Module Prelim To Finals
Module Prelim To Finals
Module Prelim To Finals
Prepared by:
Unit I: Introduction…………………………………………………………………..
The Meaning and Importance of Tourism
The relationship of Tourism and Hospitality
Characteristics of Tourism and Hospitality
Importance of Tourism and Hospitality
Unit 1
Learning Outcomes:
The Tourism and Hospitality Industry: a powerful driver of the economic engine of nations. The
important roles of tourism and hospitality as the main instrument in socioeconomic development
of any nation cannot be overstated.
Tourism and hospitality has become one of the world’s largest and fastest growing industries
and it is because of the several factors, such as rising levels of income, improvements in
transportation and the low cost airline services, easier access to destinations by tourists and the
diversification of the industry with new market niches.
Learning Objectives:
Presentation of Contents
The word Tourism is derived from the Hebrew word “torah” which means studying,
learning and searching.
Tourism is the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of
recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of the commercial provision of
services. As such, tourism is a product of modern social arrangements, beginning in
Western Europe in the 17th century, although it has antecedents in classical antiquity.
The term is derived from the latin word “ hospitare” which means “to receive a guest”.
Hospitality it implies whereby a guest who is away from home is welcomed by a host where
basic necessities are provided such as food, beverages, and lodging.
An industry comprises business entity of food, beverages, lodging or a combination of these
businesses to travellers during stay in a destination.
Hospitality Tourism
Hospitality Tourism
-Accommodation -Attractions
-Food and Beverage -Transportation
Services services
-Time share -Tour Operators
-Events/Entertainment -Tourism Information
An area where has good hotel and restaurant resources can attract more tourists. People are
search for better accommodation and dining location so the hospitality should be regarded
seriously. Tourism developed area have higher demand for the hotel, more tourists’ needs, more
place to live and relax. These two industries not only can bring income to promote the national
economy, but also solve the problem of employment and with the development of the society,
human’s activities promote the development of many new industries. Hospitality and tourism are
two of these industries.
Excursionists: Temporary visitors staying less than 24 hours in the destination visited
and not making an overnight stay.
Visitors are further classified into:
International visitor: Refers to any person who travels to a country outside his/her usual
Domestic visitor: Refers to any person who travels to a place other than that of his/her
usual environment but still within the country.
Elements of Travel
What must be considered under distance is the difference between local travel or
travelling within a person’s home community and non local travel or travelling away
from home. It excludes commuting to and from work and change in residence.
A measure that has been used to distinguish travel away from home is the distance
travelled on a trip.
The second basic element of travel used as a criteria for defining travellers is the length
of stay at a destination. The definition of tourist and excursionist are proposed by the
WTO (World Tourism Organization) is largely teased on length of stay. Tourists are
temporary visitors who make at least one overnight stay while excursionists are
temporary visitors who do not stay overnight in the destination that they visit.
The residence or origin of the traveller is the third basic element of travel. For business
and research purposes, it is important to know where people live.
4. Purpose of Travel
The fourth basic element is the purpose of travel. It can be divided into seven:
Direction: Site/Share a scenario that showcase the relationship of Hospitality and Tourism
Direction: Identify each of the items below if it is under Hospitality (H) or Tourism (T).
Write your answer on the space before the number.
_________1. La mesa Eco Park
_________2. Jollibee
_________3. Hiking
_________4. Camping
_________5. Boracay Night Club
_________6. Theatre
_________7. Carmelita hotel
_________8. KFC
_________9. Scuba Diving
_________10. Bungee Jumping
Did the topic of this unit help you to widen your knowledge about hospitality and tourism
10 Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and
Components of Tourism
1. Accessibility (Transportation)
Accessibility means reachability to the place of destination through various means of
transportation. Transportation should be regular, comfortable, economical and safe. Today there
are various means of transportation like airlines, railways, surface (road transportation) and water
transportation. The transportation should be there for all kinds of tourists and destinations.
2. Accommodation
It is a place where tourists can find food and shelter provided he/she is in a fit position to pay for
it. There are various types of accommodation from a seven star deluxe hotel to a normal budget
class hotel.
Elements of Tourism: - There are certain elements or ingredients of tourism. They are the
fundamental attractions of tourism
1. Pleasing weather
2. Scenic attractions
4. Accessibility
5. Amenities
6. Accommodation
8. Other factors
1. Pleasing weather
2. Scenic attractions
No doubt scenic attractions are very important factors in tourism. Scenery consisting of
mountains, lakes, waterfalls, glaciers, forests, deserts, is strong forces attracting people to visit
them. Thousands and thousands of tourists are attracted by the northern slopes of the Alps in
Switzerland and Austria and the southern slopes at Italy and also Himalayan.
4. Accessibility
Accessibility is another important factor of tourism. There should be accessibility for each and
every location of tourist attractions. If their locations are inaccessible by the normal means of
transport, it would be of little importance. All kinds of transport facilities are to be made
available for such locations. The distance factor also plays an important role in determining a
tourist’s choice of a destination. Longer distance cost much than to short distances.
5. Amenities
Facilities are very essential for any tourist centre. They are considered necessary aid to the tourist
centre. For a seaside resort facilities like swimming, boating, yachting surf riding and such other
facilities like deeming recreations and amusements are very important feature. There are two
types of amenities; natural and manmade. Beaches, sea-bathing, fishing, climbing, trekking,
viewing etc. are come under the former category. Various types of entertainments and facilities
which cater for the special needs of the tourists come under the latter category.
6. Accommodation
Other factors
Besides the above factors, hospitality is one such factor among the variety of factors. It is
the duty of the host country to be hospitable towards tourists. For this French and Indian
governments have done a lot. A series of short films on various themes like “being
courteous”, “cleanliness” and “welcoming” a visitor” were prepared and exhibited
through a wide network cinema theaters all over the country. Slogans like “welcome a
visitor- send back a friend” were displayed at various important exists and entry points
like railway stations, airports and seaports. Following the above methods, many other
countries launched “Be nice” campaigns. It means that the tourists must be treated as
2. The products of tourism and hospitality are not used up; thus, they do not exhaust the
country’s natural resources. The products of other industries have a limited life and at the
end of it are either junked or replaced with new ones.
