Syllabus For 2nd Sem (2020) Admitted Batch

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2nd Semester Syllabus (2020 Admitted Batch, Jharkhand University of Technology)

Branch: Mechanical Engineering

Metallurgy and materials Engineering

Pre-requisites Knowledge of Intermediate Level Chemistry



Module-1: Atomic and molecular structure [10Lectures]

Schrodinger equation. Particle in box solutions and their applications for conjugated molecules.
Molecular orbitals of diatomic molecules and plots of the multicentre orbitals. Equations for atomic
and molecular orbitals. Energy level diagrams of diatomics. Pimolecular orbitals of butadiene and
benzene and aromaticity. Crystal field theory and the energy level diagrams for transition metal ions
and their magnetic properties. Band structure of solids and the role of doping on band structures.

Module-2 : Spectroscopic techniques and applications [6 Lectures]

Principles and Applications of Electronic spectroscopy and Nuclear magnetic resonance. Vibrational
and rotational spectroscopy of diatomic molecules and its applications. Fluorescence and its
applications in Medicine. Surface Characterisation Techniques (Scanning Electron Microscopy and
Transmission Electron Microscopy)

Module-3: Intermolecular forces [4 lectures]

Ionic, dipolar and van Der Waals interactions. Measurement of non-covalent interaction, Hydrogen
bond, Equations of state of real gases and critical phenomena.

Module: 4: Use of free energy in chemical equilibria [8 Lectures]

Thermodynamic functions: energy, entropy and free energy. Estimations of entropy and free energies.
Free energy and emf. Cell potentials, the Nernst equation and applications. Acid base, oxidation
reduction and solubility equilibria. Corrosion: Introduction, Causes, consequences, Mechanism, Laws
of Dry Corrosion, Wet Corrosion, Factors Influencing Corrosion, Protective measures against
corrosion. Use of free energy considerations in metallurgy through Ellingham diagrams.
Module-5: Periodic properties and Stereochemistry [8 Lectures]

Effective nuclear charge, penetration of orbitals, variations of s, p, d and f orbital energies of atoms in
the periodic table, electronic configurations, atomic and ionic sizes, ionization energies, electron
affinity and electronegativity, polarizability, oxidation states, coordination numbers and geometries,
hard soft acids and bases. Representations of 3 dimensional structures, structural isomers and
stereoisomers, configurations and symmetry and chirality, enantiomers, diastereomers, optical activity,
absolute configurations and conformational analysis.

Module-6: Polymer [6 lectures]

Classification of polymers, Mechanism of Polymerisation, structure-property relationship, conductive
University Chemistry, by B.H.Mahan
Chemistry, Second Edition, By Prasanta Ratha and S. Chakroborty –Cengage pub
Engineering Chemistry by Jaya Shree Anireddy, Wiley publication
Text book of Engineering Chemistry , First Ed.2019, By Sashi Chawala, Dhanpat Rai, publication
Chemistry: Principles and Applications, by M.J.Sienko and R.A.Plane
Fundamentals of molecular Spectroscopy, by C.N.Banwell
Engg Chemistry(NPTEL Web Book),by B.L.Tembe, Kamaluddin and M.S.Krishnan
Physical Chemistry, by P.W.Atkins
Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function by K.P.C. Volhardt and N.E. Schore, 5 th Edition
The concepts develops in this course will aid in quantification of several concepts in chemistry that
have been introduced at the 10+2 levels in schools. Technology is being increasing based on the
electronic, atomic and molecular level modifications. Quantum theory is more than 100 years old and
to understand phenomena at nanometer levels; one has to base the description of all chemical processes
at molecular levels. The course will enable the student to:
• Analyse microscope chemistry in terms of atomic and molecular orbitals and intermolecular

• Rationalise bulk properties and processes using thermodynamics considerations.

• Distinguish the range of the electromagnetic spectrum used for exciting different molecular
energy levels in various spectroscope techniques.

• Rationalise periodic properties such as ionization potential, electronegativity, oxidation states

and electronegativity.

• Apply the concept and mechanism of polymerization.

