The Power of Leadership Development: Annual Report

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The Power of

Annual Report
The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL®) is a top-ranked,
global provider of leadership development. By leveraging
the power of leadership to drive results that matter most to
clients, CCL transforms individual leaders, teams, organizations
and society. Our array of cutting-edge solutions is steeped in
extensive research and experience gained from working with
hundreds of thousands of leaders at all levels. Ranked among
the world’s Top 5 providers of executive education by the
Financial Times, CCL has offices in Greensboro, NC; Colorado
Springs, CO; San Diego, CA; Brussels, Belgium; Moscow, Russia;
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Johannesburg, South Africa; Singapore;
Gurgaon, India; and Shanghai, China.

Subscribe to our e-mails at, and
follow us on social media.

If you choose to share details about your CCL experience in a public
domain, CCL reserves the right to repost or share that public information.
Message from the CEO

When Credicorp, Peru’s premier banking Through our nearly five decades of experience
institution, created an aggressive plan for serving clients across the globe, we believe that
international growth, company executives knew leadership development must be built on three
the initiative would never succeed without one bedrock principles. First, it’s critical to make
critical component: leadership development. leadership development a learning process over
time, not just an event. Second, we need to tie
They partnered with CCL to link their business formal learning to key leadership challenges on
strategy closely with a leadership strategy the job to foster learning in real time. Finally, it’s
that emphasized strategic leadership, change, vital to take a systemic approach that integrates
and working across boundaries. The bottom- leadership development with an organization’s
line results from an initiative that involved overall strategy.
Credicorp’s top 500 leaders and was well-
aligned with other organizational priorities: In these pages, we offer a snapshot of the
rising stock prices and annual revenues that impact of leadership development being done
accelerated over a five-year span. right, through stories of clients, updates on
cutting-edge CCL research, and news of recent
Independent research confirms this fact: When awards that confirm CCL’s ability to deliver
it’s done the right way, leadership development Results That Matter.
improves financial performance, attracts and
retains talent, drives strategy execution, and If you are already part of the CCL community,
makes change easier to navigate. we are grateful for your partnership. If you have
yet to connect with us, we hope this report
At CCL, we know how to do it the right way. inspires you to do so.

Warm regards,

John R. Ryan
President and CEO
Center for Creative Leadership

Over the last year, CCL helped develop more
than 40,000 leaders globally.
–CCL Participant Data

Delivering Results that Matter

At CCL, we help individuals transform their interpersonal skills and better lead
others. We help teams drive organizational success and sustained performance.
We help communities thrive, enable lives, and advance futures.

Our promise to our clients

We are seriously committed to accelerating your leadership, providing universal
perspective on your leadership challenges and delivering results that help
you and your organization build a better business and a better world. The
following pages offer just a few examples of the newest CCL services, knowledge,
partnerships, and recognitions that are driving Results That Matter.

97% of participants said they’re better

prepared for future leadership roles

96% of participants applied what they
learned to their jobs

The Impact of Leadership Development

CCL continues to help clients by delivering results that matter to their business. Our
client engagements help organizations and individuals adapt to shifting competitive
environments, develop the leadership talent they need to grow, be successful at
strategic change programs, and fulfill vital performance goals.

We worked with this global retailer Mars, Inc., a 100-year-old global

to develop a custom leadership manufacturer of confectionery and pet
solution that focused on improving food and provider of animal care services,
the coaching skills of their managers. was growing faster than its senior
This shift helped to enhance employee leadership pipeline could support. We
engagement, encourage feedback, created Mars University to bolster the
and improve decision-making skills, all supply of ready-to-lead executives. The
of which will help the company grow results? A 20% increase in leaders ready
amidst a fast-changing, increasingly for top roles, with Mars U graduates being
digital retail landscape. promoted at twice the rate of their peers.

CCL conducted an organizational Ravenscroft School in Raleigh, NC,

network analysis to help Duke partnered with us to better prepare
Nursing School understand the students to succeed and become leaders
informal relationships and unofficial in a complex, interdependent world. CCL
structure that could help (or hurt) and the 150-year-old independent K-12
its strategic change efforts. School school created a framework to integrate
leaders gathered insights to support leadership development experiences
the Durham, NC institution’s ambition throughout the school—inside and outside
of becoming the nation’s premier the classroom, at every grade level.
nursing school.

