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Advances in Human-Computer Interaction

Volume 2021, Article ID 6616962, 19 pages

Review Article
Analyzing the Synergy between HCI and TRIZ in Product
Innovation through a Systematic Review of the Literature

Shaohan Chen ,1 Khairul Manami Kamarudin ,1 and Shihua Yan 2

Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Design & Architecture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia
Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Design & Architecture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia

Correspondence should be addressed to Khairul Manami Kamarudin; [email protected]

Received 10 December 2020; Revised 30 April 2021; Accepted 19 May 2021; Published 28 May 2021

Academic Editor: Armando Bennet Barreto

Copyright © 2021 Shaohan Chen et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The boundary between tangible and digital products is getting more fused while rapidly evolving systems for interaction require
novel processes that allow for rapidly developed designs, evaluations, and interaction strategies to facilitate efficient and unique
user interactions with computer systems. Accordingly, the literature suggests combining creativity enhancement tools or methods
with human-computer interaction (HCI) design. The TRIZ base of knowledge appears to be one of the viable options, as shown in
the fragmental indications reported in well-acknowledged design textbooks. The goal of this paper is to present a systematic review
of the literature to identify and analyze the published approaches and recommendations to support the synergy between HCI and
TRIZ from the perspective of product innovation related to HCI, with the aim of providing a first comprehensive classification and
discussing about observable differences and gaps. The method followed is the guidelines related to systematic literature review
methods. As results, out of 444 initial results, only 17 studies reported the outcomes of the synergy between HCI and TRIZ. The 7
of these studies explored the feasibility of the combination of HCI and TRIZ. The 10 studies attempted to combine and derive
approaches in these two fields, and the outcomes defined 3 different integration strategies between HCI and TRIZ. Some
conclusions achieved are that the generic solutions to support the synergy between HCI and TRIZ are still rare in the literature.
The extraction and combination of different tools caused the randomization of the evaluation criteria, and the performance of the
proposals has not been comprehensively evaluated. However, the findings can help inform future developments and provide
valuable information about the benefits and drawbacks of different approaches.

1. Introduction Inherited from human’s senses, these channels are defined as

touch, sight, smell, taste, and hearing. The HCI includes but
Recently, ubiquitous computing has been adopted in daily- is not limited to those types [9]. These new interaction
life as the third wave of computerization. Users are almost modalities have allowed input of HCI to go beyond the
always connected to computer interfaces in their everyday conventional interfaces: keyboard and mouse [6]. As a result,
lives [1]. Accordingly, such user interactions for computer- the user interfaces (UIs) have become multimodal and
based applications have evolved in diverse ways, for ex- embedded in more and more products. This has resulted in
ample, from visual interaction [2] and gesture interaction the boundary between digital and tangible products, which is
[3], to voice interaction [4] and motion capture [5]. These getting more fused [1], often leading to a digital entity
interaction ways or methods are collectively referred to as product like an application or a physical object [10]. For
interaction modalities [6–8]. In the context of human- these products, it is significant to ensure that users and
computer interaction (HCI), a modality is a single inde- consumers get a correct and effective user experience during
pendent channel of sensory input or output between a HCI. Otherwise, products are not acceptable even though
computer and user, i.e., communication channel [6]. they are of well-designed and -developed [11]. The focus of
2 Advances in Human-Computer Interaction

product innovation has been shifting from technology to Fiorineschi et al. [17], i.e. the conceptual design approach of
user experience and HCI in that sense [12]. the German systematic design. Moreover, TRIZ also sup-
Collina et al. [1] state that a mixed combination of in- ports the design task clarification phase [21].
teractions defines the user experience of a product. In HCI, However, TRIZ and its tools are not sufficient to ac-
the unpleasant user experience is usually caused by the complish the innovation of current products. The increase in
contradictions between user inputs and computer outputs, product complexity and the focus on user experience
i.e., the conflicts between interaction modalities [13]. More nowadays make product innovation consider the HCI aspect
precisely, when the configuration and presentation of the [11].
mixed interaction modality of input and output in the UI of All of this suggests looking for potential synergy between
product are unreasonable, resulting in user operation errors the current HCI algorithm and TRIZ theory.
or not getting the desired feedback after the operation, a kind In such a context, this paper explores various current
of behavioural contradiction is produced [12]. As examples, scientific attempts that take the advantages of HCI and TRIZ
the following requirements are considered: “time to perform explicitly. More precisely, collect and analyze relevant con-
actions” and “time for messages before they disappear.” The tributions in the literature to understand how to use TRIZ
display time should ensure the complete reading or com- tools in the fuzzy front-end stage of the design process of
prehension of the message before it disappears, and reducing HCI-related product innovation. Indeed, some literature
the time might make this impossible. Thus, the former and reviews were conducted on HCI and TRIZ. However, none of
latter requirements are correlated with each other. The latter them was focused on the combination of HCI and TRIZ. For
can be negatively affected by reducing the former [12]; UI instance, Batemanazan et al. [22] only selected the usability of
should provide operational freedom to users to enter any the HCI tool and used TRIZ as a reference to discuss how to
valid data (or click on any screen region) to encourage improve usability. Also, the literature was mostly focused on
creativity. At the same time, some kinds of data should be the integration of TRIZ and other methods, such as the
restricted since they might induce operational errors [14]. systematic design approach (SDA) [23] and other ideation
Although both Nielsen’s Heuristic [15] and Usability [8] tools in various fields of applications [20]. Hence, this paper
provided by HCI procedures (Section 2.2) describe this conducts the first comprehensive literature review on the
problem, Nielsen’s Heuristic only provides an open con- synergy of HCI and TRIZ, with the aim as follows:
ceptual direction and lacks a set of solutions to this problem,
(1) Highlighting the research status and trend of the
while for the Usability, some design companies that are
synergy between HCI and TRIZ.
forced to follow fast and evolving market law simply do not
have enough time and cost to cover enough user types (2) Listing the approaches that support the synergy
during the design activity process [13]. between HCI and TRIZ, and discussing their ob-
According to the abovementioned considerations, servable disadvantages or inadequateness.
Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) has been (3) Suggesting further research on the existing limitation
recommended by engineers and designers to support and problems.
problem solving and the development of innovative solu-
In this paper, a systematic literature review is conducted
tions, and the resolution of management conflicts [16, 17].
following the principles presented in Kitchenham et al. [23]
TRIZ is rather a toolset underpinning on a specific base
and Marshall et al. [24].
of knowledge, containing a bundle of tools (part of them
The remainder of this work is organized as follows.
shortly introduced in Section 2.4), which can be used either,
Section 2 reports an overview of HCI and TRIZ, a possible
respectively, or in combination with others, according to the
interaction or integration or synergy between both HCI and
specific needs [16–18]. However, it is worth noting that the
TRIZ. Section 3 presents the criteria and requirements for
selection of tools is only guided based on the user’s expe-
this literature review. Section 4 provides the potential
rience at present [17]. Therefore, not all the TRIZ tools
synergy between TRIZ and HCI with the key-contents of the
receive the same consideration from practitioners [19]. The
relevant literature. Section 5 discusses the obtained findings,
tools most frequently used by practitioners in this toolset
and Section 6 concludes this paper with the summarization.
include 40 Inventive Principles, Ideal Final Result, Con-
tradiction Matrix, Trends, and Functional Analysis Model
[18]. 2. Theoretical Background
TRIZ occupies a considerable advantage compared with
other methods for problem solving and innovation. Methods 2.1. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). HCI is concerned
such as focus groups and brainstorming have the ability to with methods and tools for interfaces between humans and
identify or discover problems and their root causes, but they computers, usability assessment of computer systems [25],
lack the ability to actually point out solutions to problems and broader human-centric issues for HCI [26]. It is based
[18]. On the other hand, TRIZ is one of the most powerful on the theories about how people perceive information and
supports for the fuzzy front-end of the design process, and interact with devices and other peoples that are based on the
the related tools can be conveniently integrated into engi- computer [27], where HCI designers act critical roles be-
neering processes to improve creativity in conceptual design tween devices and humans [28]. Design knowledge is also
[20]. A related example is that a review of integration brought into the context, including visual hierarchy, color,
proposals between TRIZ and FDM is provided by and typography, by this interaction [29].
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 3

