REPORT Ayush Choudhary 0901AU171023

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Colloquium June 2021

A Project Report for the Internship From
“NHK Spring India Ltd”
(1 MARCH – 30 APRIL 2021)

ENROLL.NO.- 0901AU171023

Submitted to

Dr. Amit Aherwar

Prof. Shubham Shrivastava
MITS Gwalior
And its production Facility of


I Ayush Choudhary, student of B. TECH Automobile Engineering, 4th

year Madhav Institute Of Technology and Science ,Gwalior would like
to extend my sincere & heart full obligation to NHK Spring India Ltd to
provide me an opportunity to work as a intern in their esteemed
My appreciation extends to my mentor Mr. Roshan Lal under whose
supervision I complete my training. Under his sincere guidance &
support I was able to complete my project successfully. I am thankful to
him for his able guidance & support that carried along with me all
through project. I would also like to thank Mr. Suresh Kumar & Mr.
Yogesh Kumar & all the departments’ heads & employees of NHK
Spring India Ltd , Manesar for their support & encouragement.
I am equally great full to Dr. Amit Aherwar, our Mentor, Teacher &
Coordinator, Department of Mechanical Engineering , M.I.T.S , Gwalior
for extending his support & his valuable suggestion always help me
during my project.
I would love to take this opportunity to thank my family, friends and all
those who’s effort and help have made this internship project a success.
Above all, I thank god almighty for giving me strength to work and
successfully complete this project.


I hereby declare that the work presented in this dissertation entitled

“Stabilizer bar”, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of
the degree of Bachelor of Technology (Automobile Engineering)
submitted to Faculty Assistant Professor Dr. Amit Aherwar,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Madhav Institute Of
Technology And Science, Gwalior , is an authentic record of our own
work carried out during the period from 01/03/2021 to 31/04/2021 .

The work reported in this dissertation has not been submitted by me for
award of any other degree or diploma.


Place: Gwalior

This is to certify that Ayush Choudhary (0901AU171023) of Madhav

Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior has undergone training
in NHK Spring India LTD, Gurugram for a period of 60 days from 1st
March 2021 to 30th April 2021 , under my guidance. His performance
has been satisfactory so as to fulfill all the requirements for
successful completion of the training. This document is a bonafide
testimony of the trainings undergone and work carried out by him in
this course which fulfills the ordinance related to degree of B.Tech in
Automobile Engineering from Madhav Institute of Technology and
science, Gwalior.

Mr. Roshan Lal

NHK Spring India ltd.

Gurugram, Haryana

India is 2nd fastest growing economy, also growing as hub for auto
manufacturing industry. Most of global auto manufacturing leaders
and producers are moving towards Indian market. Autocomponent
Industry could be the future base for Indian economy. The study in
this report is on the internship done in NHK spring India Ltd. It
consists topic ranging from History of the Company to their Quality
This study focusing on 3 aspects –
1. Situation Of Automotive Component Manufacturing Companies
In India
2. About NHK Spring India ltd. And their Stabilizer bar production
3. Brief Analysis .
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................3
CANDIDATE’S DECLARATION ............................................................................................................. 4

ABSTRACT ..........................................................6
CHAPTER – 1 ......................................................9
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 10
1. Market Overview ...................................................................................................................... 10
2. Export Scenario ......................................................................................................................... 10
3. Key Product Categories and Segments for Exports................................................................... 11
4. Major Characteristics ................................................................................................................ 12
5. Major Findings........................................................................................................................... 13
6. Challenges faced by Indian auto component industry .............................................................. 16

CHAPTER-2 ....................................................... 18
COMPANY PROFILE .......................................................................................................................... 19
NHK spring India LTD. POLICIES ....................................................................................................... 22
Quality policy ................................................................................................................................ 22
Laboratory quality policy ............................................................................................................. 22
Environmental Management System Policy ............................................................................... 23
Key Management Philosophy / Shared Value System .................................................................. 24
BRIEF HISTORY OF NHK Spring INDIA LTD ....................................................................................... 25
PLANTS IN INDIA............................................................................................................................... 27
PRODUCT RANGE.............................................................................................................................. 28
1. Coil Springs: -......................................................................................................................... 28
2. Stabilizer bar :- ...................................................................................................................... 29
3. Hollow Stabilizer bar :- .......................................................................................................... 30
4. Vehicle Seat Plan:-................................................................................................................. 31
5. Leaf Spring............................................................................................................................. 31
• CUSTOMERS.............................................................................................................................. 32
ORGANIZATION CLUSTER OF MANESAR PLANT............................................................................ 33

