Wisdom Heavens
Wisdom Heavens
Wisdom Heavens
Master E.K.
First Print : 1987 1,000 Copies
Second Print : 2009 500 Copies
Total 1,500 Copies
For Copies :
G.F.-1, 45-40-36/3,
'Pavan Enclave', Akkayyapalem,
Ph : 0891 -2565291.
ISBN : 978-81-906949-7-1
Printed at :
Aquarian Printing School
Visakhapatnam -530016.
0891 -2747320.
18th Aug. 1982 • Founder Chairman
Visakhapatnam. Kulapathi Book Trust
My Message
— Master E. K.
ram. Like this the Itihasas and the Puranas describe the
nature of various types of the year with its sub-divisions
formed by the movement of the sun and the moon. These
stories enable us to understand the scientific symbols of
the Vedic texts.
From the illustrations cited above, we can understand
that the Vedanga Jyotisha is a part of the content of the
Vedic texts than a subject by itself. The text of Lagadha
is ably a primer which introduces the student into the
astronomical data which the subject requires. Many
scholars think that the primer of Lagadha which contains
43 verses is itself the Vedanga Jyotisha. A student of
first hand knowledge cannot accept this. This text of
Lagadha gives a proper footing in the fundamentals of
the three branches which the subject contains in its
advanced study. The Chandogya Upanishad names these
three branches as follows:
1) Rasi Vidya or the Wisdom of the beings of the
2) Jyotirvidya, the Wisdom of Light and the
Planetary Lights,
3) Nakshatra Vidya, the Wisdom of the Arcs of
the ecliptic.
The book Vedanga Jyotisha seems to be the one
composed to imbed the theories of Lagadha than of the
authorship of Lagadha as is commonly supposed. The
The Vedic Astrology 21
to rise in the East, and we, the beings on this earth, have
the sunrise. It is discovered that the belt of the zodiac can
be divided into as many equal parts as there are the creative
varieties on this earth. Only the main types of equal divisions
are taken into account in the vedic astrology:
1.The zodiacal ring is divided into two equal parts,
one starting from the longest day and the other starting
from the longest night. This division is called the bird
with the wings.
2. Another division is by the two equinoxes, the
vernal equinox and the autumn equinox. This is also a
division of zodiac into two parts which is called another
bird. Two eggs have been produced by the mother nature
to give out two birds. One egg produced one bird only
with his anterior parts of the body developed. Another
egg has produced the perfect bird, Suparna. Thesefour
points are called the equinoxes and the solstices. They
occur respectively on March 21st, June 22nd, September
21st and December 22nd of every year. They divide
the zodiac into four equal parts called the four heads of
the Creator by the Puranic symbolism. They are also
called the four beasts of the heaven in the ancient
symbolism of the Old Testament.
3. Again the zodiacal ring is divided into twelve
equal parts according to the twelve months of the year.
This division also starts from the vernal equinox. This is
26 Wisdom of The Heavens
with the first house works as a positive pole and the solar
plexus which corresponds with the seventh house works
as the negative pole to serve the purpose of the distribution
of the matter of the tissues. The head centre is the first to
form at the time of fertilisation and serves as the transmitting
centre as a potential at first. It is thrown down in the
course of the formation of the spinal tube along which
the creator consciousness of the individual makes its
sojourn to investigate the downward path.
The third book of Bhagavatham describes this as
the journey of Brahma, the creator into the barrel of the
lotus stalk upon which he is seated. Brahma questions to
himself: "Where am land where from this Lotus sprouts?"
Then he makes a journey down the barrel to know the
depth of the ocean upon which he is floating. Then he
questions to himself as to how to create this unit creation.
From the yonder skies of the cosmic existence he receives
the feeling that he is not a separate entity from the rest. He
is a part of the whole and he is a world within a world and
a creator within the creator. This makes him understand
that he is not the creator but he is a creator. He is made to
create and not expected to create by himself. This gives
him the plan for his creation which is but a replica of the
plan that already existed around and within himself.
In the womb of the mother the creator consciousness
finds itself induced by its pair of creators ( father and
mother) to create its own frame in the same old fashion
The Validity of the Zodiac 39
round the sun. The apparent path of the sun around the
earth produces the various spirals which give the earth
the induction of electricity. So the earth and the sun's
rays combine to work to form the electro-motor unit.
