Dungeon Crawl Classics - DM Screen Inserts PDF

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Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG

by John Carr

For use with Savage Worlds Customizable GM Screen


Inspired by DCC RPG Reference Sheets

by Jeremy Deram

This is an unofficial, unauthorized reference document intended for use with the Dungeon Crawl
Classics RPG by Goodman Games.
For more information regarding the DCC RPG, please visit
Skill Check DC Guidlines Lay on Hands Same Adjacent Opposed Condition Healing

Difficulty DC 1-11 Fail Fail Fail Condition Dice

Child’s Play 5 12-13 2 dice 1 die 1 die Broken Limbs 1

Man’s Deed 10 14-19 3 dice 2 dice 1 die Disease or Organ Damage 2

Feats of Derring-Do 15 20-21 4 dice 3 dice 2 dice Paralysis or Poison 3

Hero’s Work / Super-Human 20 22+ 5 dice 4 dice 3 dice Blindness or Deafness 4

Turn Unholy Result by HD

Check Holy Smite 1 HD 2 HD 3-4 HD 5-6 HD 7-8 HD 9-10 HD 11-12 HD

1-11 - - NE NE NE NE NE NE NE

12-13 30’ - T1 NE NE NE NE NE NE

14-17 30’ - T1d3+CL NE NE NE NE NE NE

18-19 30’ - T1d4+CL T1 NE NE NE NE NE

20-23 60’ - T1d6+CL T1d3+CL T1 NE NE NE NE

Beam, 60’ 1d3
24-27 60’ D1d4 T1d4+CL T1d3+CL T1 NE NE NE
(no save)

Cone, 30’ 1d4
28-29 60’ D1d4 T1d6+CL T1d4+CL T1d3+CL T1 NE NE
(no save)

Cone, 60’ 1d5 K1d8+CL
30-31 120’ D1d4 T1d6+CL T1d4+CL T1d3+CL T1 NE
dmg (no save)
(no save)

T2d6+CL T1d8+CL
Cone, 120’ 1d6 K2d6+CL
32+ 240’ D1d4 D1d4 T1d6+CL T1d4+CL T1d3+CL T1
dmg (no save)
(no save) (no save)
NE = no effect, T = turn, D = damage to each creature turned, K = destroy; Will Save DC = Spell Check Result; Turned creatures flee/cower for 3d10 min.
or until attacked.
Attack Roll Modifiers Fumbles

Conditon Melee Missile Roll Result

Missile fire range is ... 0 or less You miss wildly but miraculously cause no other damage.

Short range - - 1 Your incompetent blow makes you the laughingstock of the party but otherwise causes no damage.

Medium range - -2 2 You trip but may recover with a DC 10 Ref save; otherwise, you must spend the next round prone.

Long range - -1d 3 Your weapon comes loose in your hand. You quickly grab it, but your grip is disrupted. You take a -2
penalty on your next attack roll.
Attacker is ...
4 Your weapon is damaged: a bowstring breaks, a sword hilt falls off, or a crossbow firing mechanism jams.
Invisible +2 - The weapon can be repaired with 10 minutes of work but is useless for now.

5 You trip and fall, wasting this action. You are prone and must use an action to stand next round.
On higher ground +1 -
6 Your weapon becomes entangled in your armor. You must spend your next round untangling them. In
Squeezing through a tight space -1d -1d
addition, your armor bonus is reduced by 1 until you spend 10 minutes refitting the tangled buckles and
Entangled (in a net or otherwise) -1d -1d
7 You drop your weapon. You must retrieve it or draw a new one on your next action.
Using an untrained weapon -1d -1d
8 You accidentally smash your weapon against a solid, unyielding object (a rock, a wall, even the ground).
Firing a missile weapon into melee* - -1 Mundane weapons are ruined; magical weapons are not affected.

Defender is ... 9 You stumble and leave yourself wide open to attack. The next enemy that attacks you receives a +2 bonus
on its attack roll.
Behind cover -2 -2
10 You should have maintained your armor! The joints of your armor seize up, freezing you in place. You
Blinded +2 +2 cannot move or make an attack for 1d3 rounds. Unarmored characters are not affected.

Entangled (in a net or otherwise) +1d +1d 11 Your wild swing leaves you off balance. You take a -4 penalty to your next attack roll.

Helpless (paralyzed, sleeping, +1d +1d 12 You inadvertently swing at one randomly determined ally within range. Make an attack roll against that ally
bound) using the same attack die you just attempted to use.

