User Manual: 19 January 2021 13:21
User Manual: 19 January 2021 13:21
User Manual: 19 January 2021 13:21
Requirements •
Windows PC
Mac OS X
oveRvieW •
Frontier is self-adaptive versatile limiter. Upon loading the plug-in in any VST, Audio Units or AAX host application, the GUI appears: 3
oveRvieW •
signal floW •
Signal flow
In this chapter, we’ll describe the signal path through Frontier and explain its controls.
• Control Input – Selecting signal component used for controlling the limiter’s amplitude detection;
• L|R – Max energy value of both left or right stereo channels.
• L – Energy value of left stereo channel.
• R – Energy value of right stereo channel.
• Mid – Energy value of mid stereo component.
• Release – Allows to select one of 3 available AR envelopes for the limiter’s VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifi er);
• Fast – Slightly slow attack with fast release.
• Medium – Both attack and release set to medium time value.
• Slow – Fast attach with slow release time.
• Threshold – Controls threshold level below which limiter activates its VCA and envelope is triggered.
• Reduction – The meter shows current value of amplitude reduction the limiter introduces.
• Output Level – Frontier features amplitude auto make-up; meaning it normalizes output volume after limiting the signal, this knob
controls the maximum amplitude value the plug-in produces after the normalization.
• Soft clip – Enables diode-like soft clipper that cuts out all peaks that exceed 0dB amplitude level. 5
PReset management • PReset stoRage
Preset Management
Preset Storage
Presets – both those in the Factory library and those made by the User – are stored as files in specific folders on your hard drive. Every time
the plugin is loaded, these folders are scanned and the presets they contain are consolidated in a linear structure in the Preset Browser.
Browsing Presets
The Presets configuration and management section enables easy navigation and browsing of the preset library.
PReset management • BRoWsing PResets
• SAVE – Win ( Ctrl + BROWSE ), Mac ( Cmd + BROWSE ) – Save the current parameters as a new preset or overwrite
the existing one (see below).
• BROWSE – Fold the Preset Browser panel out from the bottom of GUI.
Preset Browser 7
PReset management • BRoWsing PResets
Select preset resources for browsing. There are two resources available:
• Factory – The presets that are included with the plugin. Factory presets are read-only (ie, they can’t be overwritten).
• User – Presets created by the user. User presets can be freely modified, backed up as files, shared with others, etc.
Selecting a single Content resource narrows the filtered preset list down to presets from that resource only.
Preset Filters
The browser enables classification of presets through the use of Categories and Tags, in order to facilitate filtering of the Results list.
PReset management • BRoWsing PResets
The Factory presets come with Categories and Tags already assigned. These have been chosen to specifically describe the sounds and char-
acteristics of those presets as representatively as possible, taking into account the remit of the plugin.
The Categories and Tags assigned to the Factory presets can’t be edited. User presets, however, can be given Categories and Tags from the
factory content, and you can also define your own custom Tags.
The list of presets from the selected Content resources that meet the filtering criteria is displayed in the Results section. This is where the
actual browsing and loading of presets is done (in the default Browsing Mode). 9
PReset management • BRoWsing PResets
Presets Filtering
The columns in the Filters section represent particular Category filters, while the rows in each of these columns represent the Tags
available within each Category.
The Filters cascade through the columns, from left to right: all presets in the selected Content resources are filtered according to the Tags in
the first Category (the first column from the left), the remaining presets are then filtered by the Category represented by the second col-
umn, etc, up to the last active Category Filter.
For example, if the first column in the illustration below represents the Category 1 Category, containing the Tag 1-1, Tag 1-2 and Tag 1-3 Tags,
clicking the Tag 1-1 Tag will activate the Category Filter Category 1, and narrow the preset list down to only the presets assigned the Tag 1-1
Tag in the Category 1 Category. 11
PReset management • Presets editing – edit Mode
Clicking the Tag 1-1 Tag again deactivates the Filter, so that all presets from the selected Content resources are displayed again.
Reordering Categories
To the right of the Category Filter header are two arrow buttons:
Filter reordering
These move the Category left or right in the cascade. Clicking the right arrow swaps the current Category with the Category to the right;
clicking the left arrow swaps the current Category with the Category to the left.
Clicking the left arrow for the left-most Category, or the right arrow for the right-most category, does nothing, as the column has no prede-
cessor/successor with which to swap.
