ACT121 - Topic 2
ACT121 - Topic 2
ACT121 - Topic 2
2.1 Nature of cost, cost pools, cost objects, and cost drivers
Cost pool or center is a grouping of individual cost items; an account in which a variety
of similar costs are accumulated. Examples: work in process, factory overhead.
Cost object is a term closely aligned with what is traditionally referred to as division of
purpose. It can be termed as cost bearer. Examples: customer, order.
Cost driver is any variable, such as level of activity or volume that usually affects costs
over a period of time. Example: production, sales, number of hours.
a. Direct product costs – refer to costs directly charged to the cost of a product in
the costing process, and are classified as: direct materials (costs of raw materials
that form an integral part of the finished product), and direct labor cost (cost of
labor incurred directly on goods being processed into finished product).
b. Indirect product costs – refer to manufacturing costs incurred in production and
not classifiable as direct materials nor as direct labor.
a. Variable costs – refer to costs that vary in direct proportion to the changes in
volume of production within a relevant range.
b. Fixed costs – refer to costs not affected by changes in volume within a relevant
c. Mixed costs – refer to costs that vary in amount but not in direct proportion to
changes in volume of production. They are partly variable and fixed.
a. Capital expenditures – refer to outlays that benefit future periods and are
classified as asset.
b. Revenue expenditures – refer to costs that benefit the current period only and
are classified as expenses.
a. Product costs – refer to cost items incurred in making goods available for sale so
that they are considered inventoriable costs and allocated between the sold and
the unsold or are treated as part of inventory until the latter is sold.
b. Period costs – refer to those charged as expenses in the period during which
they are incurred.