6. The tourism and hospitality industry is seasonal. During vacation seasons, millions of
tourists travel, which result in increased revenues for several tourism agencies; but when
vacations are over, these companies experience a big decline in dollars earned.
7. The industry is dynamic. It is characterized by the changing ideas and attitudes of its
customers and therefore must be always prepared and willing to adjust to these things.
What is a service? Services are a special form of product which consists of a activities, benefits
or satisfactions offered for a sale that are intangible and do not result in the ownership of
In the following, we will go into the most relevant characteristics of services. The most
important characteristics of services are:
Tourist products cannot be touched as they include flight experience on an airplane,
cruise on an ocean liner, a night’s rest in a hotel, a nice meal in a luxurious restaurant ,
view of mountains, a visit to a museum, a good time in a night club and much more.
These products are experiences. Once they have taken place they can only be recalled and
For example: A person who pays for massage will not see the effects of massage until
the massage is done to his/her body.
As a consumer cannot feel the service beforehand, they look for indications and evidence of
quality of service.
In tourism and hospitality services, both the service provider and the customer must be
present for the transaction to occur.
If a service employee provides the service, then the employee is part of the service
For example: The food in the restaurant may be outstanding, but if the service staff is
rude, customers will down rate the overall service of the restaurant.
Another implication is that customers and employees must understand the service delivery
system because they are coproducing the service.
For example: A couple may choose a restaurant but if a group of loud customers is
seated next to them, the couple will be disappointed.
It means that the quality of services depends on who provides them and when, where and
how they are provided.
For example: Within a given hotel chain, one reception desk agent may be cheerful and
efficient one day but would be unpleasant and slow the other day.
The service provided by the industry is highly perishable.
If the service is unused, it is wasted.
For example: A 70 room hotel that sells only 40 rooms on a particular night cannot
inventory the 30 unused rooms and then sell 100 rooms the next night because revenue
lost from not selling the 30 rooms is gone forever.
Direction: Share a scenario that best describe the following:
1. Intangibility:_____________________________________________________________
2. Inseparability:____________________________________________________________
This Assessment
Direction: This section gauges the perception of how tourism and hospitality fits in the state and
regional economy and assesses the level of tourism and hospitality activity and the transportation
resources available.
1. I s there a need for more investment in the transportation resources to support the current
mix and level of tourism recreation travel? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Learning Objectives:
Tourism and Hospitality has become one of the world’s major industries. Both developing and
highly developed nations are now taking a closer look at the following potential benefits from
tourism and hospitality.
1. Contribution to the balance of payments. Tourism and hospitality can help correct the
balance of payments and deficits of many countries by earning the much-needed foreign
currency in international trade. Examples of countries in which the tourism and
hospitality industry has helped reduce the deficits are: Spain, Mexico, Philippines,
Thailand, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
5. Social benefits. Social exchange takes place when tourists come in contact with the
inhabitants of the places they visit. Their social background and their presence affect the
social structure and way of life of the local residents. In the same way, tourists are also
affected by the experience so that they often carry with them new habits and a new
outlook on life when they return home.
8. A vital force for peace. A properly designed and developed tourism and hospitality can
help bridge the psychological and cultural distances that separate people of different
races, colors, religions, and stages of social and economic development. In facilitating
more genuine social relationships among individuals, tourism and hospitality can help
overcome prejudices and foster international brotherhood and world understanding. Thus,
tourism and hospitality can become a real force for world peace.
Reflections and Discussions: How Tourism adapt to a new normal?
After a month of lockdown, it’s no surprise that people are very excited to get out when MGCQ
(modified general community quarantine) is announced and implemented. But even though some
of the regions are now under the MGCQ status still the governors from the different provinces
are unsure whether to totally open its border despite of the increasing number of infected in the
country and it is not only the officials who are unsure about the next steps, it’s also the tourism
businesses because the change is still continuing to dictate the immediate future, knowing the
likely trends is imperative for operators in the sector.
21 Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and
There’s a real tug of war going on-people are keen to get out from their lockdown locations, but
at the same time they’re guided by COVID-19 restrictions and are cautious of protecting their
personal health,”Prof Sigala says.
What this means is that a sense of safety and security will really drive tourists’ choices, affecting
not only how and where they travel, but also what they do on holiday.
People will be travelling for shorter periods and in smaller groups, preferably with family
members and friends, as the proximity of loved ones creates a sense of reassurance and reduces
perceived risks.
Nature and the outdoors are expected to dominate travel plans, with an end to group tours and
experiences, including theme parks, casinos, and to some extent, even visits to capital cities.
With risk reduction driving tourist choices, Prof Sigala says tourism operators must adapt.
Operators that instil trust are likely to lead the revival of tourism, “Prof Sigala says. Restaurants,
hotels, malls and museums modify and redesign experiences to accommodate social distancing
and hygiene issues, and this is what will need to continue.
Flexibility will also be important, as tourists are keen to keep control of their travel plans-right
up to the last minute-in case substances require them to change. This is a clear call for tourism
operators to amend rigid booking or cancellation policies if they wish to appeal to the new
Prof Sigala says that while innovation and creativity will be valuable assets for all tourism
operators, those that embrace technology will undoubtedly be one step ahead of the competition.
Covid-19 has deepened people’s connection with digital services that is why technology is no
longer an option or a luxury for a tourism provider, but a survival necessity,”Prof Sigala says.
Contact free services and experiences will all be in demand.
Equally, technologies that can monitor crowds, as well as identify and track health profiles are
likely to be a desirable feature for destinations.