Choice of 06-08 experiments from the following
1. Determination of surface tension and viscosity
2. Thin layer chromatography
3. Preparation of a metal complex
4. Determination of chloride content of water
5. Colligative properties using freezing point depression
6. Determination of the rate constant of a reaction
7. Determination of cell constant and conductance of solutions
8. Potentiometry - determination of redox potentials and emfs
9. Synthesis of a polymer/drug
10. Saponification/acid value of an oil
11. Chemical analysis of a salt
12. Lattice structures and packing of spheres
13. Redox-titration (Estimation of Iron using permanganometry)
14. Chemical oscillations- Iodine clock reaction

15. Determination of the partition coefficient of a substance between two immiscible liquids
16. Adsorption of acetic acid by charcoal
17. Use of the capillary viscometers to demonstrate the isoelectric point as the pH of minimum viscosity
for gelatin sols and/ or coagulation of the white part of egg.

The chemistry laboratory course will consist of experiments illustrating the principles of chemistry
relevant to the study of science and engineering. The students will learn to:
• Estimate rate constants of reactions from concentration of reactants/ products as a function of
• Measure molecular/ system properties such a surface tension, viscosity, conductance of
solutions, redox potentials, chloride content of water, etc.

• Synthesize a small drug molecule and analyse a salt sample.

Mathematics II: New Syllabus JUT for All Branches except CSE & IT
Module 1: Multivariable Integral Calculus: Double and Triple integrals, Evaluation of double integrals,
change of order of integration, change of variables, Evaluation of Triple integrals, Simple applications
involving areas, volumes. (8 L/ 1Q)
Module 2: Vector Calculus: Scalar and Vector point functions. Directional derivative, Gradient,
divergence and curl. Line integrals, Surface integrals, Volume integrals, Green's theorem, Stokes
theorem and Gauss divergence theorem (without proofs). (10 L/ 2Q)
Module 3: Higher order linear differential equations with constant and variable coefficients, Method
of variation of parameters, Cauchy’s and Legendre’s linear equations, Simultaneous linear equations,
Series solutions of differential equations, Bessel and Legendre’s equations and its solution(without
proof). Elementary properties of Bessel function and Legendre’s polynomial.
(10 L/ 2Q)
Module 4: Complex Variable - Differentiation:
Differentiation, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Analytic functions, Harmonic functions, finding harmonic
conjugate; Conformal mappings, Mobius transformations and their properties.
(6 L/ 1Q)
Module 5: Complex Variable - Integration:
Contour integrals, Cauchy Integral Theorem, Cauchy Integral formula (without proof) and for
derivatives also, zeros of analytic functions, singularities, Taylor’s series, Laurent’s series; Residues,
Cauchy Residue theorem (without proof), Evaluation of definite integral involving sine and cosine.
(8 L/ 1Q)
Note :- Question no. 1 will be objective type and compulsory comprising of the whole syllabus
with seven sub-parts.
Module 1: Basic Quantum Mechanics [08 Lectures]
Inadequacy of Classical Mechanics, Introduction to quantum physics, black body radiation; explanation
using the photon concept; photoelectric effect: Stopping Potential, Work Function, Einstein’s photo
electric equation, Compton Effect: Compton Shift.
Module 2:Wave particle duality and bound states [10 Lectures]
de Broglie hypothesis, wave-particle duality, Bragg’s Law, Davision and Germer’s experiment; Phase
velocity, group velocity and relation between phase, group and particle velocity, uncertainty principle-
mathematical Illustration, Determination of minimum energy of harmonic oscillator, Non existence of
electron within a nucleus.
Wave function and Born’s interpretation of the wave function, Schrodinger wave equation: time
dependent and independent form, eigen value and eigen function, normalization of wave function,
particle in a box- one and three dimensional box, Linear harmonic oscillator.
Module 3: Theory of relativity [08 Lectures]
Frame of reference, inertial and non-inertial frames, postulates of special theory of relativity, Galilean
Transformation, Michelson Morley experiment, Lorentz transformation, length contraction, time
dilation, relativistic variation of mass, addition of velocity, mass-energy equivalence
Module 4: Fibre Optics [08 Lectures]
Introduction of optical fibre as a dielectric wave guide: total internal reflection, numerical aperture and
various fibre parameters, losses associated with optical fibres, step and graded index fibres, application
of optical fibres.
Module 5: Lasers [08 Lectures]
Introduction to interaction of radiation with matter, Stimulated and spontaneous emission, Einstein’s
coefficient, principles and working of laser: population inversion, pumping, various modes, threshold
population inversion, three levels and four level laser, types of laser: Ruby laser and He- Ne laser;
application of lasers.
Text book:
● Eisberg and Resnick, Introduction to Quantum PhysicsPublisher New York: Wiley. Collection
Reference Books:
● Introduction to Quantum mechanics, Nikhil Ranjan Roy, 2016, Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
● Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, David J. Griffith, 2005, Pearson Education.
● Quantum Mechanics: Theory & Applications, A.K.Ghatak&S.Lokanathan, 2004, Macmillan
● Fundamentals of Optics, F.A. Jenkins and H.E. White, 1981, McGraw-Hill
● Principles of Optics, Max Born and Emil Wolf, 7th Edn., 1999, Pergamon Press.
● Optics, Ajoy Ghatak, 2008, Tata McGraw Hill
● Introduction to Special theory of Relativity, Robert Resnick, John Wiley & Sons
● Concept of Modern Physics, Arthur Beiser,2002, McGraw-Hill
● Engineering Physics, Gaur and Gupta, DhanpatRai Publications
● Modern Engineering Physics, A. S. Vasudeva, S Chand & Company Ltd