View all of our client success stories.

The Impact of Our Research and Evaluation
The Return on Leadership Learning value of leadership development and help our clients
As a research organization, CCL is committed to communicate with their stakeholders the impact of
evaluating and measuring the impact of programs, their investment in leadership development.
and using that data to strengthen them over time.
The numbers scattered throughout this annual report
Our Return on Leadership Learning (ROLL) surveys
are based on ROLL reports of more than 5,000
help us to do just that.
program participants and more than 8,000 of their
In fiscal 2017, CCL created 163 ROLL reports for our colleagues. ROLL surveys are conducted two to
clients, helping them understand the impact of three months after participants have completed a
leadership learning programs and track that impact leadership program to measure on-the-job impact.
over time. These reports provide evidence for the

(Re)writing the Book on Leadership

CCL Research Offers Insights Development Evaluation
for Asia’s HR Officers CCL’s newest book is an updated edition
Companies in the fast-growing of Evaluating the Impact of Leadership
economies of Asia must ensure Development. The book provides
they have the talent to grow processes and tools to help managers
in their local markets and and professionals evaluate the impact of
globally. Our Chief Human leadership development efforts.
Resource Officer (CHRO 3.0)
study, published in partnership The first edition of this book, published
with the Singapore Human in 2008, was based on CCL’s experience,
Resources Institute, lays out dating to the 1970s, of evaluating the
seven key mind shifts that impact of its programs. Since 2008, we’ve
Asian HR leaders will need to continued to rigorously evaluate how, and
make over the next 10 years to to what degree, leadership development
meet this challenge. programs impact both individual
participants and their organizations.
The new book reflects the last decade of
research and field experience.
Its contributors are: Tracy E. Patterson,
CCL Researcher Earns Major Award Sarah Stawiski, Kelly M. Hannum, Heather
for Generational Differences Work Champion, Holly Downs, Emily Hoole, and
CCL Senior Research Scientist Jennifer Martineau
Jennifer J. Deal received the Society
for Industrial & Organizational
Psychology’s 2017 Raymond
A. Katzell Award. This prestigious award recognizes a psychologist who has
demonstrated to the public the importance of the field in addressing social and
workplace issues.
Deal was cited for her research on generational differences, especially on the job,
and her broad influence in sharing those insights. Her latest book, written with
Alec Levenson, What Millennials Want from Work, examines global data drawn
from 25,000-plus millennials to reveal what this age group really wants from work.

Join Leading Insights, CCL’s online research community.

Learn more about our research projects and how to participate in them.
At CCL, the impact of leadership development can be measured through top-ranked
initiatives that help businesses perform better and also through our commitment to
serving the social sector and empowering grassroots leaders around the world.

Here are CCL’s recent awards and recognitions.

CCL Earns Fourth Straight Top 5 Ranking

In 2017, for the fourth straight year, CCL ranks No. 4 overall in the
Financial Times worldwide survey of executive education. We have
earned a Top 10 ranking, based on direct client feedback, for 16
consecutive years in this importan survey. CCL is the only institution
among more than 85 in the rankings that focuses exclusively on
leadership development.

Best Innovation in’s Top 20 Global

Management Education Leadership Training Companies List
CCL received this award for design and CCL was named to this prestigious industry
delivery of the Global Citizen Leader listing for the eighth consecutive year.
program for the WE School, a leading
business school in India.

2017 ISA Business of the Year

The Association of Learning Providers named CCL the 2017 ISA
Business of the Year for its “financial success, quality products
and services, market position, and positive workplace culture.”

Model Partnership for Impact

The American Express Leadership Academy, a partnership between
American Express and CCL, was recognized as a model partnership
by the Independent Sector.

