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Friday, March 25, 2005 #1

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Pakistan Affairs Past Papers (1971-1999)

Download Pakistan Affairs 1971-1996 (25 years) past papers.

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Last edited by Argus; Tuesday, January 17, 2006 at 12:24 PM.

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Friday, December 07, 2007 #2

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Pakistan Affairs Papers 1971 to 1996





Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Note: Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is Pakistan Ideology?
2. Discuss the fundamental principles of Pakistan Foreign Policy.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of foreign economic aid?
4. Write an essay on the genesis of Pakistan Movement.
5. Analyse the Farakka Barrage Dispute.
6. Explain the highlights of the Aligarh Movement launched by Sir Syed
Ahmad Khan
7. Discuss the circumstances that led to action on the part of Pakistan Army
in East Pakistan.





Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Note: Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain clearly the concept of Islamic Socialism.
2. Discuss in detail the importance of any two of the following:
a) R.C.D., b) CENTO. c) The Simla Agreement.
3. What would you suggest to check the influx of the rural population into the
urban areas?
4. Discuss the effects of the TV upon the character of our children.
5. What advantages do you expect from the Integrated Rural Development
6. Identify the tendencies adversely affecting our ‘national cohesion’. Suggest
to combat them.
7. Write short notes on any two of the following:
a) The Khilafat Movement.
b) The Lahore Resolution of 1940.
c) The dissolution of the First Constituent Assembly.




Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that “The Foreign Policy of
Pakistan has
been the same as it was formulated by the ft t Foreign Minister”? While
supporting your
reply give at Least three concrete examples from history to prove your point
of view.
2. What have been the consequences of devaluation of the Pakistan Rupee
on the
economic development of Pakistan. Give suggestions to utilise this
devaluation to the best
interest of the country.
3. Describe the historical events leading to Referendum and inclusion of
4. How far has the economic aid been useful in the recipient developing
countries of Asia?
Give a critical analysis of the problem.
5. What is the basis of the new relationship between Iran and Pakistan?
Discuss with
reference to the strategy in the Persian Gulf.
6. Give a critical appreciation of Indo-Pakistan relations between 1962 and
7. Comment on the statement, “The revolution of the 20th Century claims to
base itself on
Economics, but it is primarily political and ideological”. (Camus)
8. Describe the role of any four of the regional alliances:
i) CENTO, ii) European Security Plan, iii) Asian Security Plan, iv) Russian-
Detente, v) R.C.D, vi) Commonwealth Affairs.





Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is your concept of an Islamic State? To what extentdoes the present
of Pakistan ensure the Islamic character of the State?
2. Discuss the role of the Bureaucracy in the moral and material progress of
3. What are the salient features of the educational policy of the present
Government? How
far has it been a success?
4. Discuss the causes of the inflationary tendency in Pakistan. Do you
consider it
5. Assess the importance of Pakistan’s relations with China for theForeign
Policy of
Pakistan as a whole.
6. Have Family Planning Project been successful in Pakistan” If not, why not,
why not?
7. Examine the political and economic consequences of the secession of East
8. Who’s Who/What's What? (Answer briefly):
a) Baba-i-Urdu b) C.R. Formula
c) Jaurian d) PL 480
e) Durand Line f) Tarbela Dam
g) Tashkent Declaration h) UPI
i) Pakistan Hilal-e-Ahmar j) Rann of Kutch





Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions have equal marks.
1. Define the historic personality of Pakistan in terms of:
a) history of its geographic territory,
b) historical heritage,
c) cultural heritage.
2. Discuss the contribution of the Civil Service of Pakistan to the building up
of the country?
Why has it been necessary to change its character?
3. Discuss the various measures adopted to bring reforms in. the agricultural
Sector in respect
a) distribution of agricultural lands,
b) improvement of agricultural produce,
c) better use of agricultural labour.
4. Is inflation related to the price of oil? How has it affected the economy of
5. Discuss the pros and cons of the introduction of nationalisation in the
country? How far has it
affected the economy of the country?
6. Discuss the labour reforms introduced by the present Government. How
far have they helped:
a) to improve the labour condition,
b) to give incentive for higher labour productivity?
7. What is the meaning of bilateralism? How far has its adoption changed the
Foreign Policy of
8. Who’s Who/What’s What? (Answer briefly):
a) Tuti-e-Shakar-Maqala b) SEATO
c) Baghdad Pact d) Mangla
e) Salinity f) Brahui
g) Kalash h) Bhitshah
i) Rahman Baba j) Simla Agreement





Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions have equal marks,
1. Trace the history of the Muslim League in the post-Independence period.
What are the causes
of its decline and disintegration?
2. What are the commonfactors in the “three Constitutions” framed in
Pakistan? How far do
they meet the political situation occurring in these periods?
3. Discuss the Central structure of the Government of Pakistan from the
following points of
i) Bureaucratic Machinery
ii) Recruitment policy
iii) Structure and development programmes.
4. What different role the private sectorand public sector have played in the
development of the
country? On which sector would you rely more for the future growth of the
5. What are the problems involved in the labour export of Pakistan?
What arrangement has the Government of Pakistan made in this connection?
6. What fundamental changes have been made in the Education Policy by the
Government? How far has the policy been implemented?
What is its effect on the general educational standard?
7. How far Islam has been a governing factor in formulating the Foreign
Policy of
Pakistan? Examine this in the historic reality of Pakistan’s relations with the
Arab World.
8. Who’s Who/What’s What? (Answer briefly):
a) Quaid-i-Azam's parentage and forefathers.
b) Quaid-i-Azam’s school education.
c) Quaid-i-Azam and his family including the question of his marriage.
d) Quaid-i-Azam as a lawyer.
e) Quaid-i-Azam as a political apprentice.
f) Quaid-i-Azam as an ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity.
g) Quaid-i-Azam and Fourteen Points. -
b) Quaid-i-Azam and Round Table Conference.
i) Quaid-i-Azam and Cripps’ Mission.
j) Quaid-i-Azam and Lahore Resolution.





Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
I. Give the natural regions of the hill zones of Pakistan and state the means
of livelihood of the
2. What arc the natural conditions of Balochistan? How have they been
utilized by the different
stocks of people living there?
3. In the opinion of some political scientists agitational politics has been the
running theme in
the thirty years of the history of Pakistan. Do you agree? Give reasons for
your answer.
4. “It is the personality that has been the moving spirit behind the political
changes in
Pakistan”. Discuss in depth.
5. What has been the consequence of recent nationalisation in Pakistan?
Discuss in the
perspective of the economic condition in the country.
6. Do you think there has been industrial retardation in Pakistan? Discuss in
the perspective of
the economic condition in the country.
7. What has been the role of the army in the stability of the country? Do you
think that there
should be a Constitutional provision for their active place in the performance
of this act?
What proposals would you like to make?
8. Discuss the provisions of autonomy as provided in the last Constitutions of
Pakistan. Are
they sufficient guarantee for the development of the regional groups?
9. Discuss the role of the political parties in pre-1958 history of Pakistan.
10. Who’s Who/What’s What? (Answer briefly):
a) Iqbal's parentage and ancestry.
b) Iqbal’s education.
c) Iqbal's marriages and his children.
d) lqbaFs poetic works in Urdu.
e) lqbal’s poetic works in Persian.
f) lqbal’s prose work and its place in the history of Muslim philosophy.
g) Iqbal as a member of the Punjab Legislative Assembly.
h) lqbal’s address at the Allahahad session of the All India Muslim League.
i) Iqbal at the Round Table Conference.
j) Iqhal’s letters to Quaid-i-Azam M. A. Jinnah..





Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions, each worth twenty marks.
1. The Muslims claimed to be separate nation, having nothing in common
with the Hindu majority except accident of living in the same country.
Comment. 20
2. Sir Sayyid had maintained that Islam was not inimical to liberal progress.
Amir Ali presented an Islam that is that progress. Comment. 20
3. He (The Quaid-c-Azam) has an ascetic appearance. and the first
impression he made was of
cold but brilliant intensity, lie never suffered fools gladly and disdained the
tricks of the
politicians that win easy popularity. In view of this statement, assess the
character and the
leadership qualities of the Father of the Nation. 20
4. a) What is the significance of 1)1193 ii) 145 1-1526 iii) 1556-1605 iv)
1875. 5
b) i) Importance of 1909 Morley Minto Reforms ii) importance of 1912
Partition of Bengal. 5
c) i) List down the three separate points of view of the British policy towards
India from 1830-1947. 5
ii) Where God commands, I am a Muslim first, a Muslim second and a Muslim
last and nothing but a Muslim.
Answer i) Who made this statement ii) Give dates spanning his life. 2 1t2
iii) There is now scarcely a government office in Calcutta in which a
Mohammedan can hope for any post above the rank of porter, messenger,
filler of inkpots and mender of pens. Give the name of the author of this
statement, the book and the date. 2 112
5. The armed forces must receive political education and understand
economic affairs, and
foreign relations, they should refrain from active participation in politics.
Soldier-politicians may
have a limited success but prolonged military rules come to ignominious
Comment. 20
6. Pakistan, like many other new nations is marked by horizontal and vertical
cleavages in its
social structure. On the horizontal level, linguistic, ethnic and regional
diversities create
problems in the political system. On the vertical level, there is a wide gap
between the
westernised elite and the illiterate masses, between the rich and the poor.
Comment. 20
7. It is alleged that the Civil Service in Pakistan helped to promote
corruption, inefficiency and selfishness. Critically assess the truth of this
statement. 20
8. A balanced economy is a prerequisite for a stable political order.
Comment. 20
9. It is said that a foreign policy is the projection of the internal politics of a
country. Comment. 20





Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. In Pakistan politics has always been dominated not by political parties or
institutions. but by
individual leaders? Could you give any reasons for that?
2. What do you understand by the Proportional Representation Scheme? How
would it facilitate
or hamper the process of democratisaton in the country? Discuss.
3. What are major economic problems confronting Pakistan? What measures
do you propose to
overcome these?
4. Moral, Social and Economic values in Pakistan have undergone a change
as a consequence
of the “Dubai Phenomena” or employment opportunities in the Middle East”
Do you agree with
S. Do you think that Karakoram Highway has ushered in a new era in the
Social and Economic
life of the people of the Northern Areas? If so. identify and explain seine of
these changes.
6. It has been said that Pakistan would have come into being, even without
the leadership of
Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Would you agree with it?
7. Indus river system is the life-line of Pakistan’s agriculture? Discuss.
8. It is said that in Pakistan Armed Forces are the only integrative force in
the country.
Would you agree?
9. Geography conditions the foreign policy of a State, this being so, what
kind of Foreign
Policy do you visualise for Pakistan in 1980s?
10. Be precise in your answer.
a) What is the main substance of Simla Agreement?
b) When was One Unit created and when was it dismembered?
c) Where is Durand Line and when was it created?
d) On which rivers the following dams arc located?
i) Hub Dam ii) Tarbela Dam iii) Warsak Dam iv) Mangla Dam.
e) For the 1970 General Elections a legal framework order was created. What
were its major
f) Who was Sardar Abdw Rab Nishtar?
g) Can you name any three books of Allama Iqbal?
h) Where did Mr. Jinnah present his famous “Fourteen Points”?
i) What was the main substance of Rowlatt Act?





Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
I. Without Quaid-i-Azam’s dynamic leadership, the Muslims of South Asia
would never have
achieved a separate state of their own”. Discuss.
2. It is often said that both the Parliamentary and the Presidential systems
have failed in
Pakistan. Critically analyse the statement and suggest a suitable political
system for Pakistan.
3. Discuss the natural conditions of Northern Areas of Pakistan. How have
they been utilized by
the people living there.
4. Critically evaluate the origins of Kashmir dispute.
5. What role would you assign to women in Muslim Society? Discuss in the
light of Pakistani
society. -
6. Has bureaucracy played a positive role in nation-building process in
7. What induced Pakistan to join the South East Asia Treaty Organisation
(SEATO) and the
Central Treaty Organisation (CENTO) and what forced her to leave these
defence alliances?
8. Why is the year 1963 considered to be a milestone in Pakistan-Chinese
9. Highlight the major problems confronting the agriculturist in Pakistan and
what measures
would you suggest to overcome?
10. Write short notes on any two of the following:
a) Liaquat Ali Khan
b) Radcliff Award
c) Husain Shaheed Suharwardy
d) Cash Crops of Pakistan
f) Rann of Kutch War 1965
g) The Menace of Beggars in Pakistan
h) Islamic Foreign Ministers’ Conference (May 1980)
i) Salal Dam Agreement
j) Pakistan Cricket Team’s last tour of India.

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