Iesba - Covid 19 & Ethics - 2021
Iesba - Covid 19 & Ethics - 2021
Iesba - Covid 19 & Ethics - 2021
January 2021
Ethical and Auditing Implications Arising from Government-
backed COVID-19 Business Support Schemes
This staff publication highlights ethical and auditing implications arising from government-backed
COVID-19 business support schemes and provides related guidance to professional accountants in
public practice and in business.
1. The NSS are the Australian Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board, Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, the Chinese Institute of
Certified Public Accountants, the South African Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors, the UK Financial Reporting Council, and the American Institute
of Certified Public Accountants.
1. In many jurisdictions, governments have responded to the 2. The existence of such schemes may pose additional or
COVID-19 pandemic with an unprecedented range of business heightened risks that professional accountants3 and auditors
support schemes. These have provided funding to furlough need to consider carefully. This paper sets out some of those
staff,2 as well as additional liquidity and loan funding, to issues, which may have ethical implications, implications for
support businesses through a period of business closure, and those who prepare financial information, and implications for
circumstances where they may not be able to deliver on all those who independently audit or assure such information.
their product or service offerings.
3. Professional accountants and auditors may have an important additional financing facilities or the disposal of parts of their
role to play in supporting entities that apply to a government operations. Where the professional accountant in public
support scheme, or to a financial institution for additional practice or auditor agrees to provide assurance services in
support. Supporting such an application may pose a threat 4
support of such applications, they need to carefully consider
to independence where the professional accountant in public the impact that this may have on their independence, which
practice or auditor assumes management responsibility when may be subject to a range of threats as set out in more detail
undertaking such an engagement. This is prohibited by the in the rest of this paper.
Code, and practitioners requested to provide such support will
need to ensure that the engagement does not result in them 5. The provision of information in support of applications for
assuming a management responsibility when performing the financial support may be time critical. Government may
service, thereby compromising their independence. require audited financial statements to support applications.
Government may also, or alternatively, require assurance
to support the veracity of reported business turnover or
The IESBA May 2020 Staff Q&As management’s assertions about the impact of the pandemic
publication includes important on the business, or to attest to other specified preconditions
considerations for firms that are for the financial support. Accessing that support is critical to
called upon to assist audit clients ensuring that an entity does not trade while insolvent. This
in securing COVID-19 related may in turn limit the time that the professional accountant in
funding or financial support. public practice or auditor has to carry out the necessary work
(See Non-Assurance Services, required to an appropriate standard, and with due skill and
section at page 7) care. A self-interest threat may be created if the professional
accountant in public practice or auditor has insufficient time
Click image to read more
to perform or complete the relevant work. Accordingly, it
is important that the professional accountant in practice or
auditor put in place appropriate steps to ensure that there is
4. Many large companies have also sought to strengthen their sufficient time to carry out the engagement in accordance
financial position by taking a range of actions, including with the fundamental principles and other requirements of
raising equity or placing debt through financial markets. Mid- the Code.
sized and smaller companies may have sought to strengthen
their liquidity or financial position through the agreement of
2. Furloughed staff are given a temporary leave of absence by their employing organizations whilst still being paid.
3. For ease of reference, in this publication hereafter, the terms “professional accountant” and “professional accountant in public practice” refer to a profes-
sional accountant or a professional accountant in public practice other than an auditor.
4. Paragraph 120.6.A3 of the Code describes the categories of threats to compliance with the fundamental principles and to independence.
6. Providing the necessary assurance as part of the application 8. These assessments will depend on the application of
for the financial support may result in the professional professional judgment. On one hand, public authorities may
accountant in public practice or auditor having to evaluate have encouraged affected businesses to apply for support
assumptions or judgments made by management. This work and for professional advisors to support them through that
might create an intimidation threat to compliance with the process. However, practitioners must ensure that they consider
fundamental principles if management puts pressure on the the ethical obligations arising from any services provided.
practitioner to accept those judgments. This may be the case To help their consideration of threats to independence,
if funding decisions are critical to the entity’s survival. Such application of the Code’s conceptual framework requires
engagements, and providing wider support to management, consideration of how the services would be viewed from
might also create an advocacy threat if the professional the perspective of an objective, reasonable and informed
accountant in public practice or auditor is asked to provide third party, particularly where the assessment criteria for a
assistance in making a case for financial support. support scheme could be open to interpretation. They could
also engage with stakeholders of the company to better
understand their expectations.
11. Where a business receives financial support, this may result in the Code guide professional accountants in business and in
the identification of further risks that need to be addressed, public practice in responding to non-compliance with laws
or it may exacerbate existing risks that an entity faces. For and regulations (NOCLAR).
instance, in the UK, the government provided financial
support to allow workers in affected sectors to be furloughed
on a set percentage of their salary subject to a cap. One Learn more about NOCLAR
of the conditions to the furlough scheme was that those by visiting the IESBA
workers should not be used by the business while under NOCLAR Web Page.
