Development Control & Zoning Regulations
Development Control & Zoning Regulations
Development Control & Zoning Regulations
Planning Legislation & Professional Practice
• Carrying out of building, engineering, mining, etc. over or under land/ water.
Development Control:
• It is the process through which development is carried out by different agencies (private or public).
• The motto is the benefit of the whole society.
• Convenience:
a) Locational arrangement of land use
b) Functional linkages
c) Connectivity
• Economy:
a) Public costs related to convenience
b) Land use distribution
c) Regional planning
d) Travel cost
• Amenities:
a) Public health
b) Mental well-being
c) Pleasantness of urban environment
• Height provides the mechanism of providing larger built area over any piece of land.
• More the height more are the setbacks provided in building to ensure air, light and ventilation in the building and surrounding buildings
• More the height lesser is the ground coverage to provide more open space at ground and larger space for parking.
• Main objectives of Height control are to-- ensure adequate day-lighting in the building and manage traffic and to provide space for
disaster management.
• Plot coverage control:
a) Percentage of total plot area that can be built upon
b) Size of plots
c) Availability of fire services, tender vehicles
d) Proper water supply & sanitation
• Setback control:
• Setback – Defined as margins or open spaces in any plot of land where no construction is permitted.
• Maximum setbacks can be four- one on each side- front, Rear and sides.
• Building with all 4 setbacks – Detached building, • Building with all 3 setbacks –Semi- Detached building, • Building with all 2 setbacks –
Terraced building.
• Number of setbacks depends upon the size of plot and covered area to be permitted at ground and Requirement of fire safety.
• Larger the plot more are the setbacks and larger the depth of such setbacks.
• Setbacks are provided for:
1) Providing space for widening the roads when needed later on without damaging the buildings.
2) To ensure adequate air, light and ventilation within and among buildings.
3) To provide space for Parking within building without causing congestion in area.
4) To create gardens/open spaces/landscape area within the building.
5) To protect buildings from the street noise/ traffic.
6) To promote Privacy for the residents.
7) To provide space for fire hydrants & moving space for fire vehicles.
8) To provide space for laying services in a congested area.
• Floor area ratio control:
a) Applicable to all building types
b) Balcony, staircases, architectural projections are exempted from FAR & premium
has to be paid.
a) FAR depends upon standard of –
i. utility services (gas pipelines, water supply, sewerage, etc.)
ii. Transport & communication, iii) Existing character of development
• Density control:
• Density- defined as number of persons per unit area
• Housing density- number of housing or dwelling units/per unit area.
a) When development plan is prepared, decisions are taken for the population expected & the density expected.
b) Purpose: To control overcrowding of population, congestion of traffic on streets, overloading on utility services, etc.
Density is regulated through regulating the built area/ plot area by defining
• -- setbacks to be provided in buildings
• - Maximum height of building
• --Size of plots
• --number of houses per unit area
• -- Floor area Ratio
Advantages of Density Controls:
• i. Facilitate proper layout
• 2. Designing appropriate public amenities and services and their distribution
• 3 Ensures adequate light and ventilation to residences for creating healthy environment
• 4 Avoiding congestion/ over-crowding
• 5 To Stabilize the land values
• Building line control:
a) Purpose: Space should be available for widening of roads.
• Architectural control:
a) To maintain the architectural character of an area.
b) Example - For heritage cities like Hyderabad & Jaipur
c) Façade control, frame control, proportion of openings, architectural projects, height, etc.
• Advertisement control:
a) Affects skyline of city.
• Building bye-laws:
a) Dimensions of minimum room sizes, opening sizes to be provided, minimum activity area to be provided & light & ventilation to be
provided in the activity areas.
• Zoning:
a) So that no intrusion of incompatible land uses takes place.
Sr. No. Width of Length of a) The width of the main street on which
Means of Means of buildings abut shall not be less than 12.0 m.