Enter and exit Edit Mode using the button in the bottom left-hand corner
PReset management • Presets editing – edit Mode
1. The Filters section changes becomes the Edit Tags section, which looks almost identical but is used to change – rather than operate –
the Categories and Tags of the selected presets.
2. Presets (User only – not Factory) are selected for editing in the Results section.
3. The Delete, Export and Import buttons at the bottom of the interface are used to delete or export selected User presets, and import a
set of presets to the User Content resource.
4. The resource selection in the Content section can’t be changed, as editing is only possible for user presets. 13
Preset Management • Presets editing – Edit Mode
Editing Tags
Changing the Tags assigned to the selected preset(s)
With one or more presets selected, click a Tag button to assign it, or unassign it if already assigned.
Filters’ tags
Selecting multiple presets with Tags assigned enables those Tags to be edited. If a particular Tag is assigned to all selected presets, it’s
marked with an intense teal blue color.
When a particular Tag is only assigned to some of the selected presets, it’s given a pale teal blue colour.
All Tags that don’t appear in any of the selected presets are coloured grey.
PReset management • Presets editing – edit Mode
Changing the Tag status for one selected preset changes it to the same status for all selected presets. The change of status is indicated by an
asterisk (*) to the left of the Tag buttons.
User edits don’t have to be confirmed. They’re indicated by asterisks next to the edited Tag. 15
Preset Management • Presets editing – Edit Mode
Deleting presets
Selecting one or more presets invokes the Delete button at the bottom left corner. Click this to delete the selected presets.
16 Export and Importare possible only for presets from User resources.
Preset Management • Saving the current settings as a preset
Enter a name for your newly created preset in the text field at the bottom, then confirm it by clicking Save, or back out of the process by
clicking Cancel.
As the Preset Browser automatically enters Edit Mode, you can immediately categorize the preset using the Edit tags functions before sav-
ing it. 17
Configuration • Parameter settings
Parameter settings
Right-click any plugin parameter to open its contextual menu.
Clicking the arrow strip at the bottom of the menu expands it to display all available options. Right-clicking the parameter again
or left-clicking outside the menu area closes the contextual menu.
Configuration • Parameter settings
MIDI Learn
The MIDI Learn function enables quick assignment of physical MIDI controllers to plugin parameters. An assignment is made by following
this procedure:
1. Right-click the parameter you want to assign to your hardware MIDI controller. The contextual menu opens.
2. Click the arrow strip at the bottom to expand the contextual menu.
3. Click the Learn button to put the plugin into a pending state, awaiting MIDI CC input from your hardware MIDI controller
4. Move the relevant knob or slider on your MIDI controller to make the assignment
5. Click OK to save the change or Cancel to restore the previous setting 19
Configuration • Current settings
MIDI Unlink
To delete the MIDI CC assignment for a plugin parameter:
Current settings
The Current settings are applied separately to each instance of the plugin but initialized with the Default settings when the plugin
is loaded (see next chapter).
The Current settings are adjusted in the status bar at the bottom of the interface.
• The Current processing path quality for Offline and Real-time modes
• Saving/Loading of the MIDI CC Map
• A choice of two GUI sizes
Configuration • Current settings
Save all current MIDI CC parameter assignments as a MIDI Map file, or load an existing MIDI Map file into the plugin. 21
configuRation • Default settings
GUI size
Switch the graphical user interface between few different sizes.
Default settings
Change the Default settings of the plugin in the Options panel. The Current settings of every new instance of the plugin are initialized
to the Default settings.
The Default settings are stored in a configuration file. This file is updated every time you close the Options window.
The Options panel is made up of four sections, only one of which can be expanded at a time.
configuRation • Default settings
Processing Quality
In this section, you can configure the default quality of the processing path for the Real-time mode and Offline modes. 23
Configuration • Default settings
Set the path to a default MIDI Map file. Clicking the MIDI CC Map checkbox ‘unlocks’ the Browse button and activates the selected
User Interface
Choose one of several default GUI sizes to best match the plugin to the resolution of your computer monitor.
Configuration • Default settings
With the box checked, clicking the Prev or Next preset button after the parameters of the current preset (or previously initialized state)
have been changed pops up a confirmation dialog to prevent accidental loss of those changes. 25