Cohen and Felson 1979 Routine Activities
Cohen and Felson 1979 Routine Activities
Cohen and Felson 1979 Routine Activities
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In this paper we present a "routine activity approach" for analyzing crime rate trends and
cycles. Rather than emphasizing the characteristics of offenders, with this approach we
concentrate upon the circumstances in which they carry out predatory criminal acts. Most
criminal acts require convergence in space and time of likely offenders, suitable targets and the
absence of capable guardians against crime. Human ecological theory facilitates an
investigation into the way in which social structure produces this convergence, hence allowing
illegal activities to feed upon the legal activities of everyday life. In particular, we hypothesize
that the dispersion of activities away from households and families increases the opportunity for
crime and thus generates higher crime rates. A variety of data is presented in support of the
hypothesis, which helps explain crime rate trends in the United States 1947-1974 as a byproduct
of changes in such variables as labor force participation and single-adult households.
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In the present paper we consider these made little progress since Shaw and
paradoxical trends in crime rates in terms McKay and their colleagues (1929) pub-
of changes in the "routine activities" of lished their pathbreaking work, Delin-
everyday life. We believe the structure of quency Areas. Variations in crime rates
such activities influences criminal oppor- over space long have been recognized
tunity and therefore affects trends in a (e.g., see Guerry, 1833; Quetelet, 1842),
class of crimes we refer to as direct- and current evidence indicates that the
contact predatory violations. Predatory pattern of these relationships within met-
violations are defined here as illegal acts ropolitan communities has persisted
in which "someone definitely and inten- (Reiss, 1976). Although most spatial research
tionally takes or damages the person or is quite useful for describing crime rate
property of another" (Glaser, 1971:4). patterns and providing post hoc explana-
Further, this analysis is confined to those tions, these works seldom consider-
predatory violations involving direct phys- conceptually or empirically-the funda-
ical contact between at least one offender mental human ecological character of il-
and at least one person or object which legal acts as events which occur at specific
that offender attempts to take or damage. locations in space and time, involving
We argue that structural changes in specific persons and/or objects. These and
routine activity patterns can influence related concepts can help us to develop an
crime rates by affecting the convergence extension of the human ecological
in space and time of the three minimal analysis to the problem of explaining
elements of direct-contact predatory vio- changes in crime rates over time. Unlike
lations: (1) motivated offenders, (2) suita- many criminological inquiries, we do not
ble targets, and (3) the absence of capable examine why individuals or groups are in-
guardians against a violation. We further clined criminally, but rather we take crim-
argue that the lack of any one of these inal inclination as given and examine the
elements is sufficient to prevent the suc- manner in which the spatio-temporal
cessful completion of a direct-contact organization of social activities helps
predatory crime, and that the convergence people to translate their criminal inclina-
in time and space of suitable targets and tions into action. Criminal violations are
the absence of capable guardians may treated here as routine activities which
even lead to large increases in crime rates share many attributes of, and are interde-
without necessarily requiring any increase pendent with, other routine activities.
in the structural conditions that motivate This interdependence between the struc-
individuals to engage in crime. That is, if ture of illegal activities and the organiza-
the proportion of motivated offenders or tion of everyday sustenance activities
even suitable targets were to remain stable leads us to consider certain concepts from
in a community, changes in routine activi- human ecological literature.
ties could nonetheless alter the likelihood
of their convergence in space and time,
thereby creating more opportunities for
Selected Concepts froml Hawley's Human
crimes to occur. Control therefore be-
Ecological Theory
comes critical. If controls through routine
activities were to decrease, illegal pred- While criminologists traditionally have
atory activities could then be likely to in- concentrated on the spatial analysis of
crease. In the process of developing this crime rates within metropolitan com-
explanation and evaluating its consistency munities, they seldom have considered
with existing data, we relate our approach the temporal interdependence of these
to classical human ecological concepts acts. In his classic theory of human ecol-
and to several earlier studies. ogy, Amos Hawley (1950) treats the com-
munity not simply as a unit of territory but
rather as an organization of symbiotic and
The Structure of Criminll A ctivitY
commensalistic relationships as human
Sociological knowledge of how com- activities are performed over both space
munity structure generates illegal acts has and time.
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Hawley identified three important tem- lated social roles and relationships to the
poral components of community struc- occurrence or absence of illegal acts.
ture: (1) rhythm, the regular periodicity The conjunction of these minimal ele-
with which events occur, as with the ments can be used to assess how social
rhythm of travel activity; (2) tempo, the structure may affect the tempo of each
number of events per unit of time, such as type of violation. That is, the probability
the number of criminal violations per day that a violation will occur at any specific
on a given street; and (3) timing, the coor- time and place might be taken as a func-
dination among different activities which tion of the convergence of likely offenders
are more or less interdependent, such as and suitable targets in. the absence of
the coordination of an offender's rhythms capable guardians. Through consideration
with those of a victim (Hawley, 1950:289; of how trends and fluctuations in social
the examples are ours). These compo- conditions affect the frequency of this
nents of temporal organization, often ne- convergence of criminogenic circum-
glected in criminological research, prove stances, an explanation of temporal trends
useful in analyzing how illegal tasks are in crime rates can be constructed.
performed-a utility which becomes more
apparent after noting the spatio-temporal
The Ecological Nature of Illegal Acts
requirements of illegal activities.
