Unit 3.3 Cognitive Processes: Constructivism: Knowledge Construction/ Learning
Unit 3.3 Cognitive Processes: Constructivism: Knowledge Construction/ Learning
Unit 3.3 Cognitive Processes: Constructivism: Knowledge Construction/ Learning
This M odule discusses constructivism w hich was m entioned in the
previous modules o f Piaget and Bruner. It is the distillation o f most o f the
principles o f cognitive psychologists.
Advance O rganizer
154 F a c i l i t a t i n g L e a r n in g
Read the quotation below: constru(
should I
rather tl
exists ii
W hat co n cep ts/id eas/im ag es cam e to y our m ind w hen you read of beinj
“Teaching as filling up the pail”? Elaborate. ________________________ on Vyg<
two or i
W hat c o n c ep t/id e a s/im a g e s cam e to y o u r m ind w hen you read to inter
“Teaching is about lighting a fire”? Elaborate.____________________,__ Knowle׳
W hat do you think the quotation meant? W hat two kinds o f teaching are four cha
are being referred to?______________________________________________ Eggen and '
T: Lea
o . to b
ß H l A bstraction/G eneralization new
So far, you have studied about both the behavioristic and cognitive
’2r N e\
views o f learning. Behaviorism focused on the external, observable behavior.
Learning is explained as a connection between the stimulus and the response.
Reinforcement is the key to learning. Behaviorists saw learning as a change
in behavior brought about by experience with little acknowledgement o f the 3. Lea
mental or internal aspects of learning. On the other hand, the cognitive view beli
focuses on the internal processes. Learning is an active process. Learners Lea
initiate experiences, search for information to solve problems, and reorganize owr
what they already know to come up with new insights. coli
In the quotation above, “ filling up the p a il” is m ore linked to rote role
learning and behaviorism . It connotes that teaching is dom inated by the 4. Me;
teacher and the learners are passive receivers o f knowledge. “Lighting the autl
fire” is related to the cognitive perspective and constructivism. It signifies con
that teaching involves giving opportunities for learners to explore and kno
discover. Learners'construct their own meaning. Learners generate insights Exa
and are “enlightened”. of t
M ore a sso c ia te d w ith c o g n itiv e p sy c h o lo g y th an b e h a v io rism , thar
constructivism focuses on knowledge construction. You were introduced line
to c o n stru c tiv ism in M odule 14 on B ru n e r’s theory. Just as there are
different views within cognitive psychology, constructivism also has different
Module 14 - Constructivism: Knowledge Construction/Concept Learning 155
Two Views of Constructivism
Characteristics of Constructivism
Whether one takes the individual or social view o f constructivism, there
are four characteristics that these two views have in common. According to
Eggen and Kauchak, these are:
ft L ea rn ers c o n str u c t u n d er sta n d in g . A s d isc u sse d e a rlie r,
constructivists do not view learners as ju st em pty vessels w aiting
to be filled up. They see learners as active thinkers who interpret
new information based on what they already know. They construct
knowledge in a way that makes sense to them.
New learning depends on current understanding. Background
inform ation is very important. It is through the present views or
scheme that the learner has that new information will be interpreted.
3. L earn in g is fa cilita ted by social in teraction . C o n structivists
believe in creating a “com m unity o f learners” w ithin classroom s.
Learning com m unities help learners take responsibility for their
own learning. Learners have a lot o f opportunities to cooperate and
collaborate to solve problems and discover things. Teachers play the
role o f a facilitator rather than an expert who has all the knowledge.
4. M eaningful learning occurs within authentic learning tasks. An
authentic task is one that involves a learning activity that involves
constructing know ledge and understanding that is so akin to the
knowledge and understanding needed when applied in the real world.
Example, a writing activity where six-year olds prepare a checklist
o f things they need to do in school is a more an authentic activity
than for them to be working only on tracing worksheets with dotted
Module 14 - Constructivism: Knowledge Construction/Concept Learning 157
Schemas and scripts. A schema is an organized body o f knowledge
izing objects or about something. It is like a file o f information you hold in your mind about
ip o f tasks such something. Like a schema o f what a teacher is. A script is a schema that
ife as a student includes a series o f predictable events about a specific activity. Examples
es, others m ore would include knowing the series o f steps done when we visit a doctor, or
/. The concepts what transpires at the beginning o f the class when the teacher arrives.
Your role as a teacher is to bring learners to construct their own
ivolves learning knowledge such that they have a well organized set o f cpncepts. Aim to
o f the concept, make clear those concepts that are still vague for them, and to pave the way
ture. A defining for them to overcome misconceptions. It is important that you acquire skills
E xam ple, a on how to facilitate concept formation and development. Constructivism can
ing feature o f a be an excellent guide for you.
If one doesn’t,
e that is present
lembership. For
Applying Constructivism in Facilitating Learning
*mmonly present
״ Aim to m ake learners understand a few key ideas in an in-depth
mg. So “being manner, rather than taking up so many topics superficially.
• Give varied examples.
a visual image
• Provide opportunities for experimentation.
i the positive
close your eyes ״ Provide lots o f opportunities for quality interaction.
hat it looks like,
״ Have lots o f hands-on activities.
ion cat we see,
have their own • Relate your topic to real life situations.
checked against • Do not depend on the explanation method all the time.
it a v a rie ty o f
under a concept
' vegetable may
>wer, kangkong,
□counters a new
a the exemplars
ing beans.
e and negative
156 F a c ilit a t in g L e a rn in g