Kneeling, sitting, or prone +2 -2 13 You trip badly. You fall hard, suffering 1d3 damage in the process. You are prone and must use your next
round to stand.
*And 50% chance of friendly fire if attack misses. See
DCC RPG page 96. 14 Like a turtle on its back, you slip and land upside down, flailing about and unable to right yourself. You
must fight from a prone position for the next round before you can recover your balance and rise.
Examples of Actions
Draw or sheathe a weapon*, Equip or drop a shield*, 15 You somehow manage to wound yourself, taking normal damage.
Open a door*, Light a torch or lantern, Uncork a
potion or unfurl a scroll, Locate an item in a 16+ You accidentally strike yourself for normal damage plus an extra 1 point. In addition, you fall on your back
and are unable to right yourself until you make a DC 16 Agility check.
backpack, Stand up from a prone position, Mount or
dismount a steed, Read a scroll or drink a potion.
* Can be included as part of a movement action.
Monster Critical Hit Matrix Two-Weapon Attacks
Monster Humanoids Agility Primary Hand Off Hand Critical Hits*
Dragons Demons Giants Un-dead All Other
HD w/weapons*
3-8 -3 dice -4 dice Cannot crit fighting two-handed
Less than 1 III/d4 DR/d4 DN/d3 - U/d4 M/d4
9-11 -2 dice -3 dice Cannot crit fighting two-handed
1 III/d6 DR/d6 DN/d4 - U/d6 M/d6
12-15 -1 die -2 dice Cannot crit fighting two-handed
2 III/d8 DR/d8 DN/d4 - U/d6 M/d8
16-17 -1 die -1 die Primary hand crits on max die roll
3 III/d8 DR/d10 DN/d4 - U/d8 M/d8
(e.g. 16 on a d16) that also beats
4 III/d10 DR/d12 DN/d4 G/d4 U/d8 M/d10 defender’s AC (no automatic hit)

5 III/d10 DR/d14 DN/d6 G/d4 U/d10 M/d10 18+ Normal die -1 die Primary hand crits as normal

6 IV/d12 DR/d16 DN/d6 G/d4 U/d10 M/d12 *Warriors and others with improved crit threat ranges (i.e., those who can
crit on 19-20 or better) lose that ability when fighting two-handed.
7 IV/d12 DR/d20 DN/d8 G/d4 U/d12 M/d12

8 IV/d14 DR/d20 DN/d8 G/d4 U/d12 M/d14

9 IV/d14 DR/d24 DN/d10 G/d4 U/d14 M/d14 Character Cit Table/Die by Class

10 IV/d16 DR/d24 DN/d10 G/d4 U/d14 M/d16 Level Warrior Cleric Thief Wizard Dwarf Elf Halfling

11 V/d16 DR/2d14 DN/d12 G/d4 U/d16 M/d16 1 III/d12 III/d8 II/d10 I/d6 III/d10 II/d6 III/d8

12 V/d20 DR/2d14 DN/d12 G/d6 U/d16 M/d20 2 III/d14 III/d8 II/d12 I/d6 III/d12 II/d8 III/d8

13 V/d20 DR/d30 DN/d14 G/d6 U/d20 M/d20 3 IV/d16 III/d10 II/d14 I/d8 III/d14 II/d8 III/d10
14 V/2d10 DR/d30 DN/d14 G/d7 U/d20 M/d20
4 IV/d20 III/d10 II/d16 I/d8 IV/d16 II/d10 III/d10
15 V/2d10 DR/2d16 DN/d16 G/d7 U/d24 M/d20
5 V/d24 III/d12 II/d20 I/d10 IV/d20 II/d10 III/d12
16 V/2d12 DR/2d16 DN/d16 G/d8 U/d24 M/d24
6 V/d30 III/d12 II/d24 I/d10 V/d24 II/d12 III/d12
17 V/2d12 DR/2d20 DN/d20 G/d8 U/d30 M/d24
7 V/d30 III/d14 II/d30 I/d12 V/d30 II/d12 III/d14
18 V/2d14 DR/2d20 DN/d20 G/d10 U/d30 M/d24
8 V/2d20 III/d14 II/d30+2 I/d12 V/d30 II/d14 III/d14
19 V/2d14 DR/3d20 DN/d24 G/d10 U/d30 M/d30

20 V/3d10 DR/3d20 DN/d24 G/d12 U/d30 M/d30 9 V/2d20 III/d16 II/d30+4 I/d14 V/2d20 II/d14 III/d16

21+ V/3d10 DR/4d20 DN/d30 G/d12 U/d30 M/d30 10 V/2d20 III/d16 II/d30+6 I/d14 V/2d20 II/d16 III/d16

*Includes orcs, kobolds, goblins, bugbears, lizardmen, etc.

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