The HCI design process is shown in Figure 1. In the first

step, user’s needs and behaviour are investigated so that 1 What is wanted
designers obtain insights to achieve interactive solutions

User needs
matched to the user’s needs [8, 26]. In the analysis step, the
major issues found in the exploration step are analyzed to Interaction Paradigms
present the direction to the design step. In this step, it has
been suggested to utilize several useful tools, including the
goals, operators, methods, and selection rules (GOMS) [30], 2 Analysis
and touchless hand gesture level model (THGLM) [31]. The

task analysis
primary objective of the design step is to address the issues
while bringing practices and factors of usability into the GOMS and THGLM
entire design process [26]. Designers develop prototypes
while analyzing the performance of the obtained solutions
3 Design
following the guidelines such as Laws of Interaction Design

[32, 33] and Nielsen’s Heuristics and Norman’s Design
Principles [15, 34]. The usability of the solution and inter- Laws of Interaction Design

action with users are enhanced by using these guidelines.
Nielsen’s Heuristics
The prototype step is the integration of physical devices and and Norman’s Design Principles
software. The design violations and effectiveness of the
solution are evaluated during the test of user interaction with Interaction Pattern Libraries
the solutions [26]. Such a design evaluation method helps
designers to find and address undesired problems in the 4 Prototype
early stages of development. Once the effectiveness and

functionality of the prototype are proven, it is implemented

and confirmed to be deployed to the market [8, 26]. Usability

2.2. HCI Concepts and Tools. For decades, researchers have 5
and deploy
been actively studying concepts and tools to exploit efficient
and effective HCI. The research studies contain the eval-
Figure 1: HCI design process [26]. The green boxes represent the
uation of HCI usability, [35, 36], human-centric issues [37], tools of HCI knowledge-based concepts, and the yellow boxes
and some law and heuristics to solve interaction problems represent the tools of HCI description concepts.
[38]. A series of specific concepts and tools are contained in
the HCI field. Among them, they can be collected into two
categories: HCI description concepts, for a formal and user control freedom, etc. [15, 32]. Norman’s Design
usable description of the system under study, and HCI Principles: they suggest designers what to provide
knowledge-based concepts, characterized by items for and what to avoid during the development of a
thinking enhancement and generic problem solving system interface. Among them, there are visibility,
[26, 39]. This paper only introduces methods/tools related feedback, natural mapping, constraints, and design
to this study. for error [34].
(i) Laws of Interaction Design. Fitts’s law, Hick’s law, (iii) Usability. Usability is indispensable for most
and the Poka-Yoke principle have been contained in products. Several significant usability methods/tools
this law. Fitts’s law is a predictive model, which was have been extracted and divided into three cate-
mainly employed to model human motion in HCI gories: Usability Testing, Usability Inquiry, and
and ergonomics. Hick’s law depicts the time re- Usability Inspection [15, 33, 36, 38]. Usability
quired for a user to make a decision. It is sometimes Testing selects typical users to let them use the
cited to justify user interface design decisions. Fi- product to deal with tasks and then assesses the
nally, the Poka-Yoke principle states error pre- design intuitiveness of the product. Usability In-
vention strategies. The principle prevents, corrects, quiry assesses the product based on users’ feelings
and draws attention to human errors to eliminate when they are using the product, where users are
defects of the product [26, 30, 32, 33]. observed and inquired to reply to the related
(ii) Nielsen’s Heuristics and Norman’s Design Principles. questions. Finally, the experts inspect the usability
These heuristics include 10 principles toward UI of product analytically in Usability Inspection
design, where Nielsen initially evolved and per- [22, 40]. Usability contributes to the foundation of
fected the heuristics by decomposing 249 usability the user-centered design (UCD) approach [8].
tasks. The principles involve the visualized system (iv) Interaction Pattern Libraries. Interaction design
status, the match between the system and the actual patterns are an instrument to depict solutions to
environment, the consistency and indicators, the general usability problems in a particular context
4 Advances in Human-Computer Interaction

