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NG Hanmeditation Exercises Full Lotus Position: - Rin - Index and Thumb

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Ng hanMeditation exercises

Full Lotus Position

Sit in a Full Lotus Pose, right foot sole uppermost on the left thigh, left foot sole uppermost
crossing the right shin, locking it into place, on the right thigh. Relax the shoulders, straighten
the back, and do not lean. Close the eyes and empty the Mind Clench the fists and place them on
the knees, palm uppermost Take three deep breaths, imagining the numbers 3-2-1 with each as
you count down to relaxation.. At the conclusion of the third breath, imagining the numeral 1,
swallow and
place the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. This connects the psychic channels of the
body at the crown and the base of the torso. Click your teeth together
thirty-six times. Do this lightly and at an even pace. This calms the heart, even in times of stress.
Beating the Heavenly Drum,
Interlock the fingers, place the place on the back of the head, covering the ears. The fingers
should touch the base of the skull. Place the thumbs below the ears. Gently apply pressure with
the palms. Relax the shoulders Breathe slowly and deeply without sound nine times. Think of
each breath as water filling a glass. The air is drawn into the lower lungs first and fills them from
bottom to top. When exhaling, let the air flow out of the upper lungs first. Continue to rest the
hands on the back of the head. Beat the index fingers alternately against the base of the skull at
ear level twenty four times. This stimulates the brain, prevents deafness, and helps one achieve

Opening the Heavenly Pillar

Open the hands and place them on the thighs. Open the eyes, turn the upper body from
the waist, twisting to the left then to the right, forty-eight times. This stimulates and exercises the
neck and upper spinal cord.

Bringing the Energy to the Palms

Place the left palm over the right and rub in a circular manner from left to right twenty-four
times. Then reverse the hands, right over left, and repeat. This will stimulate circulation. The
hands are now warm. Place the palms on the back above the kidneys. Rotate both hands
vigorously on the back twenty-four time. Then hold the hands over the kidneys for a few
minutes. the hands on the thighs, close the eyes. This will strengthen the kidneys, improve the
posture, and increase vitality.

Kuji Kiri (Nine Cuts) Breathing Exercises

CHU- 1st Kanji/Mudra –rin -index and thumb
Place the palms facing, thumbs together, and fingers upward. Interlock the fingers above,
but extend the middle fingers of both hands and hold them together in front of the chest. Using
the middle fingers as a pointer, trace the ideogram shown in the air before you by
alternately tracing five horizontal lines and four vertical. Close the eyes and visualize the
character. Hold the head erect, with the tip of the tongue lightly on the roof of the mouth. Inhale
deeply through the nose, filling the lungs from bottom to top. Lay the hands in the lap. Exhale,
emptying the lungs from top to bottom, but exhale only two-thirds of the breath. Press the
remaining one-third downward into the Hara by expanding the lower belly, and hold for nine
heartbeats. Repeat 81times.On the eighty-first repetition, exhale completely and hold the
exhalation. Lower the head forward until the chin touches the chest if possible, but do not
stretch. Retain the breath by tensing the diaphragm, the bellows which draws in the air and
presses it downward
Concentrate on the Hara. "If this region is warm," say the Chinese, "one is halfway to
immortality. This exercise alone will prevent many illnesses
CHU. Strength of Mind and Body
Holding the breath for 81 heartbeats or Holding the breath for 108 heartbeats.
After the prescribed time (number of heartbeats), relax. Slowly release the diaphragm
and the chin lock, taking care not to strain or move too quickly. Release the tension used to
expand the Hara and inhale slowly, taking care not to gulp air and induce belching. Breathe
slowly and deeply without sound.
Develop the ability to endure extremes of heat and cold, pain, hunger, and deprivation.

Shen- 2nd Kanji/Mudra- pyo- index and middle

Place the palms together as before and extend the index fingers. Withdraw the middle finger
from its intertwined position and place it over the index fingers. Think of the Hara, the One
SHEN. Direction of Energy
Lift the hands and trace the illustrated ideogram in the air before you by alternately tracing five
horizontal and four vertical lines. Close the eyes and visualize the character. Place the hands in
the lap. Hold the head erect. Begin with an exhalation brought about by a rapid inward stroke of
the abdomen. Inhalation follows immediately by relaxation of the abdominal muscles. Thus,
inhalation is so passive and automatic that one again creates an oxygen debt within the system;
Repeat this exercise eighty-one times at the rate of two exhalations per second. Lay the head
back, exposing the throat. On the eighty-first repetition, hold the breath as before with the

KAI- 3rd Kanji/Mudra –to - ring and little

place the hands back to back, fingers pointing down. Spread the fingers and interlock them from
within. Bring the elbows down, bringing the palms together over the
fingers, enclosing them within the hands. Extricate the ring and little fingers and extend them
with the tips touching. The thumbs are extended and pointing toward the body.
Using the fingers as a pointer, describe the ideogram as before. Close the eyes and visualize the
character. Place the hands in the lap.
KAI. Harmony with the Universe
Hold the head erect, exhale, emptying the lungs from top to bottom. Turn the head to look over
the left shoulder and inhale, filling the lungs from bottom to top. Turn the head to face forward
and exhale. Turn the head to look over the right shoulder and inhale as before. Turn the head to
face front and exhale. This completes one round. Repeat this exercise eighty-one times. The
tongue should be placed lightly against the roof of the mouth during this exercise.On the eighty-
first repetition, having faced forward and exhaled, maintain the position and inhale once more.
Imagine the breath being drawn into the lower abdomen, warming the region.When you feet this
warmth, breathe out slowly and relax the body.

