall be entirely independent of all
other equipment in the premises that is even when the power throughout the
entire premises is switched off, the supply to the pump shall continue to be
available un-interrupted. This can be achieved by taking the connection for
the pump(s) from the incoming side of the main L.T. breaker. In case, where
parallel HV/LV supply from a separate substation fed from different grid is
provided with appropriate transformer for emergency connected to a
common bus bar, the connection may be taken through the bus bars.
The power supply to the panel/distribution board of these fire and life safety
systems shall be through fire proof enclosures or circuit integrity cables or
through alternate route in the adjoining fire compartment to ensure supply of
power is reliable to these systems and equipment. It shall be ensured that the
cabling from the adjoining fire compartment is protected within the
compartment of vulnerability. The location of the panel/distribution board
feeding the fire and life safety system shall be in fire safe zone ensuring
supply of power to these systems.
10.3.1 Independent supply shall be provided for water supply pumps if installed in
the same pump house.
10.3.2 If the fire pump house is away from the sub-station building, the route of
the cable shall not pass under the building or permanent structure. Cable
shall be laid along the route which is safe from fire.
10.3.3 Sufficient spare power shall always be available to drive pumping sets at all
times throughout the year. Suitable capacity ACBs/SDFUs shall be provided in
the electrical panel for extending supplies to fire pumps. Such switches shall
be suitably marked "FIRE SWITCH" and shall not be switched-off without
permission/intimation to appropriate authority. In case any
maintenance/repair work is to be carried out on the electrical panel where
The motors shall be squirrel cage AC induction type. The motors shall be
suitable for continuous duty and rating necessary to drive the pump at 150
percent of its rated discharge with at least 65 percent rated head. The motor
shall be totally enclosed fan cooled type confirming to protection clause IP
21 of IS: 4691. The class of insulation shall be ‘F’. The synchronous speed
shall be 1500/3000 rpm as per requirement of the pump. The motor shall
conform to IS:325.
(i) Provision of earth electrodes and the type of earthing shall be as specified in
the tender specifications.
(ii) The earth work shall be carried out in conformity with CPWD Specifications
for Electrical works (Part-I), Internal 2013.
(iii) Metallic body of all motors, medium voltage equipment and switch boards
shall be connected by two separate and distinct earth conductors to the earth
stations of the installations. Looping of such body earth conductors is
acceptable from one equipment, or switch board to another.
(iv) The size of earth conductors for body earthing of equipment shall be 2 Nos. 6
mm dia copper wire/2 Nos. 25 x 3 mm G.I. strip
(v) Armoring of cables shall be connected to the body of the equipment/switch
board at both the ends. Compression type glands shall be used for all such
terminations in the case of PVC/XLPE cables.
All panels shall be supplied with the manufacturer’s standard finish painting
or as indicated in the Schedule of Work.
11.1 SCOPE
This chapter covers the requirement of Installation, testing and
commissioning of firefighting system.
11.2.3 As far as possible, underground pipe are not to be laid under road, pavement,
building and long open spaces. The locations along road, foot path in earth
may be preferred.
11.2.4 The location of yard hydrants, fire service inlet and fire service connection
are to be decided based on consideration of Para to Para
However necessary adjustments are to be made so that these components
do not become hindrance in vehicular movement and entrance to the building.
Requirement of other building services are also to be given due consideration.
Symmetry should be maintained for aesthetic considerations.
11.2.5 Pipe sizes are to be decided in accordance with provision of Para and
11.2.6 Pump House:-The layout of equipment in pump house is very important from
operation and maintenance considerations. The requirement of pumps and
engine have been described in Chapter 5 and 6. In case other equipment i.e.
water supply pumps etc. are to be installed in the same pump house,
sufficient space shall be left for them as well. The dimensioned foundation
drawing of pumps should be available for marking in the pump room layout.
The layout is to be prepared in such a way that it should be possible to
maintain any equipment without disturbing the adjoining equipment.
Electrical panels are to be installed at a location which is easily accessible
near the entrance to the pump house and there should be no possibility of
water dripping over or near the electrical panel. Typical layout of fire pump
house is shown in Figure -10.
11.2.7 Terrace Pumps:- The location of pumps and terrace pipe may be decided
keeping in view location of terrace tanks for firefighting and other services.
The pipe line should not cause undue hindrance for movement of
maintenance personnel at the terrace.
11.2.8 Electrical Panel :- Complete wiring drawing, layout etc. are to be examined to
ensure that provisions of agreement are incorporated in the drawing. Sizes
of various panel and mounting arrangement may be decided keeping in
view ease of operation and aesthetic consideration as well.
The requirements of installation of various components have been described
in previous chapters. However, following precautions are to be taken during
execution of the work.
11.3.1 The pump and motor/engine are to be perfectly aligned on the base plate so
that there is no vibration during operation. All nuts, bolts, washers shall be of
adequate size and galvanized.
11.3.2 The pipe supports should be decided in a way that the weight of pipes and
valves are not transferred to the pumps and supports do not cause hindrance
in movement inside the pump house. As far as possible, floor supports may
be provided in pump house.
11.3.3 All valves shall be installed at a height and in a position that their operation
by right hand is conveniently possible.
11.3.4 All pressure gauges should be installed so that the dial is vertical and is
visible while entering the pump house.
11.3.5 Electrical panels should not be installed at floor level. The panels shall be
sufficiently raised above ground level. If panels are to be mounted on wall,
an angle iron frame shall be provided so that at least 75 mm space is left
11.3.6 Cable trays are to be used for laying of power and control cable inside pump
house. No cable is to be laid at floor level/in trench. Cable tray layout
should give neat appearance. All cable tray shall be adequately supported
from the ceiling/floor.