[41], while the Interaction Pattern Libraries are a list Eventually, the important principles of the modern TRIZ
of all the interaction patterns [42]. theory are mainly reflected in three aspects: (1) the core
(v) Interaction Paradigms. This concept refers to a technologies should be developed to follow the expansion of
specific philosophy or way of thinking for HCI [38]. objective laws, whether it is a simple or complex technical
Interaction designers are confronted towards the system. It is an objective rule and pattern for the technical
questions that need self-thinking in design process, system. (2) The development of technology is promoted by
in order to lead the future design for interfaces the solution of technical problems and conflict. (3) The ideal
between humans and computers. For instance, these state of a technical system is to achieve the complete
paradigms include technology integration, real-time functions with the least resources possible [44, 46].
computing, wearable interaction, mixed reality,
artificial intelligence, etc. [8, 38].
2.4. TRIZ Concepts and Tools. Savransky [46] states that the
(vi) Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection Rules system composition framework of TRIZ can also be divided
(GOMS) and Touchless Hand Gesture Level Model into three parts. There are the basic theoretical framework,
(THGLM). In HCI, GOMS is a specialized human problem analysis framework, and problem-solving frame-
information processor model for HCI observation work of TRIZ, respectively. In the basic theoretical frame-
that describes a user’s cognitive structure on goals, work, the evolution of technological systems and the Ideal
operators, methods, and selection rules [43]. The Final Result (IFR) still are the core point of view. In the
THGLM is a model based on the keystroke-level problem analysis framework, TRIZ offers analysis tools
model (KLM) [30], and gesture units and perfor- Function Analysis Model (FAM), 39-Parameters (39-P),
mance time for hand gesture user interfaces can be Contradiction, and ARIZ. TRIZ’s problem-solving frame-
estimated using THGLM [31]. work includes 40 Inventive Principles (40-IP), Effects Da-
tabase, 76 Standard Solution, Separation Principles, etc.
2.3. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). TRIZ was [44, 47]. This paper only extracts the TRIZ tools related to
proposed by Altshuller in 1946 [44]. this study for introduction.
The TRIZ is used to guide in solving problems, pre- (i) Ideal Final Result (IFR). A psychological index, IFR,
venting the solution from being randomly explored
allows obtaining the optimal solution of compli-
[36, 39]. In TRIZ, the specific problem is elevated to a cated problems without considering constraints. In
higher level of abstraction before being solved. The specific this measure, ideality is defined as a kind of virtual
problem must be first identified and described precisely. goal by the ratio between useful/positive and
Then, the particular problem is converted into one of the harmful/negative functions of the system in TRIZ.
TRIZ generic problem types found in TRIZ 39-Parameter, The perfect system, IFR, has the highest ideality,
under the form of technical or physical contradiction. Next, which provides all the benefits but no negative
some standard solutions may be found through the TRIZ experiences to the user. IFR is an unachievable
matrix for the particular problem by examining all the utopia system, but it could provide rarely searched
standard solutions provided by TRIZ for that type of ge- directions in the exploration [20, 45, 47].
neric problem (e.g., 40 Inventive Principles for solving
contradictions). After that, the standard solutions are (ii) Functional Analysis Model (FAM) and Trimming.
evaluated against the technological evolution trends to FAM splits the product system and highlights the
further enhance the goodness of the standard solutions. relationship between the function of components in
Finally, the problem-solvers exploit their experience and a product system. In order to avoid underuse and
expertise in deriving and customizing a specific solution conflicts of components in each system, different
that is practical to the particular problem [44–46]. Figure 2 function values have been installed in the inter-
illustrates the TRIZ problem-solving framework steps, action between the components, useful/sufficient or
suggested by the Kamarudin [47]. useful/harmful [44, 52]. The Trimming concept
Moreover, several significant branches of TRIZ evolu- exploits the functional description of the product,
tion and/or alternatives have been developed through the because it increases the value of the product by
improvement of the limitations of the classical TRIZ by eliminating components and suggesting how to
researchers during the years such as SIT [48], USIT [49], and transfer their subfunctions to the untrimmed
CROST [45]. However, a detailed description of all these components. The goal is of course to keep the main
contributions is beyond the scope of this paper. Neverthe- function of the system unaltered. The FAM and
less, OTSM-TRIZ [50] and TOP-TRIZ [51] have to be Trimming are helpful in defining the problem and
mentioned in the development of TRIZ. The “OTSM” is a improving the ideality of the system [44, 53].
Russian acronym of “General Theory of Powerful Thinking,” (iii) Contradiction and the Contradiction Matrix. In
and “TOP” stands for “Tool-Object-Product.” They aim to TRIZ, the problem is possibly stated in terms of
provide better support for solving complex problems [17]. contradictions. A contradiction arises in the system
Complexity is hereby understood as a situation where there when two objectives, required to achieve the goal of
is a chain of contradictions exist in the problem being the system, are conflicted. In TRIZ, the problems
analyzed [16]. have at least one contradiction that should be
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 5

The basic theoretical framework

General problem definition
req. list



39-P 2 Contradiction

The problem analysis framework

Contradiction matrix

General problem analysis


Substance-field ARIZ
(su-field) analysis

9 box approach

Trimming 3

The problem-solving framework


General problem solution

Separation principles

76 standard solution

Effects database

Concept 4

Figure 2: TRIZ problem-solving framework steps (adapted from [47]. The FAM is included in the problem analysis framework.

entirely or partially addressed by an inventive so- (v) Trends.The trends are the results of system
lution, while the Contradiction Matrix is a matrix evolution. There have been found various trends
composed of 39-P. These parameters are arranged of evolution in the literature. Among them, there
vertically and horizontally inside the TRIZ matrix are eight dominant trends [52]. According to
to influence each other. It is used to indicate the Altshuller’s works, the evolution ends up like
invention principles and address technical con- S-curve when the system follows such trends.
tradictions [44–47]. Accordingly, the trend type of system can be
(iv) 40 Inventive Principles (40-IP). Altshuller con- determined by analyzing the current and past
structed the list of 40-IP by analyzing a large states of the system. Based on this, the evolution
number of patents. These principles are especially of the system in the future can be estimated
significant for resolving conflicts or contradictions [17, 45].
between components. The TRIZ practitioners ex- (vi) Effects Database. This database consists of about
ploit the 40-IP to come up with useful concepts of 2,500 concepts extracted from scientific and engi-
inventive solutions. A recommended modification neering knowledge and applied in solving a
to the system is derived from each solution for problem [20]. The concepts are categorized by the
alleviating contradictions [44–47]. functions that they provide.
6 Advances in Human-Computer Interaction