Students to learn the basics of Quantum mechanics and its application to bound states.
To understand the wave particle duality.
To be able to understand Special theory of relativity and its consequences.
To get familiarize with fiber optics and laser, their basic concept and application in engineering.
HSM101 English 2 0 2 3
Unit: 1 06 Lectures

The concept of Word Formation, Root words from foreign languages and their use in English,
Acquaintance with prefixes and suffixes from foreign languages in English to form derivatives,
Synonyms, antonyms and standard abbreviations.
Unit: 2 06 Lectures

Sentence Structures, Use of phrases and clauses in sentences, Importance of proper

punctuation, Creating coherence, Organizing principles of paragraphs in documents,
Techniques for writing precisely.
Unit: 3 07 Lectures

Subject-verb agreement, Noun-pronoun agreement, Misplaced modifiers, Articles,

Prepositions, Redundancies, Clichés.
Unit: 4 06 Lectures

Describing, Defining, Classifying, Providing examples or evidence, Writing introduction and

Unit: 5 06 Lectures

Comprehension, Précis Writing, Essay Writing,

Unit: 6 07 Lectures
(This unit involves interactive practice sessions in Language Lab) Listening Comprehension,
Pronunciation, Intonation, Stress and Rhythm, Common Everyday, Situations: Conversations and
Dialogues, Communication at Workplace, Interviews, Formal Presentations.

Text books/Reference books

1. Practical English Usage. Michael Swan. OUP. 1995.

2. Remedial English Grammar. F.T. Wood. Macmillan.2007
3. On Writing Well. William Zinsser. Harper Resource Book. 2001
4. Study Writing. Liz Hamp-Lyons and Ben Heasly. Cambridge University Press. 2006.
5. Communication Skills. Sanjay Kumar and Pushp Lata. Oxford University Press. 2011.
6. Exercises in Spoken English. Parts. I-III. CIEFL, Hyderabad. Oxford University Press
Course Outcome:

The student will acquire basic proficiency in English including reading and listening
comprehension, writing and speaking skills.
ESC103 Programming for Problem Solving 3 1 0 4
06 Lectures
Unit: 1
Introduction to components of a computer system (disks, memory,
processor, where a program is stored and executed, operating system,
compilers etc.). Idea of Algorithm: steps to solve logical and
numerical problems. Representation of Algorithm: Flowchart/Pseudo
code with examples. From algorithms to programs; source code,
variables (with data types) variables and memory locations, Syntax
and Logical Errors in compilation, object and executable code.
Unit: 2 12 Lectures
Conditional Branching and Loops Writing and evaluation of conditionals
and consequent branching, Iteration and loops
Unit: 3 03 Lectures
Arrays (1-D, 2-D), Character arrays and Strings
Unit: 4 04 Lectures
(Bubble, Insertion and Selection), Finding roots of equations, notion
of order of complexity through example programs (no formal definition
Unit: 5 06 Lectures
Functions (including using built in libraries), Parameter passing in
functions, call by value, Passing arrays to functions: idea of call
by reference
Idea of pointers, Defining pointers, Use of Pointers in self-
referential structures, notion of linked list (no implementation).
Unit: 6 09 Lectures
Recursion, as a different way of solving problems. Example programs,
such as Finding, Factorial, Fibonacci series, Ackerman function etc.
Quick sort or Merge sort.
Structures, Defining structures and Array of Structures