11.3.7 Drain pump shall be installed in the sump provided as per Para 3.2.2 (viii).
The pump shall operate automatically for which water level sensor shall be
11.3.8 In no case any structural member i.e. RCC wall, column, beam and floor are
to be damaged during installation. Mechanical fasteners are to be used for
grouting support.
U.G. tank wall is not to be used for any support. No pipe/cable is to cross
the pump house below ground level. Openings above ground level are only
to be used for this purpose.
11.3.9 The engine installation work shall be carried out in accordance with the
requirement of engine manufacturer and be got approved by the
manufacturer or their authorized service center. The exhaust pipe should
be suitably extended outside the pump house so that smoke does not
effect nearby structure. Fuel tank shall be properly supported and located
in a way that the same does not cause hindrance in movement in the pump
11.3.10 While excavating for laying of external pipes, suitable sign board/ barricading
shall be provided to ensure that no person falls in the trench.
11.3.11 The width and depth of trench shall be adequate for laying the pipe 1m
below ground level.
11.3.12 No earth or any other matter is to be allowed to enter the pipes. The ends
shall be kept closed always.
11.3.14 Pressure testing is to be carried out in sections before filling the earth back
in the trench.
11.3.15 The earth filling is to be done in layers of 20 cm each and properly rammed
11.3.16 Where pipes crossing road likely to have heavy traffic, additional protection
over pipe shall be provided to ensure that pipe is not damaged. However,
semi-circular RCC Pipes shall be provided over cast iron pipes at road
11.3.17 External hydrants and fire service connection/ inlet shall be located parallel
to the nearby road/ foot path so as to give proper appearance. Foundation
shall be raised from below ground level and shall be properly plastered in
plumb. The hydrants shall be facing the road/ approach. There shall be no
obstruction in approaching the hydrants for operation.
11.3.18 Risers shall be parallel to the wall and in plumb. Adequate supports shall be
provided from the wall. Opening around the pipe in slab shall be filled with CC
and finished with plaster.
11.3.19 Internal hydrant shall be provided in the center and facing outside for ease of
operation. Sufficient space shall be provided around the handle for
operation. There shall be no hindrance in moving the first aid hose reel.
11.4 TESTING After completion of the work, all vaIves/ fittings shall be installed in position
and entire system shall be tested for 24 hours at a pressure of 10 kgf/ cm2.
The drop of pressure up to 0.5 kgf/cm2 shall be accepted.
fffAppendic Flow Test: - The design flow of pumps shall be checked. The pump shall be
operated after opening a number of landing valves at different locations.
Design pressure is to be maintained in the pump house. Water discharge is to
be measured by drop in level in UG tank for a certain period. All pumps shall
be tested one by one. The flow rate shall be not less than as specified while
maintaining the design pressure in pump house.
11.6.1 Flushing the System: Before commissioning, the entire system shall be
flushed to ensure that any earth/ foreign matters which might have entered
during installation are taken out. For this, pump may be operated and valves
opened at different locations.
11.6.2 As soon as the work is complete, the system shall be commissioned and
made available for use. Requirement of firefighting installations is equally
important during occupation of the building. If the building is to be occupied
in part, firefighting system of building completed shall be commissioned by
isolating the system of under construction portion of the building.
11.6.3 The firefighting system shall be maintained and manned from the very first
day of its commissioning.
11.6.4 Any defects noticed during the warranty period shall be promptly attended
by the contractor and availability of the system at all time is to be ensured.
Appendix-A: Minimum Requirements for Firefighting Installations (Based on Table 7 of Vol-1, Part-4 of NBC 2016)
Sl. Type of Building Type of Installation Water Supply Pump capacity (litre/min)
No. Occupancy (litre)
Fire First Wet Riser Down Yard Automatic Manually Automatic Under-ground Terrace Pump Near At the
Extin- Aid Comer Hydrant Sprinkler Operated Detection Static Water Tank over Underground Terrace Tank
guisher Hose System Electronic and Alarm Storage Tank Respective Static Water Level with
Reel Fire Alarm System Combined Tower Storage Tank Minimum
System (see Note 2) Capacity for Terrace (Fire Pump) Pressure of
(see Note 1) Wet Riser, with 3.5kgf/cm2
Yard Hydrant Minimum
and Sprinklers Pressure of
per set of 3.5kgf/cm2 at
pumps Remotest
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
a) Lodging and
Rooming Houses
(A-1) (see Note 3)
1) Less than 15 m in
i) Up to 15 R NR NR NR NR R NR NR NR 5000 NR NR
rooms (see Note 4) (see Note 5)
Appendix-A - (Continued)
Sl. Type of Building Type of Installation Water Supply Pump capacity (liter/min)
No. Occupancy (liter)