TAI- 4th Kanji/Mudra- sha- index and little

TAI. Healing of Self and Others
place the hands back to back, fingers pointing down. Spread the fingers
and interlock them from within. Bring the elbows down, bringing the palms together over the
fingers, enclosing them within the hands. Extricate the index and little fingers and extend them
with the tips touching. The thumbs are extended and pointing toward the body. Lift the hands in
front of the body and describe the illustrated ideogram by alternately drawing five horizontal and
four vertical lines using the tips of the little fingers as a pointer. Visualize this character. Hold
the head erect, facing forward with the eyes closed. The tip of the tongue is held lightly between
the lips and the mouth is slightly open. Inhale through the mouth, producing a wheezing sound
and filling the lungs from bottom to top. When the inhalation is complete, close the mouth. Tilt
the head to the right side as if to place the right ear on the shoulder. The neck does not twist
during this movement. Hold this position for nine heartbeats.Return the head to an upright
position, exhale through the nose. Part the lips slightly and inhale through the mouth as before.
Tilt the left ear to the left shoulder and retain the breath for nine heartbeats. Return the head to an
upright position and exhale through the nose. Repeat this exercise eighty-one times. This
develops the spirit.

SHA- 5th Kanji/Mudra – kai –interlock all outside

SHA. Power of Premonition
by placing the palms together and spreading the fingers. Interlock the digits
and close them so that the fingers rest on the backs of the hands. The thumbs are placed side by-
side, resting on the first knuckle of the index fingers. Lift the hands and hold them in front of the
body. Describe the illustrated figure for visualization as before, using the thumbs as pointers.
Place the hands in the lap. Hold the head erect, facing forward with the eyes closed. Place the tip
of the tongue against the roof of the mouth. Inhale and exhale through the nose as quickly and
fully as possible eighty-one times. On the eighty-first inhalation, hold the breath with the
diaphragm. Retain this inhalation for eighty-one heartbeats. You will feel the beat of your pulse
in the temples. This exercise develops the power to relieve pain through psychic means.

JEN 6th Kanji/Mudra –jin- interlock all inside

JEN-Knowing the Thoughts of Others
placing the hands back to back as before, and interlocking the fingers inside. This time keep the
fingers enclosed between the palms, extending none. Describe the illustrated figure by tracing
five horizontal and four vertical lines for visualization, using the thumbs (knuckle) as a pointer.
Place the hands in the lap. Hold the head erect, facing forward, with the eyes closed. Inhale
deeply and fully through the nose, filling the lungs from bottom to top. The tongue should be
placed lightly against the roof of the mouth. Exhale through the nose as you hum, Empty the
lungs from top to bottom. Repeat this movement eighty-one

TUNG (SEVENTH KANJI) –retsu – pressing finger tips

Place the hands, palms together, fingers pointing upward. Fold the fingers of the left hand,
leaving the index finger extended. Wrap the fingers of the right fist around the extended
leftfinger and press the right thumbnail against the side of the left index fingernail at the
pointwhere the cuticle ends. You will know when you are pressing the right point; it will feel like
amild electric shock. the ability to control the actions of others without physical contact.
TUNG. Mastery of Time and Space
From this level on, only proper breathing techniques are employed, and the Kanji are visualized instead of
being traced in the air. This is because, by this time, the student is sufficiently skilled in linking the memory and the
imagination. This consists of inhaling through the nose for a period of four heartbeats, holding the inhalation with
the diaphragm for two beats, exhaling for four beats, and holding the exhalation for two beats. This completes one
round of the Fourfold Breath. The tip of the tongue remains lightly against the roof of the mouth. Repeat this
exercise eighty-one times. If you are meditating with a chant for a specific center, the ex-halation will be performed
through the mouth while forming the appropriate sound. It should be no longer than four heartbeats.

HUA- 8th Kanji/Mudra-zai- upside down loveheart

HUA. Control the Elements of Nature
Place hands, palms together fingers together with index and thumb pivot out to the side making almost an upside
down loveheart then extend all fingers.
individual consciousness unites with the universal consciousness. This is a state of ultimate bliss, rarely achieved
even by those who practice a lifetime. Not to be taught to the unininitiated
the exercise given in the revised edition of Ninja Mind Control and Iron Body Ninja, DOJO
Press 2000.]

TAO- 9th Kanji/Mudra –zen- grab fist

TAO. Enlightenment
Place palms together as before but don’t go out to the side create an oval , slide the fingers of the
right under the left fingers ,slide the left thumb down the right thumb until your grabing the
whole side
until The aura consists of an electromagnetic field surrounding the physical self, radiating in all
directions It cannot be explained, but it can be experienced. This is the goal of meditation.

Turning the Wheel
Extend the left arm out to the side. Bend the arm at
the elbow and rotate the arm in a circular manner
counter clockwise thirty-six times. Repeat this action
with the right arm

Two Hands Uphold the Sky

Lift the left leg off the right hip and extend it in front of the body;
lift the right leg off the left hip and extend it. This releases the Lotus position. Clasp the hands
together and raise the arms above the head, turning the palms over as they pass the face. Inhale
as the hands ascend from the lap to the head, and exhale as you push
upward. Repeat this movement nine times. Place the palms on the sides of the
legs just below the hips. Stretch the legs and slide the palms down the sides of the thighs, knees,
and calves. Bend the body forward and touch the head to the knees while grasping the outside of
the feet with both palms. Inhale as you return to a sitting position, and exhale as you bend
forward. Repeat this movement twelve times. This will stimulate the legs and keep them straight.
With the completion of the transitory exercises, the Ninja has accomplished the basic movements
of the first nine Mind Gates.
[A simplified version can be found in the Longevity
Exercise of Dr. Ko Hung Lao, DOJO Press 2000

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