Mr. Ramakrishna (PK)
Mr. Ramakrishna (PK)
Mr. Ramakrishna (PK)
Tadasana stretch
concentrate on any single point to sustain the
balance in the posture maintain for 10-15 counts
perform with closed eyes as slow as possible with
awareness, rise your right hand from the sides as
your hand reaches your shoulder level turn your
palms upwards facing the ceiling continue raising
your hands, once your arms touch your ears give
your hands a upward stretch and bend to the left
side, make sure in the final posture your left hand
is hanging freely ..
alternatively :
with your feet slightly apart hands placed on your
hips your thumbs supporting your spine Inhale
and bend backwards ehahale and bend forwards
10 times
Hold the posture for 5- 10 counts
Exhale while bending
use only your abdomen muscles to rsise your
upper body with inhalation and realese with
exhalation maintain for 5-10 counts
Exhaale and bend forward and touch your
forehead to the ground inhale and come back to
the original position.
Maintain the final posture for 10-15counts
Surya anulome Heating Pranayama
Adopt nasikagra mudra close your left nostril with your ring finger inhale and
exhale through your right nostril do it for 10 counts normal brteathing five rounds
repete the practice perform 3 sets
This is one round of the practice. Continue for total 10 rounds. Sit upright in a comfortable
posture, keeping the head, neck, and spine erect. Place the hands in Chin Mudra.
Open the lips and keep the teeth together. Lightly press the tip of the tongue
against the lower front teeth. Inhale through the mouth over the tongue with a
kind of hissing sound like the sound of the letter 's'. After filling the lungs
completely, close the mouth and exhale through both nostrils without retention.