Warframe Miniatures Game V2.0
Warframe Miniatures Game V2.0
Warframe Miniatures Game V2.0
This Warframe miniatures game is
a fan made project created by
Soden Games as a tribute to fan-
tastic universe created by Digital
Enjoy Tenno
-Soden Games
Getting Started…………………………..
Turn Structure……………………………
Creating an army………………………..
Deployment Types……………………..
Mission Goals…………………………….
Your First Game………………………….
Weapon List……………………………….
Special Rules………………………………
A player's army consists of a variety of mod-
Core Mechanics els and units. A model is the single character
attached to a standard sized base. For most
characters this will be a 32mm base.
Distances are all measured in inches unless
otherwise stated. When measuring a dis- A unit is the collection of models as dis-
tance you measure the shortest distance played by a profile card. A unit can consist
between 2 models in all 3 dimensions. Typi- of a number of models, like Grineer lancers
cally, this will be the distance from one base or usually consist of units between 4 and 6.
to the next. When moving models, no part We will sometimes refer to units that consist
of a models base may move further than the of multiple models as squads. Units may
move distance away from the original start- also only consist of 1 model. A single Tenno
ing point of the model.
for example is a unit by themself.
Unit Leaders – Every unit must have one
Dice model that is the unit leader. This model
should look especially cool compared to his
The Warframe Miniature game uses D6s. allies and it should be clear at all times who
These are regular 6-sided dice with numbers the unit leader is. If the unit consists of only
from 1 to 6 on them. In all rolls throughout a single model, then they are automatically
the game, regardless of modifiers a roll of a the unit leader. Models in a unit must al-
1 is the worst and will never pass. Whereas ways be within a 3” bubble of their unit
a roll of a 6 is the best and will always pass. leader. If the unit activates and this is not
If a roll of a 4+ is required, this means that the case, they must perform a movement
the player must roll a 4,5 or 6 for the dice action that allows the unit to come back to-
roll to be a success. gether.
A D3 is a 3-sided dice used for some rules.
The usual convention is to use a six sided
dice and half the score (rounding up). ie 1
and 2 becomes 1. 3 and 4 becomes a 2 and
5 and 6 becomes a 3. If you have a 3 faced
convex uniform polyhedral, tell a maths
nerd, and use it for the roll. Other 3-sided
dice could work too.
Throughout the game we will refer to dice
rolls as either successes or failures. When These Grineer Lancers are all within the 3” red bubble from
making a roll of the number on the dice is the commander.
equal to or greater than or equal to the tar-
get number, we consider this a success. If it
is less than we consider this a failure.
Profile Cards
Each unit has it’s own profile card where you may find its rules. A units profile card displays
how good they are at different things, what weapons they are equipped with, what special abili-
ties the unit has, how many models are in the unit, how much standing each model costs and
finally what faction the unit belongs to.
As well as each unit having its own profile sheet every weapon also has its own stat line. You
can see these above in the case of exalted blade or below with Lato and Skana. Excalibur’s de-
fault weapons.
Line of Sight Turn Structure
Line of sight is a core mechanic for many A full game is split into 5 turns. During each
miniature games. To have line of sight to a turn there are 3 phases. The initiative phase,
model you must be able to draw an uninter-
the Action Phase and the Clean-up Phase. In
rupted, straight line from one model to an-
the initiative phase players will determine
other. If unsure, stoop down to the models
point a view and look for yourself to see if the initiative for the turn. Whoever has the
you can see the other model. For the pur- initiative will go first in the three phases of
poses of line of sight, ignore arms banners, the game. The must be roll for in each turn
weapons and wings on both models. and the initiative may swap between players
throughout the game.
The Line of Sight line from Excalibur to the Grineer The Line of Sight line from Excalibur to the Grineer
Lancers has to pass over that short wall, hence the unit Lancers has to pass over that short wall, hence the unit
is in Light Cover. Most of the models are still visible to is in Light Cover. Furthermore, less than 50% of Excali-
Excalibur, so they do not get Heavy Cover. burs models is visible to the majority of the attacking
unit. Therefore he is in Heavy Cover.
Initiative Phase Climb – Units may use a climb action to
move up ladders or other terrain that they
The first thing players must do at the start of can stand on top of.
a new turn is to determine who has the initi-
ative for the turn. To determine who has the To perform a climb move, remove the unit
initiative players must roll a D6. Whoever leader from the board and replace them the
gets higher has the initiative. In the event of battlefield up to half of the units move char-
a draw the player who did not have the initi- acteristic in inches away from the original
ative last turn wins the roll off. (During the
position. Now remove the other models in
first turn players re-roll their dice in the
the unit and place them anywhere within a
event of a draw).
3” bubble around the unit leader.
Players can now resolve any effects that
A unit that climbs may elect to use their full
they are allowed to in the initiative phase.
Whoever has the imitative must resolve all movement rather than half. However, if they
their effects before their opponent. do so they sacrifice their attack action.
Movement Action
Basic Movement - Units may use a basic
move to traverse flat ground, slopes or
stairs that would be easy for the average
person to move over.
To perform a basic move, remove the unit
leader from the board and replace them the
battlefield up to the units move characteris-
tic in inches away from the original position. The Grineer Lancer leader climbs up to 5” away from
Now remove the other models in the unit their starting location. After moving the leader the rest
and place them anywhere within a 3” bubble of the unit is moved to with 3” of the unit leader as
around the unit leader. normal. This unit performed a full climb so it may not
perform an Attack Action this Action Phase.
Falling C