Marcia J. Avedon, Ph.D. Winburne King Peter L. Richardson
Senior Vice President, Human Resources Smith Richardson Foundation, Inc. President
and Communications Greensboro, NC Smith Richardson Foundation, Inc.
Ingersoll Rand Westport, CT
Davidson, NC L. Richardson Preyer, Jr.
Deep Springs Management Tyler B. Richardson
Eric R. Calhoun Hillsborough, NC Principal/Director of Asset Management
Former President, Richardson Properties Range Properties
Wilmington, NC Nicolas Richardson Greensboro, NC
Haynes G. Griffin Privateer Holdings, Inc. Odd Ingar Skaug
Chairman and CEO Seattle, WA Former President and Group CEO
Insect Shield, LLC Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA
Greensboro, NC Hoevik, Norway

Marcia J. Avedon, Ph.D. Louis Giannotti LTG Michael D. Rochelle, USA, Ret.
Senior Vice President, Human Resources Deputy for Information Technology/CIO President and CEO
and Communications US Naval Academy MDR Strategies, LLC
Ingersoll Rand Annapolis, MD Manassas, VA
Davidson, NC
Cheryl J. Henry Vice Admiral John R. Ryan, USN, Ret.
Elaine Biech President and COO President and CEO
CEO Ruth’s Hospitality Group, Inc. Center for Creative Leadership
ebb associates inc Winter Park, FL Greensboro, NC
Norfolk, VA
Janice C. Kreamer Martin Schneider
Raymond M. Burse Chairman of the Board Vice President and Global CIO
Former President Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation VF Corporation
Kentucky State University Leawood, KS Greensboro, NC
Prospect, KY
Prof. Hans Peter Mengele Odd Ingar Skaug
John D. Butler CEO Former President and Group CEO
Former Executive Vice President Chamber of Industry and Commerce Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA
and Chief Human Resources Officer Hauptgeschäftsführer der Hoevik, Norway
Textron Inc. Industrie
Warwick, RI Karlsruhe Frank C. Sullivan
Chairman and CEO
Emily C. Chiu Archana Ravichandran RPM International Inc.
EdTech Entrepreneur / Partner, 500 Startups Senior Director Medina, OH
San Francisco, CA Medallia
San Francisco, CA Vance W. Tang
Kimberly R. Cline President
President R. Timothy Rice, FACHE VanTegrity Consulting
Long Island University President and Board Chair Madison, WI
Mineola, NY National Center for Healthcare Leadership
Greensboro, NC Admiral Patrick M. Walsh, USN, Ret.
Dr. Michael Cunningham Senior Vice President
Chancellor Peter L. Richardson iSIGHT Partners
National University System President Dallas, TX
La Jolla, CA Smith Richardson Foundation, Inc.
Westport, CT
Vice Admiral Cutler Dawson, USN, Ret.
President and CEO Tyler B. Richardson
Navy Federal Credit Union Principal/Director of Asset Management
Vienna, VA Range Properties
Greensboro, NC

Odd Ingar Skaug Chairman, Board of Governors
Marcia J. Avedon Vice Chairman, Board of Governors
John R. Ryan President and Chief Executive Officer
David G. Altman Chief Operating Officer
Renée Hultin Senior Vice President–Americas Region
Hamish Madan Managing Director–Europe, Middle East, Africa Region
Jennifer Martineau Senior Vice President, Research, Evaluation, and Societal Advancement
Portia R. Mount Senior Vice President, Global Marketing, Chief of Staff, and Secretary to the Board
William A. Pasmore Senior Vice President, Advisor to CEOs, Boards, and Senior Teams
Kent S. Price Chief Human Resources Officer
Bradley E. Shumaker Executive Vice President, Chief Financial and Administrative Officer, and Treasurer
Roland Smith Senior Vice President and Managing Director–Asia Pacific Region
Gigi Renaud Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Secretary


2016 Barry Berglund, M.P.A.
Doug Riddle James S. Bruce
Kerry Bunker
2015 Roger Conway, D.P.A.
Charles J. Palus David L. DeVries, Ph.D.
Robert C. Dorn, Ph.D.
2012 Wilfred H. Drath, III
John McGuire Karen Dyer, Ph.D.
Robert C. Ginnett, Ph.D.
2011 Stanley S. Gryskiewicz, Ph.D.
David M. Horth Victoria Guthrie
Cindy McCauley, Ph.D. Robert E. Kaplan, Ph.D.
Ellen Van Velsor, Ph.D. Roger T. Kelley
Robert J. Lee, Ph.D
2009 Carole A. Leland, Ph.D.
Marian Ruderman Michael M. Lombardo, Ed.D.
Ann M. Morrison
2007 Russ Moxley
Jean Leslie, M.A. David M. Noer, D.B.A.
Luke Novelli, Ph.D.
EMERITUS Gary Rhodes
David P. Campbell, Ph.D. William W. Sternbergh
(Colorado Springs)
Kenneth E. Clark, Ph.D. (1914–2000)