This ecological analysis of direct-
The Minimal Elements of Direct-Contact contact predatory violations is intended to
Predatory Violations be more than metaphorical. In the context
of such violations, people, gaining and los-
As we previously stated, despite their
ing sustenance, struggle among them-
great diversity, direct-contact predatory
selves for property, safety, territorial
violations share some important require-
hegemony, sexual outlet, physical con-
ments which facilitate analysis of their
trol, and sometimes for survival itself. The
structure. Each successfully completed
interdependence between offenders and
violation minimally requires an offender
victims can be viewed as a predatory rela-
with both criminal inclinations and the
tionship between functionally dissimilar
ability to carry out those inclinations, a
individuals or groups. Since predatory
person or object providing a suitable
violations fail to yield any net gain in
target for the offender, and absence of
sustenance for the larger community, they
guardians capable of preventing viola-
can only be sustained by feeding upon
tions. We emphasize that the lack of any
other activities. As offenders cooperate to
one of these elements normally is suffi-
increase their efficiency at predatory vio-
cient to prevent such violations from
lations and as potential victims organize
occurring.2 Though guardianship is im-
their resistance to these violations, both
plicit in everyday life, it usually is marked
groups apply the symbiotic principle to
by the absence of violations; hence it is
improve their sustenance position. On the
easy to overlook. While police action 'is
other hand, potential victims of predatory
analyzed widely, guardianship by ordi-
crime may take evasive actions which en-
nary citizens of one another and of prop-
courage offenders to pursue targets other
erty as they go about routine activities
than their own. Since illegal activities
may be one of the most neglected ele-
must feed upon other activities, the spatial
ments in sociological research on crime,
and temporal structure of routine legal ac-
especially since it links seemingly unre-
tivities should play an important role in
determining the location, type and quan-
2 The analytical distinction between target and
guardian is not important in those cases where a
tity of illegal acts occurring in a given
personal target engages in self-protection from community or society. Moreover, one can
direct-contact predatory violations. We leave open analyze how the structure of community
for the present the question of whether a guardian isorganization as well as the level of
effective or ineffective in all situations. We also
technology in a society provide the cir-
allow that various guardians may primarily supervise
offenders, targets or both. These are questions for cumstances under which crime can thrive.
future examination. For example, technology and organization
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affect the capacity of persons with crimi- be of central importance for explaining
nal inclinations to overcome their targets, crime rates.
as well as affecting the ability of guardians The ideas presented so far are not new,
to contend with potential offenders by but they frequently are overlooked in the
using whatever protective tools, weapons theoretical literature on crime. Although
and skills they have at their disposal. an investigation of the literature uncovers
Many technological advances designed for significant examples of descriptive and
legitimate purposes-including the auto- practical data related to the routine activi-
mobile, small power tools, hunting ties upon which illegal behavior feeds,
weapons, highways, telephones, etc.- these data seldom are treated within an
may enable offenders to carry out their analytical framework. The next section
own work more effectively or may assist reviews some of this literature.
people in protecting their own or someone
else's person or property.
Not only do routine legitimate activities
often provide the wherewithal to commit
offenses or to guard against others who do A major advantage of the routine ac-
so, but they also provide offenders with tivity approach presented here is that it
suitable targets. Target suitability is likely helps assemble some diverse and previ-
to reflect such things as value (i.e., the ously unconnected criminological
material or symbolic desirability of a per- analyses into a single substantive frame-
sonal or property target for offenders), work. This framework also serves to link
physical visibility, access, and the inertia illegal and legal activities, as illustrated by
of a target against illegal treatment by of- a few examples of descriptive accounts of
fenders (including the weight, size, and criminal activity.