CHAPTER – 3 STABILIZER BARS ......................... 34

What Is Stabilizer Bar? ..................................................................................................................... 35
What Does it Do?.............................................................................................................................. 35
How Do Stabilizer Bars Work? .......................................................................................................... 36
Different Kinds of Stabilizer Bars ..................................................................................................... 37
How are solid Stabilizer bars manufactured in NHK? ..................................................................... 38
TESTING OF STABILIZER BARS .......................................................................................................... 43
Advantages of the using stabilizer bar test machines. ................................................................. 44
Relevant influences on Stabilizer Bars .............................................................................. 44
Experimental verification ...................................................................................................... 44
Technical data ........................................................................................................................... 45
OTHER TESTS ................................................................................................................................. 45


........................................................................ 47
CHARACTERISTICS OF PRODUCTION LINE AT NHK MANESAR ........................................................ 48
COST-EFFICIENT PRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 48
Streamlined Systems ..................................................................................................................... 49
Fully Integrated Capabilities ......................................................................................................... 49
Unique Supply-Chain Solution ...................................................................................................... 50
TOTAL QUALITY CONTROL ............................................................................................................ 50
Continuous Improvement ............................................................................................................. 51
Quality Control in Motion ............................................................................................................. 51
Key areas to be focused for NHK Spring India ltd ........................................................................... 52
POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 54


LIMITATIONS OF STUDY .................................................................................................................... 58
Duration of study .......................................................................................................................... 58
Data collection & sorting .............................................................................................................. 58
Communication barriers ............................................................................................................... 58
BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................................................................. 59
1. Market Overview

The Indian automotive component industry is small in size compared

to the world market ($2 trillion). India’s automobile industry is the
world’s fourth largest. India was the world's fourth largest
manufacturer of cars and seventh largest manufacturer of
commercial vehicles in 2019. Indian automotive industry (including
component manufacturing) is expected to reach between Rs. 16.16-
18.18 trillion (US$ 251.4-282.8 billion) by 2026. Indian automobile
industry (Includes automobiles and auto components) received
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) worth US$ 24.62 billion between
April 2000 and September 2020. The quality of components made in
India has improved significantly in the last decade and about 11
Indian auto component companies have won the Deming prize so
far. India is estimated to have the potential to become one of the top
five auto component economies by 2026.

2. Export Scenario

As per Automobile Component Manufacturers Association (ACMA),

automobile component export from India is expected to reach US$
80 billion by 2026. The Indian auto component industry aims to
achieve US$ 200 billion in revenue by 2026. Turnover of the
automotive components industry stood at Rs.1.19 lakh crore (US$
15.9 billion) from April to September 2020, registering a decline of
34% over the first half of the previous year. India exports a vast
range of automotive chassis and components. The major component
categories that have shown a healthy growth in exports are vehicle
components and accessories, transmission shaft and cranks, drive
axles, starter motors, generators, and bumpers. The driving force
behind India’s growing automotive components exports in the past
has been higher exports by Indian subsidiaries of global OEMs and
tier-I manufacturers.

2. Key Product Categories and Segments for Exports

The engine components segment is technology and capital intensive

and is likely to be dominated by the existing major firms in the short
to medium term. Engine technology is expected to move towards
superior design (for optimal fuel consumption and lesser emission),
thus access to such technologies will be limited to the existing major
firms. Among drive transmission and steering components, the
steering systems are among the critical components of a four-
wheeler. The capital and technology intensive nature of the segment
acts as an entry barrier for companies in the unorganized segment.
3. Major Characteristics

Over the period between FY16 to FY20, automotive components

industry registered a CAGR of 6%, reaching US$ 49.3 billion in FY20,
with exports growing at a CAGR of 7.6% during FY16-FY20 to reach
US$ 14.5 billion in FY20. The auto components industry accounted
for 2.3% of India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 25% to its
manufacturing GDP, providing employment to 50 lakh people in
2018-19.The Indian auto component industry is a thrust sector for
India. The direct employment generated by the medium and large
firms in the organized sector is 12.5 lakhs. In terms of location, over
70 percent of the automotive components companies are situated in
either the northern or western regions. Delhi,Gurgoan, Pune, and
Chennai have traditionally been the most important clusters for the
automotive components segment in India. The industry has 500
medium and large key participants in auto components in the
organized sector, along with 6,000 ancillary units. The unorganized
sector predominantly caters to the aftermarket. Manufacturers in
this sector operate independently with little investment and on a
small scale. They generally produce components based on copied
drawings and their quality is below average. Most components
required by the Indian automobile industry are manufactured locally.
Import dependence is estimated to the tune of 13.5 percent of the
domestic demand.
4. Major Findings

Major factors affecting the competitiveness & growth of the Indian

auto component manufacturers and exporters and challenges faced
by the Indian auto component industry with respect to input cost,
quality, delivery schedule, scaling up operations and government
policies. Many of the top executive of the companies are increasingly
buoyant about India’s prospects for the next five years both in terms
of exports and investments by Indian companies abroad.