97% of participants said program lessons were

relevant to their leadership challenges

Donations in 2016 were made to the following funds:
John R. Alexander Scholarship Fund
The Thomas F. Bridgers, Jr. Center Development Fund
David P. Campbell Creativity & Artistry Fund
Lombardo & Eichinger Staff Knowledge Dissemination Fund
Francis Freeman Reference Collection Fund
The Greensboro Leadership Fund
The Impact Greensboro Fund
The Thomas K. Hearn, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Kenneth E. Clark Research Award Fund
Leadership Beyond Boundaries Fund
The Stanley S. Gryskiewicz Positive Turbulence Fund
H. Smith Richardson, Jr. Visiting Fellowship Fund
Walter F. Ulmer, Jr. Applied Research Award Fund Learn more
about our funds.
Youth Leadership Fund

Thanks to the generosity of our many donors and Mary and James Bruce
partners, CCL continues to expand the leadership Raymond M. Burse
equation, providing access to leadership development John D. Butler
to more leaders, in more places, than ever before. Eric R. Calhoun
Sue W. Cole
BENEFACTOR Lynn Fick-Cooper
Smith Richardson Foundation Vice Admiral Cutler Dawson, USN, Ret.
Paul Draeger
(PLANNED GIFTS) Haynes G. Griffin
Joseph F. Carroll General John W. Handy, USAF, Ret.
Lily Kelly-Radford Robert A. Ingram
Karen McNeil-Miller W. Winburne King, III, Esq.
Susan S. Rice Kathy E. Kram
Dr. Margaret M. Waddington P. Y. Lai
Greg and Barbara Laskow
CUMULATIVE GIFTS OF $10,000+) Naomi and Paul Marrow
John R. Alexander Victoria J. Marsick
David and Judith Altman Jennifer Martineau
Joseph B. Anderson, Jr. Cindy McCauley
Marcia J. Avedon, Ph.D. Dana G. Mead
Om P. Bhatt Marc Noël
John S. Bowen L. Richardson Preyer, Jr.

continued ($5,000–$9,999) William Adams
Peter L. Richardson Tyler B. Richardson in memory of Dorothy R. Adams
Stuart S. Richardson Peter L. Richardson Allan Calarco
Tyler B. Richardson John R. Ryan in honor of Lynn Fick-Cooper
Thomas W. Ross Martin Schneider Heather Champion
John R. Ryan Frank C. Sullivan Matt Cook
Marjorie Marrow Samberg Vance W. Tang in memory of Michael J. Cook, Sr.
Martin Schneider Jim and Jennifer Martineau
Bradley E. Shumaker SUSTAINERS ($1,000–$4,999) in honor of Dr. John Mathieu
Mike and Susan Sirkis David and Judith Altman Russ McCallian
Odd Ingar Skaug Archana Ravichandran Dr. William Morley
Sherwood H. Smith, Jr. Kate Beatty Wendy Perrigo
Melvin Sorcher Raymond M. Burse Kent and Liz Price
Frank C. Sullivan Eric R. Calhoun Jennifer Rauchut
Vance W. Tang Vice Admiral Cutler Dawson, USN, Ret. Mr. and Mrs. James Weaver
Dr. Margaret M. Waddington Elaine Biech
Ilene C. Wasserman Enterprise Holdings CONTRIBUTORS ($250–$499)
A. William Wiggenhorn Lynn Fick-Cooper Aimée Cabanding
in honor of Lisa Lopez and Michelle Cole
GRANT SUPPORT in memory of Margaret Waddington Valerie Ehrlich
American Express Foundation Haynes Griffin Deborah Friedman
Australian Embassy Ethiopia David Horth in honor of Edward White
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Nancy James Thomas and Wendy Gaffney
Christian International John D. Butler William Gentry
Democratic Center Catherine Kernels Ken Gilbert
Community Memorial Foundation Kimberly Cline Jeff and Gina Howard
Golden LEAF Foundation Thomas and Janice Kreamer David Hyatt
Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust L. Richardson Preyer, Jr. Wendy Lloyd Pack
Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Greg and Barb Laskow Michelle Malloy
Oak Foundation Louis Giannotti in honor of Martha Bennett
Office of European Community Chad Merritt Lynn Matesi
Development (OECD) Portia Mount Peggy McPartlan
Ravenscroft School R. Timothy Rice Kathy Schaftlein
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Bradley E. Shumaker Laurita Sirimongkhon
(RWJF) Lisa Sinclair
The Oak Foundation in honor of Helen S. Whitesell DONORS (UP TO $249)
United Way Worldwide Odd Ingar Skaug Susan Ambrose
US Department of State’s Roland Smith in memory of Gerry Lee
Nelson Mandela Clemson and Susan Turregano Lisa Archuleta
US Embassy Madagasgar Admiral Patrick M. Walsh, USN, Ret. Montserrat Auso
USAID William Pasmore Ed Baston
Waddington Leadership Initiative Michael Beachler
Rich Been