attached or locked features of property
inhibiting its illegal removal and the phys-
Descriptive A analyses
ical capacity of personal victims to resist
attackers with or without weapons). There are several descriptive analyses
Routine production activities probably af- of criminal acts in criminological litera-
fect the suitability of consumer goods for ture. For example, Thomas Reppetto's
illegal removal by determining their value (1974) study, Residential Crime, considers
and weight. Daily activities may affect the how residents supervise their neighbor-
location of property and personal targets hoods and streets and limit access of
in visible and accessible places at particu- possible offenders. He also considers how
lar times. These activities also may cause distance of households from the central
people to have on hand objects that can be city reduces risks of criminal victimiza-
used as weapons for criminal acts or self- tion. Reppetto's evidence-consisting of
protection or to be preoccupied with tasks criminal justice records, observations of
which reduce their capacity to discourage comparative features of geographic areas,
or resist offenders. victimization survey data and offender
While little is known about conditions interviews-indicates that offenders are
that affect the convergence of potential very likely to use burglary tools and to
offenders, targets and guardians, this is a have at least minimal technical skills, that
potentially rich source of propositions physical characteristics of dwellings affect
about crime rates. For example, daily their victimization rates, that the rhythms
work activities separate many people from of residential crime rate patterns are
those they trust and the property they marked (often related to travel and work
value. Routine activities also bring to- patterns of residents), and that visibility of
gether at various times of day or night potential sites of crime affects the risk that
persons of different background, some- crimes will occur there. Similar findings
times in the presence of facilities, tools or are reported by Pope's (1977a; 1977b)
weapons which influence the commission study of burglary in California and by
or avoidance of illegal acts. Hence, the Scarr's (1972) study of burglary in and
timing of work, schooling and leisure may around the District of Columbia. In addi-
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tion, many studies report that architec- view of the literature on ecological studies
tural and environmental design as well as of crimes, see Wilks, 1967). Recently, Al-
community crime programs serve to de- bert Reiss (1976) has argued convincingly
crease target suitability and increase that these spatial variations (despite some
capable guardianship (see, for example, claims to the contrary) have been sup-
Newman, 1973; Jeffery, 1971; Washnis, ported consistently by both official and
1976), while many biographical or au- unofficial sources of data. Reiss further
tobiographical descriptions of illegal ac- cites victimization studies which indicate
tivities note that lawbreakers take into ac- that offenders are very likely to select
count the nature of property and/or the targets not far from their own residence
structure of human activities as they go (see USDJ, 1974a; 1974b; 1974c).
about their illegal work (see, e.g.,
Chambliss, 1972; Klockars, 1974; Suther-
Macrolevel Analyses of Crime Trends
land, 1937; Letkemann, 1973; Jackson,
and Cycles
1969; Martin, 1952; Maurer, 1964; Came-
ron, 1964; Williamson, 1968). Although details about how crime oc-
Evidence that the spatio-temporal orga- curs are intrinsically interesting, the im-
nization of society affects patterns of portant analytical task is to learn from
crime can be found in several sources. these details how illegal activities carve
Strong variations in specific predatory their niche within the larger system of ac-
crime rates from hour to hour, day to day, tivities. This task is not an easy one. For
and month to month are reported often example, attempts by Bonger (1916),
(e.g., Wolfgang, 1958; Amir, 1971; Rep- Durkheim (1951; 1966), Henry and Short
petto, 1974; Scarr, 1972; FBI, 1975; (1954), and Fleisher (1966) to link the rate
1976), and these variations appear to cor- of illegal activities to the economic condi-
respond to the various tempos of the re- tion of a society have not been completely
lated legitimate activities upon which they successful. Empirical tests of the relation-
feed. Also at a microsociological level, ships postulated in the above studies have
Short and Strodtbeck (1965: chaps. 5 and produced inconsistent results which some
11) describe opportunities for violent con- observers view as an indication that the
frontations of gang boys and other com- level of crime is not related systematically
munity residents which arise in the con- to the economic conditions of a society
text of community leisure patterns, such (Mansfield et al., 1974: 463; Cohen and
as "quarter parties" in black com- Felson, 1979).
munities, and the importance, in the cal- It is possible that the wrong economic
culus of decision making employed by and social factors have been employed in
participants in such episodes, of low these macro studies of crime. Other re-
probabilities of legal intervention. In addi- searchers have provided stimulating alter-
tion, a wealth of empirical evidence indi- native descriptions of how social change
cates strong spatial variations over com- affects the criminal opportunity structure,
munity areas in crime and delinquency thereby influencing crime rates in particu-
rates3 (for an excellent discussion and re- lar societies. For example, at the begin-
ning of the nineteenth century, Patrick
3 One such ecological study by Sarah Boggs (1965)
Colquhoun (1800) presented a detailed,
presents some similar ideas in distinguishing farni/- lucid description and analysis of crime in
iarity of offenders with their targets and profitabilitythe London metropolitan area and sugges-
of targets as two elements of crime occurrence. tions for its control. He assembled sub-
Boggs's work stands apart from much research on
stantial evidence that London was experi-
the ecology of crime in its consideration of crime
occurrence rates separately from offender rates. The encing a massive crime wave attributable
former consist of the number of offenses committed to a great increment in the assemblage and
in a given area per number of suitable targets within
that area (as estimated by various indicators). The
latter considers the residence of offenders in comput- senses in St. Louis and shows that the two are often
ing the number of offenders per unit of population. independent. It appears from her analysis that both
Boggs examines the correlations between crime target and offender characteristics play a central role
occurrence rates and offender rates for several of- in the location of illegal activity.