A cumulative investment of ~Rs. 12.5 trillion (US$ 180 billion) in

vehicle production and charging infrastructure would be required
until 2030 to meet India’s electric vehicle (EV) ambitions. This is likely
to boost the demand of auto components from local manufacturers.

In November 2020, the Union Cabinet approved PLI scheme in

automobile and auto components with an approved financial outlay
over a five-year period of Rs. 57,042 crore (US$ 8.1 billion)

Automobile export is expected to grow at a Compound Annual

Growth Rate (CAGR) of 3.05% during 2016-2026. The Government of
India expects automobile sector to attract US$ 8-10 billion in local
and foreign investment by 2023.
In October 2020, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
agreed to provide US$ 1 billion (Rs. 7,400 crore) to SBI (State Bank of
India) for funding the manufacturing and sales business of suppliers
and dealers of Japanese automobile manufacturers as well as
providing auto loans for the purchase of Japanese automobiles in

In December 2020, Power PSU JV EESL announced plan to install

~500 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in the country in fiscal
5. Challenges faced by Indian auto component industry

1. Raw material prices- Some of the challenges faced on raw

material prices include rising prices, fluctuating prices,
discriminatory higher pricing by foreign vendors for Indian
component manufacturers, custom free import of finished
goods from ASEAN countries under FTA.
2. Competitiveness- the South East Asian companies are over
taking Indian autocomponent companies in competitiveness.
Thailand and Korea apart from China are highly competitive.
The major threat to India’s export is expected to be from other
Asian nations such as Thailand and Taiwan.
3. Inability to Have Dedicated R&D, Testing and Design
Capability: Many of Indian auto component manufacture are
small in size, their financial conditions do not permits them for
R&D, testing and design capability.
4. Finance Related Issues: finance is always a key issue for any
manufacturing industry, Indian industry needs high level of
foreign investment to conduct R&D and for high productivity,
but it is challenging for Indian auto component industry. Some
other challenges are delay in duty drawback and incentives,
currency fluctuation and frequent changes in DEPB rates.
5. Foreign relations Related Issues: At present, foreign partners
of Indian companies insist on arbitration in their home country
primarily due to lack of trust in Indian arbitration process.
Among SMEs, this works as a deterrent for entering in to any
business relationship with a foreign company.
Small companies find it difficult to navigate through the legal
documentation for any transnational business interaction. Such
companies are not aware of legal experts who can address to
their legal documentation requirements keeping the law of the
land of the country where they want to do business.
6. Market Exposure: The small and medium companies in auto
component sector do not have enough resources to create
awareness about their companies and products in even key
7. Manpower/ Human Resource Related Issues: Availability of
trained manpower and productivity is a big challenge. Rising
wage cost& various provisions of labor law could be other H.R.
related challenges.
8. Basic Infrastructure: Power shortage is a major concern for
many companies located in several industrial belts across the
country. Poor logistics/ transport infrastructure and seemingly
cartelization of transporters are also the areas of concern.
The prominent Ports in India are congested and as a result
there are delays in shipment of consignment.


Nhk Spring India Limited is an unlisted public company incorporated

on 08 November, 1996. It is classified as a public limited company
and is located in Gurgaon, Haryana. It's authorized share capital is
INR 118.00 cr and the total paid-up capital is INR 109.29 cr.

Nhk Spring India Limited's operating revenues range is INR 100 cr -

500 cr for the financial year ending on 31 March 2017. It's EBITDA
has decreased by -23.20 % over the previous year. At the same time,
it's book net worth has increased by 2.81 %. The company is a
manufacturer of Automotive Suspension Components for passenger
Cars, commercial vehicles and Utility Vehicle.
NHK spring India started production of coil springs for commercial
vehicles in 1996 at plant in Manesar, Harayana. From then the
company has created a niche in Automobile Industry as
manufacturer of Automotive Suspension Components for passenger
Cars, commercial vehicles and Utility Vehicles by keeping its pace
with changing market situations. The products, Coil Springs and
Stabilizer Bars are of the highest quality, accepted & appreciated by
esteemed customers.
After the setting up of production plant at manesar in 1996 , the
company set up another facility at Sri City , Andhra Pradesh ,
providing employment to 400 personals .
Establishment November 1996
Capital 1093 Million Rupees
Shareholders NHK Spring Co. Ltd., Japan (100.00%)

