Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
In energy generallng proce...,. olthirr inorg;,nlc or organic compounds function as oloctron acxeplors. Tha
tcmu amoblc respiration, ana<?robic respirallon and formentatlon are often used on coorgy 911nerallng
' In oerobic respiration the llrw ~lectron !IW'plor 1, free 0 1 .
'lnnnneioblcmplrnllon thl! faw ei,tctron acceplon l!org,u~,;c:cmpound orb,org,,nlcco,nf)Olllllk (llllrnl<'Ji)
oll,u r th11n Ir"" 0,
'In lormenll\llon, th<i IIMI t!leetron occupt0< Is 0<g;1nlc h11ern,e,dl,,tm or lhe p<OCl!51, ,,o cxlom.1I IUbst,,noa.
_. Bolh on&erobic respiration and fcnnnnt&lion are lnclompleta Olddellonl.
• lnhlbllotY effect on resplnmon high cone. of oxygen Is cnlled Palteur effect.
(I J ~ - 10tl!".Uffi l11'1J ~kr~flVir..ytL~pl~t:lm
(2]1 FonullotJ al kJql Ct'24 - ~il.Jnk laclDn) Perhnltoc:t,'O'Tldri,l~ spai:e (01W1tcr
1 chl1rnoorl
(3) 7C4 'l'&W o, I0,6~ 0J,CJW - Mt1tJbc af 1uiluirl11J1idtha & t:ylo~gl 111 wsdn1ill 1
or ADP OR romraUr:in af ATP'.' \vi·~h m.d ITS lhen Cc1lled as !Ubmate lewd, phosph~I
GlyccJ~,sJs ~ a~ known iH!5 mldalvi mabollam or calabdllE ~ ,. tbe-caa.151! U llnJks with ait1abolls:m o [
tats and ;;;nnino adds, An tnlc!rm12dlafe PGAL is. used fn-r d,e synll112.SkS or glycerial bater form5 fats 01 Upld. PCA
_. Cndck Shank & Paslcur (18981.
_. Fcrmoonlalion Is much similar ID anaerobic respiration. but lhls lsan exllracel!ular process & SW5ITale Is prl!Selll
olbide 1he cell There is gain ol 2ATP.
_. Buchner cll5aMred the enzyme zymll9', wmplex. ...t,lch Is responslble for alooholic lermenlalion.
tr Types of Fcrneltll&11 ,.
(II Wh<tn tht crne 1ype ol product ror,ned In fonoont~tloo 1t- U Ls calbl homo(ermenlallou.
ftil When tht products ol 1-iatlon process are more than one tyPe. IIM!o proces., Is MleiOMffllllltatlon.
Ak:ohoUc fermentation
Value ol R Q depends upon 11w typ~ ul 1aplta10ty MJbetnlle --i & me.,_ed by Genoc'9'I ,-plrcmet8t
1) Tffllperatur• :-
• Opumum tem1, for resphatlon 1, boolwnn 20-3S•C Mnxlrnum t•inp . Is nround 45' C.
• At low teonp ru•plratlon Is low due 10 lnactlwtlon of e1nzynllll! ( p r - 1ho food) ..t-.u. •• ><!ry high lamp.
d.!cn!.t.. , as anzym,, d,matured Q,. • 2 10 :I lor rut)iratlon.
• Production of 1:iot<1lo crop 1, high on the hlll <1ruo, dw to low tamp thrCIU!Jhout year
O'RJ (Cenlrnl potato ~arch 111\lttul• It •ll11<1led ot Kufrt•Sl1lmlil (11.P)
(2) ~ ,-
• The Inhibition of onMtobic rllliplrollon by 0 1 co,_,llrallon 11, called"' f'Nteur't eff«t
• The mnlmu,n amount of oxygen. al which aerobic rcsplrallon takes place & an&eroblc resptrntlon become
oxllnct Is a.tied a• --111..u,,, point
• Oxygen cone" • t which both ...,,obic & 01111eroblc r<!SplrMion talw p""'4! simultaneously k c.,lled M tmn1tt1ou
(3) co. ,-
• II CO. concenlrallon Iner,....,,, Ihen rote of •~•1>lro1km dl'cr~•w• In plnnt<. (becauSI' ilOIMln g~t doM!d)
(4) Salta :-
II • pl.nt I,, 1ran.lerrettd from W<1ter to i.,lt l101111ion. Ii'• rtspiratlon 1nato.w,, 1hl~ I, known M tall ruplrallon.
a_,. oblorp1lon of Ions r~qulre1 mcmbollc energy
(5) Hormona ,-
• IAA. GA & cy1okrnln lneffMC the nisptratlon rnle.
• The rapid locreuo In rote of ,osplrotlon during ripening or rru.111 ~nd ,;e,wsainc:e or klows •nd pl•nl organs 1,
enlw!d ns "Olmoclerlc i-.ptmt1on• This rnle 11 decrrra'8 oh1>r ,onwUme
It Is due lo production or ethylene hormone.
( 6) Ugh! :-
Rate of <llSplratlon lncrllaS<JS w11h lncreaw 1n light lntQl1111y.
Light control, lht slOITIAUII op1•nl119 & inlluenct' on lcmp ftnd ftbo p,(l(b:r t~fllrnlory Stmelrates.
(7) ln}lay, dl-M & woundo :·
Tlw mplrallon lncro- duo to lr"ury wouridlnfl & 1nkrdlon.
(8) lnhlbtlot'1 1
CN, olldti, DNP (Dlnltrophenol), CO, 10!'11'1011@. ~ntlrnycln, a,nyu,I, Ille l1ll'llbit th~ r<>'1lltntloo1.
(9) Aae :
Rnt~ of re,plrotion Is more In young cells Rare of respiration nt mcrlslem npex Is high
(10) Walllr : 5'ted. dl'e slow nHplrlng p;,n of pk,n,,., l»CbUM dry s.i>IKl1. a.-. dtflckm1or I 1,0
2 f TP~ ~ Tf!
glycol rs is
energy input. to
■tart rea,c li ons
2 1py _,ate,
~ - - - - rN
L - - - - - - -1- - - - - - -
milachondrian e +H· ~~
,.._____ ~~
e + H--- - r
8_ 2 F:ADH,.
l w ELEC:tkuh
11'1 TRANSPORT ,32 ._ATP~
. , , },-.,._;;....._1
OS_P_H_0R _1_~
_ YLA _ID_* _• _ L
• - ,o H·r - water o