The root causes and new realities imposed by the pandemic have caused fundamental changes to
the way we think, live, work and play. Which in turn, are transforming the nature of tourism
demand and supply alike.
Some of these changes may be temporary, but others are here to stay and will redefine the way
we practice and experience tourism for years to come.
What are the contact free services you could recommend for the hotel industry to overcome the
recession caused by covid-19?
What is the role of tourism and hospitality in the growth of cultural experience in the
How might you use what you learned in the future in your life or profession?
Unit 2
The History of Tourism
and Hospitality
Learning Outcomes:
Learning Objectives:
Early Tourism
Travel and exploration are basic to human nature. Man has traveled since the earliest
times although the term tourism was used only in the 19 th century. “Tourism is derived from
Hebrew word torah which means studying, learning, or searching.
Tourism can trace its ancestry in the Old Testament. Noah with his Ark must have been the first
large-scale operator even though his passengers were mostly animals. There are numerous
references to caravans and traders in the Old Testaments. Chapter 26 and 27 of the Book of
Ezekiel describe trade and commerce in ancient Tyre and recount the travels abroad made by
Early Tourism
24 Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and
Early Tourism has two forms:
1. Travel for business
2. Travel for religious reasons
The invention of money, writing and wheel by the Sumerians facilitated travel and
exchange of goods.
Both the Greeks and Romans were well known traders and as their respective empires
increased, travel became necessary.
Roman traveller was largely aided by improvement in communications, first class roads
and inns (forerunners of modern hotels).
Besides Rome and Jerusalem, St. James of Galicia was the foremost destination of
English pilgrims in the 14th century.
Beginning in 1388, English pilgrims were required to obtain and carry permits, the
forerunner of the modern passport.
After the decline of the Roman Empire in the 5th century, roads were not maintained and
they became unsafe.
Under Elizabeth I, young men seeking positions in court were encouraged to travel to the
continent to widen their education.
This practice was gradually adopted by others in the lower social scale.
The term was used as early as 1670. While apparently educational, the appeal became
Pleasure seeking young men of leisure travelled predominantly throughout France and
Italy to enjoy the cultures and social life of Europe, with Venice, Florence and Paris as
the key attractions.
By the end of the 18th century, the practice had become institutionalized for the upper
class of society.
As young men sought intellectual improvement in the continent, the sick sought a remedy
for their illness in “spas” or medicinal baths.
The term “spa” is derived from the waloon word “espa” meaning fountain.
The Industrial Revolution brought about major changes in the scale and type of tourism
It brought about not only technological changes but also essential social changes that
made travel desirable as a recreational activity.
The increase in productivity, regular employment, and growing urbanization gave more
people the motivation and opportunity to go on holiday.
The emerging middle class combined higher incomes and growing education into annual
To escape from their responsibilities and the crowded city environment, they travelled to
the countryside or seashore for their holidays.
This led to the creation of working class resorts near major industrial centers.
The railroads created not only more business by providing reliable and cheap
transportation but also more competition as various private companies invested heavily in
hotels, resorts, and entertainment facilities.
Thus tourism was transformed from a small business catering to the elite into the start of
a mass market that is travel by a large number of individuals.
The use of steam power provided the increased mobility needed by the tourism business.
Steamers on the major rivers provided reliable and inexpensive transportation that led to
the popular day trip cruises and the growth of coastal resorts near large industrial towns.
His first excursion train trip was between Leicester and Loughborough in 1841 with 50
passengers at a round trip fare of one shilling.
The success of this venture encouraged him to arrange similar excursions using chartered
trains. In 1866, he organized his first American tour. In 1874, he introduced “circular
notes” which were accepted by banks, hotels, shops and restaurants.
Other tour companies which appeared in Britain at this time were Dean and Dawson in
1871, the Polytechnic Touring Association in 1872 and Frames in 1881. In the United
States, American Express was founded by Henry and William Fargo.
As the 19th century drew to a close, photography and guide books became popular. A
huge variety of guide books which dealt with both local and overseas travel were sold to
The most popular of these was Baedecker, first published in 1839, which became the
leading guide for European countries at the end of the century.
At the beginning of the 20th century, pleasure travel continued to expand, encouraged by
the increasing wealth, curiosity and outgoing attitudes of the people as well as the
increasing ease of such movement.
World War I brought about many changes which influenced the volume of tourism.
Early post war prosperity, coupled with large scale migration boosted the demand for
international travel.
Interest in foreign travel was further enhanced by the first hand experience of foreign
The railways as a means of travel declined with the introduction of the motor car.
Motorized public road transport and improved road conditions led to the popularity of
seaside tours.
World War II also led to the increased interest in travel. The war had introduced
combatants not only to new countries but to new continents, generating new friendships
and an interest in different cultures.
Air travel had become more comfortable, safer, faster and cheaper in comparison with
other forms of transport.
With the introduction of the Boeing 707 in 1958, the age of air travel for the masses
arrived, hastening the decline of sea travel.
After the post war recovery years, there was an increase in private car ownership.
Travelers switched to the use of private cars and this change affected both coach and rail
The private car provided flexible transportation which freed people from the schedules
and fixed routes of public transport.
The demand for hired cars on holidays overseas also increased substantially.
Due to labor negotiations and social legislation, the length of official and paid holidays
Governments have created more vacation time by incorporating isolated public holidays
into the familiar long “weekends” throughout the year.
As business and trade prospered in the developed countries, business travel also
flourished, leading to the demand not only for individual travel but also for conference
and incentive travel on a world wide scale.
The 1970 have also seen the emergence of new patterns of tourism. As economic power
has shifted between countries, new tourism generating countries arose, notably the oil
rich Arab countries and Japan.
Europe as well as the developing tourist based economies of Asia have benefited from
this influx.
The Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia have strengthened their
tourist attractions to appeal to new markets.
