NSTP Graduation Script

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Good morning ladies and gentlemen!

Today marks the joyous victory of those

among you who have fought for a better future and have given what it takes to get to
this moment.

Everyone, welcome to the National Service Training Program - Commencement

Exercises of _________________.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the processional march of the candidates for
graduation led by the chief marshal, Mr. _________________. The NSTP candidates
for graduation with their marshals, Mr. _______________ and Mr. ________________

Tailing next is the dynamic faculty of NSTP subject, headed by the NSTP Coordinator,
Mr. _________________

Next in line are the hardworking Administrative Staff and the Pillars of ASIA COLLEGE,
led by the Vice President for Administration, Dr. _________________ and Dr.
_________________, Student-Teaching Supervisor in Secondary Department.

Right next to them is our highly respected President/CEO Dr. _________________.

Round of applause please!

At this point, everyone is requested to stand to pay respect and honor to our flags.
Ladies and gentlemen, behold the entrance of colors.

Please remain standing and put our right hand over our heart for the singing of the
national anthem to be led by Mrs. _________________. You may now be seated.

At this juncture, may I call on the NSTP Coordinator, Mr. _________________ to

present the candidates for graduation, followed by the confirmation of graduates by our
very own President/CEO, Dr. _________________.

Thank you, Mr. President, and congratulations, graduates!

Moving on! Dear graduates, now is the moment to harvest the fruits of time, effort and
discipline. You will now be receiving your certificates of completion.

May I call on our Vice President for Administration, Dr. _________________for the
distribution of certificates and the awarding of medals by Dr. _________________,
Student-Teaching Supervisor in Secondary Department.

Once again, congratulations to all of you graduates!

And now, to sing the Asia College Hymn, let us all welcome the NSTP Graduates of
2021 to be led by the NSTP Coordinator, Mr. _________________.

Ladies and Gentlemen, round of applause to our NSTP Graduates of 2021!

This program has now come to its closing. Please rise for the exit of colors.

May you be more blessed than ever and continue reaching your goals. God bless us

The recessional march.

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