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Recent Development of Podded Propulsion in Arctic Shipping: S. Hänninen, M. Ojanen, A. Uuskallio and J. Vuorio

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Recent Development of Offshore Engineering in Cold Regions, Yue (ed.

POAC-07, Dalian, China, June 27-30, 2007.
@ 2007 Dalian University of Technology Press, Dalian, ISBN 978-7-5611-3631-7



S. Hänninen 1, M. Ojanen 1, A. Uuskallio 1 and J. Vuorio 2

(1. ABB Oy Marine, Strömbergintie 1B, 00381 Helsinki, Finland;
2. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT, Finland)


The traffic volumes in arctic waters are expected to increase rapidly in forthcoming
years. A new fleet of oil and LNG carriers with high ice-class is needed for the
transportation. One beneficial solution is to use independently icebreaking vessels
equipped with high ice-class Azipod units. Accumulated experience of ice-going
ships with Azipod propulsion has proven its efficiency and reliability. This paper
summarise experience of high ice class Azipod propulsion and give an overview to
some ice load measurement results.


ABB Marine design and deliver Azipod propulsion systems for various types of ships.
Azipod propulsion is very attractive and efficient solution especially for ice
strengthened ships and icebreaking vessels. Other ship types equipped with Azipod
propulsion are cruise liners, offshore vessels, passenger and cargo ships.
Accumulated experience of ice-going ships equipped with Azipod propulsion has
proven its effectiveness in icebreaking operations. All ABB references of ice
strengthened Azipod vessels with high ice class are presented in Table 1.
Ice loads on the Azipod unit depends on the ice conditions in the operation area,
location of the pod unit, submersion of the pod unit, ship and pod hull form, operation
mode and operation type. Azipod strength hierarchy is such that propeller blades are
the first to break, i.e. the strength pyramid principle. It is important to keep the
propeller rotating, when the ship is moving against thick ice or ridged ice. This is to

prevent unfavorable loading to the propeller blades. Diesel electric system with
cyclo-converter or ACS6000 inverter and inside Azipod mounted synchronous
electric motor makes this possible even in the most harsh ice conditions. The key
factors are propulsion motor torque capability at low rpm range and small inertia of
the system. Due to small inertia the rpm recovery from occasional heavy propeller ice
loading is very fast.
Table 1 ABB references of ice strengthened Azipod vessels with ice class equal
or above IA Super

Unit rating Total

Vessel name Ship type Ice class Class [MW] Units power
Seili Waterway service 1 A Super - 1,50 1 1,50
Uikku Arctic tanker 1 A Super DNV 11,40 1 11,40
Lunni Arctic tanker 1 A Super DNV 11,40 1 11,40
R鰐helstein Icebreaker 1 A Super GL 0,56 2 1,12
Botnica Icebreaker Ice 10 icebreaker DNV 5,00 2 10,00
Arcticaborg Icebreaker 1 A Super BV 1,62 2 3,24
Antarcticaborg Icebreaker 1 A Super BV 1,62 2 3,24
Svalbard Patrol vessel Polar 10 icebreaker DNV 5,00 2 10,00
Tempera Arctic tanker 1 A Super Lloyds 16,00 1 16,00
Mastera Arctic tanker 1 A Super Lloyds 16,00 1 16,00
Suomenlinna II Ferry 1 A Super DNV 0,50 2 1,00
Mackinaw Icebreaker A2 icebreaker ABS 3,35 2 6,70
Fesco Sakhalin Icebreaker Ice 10 Icebreaker DNV 6,50 2 13,00
Vladislav Strizhov Icebreaker Ice 15 Icebreaker DNV 7,50 2 15,00
Yury Topchev Icebreaker Ice 15 Icebreaker DNV 7,50 2 15,00
Polar Pevek Icebreaker Ice 10 icebreaker DNV 5,00 2 15,00
Norilskiy Nickel Container vessel LU7 RMR 13,00 1 13,00
Vasily Dinkov Shuttle tanker LU6 RMR 10,00 2 20,00
Kapitan Grotskiy Shuttle tanker LU6 RMR 10,00 2 20,00
Shtruman Albanov Shuttle tanker LU6 RMR 10,00 2 20,00
TBN Container vessel LU7 RMR 13,00 1 13,00
TBN Container vessel LU7 RMR 13,00 1 13,00
TBN Container vessel LU7 RMR 13,00 1 13,00
TBN Container vessel LU7 RMR 13,00 1 13,00
TBN Shuttle tanker LU6 RMR 8,50 2 17,00
TBN Shuttle tanker LU6 RMR 8,50 2 17,00