Governments of many nations are encouraging the growth of both domestic and
international tourism as a means of job creation, economic diversification, and source of
foreign exchange.
It is mentioned in writings dating back to Ancient Greece, Rome and Biblical Times.
In ancient times people felt the requirement of hospitality because they believed that
hospitality to strangers was necessary to their religious well being
30 Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and
Hospitality in Ancient Greece is missionaries, priests and pilgrims formed a very large
part of the travelling public. They travelled understandable that certain elements of
religion were intermingled with the idea.
Visit to holy places, perhaps oracles or temples that had a dominant position in their
Medieval Period
In later year of Roman Empire taverns and inns provided shelter for travelling merchants,
actors and scholars.
The high spot of that era in terms of hospitality was the development of ‘posthouses’ by
the Persians along the caravan routes.
Renaissance Period
During this period there were high demand for inns and taverns.
Coffee houses became extremely popular in Europe and were incorporated in many of the
Nineteenth Century
In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, public dining was not popular.
32 Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and
Many hotels were constructed without dining facilities
In 1875, a dining facility was opened in the Albermarle Hotel in London. By this time,
the term restaurant referred to the dining room of a hotel.
In London, more luxurious hotels began to appear. Some were known for their excellent
guest accommodation and superior food. One of the best known hotels was the Savoy
which was opened by Richard d’Oyly Carte in 1889.
In the Savoy, d’Oyly Carte employed two men who became famous throughout the
world-Cesar Ritz and Auguste Escoffier. The general manager was the renowned Cesar
Ritz and The Chef de cuisines was Auguste Escoffier.
Auguste Escoffier was one of the greatest chefs of all time. He is known for his classic
book, Le Guide Culinaire. He also installed the Kitchen Brigade System.
The Americans used their ingenuity to create something for everyone. Delmonico’s was
the only expensive and aristocratic restaurant in the United States. It was famous for its
fine food. Delmonico’s served Swiss-French cuisine and became the center of American
gastronomy or the art of good eating. It is also known for its bilingual menus-Baked
Alaska, Chicken à la king, and lobster newberg. The Delmonico steak is named after the
Other American cities had their own hotel palaces such as the Palmer House in Chicago,
St Clarke in New Orleans, and the Planters Hotel in St. Louis. The Hotel Del Coronado in
San Diego became famous because of its unique architectural style.
Although the modern hotel was a American invention, the Europeans contributed the
European Plan which meant that a guest need not pay for both room and meals in one
lump sum, but could pay for only the room and order the meals separately from an à la
carte menu of eat elsewhere.
More innovations in Hospitality occurred in the nineteenth century such as the custom of
dining out, better methods of preserving food through canning and vacuum packing, mass
feeding for school children, and the establishment of ice cream parlors.
Twentieth Century
1921- Walter Anderson and Billy Ingraham began the White Castle Hamburger Chains.
The name White Castle was chosen because white stood for purity and castle for strength.
1927- Marriott’s Hot Shoppe and root beer stands opened. At about this time, the drive-
in and fast food also sprang up in America.
1939- A restaurant called Le Pavillon de France opened in New York. By the end of
1930, every city had a deluxe supper club or night club. The Four Seasons also opened in
1939.It was the first restaurant to offer seasonal menus (summer, spring, fall, winter) with
its modern architecture and art as a theme.
1960s- Fine dining became popular because businessmen liked to eat well.
1970s- New establishments were introduced such as the Taco Bell, TGI Friday,
Houston’s, and Red lobster in the restaurant industry.
1993- The economic recovery was very strong. Thus, several mergers and acquisitions
have taken place. Many corporations have expanded overseas. Eastern Europe and China
have opened up.
How did the Industrial Revolution bring out major changes in Tourism and Hospitality
Explain the Contribution of the French Revolution in the history of restaurants
What did you learn that was unexpected?
Learning Objectives:
1. Know the famous individuals and its contribution in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry
2. Appreciate their contribution in the growth and development of the Industry
There are several outstanding individuals who have made a significant contribution to the growth
and development of the tourism and hospitality industry. They are Cesar Ritz, Ellsworth Milton
Cesar Ritz
Cesar Ritz became the general manager of Savoy Hotel in London, one of the most famous and
luxurious hotels in the world. He made the hotel a cultural center for high society. The Ritz name
is synonymous with refined, elegant hotels and service. At present, the Ritz-Carlton hotels bear
his name.
Conrad Hilton
Conrad Hilton was once recognized as “the biggest hotel man in the world.” He was described
by the New York Times as the “master of hotel finance.” He was careful not to over finance and
had a flawless sense of timing. In 1954, he formed the first major chain of American Hotels- a
group of hotels which followed standard operating procedures.
Thomas Cook
Thomas Cook is recognized as the first professional travel agent. He was the founder of the
world’s first travel agency. He is credited for making world travel possible for middle class. The
phrase “Cook tour” is still used at present to refer to a tour that goes to many places and stops
briefly at each place.
Ray Kroc
Ray Kroc has been the most financially successful of all hospitality entrepreneurs. He founded
the McDonald’s Corporation, a multibillion dollar industry, through his strong dedication,
organizational skills, perseverance, and incredible aptitude for marketing. Kroc developed
several operational guidelines such as Quality Service Cleanliness and Value or QSC&V .
Kroc’s motto “Never be idle a moment” was also incorporated into the business.
Isadore Sharp
Isadore Sharp, a first generation Canadian, was a founder of Four Seasons Regent Hotels, the
world’s largest hotel chain and a multimillion dollar global hotel empire. The success of the Four
Seasons Regent Hotels is largely due to the drive determination, and personal taste and style of
Isadore Sharp.
Ruth Fertel
Ruth Fertel was the founder of Chris Steak House, the largest upscale restaurant chain in the
United States. It has 59 operations- 54 in the US and Puerto Rico and five internationally. It sells
more than 11,000 steaks daily with a gross income of two hundred million dollars a year.