Fire First Wet Riser Down Yard Automatic Manually Automatic Under-ground Terrace Pump Near At the
Extin- Aid Comer Hydrant Sprinkler Operated Detection Static Water Tank over Underground Terrace Tank
guisher Hose System Electronic and Alarm Storage Tank Respective Static Water Level with
Reel Fire Alarm System Combined Tower Storage Tank Minimum
System (see Note 2) Capacity for Terrace (Fire Pump) Pressure of
(see Note 1) Wet Riser, with 3.5kgf/cm2
Yard Hydrant Minimum
and Sprinklers Pressure of
per set of 3.5kgf/cm2 at
pumps Remotest
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
c) Dormitories (A-3)
and Apartment
Houses (A-4)
1) Less than 15 m in R R NR NR NR R NR NR NR 5000 NR 450
height (see Note 4) (5000) (450)
(see Note 6) (see Note 6)
2) 15 m and above R R NR R NR R R NR NR 25000 NR 900
but not exceeding (see Note 4) (see Note 8)
35 m in height
3) Above 35 m but R R R NR NR R R NR 75000 5000 (see Note 10) NR
not exceeding (see Note 4
45 m in height and Note 9)
4) Above 45 m in R R R NR R R R NR 150000 10000 (see Note 11) NR
height but not
exceeding 60 m in
5) Above 60 m in R R R NR R R R R 200000 10000 (see Note 12 NR
height & Note 13)
Appendix-A - (Continued)
Sl. Type of Building Type of Installation Water Supply Pump capacity (liter/min)
No. Occupancy (liter)
Fire First Wet Riser Down Yard Automatic Manually Automatic Under-ground Terrace Pump Near At the
Extin- Aid Comer Hydrant Sprinkler Operated Detection Static Water Tank over Underground Terrace Tank
guisher Hose System Electronic and Alarm Storage Tank Respective Static Water Level with
Reel Fire Alarm System Combined Tower Storage Tank Minimum
System (see Note 2) Capacity for Terrace (Fire Pump) Pressure of
(see Note 1) Wet Riser, with 3.5kgf/cm2
Yard Hydrant Minimum
and Sprinklers Pressure of
per set of 3.5kgf/cm2 at
pumps Remotest
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
i) Ground plus one R R NR NR NR R NR NR NR 10000 NR 450
or more storey (see Note 4) (5000) (450)
(see Note 6) (see Note 6)
2) 15 m and above R R NR R NR R R NR NR 25000 NR 900
but not exceeding (see Note 4)
24 m in height
3) Above 24 m but R R R NR R R R NR 50000 (5000) (see Note 14) NR
not exceeding (see Note 4) (see Note 6)
30 m in height
a) Hospitals,
Sanatoria and
Nursing Homes
1) Less than 15 m in
height with plot
area up to
1000 m2
i) Up to ground R NR NR NR NR R R NR NR (5000) NR (450)
plus one (see Note 4) (see Note 6) (see Note 6)
storey, with no
ii) Up to ground R R NR NR NR R R NR NR 5000 NR 450
plus one storey (see Note 4) (5000) (450)
with beds (see Note 6) (see Note 6)
Appendix-A - (Continued)
Sl. Type of Building Type of Installation Water Supply Pump capacity (liter/min)
No. Occupancy (liter)
Fire First Wet Riser Down Yard Automatic Manually Automatic Under-ground Terrace Pump Near At the
Extin- Aid Comer Hydrant Sprinkler Operated Detection Static Water Tank over Underground Terrace Tank
guisher Hose System Electronic and Alarm Storage Tank Respective Static Water Level with
Reel Fire Alarm System Combined Tower Storage Tank Minimum
System (see Note 2) Capacity for Terrace (Fire Pump) Pressure of
(see Note 1) Wet Riser, with 3.5kgf/cm2
Yard Hydrant Minimum
and Sprinklers Pressure of
per set of 3.5kgf/cm2 at
pumps Remotest
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
iii) Ground plus R R NR R NR R R R NR 10000 NR 900
two or more (see Note 4) (5000) (450)
storey, with no (see Note 6) (see Note 6)
iv) Ground plus R R R NR NR R R R 75000 10000 (see Note 14) NR
two or more (see Note 1)
storey, with
2) less than 15 m in R R R NR R R R R 100000 10000 (see Note 14) NR
height with plot (see Note 1)
area more than
1000 m2
3) 15 m and above R R R NR R R R R 150000 20000 (see Note 10) NR
but not exceeding
24 m in height
Appendix-A - (Continued)
Sl. Type of Building Type of Installation Water Supply Pump capacity (liter/min)
No. Occupancy (liter)
Fire First Wet Riser Down Yard Automatic Manually Automatic Under-ground Terrace Pump Near At the
Extin- Aid Comer Hydrant Sprinkler Operated Detection Static Water Tank over Underground Terrace Tank
guisher Hose System Electronic and Alarm Storage Tank Respective Static Water Level with
Reel Fire Alarm System Combined Tower Storage Tank Minimum
System (see Note 2) Capacity for Terrace (Fire Pump) Pressure of
(see Note 1) Wet Riser, with 3.5kgf/cm2
Yard Hydrant Minimum
and Sprinklers Pressure of
per set of 3.5kgf/cm2 at
pumps Remotest
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
i) Up to 300 R R NR NR NR R R NR NR 10000 NR 450
persons (see Note 4) (5000) (450)
(see Note 6) (see Note 6)
ii) More than 300 R R NR R NR R R NR NR 15000 NR 900
persons (see Note 4) (5000) (450)
(see Note 6) (see Note 6)
2) 10 m and above R R R NR R R R R 100 000 5000 (see Note 10) NR
but not exceeding (see Note 4) (5000)
15 m in height (see Note 6)
3) 15 m and above R R R NR R R R R 150000 10 000 (see Note 11) NR
but not exceeding
24 m in height
4) 24 m and above R R R NR R R R R 200000 20 000 (see Note 11) NR
but not exceeding
30 m in height
a) Buildings
(D-1 to D-5)
1) Less than 10 m in
i) Up to 300 R R NR R NR R R NR NR 20 000 NR 450
persons (see Note 4) (5 000) (450)
(see Note 6) (see Note 6)
Appendix-A - (Continued)
