04.01.11 Bishopsblog

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From the Bishop’s Office Check out our website for the latest information on

Anglican Diocese in New England the Anglican Diocese in New England. Make sure you
sign up for our monthly e-newsletter. Just email us
P. O. Box 440 - [email protected] and you’ll be on the
list. One click giving is now an option on the web...
Amesbury, MA 01913 and don’t forget twitter...twitter.com and search for
978.388.0009 bishopmurdoch if you like to be up-to-date on prayer
www.anglicandiocesene.org and diocesan needs.
April 2011 Calendar
April 2: ADNE Discernment Committee Meeting
“Early Sunday morning, while it was still dark...” John 20:1 April 30: Small Group Discipleship Training - Session Two
Can you picture Mary’s early morning our hands, offered to your honor and May 5-7: Clergy Retreat : Attleboro, MA
trek to the tomb as she mourns the glory”. Go to our website, Events, then May 23-June 1: The World of St. Francis Tour- see ADNE website for more
loss of Jesus? Perhaps there were Consecration for pictures. June 11: 2nd Annual Diocesan Holy Spirit-Pentecost Conference at Christ the
almond trees blossoming pink along Redeemer in Danvers, MA. 9:00 - 4:00 with Festival Liturgy from 5:00 to 7:00!
the way or red poppies by the side And we rejoice with St. Timothy
Anglican Mission in Burlington, VT. September 17: Small Group Discipleship Training Session Three PLUS!
of the road. But her singleminded Anglican 4th Day Weekends
devotion to Christ keeps her focused They are moving to “new digs” on
on her apparent loss. What joy when Easter Sunday. Simply, “we needed • October 27-30: Men’s weekend, Marist House in Framingham, MA
she encounters Jesus in the garden. more space“ said Senior Warden, Bill
It is my prayer that this Easter you Hogan. St. Timothy began in 2005 as a
would encounter Christ in a new and home fellowship, meeting monthly. In Small Group Discipleship Training - April 30th
deeper way, leading to profound joy 2008 weekly services began, with Rev.
Alex Cameron serving part-time, and Small Group Discipleship Training - Part Two is fast
and fervent obedience to the work of approaching. We had an amazing Part One, and
the Holy Spirit in your life. as of November, full tiime. Praise God!
if you missed it, please plan to attend this session.
Even as we spend more time this And what a wonderful weekend Email [email protected] with the names
month in contemplation of Christ’s we just had at Church of the Good of attendees, church and contact information. The
sacrificial journey, we cannot help Shepherd in Binghamton, NY. Thanks conference costs a mere $10 including lunch.
but bring before Him the anguish and to Father Matt and the vibrant
loss in Japan. The Anglican Relief and congregation for their welcome and This session we’ll delve into growth in character and holiness through
Development Fund has a donation commitment! one on one interaction, small groups, and modeling. We’ll also talk about
link in place at Anglicanaid.net that Also in March, the new ACNA bishops barriers to growth and how the gospel breaks them down.
makes giving very simple. You will be met in Pittsburgh. It was a time of
helping in a practical way, and you will
be assured your funds will be used
fellowship and learning, culiminating
in an encouragment from Archbishop got music?
Our Anglican brothers and sisters at St. Luke’s in Malden, MA are in need
responsibly. Duncan to grow in our marriages, our
prayer life and in communion with our of the following for worship...
It was a joy to lead a consecration - keyboard, piano, guitar, drum set
service at Christ the Redeemer in parishioners and diocese...aka, you!
Thank you for your prayers! - amplifier, microphones, speakers, mixer
Danvers, MA March 19th. After the - office computer, projector
congregation reached their goal for One more thing...make sure you If you can help, email Senior Warden Lois Wangoe
purchasing their property, the clergy, gather with your leadership to sign [email protected]) or give her a call at 781-927-4378.
vestry and leadership gathered to up for April 30th’s Small Group
seek the Holy Spirit’s direction for Discipleship Training (over). Go to our
the ministry’s mission and vision. website for more information!
Anglican News
As Senior Warden, David Greening Keep updated with all news ADNE at
prayed, “Eternal God, the heaven of In Christ, • our website, www.anglicandiocesene.org.
heavens cannot contain you, much • our newsletter (email [email protected] to sign up)
less the walls of temples made with • Twitter, sign up at http://twitter.com/BishopMurdoch
hands. Graciously receive our thanks Bishop Bill Murdoch
for this place, and accept the work of

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