Because of this volume, Ruth Fertel is the most successful woman restaurateur at present.
Cezar Ritz:
Conrad Hilton:
Willard Marriott:
Explain how these famous individuals affect the modern era of tourism and hospitality industry.
Learning Objectives:
Tourism and hospitality in the Philippines began when the original inhabitants of the country
roamed around in search of food.
A more recognizable form of tourism appeared in the Philippines when the country was
discovered by Ferdinand Magellan and when galleons or wooden boats sailed between
Mexico and the Philippines during the galleon trade.
The Philippines were claimed in the name of Spain in 1521 by Ferdinand Magellan, a
Portuguese explorer sailing for Spain, who name the islands after King Philip II of Spain.
They were then called Las Felipinas.
During the American occupation of the Philippines, American were able to reach Manila
after two weeks on board the Pan American Airways air-clippers.
In the 1900’s steamship and the airline pioneers, the “China Clipper” and the “Manila
Clipper” brought some passengers to Manila via Hong Kong.
The introduction of more comfortable and faster means of transportation gave the early
impetus for tourism in the Philippines.
Travelers from the US, Chins, Japan and Europe were provided inland tours by
entrepreneurs with their unregistered private cars and coaches called “colorum”.
Colorum means illegal tour handling and the illegal use of private vehicles for public use.
It was tolerated by the government authorities at that time since tourism at this time was
not yet developed.
In 1952, the first tourism association in the Philippines was organized. This was the
Philippine Tourist and Travel Association (PTTA)
The Philippine Tourist and Travel Association (PTTA) which was organized to put
together all existing travel establishments serving both domestic and international
The PTTA was funded by the government to promote the country’s tourism industry.
The Philippines has undergone economic, social and political crises starting in the 1960s
up to the 70s which hindered the development and promotion of tourism.
Accommodations were inadequate and airline industries were not given much incentive
to promote the Philippines as a visitor destination.
Due to the turbulent conditions in the country, the tourist industry was denied the peace
and order, sanitation, financial support, and other important factors for tourism
It was only in 1972, after the declaration of martial law when tourism in the Philippines
prospered. This was due to favourable conditions such as safety of tourists, better
services and sanitation facilities, more financial support from the government and the
vigorous cooperation of the private sector. Thus the Philippines became a “ bargain
destination” to foreign visitors.
As several tour groups arrived in the Philippines, more accommodations, food and
beverage facilities and more airline frequencies were established. A temporary “tourist
boom” existed in the Philippines in the early 70s.
The Philippine tourism industry flourished in the 1970s and early 1980s but declined in
the mid 1980s, with the average length of tourist stay falling from 12.6 days in earlier
years to 8.9 days in 1988.
In 1987, tourism growth was slower in the Philippines than in other Southeast Asian
About 1.2 millions tourists visited the Philippines in 1992, which was a record high in the
number of tourist visits since 1989.
In 2000, the Philippines’ tourist arrivals totalled 2.2 million. In 2003, it totalled
2,838,000, a growth of almost 29%, and was expected to grow as much as 3.4 million in
In the first quarter of 2007, the tourist arrival in the Philippines grew as much as 20% in
same period last year.
In 2012, the Philippines recorded 4.27 million tourist arrivals, after the Department of
Tourism launched a widely publicized tourism marketing campaign titled “It’s More Fun
In The Philippines”.
The tourism industry employed 3.8 million Filipinos, or 10.2 per cent of national
employment in 2011, according to data gathered by the National Statistical Coordination
In a greater thrust by the Aquino administration to pump billions of dollars into the
sector, tourism is expected to employ 7.4 million people by 2016, or about 18.8 per cent
of the total workforce, contributing 8 per cent to 9 per cent to the nation’s GDP.
Tourism and hospitality in the Philippines at present is the result of the continuous
development and promotion of tourism and hospitality from 1950 to the present.
However, the growth in the tourism and hospitality industry is not very spectacular
compared to our neighbouring countries in terms of tourist arrivals. Records show that
the Philippines is still in the tail-end of arrivals compared to other Asian destinations,
such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan.
The National Tourism Organization (NTO) of the Philippines or the Department of Tourism has
embarked on several plans and programs to ensure the pleasant and the hospitable entry, stay,
and departure of tourists, as well as to assure a harmonious, positive, and constructive
development of the tourism and hospitality industry. Among these are:
1. Increase visitor arrivals especially from nearby markets like Japan, Korea, Hong Kong,
and Taiwan and high spending markets like Germany.
2. Increase tourism and hospitality receipts through longer stays (now set at 11 days) and
higher spending per day (estimated at $ 110 per day), which can be accomplished by
more attractive destinations and tours, more shopping and dining, and getting not just the
budget traveller, but also the upscale markets;
3. Expand domestic tourism and hospitality through more promotions, cheaper tour
packages, and new facilities, especially for the lower income segments;
4. Expand the capacity for tourism and hospitality by promoting more private sector
10. Promote self regulation within the different sectors of the tourism and hospitality
11. Complete the national tourism plan and a destination tourism plan;
14. Develop and strengthen linkages with the local government, the private sector, and the
general public through tourism and hospitality councils.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the factors affecting the development and growth of Tourism and Hospitality
2. Identify the international travel patterns
3. Give the top ten countries generating international travel
1. Rising disposable income for large sections of the population. In general, more money
means more travel. At present, the two- income family is widespread. Moreover, the
world is experiencing a redistribution of income which encourages more people to travel.
3. Increase in discretionary time- Shorter workweeks and longer vacations. The workweek
has decreased considerably from 50 to 60 hours to less than 40 hours. Flextime programs
allow a three or four day workweek. Some European countries grant paid holidays to
their workers.
4. Greater mobility of the population. People became more accustomed to travel because of
the increase in travel opportunities and desire to escape from the stress and pressures of
modern life.