Access Access
1 9.0 200 a) If there are any bends or curves in the
approach road, sufficient width shall be
2 12.0 201-400 permitted at the curve to enable the fire
3 18.0 401-600 tenders to turn, the turning circle shall be at
least of 9.0 m radius.
4 24.0 601-1000
5 30.0 Above 1000
• Residential: • No building shall be constructed on any site, • For low-income group, the minimum plot size
a) Minimum plot size should be 40 sq.m & on any part of which there is deposited should not be less than 30
refuse, excreta or other offensive matter
minimum width should be 3.5 m.
objectionable to the Authority, until such
b) For low-income housing/ slum-
refuse has been removed there from and the
redevelopment housing, the minimum
site has been prepared or left in a manner
plot size can be 25 sq. m, out of which
suitable for building purposes to the
max. permissible builtup area is 75%. satisfaction to the Authority. • Group housing:
• Group housing:
a) Minimum plot size should be 2000 sq.m,
& It should be abutting min. 18 m wide
• Residential buildings: Maximum 3 floors • The following table may be referred for
are allowed with max. height of 12.5 m deciding the minimum setbacks for
with stilt & 10.5 m without stilt & the different size plots in various use zones -
setbacks will be as follows -
• For layout plans for new/undeveloped areas, • The density norms for plotted development • The number of dwelling units are calculated
the maximum density can be 700 persons/ and mixed development shall be as follows - on the basis of the density pattern given in
Hectare. the development plan, taking into
• For group housing new/undeveloped areas, consideration a population of 4.5 persons per
the maximum density can be 1000 persons/ dwelling unit.
• The number of dwelling units are calculated,
taking into consideration a population of 5
persons per dwelling unit.
fdlh {ks= fo’ks"k esa Hkouksa dk vkfdZVsDpqjy • Compliance with the provisions of the Code
QlkM@,yhos’ku vFkok ml lhekafdr is adequate for normal buildings. But for • Maintaining skyline and architectural
{ks= ds vkdhZVsDpqjy QhplZ ifj"kn }kjk fuekZ.k major public building complexes or buildings harmony: After the guidelines are framed,
vuqKk gsrq fu/kkZfjr 'krksZ ,oa coming up in an important area near
izfrcU/kksa ds vuq:i gksx a sA vkfdZVsDpqjy dUVªksy esa historic/monumental buildings and areas of buildings within heritage precincts or in the
ifjfLFkfr ds vuqlkj fuEu heritage, the aesthetics of the whole scheme vicinity of heritage sites shall maintain the
'krksZ@izfrcU/kksa esa leLr ;k fdlh ,d dk izkfo/kku may also have to be examined, vis-a-vis
lqfuf’pr djk;k tk ldrk existing structures. In addition, any skyline in the precinct and follow the
gS%& development which may mark the general architectural style (without any high-rise or
¼d½ Lkkeus vFkok xyh@lM+d dh vksj Hkou ds characteristics and environment of
vfHknf’kZr ik’oZ dh vfuok;Z historical, architectural or other monuments multi-storeyed development) as may be
ÅWapkbZ] tgkWa rd Hkou fuekZ.k fd;k tk ldrk gS] should also be subject to the provisions of existing in the surrounding area, so as not to
¼[k½ ryksa dh vfuok;Z ÅWapkbZ] this clause. This clause is intended to cover
¼x½ dkfuZl fly] f[kM+fd;ksa ds Åijh Hkkx] very few structures to come up in the vicinity diminish or destroy the value and beauty of or
lu&’ksM rFkk izFke ,oa vuqorhZ ryksa of other declared/historically important the view from the said heritage sites. The
ij izkstD s ’ku dh vfuok;Z ÅWp a kbZ ,oa fMtkbu] structures, and the scrutiny shall be limited
¼?k½ Hkou fuekZ.k ds lkFk vfuok;Z fcfYMax ykbu] to the external architectural features only so development within the precinct or in the
¼p½ Ckkyduh ds vfuok;Z Vkbi fMtkbu] as to ensure an aesthetic continuance of the vicinity of
¼N½ dyj LdheA existing structures with the new. The
scrutiny shall not deal with the routine
building plan scrutiny from other
requirements of Code from the point of view
of structural safety and functional
1. Plinth: The plinth or any part of a building or • Same as NBC
1. Habitable Rooms outhouse shall be so located with respect to
the surrounding ground level that adequate
• Height: Not less than 2.75 m measured from
drainage of the site is assured. The height of
the surface of the floor to the lowest point of the plinth shall be not less than 450 mm
from the surrounding ground level.
the ceiling.