Sl. Type of Building Type of Installation Water Supply Pump capacity (liter/min)
No. Occupancy (liter)
Fire First Wet Riser Down Yard Automatic Manually Automatic Under-ground Terrace Pump Near At the
Extin- Aid Comer Hydrant Sprinkler Operated Detection Static Water Tank over Underground Terrace Tank
guisher Hose System Electronic and Alarm Storage Tank Respective Static Water Level with
Reel Fire Alarm System Combined Tower Storage Tank Minimum
System (see Note 2) Capacity for Terrace (Fire Pump) Pressure of
(see Note 1) Wet Riser, with 3.5kgf/cm2
Yard Hydrant Minimum
and Sprinklers Pressure of
per set of 3.5kgf/cm2 at
pumps Remotest
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
ii) More than 300 R R NR R NR R R NR NR 25000 NR 900
persons (see Note 4) (5000) (450)
(see Note 6) (see Note 6)
2) Above 10 m but R R R NR NR R R R 100000 5000 (see Note10) 450
not exceeding (see Note 4) (see Note 1) (5000) (450)
15 m in height (see Note 6) (see Note 6)
3) Above 15 m but R R R NR R R R R 150000 10000 (see Note10) NR
not exceeding
24 m in height
4) Above 24 m but R R R NR R R R R 200000 20000 (see Note11) NR
not exceeding
30 m in height
b) D-6 R R R NR R R R R 200000 20000 (see Note12) NR
c) D-7 For details see 6.4.4
Appendix-A - (Continued)
Sl. Type of Building Type of Installation Water Supply Pump capacity (liter/min)
No. Occupancy (liter)
Fire First Wet Riser Down Yard Automatic Manually Automatic Under-ground Terrace Pump Near At the
Extin- Aid Comer Hydrant Sprinkler Operated Detection Static Water Tank over Underground Terrace Tank
guisher Hose System Electronic and Alarm Storage Tank Respective Static Water Level with
Reel Fire Alarm System Combined Tower Storage Tank Minimum
System (see Note 2) Capacity for Terrace (Fire Pump) Pressure of
(see Note 1) Wet Riser, with 3.5kgf/cm2
Yard Hydrant Minimum
and Sprinklers Pressure of
per set of 3.5kgf/cm2 at
pumps Remotest
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
4) Above 24 m and R R R NR R R R R 150000 20000 (see Note 11) NR
up to 30 m in
5) Above 30 m in R R R NR R R R R 200000 20000 (see Note 12) NR
Appendix-A - (Continued)
Sl. Type of Building Type of Installation Water Supply Pump capacity (liter/min)
No. Occupancy (liter)
Fire First Wet Riser Down Yard Automatic Manually Automatic Under-ground Terrace Pump Near At the
Extin- Aid Comer Hydrant Sprinkler Operated Detection Static Water Tank over Underground Terrace Tank
guisher Hose System Electronic and Alarm Storage Tank Respective Static Water Level with
Reel Fire Alarm System Combined Tower Storage Tank Minimum
System (see Note 2) Capacity for Terrace (Fire Pump) Pressure of
(see Note 1) Wet Riser, with 3.5kgf/cm2
Yard Hydrant Minimum
and Sprinklers Pressure of
per set of 3.5kgf/cm2 at
pumps Remotest
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
b) Moderate Hazard
(see Note 18)
i) Covered area R R NR NR NR R NR NR NR 10000 NR 450
up to 100 m2
ii) Covered R R NR NR NR R NR NR NR 20000 NR 900
area more than
100 m2 and up
to 500 m2
iii) Covered area R R NR R NR R R R NR 50000 NR 900
more than 500 m2
and up to 1000 m2
(for height up to
15 m)
iv) Covered area R R R NR R R R R 100000 10000 (see Note 14) NR
more than 500 m2
and up to 1000 m2
(for height above
15 m)
v) Covered area R R R NR R R R R 150000 20000 (see Note 11) NR
more than 1000 m2
c) High Hazard
(see Note 19)
Appendix-A - (Continued)
Sl. Type of Building Type of Installation Water Supply Pump capacity (liter/min)
No. Occupancy (liter)
Fire First Wet Riser Down Yard Automatic Manually Automatic Under-ground Terrace Pump Near At the
Extin- Aid Comer Hydrant Sprinkler Operated Detection Static Water Tank over Underground Terrace Tank
guisher Hose System Electronic and Alarm Storage Tank Respective Static Water Level with
Reel Fire Alarm System Combined Tower Storage Tank Minimum
System (see Note 2) Capacity for Terrace (Fire Pump) Pressure of
(see Note 1) Wet Riser, with 3.5kgf/cm2
Yard Hydrant Minimum
and Sprinklers Pressure of
per set of 3.5kgf/cm2 at
pumps Remotest
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
i) Covered area R R NR NR NR R NR NR NR 10000 NR 900
up to 50 m2
ii) Covered area R R NR NR NR R R R NR 25000 NR 900
more than 50 m2
and up to 150 m2
iii) Covered area R R R NR NR R R R 50000 10000 (see Note 14) NR
more than 150 m2
and up to 300 m2
iv) Covered area R R R NR R R R R 100000 20000 (see Note 10) NR
more than 300 m2
and up to 500 m2
v) Covered area R R R NR R R R R 150000 20000 (see Note 11) NR
more than 500 m2
Appendix-A - (Continued)
Sl. Type of Building Type of Installation Water Supply Pump capacity (liter/min)
No. Occupancy (liter)
Fire First Wet Riser Down Yard Automatic Manually Automatic Under-ground Terrace Pump Near At the
Extin- Aid Comer Hydrant Sprinkler Operated Detection Static Water Tank over Underground Terrace Tank
guisher Hose System Electronic and Alarm Storage Tank Respective Static Water Level with
Reel Fire Alarm System Combined Tower Storage Tank Minimum
System (see Note 2) Capacity for Terrace (Fire Pump) Pressure of
(see Note 1) Wet Riser, with 3.5kgf/cm2
Yard Hydrant Minimum
and Sprinklers Pressure of
per set of 3.5kgf/cm2 at
pumps Remotest
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