Text books/Reference books

1. Byron Gottfried, Schaum's Outline of Programming with C,
2. E. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming
Language, Prentice Hall of India
Course Outcome:
1. The student will learn
2. To formulate simple algorithms for arithmetic and
logical problems.
3. To translate the algorithms to programs (in C language).
4. To test and execute the programs and correct syntax and
logical errors.
5. To implement conditional branching, iteration and recursion.
6. To decompose a problem into functions and synthesize a
complete program using divide and conquer approach.
7. To use arrays, pointers and structures to formulate
algorithms and programs.
8. To apply programming to solve matrix addition and
multiplication problems and searching and sorting
9. To apply programming to solve simple numerical method
problems, namely rot finding of function, differentiation
of function and simple integration.
ESC103P Programming for Problem Solving 0 0 2 1

[The laboratory should be preceded or followed by a tutorial to explain the approach or

algorithm to be implemented for the problem given.]

Tutorial 1: Problem solving using computers:

Lab1: Familiarization with programming environment
Tutorial 2: Variable types and type conversions:
Lab 2: Simple computational problems using arithmetic expressions.
Tutorial 3: Branching and logical expressions:
Lab 3: Problems involving if-then-else structures.
Tutorial 4: Loops, while and for loops:
Lab 4: Iterative problems e.g., sum of series
Tutorial 5: 1D Arrays: searching, sorting:
Lab 5: 1D Array manipulation
Tutorial 6: 2D arrays and Strings
Lab 6: Matrix problems, String operations
Tutorial 7: Functions, call by value:
Lab 7: Simple functions
Tutorial 8 & 9: Numerical methods (Root finding, numerical
differentiation, numerical integration):
Lab 8 and 9: Programming for solving Numerical methods problems.
Tutorial 10: Recursion, structure of recursive calls
Lab 10: Recursive functions
Tutorial 11: Pointers, structures and dynamic memory allocation
Lab 11: Pointers and structures
Tutorial 12: File handling:
Lab 12: File operations
Course Outcome:
1. To formulate the algorithms for simple problems.
2. To translate given algorithms to a working and correct program.
3. To be able to correct syntax errors as reported by the compilers. To be able to
identify and correct logical errors encountered at run time.
4. To be able to write iterative as well as recursive programs.
5. To be able to represent data in arrays, strings and structures and manipulate
them through a program.
6. To be able to declare pointers of different types and use them in defining self-
referential structures.
7. To be able to create, read and write to and from simple text files.
ESC104 Manufacturing Practices 1 0 4 3

1. Manufacturing Methods- casting, forming, machining,

joining, advanced manufacturing methods. (3 Lectures)
2. CNC machining, Additive manufacturing (1 lecture)
3. Fitting operations & power tools (1 lecture)
4. Electrical & Electronics (1 lecture)
5. Carpentry (1 lecture)
6. Plastic Moulding, glass cutting (1 lecture)
7. Metal casting (1 lecture)
8. Welding (arc welding & gas welding), brazing (1 lecture)
Text books/Reference books
1. Hajra Choudhury S.K., Hajra Choudhury A.K. and Nirjhar Roy
S.K., “Elements of Workshop Technology”, Vol. I 2008 and
Vol. II 2010, Media promoters and publishers private
limited, Mumbai.
2. Kalpakjian S. And Steven S. Schmid, “Manufacturing
Engineering and Technology”, 4th edition, Pearson
Education India Edition, 2002.
3. Gowri P. Hariharan & A. Suresh Babu, “Mfg. Tech- I” Pearson
Education, 2008.
4. Roy A. Lindberg, “Processes and Materials of Manufacture”, 4th
edition, PHl, 1998.
5. Rao P.N., “Manufacturing Technology”, Vol. I & Vol. II, Tata
McGrawHill House, 2017.

Course Outcome:
Upon completion of this course, the students will gain knowledge
of the different manufacturing processes which are commonly
employed in the industry, to fabricate components using
different materials.

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