2. Interior Courtyards and Covered Parking:
• In an air-conditioned room, the height from Every interior courtyard shall be raised at
least 150 mm above the determining ground
the false-ceiling or the duct would be not
level and shall be satisfactorily drained.
less than 2.4 m measured from the floor. 3. Habitable Rooms
• Height: Not less than 2.75 m measured from
• Minimum clear headway under any beam
the surface of the floor to the lowest point of
shall not be less than 2.4 m the ceiling (bottom of slab) provided that the
minimum clear headway under any beam
• Size: Not less than 9.5 m2 (one-room)with a
shall not be less than 2.4 m.
minimum width of 2.4 m • Size: Not less than 9.5 m2 (one-room)with a
minimum width of 2.4 m & in case of 2
• In an educational institute’s hostel, the area
rooms, one of these shall not be less than
of room shall not be less than 7.5m2. 9.5 m2 and the other not less than 7.5 m2,
with a minimum width of 2.1 m.
2. Kitchen 4. Kitchen 4. Kitchen
• Height: The height of a kitchen measured • Height: The height of a kitchen measured • Same as NBC
from the surface of the floor to the lowest from the surface of the floor to the lowest • Other Requirements: Every room to be used
point in the ceiling (bottom slab) shall not be point in the ceiling (bottom slab) shall not be as kitchen shall have:
less than 2.75 m. less than 2.75 m, except for the portion to a) unless separately provided in a pantry,
• Size: The area of a kitchen shall be not less accommodate floor trap of the upper floor. means for the washing of kitchen utensils
than 5.0 m2 with a minimum width of 1.8 m. • Size: The area of a kitchen where separate which shall lead directly or through a sink to
But, for plot areas less than 60 m2 the area dining area is provided, shall be not less a grated and trapped connection to the
of kitchen shall not be less than 3.5 m2 with than 5.0 m2 with a minimum width of 1.8 m. waste pipe;
a minimum width of 1.5 m. Where there is a Where there is a separate store, the area of b) an impermeable floor;
separate store, the area of the kitchen may the kitchen may be reduced to 4.5 m2. A c) a flue, if found necessary; and
be reduced to 4.5 m2. A kitchen, which is kitchen, which is intended for use as a dining d) a window or ventilator or opening
intended for use as a dining area also, shall area also, shall have a floor area of not less 5. Bathroom and Water-Closets
have a floor area of not less than 9.5 m2 with than 7.5 m2 with a minimum width of 2.1 m. • Same as NBC
a minimum width of 2.4 m. 5. Bathroom and Water-Closets • Other Requirements: Every bathroom or
3. Bathroom and Water-Closets • Height: The height of a bathroom or water- water-closet shall
• Height: The height of a water-closet shall not closet measured from the surface of the a) be so situated that at least one of its walls
be less than 2.2 m. floor to the lowest point in the ceiling shall open to external air;
• Size: The area of a bathroom shall not be (bottom of slab) shall not be less than 2.1 m. b) not be directly over or under any room other
less than 1.5 m2 with a minimum width • Size: The area of a bathroom shall not be than another water-closet, washing place,
of 1.0 m. The floor area of water-closet shall less than 1.8 m2 with a minimum width bath or terrace, unless it has a water-tight
be 1.1 m2 with a minimum width of 0.9 m. If of 1.2 m. The floor area of water-closet shall floor;
bath and water-closet are combined, its floor be 1.1 m2 with a minimum width of 0.9 m. If c) have the platform or seat made of water-
area shall not be less than 2.8 m2 with a bath and water-closet are combined, its floor tight non-absorbent material;
minimum width of 1.2 m. area shall not be less than 2.8 m2 with a
minimum width of 1.2 m.