ii) Ground plus R R R NR R R R R 75000 10000 (see Note 10) 450
one floor
iii) More than R R R NR R R R R 100000 10000 (see Note 10) 450
ground plus
one floor
iv) Multi-level Car R R R NR R R R NR 150000 10000 (see Note 11) 900
parking (MLCP)
1) Up to 15 m in
i) Single Storey R R R NR R R R R Minimum 240 NR (see Note 21) NR
Building min firefighting
ii) More than one R R R R R R R R Minimum 240 50000 (see Note 21) 900
floor building but min firefighting
not exceeding 15m requirements
Appendix-A - (Continued)
Sl. Type of Building Type of Installation Water Supply Pump capacity (liter/min)
No. Occupancy (liter)
Fire First Wet Riser Down Yard Automatic Manually Automatic Under-ground Terrace Pump Near At the
Extin- Aid Comer Hydrant Sprinkler Operated Detection Static Water Tank over Underground Terrace Tank
guisher Hose System Electronic and Alarm Storage Tank Respective Static Water Level with
Reel Fire Alarm System Combined Tower Storage Tank Minimum
System (see Note 2) Capacity for Terrace (Fire Pump) Pressure of
(see Note 1) Wet Riser, with 3.5kgf/cm2
Yard Hydrant Minimum
and Sprinklers Pressure of
per set of 3.5kgf/cm2 at
pumps Remotest
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
i) Ground plus R R NR NR NR R NR NR NR 5000 NR 450
one stoey, (see Note 4) (5000) (450)
with total of all (see Note 6) (see Note 6)
floor area not
500 m2
ii) Ground plus R R NR R NR R R NR NR 20000 NR 900
one stoey and (see Note 4) (5000) (450)
total of all (see Note 6) (see Note 6)
floor area
500 m2
iii) More than R R NR R NR R R NR NR 25000 NR 900
ground plus (see Note 4) (5000) (450)
one storey (see Note 6) (see Note 6)
2) Above 15 m but R R R NR R R R R 100000 10000 (see Note 10) NR
not exceeding
24 m in height
3) Above 24 m but R R R NR R R R R 200000 20000 (see Note 11) NR
not exceeding
30 m in height
b) Underground R R R NR R R R R 150000 10000 (see Note 11) NR
shopping complex
R- Required to be provided
NR- Not required to be provided
1) MOEFA System shall also include talk-back system and public address system for the occupancies given in the table for (d) (1) (iii)
under A-5,(a)(1) (iv) and (a) (2) under C-1, and (a) (2) under D-1 to D-5, in all buildings 15 m and above in height, except for A-3 and
A-4 occupancies where these shall be provided for buildings of height 24 m and above. These shall also be provided in car parking
areas more than 300 m2 and in multi-level car parking irrespective of their areas.
2) Automatic detection and alarm system is not required to be provided in car parking area. Such detection system shall however be
required in other areas of car parking such as electrical rooms, cabins and other areas.
3) Buildings above 15 m in height are not to be permitted for occupancies A-1 and A-2.
4) Required to be installed in basement, if area of basement exceeds 200 m2.
5) Required to be provided if basement area exceeds 200m2.
6) Additional value given in parenthesis shall be added if basement area exceeds 200 m2.
7) Required to be provided for buildings with more than two storeys (Ground + one).
8) Required to be provided for buildings with height above 15 m and above.
9) Sprinklers shall be fed water from both underground static water storage tank and terrace tank.
10) Provide required number of sets of pumps each consisting of one electric and one diesel pump (stand by) of capacity 2280 litre/min
and one electric pump of capacity 180 litre/min (see Fig. 1) ( see also notes 22 and 23).
11) Provide required number of sets of pumps each consisting of two electric and one diesel pump (stand by) of capacity 2280 litre/min
and two electric pump of capacity 180 litre/min (see Fig. 2)( see also notes 22 and 23).
12) Provide required number of sets of pumps each consisting of two electric and one diesel pump(stand by) of capacity 2280 litre/min
and two electric pump of capacity 180 litre/min (see Fig. 2) (see also notes 22 and 23).
13) Lower levels in high rise buildings 60 m or above in height are likely to experience high pressure and therefore, it is recommended to
consider multi-stage, multi outlet pumps (creating pressure zones) or variable frequency drive pumps or any other equivalent
14) Provide required number of sets of pumps each consisting of one electric and one diesel pump (stand by) of capacity 1620 litre/min
and one electric pump of capacity 180 litre/min (see fig. 1) (see also Notes 22 and 23).
15) Required to be provided for buildings with more than one storey.
16) Buildings above 30 m in height not to be permitted for Group B, Group C, Group D and Group F occupancies.
17) The requirements given in this table for Group G Industrial Buildings are for small scale industry units. For other industries the
requirements will have to be worked out on the basis of relevant Indian Standards and also in consultation with the local fire
18) Buildings above 18 m in height not to be permitted for G-1 and G-2 occupancies.
19) Buildings above 15 m in height not to be permitted for G-3 occupancies.
20) Buildings above 15 m in height not to be permitted for Group H and Group J occupancies. However, buildings above 45 m in height
shall not be permitted for multi-level car parking (MLCP) Occupancy.
