Biblically Integrated Lesson Plan
Biblically Integrated Lesson Plan
Biblically Integrated Lesson Plan
Andrea M. Ibañez
Senior High School - Social Science Teacher
1.) explain how man can make laws that are biblical or unbiblical.
2. Greetings
Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon, ma’am Andrea! Good
afternoon, classmates! It’s nice to see you
It feels wonderful when you
know that there is someone
sincerely praying for you. But it
feels more wonderful when you
sincerely pray for the happiness
and safety of someone, right? Yes, Ma'am
3. Classroom Management
Okay, before anything else, I (The students will open their cameras or
just want to make sure that you are explain why they can’t).
on your gadgets while we are
discussing our lesson for today.
Please open your cameras for those
who are not opening, I will really
be grateful if you mind to explain
why you can’t open your cameras.
4. Attendance
Okay, so before we start our (The students will be called one by one).
discussion for today, I’m just going
to check who are present for today.
When you hear your name, kindly
say present.
B. Recall
Okay class, who can still (Student will answer).
remember the last topic we had last
1.) Instruction
A. Anticipatory Set
The students will be given
different scenarios and ask whether
they think there should be laws
about each.
1. Driving while talking on a cell (Students will answer)
2. passing a law that prohibits the
use of certain oils in cooking to
decrease public obesity.
3. passing a law that someone has
to quit smoking at work
because it costs more
(insurance wise) to retain an
employee that smokes.
B. Procedures
Let us now watch “I’m Just a (The students will watch the video)
Bill” by Schoolhouse Rock for
you to understand better.
Directions: Draw a comic that shows the process of how a bill becomes a law or write a
paragraph explaining how a bill becomes a law.
Prepared by:
SHS Teacher