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5 Recent research indicates the existence of sub- where Q is the risk per billion person-hours; R is the
stantial quantities of family violence which remains victimization rate, reported per 10- persons in Hin-
outside of UCR data (see annotated bibliography of delang et al. (1976: Table 318); A is the hours spent
family violence in Lystad, 1974). While we cannot per location calculated from Szalai (1972: 795); 365 is
rule out the likelihood that much family violence is the multiplier to cover a year's exposure to risk; and
concealed from victimization surveys, the latter cap- 109 converts risk per person-hour to billion person-
ture information absent from police data and still hours.
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Table 1. Incident-Specific Risk Rates for Rape, Robbery, Assault and Personal Larceny with Contact,
United States, 1974
VICTIM- (Lone Offender)
OFFENDER Relative 7 13 158 5 183
RELATIONSHIP Well Known 23 30 333 30 416
Casual Acquaintance 11 26 308 25 370
Don't Know/Sight Only 106 227 888 616 1,837
(Multiple Offender)
Any known 10*** 68 252 43 373
All strangers 25*** 349 530 366 1,270
NUMBER one 179 647 2,116 1,062 4,004
OF Two 3 47 257 19 326
VICTIMS Three 0 13 53 3 09
Four Plus 0 6 43 1 50
LOCATION AND Home, Stranger 61 147 345 103 654
RELATIONSHIP Home, Nonstranger 45 74 620 22 761
(sole Street, Stranger 1,370 7,743 15,684 7,802 32,460
offender Street, Nonstranger 179 735 5,777 496 7,167
only) Elsewhere, Stranger 129 513 1,934 2,455 4,988
Elsewhere, Nonstranger 47 155 1,544 99 1,874
rates (with contact) are 350 times higher at to disaggregate all major components of
the hands of strangers in streets than at target suitability (i.e., value, visibility, ac-
the hands of nonstrangers at home. Sepa- cessibility and inertia), together they
rate computations from 1973 victimization imply that expensive and movable dura-
data (USDJ, 1976: Table 48) indicate that bles, such as vehicles and electronic
there were two motor vehicle thefts per appliances, have the highest risk of illegal
million vehicle-hours parked at or near removal.
home, 55 per million vehicle-hours in As a specific case in point, we com-
streets, parks, playgrounds, school pared the 1975 composition of stolen
grounds or parking lots, and 12 per million property reported in the Uniform Crime
vehicle-hours elsewhere. While the direc- Report (FBI, 1976: Tables 26-7) with na-
tion of these relationships is not surpris- tional data on personal consumer expendi-
ing, their magnitudes should be noted. It tures for goods (CEA, 1976: Tables 13-16)
appears that risk of criminal victimization and to appliance industry estimates of the
varies dramatically among the circum- value of shipments the same year (Mer-
stances and locations in which people chandising Week, 1976). We calculated
place themselves and their property. that $26.44 in motor vehicles and parts
were stolen for each $100 of these goods
consumed in 1975, while $6.82 worth of
Target Suitability
electronic appliances were stolen per $100
Another assumption of the routine ac- consumed. Though these estimates are
tivity approach is that target suitability in- subject to error in citizen and police esti-
fluences the occurrence of direct-contact mation, what is important here is their size
predatory violations. Though we lack data relative to other rates. For example, only
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Table 2. Selected Status-Specific Personal Victimization Rates for the United States (per 100,000 Persons in
Each Category)
Personal Personal
Variables Larceny Larceny
and Victim with without
Sources Category Rape Robbery Assault Contact Contact
one six-person household. Moreover, age by persons under 20, the motor vehicle
of household head has a strong relation- theft rate is nine times as high, and the
ship to a household's victimization rate burglary and household larceny rates four
for these crimes. For households headed times as high as those for households
headed by persons 65 and over (USDJ,
1976: Table 9).
Table 3. Robbery-Burglary Victimization Rates by
Ages and Number of Adults in Household, While the data presented in this section
1974 and 1976 General Social Survey were not collected originally for the pur-
pose of testing the routine activity ap-
Number of Adults in Household
proach, our efforts to rework them for
Age One Two or More Ratio
these purposes have proven fruitful. The
18-35 0.200 (140) 0.095 (985) 2.11 routine activity approach is consistent
36-55 0.161 (112) 0.079 (826) 2.04
with the data examined and, in addition,
56 and over 0.107 (262) 0.061 (640) 1.76
helps to accommodate within a rather
All Ages 0.144 (514) 0.081 (2451) 1.78
simple and coherent analytical framework
(Numbers in parentheses are the base for comput- certain findings which, though not neces-
ing risk rates.)
