MIS Review

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects, devices,

vehicles, buildings and other items which are embedded with electronics, software,
sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and
exchange data. IoT has many potential applications and can be implemented in fields
like home automation, offering several features like economical use of energy to
protection and safety. This section illustrates detailed working of IoT based
security systems and Energy efficient devices. This topic aims at controlling home
appliances via Smartphone using Wi-Fi as communication protocol. It provides
information regarding various hardware and software components required for
implementing the same. It shows us how the IoT will touch our life in near future.


2. We admire the emerging technologies that fascinate us, as it has become part of
our daily life. Internet of Things (IoT) plays a major role in simplifying human
effort. It leaps forward taking the advantages of latest wireless devices and
communication technologies. . IoT collects and records heterogeneous data (such as
documents, images, videos, audios, and others) from heterogeneous applications
(such as CCTV, medical images, barcode reader, and others) with the help of
Internet. People, physical objects, and virtual objects are logically connected to
the network to observe and analyze for decision-making. Therefore, IoT has
transformed to be an important evolving technology and inevitable in smart home.

Mahmoud Elkhodr, Seyed Shahrestani, and Hon Cheung

2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Data Intensive Systems


3.IoT is a combination of technologies such as ubiquitous and pervasive computing,

wireless communication devices and sensors, Internet protocol, and others. By its
applications IoT makes smart homes that we can control with a phone or other
electronic gagets.The smart home is an indispensable element in smart cities. In
the future, smart homes should incorporate IoT wearable gadgets managed by
smartphone applications and powered by miniaturised built-in sensors. Smart
lighting allows you to control wall switches, blinds, and lamps.Over the past year,
smart thermostats and automated home heating systems have become more readily
available and easily incorporate into any home. Heating and cooling our homes
consumes an average of 50% of energy costs yearly, making daily HVAC regulation
progressively rewarding. Smart appliances allow you to scan grocery store receipts
and keep an inventory of your items, and alerts you if an item is about to expire.
More impressively, it suggests recipes based on your refrigerator�s contents and
lets you know when you need to replace items. Smart ovens synch with your
smartphone and automatically preheat to the correct temperature based on a recipe
selected from your database.

L. Atzori, A. Iera, and G. Morabito, "The Internet of Things:

A survey," Computer Networks, vol. 54, pp. 2787-2805, 2010.

4.With the Internet of Things taking all of us by storm, we have now entered into
an unprecedented era in which consumer products and electronic devices � these so
called connected devices � communicate bi-directionally with each other without
human interaction. Such as smart TVs, smart home appliances, HVAC systems,
wearables, and micro computer boards.The smart home revolution is likely to be more
of an evolution, with the incorporation of one or two home systems at a time,
gradually automating our households through smart mobile devices.

Mahmoud Elkhodr, Seyed Shahrestani, and H. Cheung,

"Managing the Internet of Things," presented at the The 8th
International Conference on the Internet of Things (iThings
2015), Sydney, Australia, 2015.

5. Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that is making our

world smarter. The idea of connected world cannot be imagined without IoT. An IoT
based Smart Home is one such example. In IoT enabled Smart Home
environment various things such as lighting, home appliances, computers,
security camera etc. all are connected to the Internet and allowing user
to monitor and control things regardless of time and location constraint.
This paper describes Frugal Labs IoT Platform (FLIP) for building IoT
enabled Smart Home. This paper discusses functions of Smart Home and its
applications and introduces FLIP architecture with implementation of Smart
Home services using FLIP through a proposed system. The proposed system
presented in this paper is used for monitoring and controlling Smart Home

Timothy Malche
International conference on I-SMAC
AISECT University,
Bhopal, MP, India

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