(vii) Multiscreen (9-BOX) Approach. This is the simplest Table 1: Similarities of analogies between HCI and TRIZ.
and most powerful TRIZ concept, also known as HCI TRIZ
time and space interface. This concept is figured as a
Nielsen’s Heuristics and
9 × 9 square matrix where the columns describe Norman’s Design Principles
40 Inventive Principles (40-IP)
three different times, past, present, and future, Laws of Interaction Design Trends
while the rows contain three different levels of Usability Ideal Final Result (IFR)
system description: supersystem, system, and Functional Analysis Model
subsystem. This method is used in system analysis, GOMS and THGLM
(FAM) and Trimming
to define the system environment, supersystem, and Interaction Pattern Libraries Effects Database
all the system details of subsystems, taking a look to Interaction Paradigms Multiscreen (9-Box) Approach
the past, considering the present, and trying to
foresee the future [45, 46].
Table 2: Differences between HCI and TRIZ (adapted from [11].
2.5. Comparison of HCI and TRIZ. HCI and TRIZ are
Loosely structured
compared in terms of both analogies and differences to find Highly structured approach
contact points exploited in this section. The analogies are Focus on interaction Focus on functionality and technical
summarized in Table 1. aspects and users’ needs issues
“Nielsen’s Heuristics and Norman’s Design Principles” Emphasize the real context Emphasize abstraction
can be incorporated into a relationship with “40-IP.” The Describe “what” and “how” (in early
optimal design can be found through those guidelines. Describe “why”
stage, TRIZ describe “why”)
Furthermore, they can be applied to different problems and
contexts. “Trends” are also somewhat correlated with “Laws
emphasized in HCI, while abstraction is emphasized in TRIZ
of Interaction Design” since interaction designers often use
theory and concepts. Last, the innovation process is con-
the laws of interaction design when imaging the future
ducted in terms of “why” in HCI, while in terms of “what”
developments. Another correspondence can be identified
and “how” in TRIZ. Since the experience and skill of the
between “Usability” and “IFR.” This correspondence is
team members play a crucial role in the innovation process
intended to design products that are as usable as possible,
of HCI, the reasoning results of HCI are more focused on the
i.e., products that can be used under ideal conditions. The
aspects of “why,” but often solutions are not suggested. On
“GOMS and THGLM” are also related to “FAM and
the other hand, TRIZ suggests the aspects of “what” and
Trimming.” Designers use “GOMS and THGLM” to cal-
“how” and thus can describe real solutions due to its
culate the time of user accepting information to develop
structured strategy [11].
HCI. This is similar to using the “FAM and Trimming” to
adjust the function between components. In addition, an
analogy can be identified between “Interaction Pattern Li- 3. Materials and Methods
braries” and “Effects Database.” They all collect and classify
the verified effects, functions, experience, and more into a The form and extent of the literature can be identified on a
list. Finally, an analogy can be identified between “Inter- particular subject by a systematic literature review
action Paradigms” and the “9-Box Approach.” They allow [54, 55]. Systematic literature reviews, mapping studies,
designers to analyze the product according to their temporal and content analysis can be used in finding evidence via a
and spatial statuses. The temporal status can be present, past, literature review [56]. In this context, the main objective
and future, while spatial status can be itself, subsystems/ of a systematic review is to identify, evaluate, and interpret
subfunctions, and environment. the relevant research to the research questions. The second
It is crucial to analyze the differences between the HCI objective is to collect evidence to state the current study
and TRIZ so that a way to compensate for the weakness of in the target area [57]. This paper is organized using the
the method can be investigated. For instance, a strong main activities proposed by Kitchenham et al [23] and
correlation between any HCI item and “TRIZ Contradic- Marshall et al [24]: planning, conducting, and reporting
tion” was not found. Only a weak correlation was found the study.
between the mixed interaction modalities of UI and “TRIZ
Contradiction”; that is, there are conflicts of mixed inter-
action modalities in the UI of the product, and the con- 3.1. Review Planning. In the processes of review and plan-
tradictions may be found. ning, the details about the literature review are determined,
The differences between HCI and TRIZ are summarized including sections the overall protocol and objectives.
in Table 2. First, well-structured approaches are employed in Relevant aspects of the review are described in the following.
TRIZ, while a loosely structured strategy is used in HCI for
the problem solving. The different aims highlight the lack of
3.2. Research Questions (RQs)
systematic strategy. Second, HCI focuses on the interaction
aspects and users’ needs, while TRIZ focuses on function- (i) RQ1: what approaches have been proposed to
ality and technical aspects of problems. Third, real context is support the synergy between HCI and TRIZ?
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 7

(ii) RQ2: what HCI and TRIZ tools are applied in these databases. The major terms were identified from the RQs,
approaches? the PICOC, and the possible alternative synonyms and
(iii) RQ3: which tool is used most frequently in HCI and spellings. The obtained queries using logical searching
TRIZ? operator based on the identified terms were as follows:
(“Human-computer interaction” OR “Human computer
(iv) RQ4: which is the most common type of research
interaction” OR “HCI”) OR (“Interaction Design” OR
method and outcome?
“IXD” or “ID”) AND (“TRIZ” OR “Theory of Inventive
(v) RQ5: which topics should be addressed? Problem Solving”). The relevant papers were searched in
(vi) RQ6: what are the trends in the synergy between various databases that cover the high impact of publica-
HCI and TRIZ? tions, guaranteeing the research quality, which includes
(vii) RQ7: what are the future challenges of the synergy Web of Science, Engineering Village, Elsevier Science
between HCI and TRIZ? Direct, Scopus, IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, and
Springer Link.
Based on the RQs, the Population, Intervention, Com-
parison, Outcomes, and Context (PICOC) method is used. It
proposed by Kitchenham et al. [23] to determine the scope of 3.5. Review Process. The searched papers were passed the
the literature review: following review process to select relevant papers that are
used in the systematic literature review:
(i) Population (P). The investigated groups: HCI and
TRIZ. (1) Query to the databases (identification): 438 papers
(ii) Intervention (I). The issues/aspects of interest are were retrieved (1 from Web of Science, 9 from
specified: suggestions or analysis of the synergy Engineering Village, 218 from Elsevier Science Di-
between HCI and TRIZ. rect, 7 from Scopus, 9 from IEEE Xplore, 12 from
ACM Digital Library, and 182 from Springer Link).
(iii) Comparison (C). The comparison target: suggestions
or analysis of the synergy between other design (2) Duplicated studies were removed (screening): 423.
theories and HCI or TRIZ. (3) Review by title, abstract, and keywords (eligibility):
(iv) Outcomes (O). The expected results by the inter- 40 (9% of the papers retrieved). Additional 6 papers
vention: the real-world experiences and proposals of are included via the review of primary references.
the synergy between HCI and TRIZ. (4) Selected papers after full reading (included): 17
(v) Context (C). The environmental conditions: the (3.82% of the retrieved papers and 42.5% of the read
environments related to HCI and TRIZ (e.g., in- papers). These papers were selected based on their
dustry and academia). content only. Bibliometric information, such as ci-
tations and the published journal, was not
3.3. Inclusion Criteria (IC) and Exclusion Criteria (EC). The flowchart of the systematic literature review is
In order to answers the RQs, the following criteria are shown in Figure 3, which follows the PRISMA statement
adopted. In this paper, five each ICs and ECs are used, which [58].
are defined as follows:
(i) IC1: the paper has described the synergy of HCI and
3.6. Information Extraction. In the next step of the protocol
TRIZ or approaches based on the synergy of HCI
elaboration, the type of extracted data from the articles is
and TRIZ,
defined. Also, the method to extract the data is determined.
(ii) IC2: the paper has clearly described which HCI and The textual content is used in analyzing the articles.
TRIZ tools were used, the process of synergy, and In this paper, the retrieved research papers were clas-
what problems were solved, sified by using the extracted information according to the
(iii) IC3: the paper has evaluated the proposed ap- criteria used in previous research studies. The content-based
proaches and presented the evaluation results, criteria for the classification followed the research contri-
(iv) IC4: the paper was written in English, published bution type of HCI proposed by Wobbrock and Kientz [59].
after 2010, and The extracted information is summarized as follows:
(v) IC5: the paper was published in peer-reviewed (i) Publication year
journals, books, conferences, or workshops. (ii) Publication type (journal/conference)
The opposite criteria for each IC are established EC. (iii) Authors
Thus, any paper that does not meet the IC is excluded. (iv) Publication title
(v) Research field
3.4. Query String. Search terms were set as simple as (vi) HCI/TRIZ tools (Laws of Interaction Design,
possible to ensure enough research studies being searched, Usability, Interaction Paradigms, Contradiction,
whereas a wide diversity is taken into account in the 40-IP, IFR, etc.)
8 Advances in Human-Computer Interaction