Coil Springs, Solid Stabilizer Bars,

Products Hollow Stabilizer Bars, Leaf Springs
& Vehicle Seats
NHK Spring Co. Ltd., Japan
Head Office Plot No.31, Sector 3, Industrial
Model Township (IMT),
Manesar -122050, (Haryana), INDIA
CIN - U35100HR1996PLC034459
Sricity 4500, Central Express Road, Sector
(Andhra - 24, Sricity, Varadaiah Palem
Pradesh) Mandal,
address Chittoor Distt.- 517541, Andhra

Manesar 1. Coil Spring

2. Solid Stabilizer Bar Manufacturing
3. Hollow Bar Manufacturing

Sricity 1. Coil Spring

2. Leaf Spring Manufacturing
3. Vehicle Seat Manufacturing

NHK Spring India Ltd. has been a major supplier to Maruti Suzuki,
Honda Cars, Mahindra & Mahindra, Toyota Kirloskar, Nissan,
Renault, Ford, Ashok Leyland, Daimler, Tata Motors, ISUZU, Yorozu
The company is drawing upon the strength of its joint venture
partners to upgrade its systems, skills and production values to offer
its customers the finest quality in its product category.

The company has won various awards which stand as a testament to

its “Quality First” policy, to name a few Appreciation Certificate from
Maruti Suzuki Supplier, Excellence Award from Mahindra,Best
Quality Supplier Award from Toyota,Honda Siel and Ford, etc..

NHK Spring India Ltd.'s commitment to maintaining quality

and customer satisfaction is reflected in the quality awards it has
received from its Vendors.
NHK spring India LTD. POLICIES

Quality policy

• We are committed to the satisfaction of customers.

• Achieve leadership in all spheres of working.
• Create a positive working environment & strive for
continual growth and improvement.
• Identify & fulfil the requirements of interested parties.

Laboratory quality policy

NHK spring India management is committed to ensure that the

quality of tests and services level delivered by the laboratory satisfies
the requirement of customers. They shall achieve this by:
• Establishing and maintaining laboratory management system
aligned to international standard ISO/IEC 17025.
• By familiarizing all concerned laboratory personnel with the
system document and good professional practices.
• Continual improvement of the effectiveness of the laboratory
management system.
Environmental Management System Policy

NHK Spring India Ltd. is an ISO 14001 certified Company since 2003.
It is striving, as a good global corporate citizen, to make
environmental preservation efforts in all steps of production.
NHK Spring India Ltd are committed to protect the environment
and continually improve the environmental performance by:
• Prevention of pollution and reduction of waste in production
• Recycling of waste and Conservation of natural resources
through sustainable resource use
• Fulfilling the applicable environmental, legal and statutory
• Providing awareness on environmental impact to employees
through environmental education and participation
Key Management Philosophy / Shared Value System

• Customer’s satisfaction: Maintaining high product quality,

timely delivery of products and services and offering cost
effective products and services.
• Mutual trust and confidence and transparency.
• High standards of values – honesty and integrity. Giving the
best to all stakeholders.
• Concern for employees.
• Social Responsibility.

NHK Spring India ltd is company established in 1996 by NHK Spring

Co., Ltd. (Nippon Hatsujō Kabushiki-gaisha), commonly called as NHK
Nippatsu , is regarded as one of the world's leading spring
manufacturers. NHK also makes seats for automobiles, suspension
systems for disk read-and-write heads used in hard-disk drives,
industrial machinery & equipment, and security solutions. The
company is listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
and has 51 subsidiaries, 23 in Japan and 28 overseas.

un. 1936 Established as Shibaura Spring Seisakujo.

1939 Renamed as Nihon Hatsujo.

1943 Ina First Plant opened and started manufacturing of precision springs

1989 The company planned a plant in India

in technical collaboration with JAMNA Auto Industries pvt. ltd

1991 The Company has embarked upon a diversification-cum-expansion

programme for the manufacture of LEAF SPRINGS, TAPERED
- The company has acquired land in Gwalior and in Derabassi
and the memorandum of understanding has been signed with M/s NHK
Springs Ltd., Japan,.

- Jamna Auto Industries Ltd., has developed springs for

export market in U.S.A.
for OEM customers like Reyco, Dexter Axle and also
developed a three stage
spring for Telco for their Tata mobile export model for
1995 The World's largest and the best car manufacturers like
General Motors, Ford, Daewoo, Peugeot etc. have now entered in India.
Business scene in joint ventures with major India OEMs.