Rosa Belzer Edward Hart Jonnette O’Callaghan
Shannon Bendixen Zoe Hayman Ginny Olson
Oliver Bermoy Ryan Higley Carlos Ortiz
Enric Bernal Kelly Holliday Christina Padilla
Mike Boose Mark Holt Edna Parrott
Sam Bostian Lynn Houghton Fleta Phillips
David Bowers George Houston David Powell
Cassaundra Brownwell Erin Howard Jesse Ramos
Lori Brummel Bill Howland Susan Reinecke
Marin Burton Renee Hultin Diane Reinhold
Jackie Butterfield Kristi James Jill Richardi
CC Cameron Erin Julian Rosemary Richmond
Chris Carlson Bryce Kingsley Doug Riddle
Janet Carlson Shay Knowles Maggie Sass
Duncan Chapman Kristen Kramer John Sayres
Ellen Conley Kelby Kupersmid Roger Shepard
Ethan Cooley Marie Legault Jason Shermer
Felecia Corbett Randi Leimkuhl Kelly Simmons
Shannon Cranford Micela Leis David Skinner
Barbara Crooks Tim Leisman Lindsay Smith
Debra Curtis Kevin Liu Mike Smith
Toni Davis Taylor Logan Susan Smith
Tim Davisson Kelly Lombardino Valerie Smith
Michael DePass John Lovato Samuel Soloman
Barbara Dierks Gayle Magee Lori Spaulding
David Dinwoodie Ellen Manakas Allie Speer
Tracy Dobbins Mary Manoogian John Stallings
Holly Downs Stephen Martin Angie Staton
Cynthia Dye Jesus Maximoff Sarah Stawiski
Jan Efflandt Cindy McCauley Tricia Steiding
Stephen Elliott Michael McCoy Sharon Straughn
Martha Fitts Stephen McElroy Harrison Sturdivant
Earnest Flowers Karissa McKenna Rebecca Stutzmann
Hanni Foster Valdenia McMillian Richard Tallman
Candice Frankovelgia in honor of Larry McMillian, II Sylvester Taylor
Susan and Danny Frye Selam Meharena Mark Teixeira
in honor of Danny Frye Samir Mehta Cathy Toscano
Ashley Gaines Tara Mercer Stephanie Trovas
Marianne Ganley Mary Michaux Mario Trujillo
in memory of Jean McQuaid Jane Milanese Susan Turregano
Sandra Gardner in memory of John and Freda Brady Dana Washington
Courtney Gentry Lynn (Helen) Miller Chris Watz
Vinnie Gordy Rachel Miller Gerald White
Paige Graham David Moore Joy Wicker
Sarah Hadley Mona Morales Jim Wilson
George Hallenbeck Jennifer Morgan Joel Wright
Nancy Haller Paula Morrow
Darrell Handgraaf in honor of Paul and Barbara Morrow
Stephen Harris Patricia Nebrida

Would you like to donate? Here’s How

96% of Education/Nonprofit participants said
they are now more effective leaders

The support of these individuals and organizations, which provided
CCL with material gifts or services on a pro bono or reduced-fee basis,
is gratefully acknowledged.

Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro

HQ Greensboro
Ellen Lloyd (Butterfly Creations)
MANA de San Diego
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Laura Weber (CCL Adjunct)
Women’s Resource Center of Greensboro

In 2016–17, the Center for Creative Leadership funded

129 scholarships at a value of more than $730,000

Scholarships Awarded by Sector

% by sector
Nonprofit Organizations 64%
Higher Education 27%
K-12 Education 17%
Foundations 2%
State/Local Government 19%

Here’s how to apply for a CCL scholarship.

Message from the CFO

Driven by strong, continued partnerships with clients and donors globally, CCL finished its Fiscal Year
2017 with revenues of $112.4 million.

This annual report celebrates the growing and diverse array of clients CCL is fortunate to serve. Over the
past year, through engagements with businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and
nonprofits of all sizes, CCL touched more than 35,000 lives and 2,000 organizations. The investments
these clients made in CCL enabled us to deliver lasting impact for them and stay tightly focused on our
core mission: advancing the understanding, practice, and development of leadership for the benefit of
society worldwide.

We are particularly proud of the difference we make through our Societal Advancement group,
which delivers world-class leadership development for social sector organizations and under-served
communities in every corner of the globe. For example, Independent Sector recently named the American
Express Leadership Academy, a collaboration between American Express and CCL that has trained
hundreds of nonprofit leaders across the United States since 2008, as a “Model Partnership for Impact.”
Also, the Global Citizen Leader program that CCL designed and delivered for WE School, a top Indian
business school, was recognized as a “Best Innovation in Management Education” by India’s National
Human Resources Development Network.

CCL funded nearly 130 scholarships to our programs, valued at more than $730,000, to non-governmental
leaders globally. An innovative initiative to develop individual and organizational leadership in Vermont
was launched with a multi-million dollar estate gift from the late Dr. Margaret Waddington, a pioneering
neurologist and CCL alumna. Additional private gifts and grants from charitable foundations, government
agencies, and other sources—including your own generous contributions—all helped position CCL to
create Results That Matter: Sustained Impact for You, Your Business, and the World.We are grateful for
your support and the tremendous potential it helps unleash in communities everywhere.

Warm regards,

Bradley E. Shumaker
Executive Vice President
Chief Financial and Administrative Officer



CCL – Americas CCL – Europe, CCL – Asia-Pacific
One Leadership Place Middle East, Africa 89 Science Park Drive #03-07/08
PO Box 26300 Rue Neerveld 101-103 The Rutherford, Lobby B
Greensboro, NC • 27438-6300 Neerveldstraat • B-1200 Singapore Science Park I
toll free: +1 800 780 1031 Brussels, Belgium Singapore • 118261
p: +1 336 545 2810 p: +32 (0)2 679 09 10 p: +65 6854 6000
f: +1 336 282 3284 f: +32 (0)2 673 63 06 f: +65 6854 6001
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]


Colorado – 850 Leader Way, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80905, USA, p: +1 719 633 3891
California – 8910 University Center Lane, Tenth Floor, San Diego, California, 92122-1029, USA, p: +1 858 638 8000
Africa – Sub-City: Lidetta, Kebele: 02/03, House No: 395, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p: +251 913 204547
India – 605, Vipul Square, B-Block, Sushant Lok - I, Gurgaon - 122002, Haryana, India, p: +91 124 676 9200
Russia – 8th Marta Street 10, Building 14, Moscow Russia, 127083, p: +7 495 662 31 39
South Africa – 12th Floor – World Trade Center Johannesburg, Cnr West Road South and Lower Road, Sandton – 2196
Johannesburg, South Africa, p: +27 (11) 783 4963
China – Kerry Hotel, Office Suites & Business Center, No. 1388 Huamu Road, 3F, Room 12, Pudong, Shanghai, 201204,
P. R. China, p: +86 21 5168 8002, ext. 801
AFFILIATE LOCATIONS: Seattle, Washington • Seoul, Korea • College Park, Maryland • Ottawa, Ontario, Canada •
Ft. Belvoir, Virginia • Kettering, Ohio • Huntsville, Alabama • San Diego, California • St. Petersburg, Florida •
Peoria, Illinois • Omaha, Nebraska • Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan • Mt Eliza, Victoria, Australia

Center for Creative Leadership® and CCL® are registered trademarks owned by the Center for Creative Leadership.
©2017 Center for Creative Leadership. All rights reserved.

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