sarily new, might otherwise be attributed
Source: Calculated from 1974 and 1976 General
Social Survey, National Opinion Research Center, only "descriptive" significance. In the
University of Chicago. next section, we examine macrosocial
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during these years. For example, in only on the weight of many consumer durable
five years, the estimated proportion of the goods were examined. Sears is the na-
population consisting of husband-present, tion's largest retailer and its policy of pur-
married women in the labor force house- chasing and relabeling standard manufac-
holds increased by I11%, while the esti- tured goods makes its catalogs a good
mated number of non-husband-wife source of data on widely merchandised
households per 100,000 population in- consumer goods. The lightest television
creased from 9,150 to 11,420, a 25% in- listed for sale in 1960 weighed 38 lbs.,
crease (USBC, 1976: Tables 50, 276; compared with 15 lbs. for 1970. Thus, the
USBC, 1970-1975). At the same time, the lightest televisions were 21/2 times as
percent of population enrolled in higher heavy in 1960 as 1970. Similar trends are
education increased 16% between 1970 observed for dozens of other goods listed
and 1975. in the Sears catalog. Data from Consumer
Reports Buying Guide, published in De-
cember of 1959 and 1969, show similar
Related Property Trends and Their
changes for radios, record players, slide
Relation to Human Activity Patterns
projectors, tape recorders, televisions,
Many of the activity trends mentioned toasters and many other goods. Hence,
above normally involve significant in- major declines in weight between 1960 and
vestments in durable goods. For example, 1970 were quite significant for these and
the dispersion of population across rela- other goods, which suggests that the con-
tively more households (especially sumer goods market may be producing
non-husband-wife households) enlarges many more targets suitable for theft. In
the market for durable goods such as tele- general, one finds rapid growth in prop-
vision sets and automobiles. Women par- erty suitable for illegal removal and in
ticipating in the labor force and both men household and individual exposure to at-
and women enrolled in college provide a tack during the years 1960-1975.
market for automobiles. Both work and
travel often involve the purchase of major
Related Trends in Business
movable or portable durables and their
use away from home.
Considerable data are available which Of course, as households and individu-
indicate that sales of consumer goods als increased their ownership of small
changed dramatically between 1960 and durables, businesses also increased the
1970 (as did their size and weight), hence value of the merchandise which they
providing more suitable property available transport and sell as well as the money
for theft. For example, during this decade, involved in these transactions. Yet the
constant-dollar personal consumer ex- Census of Business conducted in 1958,
penditures in the United States for motor 1963, 1967, and 1972 indicate that the
vehicles and parts increased by 71%, number of wholesale, retail, service, and
while constant-dollar expenditures for public warehouse establishments (includ-
other durables increased by 105% (calcu- ing establishments owned by large orga-
lated from CEA, 1976: Table B- 16). In nizations) was a nearly constant ratio of
addition, electronic household appliances one for every 16 persons in the United
and small houseware shipments increased States. Since more goods and money were
from 56.2 to 119.7 million units (Electrical distributed over a relatively fixed number
Merchandising Week, 1964; Merchandis- of business establishments, the tempo of
ing Week, 1973). During the same decade, business activity per establishment appar-
appliance imports increased in value by ently was increasing. At the same time,
681% (USBC, 1975: Table 1368). the percent of the population employed as
This same period appears to have sales clerks or salesmen in retail trade de-
spawned a revolution in small durable clined from 1.48% to 1.27%, between 1960
product design which further feeds the and 1970, a 14.7% decline (USBC, 1975:
opportunity for crime to occur. Relevant Table 589).
data from the 1960 and 1970 Sears catalogs Though both business and personal
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property increased, the changing pace of Table 5. Offense Analysis Trends for Robbery,
activities appears to have exposed the lat- Burglary, Larceny and Murder; United
States, 1960-1975
ter to greater relative risk of attack,
whether at home or elsewhere, due to the A. ROBBERIESa 1960 1965 1970
dispersion of goods among many more Highway Robbery 52.6 57.0 59.8
Residential Robbery 8.0 10.1 13.1
households, while concentrating goods in
Commercial Robbery 39.4 32.9 27.1
business establishments. However, mer-
Totals 100.0 100.0 100.0
chandise in retail establishments with
heavy volume and few employees to guard B. BURGLARIES 1960 1965 1970 1975
Residential 15.6 24.5 31.7 33.2
it probably is exposed to major increments
Residential Nightime 24.4 25.2 25.8 30.5
in risk of illegal removal than is most other Commercial 60.0 50.2 42.5 36.3
business property.