Database searches Reference list search

Web of science (1), engineering village (9),
science direct (218), scopus (7), Articles identified through reference list
IEEE xplore (9), ACM digital library (12), search
springer link (182)

n = 438 n=6

Removal of duplicates

Software used has removed duplicates Duplicates excluded

automatically following upload
n = 21
n = 444

Records screened
Selected articles about the synergy between
TRIZ theory and interaction design from Records excluded
title, abstract, keywords
n = 383
n = 423

Full text articles excluded


Eligibility assessment
(i) Lack of clear description of the synergy
Full text articles accepted following eligibility between interaction design and TRIZ
assessment (e.g, the selection and use of tools or
n = 40 (ii) Did no testing or evaluation in paper
n = 23

Qualitative synthesis

Total articles included in the review

n = 17

Figure 3: Steps and results of paper review process.

(vii) Research methods (statistical analysis, literature re- 4. Results

view, survey, case studies, experimental design, etc.)
(viii) Outcome type (model/framework, design recom- In this section, firstly, the comparison of the proportion
mendation, method/methodology, tool/toolkit, of the search result categories is then presented in the
metric/measurement, system prototype, workflow, relevant data to analyze RQ3, RQ4, and RQ5 in the
opinion, practitioner guidelines, etc.) protocol.
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 9

Secondly, the process of extracting papers contains the 17.64%). In the type of outcome, the most common types of
approaches of synergy between HCI and TRIZ, a total of 10 results are method/methodology (6 papers, 35.29%), fol-
out of 17 publications. These 10 approaches are reviewed to lowed by model/framework (3 papers, 17.64%), and design
examine the commonalities between them. The analysis recommendation (2 papers, 11.76%). There are the same
approaches are compared with the definitions of the three data (1 paper, 5.88%) in tool/toolkit, metric/measurement,
main design phases presented by Michailidou et al. [60] to opinion, workflow, system prototype, and practitioner
explore RQ1 and RQ2 in the protocol(Table 3). guidelines, respectively.
Then, further analysis was carried out for the research
context and domain. Table 7 presents results concerning the
4.1. Search Results. The analysis was conducted following the domain. A noticeable percentage of research was focused on
protocol specification. Finally, 17 publications were found. the “HCI” area (10 papers, 58.82%). It indicates the sig-
Table 4 shows the number of publications found in each nificance of that domain as a motivation for user experience.
database. The number of publications found in each database Other areas are “engineering” (5 papers, 29.41%), “computer
is not impressive, and most databases only publish one to science” (1 paper, 5.88%), and “health and safety” (1 paper,
three works on the subject. This suggests that the field of 5.88%), respectively.
synergy between HCI and TRIZ has not been well integrated
or has not been developed to apply in other fields since there
exists no database that is used in a meaningful number of 4.2. Review of Synergies between HCI and TRIZ Literature
publications. Contribution
Among them, the largest number of papers (1 journal 4.2.1. The Design with Intent (DWI) Method of Lockton et al.
paper and 6 conference papers, 41.17%) is published by In the design with intent (DWI) process [61], the system is
Springer Link, followed by Elsevier Science Direct (2 journal modified to guide user’s behaviour towards the target
papers and 1 conference paper, 17.64%), and by Engineering behaviour. The DWI can be applied to a product, service,
Village (1 journal paper and 1 conference paper, 11.67%). and environmental system that is affected by user’s be-
Regarding publication types, conference papers of 6 or haviour. It is also applicable to the system where altering
fewer pages were classified as short papers [57]. The result the way is strategically desirable. As a suggestion tool, the
highlights that there are 12 conference papers (70.58%) out method inspires design solution with examples that can be
of 17 papers, but there are no short papers, indicating that applied to the target behaviours. The target behaviours
the field has already matured in some aspects of the field. were obtained by evaluating examples from different
However, the overall system integration of HCI and TRIZ is disciplines, and they were inspired by the TRIZ effect
still in development. database. The DWI can assist designers to explore re-
In the temporal aspect, the sample included articles sponses to a brief by taking the benefic from others’ work
published since 2010 (Figure 4). on analogues problems, even though the domain exper-
The number of publications has shown a steady trend. It tise, insight, and creativity of professionals cannot be
shows that studies in this field have always been supported, replaced by the DWI.
but not numerically evolved with time, and therefore shows
interest in this topic may not increase in recent years unless
stimulated by external factors. 4.2.2. The Innovation-Oriented Interaction Design (ID) Ap-
In order to understand the process of the synergy be- proach of Filippi and Barattin. Filippi and Barattin [39]
tween HCI and TRIZ, and determine the research back- propose a new approach called innovation-oriented inter-
ground and field, analyze the HCI and TRIZ tools used in action design (ID). This method allows using both a new
these publications and the frequency of using these tools, analytical method that includes only the ID items and
which is the research strategy of this study. As mentioned synergy between the systematic approach of TRIZ and the
above, the cumulated numbers of times for utilizing different unstructured ID and focuses on the ideation and concept
kinds of HCI and TRIZ tools in 17 publications are pre- generation stage. A significant part of the method is the
sented in Table 5. utilization of the ID-oriented IFR concept. In comparison
The results indicated that “Usability” (9 papers, 52.94%) with a “classic-style” ID process, where the phases are (1)
and “Laws of Interaction Design” (4 papers, 23.52%) were design research, (2) analysis and concept generation, (3)
applied more in the HCI tools while “Contradiction” (6 alternative evaluation, (4) prototyping, and (5) imple-
papers, 35.29%) and “40-IP” (5 papers, 29.41%) are utilized mentation, (6) testing, the innovation-oriented ID process is
more in TRIZ tools. In addition, the “Interaction Paradigms” based on a more structured idea and concept generation
and “Nielsen’s Heuristics and Norman’s Design Principles” phase (Figure 5), where there are some new phases: specific
in HCI, as well as the “IFR” in TRIZ, have the same data with problem description, and innovation-oriented ID generic
1 paper (5.88%), respectively. problem description, which represent the typical phases of
In Table 6, the contributions are analyzed in more detail, the TRIZ process for the functional description of the
showing the most commonly used research methods and the system. Moreover, the proposed method splits the old al-
type of outcome. In research methods, case studies (7 papers, ternative design and evaluation phase into two new phases:
41.17%) are the most employed, followed by literature review innovation-oriented ID generic solution generation and
(4 papers, 23.52%) and experimental design (3 papers, specific solution generation, for a more systematic