5. Growth in the number of “singles”. People living alone have more free time than
couples; hence, they want to socialize through travel.
6. Greater credit availability through credit cards and bank loans. “Travel now, pay later”
stimulates travel.
7. Higher educational levels. Since millions of students attend colleges and universities,
they tend to become more interested in foreign cultures.
8. The growth of cities. The Industrial Revolution brought about the migration of people
from the rural areas to the urban centers resulting in the growth of urbanization. City
residents travel more than people living in rural areas to escape from the congested urban
9. Simplification of travel through the package tour. Tour packages- everything planned,
arranged, and included in one piece are more important to the older traveller, the new
traveller, and the less sophisticated traveller.
10. Growth of multinational business. Worldwide business interests increase both the need
and habit of travel.
12. Shift in values. At present, several people place more value on experience rather than
material possession. They prefer to travel rather than own expensive houses, cars, clothes,
and jewelry.
13. Advances in communication. Television and movies enlarge the travel perspective. The
world is brought into the living room through television.
Major travel flows occur between the United States and Western Europe. Secondary regional
patterns exist between South America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Near East, and the Far East.
Travel to Africa is usually one way, originating in Europe.
The heaviest flow of air traffic into Europe in between New York and London. Within Europe,
the major flows are between London and Paris, London and Frankfurt, Milan and Rome. The
cities in Europe most frequently visited by tourists are London, Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam,
Brussels, Zurich, Geneva, Madrid, Copenhagen, Vienna, Milan, Rome, and Munich.
The top ten countries generating international travel in rank order are:
1. United States
2. Germany
3. United Kingdom
4. Canada
5. Japan
6. France
7. Netherlands
8. Mexico
9. Switzerland
10. Australia
Europe generates about half of overseas travellers to the US. Travel between European countries-
intercontinental travels has been very popular. This is one of the reasons of Europe’s large share
of the worldwide travel market.
Discuss the factors that hastened the growth of tourism and hospitality.
Unit 4
The Psychology of Travel
Learning Outcomes:
There are several reasons why people travel. Most people travel because they want to see their
families and friends who live far away. Invitations from families and friends are seldom so you
will decide to travel just to see them. People travel because they want to learn others cultures.
They want to see the difference between their culture and other cultures. They want to learn
others culture because for them travelling is fun while learning.
Travelling is not only for rich people. Whether you are poor or in the middle class, you can travel
as long as it fits your budget. Some travel for their goals, some travel for fun and relaxation and
some travel for experience .
Learning Objectives:
Motivation: Something that stimulates interest or causes a person to act in a certain way. It is the
driving force that causes the flux from desire to will in life.
For example: Hunger is a motivation that elicits a desire to eat.
2. Cultural motivators: Include the desire to know about other countries examples are
music, art, folklore, dances, paintings and religion.
3. Interpersonal motivators: Pertain to the desire to meet other people, visits friends or
relatives, escape from routine, from family and neighbours.
4. Status and prestige motivators: Concern ego needs and personal development. Included
in this group are trips related to business conventions, study, and pursuit of hobbies and
education. Travel would enhance one’s recognition and good reputation.
Abraham Maslow
Want: is something that is desired. It is said that every person has unlimited wants but
limited resources.
2. Safety needs- once an individual’s physiological needs are satisfied, the needs for
security and safety become salient. People want to experience order, predictability and
control in their lives. These needs can be fulfilled by the family and society.
For example: Emotional security, financial security, law and order, freedom from fear,
social stability, property, health and wellbeing.
3. Love and belongingness needs- after physiological and safety needs have been fulfilled,
the third level of human needs is social and involves feelings of belongingness. The need
for interpersonal relationships motivates behaviour.
For example: friendship, intimacy, trust and acceptance, receiving and giving affection,
affiliating, being part of a group.
4. Esteem needs- are the fourth level in Maslow’s hierarchy-which Maslow classified into
two categories:
Esteem for oneself: dignity, achievement, mastery, independence
The desire for reputation or respect from others: status and prestige
Maslow indicated that the need for respect or reputation is most important for children
and adolescents and precedes real self esteem or dignity.
54 Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and
5. Self-actualization needs- are the highest level in Maslow’s hierarchy, and refer to the
realization of a person’s potential, self fulfilment, seeking personal growth and peak
experiences. Maslow (1943) describes this level as the desire to accomplish everything
that one can, to become the most that one can be.
Individuals may perceive or focus on this need very specifically
Tourist motivations
A. The need to escape or change B. Travel for Health
C. Sports D. Social Contact
E. Status and Prestige F. Personal Values
G. Cultural Experience H. Travel for Education
I. Shopping and Bargain Hunting J. Professional and Business Motives
Interest in sport either as participant or spectator is attracting large segments of the
Social Contact
Much travel grows out of the social nature
Human beings are social animals;
They need contact and communication with others.
Personal Values
The notion of personal values is an important travel motivator.
Many people are urged to travel to satisfy personal values and as the search for; spiritual
experience, patriotism and wholesomeness.
Cultural Experience
Cross cultural exchanges, experiencing how other people live and fostering international
understandings are some of the reasons to satisfy curiosity about other culture, lifestyles
and places.
Discuss the basic travel motivators. Give examples for each.
How does Maslow’s hierarchy of needs affect motivation?
57 Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and
Why is motivation needed?
Learning Objectives:
2. Incentive Travelers
58 Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and
Regular Business Travelers
Among business travelers, the cost of the trip is shouldered by a company; hence, travel is
not influenced by personal income. The volume and rate of growth of business travel is not
greatly affected by the cost of travel. This means that business travelers will continue even if
the price of travel services increases.