A Typical ABB scope of supply to ice-going ship or icebreaker includes one or more
Azipod units, frequency converters, propulsion transformers, main switchboards,
generators and propulsion control and monitoring system. A typical lay-out of electric
propulsion system with Azipod is shown in Fig.1.
The methodology to estimate actual ice loads on ship hull and on pods is not a simple
task. Model test results are difficult to scale in full-scale and there are no reliable
mathematical models to estimate ice loads on podded propulsion. Therefore full-scale
measurements and service experiences are needed. From ice classed Azipod units
there is experience of over 550 000 operating hours (June 2007) starting from early

90’s, see Fig.2. Extensive full-scale measurements in ice class Azipod units have
been conducted on board four vessels. This paper gives an introduction to one of the
latest one.

Fig. 1 A Typical ABB scope of supply

Fig. 2 Cumulative operating hours of ice class Azipod units

Since the early 1990 extensive full-scale ice load measurements and expeditions has
been made on board four different types of ice-going and icebreaking vessels. The
ships have wide power range and different operation areas and conditions. In Fig. 3 is
shown pictures from these ships.

MT Uikku and Lunni (equipped with 11,4 MW azipod unit)

The ship was tested in most severe Baltic ice conditions and it has also experience

from NSR (e.g. ARCDEV-98 expedition). Azipod long-term ice load measurements
were conducted in Baltic Sea in mid 90’s. Excellent ridge penetration capability was
observed while running astern.

Fig. 3 Azipod ice load measurement platforms: MT Uikku (11,4 MW), MSV Botnica (2×5
MW), IB Fesco Sakhalin (2×6,5 MW) and MV Norilskiy Nickel (13 MW)

MSV Botnica (equipped with 2×5 MW azipod units)

Azipod long-term ice load measurements were conducted in the Northern Baltic
during winter 2001. Measurements reveal the stochasticity of ice loads. The results
verify that dimensioning criteria for Azipod units of MSV Botnica have a clear
margin for icebreaking operation in thick Baltic Sea ice.

IB Fesco Sakhalin (equipped with 2×6,5 MW azipod units)

The vessel operates in the Okhotsk Sea near the Sakhalin Island. The measuring
system for ice loads on the propulsion unit for this icebreaker was installed in 2005
and has been in operation since. The system measures ice loads on the body of the
Azipod propulsion unit and loads on the shaft bearings.

MV Norilskiy Nickel (equipped with 13 MW azipod unit)

The vessel is designed for year round operation between Murmansk – Dudinka.
Azipod ice loads were measured during dedicated ice trial in deep ice ridges and up to
1,5 m thick level ice in Kara Sea, March 2006. Long-term ice load measurements
have been conducted since.


MV Norilskiy Nickel, a container vessel equipped with a 13 MW Azipod unit was

delivered from Aker Finnyards Helsinki in March 2006. It was the first vessel from
series of five vessels. After the successful testing and well proven service experience
in ice, her sister ships are now under construction at Aker Yards Germany. Vessel
lay-out and picture of the ship’s Azipod propulsion unit is shown in Fig. 4.

The vessel and its propulsion system are designed to fulfill Russian Register high
Arctic ice category LU7. The vessel is capable of operating also stern ahead in the
most demanding harsh ice conditions in Kara Sea. These characteristics make this
vessel a unique icebreaking container ship for Arctic ice conditions. The vessel is
designed for year round operation between ports of Murmansk and Dudinka in the
Gulf of Yenisey.
During the construction phase the Azipod propulsion unit was equipped with
measuring system to monitor actual ice loads from the Azipod unit. The measuring
system was installed and calibrated by VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland).