4. Loft 6. Ledge or Tand/Loft 6. Ledge or Tand/Loft
• Height: The minimum head-room of ledge or • Height: The minimum head-room of ledge or • Same as NBC
loft shall be 2.0 m. The maximum height of Tand/loft shall be 2.2 m. The maximum 7. Mezzanine floor
loft shall be 1.0 m. height of loft shall be 1.5 m. • Same as NBC
• Size: A loft in a habitable room shall not • Size: A ledge or TAND/loft in a habitable • Other Requirements: A mezzanine floor may
cover more than 25% of the area of the floor room shall not cover more than 25% of the be permitted over a room or a compartment
on which it is constructed and it shall not area of the floor on which it is constructed provided:
be counted in F.A.R. and shall not interfere with the ventilation a) it conform to the standard of living rooms as
• In residential buildings, the loft can be built of the room under any circumstances. regards lighting and ventilation in case the
above the corridors. 7. Mezzanine floor size of mezzanine floor is 9.5 m2 or more.
5. Mezzanine floor • Height: It shall have a minimum height b) it is so constructed as not to interfere under
• Height: It shall have a minimum height of 2.2 m. any circumstances with the ventilation of the
of 2.2 m. • Size: The minimum size of the mezzanine space over and under it;
• Size: The minimum size of the mezzanine floor, if it is to be used as a living room, shall c) such mezzanine floor is not sub-divided into
floor shall not be less than 9.5 m2. The not be less than 9.5 m2. The aggregate area smaller compartments;
aggregate area of such mezzanine floor in of such mezzanine floor in a building shall d) such mezzanine floor or any part of it shall
a building shall in no case exceed one-third in no case exceed one-third the plinth area not be used as a kitchen; and
the plinth area of the building. of the building. e) in no case shall a mezzanine floor be closed
• It shall be counted in the F.A.R. so as to make it liable to be converted into
unventilated compartments.
9. Garage
• Height: The height of a garage shall be not
less than 2.4 m.
• Size: The size of garages shall be as below:
a) Private garage: 3.0 m × 6.0 m, minimum;
b) Public garage: Based on the number of
vehicles parked.
• Notwithstanding the above, the minimum • Other Requirements:
aggregate area of openings of habitable • Rooms shall have, for the admission of light
rooms and kitchens excluding doors shall be and air, one or more openings, such as
not less than 1/10 of the floor area. windows and ventilators, opening directly to
• No portion of a room shall be assumed to be the external air or into an open Verandah.
lighted if it is more than 7.50 m from the • The minimum aggregate area of such
opening assumed for lighting that portion. openings, excluding doors inclusive of
• Ventilation shaft frames, shall be not less than,
• For ventilating the spaces for water closets a) one-tenth of the floor area for hot-dry
and bathrooms, if not opening on the front climate;
side, rear and interior open spaces, shall b) one-sixth of the floor area for warm-humid
open on the ventilation shaft, the size, of climate;
which shall not be less than the values given c) one-eighth of the floor area for temperate
• Ventilation shaft below: and composite climate; and
d) one-twelfth of the floor area for cold
• In any residential layout, the community • In any layout or sub‐division of land
open space shall be minimum 15% of the measuring 0.3 Ha or more in residential and
total area. commercial zones, the community open
• The minimum average dimension of the space shall be reserved for recreational
recreational space shall not be less than 7.5 purposes which shall as far as possible be
m. provided in one place.
• Any building line to be at least 3 m away • The minimum recreational space provided
from the boundary of recreational open shall be 450 sqm.
space. • The minimum average dimension of the
recreational space shall not be less than 7.5
m and the length shall not exceed 2.5 times
the average width.
• Any building line to be at least 3 m away
from the boundary of recreational open