Table 3: Approaches of the synergy of HCI and TRIZ supported in the considered proposals. Grouped by the three main design phases proposed by Michailidou et al., i.e., analysis (A),
creation (C), and evaluation (E) as well as integration strategy by authors, i.e., merge-type (M), combine-type (C), and suggest-type (S).
Phases (analysis, Type (merge,
Approaches Interaction Laws of Ideal Final creation, and combine, and
Interaction Contradiction Inventive Effects
Pattern Interaction Usability Result Trends evaluation) suggest)
Paradigms Matrix Principles Database
Libraries Design (IFR)
Design with intent
✓ ✓ C S
(DWI) method [61]
✓ ✓ A,C,E M
ID approach [39]
Interaction trends of
✓ ✓ A C
evolution (ITRE) [62]
User experience
✓ ✓ C S
principles [63]
Interaction design
guidelines (IDGLs) ✓ ✓ A, C M
framework [12]
interaction ✓ ✓ A, C C
framework [64]
Interaction design-
integrated method ✓ ✓ A,C,E M
(IDIM) [65]
Integrating user
information method ✓ ✓ A C
innovation process ✓ ✓ C C
method [66]
Ergonomic product
✓ ✓ A, C C
design model [67]
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 11

Table 4: The numbers of published journal and conference papers Table 6: The cumulative numbers of utilization of HCI and TRIZ
in each source. tools in publications.
Source Journal Conference #Pub. (%) Variables #Pub. (%)
Web of Science 1 0 1 (5.88%) Research method
Engineering Village 1 1 2 (11.67%) Case studies 7 (41.17%)
Elsevier Science Direct 2 1 3 (17.64%) Experimental design 3 (17.64%)
Scopus 0 1 1 (5.88%) Survey 2 (11.76%)
IEEE Xplore 0 2 2 (11.67%) Literature review 4 (23.52%)
ACM Digital Library 0 1 1 (5.88%) Statistical analysis 1 (5.88%)
Springer Link 1 6 7 (41.17%) Type of outcome
Total 5 12 17 Tool/toolkit 1 (5.88%)
Model/framework 3 (17.64%)
Method/methodology 6 (35.29%)
20 Metric/measurement 1 (5.88%)
3 3 Design recommendation 2 (11.76%)
Opinion 1 (5.88%)
15 Workflow 1 (5.88%)
System prototype 1 (5.88%)
2 2 2 2 Practitioner guidelines 1 (5.88%)
(%) 10

Table 7: The cumulative numbers of “Research Domains” in

1 1 1 chosen publications.
Domain #Pub. (%)
Health and safety 1 (5.88%)
Human-computer interaction (HCI) 10 (58.82%)
2010 2011 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Engineering 5 (29.41%)
Computer science 1 (5.88%)
Figure 4: Publications chosen for this research per year.

Table 5: The cumulative number of “research methods” and contemporaneity, long-term memory, short-term memory,
“outcome types” in chosen publications. self-update, self-government, intermediaries, feedback, help,
and context span). Each of them shows examples that help in
Methods and tools #Pub. (%)
comprehending their meaning and their possible exploita-
HCI tion as design tools.
Interaction Pattern Libraries 2 (11.76%)
Laws of Interaction Design 4 (23.52%)
Usability 9 (52.94%) 4.2.4. The Use of “40 Innovation Principles (40-IP)” Suggested
Interaction Paradigms 1 (5.88%) by Von Saucken et al. Based on the TRIZ 40-IP, Von
Nielsen’s Heuristics and Norman’s Design Principles 1 (5.88%) Saucken et al. [63] collected and analyzed product reviews
TRIZ and experience descriptions. These reviews were classified by
Effects Database 3 (17.64%) the customer experience interaction model (CEIM) elements
Trends 2 (11.76%) [68]. Von Saucken et al. derived user experience principles
Contradiction 6 (35.29%)
from them. Through the principles and corresponding ex-
Ideal Final Result (IFR) 1 (5.88%)
40 Inventive Principles (40-IP) 5 (29.41%) amples, useful recommendations are provided to improve
user experience aspects [60].

exploration of the solution space during the ID problem- 4.2.5. The Interaction Design Guidelines (IDGLs) Framework
solving activities. Created by Filippi and Barattin. Based on the experience
accumulated in ID approach and ITRE, Filippi and Barattin
[12] created interaction design guidelines (IDGLs). In IDGL,
4.2.3. The Interaction Trends of Evolution (ITRE) of Filippi an interaction design framework and guidelines are semi-
and Barattin. After the innovation-oriented ID approach, automatically generated to develop innovative interactive
Filippi and Barattin [62] propose a new approach called products. It consists of synergically operating submodules
interaction trends of evolution (ITRE). The information on linked to each other, based on classic design structures, as
evolution for several aspects of the user-product interaction the house of quality coming from quality function de-
is gathered so that the development direction is anticipated ployment (QFD) [69]. The process of IDGL adoption is as
for the product. The same process exploited in highlighting follows (Figure 6): first, features of the product are described,
trends is used based on the TRIZ theory. The results are as the final users’ characteristics. Then, the user’s needs and
composed of 9 interaction trends (functional expectations are obtained through the generated
12 Advances in Human-Computer Interaction

Idea and concept generation System prototyping and testing

(1) Design research

(4) Prototyping and
prototype testing

(2a) Specific problem description

ID- (5) Implementation

(2b) Innovation-oriented oriented
ID generic problemt ideal
description final
(6) Product testing
(3a) Innovation-oriented
ID generic solution

(3b) Specific solution generation

Figure 5: The process of the innovation-oriented ID approach [39].