Fig. 4 Lay-out of 13 MW arctic Azipod unit installed in MV Norilskiy Nickel

The loads on the thruster body are measured by strain gauges attached on the inner
structures of the upper part of Azipod. The strain gauges were located in two different
cross sections of the upper part of Azipod. The locations of the strain gauges were
defined based on stress distribution on Azipod structure for load cases where
longitudinal, transverse and torsion loads were applied at potential locations of ice
loads. The instrumented areas inside Azipod are shown in Fig. 5.
The propeller bearing loads and the thrust are also measured by strains at the lower
part of Azipod. The propeller bearing loads were measured with stain gauges attached
at the supporting structure near the bearing. Stain gauges for the thrust were located at
the longitudinal stiffener near the thrust bearing. The instrumented areas in Azipod
shaft line structure are shown in Fig. 5.
The relative shaft line movements are measured with displacement transducers
attached close to the bearing housings. The dynamic behavior of the lower body is
measured by tri-axial accelerometers located in the both bearing housings. Some
accelerometers were attached also outside the pod in the pod room. The hydraulic
pressures of the steering motors are measured in order to determine the torque of the

steering motors. Ship status and the environment data are read directly from ABB’s
and ship’s systems in digital format. The measuring signals were transmitted from the
turning part of the Azipod by a wireless data link. Schematic diagram of Azipod
measuring system is shown in Fig. 6.

Azipod steel structure instrumentation

Azipod shaft line instrumentation

Fig. 5 Instrumented areas inside Azipod
In order to verify the load measuring system, calibrations were carried out by
applying external forces on the propulsion unit in dry dock. Calibration tests were
carried out in January 2006 at Aker Finnyards, Helsinki, Finland. The calibration
results show good repeatability and linearity, see Fig. 7. The whole system
functionality was verified during vessel sea trial in the Gulf of Finland.

Fig. 6 Azipod measuring system setup

Fig. 7 Picture of Azipod calibration test in longitudinal direction (left) and measured strains
as a function of calibration force, showing a good linearity (right)
Results from ice trial measurements
Norilskiy Nickel ice trials were conducted in late March 2006 in Kara Sea and
Yenisei Bay. The ship was capable to break independently over 1,5 m thick ice with

constant speed. The ship was tested with stern ahead and bow ahead mode in thick
level ice, channel ice and ridged and rafted ice. Measurements from Norilskiy Nickel
show that a ship equipped with Azipod propulsion does not need to use ramming
mode when operating in stern ahead mode. Instead, it is capable slowly but steadily
proceeding through ice ridges without getting stuck in ice. Some general conclusions
of Azipod propulsion ice loading in different operation modes are listed below:
y When ship was proceeding in thick level ice ahead or astern mode the pod and
propeller loads are not high and ice pieces hits propeller only seldom. In Fig. 8 the
thick black line corresponds the measured Azipod thrust force. Small variation
(peaks) in signal around the thrust force is due to ice impacts.
y Oberserved loads in level ice were clearly below class rule ultimate design loads.

Fig. 8 Azipod longitudinal force component in astern operation mode in thick level ice

y Ship was tested in frozen ice channel (thickness 2~3 m in centre and 4~5 m in
edges, surrounding level ice 1.5 m), see Fig. 9.
y When proceeding astern or ahead in ice channel Azipod loads were not high.
However, number of load cycles was higher than in level ice operation.
y Also, the number of load cycles was higher when proceeding astern mode than
when proceeding ahead mode in ice channel.
y Observed loads in ice channel were clearly below class rule ultimate design loads.
y In ridge field operation propeller ice milling is quite common phenomena.
y Highest ice loading events in Azipod propulsion were observed when
penetrated into deep ice ridges.
y Azipod ice loads in ridge field operation were below class rule ultimate
design loads with clear safety margin.

Fig. 9 Norilskiy Nickel Operation in brash ice channel and ice field in astern



A method of design for the turning torque of Azipods in ice-going ships was
determinated (Ojanen 2006). The method of design is based on both theory and full-
scale data. Loads affecting the rudder propeller were studied in varying operation
situations. Also, full-scale measurements from ships were examined, and existing
calculation methods were used to determine the loads affecting the Azipod. The
coordinate system and the positive direction of the turning torque Qz are presented in
Fig. 10.

Fig. 10 The coordinate system for the Azipod

The ships considered in the study were divided into three categories: ice-strengthened
merchant ships, icebreakers, and merchant ships intended for independent navigation
in ice. Also, a further division between operating with bow or stern first was done.

