Anaphy Nervous ChVII
Anaphy Nervous ChVII
Anaphy Nervous ChVII
Chapter Vll
1. Identify the components of the central nervous system,
2. Test for human reflexes.
3. Relate the distribution of spinal nerves to the regions they innervate.
4. Identity the basic function of the nervous system
Activity I
A. Identify the parts of a
Answer box
1. Cell Body
2. Nucleus
3. Myelin Sheath
4. Neurilemma
5. Nodes of Ranvier
6. Schwann Cell
7. Axon Terminal
8. Axon
9. Dendrite
1. Cerebrum 5. Pons
2. Corpus callosum 6. Midbrain
3. Cerebellum 7. Hypothalamus
4. Medulla oblongata 8. Thalamus
Answer Box
D. Identify the meninges of the brain. Write your answers on the box provided.
Answer box
2. Skull
3. Periost
4. Subdural space
5. Arachnoid mater
6. Subarachnoid
7.Vessels in
subarachnoid space
8. Pia mater
9. Cerebrum
E. Match the parts of the brain in column A with their functions in column B.
Answer box
G. Trace the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. Choose your answer from the key choices
provided and write the corresponding letters of your choices in the box provided.
Key choices:
A. Hydrocephalus B. Cerebral Aqueduct C. Choroid Plexus
D. Ventricles E. Central Canal F.Subarachnoid
G. Fourth Ventricle
Cerebrospinal fluid is formed by capillary knots called (1), which hang into the (2) of the
brain. Ordinarily, cerebrospinal fluid flows from the lateral ventricles to the third ventricle
and then through the (3) to the fourth ventricle. Some of the fluid continues down the (4)
Of the Spinal cord, but most of it circulates into the (5) by passing through three tiny
openings in the walls of the (6). As a rule, cerebrospinal fluid is formed and drained back
into the venous blood at the same rate. If its drainage is blocked, a condition called (7)
occurs, which results in increased pressure on the brain.
1. C 5. F
2. D 6. G
3. B 7. A
4. E
Answer box
H. Name the major spinal nerves that serve the following body areas. Insert your
responses in the answer blanks.
Answer box
l. Identify the
receptors of the
experience. Write
answers on the box
provided. 6.
A. Free nerve
endings B. Meissner's
corpuscleC Pacinian
Walking 6. Vaginal
on hot arousal
pavement 7. Brushing
2. Of the
[Gr eyelashes
Feeling pinch
3. Leaning on a shovel 8. Foot massage
4. Pricked by a needle 9. Self-breast examination
5. Feeling a caress 10. Burned by a hot coffee
Answer Box
1. A 2. C
3. C 4. A
5. B 6. C
7. B 8. C
9. C 10. A
J. Identify the parts of the spinal cord together with its meninges. Write your answers in the
box provided.
Answer Box