Systemd Cheat Sheet: List All Available Services

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systemd Cheat Sheet

systemd is a suite of basic building blocks for a Linux system. It provides a system and service manager that
runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system. It also provides a logging daemon, tracks logged-in users and
running containers and virtual machines, maintains mount and automount points, and more.


List all available services systemctl list-unit-files –-type service

Start service sshd systemctl start sshd

Stop service sshd systemctl stop sshd

Show status of service sshd systemctl status sshd

Start sshd now and at system startup systemctl enable –-now sshd

At system startup, start (enable) sshd systemctl enable sshd

At system startup, do not start sshd systemctl disable sshd

Show whether service sshd is enabled systemctl is-enabled sshd

Prevent service from starting (mask) systemctl mask sshd

Unmask service, allowing it to be started systemctl unmask sshd

Targets (runlevels)

List all available targets systemctl list-unit-files –-type target

Boot to a graphical desktop systemctl set-default graphical

Boot to a text console systemctl set-default multi-user

Show default boot target systemctl get-default

Show dependencies of a target systemctl list-dependencies graphical

Seth Kenlon CC BY-SA 4.0

systemd Cheat Sheet


View all system logs journalctl

View system logs from most recent –-catalog --pager-end -xe

View logs for unit foo --unit foo -u

View logs since boot NUMBER (default: current) --boot -b

List boot numbers --list-boots


Show contents of unit file systemctl cat sshd

Show unit file settings systemctl show sshd

Show whether unit is active systemctl is-active sshd

Show whether unit has failed systemctl is-failed sshd

Edit unit file configuration sudo systemctl edit sshd

Restart daemon sudo systemctl daemon-reload


Power down the system systemctl poweroff

Reboot, inserting the message "foo" into the logs systemctl -–message="foo" reboot

Reboot container or virtual machine foo systemctl –-machine=foo reboot

Halt remote host example as user tux systemctl –-host=tux@example halt

Seth Kenlon CC BY-SA 4.0

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