1996 The company has set up manufacturing facilities.

and acquired balancing equipment’s at its plants located at Manesar,

1998 Bought into the Jamna Group, an Indian automotive suspension coil
to which the Company had provided technical assistance for the last 10

1998 Established Jamna-NHK-Allevard Suspension jointly with Jamna Group

1999 Best Quality Supplier Award from Honda Siel cars India ltd.

2003 Received Ford Preferred Quality Status

2009 Made NHK Spring India Ltd. a consolidated subsidiary.

2011 Established NHK Automotive Components India Pvt. Ltd., acquiring the
precision spring business from India-based Bombay Burmah Trading
Corporation Ltd.

2013 Established NHK F. Krishna India Automotive Seating as a joint venture with
the Krishna Group based in Chennai India.

2014 Rs. 300 crore investment plant in Sricity, Varadaiah Palem Mandal,
Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh

2017 Appreciation Certificate from Maruti Suzuki and Toyota motors

NHK Spring India Ltd. Has offered world class quality suspension
components for passenger cars and jeeps to its customers. And are
committed to rapid expansion of our product range and clientele by
continuously investing in contemporary and environment friendly

1.Facility at Manesar (Harayana) established in 1996

2.Facility At Sricity (Andhra Pradesh) established in 2013

NHK spring produces Coil Springs and Stabilizer Bars are of the
highest quality also the others products by the company are listed
below :-

1. Coil Springs: -
Manufacturing Capabilities of Coil Spring Plant
Spring Diameter: 80 mm ~ 200 mm
Wire Diameter: 8 mm ~ 18 mm
Free Height: 200 mm ~ 550 mm
Type of Springs: Cylindrical, Conical, Single Pig, Tail, Double Pig
L Shape Coil Spring (Side Force Control Springs)
Production Capacity: : 11.50 Million/Year (Four Lines)
Coil springs and coil spring manufacturing in NHK manesar

2. Stabilizer bar :-

Stabilizer Bar Plant Outline of Stabilizer Bar Plant

Production Capacity: Heat Treat Bar : 3.0 Million/Year

Non-HT Bar : 0.5 Million/Year

Stabilizer Bars
Manufacturing Capabilities of
Stabilizer Bar Plant

Arm Span: 1100 mm Maximum

Arm Height: 550 mm Maximum

Bar Diameter: 15 mm ~ 60 mm

Type of Stabilizer Bars: Forged End, Threaded End, Crimped End,

Stabilizer Bar and stabilizer bar manufacturing plant

3. Hollow Stabilizer bar :-

Hollow Stabilizer Bar Plant Outline of Hollow Stabilizer

Bar Plant

Production Capacity: : 1.0 Million/Year

Outer Diameter: 15 ~ 45 mm

Hollow Stabilizer Bar plant

4. Vehicle Seat Plan:-
Vehicle Seat Plant Outline of Vehicle Seat Plant

Production Capacity: : Current Capacity: 30,000 Seats/Year

NHK has two facilities at Chennai & Sricity.

Currently supplying to Renault Nissan and ISUZU Motors.

Vehicle seats produced in Sri city

5. Leaf Spring
Leaf Spring Plant Outline of Leaf Spring Plant
Production : 13200
Capacity: MT/Year with
WSSP Technologies
Manufacturing Leaf Spring
Capabilities of Leaf
Spring Plant
Leaf 45 mm ~
Width: 80 mm
Leaf 4 mm ~ 16
Thickness: mm
Leaf 700 mm ~
Length: 1600 mm

The company has 5 directors and 2 reported key management
The longest serving director currently on board is Toru Kadowaki
who was appointed on 30 August, 2008. Toru Kadowaki has been on
the board for more than 12 years. The most recently appointed
director is Shinichi Kozawa, who was appointed on 01 December,
Toru Kadowaki has the largest number of other directorships with a
seat at a total of 3 companies. In total, the company is connected to
2 other companies through its directors.
05 April, 2007
30 August, 2008
Managing director
10 September, 2014
25 May, 2015
24 November, 2018
01 April, 2019
What Is Stabilizer Bar?

 A stabilizer bar (anti-roll bar ,roll bar, anti-sway bar, sway bar),
is typically a u-shaped metal bar connected to the strut or
control arm, located by each of the vehicle’s wheels. Not every
vehicle has a sway bar, and there are multiple types.
➢ Sometimes sway bars don’t come in their typical “u shape” and
some sway bars are solid while others are hollow. While a sway
bar’s exact physical appearance can vary, sway bars all serve
the same purpose.


What Does it Do?

 The name “sway bar” or “stabilizer bar” is a bit of a misnomer,

and it’s why many people refer to them as anti-sway bars or
anti-roll bars. That’s because they limit how much your vehicle
sways when rounding corners or while turning.
 The simplest explanation for a sway bar’s purpose is to keep all
four of your wheels on the ground to prevent you from
accidentally flipping your vehicle.
With and without sway bar

How Do Stabilizer Bars Work?