Many studies have been conducted to find out the characteristics of regular business
travelers. The results of these surveys revealed that business travelers are well-educated, rich,
have high level jobs, and tend to fly often. More recent surveys have shown that ratio of
women business travelers to men travelers have grown rapidly. These surveys show that
there are major differences between male and female business travelers. Some of these are:
1. Women business travelers are slightly younger
2. They tend to stay longer at their destinations
3. They are more apt to be unmarried than males;
4. They are more likely to attend a meeting or convention
5. They are more likely to book through a travel agent;
6. They have a greater preference for downtown accommodation facilities closer to work;
7. They are more concerned with security aspects of accommodation facilities.
Incentive Travelers
Incentive travel is a special type of business travel. It is travel given by firms to employees as a
reward for some accomplishment or to encourage employees to achieve more than what is
required. Incentive trips have risen sharply according to the society of incentive travel executive
(SITE). Salespeople are given trips for reaching a set goal in overall sales of a particular item or
in the number of new accounts. Experts say that these incentive trips last for five days and
usually include spouses. Prize trips are often combined with business and sales meetings,
especially those to foreign destinations in order to be eligible for tax deduction.
The increasing popularity of incentive travel had led to the establishment of incentive travel
organizations. They negotiate with suppliers such as hotels, and airlines to determine the cost of
incentive travel trips. Thus, they act as specialized types of tour wholesalers. To their prices, they
add a mark-up of specialized types of tour wholesalers. To their prices, they add a mark-up of
15% to 20% for their services and costs in packaging the incentive travel trip.
Corporations usually have the following objectives in buying incentive travel trips;
59 Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and
-Increase overall sales volumes; Sell new accounts;
-Improve morale and good will; Introduce new products;
Companies who buy incentive travel trips are usually those involved in insurance, sales,
electronics/radio/television manufacturing, automobile and truck manufacturing, farm equipment
manufacturing, auto parts/accessories/tires, heating/air-conditioning, electrical appliances
manufacturing, office equipment manufacturing, and building materials manufacturing.
B. Pleasure/Personal Travelers
This group consists of people travelling for vacation or pleasure. They are also called
nonbusiness travelers. Experiences and research have shown that nonbusiness travelers have
different spending patterns from business travelers. In general, the demand for travel services
by nonbusiness travelers is elastic with respect to prices. This means that the nonbusiness
travelers are very much concerned with the increase in the price of travel services since the
cost of travel is usually shouldered by the traveller himself. The traveller likewise chooses
the vacation area.
Traveling for pleasure is the largest segment of the international market and the fastest
growing. The reasons for the growth are the rising of income levels in developed countries,
urbanization, higher educational levels, increase in leisure time, and the length of paid
1. Resort Travelers;
Resort Travelers
Surveys have shown the resort travelers are better educated, have higher household incomes, and
are more likely to have professional and managerial positions. It is also notable that majority of
resort travelers have families with children.
The Elderly
An examination of population trends in developed countries particularly in North America
clearly indicates that the population is aging. At present, there are many people who are fifty
years of age and over, including a greater number of people in the retirement age category.
These population shifts have made the elderly persons a lucrative target for tourism
destination areas. Persons in the “50 plus” age bracket are called active affluents or people
with the money and the desire to travel extensively. Active affluents generally search for
learning experiences, cultural enrichment, socialization, and activities which led to self-
Decide whether you are a psychocentric, allocentric or midcentric tourist. Choose a destination
that matches your personality type and explain how this destination or tourist attraction pulls you
to travel and visit the place.
Discuss the basic travel motivators. Give examples for each.
How does something you learned connect to what you already knew?
Learning Objectives:
Travel Constraints
The main constraints to travel are:
A. lack of money;
B. lack of time;
D. physical disability;
E. family commitments;
G. fears of travel
A. Lack of Money
B. Lack of time
Lack of available time is another inhibiting factor to tourist travel. The desire to travel
and the financial ability to travel are insufficient if one does not have the time to travel. A
senior company executive may have plenty of money to spend but very little time
available. A combination of time and money must be present for travel and tourism to
take place.
Lack of safety in public places, hotels, and travel centers cause people to prefer to remain
in the security of their neighbourhood and home. Areas may acquire the reputation of
being dangerous and thus become less desirable travel destinations as what has happened
in the Philippines, the Caribbean, and parts of Mexico, Spain, and Italy, where there has
been a sharp increase in the number of thefts, robberies, shootings, and assaults among
the local people. Tourists will not go to destinations that they consider unsafe.
D. Physical Disability
Physical disability in the form of bad health or physical handicap may keep people at
home. Elderly who are more susceptible to illness such as heart trouble, hypertension,
arthritis, and bronchitis travel less. After the age of 70, very few travel because for most
of them, long trips are tiring, changes in food are upsetting, and a strange bed may cause
E. Family commitments
Family commitments inhibit travel. Parents with young children find it inconvenient and
expensive to go on holiday. During the child rearing period, family obligations increase
significantly for women and to a similar but lesser degree, for men. Travel is curtailed
and more time is spent at home. Indeed, family commitments of any kind, whether it be
young children, taking care of the sick, or looking after older people really affects travel.
G. Fears of travel
Some people do not want to travel because of fears of travel. Fear of flying is quite
common and accounts for many people who insist on driving to a vacation area instead of
boarding a plane. Fear of the unknown keeps many people from leaving their own
country or even their own city.
How do pleasure travelers manage their travel constraints?
Enumerate the travel constraints. Explain how they inhibit travel.
Did you find the topic interesting?
Unit 4
The Economics of Tourism
and Hospitality
Learning Outcomes:
Tourism’s economic impacts are touted by the industry for a variety of reasons. Claims of
tourism’s economic significance give the industry greater respect among the business
community, public officials, and the public in general. This often translates into decisions that
are favourable to tourism and hospitality industry. Community support is important for tourism
and hospitality, as it is an activity that affects the entire community. Tourism and hospitality
66 Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and
businesses depend extensively on each other as well as on other businesses, government and
residents of the local community. Economic benefits and costs of tourism and hospitality reach
virtually everyone in the region in one way or another. Economic impact analyses provide
tangible estimates of these economic interdependencies and a better understanding of the role
and importance of tourism in a region’s economy.