The rays of the sun emit the various phenomena of which
the heat and the light and the spectroscopy are but a few
items. Each has its own influence upon the earth while
reacting with the magnetic lines of the earth.
Thus we can imagine that the space around the
earth is charged in more than one way. This charge works
beyond our imagination in producing the various effects.
The heat, light and the magnetic currents are but the various
states of electricity which are not yet fully known to the
modern concept of electricity. It will be proved in the
future that what we call life, mind, mood, concept, emotion
etc., are all the manifestations of the same electricity that
exists in the space around the earth. What we call matter
with all its differentiations is but a range of equilibriums
among the states of the same electricity. The nuclear activity
of the atoms, the biological activity of the cells and the
chemical reactions of the molecules are all the same activity
of the states of electricity.
As the earth receives the various shapes of the
clusters of stars from a distance, it is influenced and
conditioned by these shapes. Each shape contributes to
the formation of the various nucleus of the atoms and cells.
It also influences the formation of the minerals with all their
44 Wisdom of The Heavens
idea that the solar year exists, was perceived by the ancient
seers through the Taw of Correspondences'. Man could
understand the existence of the year by observing the
solar day from sunrise to sunrise. Just as the various parts
of the solar day wield their influence upon the various
phases of consciousness for the beings on this earth, the
solar year produces the various seasons which reflect
upon the fauna and flora on this earth. With this idea in
mind, the ancients could discover the various divisions
of the heavens into equal parts. The six seasons, the 12
months with their new moons and full moons and the
relationship between the 'cycle of waters' and the solar
year are all observed in the same way. The beginning of
the solar year is marked at various points like the equinoxes
and the solstices. The vedas describe the two equinoxes
and the two solstices as the four different beginnings of
the solar year. In popular astrology the vernal equinox is
taken as the beginning of the solar year. From this point
onwards the whole cycle of the year is divided into twelve
equal parts, which are called the twelve signs of the zodiac.
They correspond with the twelve groups of galaxies which
we call the constellations.
Again the whole cycle is divided into 27 equal parts
beginning with the vernal equinox. These are called the
lunar mansions and they bear correspondence with the
monthly rotation of the moon around the earth. The moon
travels at an average speed of one lunar mansion a day,
54 Wisdom of The Heavens
all through his life. Every month the moon touches that
point when the person feels the dullness more prominent.
If Saturn is located in the ninth division which falls towards
the end of the sign Cancer it creates a Saturn centre in
the chest of the person. This causes phlegm troubles and
respiratory troubles that are congenital. Whenever moon
touches this point every month, the person feels the trouble
more prominent.
According to the effects produced by the planets
these planets are divided into two groups: benefic and
malefic. Sun, Mars and Saturn are classed as the malefic
planets while Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are classed as
bencfics. In fact the planets are neither benefic nor malefic
but they stimulate that which is in store for the individual.
The tendencies are carried from the previous births
according to the previous needs of the individual while
the planets work as pointers of these tendencies. During
the various revolutions these planets stimulate that which
is in store whenever they touch these sensitive points in
the horoscope. In our next lecture we will deal with
systematic classification of these effects of the planets
upon the human constitution.
A proper understanding of the three principles
governing the whole creation can be found in the ancient
Indian astrological symbolism. The principles are matter,
mind and consciousness. The three planets that are the
manifestations of these three principles are the earth, the
56 Wisdom of The Heavens
moon and the sun in order. The earth represents the matter
state of spirit, the moon represents the mind state and
the sun represents the consciousness state of the same
spirit, which pervades the space globe. The rotation of
the earth around itself represents the birth of the individual
consciousness. It's rotation around the sun that shows
us how matter is impregnated by consciousness to produce
the cycles of time which we call the earth years. The
rotation of the moon around the earth signifies the reflected
light of consciousness which we call mind. The various
angles produces by these rotations signify the various
phases of mind that governs the beings on this earth.