 As car turns, it puts a lot of pressure on your car’s suspension

and steering system. Without anywhere to put that tension,
vehicle can end up “swaying” and if the problem is severe
enough, your car can end up flipping.
 Stabilizer bars work by providing an outlet for all that force; by
controlling where it goes, vehicle can stay stable and handle
those sharp turns a little better. Stabilizer bars do this by
twisting as the vehicle turns.
 As soon as the vehicle is done turning, the Stabilizer bars
straighten back out.

How a Stabilizer bar works when making a right turn

Different Kinds of Stabilizer Bars
While most Sway/ Stabilizer bars are a u-shaped bar that twists to
help keep your vehicle from flipping, there are several different kinds
of Sway/ Stabilizer bars used today.
The four most common Stabilizer bars are:

• Solid Stabilizer bars

• hollow (tubular) Stabilizer bars
• splined Stabilizer bars
• active anti-roll bar system(controlled by ECU)

Solid and hollow stabilizer bar

Splined stabilizer bar

How are solid Stabilizer bars
manufactured in NHK?
NHK is equipped to produce solid, spring-steel or high-grade, seam-
welded, hollow-tube stabilizer bars. This allows for the superior
design versatility necessary to achieve your ideal cost-and weight-
reduction-to-performance metrics that can give you a competitive
The company maintains a unique production capacity to design and
manufacture either solid or hollow-tubular stabilizer bars, using a
wide range of alloys with varying stress-fatigue and hardness
This gives engineers a full spectrum of options in the pursuit to strike
the optimum balance of weight, material and production-cost
savings, while meeting the design-performance specifications
necessary to enhance your vehicle’s handling capabilities and
suspension-system service life.
The manufacturing process is completed in the following processes:

1. Cutting

Solid Stabilizer bars are manufactured from high-grade, hot-rolled,

spring steel bar or—depending on the specified diameter—wire
rod.The first step in sway bar manufacturing is cutting the steel to
length. Then the ends are set inside a 2000-degree natural-gas forge
for several minutes until they reach the 1500-1600 degrees required
for forging.
They’re precision measured and cut to length (1200mm approx. and
15-60mm Dia ), in production line. Then, hot forming technology is
used to achieve the correct dimensional specifications for required
vehicle’s chassis.

Cutted spring bars turning process on bar

2. Turning :

The treated rods in a batch of 1000-2000 and taken to a nearby

workshop located in Gurgaon whereby, they are side tempered on a
turning machine. Turning machines produced by M.K Machinery are
used. After the process is completed the bars are transported back to
the facility in manesar.

3. Coining :

The low-bed press applies 260 tons of force and makes the first
forging process for this bar. “Coining” flattens the end of the bar and
punches a hole where an end link or bushing will connect it to the
vehicle. Based on applications, this process can also happen after
several other bending procedures. Stabilizer bars offer adjustable
spring rates depending on which hole is used to attach to the
Coining process on Sway bar

4. Bending

Fresh out of coining and still red-hot, this sway/stabilizer bar is

quickly moved to another nearby press to get its first bend.
Using Proprietary CNC Bender or a conventional bending tables,
the bar is bended according to the shape as desired by the
customer. Also different bending machines are used, depending
upon whether the bar is for a car or a truck or other heavy
locomotive, depending upon the diameter , of if the bar is solid or
hollow. The CNC bender requires the required radii to be fed in
the machine. This is caused by tensile or compression load applied
from outside or by torsional moments. As a result of the bending
process changes the angular position of one part of the workpiece
to another. A distinction is made between bending around
straight and curved axes and bending with linear and rotary tool
motion, As a result stretching, flattening in the outer fiber (outer
radius) occurs in such a way that the outer radius of curvature in
the middle of the bend is greater than in lateral areas of the
curvature. The inner fiber is usually subject to compression.
Bending zone of workpieces with a bending angle of 90°

Bending machines used

Here’s what a batch of sway bars look like after those two forming
processes have been done to each side.
5. Quenching

Bars go back into a forge, this time the whole thing is heated until
they reach 1500-1600 degrees before workers moves them first into
one forming die, and then another, before the bar is dropped into a
quench tank. The quench tank holds thousands of gallons of oil and is
surrounded by a water jacket that keeps it at the proper
temperature. Water is routed to a radiator outside and then back to
the tank once it’s been cooled.
A conveyor lifts the parts from the quench tank and cleans off the oil
before they move through a 1000-degree tempering oven for an
hour to reduce their hardness and make them less brittle. A part is
pulled every two hours and tested for hardness to ensure the
hardening and tempering process is working properly.