Four different loading situations were chosen to determine the theoretical loads. The
loading situations were open water load at steering angle 35°, impact of an ice block,
ice milling and Azipod-ice ridge contact. Some of the load cases are presented in Fig.
11~Fig.13. Simple calculation models were chosen to determine the loads
theoretically. None of the models were developed for rudder propellers. Calculated
loads were compared to full-scale results in corresponding ice conditions. The
problem with the comparison was that the properties of ice during the full-scale tests
were partially unknown.

Fig. 11 Transversal hydrodynamic load Ftr at steering angle 35°. V is the ship speed

Fig. 12 Ice force Fbl bending the propeller blade backwards during ice milling.
R is the propeller radius.

Fig. 13 Load from ice ridge directed to the end section of the Azipod
The classification societies set limits for the design turning torque. It must be at least
125% of the turning torque occurring during steering gear test (e.g. DNV 2006). In
the steering gear test the Azipod steering angle is 35°. The design turning torque
should not exceed the turning torque due to propeller blade breaking.
The conclusions of loading situations for different types of ships are presented in
Table 2.
Table 2 The loading situations for different types of ships

Merchant ships
Double Acting
Ship type / intended for
Ice strengthened ships intended for
Icebreakers independent
Loading situation merchant ships independent
navigation in ice
navigation in ice
bow first
Open water load X X X X
Ice milling loads X X X
Loads from ice

Table 3 Average ice properties at different operating areas

Bothnian Bay Russian arctic, Sea of Okhotsk

Quantity (Holttinen et al. Varanday (Frederking et al.
1998) (Bridges et al. 2004) 1999)
Ice thickness h [m] 0,6 0,7 1,6

Compressive strength of
2,51 1,8 1,71
ice σC [MPa]
Ice ridge keel draught hk
51 7 9
Ice ridge keel porosity nk
N/A 0,2-0,3 0,2
Maximum value
Calculation models, which best corresponded to the full-scale tests, were chosen for
dimensioning. Those models were developed by Koskinen et al. (1996) for ice
milling loads bending the propeller blade backwards and Dolgopolov et al. (1975) for
ridge loads. Since maximum ice conditions are rarely encountered, mean ice
conditions will be used for dimensioning. An example of some measured ice
properties from three operating areas is presented in Table 3.


Azipod ice load measurements campaigns have shown clear safety margin between
class rule design loads and actual operational loads. Valuable information on Azipod
global and local ice loads and shaft line fatigue loads have been collected during
these measurement projects. Based on the measurements the most important Azipod
ice loading scenarios are identified and optimum design criteria for ice classed
Azipod units can be developed, like defining pod turning torque, as was presented
above. It should be noted that ship operation mode and operation manner has great
effect on Azipod ice loading as well as ice loading on ship hull.
Ice-class Azipod track record in June 2007 is 550 000 operating hours and no ice
damages found. Based on the track record, operation experience and model-scale and
full-scale measurements it can be concluded that Azipod concept is proven in very
harsh ice conditions and also when ship is designed for proceeding stern first in ice.


Bridges, R., Hasolt, S., Kim, MS. , Riska, K. (2004). Current hull and machinery ice
class rules requirements and impact of IACS Polar ship rules. Arctic Operational
Platform ARCOP. Report no. D222. :14.
DNV (2006). Rules for Classification of Ships, Pt. 4, Ch. 14, Sec. 1, B401b. Det
Norske Veritas. January 2006. Høvik, Norway.

Dolgopolov, et al. (1975). Effect of hummocked ice on piers of marine hydraulic
structures. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and
Research, IAHR Symposium on Ice 1975. Hanover, USA..
Frederking, R., Timco, G.W., Kamesaki, K., Tada, H. (1999). Review of first-year
ridge geometries and properties in Sakhalin region. Proceedings of International
Workshop on Rational Evaluation of Ice Forces on Structures, REIFS’99. Mombetsu,
Holttinen, H., Liukkonen, S., Furustam, K-J., Määttänen, M., Haapanen, E. and
Holttinen, E.(1998). Offshore wind power in ice infested waters of Gulf of Bothnia.
VTT Publications no. 828. Espoo, Finland.
Koskinen, P., Jussila, M. Soininen H. (1996). Propeller ice load models. Technical
Research Centre of Finland, research notes no. 1739. Finland.
Ojanen, M. (2006). Determination of the turning torque of a rudder propeller in ice-
going ships. M.Sc. Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology. Espoo, Finland.


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