Input Problem to solve Sample users

Analysis of
IDGL Product and user needs
aspects I

aspects II
Contradictory Positive list

Interaction Identification
Relationship of the key
matrix requirements

Design guidelines

Output Solution concepts Generation of the

design guidelines

Figure 6: The IDGL framework [12].

questionnaire. The house of interaction is filled with all the 4.2.6. The Interaction Design Integrated Method (IDIM) of
information, which is the primary data structure of the IDGL Filippi and Barattin. Filippi and Barattin [65] embedded the
derived from the house of quality (HOQ). The interaction usability evaluation multimethod (UEMM) in IDGL and
requirements are highlighted, and design guidelines are ITRE. The input data for UEMM adoption activities are the
generated accordingly. In doing so, tools and methods can application fields, including strategies, the features of the
be extracted directly from TRIZ theory and modified and product, and available design resources. The goal is that
customized according to the requirements of interaction helping the designer to select the best evaluation methods
design. [62]. Therefore, they created a new interaction design-
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 13

integrated method (IDIM), where usable and innovative physical contradiction. Next, use the separation principle to
design solutions for interaction are generated in the first part generate a solution for each design purpose, respectively.
of the product development process, from gathering user Finally, pour the IFR to merge the solutions.
needs to validated design solutions. Among them, the ITRE
focused on analysis; IDGL focused on creation; UEMM
focused on evaluation. In order to avoid redundancy and 4.2.10. The Ergonomic Product Design Model of Zhang and
optimize the effectiveness, the three methods are integrated. Joines. Zhang and Joines [67] proposed the integration of
In addition, the goal of this method is to extend the multidisciplinary models of UCD and TRIZ for ergonomic
Function-Behaviour-Structure (FBS) framework [70] to the product design (Figure 8). The integrated model is con-
HCI field. ducted in the following three steps. First, thorough user
needs are identified by using three ergonomic need di-
mensions integrated with UCD. Next, the relative impor-
4.2.7. The Use of “User Information” Proposed by Sun et al. tance of user needs is rated with a 5-point Likert scale [74].
According to Sun et al. [13], contradictions between the user Cronbach’s coefficient alpha statistic [75] is used to test the
and the product performance sometimes induce the mod- internal consistency and reliability of user needs. Then, the
ification of design after prototyping. Such contradictions are final scores and priority of user needs are constructed.
caused mainly when the sociotechnical factors are not Second, the 8 patterns of evolution of TRIZ are selected to
considered into the design. A user manual is created for the generate a design idea, with the priority of user needs. Fi-
product for instructing the user how the product operates nally, an alternative design is created by using the design idea
after prototyping. Sun et al. proposed to generate the user together with the ergonomic design principles.
manual based on behavioural design approach (BDA) [71],
so that the interaction between behaviours of user and 5. Discussion
product is analyzed to guide designers in the early design
phase. In such a way, the potential contradictions can be In this section, the trend (RQ6) and research status of the
found before the prototyping, avoiding unnecessary efforts synergy between HCI and TRIZ are discussed, followed by
for a design modification. Consequently, the required cost considerations regarding recommendations for future work
and time can be reduced, improving the performance of the (RQ7) and the limitations of this study.
5.1. About Trend in the Synergy between HCI and TRIZ.
4.2.8. The Multimodal Interaction Framework Developed by From the analysis of the type and number of publications in
Mocan et al. In the multimodal interaction framework the synergy between HCI and TRIZ, there is a steady trend in
(Figure 7) developed by Mocan et al. [64], the needs for the publications, and therefore, we deduced that interest in this
process, objective functions, operators’ requirements, and topic may not increase in recent years unless stimulated by
the best combination of the multimodal interface inputs are external factors.
identified when designing multimodal systems of industrial In these publications, “Usability” and “Laws of Inter-
robots. First, the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) tools action Design” are the most used tools in HCI; “Contra-
[72] define and rank the requirements that include operator diction” and “40-IP” are the most commonly used tools in
requirements, process, and robotic system needs. Also, TRIZ. In addition, case studies, literature reviews, and ex-
target functionalities are defined using the QFD according to perimental design are more widely employed in the articles
the intuitive programming needs. They are deployed against of the area.
the set of requirements. Second, the vectors of innovation This paper showed that the area of the synergy between
are formulated by TRIZ for each negative correlation be- HCI and TRIZ is not thoroughly studied, since there is not
tween target functionalities and challenging targets. The one database with a significant number of publications. In
design specifications are constructed for the multimodal addition, the research of these publications in the field of
interface. Finally, the concept solutions for multimodal HCI is noticeably concentrated.
interaction are generated and evaluated and Pugh’s concept These results seem to indicate that the synergy between
selection method (PUGH) [73] can be used to fulfill this step. HCI and TRIZ has already matured in some aspects of the
In this framework, the flexibility is provided by real-time field, but the overall system integration of HCI and TRIZ still
interaction so that captured intent is closer to the user’s needs improvement. In addition, most models, frameworks,
actual intention. and design recommendations are only applicable to the field
of HCI and have not been developed for other fields.
Therefore, there is still room for research on the synergy
4.2.9. The Human-Centered Innovation Process Method of between HCI and TRIZ.
Lee. Lee [66] describes a human-centered innovation pro-
cess method with simplified TRIZ. The process of this
method is as follows: first, it requires translating the con- 5.2. About the Current Link between HCI and TRIZ. By
tradictions and the causes of contradictions into the design analyzing literature contributions, several relevant research
purposes in the design method and then judges whether the studies that tried to describe the objectives and frontiers of
conflict of design purpose is a technical contradiction or a the synergy between HCI and TRIZ have been found. The
14 Advances in Human-Computer Interaction

Operator requirements Target PUGH

Process needs
Concept solution
Robotic system needs

AHP QFD TRIZ Concept which

best satisfied
design requirements
Generate design specifications for multimodal interface

Development of
Concept solution generation the selected solution

Figure 7: The multimodal interaction framework [64].

E11 Pattern 1: evolution toward increassed ideality

interactive E12 Pattern 2: stages of technology evolution
Pattern 3: non-uniform development of
system elements
evolution of the TRIZ
The eight patterns of

E21 Pattern 4: evolution toward increased

Initial problems

UNs priority

Ergonomic dynamism and controllability

E22 Design
affective Pattern 5: increased complexity, then idea
needs simplification
Pattern 6: evolution with matching and
E31 mismatching elements
Ergonomic Pattern 7: evolution toward the microlevel
performance E32 and increased use of fields
Pattern 8: evolution toward decreased
... human involvement

The ergonomic design principles

Figure 8: The ergonomic product design model [67].