6. Polishing, Inspection And packing

Another conveyor takes parts through a cleaning process. In this

huge machine, tiny steel balls are fired at the parts from six different
angles using compressed air. The ducting separates the dust from the
shot, which is reused. When parts come out they’re clean and ready
to be polished, inspected and packed.
Stabilizers experience bending and torsion at operation. In particular,
their arms experience bending while the main body mainly torsional
loading. In both cases, the highly stressed area is the surface, where
the maximum tensile and shear stresses are acting. High strength
steels and special treatments, thermal and/or mechanical, are used
for the stabilisers’ manufacturing. Fatigue tests on Stabilizer Bar
Test Machine (STAP) are conducted to calculate the stress-life curves
of two different manufacturing processes.

Stabilizer bars requires testing that represents actual vehicle

conditions as accurately as possible. There are some essential test
areas when determining the quality of spring steel, for example,
fatigue strength under realistic load and environmental conditions.
Based on these requirements, a stabilizer bar test machine capable
of performing fatigue tests under normal laboratory
atmosphere. Thus, allowing the determination of stabilizer bar
fatigue strength while reducing both time and cost.

Stabilizer bar testing Machine

Advantages of the using stabilizer bar test
• Energy efficiency by utilising the principles of resonance
in tests.
• Reliability and low maintenance
• Designed to exclude all external forces and vibrations.
• Possible test types:
o Release test with alternative bearings capable of
running at higher frequencies.
o Assembly test with original bearings at low
o Full axle configuration test for simulation of real
• Tests for up to 43 mm thick stabilizer bars
• Software-based testing, documentation, and evaluation
• Accepted by all leading car manufacturers.

Relevant influences on Stabilizer Bars

• Mechanical demands from
o Tension of the bar
o Axle kinematics
• Damage to the surface and coating through Stone
• Corrosive environment conditions

Experimental verification
• Pre-damage caused by Impact Simulator
• Corrosion in alternating cycle tests
• Tests with original stabilizer bar bearings in instillation
• Statistical validation through systematic testing

Technical data

• Test Specimens:
all types of passenger vehicle stabilizer bars,
one or two bars can be tested simultaneously.
• Stabilizer bar diameter: d = 15 to 60 mm
• Stabilizer bar length: L ≤ 1200 mm
• Test frequency: f = 2 to 25 Hz
• Loading conditions:
constant and randomly variable amplitudes (block
program), constantly alternating loads
• Installation:
P el equates to 1 kW, on a level ground surface
• Weight / Measurements of the machine:
3,2 tons, L = 4500 mm, W = 1500 mm,
H = 1800 mm

Apart from testing on the Stabilizer bar testing machine the
following tests are performed.

Mechanical testing
• Load, rate and profile measurement
• Slip force, stress measurement
• Environmental Bushing Noise
• Performance, corrosion, and environmental
Comprehensive metallurgical investigation
• Hardness (HBD, HRC, HV)
• Decarburization
• Microstructure
• Shot peening coverage
• Weld bead and weld flow
• Surface profile
• Residual stress
• Chemical composition
• Failure investigation

Coating evaluation
• Film thickness
• Cold/room temperature
• Chipping
• Adhesion
• Pre-treatment evaluation
• SST and CCT
• Humidity resistance
• Fluid immersion


Automotive OEMs realise that NHK utilizes its manufacturing

engineering that actualizes its advanced stabilizer-
bar designs in the most cost-effective way possible.
Furthermore, as the subcompany of world’s largest stabilizer-
bar manufacturer, NHK stays ahead of the curve on
investments that continually optimize production cost-to-
Streamlined Systems
Based on lean-manufacturing and continuous-
improvement philosophy, NHK spring maintains a streamlined
production process that optimizes efficiency without sacrificing
Multiple, fully independent production lines, equipped to turn
raw material into a finished stabilizer bar, with virtually no
interruption, enables the company to:
• Minimize inventory.
• Eliminate redundant and unnecessary labour
• Expedite orders with clockwork consistency.

Fully Integrated Capabilities

Operation yields a finished stabilizer bar, with no outsourcing
for prep or post-op work. Cutting, forming, fabrication, epoxy
power coating and e-coat, QC-check testing . . . It all happens
here, under one roof.
Plus, further solving logistics and production-cost problems,
NHK maintains ancillary operations to deliver a full stabilizer-
bar assembly, complete with everything from rubber bushings
and clamps to stabilizer links and bonded bushings.

Unique Supply-Chain Solution

What sets NHK India apart from other major stabilizer-bar
For one thing, when an OEM specifies a solid and a hollow-tube
bar on the same vehicle platform, NHK has the industry-
exclusive capabilities to fulfil both orders in-house, for
maximum cost- and quality-control.

