Issues in Transnational Policing Review
Issues in Transnational Policing Review
Issues in Transnational Policing Review
Two decades ago in a fine article about the state of police research,
Maureen Cain (1979) remarked on the lack of an adequate conceptualisation
of policing, on the narrow institutional focus of research, and on the
absence of any substantive theorisation of the police-state relationship.
The article became a useful point of reference since it forged some
conceptual order in what was often a diffuse field of sociological inquiry.
Afterwards, in the 1980s, there was a profusion of scholarly writing
(largely Anglo-Saxon) both on the police and on social control more
By the 1990s policing studies had, as it were, lost its innocence. It soon
became clear that pro-police naivete, ideological romanticism and theoretical
dogmatism simply could not succeed in capturing the complexity of the
modern police persona. Policing too turned out to be subject to the long
march of history. Privatisation and globalisation in particular were now
shaping its fortunes at the local level in ways which Cain - situated on her
tropical Caribbean island - could hardly have anticipated.
With scholars such as Clifford Shearing in the lead, the drift to a
privatisedpolicing function through market forces began to receive attention
right after the appearance of Cain's seminal piece. It is now quite common
to read of the 'mixed economy' of the terrain of policing, characterised by
extensive diversity. Debates about the effects of globalisation on public
police institutions, however, are of more recent vintage. The demise of the
Cold War, the rapid internationalisation of trade, advances in the
technological arena and the growth in organised crime have changed the
structural context of policing.
Elrena van der Spuy
policing well beyond the national boundaries of any one state. 'Policing in
new social spaces has produced new, ever more shrill claims for crime-
threat control by police ... and has stimulated new rhetorical devices,
representational strategies and innovative organisational tactics that are
helping to reshape policing in the twenty first century' (2000:197).
Transformations in communication and the commodification of information
give momentum to 'communicational' and'informational policing' driven
by intelligence-gathering and counter-intelligence strategies. Manning's
excursion into cyberspace alludes to the kinds of challenges which may
come to confront the policing of cybercrime. Coming to terms with the
latter will require a departure from the exclusive emphasis on terrestrial
crime in policing studies.
Piracy, slavery and drugs provide the focus for a discussion by Frank
Gregory on the emergence and consolidation of transnational criminal law
regimes and the associated transnational law enforcement capacity to
which it gives rise. The three examples capture historical continuities in the
way in which the social construction of crime (at the international level)
involve political and moral issues. In Chapter 5 Sheptycki illustrates the
challenges facing transnational control practices and the difficulties
associated with the global governance of security through the prism of anti-
money laundering strategies. He provides a detailed description of the
emergence of money laundering as a global security concern, and of the
regulatory regimes and diverse mechanisms to which it has given rise.
Sheptycki finds it instructive to portray anti-money laundering regimes as
an example not so much of the impotence of the state but rather of
'government at a distance'. Instead of simply witnessing a 'hollowing out'
of the state, there is evidence of a new 'polycentricity of power' as we
witness a 'diffusion, multiplication and intensification of governmental
practice within certain specific sovereign states outwards, from the
transnational level downwards and from the sub-state institutions upwards'
(2000:165). What warrants concern is that the emerging system of
transnational policing functions within a fragmented legal framework. The
overwhelming emphasis on law enforcement effectiveness in transnational
policing is likely to detract, as Boister (2001) puts it, from values such as
due process, legality and human rights.
In the concluding chapter, Sheptycki focuses on what he regards as a
'prototypical instance' of transnational law enforcement, namely the drug
war. From this 'flagship' instance he draws some lessons for global
Elrena van der Spuy
shortcomings associated with the classical Weberian view of the state as an
apparatus which successfully lays claim to a monopoly over the use of
legitimate force. Issues in TransnationalPofrczng however, suggests some
caution when we summarily interpret the transnationalisation of policing
as indicative of a 'leaner', 'impotent' or 'hollowed out' state. If policing is
to be appreciated as a 'barometer of the transnationalisation of governance'
then we had better make sure that our understanding of such changing
modes of governance is subtle as opposed to crude.
A sharper, and more thorough sketch of key conceptual matters
(globalisation, internationalisation, transnationalism) would have added
conceptual value to the text if we are to appreciate what is distinctive about
the current phase of policing interchanges beyond the confines of the
nation-state. Elsewhere (in legal circles) there are promising indications of
the distinctiveness of transnational crime and transnational criminal law
compared to international crime and criminal law, being explored (Boister
Finally, the collection of essays could have benefited from a concluding
chapter in which the analytical insights forthcoming from the individual
chapters and case studies were woven into some kind of bold theoretical
synthesis. In the absence of the latter, the promise of the introduction to
take policing studies to 'new conceptual horizons' is hinted at but not
delivered. Such a theoretical synthesis of course would have to be based on
an appreciation of the kinds of conditions underlying the era of 'late
modernity'. In the fashionable criminological literature on the left much
has been spoken about the impact of late modernity on the way we talk
about crime and actually do crime prevention (Garland 2001, Young 1999)
Such debates, of course, are of relevance to the deliberations on policing
too as Johnston's (2000) recent offering makes clear. In the latter Johnston
maps out the features, underlying processes and functions of 'late modern
policing'. His discussion goes a long way in identifying the structural shifts
which have accompanied the consolidation of 'late modern society', the
impact on the character and reach of the nation-state, consequent changes
in 'political rule' and the influence of all of this on the contested terrain of
policing. The new features of the transnationalisation of policing need to
be located in a political context for us to appreciate the challenges which
a sociology of policing faces at present. Whether we refer to that political
contest as one of 'late modernity' or of a transition from a nation-state to
a 'market-state' (see Runciman 2002) is neither here nor there. For a
Elrena van der Spuy
Anderson, M and M den Boer (eds) (1994) Policing across National Boundaries.
London: Pinter Publishers.
(1995) Policing the European Union. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Boister, N (2001) 'Transnational criminal law'. Unpublished paper presented at
Staff Seminar, Institute of Criminology, Law School. University of Cape
Town, October 11.
Cain, Maureen (1979) 'Trends in the sociology of police work', The International
Journal of the Sociology of Law 7.
Fijnaut, C and RH Hermans (eds) (1987) Police Co-operation in the European
Community. Lochem.
Garland, D (2001) The Culture of Control. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hebenton, B and T Thomas (1995) Policing Europe: co-operation, conflict and
control. New York: St Martin's Press.
Johnston, L (2000) Policing Britain: risk security and governance. London:
Nadelmann, E (1993) Cops Across Border: the internationalization of US criminal
law enforcement. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Runciman (2002) Review of Bobbitt's The Shield of Achilles (2001), in London
Review of Books, June 6.
Young, J (1999) The Exclusive Society. London: Sage Publications.