problem, concepts, and related approaches to the subject of the design (Table 3). This seems to indicate that the re-
were introduced by them(Table 8). search on the synergy of HCI and TRIZ is not deep enough.
However, most of the research contributions give only Indeed, from a problem-solving perspective, every
short introductions to HCI and TRIZ and their related tools method has a different position in analyzing problems and
and extract some tools or concepts from both the approaches has different solutions, and it must not deny their contri-
to combine or derive, alleviating the advantages of both bution to the field of the synergy between HCI and TRIZ.
methods. More precisely, the authors found that 10 con- However, in HCI, many challenges have been triggered
tributions in which the results are approaches can be divided by the rapid advancement of technology. Rapidly evolving
into three different groups representing the different inte- systems for interaction require novel processes that allow for
gration strategies between the two fields. A group of con- rapidly developed designs, evaluations, and interaction
tributions modified some concepts and tools in both two strategies to facilitate efficient and unique user interactions
original fields in order to obtain a new original proposal, so it with computer systems [80]. This indicates that the con-
is called a “consolidated type” of contribution. Diversely, tinuous evolution of the HCI discipline is essential to adopt
suitable TRIZ tools are extracted by the second group the “speed” challenge [80, 81]. It is important to convert the
proposals for supporting specific phases of the HCI (com- HCI design process into a more flexible process to allow for
bine-type). Another group proposal suggests imitating the creative design explorations rapidly. This problem will be
TRIZ tools to generate similar HCI tools (suggest-type). In inevitable for every product developer in the future. For the
addition, most of the approaches correspond to the analysis research on product innovation related to HCI, we only
and creation phase of the design. Only two approaches focused on extracting one or two tools from HCI and TRIZ
involve the three phases of design, and there are the in- for combination, aiming to utilize the positive characteristics
novation-oriented ID approach [39] and IDIM [65], while of these two methods. It will be rejected by evolving market
there are no approaches which focus on the evaluation phase regulations.
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 15

Table 8: Publications concerning the synergy between HCI and TRIZ (the database is only the database where the author retrieved this
paper, the publisher, and the copyright are not considered).
Research Database (journal,
Reference HCI tools TRIZ tools Type of outcome Domain
method conference)
[76] Usability Contradiction Case studies Workflow HCI IEEE Xplore (C)
Method/ Elsevier Science
[61] Laws of Interaction Design Effects Database Case studies HCI
methodology Direct (J)
Ideal Final Result Method/ Elsevier Science
[39] Interaction Paradigms Case studies HCI
(IFR) methodology Direct (C)
Experimental Method/ Engineering Village
[62] Usability Trends Engineering
design methodology (C)
Interaction Pattern Inventive Literature
[60] Opinion HCI Springer Link (C)
Libraries Principles review
Interaction Pattern Inventive
[63] Survey Tool/toolkit HCI Scopus (C)
Libraries Principles
[11] Usability Contradiction Case studies HCI Web of Science (J)
Method/ Engineering Village
[12] Usability Contradiction Survey HCI
methodology (J)
Nielsen’s Heuristics and Practitioner Health and ACM Digital
[77] Effects Database Case studies
Norman’s Design Principles guidelines safety Library (C)
Inventive Experimental Computer
[64] Usability Model/framework Springer Link (C)
Principles design science
Inventive Experimental
[65] Usability Model/framework HCI Springer Link (J)
Principles design
Literature Method/ Elsevier Science
[13] Laws of Interaction Design Contradiction Engineering
review methodology Direct (J)
Literature Design
[22] Usability Effects Database HCI Springer Link (C)
review recommendation
[66] Laws of Interaction Design Contradiction Case studies HCI Springer Link (C)
[78] Laws of Interaction Design Contradiction System prototype Engineering IEEE Xplore (C)
[67] Usability Trends Case studies Model/framework Engineering Springer Link (C)
Inventive Literature Design
[79] Usability Engineering Springer Link (C)
Principles review recommendation

In such a context, the following three significant gaps field and the role of design and design thinking in HCI
were drawn in the conducted review. The future research on research and practice. In addition, the extraction and
the integration of TRIZ and HCI may face the gaps: combination of different tools from HCI and TRIZ caused
the randomization of the evaluation criteria.
(i) There is too much focus on the integration of one or
All of these seem to suggest the creation or definition of a
two of both tools, but lack of HCI and TRIZ system
standard in the field of HCI. It should include a clear list of
all tools, open structure division of the involved areas, and
(ii) The design process is too complicated, or the time industry-recognized evaluation standards. Indeed, this is a
and cost are too high, ignoring the expectations of hugely time-consuming and labor-intensive challenge, but it
industry practitioners for the HCI design is derived from market demand.
approaches. In addition, through the analysis of analogies and dif-
(iii) The performance of the proposals has not been ferences between HCI and TRIZ (Section 2.5), the authors
comprehensively evaluated. found that there is no HCI tool similar to the “TRIZ
Contradiction.” However, there are indeed contradictions
between the user input and computer output in HCI [12, 14].
5.3. Recommendations for Future Work. As mentioned Therefore, the HCI contradiction is one of the breakthrough
above, the possible reasons for the gaps are as follows: HCI is points in the future work of the synergy between HCI and
a multidisciplinary field, it contains a variety of methods and TRIZ, but it involves the quantification of user behaviour,
tools, TRIZ is a theory and an approach, and they have which is also a challenge.
different purposes. HCI methods or tools are not as Table 3 shows that there are three approaches using the
structured as the TRIZ, and very often it is very difficult to “TRIZ Contradiction,” there are the IDGL framework [12],
apply them in an effective way. And there is a lack of clarity the integrating user information method [13], and the hu-
regarding the nature of design processes involved in the HCI man-centered innovation process method [66], respectively.
16 Advances in Human-Computer Interaction

These three approaches not only use the tools in HCI and resolving interaction contradictions and then gradually
TRIZ but also extract the auxiliary tools about user needs. establish the HCI standard system.
Among them, the most used auxiliary tool is QFD. This Moreover, many different research hints can be extracted
result shows that the tools for the conversion of user needs from this work. More precisely, researchers aimed at
are missing in the HCI and TRIZ systems. Therefore, the exploiting the benefits of HCI and TRIZ will find here a
transformation of user needs is another direction for the comprehensive review of past attempts, with important
future work of the synergy between HCI and TRIZ. considerations about industrial needs, methods, and func-
tional concepts.

5.4. Study Limitations. The review is not without limitations. Conflicts of Interest
Although a rigorous system search conducted, it is possible
that may have missed some pertinent studies, considering The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest
the wide area covered by HCI. regarding the publication of this paper.
In addition, Filippi and Barattin have in-depth research
on the synergy of ID and TRIZ. Of the 17 publications, 5 Acknowledgments
publications [11, 12, 39, 62, 65] are directly or indirectly
related to them, which has a certain potential impact on the The authors would like to thank Universiti Putra Malaysia
objectivity of the sample. Although the protocol and dif- for providing funds for research under grant of Inisiatif
ferent analysis methods are used to objectively measure the Putra Muda (IPM)-UPM/9670800.
samples and the results are not much different, it is still
necessary to find a sample standard to make the research References
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