New moon and full moon are the two nodal points
which represent the ebb and the tide of the whole creation
on this earth. We find the influence of these two phases
upon the mind of the various persons on this earth. Indian
astrology has found out correspondences of two different
aspects of creation with the new moon and the full moon.
1.The phases of the mind.
2. The periodicities of the cycles of reproduction
in the body of a woman.
The lunar months that are measured by the new-
moons and full moons cause the cycles of menstruation
and ovulation of the woman. The perfect conjunction of
the apparent sun and moon in the sky marks the new
moon. The duration of time between two new moons is
called the lunar month. This is divided into thirty divisions
The Influence of Planets 57
one Treta Yuga. Four times the unit forms one Krita
Yuga. (Dwapara means greater by two, Treta means
multiplied by three, Krita means multiplied by four). The
four Yugas altogether include 4+ 3 +2 + 1 = 10 units.
These four put together is called one Maha Yuga.
Like this the ancient Indians knew the cycles in
all possible magnifications. They could understand time
as a flower pattern imbedding the petals of various
scales of magnification. The ancient seers of India had
the vision of the Law of Correspondences which they
applied to all these units of time. The result is that
they could find the place of the beings of the earth within
each of these units of time. The result is infallible wisdom
of prophecy which they could apply to the life of an
individual, his routine, his daily time-table, the cycle of
rebirths, the purpose of evolution and finally the influence
of centuries upon the human beings, Yugas upon nature
and Maha-Yugas, upon the Deva kingdom set upto the
end of a Kalpa and Manvantara.
planet. Same is the case with our earth which is part of the
solar system. The apparent motion of the sun, moon and the
planets around the earth along the path of the earth's zodiac
causes many changes in the behaviour of every atom of the
earth. The same logic holds good to understand that the
planets influence the beings of the earth. Every planet has
a physical body which the astronomer calls the planet. In
fact the planet is different from the planetary body though
it resides in the same body and exercises its influence from
it. Just as we are different from our bodies though we exist
in the same body, the planets are different from the planetary
bodies. We cannot identify ourselves without our physical
bodies. So too the planets.
We work as personalities existing in the bodies. Each
planet exists in the planetary body and works as an individual.
For this reason we find the description of the planetary
beings as personalities in the astrological text books of the
ancients. Thesepersonalities influence the various planes of
the existence of the earth and the individual from the earth.
According to the ancient textbooks of astrology we
find that each planet represents a plane of consciousness in
our personality. The sun is said to represent the centre of
consciousness in us which we call IAM.The moon governs
our mind, Mars governs valour while Mercury governs the
intelligence. Jupiter governs wisdom and the sense of
happiness. Venus represents the concept of beauty while
Saturn represents experience. The planets at the time of
80 Wisdom of The Heavens
Astrological Traditions
tilling and the cow was used for milk, the pair was
symbolised as the Sun and the earth respectively.
Agriculture involves the training for the co-existence of
man with the fauna and the flora of the earth under the
guidance of the awareness of brotherhood of life.
According to Janaka, the tiller-king, man, cannot lead a
perfect life of realisation until he submits himself to the
ritual of agriculture. Since the concept of this ritual
abounded the life of the lawful citizen of the earth, there
was much development in the astrological science applied
to agriculture in those days. For this purpose the zodiac
of the seasons was studied in detail. Even today the
orthodox Indian knows about the cycle of six seasons,
their application and significance.
The zodiac of 27 equal divisions which still exists
in India in the name of Nakshatras, was also used as a
supplementary fragment of knowledge about the ritual
of agriculture. As the sun passes through each of the 27
equal divisions, it takes about 13 days and odd. Each
such division is called a Karthi. The term `Karthi' means
'scissoring' which means dividing the zodiac into 27 equal
parts starting with Krithika' the first big scissoring which
starts with Mesha (Aries-Zero). Of course, there is a
confusion about this in the subsequent centuries, when
the latter astrologers (who were mere calculators without
the concept of bodies in the heavens) called the first
division `Aswini' instead of `Krithika'. The confusion was
86 Wisdom of The Heavens
Influence of Karthis
9. AYURVEDA (An Introduction)
18. SCIENCE OF SYMBOLISM (An Introduction)
(1926 - 1984)
ISBN : 978-81-906949-7-1