Totals 100.0 99.9 100.0 100.0
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the total number of households in the U.S. homicide mortality rate taken from the
(source: USBC, 1947-1976). This calcula- vital statistics data collected by the
tion provides an estimate of the propor- Bureau of the Census (various years). The
tion of American households in year t ex- latter rate has the advantage of being col-
pected to be most highly exposed to risk lected separately from the standard crime
of personal and property victimization due reporting system and is thought to contain
to the dispersion of their activities away less measurement error (see Bowers and
from family and household and/or their Pierce, 1975). Hence, this analysis of offi-
likelihood of owning extra sets of durables cial index crime rates includes three vio-
subject to high risk of attack. Hence, the lent offenses (homicide, forcible rape, and
household activity ratio should vary di- aggravated assault), one property offense
rectly with official index crime rates. (burglary), and one offense which in-
Our empirical goal in this section is to volves both the removal of property and
test this relationship, with controls for the threat of violence (robbery). The
those variables which other researchers analysis thus includes one offense thought
have linked empirically to crime rate to have relatively low reporting reliability
trends in the United States. Since various (forcible rape), one thought to have rela-
researchers have found such trends to in- tively high reliability (homicide), and
crease with the proportion of the popula- three others having relatively intermediate
tion in teen and young adult years (Fox, levels of reporting quality (Ennis, 1967).
1976; Land and Felson, 1976; Sagi and Since official crime rates in year t are
Wellford, 1968; Wellford, 1973), we in- likely to reflect some accumulation of
clude the population ages 15-24 per criminal opportunity and inclinations over
100,000 resident population in year t as several years, one should not expect these
our first control variable (source: USBC, rates to respond solely to the level of the
various years). Others (e.g., Brenner, independent variables for year t. A useful
1976a; 1976b) have found unemployment model of cumulative social change in cir-
rates to vary directly with official crime cumstances such as this is the difference
rates over time, although this relationship equation, which can be estimated in two
elsewhere has been shown to be empiri- forms (see Goldberg, 1958). One form
cally questionable (see Mansfield et al., takes the first difference (yt - yt-1) as the
1974: 463; Cohen and Felson, 1979). Thus, dependent variable-in this case, the
as our second, control variable, we take change in the official crime rate per
the standard annual unemployment rate 100,000 population between year t- 1 and
(per 100 persons ages 16 and over) as a year t. Alternatively, one can estimate the
measure of the business cycle (source: difference equation in autoregressive form
BLS, 1975). by taking the official crime rate in year t as
Four of the five crime rates that we a function of the exogenous predictors
utilize here (forcible rape, aggravated as- plus the official crime rate in year t - 1 on
sault, robbery and burglary) are taken the right-hand side of the equation. (See
from FBI estimates of offenses per Land, 1978, for a review of these and
100,000 U.S. population (as revised and other methods and for references to re-
reported in OMB, 1973). We exclude lated literature.) Both forms are estimable
larceny-theft due to a major definitional with ordinary least squares methods,
change in 1960 and auto theft due to ex- which we employ for the years 1947
cessive multicollinearity in the analysis.8 through 1974. The N is 28 years for all but
For our homicide indicator we employ the the homicide rate, for which publication
lags reduce our N to 26.
8 The auto theft rate lagged one year correlated
Even if a positive relationship between
quite strongly with the predictor variables. This mul- the household activity ratio and the offi-
ticollinearity impaired our difference equation cial crime rates is observed, with controls
analysis, although we again found consistently posi- for age and unemployment, we are open to
tive coefficients for the household activity ratio. We
the charge that this may be a spurious
were able to remove autocorrelation by logging all
variables and including the unemployment as a con- consequence of autocorrelation of distur-
trol, but do not report these equations. bances, that is, the possibility that residu-
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als are systematically related for nearby lation significantly (and also reduced
time points. While spurious relationships variance explained to between 35% and
are a risk one also takes in cross-sectional 77%). These equations also consistently
regression analysis, time-series analysts produce significant positive coefficients
have devised a variety of methods for for the household activity variable. When
monitoring and adjusting for spuriousness unemployment is included in these equa-
due to this autocorrelation, including the tions, its coefficients are all negative and
Durbin and Watson (1951) statistic, Dur- near zero.
bin's h statistic (Durbin, 1970), the The top panel of Table 6 presents re-
Griliches (1967) criterion, as well as Coch- gression estimates of first differences for
rane and Orcutt (1949) corrections. We five official crime rates, with the age
employ (but do not report in detail) these structure and household activity variables
methods to check for the likelihood that in year t as the only predictors. Again, the
the observed relationship is spurious. (See household activity coefficients are consis-
Land, 1978, for a review of such tests and tently positive, with t ratios always sig-
the related literature on their applicability nificant with a one-tailed test. Except for
and robustness; see Theil, 1971, for a the aggravated assault equation, the
methodological review.) household activity variable has a t ratio
and standardized coefficient greater than
that of the age structure variable. The
standardized coefficients for the house-
Our time-series analysis for the years hold activity variable range from .42 to
1947-1974 consistently revealed positive .72, while the age structure coefficients
and statistically significant relationships are consistently positive. In general, the
between the household activity ratio and household activity variable is a stronger
each official crime rate change predictor of official crime rate trends than
Whichever official crime rate is employed, the age structure.
