Computational Perspective On Pd-Catalyzed C C Cross-Coupling Reaction Mechanisms
Computational Perspective On Pd-Catalyzed C C Cross-Coupling Reaction Mechanisms
Computational Perspective On Pd-Catalyzed C C Cross-Coupling Reaction Mechanisms
FIGURE 8. Transition state for the metalation step in the Pd-catalyzed direct arylation assisted by HCO3.
close energy barriers. The choice of a particular pathway will catalysis. Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at UAB since 1994 and
then depend on the particular reaction conditions (e.g., Group Leader of the “Molecular Modeling of Catalytic Systems” group,
ligands, substrates, solvent). Most major mechanistic problems his research focuses on the computational modeling of the organo-
metallic reactivity and homogeneous catalysis processes, with em-
in CC cross-coupling seem to be already solved, but there is
phasis on reaction mechanisms. Recipient of the “Real Sociedad
still a role for computational chemistry. Challenges remain in Espan~ola de Química” RSEQ-Bruker Award for Physical Chemistry in
the study of particular systems to further expand the scope of 2008, he has been the coordinator of the Chemistry area of the
these fascinating reactions, and there is always the intriguing Spanish Agency of Research Evaluation (ANEP) from 2008 to 2011.
possibility of discovering new reagents for transmetalation. He is the vice-president of the Spanish Chemical Society (RSEQ).
Computational Chemistry is now sufficiently mature to assist Gregori Ujaque was born in Torres de Segre (Lleida, Catalonia,
experimental chemistry in these future developments. Spain) in 1971. He obtained his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the
noma de Barcelona (UAB) in 1999. He then spent
Universitat Auto
two years at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), with
We thank the Spanish MINECO (Grants CTQ2011-23336,
Prof. K.N. Houk working on rational design of catalytic antibodies
CTQ2011-27033, Consolider Ingenio 2010 CSD2006-0003, and
and organic reactivity using computational chemistry. He returned
Consolider Ingenio 2010 CSD2007-0006), Generalitat de Catalu- to UAB contracted by the “Ramon y Cajal” program, obtaining a
nya (Grants 2009SGR-0068, 2009SGR-2059, and Xarxa de permanent position in 2007. His main interests are the application
Referencia en Química Teo rica i Computacional), and the ICIQ of computational methods to the understanding of homogeneous
Foundation for financial support. We sincerely thank all our students catalysis, using QM and QM/MM methods and more recently
applying AIMD and QM/MM-MD methods. Among other catalytic
and other members in our groups that have worked with us in
processes, he enjoys working on cross-coupling, hydrogenation,
this field throughout the years, notably Maria Besora, Christophe
hydroamination, and gold-catalyzed reactions.
Gourlaouen, Carina Ba €cktorp, Ainara Nova, W. M. C. Sameera, Jesus
Feliu Maseras was born in Martorelles (Catalonia) in 1962. He
Jover, David Balcells, Torstein Fjermestad, Charles Goehry, Salvador obtained a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Universitat Auto noma de
Moncho, and Manuel A. Ortun ~o. We also thank all of our experi- Barcelona (UAB) in 1991. He has worked at the UAB, Institute for
mental collaborators, notably the groups of Pablo Espinet, Antonio Molecular Science (Okazaki, Japan), Universite de Montpellier 2
Echavarren, Gregorio Asensio, Carmen Na jera, and Pierre Dixneuf. (France) and Emory University (Atlanta, GA, US). He obtained his
current position as Group Leader in the Institute of Chemical
Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) in 2004. His research focuses in the
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION design and application of the methods of quantum mechanics
Max García-Melchor was born in Barcelona (Spain) in 1982. He (QM) and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) to
completed his B.Sc. in Chemistry (2006) and his Master in Compu- chemical problems of practical interest, with particular emphasis in
tational Chemistry (2008) at the Universitat Autonoma de Barce- topics of homogeneous catalysis. Receptor of the Chemical Society
lona (UAB). In 2012, he received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Reviews Award in 2008, and of the “Real Sociedad Espan ~ola de
UAB under the supervision of Profs A. Lledos and G. Ujaque and Química” RSEQ-Bruker Award for Physical Chemistry in 2011.
joined the group of Prof. N. Lo pez at the Institute of Chemical
Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) as a postdoctoral fellow. His main FOOTNOTES
research interests involve the use of computational methods to *Corresponding authors. E-mail addresses: [email protected]; [email protected].
understand and develop homogeneous and heterogeneous cata- The authors declare no competing financial interest.
lytic processes, such as those involving CC cross-coupling reac-
tions or the production of chemicals from biomass. REFERENCES
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