21) Pump capacity shall be based on the covered area of the building.
22) One set of pumps shall be provided for each 100 hydrants or part thereof, with a maximum of two sets. In case of more than one
pump set installation, both pump sets shall be interconnected at their delivery headers.
23) Alternative to provisions of additional set of pumps, the objective can be met by providing additional diesel pump of the same
capacity and doubling the water tank capacity as required for one set of pumps.
24) As per the requirement of local authority dry riser may be used in hilly areas, industrial areas or as required.
25) The buildings indicated in Col.(2) of above table shall include the following buildings:
For the purpose of these Specifications, the following definitions shall apply:
1. Air Release Valve: A device by which the trapped air inside a riser main is
expelled by water as the system is being charged.
2. Air Vessel: A cylindrical vessel installed in the wet-riser system at the bottom
and top levels to counteract the water hammer effects.
3. Authority concerned: An Organization, office, or individual responsible for
enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving or accepting
equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure.
4. Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System: A system comprising components
and sub-systems required for automatically detecting smoke, heat or fire,
initiating an alarm and other actions as appropriate. This system also includes
manually operated electronic fire alarm (MOEFA) system.
Note- MOEFA System (with or without automatic fire detection and alarm
system) includes all or some of the components such as manual call stations
(initiating an alarm for fire and other actions as required), talk-back system and
public address system.
5. Automatic Sprinkler System: A system of water pipes fitted with sprinkler
heads at suitable intervals and heights, and designed to actuate automatically,
control or extinguish a fire by the discharge of water.
6. Building, height of: The vertical distance measured in the case of flat roofs,
from the average level of the ground around and contiguous to the building or
as decided by the Authority to the terrace of the last liveable floor of the
building adjacent to the external wall; and in the case of pitched roofs, up to
the point where the external surface of the outer wall intersects the finished
surface of the sloping roof; and in the case of gables facing the road, the mid-
point between the eaves level and the ridge. Where the building is located in a
sloped terrain, height shall be determined from the lowest level (that is
approachable by the fire service vehicles) to the terrace level. Architectural
features serving no other function except that of decorations, shall be excluded
for the purpose of measuring heights.
7. Down-Comer: An arrangement for firefighting within the building by means of
down-comer pipe connected to terrace tank through terrace pump, gate valve
and non-return valve and having mains not less than 100 mm internal diameter
with landing valves on each floor/landing. It is also fitted with inlet connections
at ground level for charging with water by pumping from fire service appliances
and air release valve at roof level to release trapped air inside.
8. Dry Riser: An arrangement of firefighting within the building by means of
vertical rising mains not less than 100 mm internal diameter with landing valves
on each floor/landing which is normally dry but is capable of being charged
a terrace tank with gate valve on suction side and to the internal hydrant
system with non-return valve on delivery side.
25. Terrace Tank: A concrete/masonry/plastic steel tank constructed or erected on
terrace of building for firefighting purpose.
26. Wet-Riser: An arrangement for firefighting within the building by means of
vertical rising mains of not less than 100 mm internal nominal diameter with
landing valves on each floor/landing for firefighting purposes and permanently
charged with water from a pressurized supply.
27. Wet-Riser-cum-Down Comer: An arrangement for fire lighting within the building
by means of vertical rising mains of not less than 100 mm. internal diameter
with landing valves on each floor/landing connected to terrace tank for
firefighting purpose, through a terrace pump, gate valve and non-return valve
near the tank and to a fire pump, gate and non-return valves, over the static
This appendix cover suggestive guidelines for maintenance and operation of
the Wet Riser System.
(i) To keep the entire system fully operational and functional at all times.
(ii) In case full system cannot be kept functional for unavoidable reason, as
much as possible, the installation shall be retained functional by isolating
the defective section.
For maintaining firefighting system following points are to be taken care of:-
C.2.1 To ensure availability of water in UG tank and terrace tank all the time and to
maintain the tanks in clean condition.
C.2.2 To ensure that the piping system is free from leakage. Any portion found to
be leaking is to be isolated, rectified and connected with healthy system in
shortest possible time.
C.2.3 To ensure that all pumps are in good running condition. Any pump found to be
defective is to be isolated by closing valves and attended immediately and
put in to service in minimum time.
All pump glands shall be maintained in efficient working condition and the
packing renewed as required to maintain the efficiency.
All working parts shall be kept clean and lightly oiled. Any necessary repairs
shall be put in hand and carried out immediately.
C.2.4 To ensure availability of power for electrical pumps, working of starters,
switch gear and other electrical components.
C.2.5 To ensure healthiness of diesel engine starting system, battery voltage, battery
charger and availability of adequate diesel for engine operation.
C.2.6 To check all landing valves of internal and external hydrants, isolating valves
and replace the defective ones whenever necessary
C.2.7 To check automatic operation of entire system by opening landing valves at
different locations.
C.2.8 To conduct fire drill at regular interval.
C.4.1 Though the firefighting system operation is automatic, however for daily
checking and attending to the system in case of operation, a trained pump
operator shall be available round the clock.
C.4.2 Operation and Maintenance instructions shall be available in the pump
room and fire control room.
C.4.3 Water for firefighting purpose is not to be used for any other purpose.
However in order to avoid stagnation, the same shall be changed /
cleaned regularly.
C.4.4 Maintaining Diesel Engine is very important for the system operation since
during fire, power supply is deliberately or un-deliberately switched off.
Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of engine shall be given to the
authorized service center of engine manufacturer. Adequate diesel should
either be available in the pump house or nearby so that operation is not
discontinued for want of diesel.