this finding occurs-whether we take the The equations in the top panel of Table
first difference for each crime rate as 6 generally have lower variance explained
exogenous or estimate the equation in au- but also lower risk of autocorrelation of
toregressive form (with the lagged depen- disturbances than those reported above.
dent variable on the right-hand side of the For all five equations, the Durbin-Watson
equation); whether we include or exclude statistic allows acceptance of the null hy-
the unemployment variable; whether we pothesis that autocorrelation is absent at
take the current scales of variables or the 1% level. A 5% level (which increases
convert them to natural log values; the likelihood of proving the statistic non-
whether we employ the age structure vari- zero) allows us neither to accept nor reject
able as described or alter the ages exam- the null hypothesis that autocorrelation is
ined (e.g., 14-24, 15-19, etc.). In short, absent in the homicide and robbery equa-
the relationship is positive and significant tions.
in each case. Though autocorrelation has not been
Before calculating the difference equa- proven to exist in these five equations, its
tions, we regressed each crime rate in year risk may be sufficient in two to motivate
t on the three independent variables for further efforts at equation estimation (see
year t. This ordinary structural equation bottom panel of Table 6). We estimated
also produced consistent positive and sig- the equations in autoregressive form to
nificant coefficients for the routine ac- see if the risk abates. Since the Durbin-
tivity coefficient, the total variance ex- Watson statistic was not designed for
plained ranges from 84% to 97%. How- evaluating autocorrelation in these equa-
ever, the Durbin-Watson statistics for tions, we calculated Durbin's h, a statistic
these equations indicated high risk of au- specifically designed for equations esti-
tocorrelation, which is hardly surprising mated with a lagged dependent variable
since they ignore lagged effects. Reesti- (Durbin, 1970), and recently found to be
mated equations taking first differences as robust for small samples (Maddala and
endogenous reduced the risk of autocorre- Rao, 1973). This statistic allows ac-
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ceptance of the null hypothesis (at both percent of foreign stock declined 0.1%,
1% and 5% levels) that autocorrelation is etc. (see USBC, 1975: 654, 19, 39).
absent for all five equations. Application On the other hand, the convergence in
of the Griliches (1967) criterion further time and space of three elements (moti-
allows acceptance of each equation as vated offenders, suitable targets, and the
manifesting distributing lags rather than absence of capable guardians) appears
serial correlation. We also employed the useful for understanding crime rate
Cochrane-Orcutt (1949) iterative proce- trends. The lack of any of these elements
dure to calculate a correction estimate for is sufficient to prevent the occurrence of a
any autocorrelation present. The resulting successful direct-contact predatory crime.
correction for the household activity coef- The convergence in time and space of
ficient proves minimal in all five cases. suitable targets and the absence of capable
Finally, we calculated each of the above guardians can lead to large increases in
equations for natural log values of the crime rates without any increase or
relevant variables, finding again that the change in the structural conditions that
household activity coefficient was consis- motivate individuals to engage in crime.
tently positive and statistically significant Presumably, had the social indicators of
and the risk of autocorrelation reduced the variables hypothesized to be the
still further. causes of crime in conventional theories
The positive and significant relationship changed in the direction of favoring in-
between the household activity variable creased crime in the post-World War II
and the official crime rates is robust and United States, the increases in crime rates
appears to hold for both macro- and mi- likely would have been even more stagger-
crolevel data; it explains five crime rate ing than those which were observed. In
trends, as well as the changing composi- any event, it is our belief that
tion of official crime rates reported in criminologists have underemphasized the
Table 5. These results suggest that routine importance of the convergence of suitable
activities may indeed provide the oppor- targets and the absence of capable guard-
tunity for many illegal activities to occur. ians in explaining recent increases in the
crime rate. Furthermore, the effects of the
convergence in time and space of these
elements may be multiplicative rather
than additive. That is, their convergence
In our judgment many conventional by a fixed percentage may produce in-
theories of crime (the adequacy of which creases in crime rates far greater than that
usually is evaluated by cross-sectional fixed percentage, demonstrating how
data, or no data at all) have difficulty ac- some relatively modest social trends can
counting for the annual changes in crime contribute to some relatively large
rate trends in the post-World War II changes in crime rate trends. The fact that
United States. These theories may prove logged variables improved our equations
useful in explaining crime trends during (moving Durbin-Watson values closer to
other periods, within specific com- "ideal" levels) lends support to the argu-
munities, or in particular subgroups of the ment that such an interaction occurs.