Economic impacts are therefore an important consideration in state, regional and community
planning and economic development. Economic impacts are also important factors in marketing
and management decisions. Communities therefore need to understand the relative importance of
tourism to their region, including tourism and hospitality’s contribution to economic activity in
the area.
Learning Objectives:
Several developing countries have used tourism and hospitality development as an alternative
to help economic growth. The reasons for this are: first, there is a continous demand for
international travel in developed countries; second, as income in developed countries increases,
the demand for tourism and hospitality also increases at a faster rate; and third, developing
countries need foreign exchange to aid their economic development.
The organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has concluded that
tourist and hospitality provides a major opportunity for growth to countries that are at the
intermediate stage of economic development and require more foreign exchange earnings.
Tourism and hospitality is an invisible export which differs from international trade in many
2. The demand for pleasure travel is largely dependent on non-economic factors, such as
local disturbances, political unrest, and changes in the fashionability of resorts/countries
created mostly by media coverage. At the same time, international tourism and hospitality
is both price elastic and income elastic. This means that changes in price and income will
also change the demand for pleasure travel.
4. Tourism and hospitality is a multifaceted industry that directly affects several sectors in
the economy, such as hotels, shops, restaurants, local transport firms, entertainment
establishments, handicraft producers, and indirectly affects many others, such as
equipment manufacturers and utilities.
5. Tourism and hospitality brings many more non-monetary benefits and costs than other
export industries, such as social, cultural, and environmental benefits and costs.
Economic Impact
When travelers outside the destination area spend on goods and services within the destination,
tourism and hospitality acts as an export industry by bringing in revenues from outside sources.
Tourist expenditures also increase the level of economic activity in the host area directly. Many
countries have utilized tourism and hospitality as a means to increase foreign exchange earnings
to produce investment necessary to finance economic growth.
The tourism and hospitality industry’s economic impact on a destination area can be immense
since it provides a source of income, employment, and foreign exchange.
In order to measure the economic impact of tourism and hospitality on the destination area, it is
important to know the direct and secondary effects of visitor expenditures on the economy of the
area. Tourist expenditures received as income by businesses such as hotels, restaurants, car
rentals, tour operators, and retail shops serving tourists have a direct effect on the economy of the
host area. The term “direct” means that the income is received directly. Indirect or secondary
effects mean that the money paid by tourists to businesses are, in turn, used to pay for supplies,
Tourism Multiplier
The term “multiplier” is used to describe the total effect, both direct and secondary, of an
external source of income introduced into the economy. The tourism multiplier or multiplier
effect is used to estimate the direct and secondary effects of tourist expenditures on the economy
of a country. The multiplier effect is illustrated in Figure 2
Local Tour
Increased Spend
Save Seed
Handicrafts Fertilizer
Tourist Purchase of (Leakage)
Rent …
Services Savings
(e.g. Taxi)
A tourist makes an initial expenditure into the destination. This expenditure is received as income by local
tour operators, handicrafts store owners, hoteliers, and taxi drivers. In the first round of transactions, a
hotelier may use some of the money received to buy some supplies, pay some wages, and retain some
profits. The income in the second round may be spent or saved, while the employee who has received
payment for services rendered may spend some of it on rent and some on food, and may put some into
savings. The money spent on supplies in the third round of spending goes for such things as seed,
fertilizers, and imported raw materials. Any income spent on imports has leaked out of the local economy.
This process continues until the additional income generated by a new round of spending essentially
becomes zero. Leakage is the value of goods and services that must be imported to service the needs of
tourism and hospitality. To estimate the total economic impact on an area, imports must be subtracted
from the income generated by visitors.
K = the multiplier
y = the change in income generated by E
E = the change in expenditure (the initial sum of money spent by the tourist)
The size of the multiplier depends on the extent to which the various sectors of the economy are
linked to one another. When the tourism and hospitality sectors buy heavily from other local
economic sectors for goods and services, there will be a smaller tendency to import and the
multiplier will be greater than if the reverse were smaller tendency to import and the multiplier
will be greater than if the reverse were true.
Cost-Benefit Ratio
3. Derive a “multiplier effect” a ratio applied to income that reflects multiple spending
within an economy;
4. Apply the multiplier effect to the tourist expenditures to arrive at the total benefits of
tourist expenditures in dollars;
Economic Strategies
The key to maximizing the economic effects of tourism and hospitality is to maximize the
amount of revenue and jobs developed within the region. To attain this objective, some economic
strategies have been adapted, such as import substitution, incentives, and foreign exchange.
Import Substitution
It imposes quotas or tariffs on the importation of goods which can be developed locally. It
also grants subsidies, grants, or loans to local industries to encourage the use of local materials.
Its objective is to minimize the leakage of money.
The wise use of incentives can encourage the influx of capital, both local and foreign,
necessary to develop tourism and hospitality supply. The most common forms of incentives are:
9. Free and unrestricted repatriation of all or part of invested capital profits, dividends, and
interest subject to tax provisions; and
4. Establish targets of achievements and periodically monitor and assess the level of
realization of such targets.
Foreign Exchange
Many countries have placed restrictions on spending in order to maximize foreign
exchange earnings. They have limited the amount of their own currency that tourists can bring in
and take out of the destination to ensure that foreign currency is used to pay bills in the host
region. Tourists may be required to pay hotel bills in foreign currency. Visitors may be required
to show that they have enough money for their stay before they are permitted to enter the country
or they may even be required to enter with s specified amount of foreign currency for the
duration of their visit.
Direction: Site an event that shows positive impacts of tourism and hospitality in the economy.
Did the topic of this unit help you to widen your knowledge about economic impacts in
tourism and hospitality industry?