C.4.5 Hydrant Mains / Ring Mains shall be tested once a fortnight with a pump
delivering at its maximum pressure. A running test with two or more hose
lines each 30m long operating shall be carried out.
C.4.6 If any out let is found to be defective and replacement is not easily available
the whole assembly should be removed and be replaced by blank off plate
so that the system remains operational.
C.4.7 Hose reels shall be subjected to regular inspection to ensure that all valve
are functional, out let nozzle not choked. At least once in a year the same
shall be subjected to operation to ensure that hose reel is in good condition
and that the coupling joints are water tight. Flow should also be checked
for the leakage of hose reel.
C.4.8 All hydrants shall be examined systematically once a week to ensure that
valves and spring catches are maintained in good condition.
Spare washers shall be kept for hydrant valve seats.
C.4.9 Cut-off valves shall be thoroughly overhauled annually to remove sludge
and other foreign matter collected in the valve seating.
C.4.10 All isolating valves shall be checked for operation. The valves in closed
position be opened and closed couple of times and the valves in open
position be closed and opened couple of times so that when required, the
valves perform their function.
C.4.11 All hose boxes/hose stations shall be inspected externally once every
week to ensure that the equipment installed therein is intact. Further, the
hose boxes/hose stations shall be cleaned internally and externally once a
When the hose gets worn out at the tail end of the coupling(s), it is
permissible to cut the end(s) of the hose. However should the lengths of
the hose after cutting(s) fall below 90 percent of its original, the hose
shall be discarded.
A hose register shall be kept showing Information such as date
purchased, date brought into use, date cut (if reduced in length), is useful.
Any hose becoming inefficient through use, neglect or from any other
cause, shall be discarded.
Fire protection hose shall 'not be used for purposes other than fire
protection and drill.
Hose pipes and their couplings shall be checked to ensure there is no
leakage during their use. The female coupling cam tooth mechanism be
operated and lubricated for ensuring ease of operation.
C.4.12 Power supply to the pump house is not to be discontinued for any reason.
Alternative arrangement shall be made in case any feeding switch gear is
under repair / replacement.
C.4.13 It has to be ensured that there are no obstructions in front of the hydrants
impending accessibility
D.1 Maintenance of other firefighting installation has been described in Appendix-
‘C’ which hold good for sprinkler installations also. In addition following points
shall be taken care.
D.1.1 Sprinkler shall not be re-conditioned or repaired. Used and/or defective sprinklers
shall be replaced by new ones.
D.1.2 Sprinklers shall not be painted after installation.
D.1.3 Spare Sprinklers - A stock of spare sprinklers shall be kept in Fire Control Room
so that prompt replacement is possible after operation/damage of a sprinkler
head. A minimum of 5% of the installed capacity or 25 sprinklers of all types
whichever is more shall be kept in stock.
Spanners for sprinklers and Teflon tape shall also be kept along with spare
sprinklers in readiness.
D.1.4 As far as possible, the installation shall be maintained in operating condition by
blanking off pipe work feeding the inoperative part or parts where work is
taking place.
D.1.5 The inoperative part, if defective shall be attended to and connected with the
operative system.
D.1.6 Action following sprinkler operation
D.1.6.1 Following the operation of sprinklers, the operated head shall be replaced with
new ones and water supply shall be restored.
D.1.6.2 The sprinklers in the vicinity of the operated sprinklers shall also be checked for
damage by heat or any other cause and replaced if necessary.
D.1.6.3 The sprinkler pump shall not be shut off until complete extinguishment of the
fire. The starting of the pump shall be automatic but the stopping of the pump
after an extinguishment shall be manual.
D.1.7 All piping shall be examined to determine its conditions at least once a year.
D.1.8 All Installation Control Valves and associated equipment shall be serviced and
tested annually.
D.1.9 Discharge test of sprinklers shall be carried out at least once in six months.
D.1.10 Manual testing of the system shall be carried out once in six months.
D.1.11 When normally opened valves are closed following system operation or test,
suitable procedure shall be instituted to ensure that they are re-opened.
D.1.12 The entire system shall flushed at least once in a year.
D.1.13 The sprinkler bulbs shall be kept free from paint or dust.
D.2.3 Other firefighting installations are operated manually i.e. to operate a first aid
hose reel or internal/external hydrant a person is required. As such during fire,
when the system is in operation, somebody in the building is aware of it. In case
of sprinkler operation, no one will come to know. For looking after sprinkler
installation following personnel shall be available at all hours.
(a) A trained pump operator shall be available in the pump room.
(b) Depending upon the size of installations at least two or more trained personnel
shall be available in fire control room.
S. No IS No. Title
1) lS-8757 Glossary of terms associated with Fire safety
2) IS-884 Specification for first-aid hose reel for firefighting
3) IS-901 Specification for couplings, double male and double female
instantaneous pattern for firefighting,
4) IS-902 Specification (for suction hose couplings for firefighting
Purposes (third revision)
5) IS-903 Specification for fire hose delivery couplings, branch pipe,
nozzles and nozzle spanner. (fourth revision)
6) IS-904 Specification for two and three- way suction collecting
heads for firefighting purposes.
7) IS-907 Specification for suction strainers, cylindrical type for
firefighting purpose. (second revision)
8) IS-908 Specification for fire hydrant, stand post type. (second
9) IS-909 Specification for underground fire hydrant. Sluice valve
10) IS-636 Specification for Non percolating flexible firefighting
delivery hose.
11) IS-7637 Glossary of terms for firefighting equipment.