population. Longitudinal aggregate data Those few investigations of cross-
for the United States, however, indicate sectional data which include household
that the trends for many of the presumed indicators produce results similar to ours.
causal variables in these theoretical struc- For example, Roncek (1975) and Choldin
tures are in a direction opposite to those and Roncek (1976) report on block-level
hypothesized to be the causes of crime. data for San Diego, Cleveland and Peoria
For example, during the decade 1960- and indicate that the proportion of a
1970, the percent of the population below block's households which are primary in-
the low-income level declined 44% and the dividual households consistently offers
unemployment rate declined 186o. Cen- the best or nearly the best predictor of a
tral city population as a share of the whole block's crime rate. This relationship per-
population declined slightly, while the sisted after they controlled for numerous
This content downloaded from on Thu, 03 Oct 2019 01:18:09 UTC
All use subject to
social variables, including race, density, victimization. Indeed, the opportunity for
age and poverty. Thus the association be- predatory crime appears to be enmeshed
tween household structure and risk of in the opportunity structure for legitimate
criminal victimization has been observed activities to such an extent that it might be
in individual-level and block-level cross- very difficult to root out substantial
sectional data, as well as aggregate na- amounts of crime without modifying much
tional time-series data. of our way of life. Rather than assuming
Without denying the importance of fac- that predatory crime is simply an indicator
tors motivating offenders to engage in of social breakdown, one might take it as a
crime, we have focused specific attention byproduct of freedom and prosperity as
upon violations themselves and the pre- they manifest themselves in the routine
requisites for their occurrence. However, activities of everyday life.
the routine activity approach might in the
future be applied to the analysis of offend-
ers and their inclinations as well. For
example, the structure of primary group REFERENCES
activity may affect the likelihood that cul-
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Washnis, George J. Crime and Its Impact-An Assessment.
1976 Citizen Involvement in Crime Prevention. Appendix A. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Gov-
Lexington: Heath. ernment Printing Office.
Wellford, Charles F. Williamson, Henry
1973 "Age composition and the increase in re- 1968 Hustler! New York: Doubleday.
corded crime." Criminology 11:61-70. Wolfgang, Marvin E.
Wilks, Judith A. 1958 Patterns of Criminal Homicide. Philadel-
1967 "Ecological correlates of crime and delin- phia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
This paper examines the relationship between intergenerational occupational mobility and
family size; it focuses on the partition of cumulative fertility into two components-intended
and unintended births-that may respond differently to social and economic sources of
influence. Four theoretical perspectives are drawn upon to set forth alternative predictions of
the relationship between unintended and intended births for upwardly and downwardly mobile
couples. The results of regression analyses of 1970 National Fertility Survey data lend support
to Easterlin's relative economic status hypothesis, which advances the expectation of a positive
relationship between direction of mobility and fertility, although this pattern is observed only
for unintended births. The implications of this finding for certain theories of fertility, as well as
for the inconclusive nature of previous research into the mobility-fertility relationship, are
Social mobility provides one of the Westoff, 1953; Westoff et al., 1961; Wes-
major points of articulation between social toff et al., 1963; Boyd, 1973). The cumula-
stratification and demography. Not only is tive research evidence, however, has been
social mobility an integral feature of all inconclusive, if not totally negative.
systems of social stratification (e.g., Lo- Scarcely any substantial basis has been
preato et al., 1976; Tyree and Hodge, 1978), found for the conclusion that social mobil-
it also has noticeable demographic corre- ity accounts for additional variation in fer-
lates, both for societies and individuals tility above and beyond that which is
(Blau and Duncan, 1967:361; Featherman associated with measures of origin and
and Hauser, 1978). One of the most impor- destination position themselves (e.g.,
tant would seem to be fertility, as evi- Duncan, 1966; Boyd, 1973).
denced by numerous empirical studies For the most part, explanations of these
conducted during the past 25 years (e.g., negative results, as distinct from theoreti-
Berent, 1952; Goldberg, 1959; Tien, 1961; cal interpretations that are consonant with
the idea that knowledge of origin and des-
*Direct all communications to: Frank D. Bean; tination positions suffices to explain the
Department of Sociology; University of Texas; Au-
fertility of the mobile (e.g., Blau, 1956:29),
stin, TX 78712.
The data upon which this paper is based were
have taken either of two tacks. On the one
collected pursuant to contract #PH-43-65 1048 with hand, they have suggested that the
the National Institute of Health, Public Health Ser- methodological basis for assessing rela-
vice, Department of Health, Education and Welfare. tionships between mobility and fertility is
We would like to express our appreciation to Caro-
biased against the discovery of such rela-
lyn Boyd, Norval Glenn, Joseph Lopreato, Alberto
Palloni, and two anonymous reviewers for helpful tionships (e.g., Hope, 1971; 1975; Lo-
comments on an earlier draft of the paper. preato et al., 1976). On the other hand, they
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