5. See the Appendix for illustrative examples of fraud, money laundering and other related issues arising from government support schemes around the world.
16. Whether or not a business has accessed a support scheme 19. Operational pressures on a business may also create incentives
or schemes, a company will still need to prepare financial or pressure on management to commit fraudulent financial
statements to meet local tax, filing or auditing requirements. reporting, or failure to comply with the applicable legal and
In many jurisdictions, governments or local securities regulatory framework to which the entity is subject. Such
regulators have recognised that heightened uncertainty matters would need to be considered by the auditor in
and operational restrictions may delay the preparation and planning and performing their work.
audit of financial information, and they have responded by
offering extended filing deadlines. In a complex international
group, the group auditor may need to consider not only the Click on image to access COVID-19
requirements applicable to the parent company, but also those guidance issued by the International
applicable to components operating in other jurisdictions. Auditing and Assurance Standards
Board (IAASB).
17. Many regulatory authorities have issued guidance on the
implications of the pandemic for preparers and auditors. Click image to read more
This paper considers some of the factors that apply where
entities have received support from government schemes,
and how that support may impact on judgments taken by
management, and assessments that subsequently need to be
made by an independent auditor to support their conclusions. 20. Operational restrictions on an auditor, for instance, an
inability to enter an entity’s premises to undertake necessary
18. The importance of the support received will depend on the procedures, may impact the auditor’s ability to obtain
nature of a company’s operations and the degree to which sufficient, appropriate audit evidence. For example, auditors
they were affected by the pandemic. Where the level of will need to consider applying non-standard techniques in
support is material (in either quantitative or qualitative terms order to obtain the necessary evidence.
or both), then the auditor considers whether this poses a
higher level of risk to the engagement, and factors this into 21. The auditor can assist users of the financial statements by
the way in which they plan and perform their audit. Where reporting in a clear, unambiguous and transparent way,
financial performance is relevant to determining whether an considering whether the impact of the pandemic, and support
entity has met key targets – for instance, meeting banking the entity has received to continue to trade viably, should be
covenants, public performance targets or confirming the reported as a key audit matter. Where the auditor includes
entity’s going concern status – the auditor will need to additional disclosure in their report or modifies their opinion
ensure that they apply appropriate professional scepticism because of the impact of the pandemic, they should not
when assessing management’s judgments, which is likely employ boilerplate language, and should accurately and
to be heightened given the nature of the assessments clearly report the situation.
they are required to undertake. Professional scepticism is
heightened further where estimates are subject to high levels 22. Guidance developed by the UK Financial Reporting Council for
of estimation uncertainty or may be more challenging to audit preparers, auditors, directors and users of financial statements
because of heightened uncertainty in the marketplace. Early can be found at:
on in the pandemic, the lack of an economic anchor scenario advice. This includes more detailed advice on the issues that
to use to make a severe but plausible downside assessment preparers of financial statements, directors and auditors
also exacerbated the challenge faced. should be considering as a result of the pandemic, and how
they might address those in a way that is responsive to the
public interest. It also includes guidance on dealing with group
audits where the auditor might face operational restrictions in
visiting components or component auditors.
This paper should be read in conjunction with other non-authoritative guidance issued by IESBA, as the risks
posed by the COVID-19 pandemic may cover a broad range of issues, including increased risk of fraud or money
laundering, and the use of specialists. These resources are available at the IESBA COVID-19 Resource Web Page.
May 7,
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Illustrative Examples of Reported Fraud, Money Laundering and Other Related Issues Arising from Government Support Schemes
Will PPP fraud turn into the next wave of ‘liar’s loans’?s
Australian Broadcasting Corp.
Government of Canada More than 6,500 applications for JobKeeper rejected due
Key Contacts The UK Financial Reporting Council, IESBA, and IFAC do not accept responsibility for loss
caused to any person who acts or refrains from acting in reliance on the material in this
Mark Babington, Executive Director,
publication, whether such loss is caused by negligence or otherwise.
Regulatory Standards, UK FRC
[email protected] The International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants™ (including International
Independence Standards™) is published by, and copyright of, IFAC.
Ken Siong, Senior Technical Director, IESBA The ‘UK Financial Reporting Council’, ‘FRC’ logo is a registered trademark of the FRC
[email protected] United Kingdom.
The ‘International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’, ‘International Code of Ethics for
Diane Jules, Deputy Director, IESBA
Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards)’, ‘International
[email protected]
Federation of Accountants’, ‘IESBA’, ‘IFAC’, the IESBA logo, and IFAC logo are trademarks of
IFAC, or registered trademarks and service marks of IFAC in the US and other countries.
Published by International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), 529 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Copyright © January 2021. The UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC United Kingdom) and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).
All rights reserved. Written permission from FRC United Kingdom and IFAC is required to reproduce, store or transmit, or to make other similar uses of,
this document, save for where the document is being used for individual, non-commercial use only. Contact [email protected]