12) IS-937 Specification for washers for water fittings for firefighting
13) IS-1641 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general):
Principles for fire grading and classification.
14) IS-1642 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (General) :
Details of construction. (second revision)
15) IS-1643 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general) '
Exposure hazard. (first revision)
16) IS-1644 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general):Exit
requirements and personal hazard. (second revision)
17) IS-1646 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings(general):
Electrical installations. (third revision)
18) IS-2871 Specification for branch pipe, universal for firefighting
19) IS-2930 Functional requirements for hose Iaying tender for fire
brigade use.
20) IS-5290 Specification for landing valves.
21) IS-8090 Specification for couplings, branch pipe, nozzle, used in
hose reel tubing for firefighting.
22) IS-8442 Specification for stand post type water and foam monitor
for firefighting (first revision)
23) IS-9972 Specification for automatic sprinkler heads. (first revision)
24) IS-11101 Specification for extended branch pipe for fire brigade use
25) IS -12349 Fire protection Safety sign.
IS : 6392 - 1971
(Clauses 4.1 and 5.1)
Nominal Pressure 1.6N/mm2
All dimensions in millimeters
Kø ”
(a) Two end side with central feed (b) Three end side with end feed
(c) Two end centre with end feed (d) Three end centre with central feed
1) Clause
Areas in substation shall not be used as storage/dump areas or for other utility
purposes other than those required for the functioning of the substation. The
substation area should be adequately ventilated. An independent, ventilated or
air conditioned MV panel room shall be provided on the ground level or first
basement. This room shall be provided with access from outside (or through exit
passageway accessible from outside). The MV panel room shall be provided with
fire resistant walls and doors of fire resistance of not less than 120 min. If the
licensees agree to provide meters on upper floors, the licensees’ cables shall be
segregated from consumers’ cables by providing a partition in the shaft. Meter
rooms on upper floors shall not open into staircase enclosures and should be
ventilated directly to open air outside or in electrical room of 120 min fire
resistant walls. Electrical MV main distribution panel and lift panels shall be
provided with CO2/inert gas flooding system for all panel compartments with a
cylinder located beside the panel.
the volume of the oil tank. The enclosure shall be filled with sand for a height of
300 mm. For detailed information regarding fire safety requirements for
hazardous petroleum products, reference may be made to The Petroleum Act,
1934 and the Rules framed thereunder.
2) Clause 4.10.1: A qualified fire officer with experience of not less than 3 years
shall be appointed who will be available on the premises, for large educational
complexes, business building with height 30 m and above, residential building
with height 60 m and above, institutional building of 15 m and above, starred
hotels and Group D-6 occupancy.
3) Clause 6.5.2 Fire Protection for Business Buildings (Group-E)
a) For Subdivision E-2 of Business Buildings (Group-E) (laboratories, outpatient
clinics, libraries, test houses & research establishments), the requirement shall
be provision of automatic fire detection alarm system, while for fire protection,
CO2 and/or foam-based installation to be planned based on the requirements.
b) For Subdivision E-3, E-4 and E-5 of Business Buildings (Group-E), the
requirement shall be provision of automatic fire detection alarm system, while
for fire protection, any or combination of clean agents, mist technologies,
hypoxic air technology, etc., may be planned for appropriate/special
situations/locations. Electrical panels may be provided with CO2/inert gas
flooding system based on the requirement and reliability of power for the
functional requirement and performance.
EXTRACTS FROM IS 13039 : 2014
Para 5.2.1:- The sub-station(s) and/or D.G. house(s)- supplying power to the fire
pump(s) shall be of incombustible construction and shall be located at least 6
m away from all surrounding buildings.
Para 5.2.2 :- Electric supply feeder(s) to sub-station(s) supplying power to fire pump
shall, consist of armoured cables buried underground which shall not
pass under any building or permanent structure.
If the feeders are laid inside an underground cable duct/ gallery, they
shall be placed in a corner of the duct/gallery and shall be isolated from
other cables in the duct/gallery by means of fire bricks/sand
packing/other suitable passive protection of at least 30 min fire rating
(However, the same has been increased to 120 min in NBC 2016 ).
Under extenuating circumstances, where it is not feasible to lay the
feeders underground, overhead feeders may be laid provided they do
not fall within a horizontal distance of,
a) 15 m of any process buildings/plant or tanks containing flammable
liquids; or
b) 6 m of any other building or tanks containing non-flammable liquids
or of storage in open.
Para 5.2.4 :- A direct feeder without any tapping shall be laid from the sub-station to
the pump house. The feeder shall consist of an armoured cable buried
underground and shall not pass under any building or permanents
The cable run inside the substation from the breaker up to its point of
burial or entry into cable duct/gallery shall be provided with suitable
passive protection of at least 30 min fire rating. If the feeder is laid inside
an Underground cable duct/gallery, it shall be placed in a corner of the
duct/gallery and shall be isolated from other cable in the duct/gallery by
means of fire bricks/sand package/other suitable passive protection of at
least 30 min fire rating.
Para 5.2.6:- The electric supply to the pumping set(s) shall be entirely independent of
all other equipment in the premises that is even when the power
throughout the entire premises is switched off, the supply to the pump
shall continue to be available un-interrupted. This can be achieved by
taking the connection for the pump(s) from the incoming side of the main
L. T. breaker. However, in cases where two or more transformers and/or
sources of supply are connected to a common bus bar the connection
may be taken through the bus bars.
Para 4.19.5:- Fire Escape/Fire Access Staircases: All staircases (protected Escape
Routes) shall be pressurized as per of NBC of India 2016. Adequate
Smoke Venting facilities shall be provided for safe use.