Total Quality Control

For companies Like NHK that manufactures safety-critical

automotive components—the only superlative to having a
genuine quality and safety culture, is having structured Quality
Check elements hardwired into production routines,
proactively applying that culture to process every single day.
Continuous Improvement
Because communication is the only way to ensure the best
ideas drive the manufacturing and QC process, Weekly quality
meetings bring representatives from each department
together—on the production floor—to exchange information
regarding process, share insights and solve problems.

Quality Control in Motion

NHK spring India maintains key safety and other quality

checks along the assembly line, throughout the process.
This enables production to take the most cost-efficient
path to quality assurance by addressing defects
immediately, before they manifest themselves in high
volume, while expediting throughput to stay on
Key areas to be focused for
NHK Spring India ltd
1. Productivity
2. Quality
3. Customer relations
4. Manufacturing cost
5. Inventory Management



1) Productivity of workers low because of lack of training.

2) Company uses old C.P.S.R.line technique which is slow

and did not able to achieve target.

NHK Spring India is known for quality for more than 25 years, but
their amount of scrap & Wastages is too high.
Customer Relation
1) NHK Spring India ltd. have supplier relations with almost all
the auto manufacturers.

2) Now company need to manage their relation with

continuous feedback from customers about quality &
3) They also need to focus on new players in market.

Cost concern
1) Electricity & Raw material cost is major concern
2) Raw material cost is another major cost concern for

3) Cost of scrap rework & other costs.

4) Company uses different small level logistics companies for

all the plants, as in the case of bar tapering, mentioned
above so it is quite costlier to use these services at daily
basis ,instead they should made contract with any big
logistics company, that may save a huge transportation
Inventory management
Warehouse management is major problems in Indian auto
component industries, Stock out or over stock is a major problem for
company ,company manufacturing is totally depends up on orders
received from various auto manufacturers ,these orders are received
on a very short time spam , so it is hard to manage inventory in
short time period.

In NHK Manesar plant, stock of diesel is always a major problem,

because purchase department could not find any responsible

For productivity
1) H.R. department should continuously evaluate labour
performance & their satisfaction level, training & development
programme should be organized, special training will be given
to those employees whose productivity is less than basic
2) Company should make change in CPSR line of stabilizer line.
They could use hydraulic robots and more CNC controlled
machines, by using these quantity of wastages will leads to
very low.
3) They can take technical help from their North American partner
NHK New Mather Metals, because their technical knowhow is
very advance.

For Quality
Company is already known for their quality standard, they follow
TQM standard (total quality management) they need to focus on
speed of processes.
Company should conduct R&D to improve the quality of component
& processes.

To improve Customer relation

Customer relation department should try to take feedback from its
customer companies on new trends and upcoming demand of
products that will help production department to develop the
product to match with upcoming market conditions.
They should organize seminars or meeting to exchange of ideas, this
may create better relationship with their customers.

NHK Spring India Ltd is the major supplier of Spring to almost all the
auto manufacturers and maintain relation for 20 years , now it’s time
to get benefits from these relations because various foreign
companies enters in Indian market.
Cost control
1) Company should use solar generators in all their plants to save
huge electricity cost, that is one time investment but it can save
& saves electricity cost for long term.
2) Company Should try to find out new cheaper source of raw

3) Contract with a multinational logistics company for their supply

chain could be cheaper & faster.

Maintain in-stock availability

The dealers must get the material when demanded is one of the
decisive factor that has been learned from the study. Company must
maintain enough stock in the warehouses so that delivery gaps
couldn’t get arises at the time of sudden rise in the demand. This
would satisfy dealers and ultimately increase the sales


Broader topic.
Being a large company, I think NHK Spring India Ltd should have a
better Website of their own. Since there is no one specific place
or website for information , it is quite difficult to find data
related to all the aspects of this project.

Duration of study
Time given was enough to complete the internship and find all the
related data. But due to lockdown issues study could not be
completed properly.

Data collection & sorting

A Lot of time wasted in data collection, it took about 20- 25 day
for data collection from various sites & online sources, NHK
Spring India employees did not provide some data that could
help me in this study, because that is confidential according to
them. Also find out relevant data from pool of data resource is
another major barriers.

Communication barriers
I collected Some information from different employees of NHK
Spring India Ltd. The major problems is that they have too busy
schedule, it wasted my lots of time to wait for them, they have
very little time for interaction, so find out relevant information
in very short interaction is another major barrier of my study.

• Auto component manufacturer association (ACMA) annual

• NHK Spring India Ltd. Manesar
• NHK Spring India H.R. Manual.

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