Preparing For Kindergarten

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Preparing for

K ! 2021-22

Welcome to our elementary school! We look forward to teaching

your little one. As a parent/guardian, you are an important part of
your child's transition to Kindergarten, and will continue to play a
pivotal role in their school experiences. As you prepare for their
start in September, explore the Early Learning Programs available
in our community. Visit our school website for more information:
Birth to 5 years old: Strong Start, Little Eaglets Early Learning,
3-4 years old: Ready, Set, Learn!, Bannock & Books, PALS/
4-5 years old: Welcome to Kindergarten, K Orientation, Little
Eaglets, Play, Learn, Connect.

We invite families and future

Children turning 5 before kindergarteners to our school this
January 1, 2022 are eligible to spring to meet our teachers,
begin K in Sept. 2021. explore our classrooms, and
You must register your child at engage with learning materials!
your catchment school's office. During this session, families will
Visit or learn about our school's K
call 604-595-5195 to ensure program, and interact with take-
your home is in our school's home resources to discover how
catchment area. to best support their child before
starting Kindergarten.

Please prepare to bring the following documents upon registration:

Proof of Birth Date for the student (birth certificate or passport)
Proof of Guardianship (parents / guardians as shown on birth
certificate or other appropriate legal documentation such as
landed immigrant paper or guardianship order)
Proof of Citizenship for both the parent and the student
(Canadian birth certificate, citizenship card, passport, landed
immigrant document, permanent resident card, enhanced
driver’s licence or enhanced identification card)
Proof of Residency (purchase or rental agreement, cable, hydro
or gas bill)

Please tell staff if you have any

Children enter kindergarten concerns about your child
with various needs and abilities. starting school.
Our school staff are here to We have many resources to
discuss how to ease your child’s support language development,
transition into Kindergarten. behaviour concerns and special
We are happy to explore a needs in the classroom.
gradual transition plan that We want all children to have a
suits your families needs. positive and seamless transition
to school.
Preparing for

K ! 2021-22

Surrey Schools provides specialized assistance in areas such as

behavioural and emotional support for students with special needs,
Adapted physical activities program for students with disabilities
Behaviour specialists
Occupational therapists
School psychologists
Special education helping teachers
Speech language pathologists
Hospital/homebound program

Surrey Schools makes special The following school staff will

considerations for students with support your child during their
special needs. transition into Kindergarten:
Upon registration, our school your child's classroom
principal will connect families teacher
your child's Integration
and invite them for an intake
Support Teacher
your child's designated
During this meeting, we will Education Assistant
discuss a plan that suits your This team will collaborate with
families needs for transitioning you to discuss your child's needs
into Kindergarten. during an IEP meeting in the fall.

To help your child prepare for Kindergarten:

Listen to your child, be responsive and positive.
Talk, read and sing to your child daily.
Encourage clear speech.
Encourage safe exploration and play.
Be selective in the TV programs you watch together.
Encourage independent toileting and dressing.
Promote sharing and co-operation.
Expose your child to painting, crayons and scissors.
Introduce your child to letters and numbers.

Surrey Schools (2018). Early Learning Programs for Community and Public. Retrieved from:

Surrey Schools (2015). Kindergarten Registration Flyer 15-16. Revtrieved from:

Surrey Schools (n.d.) Special Needs Support. Retrieved from:

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